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guys we are back here within the office to do some more investigation I feel like last time our investigation didn't really lead to any fruitful answers specifically here within the office Santa Hey more old pizza don't mind don't mind if I do I always seem to find this pizza lighter out we don't square oh yeah yeah you're probably right that was yeah okay let me get rid of that I'm sure that's gonna have no ill effects on my body after this I'm sure we're gonna be fine anyway guys last time when we investigated this office I feel like we came up short I feel like the answers we were getting to looking in all of these rooms we're kind of a little bit unfruitful so I think it's the best idea to check this thing out see if anything's changed and I've just nursed this terrifying message have a restful night with a sneaky looking emergy right there that message seems kind of creepy it seems like someone's playing with us all something like that sounds taunting us from afar okay we'll have to keep an eye on that don't work too hard okay yeah maybe I'm looking too much into these into these messages here that just sounds so creepy anyway guys as per usual we are going to do a few jobs just the stars off before we do some investigation here I realized we didn't check out many of the cubicles and I also want to check out the lobby again because last time we found out someone was kidnapped there why do you remember that little boy with the propeller hat he was stuck in there so we need to check that again see if he's still hanging around there and potentially ask more questions anyway we're back with the lovely temp BOTS who is looking beautiful this morning Marianne I mean it is technically the morning guida it's just three o'clock in the morning and we're the only ones stupid enough to be up at this time anyway let's just do some jobs and get this shift done quickly enough so I can take a break and do some investigation hello well do well do okay so we have got evaluate these subjects here so first of all bandit bot now I've never really liked bandit Bagh you know he's a bit mean he's a bit nasty he likes to steal stuff I'll tell you what I'll take this thank you very much and look I would never steal stuff from anyone so bandit bought me and him we don't really have anything similar a sweet o'clock I'll tell you this thank you very much so I'm gonna go ahead and stamp this guy now what's this actually gonna do this says neat no I don't want him to be ah fine next we have hits the bar and his performance is an artisan and his attitude is superior classified contents human proof envelope privacy guaranteed dude what's in here that you don't want me to see this is okay whatever look let's stamp this thing there you go wrong apparently her care I kind of feel like that one was better suited to her too bandit bar Safari but I like this guy Guido this may actually be your dad I mean look at that mustache you have a lot of similarities here okay man all right outlandish and mustache much like you Guido again the similarities continue let's do this and he is a preview lucky Guido your dad's been approved anyway travel bot relaxed and flighty again another human proof envelope do that fired I'm sorry I don't have any control over what the stamp says okay let's do this oh my gosh we can do multiple stamps look at this okay are you not gonna take these you just left them on the gray well now I've got all these classified documents on the ground here which is fantastic do you have a shredder or anything why maybe there's somewhere we could dispose of them but either way let's just carry on with the next job right here who is next Oh a junk dunker okay oh I can do this watch this ready first I'm gonna throw it directly in the air and it's gonna fall gracefully back down into there you ready for this here he goes I'm not gonna look at the basket huh oh my gosh oh that was close oh I almost bounced off and went back in can I have another one or do I need to use that same one okay look I'll use this on here we go oh goodness that's embarrassing here we go oh gosh nah this is terrible this is really bad to keep bouncing off again just aim carefully this time Steve here we go that embarrass yourself one more time we just gotta get three of them in here we go Oh oh goodness maybe it's cuz I'm not wearing these sweet shirts look once I put them on now I'm gonna be super powered up I'm gonna be sir ready for this can I have another one of those of those balls please I think oh wait the berth here okay let me grab this grab this one and watch this I'm gonna get a double handed birth of them going in ready for this oh my gosh neither of them went in I had double the chance of getting them in there and neither of them actually went in okay let me try this again I've got at least get one in here there we go there's one one here's two and here is three trickshot and oh gosh I actually do want to do a trick shot here that would be amazing hold on give me another one give me another one I'm ready I'm gonna bounce it off of something and it's gonna go straight in watch this here we go let me try something like this oh gosh no I just threw it as Fairs that was a really a trick shot again oh those glasses almost went in oh that has awesome maybe I'll take that one instead you know