Annoying Orange - Job Simulator Supercut [Saturday Supercut]

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- Saturday Supercut! - Saturday Supercut! - [Orange] Hey yo, it's HSO back again with another game video, we're gonna play some Job Simulator. Now if you couldn't tell, whoa my hands are backwards! Oh, gotta switch them around. (laughs) Yeah, I'm actually playing this with VR headset. I'm really excited, 'cause it's the first time I've ever had hands. Okay, let's do office worker. Let's put that in the. - There's never a dull day. Who's talking? - [Boss] In your cubicle farm. - [Orange] Why are you talking to me? I don't wanna talk to you, go away. - [Boss] Thank you human, may I have another? - [Orange] Hey, I'm not a human I'm an orange. (chuckles) - Thank you human. - Uh oh. May I have another? - Sure, have another! - [Orange] Aww, is this a game? I love the game. (laughs) This is the best game ever. Everybody gets a cartridge, oh! A lever, what's this do? Oh, that's how you start, ooh yeah, I got hands. I've got hands, whoa. Where are we? - [Boss] Hello human, welcome to an accurate simulation of office worker. - [Orange] Don't tell me you're gonna sit there and monitor me the whole time. - [Boss] Take a look at this board for instructions. - [Orange] What board, oh that board. Oh, you brought me a present, oh wow! There's donuts in here. (laughs) Okay, what am I supposed to do with these donuts? (laughs) I didn't mean to eat them! Oh no, I'm food and I'm eating food. (laughs) I can't stop myself. What do I do? Oh, I gotta wash it out, oh no I can't wash that one since there's no liquid in here. (laughs) I'm so conflicted! Oh, a coffee machine. (chuckles) Alright! Okay, let's see if. (yells) I think I poured it on myself. You know what I think buddy, your donuts! (laughs) Ah donuts. - [Coworker] Oh, my glasses. - [Orange] What? Buddy, don't make a spectacle of yourself. Have another donut. (laughs) Oh, did you see, it balance perfectly. Have another! This is the best game ever. - [Boss] Now, you're ready to start your day. It's time for computer. - [Orange] Oh, it's time for computer? That bites! (laughs) Get it, computer bytes? How do you make this thing work? Oh, we gotta hit the power button, oh hey, somebody left a perfectly good paper airplane down here. (chuckles) Just gonna plug that in, and then grab this guy, and then I'm gonna throw it over there! (laughs) - [Coworker] Oh, a message. - [Orange] Hey buddy, how's it going? I've got hands! It's the best day in the world. I hate the internet! - [Coworker] Who threw this? Stand up! - I did. - [Orange] I can't stand up, I don't have legs. Ooh, more coffee. (laughs) You guys need more pictures of oranges that I can print. (groans) Oh, here it is, it printed. Oh, that's awesome. I hate it, and I don't want it. (laughs) Work, ain't nobody got time for that. (laughs) Get it, time? Oh, let me guess you're gonna come back here for seconds. (laughs) Get it, seconds, time? Oh, I'm just full of 'em. Oh, let's see if I can copy a smiley ball. It's definitely not as good as faxing pizzas to Judge Waffles but hey, this could be a second best, hey it worked, have it! (laughs) What's wrong, buddy? We're having a ball. (laughs) Let's make some more. Oh, there it is, I love it. Okay back to work, let's see. 65 thousand messages? Oh, forget that. - [Boss] The freedom of inbox zero. - [Orange] That's how you need to live your life, if you have too many emails in your inbox, you just delete them all, that's all you gotta do. That's how you deal with them. Make me a copy bouncy ball hybrid. - Hey human. - You mean Orange. You're doing a good job. - [Orange] Oh thanks, you deserve a cup of coffee in the face! Oh no, I spilled my coffee. (laughs) Excuse me, you dropped my coffee cup. Excuse me, you dropped my coffee cup. (laughs) This is the best job ever. Crushed by happiness! Oh wow, I've been promoted to human! (laughs) Never been a human before. Just gonna put that right, oh no I lost it! Help me. Help! What the heck, who's throwing away perfectly good paper airplanes? That's such a waste! Wee! (laughs) What, somebody yelling at me? Oh hey, you sit back down, I'm the professional paper airplane thrower, you can't, okay, okay, I gotta sprinkle a little bit of coffee creamer on my hands. I gotta moisturize. (laughs) Balancing budgets, can somebody give me a hand? (laughs) Hey, what's this thing? Wait, wait, wait. Uh oh, I think I broke it, I think I broke it. Hey, it's fine! Okay, just put everything at zero, and hey we got a profit now, perfect! Yeah! Running a business is easy. Yay cooking the books! I don't see a stove. (screams) Why is there a fire book, a fire here? Get it outta here! (laughs) - [Coworker] Hey, what the? - [Orange] What, it's dangerous to have a book on fire in your cubicle, so I put it in your cubicle. What is it doing in here, get it outta here! Wow, good catch. - [Boss] You cooked those books like a professional gourmet chef. - [Orange] Thanks. Who's throwing away moldy donuts? Come on, these are perfectly good moldy donuts. Moldy donuts! Moldy donuts, moldy donuts, yeah! My moldy donuts, yeah! Get to work, that's what I'm doing, I'm making moldy donuts. Ooh, snack attack! Excuse me, are you talking? Ooh, yeah gave me that money, honey. Put that right in there, now what do we do? Okay, which one we want, which one we want? Let's do some chip and dipping. Yeah, give me them chips! Alright, oh yeah, I'm a chip off the old block, and what are you gonna do, you need more chips. We something to wash down those moldy donuts. I'm gonna make some more chips, yeah. Alright, oh you want me to eat this? Okay hold on, hold on, hold on. Whoa, I ate the whole bag! - [Coworker] Hey coworker, can you get me a candy bar? - [Orange] You want a candy bar? Oh, free money! I know exactly what to do with that! Yeah! You know how it goes. Everybody's working for the money. Oh, what are you kidding me? It makes fake money, come on. Well, I guess now I got a whole stack of funny money. (laughs) Okay, I got you a burrito. It's not a candy bar, but it's a burrito, I'm gonna make more burritos though, 'cause I want more for myself. Here you go, have a burrito! - [Coworker] That's not what I wanted, give me a candy