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what's going on guys Steve here from the checkpoint alongside my robotic companion guida here in the job simulator offices as we are going to be summoning bendy from bendy and the machine once again okay so I know you guys are thinking Steve there is no way that you're going to be able to summon bendy from bendy in the in machine in the job simulator dimension we tried it in the baby hence dimension and that worked multiple times but to think that be some way of doing it in the job simulator dimension do you have to be out of your mind right oh thank you Guido thank you that really it's nice to know you're supportive of my adventures okay thank you for that well I'm here to tell you today that not only is it possible but that I've been hearing rumors on the real mail all over the internet all across the dimensions that this guy bendy can be summoned sir jabber we are going to be summoning bendy today and to do that we need to go to let's have a look here the office worker office thing place okay we've actually done 69 percent of it already but we've got to the other 31 percent I think maybe we've just gotta do the rest of it okay so let's see let's go ahead it's definitely not gonna be a door there today man trust me all right everyone cleared the area clear the area oh thanks man thanks for the reintroduction look I don't need any of this okay we are not going to be focusing on this at all today friend all right what I'm going to be focusing on its summoning bendy so these are all the tools we need to begin summoning all right first of all before you can summon an ink tea man you need a healthy cup of coffee which is slowly slipping off the table apparently so we need one of these here we go right so this should oh there we go that'll get me started alright so now we need this this machine right here it's the copying machine as you can see if we do that we can I think is this how you do it or do you have to open it first I think you have to open it first I think you can just copy out like yep you could duplicate whatever you want sir what we need a five of these mugs our care and then we need to position them in a very familiar shape around this room so let's go ahead and do this we'll keep scanning these there we go another one should pop out here there we go we should be able to make multiple ones right here slice - copy that again nice so we've got another one here that's puts us at four so we need one more don't mind meet your bar okay that don't mind this arm okay there we go so now we have five including the original are you gonna again I thought was gonna print out another one now what we need to do is arrange these in a very particular shape so we need to put them essentially in each corner of the room oh please let's mash it's very important to my demonic ritual that I have these novelty mugs around okay so another corner I guess is here pop that there as you can see it's kind of starting to make a very familiar shape let's grab this from the block right this can go here there we go that's another corner done and the final corner I guess would be here there we go sir what kind of shape is this well if we connect them all together you might be able to see what I'm going for he is kind of pentagram shaped obviously we don't have enough space to do a full pentagram but it's kind of shaped in that way and you may have noticed that the lights have kind of been dimmed a bit it's a bit of a more a sombre turn here a bit more mysterious jobbot is looking very scared well that's because we've actually begun the ritual and now it has begun Queen we stop this we can't okay look we don't we don't need this this isn't needed for our ritual sites just whoa what's on earth okay maybe this thing is needed what and it goes it's stopped moving now okay it's just stopped moving completely alright that's fine that's fine all right so let's have a look at the clock here what time is that can we move the hands around at all i dirt think we can but as soon as the clock hits six I think that's when we need to you be ready to do this ritual so let's pop that back down there we'll keep an eye on that for now so next we've gotta play the cast game which is if I was holding it up correctly flappy barter case a flappy bob has been is a game that was once on it was once the most popular game in the world alright but since then it has been taken down some people say it's a cast yeah but we've got the final copy in our hands right now so let's give this a shot let's plug that in there turn on the old PC in fact that was the wrong plug I think I need to know I there we go I can go in there there we go now we should get the PC working there we go no signal check compute tower oh yeah probably good idea if we pop that on there we guess and that should be yep that's starting up and then we're going to be trying to play some some flappy bar let's put the password in oh okay we've got phone call hello hello hello is that Steve yeah yeah this is this is Steve the adventurer what's up look listen to me I know what you're doing okay please don't summon bendy whatever you do you put everyone here at risk well who is that jump are you do you know who's on the other line of this okay your face tells me now um listen who is this I'm a friend but if you do this ritual Steve you may cause the end of the world the end of the world yeah of here I've had enough of you goodbye oh sorry sorry about that oh it's back okay well that's interesting how the fern was rang at that exact time very interesting okay let's go ahead and start this up there we go now we're in now we are in alright just give me a second here I just want to you pop in my copy of flappy bot there we go and now we're going to give it a girl okay the idea with this guys is that we reach a score of six six six now this might be pretty tough I have no idea how tough this is gonna be but thus far this is oh gosh okay it's quite something I know we can do this there obviously six six six Bendis number so if we can reach that oh really I hit my but if we can reach that then the ritual will be one step one step further to completion over this Ray it's not going very well is there we need to meet the high score six six six so let's keep this going here just like this come on we can do this this might be tough that but definitely getting there guys definitely getting there we're over half from know we were over halfway of just then 399 it's not right obviously once we've done this we'll get to today's quest but right now I just want to focus on this guida don't distract me all right give me some words of support that was the worst word of support ever you just you just ruined it for me again just completely ruined it so I'm max is still 399 as I said we'll get to today's quest once I get to 666 this is obviously the hardest part of the ritual so we've got make this work it's those double taps those double taps really catch me out oh yeah that was wow that was amazing Steve well done anyone want to help me out with this no one no one wants to help no doing it by myself all right