what I'm not stealing anything I'm not a stealer alright here we go we got the last ball here we got get this one in huh yes finally see you later man thank you for the Hat okay I did end up stealing it in the end guida not gonna lie okay he went straight into the lobby interesting so I guess once they're done with the job they go into the lobby and maybe that's where temple has them held captive I don't know just seems a bit suspicious that they're all finding their way stuck in the lobby okay I'm gonna get rid of this hat there we go another job I think and then we're gonna go straight into investigation mode oh I love this one like we do because it gives me a lot of food to eat I get huh yeah for sure if I just move this stuff out the way okay the money goes in here you're watching carefully use those glasses of yours to look carefully and then we simply choose one and what do you want I think you want a pretzel here we go you have a pretzel I tell you what I'll get one as well oh no money ah I said disaster I should have copied that money can I turn the money back I can't I can't buck Wiener once we do get the pretzel we can simply do this and copy and we should have one for ourselves there we go yes and I tell you what we don't I'll get you one as well no if we don't you having one again and I'll tell you what I'll get one for you down as well you can also have one for your mother here we go and we'll wait for this to come out and a kick weed I'm not gonna lie I wanted four pretzels to myself okay I know I'm disgusting anyway look here you take this enjoy and now I will enjoy these myself Oh oh my gosh yes yes this is so good yes that's the third I can't eat a fern okay okay I don't know what you said right there but I'm gonna ignore that I tell you what temper I'm gonna take my break you know I'm just gonna take my early morning break use it as an opportunity to kind of stretch my legs walk around nothing suspicious about that I tell you what you can have a hat on my gosh Guido look at this office is such a mess anyway look temple let me give you this can I nail this can I nail the shot onto your head huh and oh goodness I'm sorry Oh No there you go yeah you look fantastic you look like a cowboy can I tear this thank you good stuff oh I guess as I said I'm going to do a little bit of exploring first place I wanna check out is the lobby I also want to find the source of these messages because they're quite creepy I mean have a restful night with a creepy little smiley face don't work too hard these just seem like very suspicious things seem to be putting on a big big board here someone see it is motivational I see is terrifying and what's this picture here it's a to-do list first idea second I don't know question marks third profit engage synergy ideas what could that mean I don't know what that's all about but uh anyway we're back it up high temp I'm just having a little look around don't worry about me oh gosh you scared me all right can I take this hotel your hat haha what do you think about that okay okay so once more it is time to check out this this Lobby here now this was probably the place where we found the most delicious stuff last time as I said we found ourselves a kidnap victim in there sir let's see what's going on in here where what's that what's that through the window oh my gosh Guido I'm pretty sure there's something disgusting in here there's a hi how you doing ah there's body parts wood I think I'm gonna be sick look at this body parts is a brain and two pairs of hands and another kidnap victim who are you where Guido do you think this is like 10 BOTS a system maybe this is that executioner the butcher me he kidnaps the humans like me which doesn't fill me with much confidence considering I'm locked in a room with him now and chops them up into tiny pieces and stuffs their body parts in here I mean there's two pairs of hands but only one brand so what happened to view of the brain could he have implanted it in someone else hi yeah nice to meet you I'm Steve okay yeah this guy clearly isn't friendly okay I need to get out of here what no I don't have a cell Guido what makes you say that mm-hmm thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed this this stop a checkpoint please let me know we're likely to subscribe we're gonna wrap it up there mm-hmm I think I'm gonna take my break now probably get a taxi home as I said guys like subscribe leave a comment down below but for right now this please Steve that's been that's been guida this has been the the job simulator offices I'm gonna I'm gonna remember I saw that checkpoint comple oh my gosh where's the phone here it is hmm hi I'd like to call that call a taxi please I guess someone's cut the phone lines I guess we're walking home guida okay bye guys [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 242,555
Rating: 4.860755 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, lets play job simulator, job sim vr, job simulator vr, family friendly, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator full game, job simulator lets play, job sim, job sim gameplay, job sim game play, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, temp bot, htc vive, job sim secrets, job simulator secrets
Id: -wqpF_rCVY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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