bar. - [Orange] What's that, it sounds like you said you wanted a burrito. Fine, here's a candy bar. - [Coworker] Thanks, coworker. - [Orange] Okay now get, no, no hey! Bring back the snack attack! (laughs) Oh, at least I still have a burrito left. Yeah, more burritos. Seriously, everybody needs a burrito copier. Here you go buddy, have a burrito. (laughs) Oh, let's take a good close look at this. (laughs) I accidentally ate burrito, I'm sorry! Ooh, floor burrito. Yeah, my favorite. I better make some more burritos. Just to be on the safe side guys, oh there we go, more burritos. Would you guys stop telling me to do other work, it's so much work to make burritos. Making burritos is a full time job. Stupid PowerPoint presentation. I'm busy making burritos! Gotta make burritos. You think you know how hard this job is? Whoa, what's this? What's happening, what's happening? Is this burrito fishing? Here you go, have a burrito. (laughs) Oh no, now I gotta make another burrito. Thanks a lot guys. Have a burrito. (laughs) Yo, you got burrito on the brain dude. (laughs) I don't wanna work! I just want to bang on the PowerPoint all day. (laughs) PowerPointing, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Oh man, this thing is cheesy. (laughs) That was great, thanks a lot guys! Take your controller! Phew, alright now back to making more burritos. Get this outta here. Burritos is my business and business is good! (laughs) Uh oh, what happened? - [Coworker] 10110, is retiring tomorrow. We wanted to give them a parting gift. Everyone's pitching in. - Okay, a burrito? Why don't you give me something you'd like to contribute. - [Orange] Yeah, I'd like to give him a burrito. - [Coworker] Oh, how thoughtful. I'm sure they will appreciate it. - [Orange] Duy, 'cause everyone appreciates burritos! - [Coworker] Do you think you could type up a quick card to go with this? (groans) - [Orange] Why do you guys want me to do everything? I'm faxing burritos over here. Fine, I'll make him a card. (mumbles) Yay, typing is easy! If I would've known typing is this easy. I would've been typing a long time ago. Okay, there take it. (laughs) Face planted, you caught it in the face! Oh, this cubicle's a mess, it needs more burritos, geez! (laughs) Quiet, I'm trying to fire this burrito. (laughs) Burrito you're fired, get outta here. Excuse me, stop creepy peeping on me, get outta here, oh no, now I lost my ball thingy. (laughs) I need more burritos. Burrito tower, making a burrito, what the? A floating burrito? What the magic? (giggles) There's only one thing I can do. I gotta eat the burrito! Oh, now I feel light headed. (laughs) Get it, 'cause it was a floating burrito? Oh, I don't like floating burritos, they're scary. Flying burrito! These are the cups that never end. They'll keep coming out again and again my friend. I started pulling them out, and they just kept coming every day, and now I'll keep pulling them out each and every way, this is the cups that never end. I'm not cleaning that up, it's like that when I found it. (giggles) More burritos, please! (laughs) Oh great, you brought the burrito shredder, my fave, oh no I dropped, now it's a floor burrito. I'll just put that burrito in there. (laughs) Oh what's this, oh the book's on fire. Get outta here, oh why am I burning my? Okay, whatever. Just whatever, everything goes in the burrito. Oh. Burrito. Yeah, here's the thing, more burritos please, thanks. Yep burritos, copying burritos. Oh wow, you guys got me a cake! This is awesome. Thank you so much. Yeah! Okay, how do I blow out the candles? Okay, maybe I gotta use my hands. Oh wow, surprise burrito in my mouth! How did that happen? (laughs) Oh, oh, oh, what's this thing? - Smelly human. - Hey! Looks like there's not enough cake for you. - [Orange] Are you kidding me, you took all my cake? Here, I know how to solve this, geez you guys. Am I the only one that thinks around here? All you gotta do is copy the cake, that's all you gotta do, see? Give me those, those are mine now. (laughs) This, what's this? Oh, what'd you get me? Human! Okay, I don't want your stupid glasses anymore. Hey, take the glasses, I don't want 'em. See, cram it in your cake hole, this is how we make cake. (yells) Oh, a burning sensation on my fingers! (giggles) Flame on! (laughs) Oh yeah! That's right, it's five o'clock, it's time to go home, make some burritos! - [Coworker] It's time to go home! - [Orange] Yeah, yeah it's time to go home, time to go home, time to throw everything, everything everywhere. Throw this, throw that, throw everything. Shut your mouth, I gotta throw things, yeah! Shut your mouth. Gotta throw things, yeah! Five o'clock, it's time to go home. This is how you celebrate going home every day, you just take all your stuff in your cubicle, and you throw it everywhere, yeah, yeah, yeah! (laughs) Hey, where you going? More donuts, donut party! Five o'clock donut party, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, throw it in the air. (chuckles) Whoa, I caught it mid-air! Oh, I throw it over my head. Let's try it one more time. Excuse me. Yeah! I'm sorry donut, I feel so bad. Oh, surprise donut behind me. Bloop. (laughs) It doesn't work as well with the coffee. Alright guys, well I think that's good enough for this episode, this is a great episode, I love this game so much. I'm gonna play some more of it whether you like it or not. Whoa, I'm gonna staple some things. Excuse me, coming though. Hey yo, it's HSO back again with another gaming video, we're gonna play some more Job Simulator! - [Boss] Thank you human, may I have another? - [Orange] Of course! I've always got another one for you. - [Boss] Thank you, human. - [Orange] I'm not a human, I'm an orange, I've told you a million times! (laughs) Ooh auto mechanic? Don't mind if I do. (giggles) Are you still talking? You've really gotta hand it to me! Yeah, I love having hands. (laughs) Take this. (laughs) Alright. Oh yeah. Doing the dance. Alright, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, geez. - [Boss] This is an accurate simulation of auto mechanic. - [Orange] Nice! - [Boss] Take a look at this board for instructions. - [Orange] I hate instructions! Instructions require reading. (giggles) Ooh, what's this, do I do, oh! Look at all this stuff. Ooh, it's like a zoom. Oh yeah! Don't mind if I do. Oh yeah, tastes so good! Oh it's good, okay I can feel my energy going. I'm ready, I'm ready to play the game! (laughs) I'm ready! (laughs) I've got the power! Stephen Curry it up! Yo, this game is off the chain! (laughs) Yeah! Alright, what do we got, what do we got, what do we got? Okay, howdy buddy, how's it going? Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop stop, okay, okay, little close for comfort. - Good morning, human. - Orange. I require a tune up. - I bet you do. Just take a look under the hood. - [Orange] Alright, let's see what's under there, whoa! - [Boss] This bot just needs a little fluid, no problem. - [Orange] It probably needs me to take this out, right? You don't need this, do you? Here you go. (laughs) You probably won't be needing that one. We'll put that in, ooh! A Hood Ornamentifier, I don't even know how you say that. Ornamentifier! Ornamentifier. Whoa, it's going to work! What's it gonna give me? What's it gonna give me? (laughs) It made a hood ornament out of your pistons. I hope that doesn't pistons you off too much. (laughs) Oh, do you need this, what is this? Potato power! (laughs) He didn't appreciate that, ooh look at this. (laughs) I broke it. Well, it doesn't say what kind of fluid to put in here, so. Yeah, let's put in some zoom. There we go, okay, let's get some fluid in there, perfect! Your car's gonna be running real good. (laughs) Hot sauce, man every engine needs a little bit of that, there we go, oh yeah, get the hot sauce in there, kinda spread it around, that's good! Your car's gonna be running so, oh. Is this necessary, what is this? Alright, some hot sauce in the gas tank, there you go! Now, that's a spicy meatball! (laughs) Little bit more, there we go, okay, now we're doing good. Little bit for the car, little bit for me. (laughs) Then, a little bit more for the car. Alright, we're good! Yeah, your horn's sounding a little wimpy, we're gonna have to add some horn fluid. Alright, got a new paint job, whoa, whoa, does that come out? Oh, uh oh, this definitely, you're gonna need some headlight fluid, too. There we go, a little bit of headlight oil, you're looking good! (laughs) Yeah! Hey buddy, you are donuts! (laughs) Don't you look at me like that, you know what I'm gonna do? Oh, this is what I'm gonna do. (laughs) Oh no I'm eating food! What am I? (yells) Don't make me do it! Okay I'm gonna do it! (laughs) Oh, that's not very appealing. This definitely goes in, there we go. Come on, get in there. There you go, oh come on. Okay, just kinda squish it in. Perfect, now we're good to go! I don't know what else you want me to do, put a little bit of gas on the engine. Whoa, whoa! What the? Am I barfing? Let me try. (laughs) Now, your engine's perfect. (laughs) Hey guys, hey guys, look what I can do! Hey, over here! (yells) (laughs) Alright, your car's finished. Alright, just print the receipt here, oh $8,000? (groans) Well, that is a little bit of money. - Thank you, human. - Orange. I'll get this taken care of. - [Orange] Yeah, but you know what? I'm gonna throw in a little bit of extra something for ya, here you go! (laughs) Don't run away! - [Boss] Auto mechanic has so much more to offer. - [Orange] I don't know, I kinda feel like I already found the best thing in this game. Drinking gas makes you barf. (laughs) Alright, come on in, come on in. Okay, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, okay perfect, perfect. Good job, buddy. - Human. - Orange. I've got this coupon for a Slzbot Special. - [Orange] Good for you! - Human, over here. - Orange. I'm Slzbot. - What? - [Orange] I'm making hood ornaments. - [Slzbot] This fine establishment. Now this bot's got a coupon. So, let's take real good care of him. By sabotaging their car, and making him come back later for more work. - [Orange] Well he did have a coupon, until I turned it into a hood ornament, yeah! What the, there actually is headlight fluid. (laughs) Alright, just sprinkle a little bit of that, (mumbles) that's real good. - Hey, human. - Orange! - [Slzbot] While we're dealing with fluids here, why don't we spice up their gas tank with a little secret ingredient. That'll ensure they're back later for more. - [Orange] Secret ingredients in the engine, I got just the thing, I know what you guy's talking about. Okay, hold on, just gonna do a little bit of this! (laughs) Yeah, that's what you were talking about, right? Right, more, okay! (laughs) Puking in the engine, that's exactly what you wanted, right? Perfect, I'm winning the game. Little bit of sugar in the gas tank. Oh yeah, perfecto! That's real sweet. (laughs) Enjoy some free, complimentary donuts, yay! The final touch, taking that coupon you gave me, and turning it into a hood ornament, there you go! (laughs) Perfection! Okay, it's always important to put a little bit of gas on the receipt, there you go. Whoops, excuse me, (laughs) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to puke in your face. (yells) (laughs) Come back again! (laughs) It's so good, have it! - You did alright, human. - Orange. Now, you keep at it. I'll be in the back counting the money. - [Orange] Okay, I'll be here drinking gas, and puking on everything. You forgot this doohickey! (laughs) Hey, you know what they say about this guy? He's got a lot of junk in the trunk. (laughs) Yeah! Alright, gonna put one of those in there, that's gonna go in there too, alright. You're gonna go home a happy man. No Frisbee for you! Oh, that's a pretty good throw. (laughs) Let me try it again. Wee! (laughs) Got him. You guys are getting so much good free stuff here. Yeah, I'm putting all that junk in the trunk, I'm just gonna add a little bit of barf! (laughs) Little bit of spice on the tongue. (laughs) It's the icing on the cake. (laughs) Oh, it's only $3,600 all that free stuff, man that's a good deal, plus get a little bit of this! (laughs) It never gets old! Orange. - Human. Does nobody understand I'm not a human, I'm an orange! Enjoy all your stuff soaked in puke! (laughs) Okay closer, closer, close, no too close, too close, too close, okay, go ahead, stop. Oh yeah, yep, this car's a smoking. Okay, there's only one fix for that. There we go, that's