we've just got to get to 6 6 6 or over that's all we need it's all we need to do I should just stop talking alright we've managed to get the hi Scott up to 406 but that's still not above 666 we've got to keep going my goodness my goodness what are you looking at oh yeah look that's close enough all right well you'll have to deal with that bendy if you're out there you'll have to you'll have to deal with 507 I hope that's all right look let's just let's just turn this off oh did you see that okay all right this is an issue all right we just saw Benny which means he's on his way not ideal but we're gonna have to deal with it I guess what's that noise you hear that I thought I heard something okay let's just unplug that so he can he can't get out of there all right so uh all right it's giving me back the the cast game let's make sure no one can ever play this horrible game again Gower here there we go all right that's broken now so the clock still isn't at six it might take a while for that to happen so that's a little bit of an issue let's see what else we can do here we do have this which we give a share cough there's something in there I mean it's black so maybe maybe ink that's all I can think of all right let's try copier let's see what happens if we oh yeah meant to do that in fact if we shake it doesn't it predict the future give a you're hired okay if we shake it again you're hired if we shake it again ask again all right one more time this is the definitive answer maybe it'll give us some hint about good old Ben D your height okay maybe not all right let's try to duplicate lists I do think that's ink in there and if we could somehow extract that ink that'd be great all right so now we got to with it well two of these up what we did I'll tell this one rolled away come back here okay so now we got two we can predict the future twice and the births it asked again all right okay now there's send different things interesting so maybe if we swap the coffee out on this thing and instead of using okay we don't need don't need that oh I sorry just do the ritual can be a second and so maybe if we swap out what's this what it's a little dropper okay there you go friend oh I've never actually noticed that before and so maybe if we pop this into here can we somehow fit it around there I don't know how we're gonna do this it must be somewhere we can extract the ink out of this let's see maybe if we put it on there we can't put underneath because there's cabinets in the way or a bunch of important looking files in there I think if we just pop them back here like this it should drip down into the wires and does it bring ink out still it's kind of brown it's probably mixed with the coffee a bit let's just do this oh yeah that's definitely ink definitely definitely ink all right oh no we've not one of these over okay so now we've got ink coming out of there now we take this special Cup okay pop this right here come on and pour that out so now we're getting the in confused coffee which as you can see it looks a bit darker than usual and what we're going to do with this is pop it to the center here so now we have that as a centerpiece and that's actually going to draw all the power from the mugs into it so now now we've got a ritual folks now we should be getting there so now all we need to do is dial a special number coming here anyone know we can't hear anyone so now all we have to do is dial 666 now you may be wondering how we dial 666 especially on this Vern well that's the thing guys we don't actually use this phone we need to duplicate the phone okay make another one and this is good to be our demon fern so now there's two ferns one in there and one here and this is the special one I care and the only number this one can call is Bendis number sir let's see how we do as you can see we're getting no dial turn but it doesn't matter because we've actually just made the connection with him which means he should be through into our world any time now okay I guess I guess it didn't work I guess it didn't Oh what's going on jobbot drop what what's happening why you crouch down as well what's happening dude okay he's Bob down as well um all right you hear that okay we've gotta make sure we're hidden here let's get on the ground okay oh my gosh sir bendy is in the building they said it Inc demons being detected all right we need to hide think Steve think all right guys here's an update we're hidden underneath this desk still no sign of bendy the building's kind of on lockdown everyone's as you can see everyone's hidden in that cubicles not really that's good yep that really was delicious not sure where bendy is but I'm trying to stay quiet here guys until this lockdown is stopped as you can see all the lights have been dimmed I can I can hear people crying and discrete it's quite it's quite harrowing okay it's quite terrifying I think we're okay I think the buildings off lock down sir that was it bendy actually managed to make his way into the building we managed to bypass that part of the ritual and we actually got him to show up so I guess that's that thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed this episode of job simulator and you wanna see more maybe we'll go to the infinite overtime variant of this dimension please let me know with a likely subscribe leave a comment down below and as you can see everyone is I think yeah everyone's back to work so I guess we're fine here alright forgot about the quest for today guys oh gosh sorry you can tell how I'd forget by doing you know things like so many demons it's fine it's fine I'm it's not like I'm a busy man or anything anyway guys the quest for today all you guys have got let me know it's to do with this dimension this well what would be your dream job ok let me know what your dream job would be and remember guys if you leave a funny exciting hilarious exciting I said that twice adventurous good awesome friendly nice comment you may be in the chance of winning one of three positions as greeters adventurers of the day isn't that nice thank you so much Trevor on the complete the previous quest and thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed as I said like and subscribe would be greatly appreciated this me Steve that's me quita this has been the job simulator dimension check what what's going on yeah here now is something with my computer game checkpoint comp you [Music] you you
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 1,814,373
Rating: 4.0269418 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, lets play job sim, lets play job simulator, job sim vr, job simulator vr, family friendly, job simulator gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator funny moments, job simulator office, job simulator office worker, job simulator htc vive, job simulator full game, job simulator lets play, job simulator pc, job sim, job sim gameplay, job sim game play, full version, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, job sim gourmet chef, job sim chef
Id: gqbbAs2XrhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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