appealing. - [Slzbot] This car is looking a lot more appealing. - [Orange] Hey, that was my joke! I just said that joke! Stupid joke stealer, I can't believe he's stealing jokes! Totally gonna puke on his chair later. I know just how to fix all those fumes getting into your car, there you go! An air freshener. (laughs) Don't worry banana, I will save you! I couldn't let them take you, banana. Oh, I'm so happy I saved you, oh no! I ate banana. Oh well, I'm not fixing that. Alright, your bill needs a little gas, of course, and then of course, we always need some of this, yeah! Little bit of barf for the road. Before you go, let me put a little bit of gas in the tailpipe. Yep just a little, hey wait, wait, wait come back, take your gas! (laughs) Hit 'em. From downtown! Closer, closer, too close, too close, too close. Give me those, you're making a spectacle of yourself! (laughs) Oh no. Five second rule. Oh wait, that's when you eat things. I don't eat things! Except donuts. I'm sorry donut, they made me! You don't know the whole story. (laughs) Okay before we get to the tires, your tank needs some hot sauce, put that in there. A little bit for me, perfect! Stephen Curry for three, yeah! Touchdown. I'm really tired of these crappy tires. (laughs) Whoa, donut tires nice. To really work efficiently, I think your car needs to have different tires. Like every single one has to be different. Oh, there we go, looking good. Okay, put that one right there. Oh yeah, that side's looking good too! - [Customer] So, I'm a little more prepared. - [Orange] Oh, you want a spare tire in your trunk for just in case, okay well. I can definitely deliver that. There's one. There's two. There's three, oh crap I dropped it. That's okay, there's more here. I got three, I got four. Is this enough spare tires? I think you need a couple more. 15, 16, there you go, 16 spare tires in the cab, that should be good. Oh, I don't know if I can close the door. Can we get the door closed? Yeah! Perfect. Okay. Of course, that's definitely not enough, so we'd better put one back here, too. You never know when you're gonna be driving over a bunch of spike strips, and you might need 42 tires, we gotta stack 'em. - [Customer] Pretty sure my engine's overheating, too. - [Orange] That doesn't matter. - [Customer] It's making all kinds of weird noises. - [Orange] Obviously, the solution is more tires! I don't like it when people try and talk to me, I'm trying to fill up the truck with tires, everybody's got, no come back here. You tried to get away. Get in here, okay. Definitely, I think, we're up to at least 25, 26, 27, 28. Okay, we're up to 30 tires. I don't know if that's gonna be enough though, guys. You might be trying to rob a bank or something, and the police throw down 40 spike strips, you're gonna need a lot of tires. There you go, oh I lost one of 'em. (grunts) Now, I gotta stack this one up here. Oh there you go, definitely on top of the truck, perfect! Looking good! One more, oh no! I don't like it when that happens. Okay, you want me to look at the engine? Oh no! Oh, you dropped all of the tires! Oh, I did all of that work for nothing! I hate you! You are gonna get more tires! (laughs) There we go, okay, yeah, now we just fill it back up. I'm really sorry about that, but I really, I think I know why the tires didn't stay in place. I've got a solution. I've got something that I can use to bond it all together, you know? Almost like glue, so I can, you know, keep it back there. All it takes is just a little bit of gas, and then. (laughs) Barf is used as an adhesive in this situation. It'll hold the tires in place, I mean, totally what's gonna happen. Hey, could I see your slush-e for a second? I just wanna take a sip. (laughs) I just added a little bit of extra flavoring for ya, here you go. (laughs) - [Customer] Thanks for getting me back on the road. - [Orange] Enjoy your barf slush-e! Yay! Everybody's a winner when I repair the, no you dropped your tires, come back! I'm not cleaning this up. It was like that when I found it. Alright guys, I think that's a good place to stop for right now, thank you so much for watching. Hey yo, it's HSO back again with another game video, we're gonna play some more Job Simulator. I'm gonna be a gourmet chef. Gonna be so good. Except for that whole thing where they're gonna ask me to murder my friends, that's not gonna be good. (sighs) Life of food is hard. Oh, Gourmet Grubb. Alright. - Hello, human. - Orange. This is an accurate simulation of gourmet chef. - [Orange] This is a correct simulation of, Cup Thrower 3000. (laughs) How do you like them apples? (giggles) What's this? This looks like fun, oh yeah. What's wrong buddy, you're looking a little steamed. (laughs) Steamed, steamed, steamed. Hey cactus, I get the point. (laughs) Alright, dinner's served, who wants cactus? Ow, owie. No one wants cactus? Maybe the fish want cactus, yeah. Oh. Orange looses the game. (groans) Ooh, what do we got here? Gourmet menus. I won't be using those. Hey, Grandpa Lemon, hey how's it going? Wake up Grandpa Lemon! (laughs) (screams) What the? What the magic is going on here? Hello Grandpa Lemon, how are you doing? Wait for it. (screams) It's black magic, kill it with fire, kill it with fire! Hey, look at this guy, he's looking real good! Now, this is a fine fruit specimen. (laughs) Orange to the face. Hey, stop loafing around. (laughs) Wow, all the food responds. Now, I have as many bread fribees as I want. No, no, excuse me. Bread frisbee! You didn't catch that, you suck at bread frisbee. What's in here, oh, we making some bacon? (laughs) Oh, whoa, what's this this? What is that, what is that? (yells) Uh oh. You broke it, you broke it, you bought it. Ooh, hot sauce I better have some. (laughs) When the grape got squished, he let out a little wine. (laughs) I'm sorry grapey. Since I've never had hands before, this is the first time I've ever washed my hands in real life. (laughs) It's always important to wash your hands before you cook. (yells) No, everything's broken. Hey buddy, olive you. (laughs) Olive you, get it? Olive you. (laughs) Olives, get it? It's a joke! Okay, let's see what you want here. - [Boss] We'll start by making some breakfast. Turn on the grill, and let's get frying. - [Orange] If I'm frying, them I'm crying. (laughs) Mainly because I'm on fire. I hate being fried! (laughs) Okay, switch it to the grill. There we go, that's how you do it buddy. Alright, let's get to cooking. Hey, hey, look at all this good stuff for breakfast, uh oh, uh oh. The five second rule applies to Virtual Reality too, it's funny, it's fine, it's fine, fine. Okay, okay, we're good, we're good. Bacon, and more bacon, and more bacon, and more bacon! More bacon! Sorry guys, it's not all it's cracked up to be. (laughs) I'm sorry eggies. - Ooh. - What? That one's getting pretty well done. - [Orange] I thought that's how you liked it, well done? Okay, burnt bacon. Yeah, put that there, put an egg shell on top of that. Then, we'll throw a raw egg on top of that, and then top it off with a burnt egg. Oh, now we put a little garnish on there, a little flower, pretty it up a little bit. Get that other stuff on the plate, looks real nice, and then a little bit of this! This protects your food from bursting into flames while you're eating it, okay? I almost forgot the burnt steaks on top, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, we're good! Enjoy your breakfast! I made it just for you, you're good. Alright, who's up? We're gonna get some more food up in here. - [Boss] Simply take some of your inefficient solid food, and put it through the blender. - [Orange] Oh no! Oh no, we're making smoothies up here. Well, we gotta save the oranges, okay. Flip this to blender. Alright, where is it, where is it? Okay, ooh, that looks dangerous. Alright, get some of that grape juice in there, ooh yeah, don't forget the cork, geez what was I thinking? Get in there cookbook, get in there! Oh, you broke the, get outta here cookbook. Ooh, salt and pepper. Very good, always good in a smoothie. Forget it, put the whole thing in there, there we go, good, just tap it in there, that's real good! Oh, don't forget to put the flower in there, that's very important. Come on man, don't be a bread head, get in there, why! (cries) Hey Grandpa Lemon, no, no, no, don't fall on the grill! You gotta go in the blender. (laughs) Alright, now let's get to blending. Oh yeah, get some more, oh put the whole thing in there, that's good, that's good. Sorry Grandpa Lemon. (laughs) We're making a mess. (laughs) I'm not cleaning this up. It was like this when I found it. (laughs) Crushed up glass goes well in a smoothie, don't ya think? Alright, let's pour you a tall, frosty glass. We have toothpicks in case you get any shards of glass in your teeth, okay? Alright, serving it up! Can't forget the, oh yeah, here we go. We gotta protect your smoothie from the fire hazards. Don't wanna forget the garnish, there you go! Serving it up! Enjoy. Enjoy your shards of glass smoothie. (laughs) Alright, it wants me to make some tea, so of course, you gotta add a little soap. Yeah, that's perfect, about half full of soap, and then half full of water. I'm pretty sure that's how you make tea, right? (laughs) There we go, just pour that right in there, got the nice garnish. Don't need this anymore. Yeah! - [Boss] Similar to tea, crumpets also require heat. - [Orange] I forgot to add the olive, there you go. Okay, I gotta make crumpets? Tea and crumpets! Not to be confused with tea and trumpet. Crumpet frisbee! - [Boss] To cook flat items, humans use devices called toaster. - [Orange] Toasters. Okay, so we'll just toast a crumpet and a menu. Perfect! The most delicious breakfast ever. Whoa! Nice jump. White bread can jump, right? (laughs) Alright, serving it up some tea. There you go. Make sure your food doesn't start on fire while you're eating it, perfect! Can I toast a chicken leg? Come on toaster, I just wanna give you a leg up on the competition, yeah! Getting nice and toasty. Perfect. Throw that on there for free, that's all you buddy. Alright! Alright, what's up next? Order up, let's do it! What are we doing? - [Boss] Please try making some soup. - [Orange] Yes, let's do it! First ingredient in soup is grape juice. Oh crap, oh we broke it! I didn't do it, you did it, I saw you do it! I heard you needed glasses. (laughs) Alright, we need a base for the soup, so of course, we're gonna have a little bit of soap in there, and just a tad of water, not too much. Definitely want more soap in there, there we go. I don't even know what that is, but it's going in there, so is this. Wow, that was fast. "Flower, Paper, and Plastic Cup Soup." My favorite! It's got all the essential ingredients in there. Hold on, hold on, need to garnish it a little bit. Make it look pretty, hey! Don't fall, nope get up! Don't want your food bursting into flames, there we go, looking good! That looks tasty. You dropped one of your flowers. (laughs) Perfect throw, yeah! Stephen Curry it up up in here. - [Boss] Let's create a vertical arrangement of organic elements. Humans refer to this as a sandwich. - [Orange] Oh yeah, don't mind if I do. Hey, what do you call pun sandwich? A punini! (laughs) First, need a little bread. It's important to get that grape juice on there, perfect, that's good. Alright, get some bread up there, what happened? Okay, put an olive, what, what? What'd it do? (laughs) I don't know about you, but olive this sandwich. (laughs) Alright, we gotta make another one. A little bit of grape juice for ya, there you go. Get some nicely cooked bacon strips on there. Ooh, that's looking real good! Gonna slap that on there, gonna slap that on there. Little bit of milk on your sandwich is always dairy nice. (laughs) Oh, it won't stay on there. Okay, we're just gonna set it in there. Oh no, spilled milk! Crying over spilled milk! (yells) There you go, you can dip it in there. An entire wedge of cheese. Some chili powder, that's important. Well heck, we might as well put the whole thing in there, there we go, perfect. Slap the other bread on there, perfect, there we go. Top it off with an olive, oh it's so delicious! Make sure that chili pepper doesn't fall outta there, that's a real important ingredient. Crap! Gotta fix this, gotta put the, no, no, no, no, no, you dropped the chili powder! (mumbles) You ruined my creation! You forgot the garnish! Bartanemous Butt Fart III, I hate you! Don't you give me that look, I'll spray you all day long! What, you want some, you want some? Come and get it! That's what you get for taking my sandwich before I was done with it. That goes on the grill. - Yes, bonjour. - Bonjour. A very rare steak. - A rare steak. It is a 1984 vintage. - Oh. I wish to have it prepared. - [Orange] 1984 steak? (laughs) Alright, that's going on the grill. I've heard steak goes best with grape juice, perfect! Enjoy your food poisoning! Oh, you want some grape juice to go with that. There you go, a little bit on there, perfect. - Tres bien. - What? Please have it delivered out to the restaurant. - [Orange] Don't tell me what to do! (grunts) (laughs) You last touched it, you broke it, you bought it. - [Boss] Do you realize that was famed meat aficionado Meat Guy? - [Orange] Do you not know that I don't care? - [Boss] Gotta make sure our service is extensible. - Ooh! Better slip this on the plate, too. - [Orange] No way, I'm keeping this! I'm gonna fry it up, then I'm gonna throw it in the sink, and make a clean profit. (laughs) No, it's my money, I found it. You gave it to me, and I found it. Here, have an egg. (grunts) You're not gonna let me go until I put the money on the plate, are ya? Well, if you're gonna make me give it away, then I'm gonna have to do something. You're not gonna like it. I'm gonna rub my butt on it! (laughs) (farts) Yeah! That's what you get! I just rubbed my butt all over your money. (laughs) Why does my money smell like orange farts? I'll tell you why. (laughs) You know you love it. He knows he loves it. Enjoy those orange farts! Alright guys, we'll thank you so much for watching, for the great episode of Job Simulator. Maybe I can juggle some oh, oh, I almost juggled some olives! (laughs) Want an orange, everyone wants an orange. Hey yo, it's HSO back again with another video, and we're gonna play some more Job Simulator. So, the last episode I didn't actually finish the gourmet chef level, so we're gonna continue and finish that up! - Hello. - Goodbye. - [Orange] Hey, olive you! - [Customer] Can we get some pizza for the kids? - [Orange] Oh, you want some pizza? - Pizza, is generally defined - Olive you! as a combination of bread, - I know what pizza is! Tomato, - Olive you! and cheese. - [Orange] Bread frisbee! You didn't get catch it. That's crummy. Are you still talking? I know how to make it! You know what what they say about tomato? He really blends in! (laughs) I'm sorry, tomato. Alright, we gotta make the best pizza sauce ever! I'm the sauce boss. Nice to meet ya! (laughs) Oh, I got a secret ingredient for my pizza sauce, a cactus! Sales in my sauce are gonna spike! (laughs) I'm sorry cactus. Alright, if I'm gonna be making some sweet pizzas, we need some dance music. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, feel that groove. Yeah! It's so good to have hands! Come on floating computer guy! Yeah. We're jamming. Olive you! (laughs) Mushroom for three! (groans) He's a bun guy. (laughs) We're rave blending. (laughs) Oh, gotta put the petal to the medal, get these in there. (laughs) Alright, come on bread, stop loafing around and get in there! (laughs) Oh yeah. I'm feeling grape about this pizza sauce. (laughs) Oh, that's looking good, it's nice and full. I hope you like the pizza, just don't eat the shards of glass, okay? - We are almost there. - Okay. Combining the bread with some cheese in the microwave should fulfill all material requirements. - [Orange] Oh, you might be speaking a kernel of truth. (laughs) Alright, who's ready to cook up some grape juice, T-bone steak, tomato, mushroom, bread, flour, popcorn, pizza? Better put one of these in there too, that's important. Oh yep, and the mug. Oh, better put Grandpa Lemon in there, sorry Grandpa Lemon. No, you're part of the pizza now, get in there, you're part of the pizza! We're having a pizza party in the microwave. Oh, let's see what it looks like. Oh, that's a good looking grape juice, T-bone steak, tomato, mushroom, bread, flour, popcorn pizza with a menu, and coffee mug garnish pizza. (chuckles) Alright, serving it up. Oh no, I forgot this! (yells) You wanna make sure your food doesn't start on fire. Stop looking at me like that. Stop looking at me like that! (laughs) You know you love it. (laughs) - [Kid] Make me applesauce. - [Orange] Oh Timmy, you know what? You're an apple. (laughs) Oh yeah, Timmy wants some applesauce? You got it. You're an apple. (laughs) Blended, thank you very much, that's nice. I've never been so happy to blend something in all my life. You're an apple. (laughs) While we're putting things we don't like in the blender, might as well put some broccoli in there, too. (laughs) - [Customer] Could you just serve the ingredients raw? - [Orange] Oh, you want the ingredients raw, huh? Oh, I got surprise for you. It is what it's all cracked up to be. (laughs) Cheesing, and pleasing. Cheesing and pleasing everyone. Gotta get it looking on the plate real nice, yeah. It's all about the presentation, guys. (laughs) Oh that's looking, oh no, eggs on the floor. Forget it, egg frisbee! (laughs) Oh wait, you forgot your garnish, and your fire extinguisher, here you go! You gotta make sure it doesn't start on fire. Oh, I better not throw that. Yeah, yeah, get it, get it, get it, get it. Stop looking at me like that. Stop looking at me! I don't wanna do this order. Gonna blend it. (laughs) Yoinks! - [Customer] I'm trying to propose to my romantic partner. - [Orange] What's that, all I heard is that you said you wanted me to cook your glasses. Okay, they're done cooking. There you go, oh you dropped 'em! What am I doing here? Geez, what do you want me to do with this? Oh, you want me to put it in a sandwich, okay. You guys propose in the weirdest ways, why would you put a ring in a sandwich? Guys are so weird, I mean if it were me, and I was proposing to somebody, I'd put the ring inside of a brick of cheddar cheese that looked like SpongeBob. That's romantic! (laughs) I don't wanna go in there. Alright, olive you and, oh that's a good looking sandwich. Now, that is a tower of power right there. - [Customer] I wanted to have some romantic music playing while I do it, but I forgot to burn this disc. - [Orange] Oh, you want me to burn a disc? This is how I burn discs. (laughs) Oh yeah, that's how I burn it man. Burn real good! (laughs) Whoa, it actually worked. Who would've though? Okay. Alright, get that romantic music playing while you propose. Oh, setting the mood, oh hey I burned my Totally Disco CD. I gotta dance rave to that, you gotta be careful with it. Top it off with a fire extinguisher, oh yeah. Now it's not gonna start on fire, okay that's good. Serving it up! Alright! Let's see how it goes. - [Female Customer] What's this? My sandwich feels much heavier than usual. - [Orange] That's because I put rocks in it. - [Male Customer] Huh, that's interesting. I wonder if there's something different inside? - [Orange] Just ask the question! (laughs) - [Female Customer] What do you mean? - [Male Customer] My sweet. I emotion you. Will you enter a legally binding partnership with me? - [Orange] What is she gonna say? - [Female Customer] Oh, of course! I'm the happiest bot in the world. - [Orange] Yay, she said yes! Thank you, I can shut this garbage off now. (laughs) Okay, gotta make a cake, so gotta get the eggs in there. Perfect! Then, get some tomatoes of course. Put some more eggs, oh that's a mushroom, nevermind. (laughs) That'll work real good. Oh, this is gonna be the greatest cake ever. Put some cheese in there, I love cheesy cake. Of course, every cake has flowers, so there you go. (laughs) Get in there, we got, no come on guys. Get in there, I know you don't carrot all, but you gotta get in. (laughs) Oh yeah. Alright, open this up, oh that's good, whoa! Nuclear cake and stuff! Oh, this is perfect, just like a rave. Yeah, look at that. Shiny objects, it's like I got glow sticks, only they're carrot sticks. (laughs) Glowing carrot sticks, yeah! Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's a good looking cake. Oh I forgot it, I forgot to do this! I forgot to do this! - Hey, boss. - What? That party left a huge pile of dirty dishes. - [Orange] Oh, I don't care what you're saying! You talking, you talking, get outta here! Do you like it when I do this? You don't like it when I do this, do ya? I don't wanna do dishes! Okay, here we go. Bam, dishes are done! (laughs) This is how I do dishes, yeah! Why do they keep reappearing? No! No! The dishes are done! (laughs) No, we're not doing the dishes. Give me a break. (laughs) I'm using one of those new orange scrubbers. (laughs) I'm sorry orange, I didn't meant to hurt your feelings. (laughs) Oh hey, here's what you get for making me do dishes! (chuckles) You love it, butt toucher. Steak frisbees! (laughs) What are you saying now? - [Chef] You need to clean this place up. - [Orange] No! - [Boss] Sprinklers, see that little thing up on the ceiling? - Sprinklers, where? Try chucking something at it. - Oh! See what happens. - [Orange] Chucking something at it, sure. You're an apple! Oh, I dropped it, okay. You're an apple, yeah! You're an apple. Oh, you wanna record me making some food, huh? You're an apple. (laughs) You're quite a pill, you know that? You know what I'm gonna do with this? Hold on. Blendo-matic! Gotta put a coffee mug in there for good measure. There we go! Oh, you wanted me to put it in the blender, I didn't even realize that. What? I can't hear you! I'm making a smoothie, will you please be quiet? (laughs) Smoothiesplosions! Okay, you want me to put this in the microwave? Fine, that's where I'll put it. Wee, there we go! Alright. - [Reporter] Close the door, and let me get a shot of the microwave running. - [Orange] I don't like you telling me what to do, but okay. - [Reporter] Can you just show that to the camera? - [Orange] I'm gonna show you my rear end, quit telling me what to do! Okay, here's your flavor cube. Eat the flavor cube, you wanna eat it! Eat the flavor cube. (laughs) Come on, eat it, you know you wanna eat it! (laughs) Give me that, that's mine. Now, I'm the conductor. Alright, looking good! What the heck are these dots on here? Oh no, I didn't mean to eat it! (groans) I'm sorry flavor cube! - [Reporter] This episode's gonna be fantastic! - [Orange] I'm cooking your hat! Give me that, that's mine. This is also mine, I found it. It was here when I got here, so I found it. Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades! Oh, I don't like this. Here take 'em back, I don't want them. Your hat doesn't fit in the blender. What, where did it go? I'm making trucker hat stew, it's my favorite. (laughs) Oh it's all about, there it is, "Trucker Hat and Ceramic Shards Soup." (laughs) I know picking out the ceramic shards, it's a pain in the glass. (laughs) Put a little flower on there, just a little bit, and then gotta do one of these! You gotta make sure your food doesn't start on fire. Oh man, I'm a good chef. I'm a good chef, thank you so much! (laughs) Whoa, what's that? - [Customer] What a fascinating dish! (giggles) - [Orange] Who's doing that? Make you a big meal, there you go. (laughs) It counted that as a meal. (laughs) Better put a flower on there, gotta do the, I gotta get the fire extinguisher going, and we're good! Bing, that's a good meal right there, see you later. I'm making a bacon teepee. Yeah! He loves it! Careful, careful, no my bacon teepee! It's all about the presentation, look at that, oh yeah, that's looking real good. We need some more bacon, open it, oh it's magic. Gotta get them bacon strips. Oh, I'm gonna make a bacon tower, no, no! I wasn't done making my bacon tower! I wasn't done with the bacon tower, bring it back! Why is he on fire? You want a meal, I got a meal for ya, huh, how about this, what do you want one of these? How about four of those, how about a 16 of this? Gotta have some bread in there. Sorry Grandpa Lemon, you gotta go in there too. (laughs) You want a meal? This is how you get a meal. Yo what's up avacadbro? Oh yeah, you're feeling cherry nice? Yeah gotta get all these in here, oh yeah. (laughs) Hey potato, I see you down there. (laughs) It's a kernel of the truth. Grape to meet ya! Cookies, cookies, you're a chip off the old block. (laughs) Making meals up in here! Okay, I think that's a perfect amount of ingredients, yeah that looks good, just gonna turn that on. I'm sorry, all my friends! (laughs) Okay, just gotta make sure it's all stirred up nice and good, there we go, perfect, oh yeah! Get in there, kinda makes ya. (laughs) This is gonna be a perfect meal. Oh, is that a pomegranate, oh no, I ate pomegranate! (laughs) This is crazy! Why am I eating everything? (laughs) What's happened to me? Oh yeah. Raving with bread. Everything's gone crazy. I'm feeling lazy. That's why I'm cooking. (screams) I took another bite of bread, I'm sorry! (laughs) Uh oh. (screams) Oh no! I didn't even know things could go in the, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Things can go in there, hold on. I gotta get it in the fish tank. Hold on, I gotta get it in the fish tank. I didn't know things could go in the fish tank. (screams) (laughs) Things are getting fishy up in here. Oh no! (laughs) The fishies are eating them. Oh man. Oh, this is such a good game, I love this game. Alright well, I think that's a good place to stop this episode, I'm just gonna keep throwing all my friends into the fish tank, so they can get eaten by the piranhas, okay guys? Sounds like fun. Hey yo, it's HSO back again with another game video! Guess what, we're back with some more Job Simulator, I gotta get my headset on, sorry. Still have a little trouble there. Ooh, hello there sir, how are you doing? It's good to be back again, and have some hands. I love it, hey! Hey. Having hands is the best, alright which one have we not done? Looks like we haven't done store clerk yet, you get that one. - Thank you, human. - You're welcome. - [Orange] Orange, I'm an orange not a human. Let's rock. Stop talking, I'm going. Hey, can you handle it? (laughs) Whoa! Am I there yet? Oh, here I am! Wow, check it out. - Hello, human. - Orange. Welcome to an accurate simulation of convenience store clerk. - [Orange] Oh yeah, this look good. - [Boss] Look at this board for instructions. Grab a ticket when you're ready to get started. - [Orange] I don't need no instructions, I can figure everything out myself, I know how to do stuff, come on. (laughs) Okay, first and foremost, the most important thing to do is pour ketchup on everything, right? (laughs) Ooh, what's this? Ooh money, I'm gonna put a little ketchup on that, and there it goes, good for you! Oh, don't give me that face, you know you like it. Alright, give me that ticket. I got the golden ticket. - [Boss] Let's open up the shop. - [Orange] Let's do it! - [Boss] You can start by cleaning off your counter. - [Orange] I don't wanna clean anything! Don't make me clean. That's the last thing I wanna do. If by cleaning, you mean pouring Pepto-Bismol on an apple, then I'm definitely cleaning, I'm cleaning real good. (laughs) Yeah! Ooh, the doors open. I'm gonna be throwing so many things out there, it's gonna be awesome. Okay fine, where do you want me to put this? I got a spot, right there. Hey, don't throw it back at me! No, you're gonna take this, and you're gonna like it, hey! It is yours, no! (laughs) Fine, I'll just throw it at something else. There, perfect, clean! Oh yeah. - [Boss] You'll also want to turn on the security camera. - [Orange] Security camera? - [Boss] So, you can keep an eye on the store. - [Orange] Oh, okay. Hey, I can see myself! I can see myself. Check it out. Hi! I got a nice butt. (laughs) Let's get this show on the road. Okay, what's you got, what's you got for me? - Let's get to business. - Let's do it. Here's your first customer. - [Orange] Oh, I wonder what they want. - [Customer] Good afternoon, human. I would like to purchase these chips. - [Orange] This is mine, I found it, it was here when I found it. Ooh, it fits perfectly, thanks! That's so nice. I want your flag, oh I can't have it. Are you ticklish? (laughs) So you want these chip, huh? Okay, I gotta scan it, ooh! There we go. Scanning some stuff, and putting it in the bag. Here, you need ketchup for those chips. - [Customer] Can I also get one of those meat cylinders please? - [Orange] Meat cylinders? Oh, hot dog! - [Boss] Make sure you heat them up, at least a little bit. - [Orange] Stop telling me what to do! Ooh, there's so many cool things I'm gonna do. Oh, burritos! Yeah, you get some burritos. You get some burritos. Everybody loves burritos. I'm gonna go ahead and say that's definitely not enough burritos, so there you go, gonna have some more of those, gonna have to, okay put this guy over here, perfect. You're definitely gonna need some more burritos over here. No, no, oh, no, burritos everywhere! (laughs) What are we gonna do? Probably give you more burritos! (laughs) Stay on there, burrito. Okay, and I suppose I'll get you what you actually asked for. Ooh, it's steamy, it's hot, nice to meat ya! (laughs) Get it, meat? Buns, where's the, oh, hey. There we go, now we're talking about it. Oh, looking good. Maybe stack a couple in there. - [Customer] That looks acceptable. - [Orange] Thank you. - [Customer] Hurry up and scan that, so I can get eating already. - [Orange] Alright, here you go. Scan that one, okay next, ooh I can scan them all, I can keep on scanning. (giggles) Yeah, is this good? Is this enough, there you go. - Thanks a bunch. - Hot dog. (laughs) - [Orange] Ooh, burnt hot dog. (laughs) Alright, what are we up to here? Oh, $63 so that's definitely probably not, I'm gonna have to charge you about, there we go, that's feeling pretty good. Gonna have to get some more of these burritos, here. Okay there we go, there we go. (laughs) It's like a drum machine. Oh, perfect. Okay, $247.27. Perfect! Thanks for coming! - [Customer] Here's your paper currency. - [Orange] Alright, get that money, honey, thank you. Slap it in the register, slap so. (laughs) - [Boss] Don't forget to hand over the change. - [Orange] You want it, pick it up. (laughs) She didn't like that, huh? She wouldn't pick it up, okay fine. Here, have one. (laughs) - [Customer] Have a profitable day. - [Orange] A burrito day, to you too. Hey, have another one, oh no! Now, it's a road burrito. (laughs) Somebody's gonna be real happy to find that. What the heck does this thing do? It's not doing anything. Do I have to put something on it? Put this thing on here. Whoa, it jumbo-sized it! Oh my goodness! Can I jumbo-size anything? Oh, I can! (laughs) I'm going to jumbo-size everything! Quick, oh yeah, that's real good. Oh yeah, jumbo-sizing it, can I double jumbo-size? Oh, I can't, I'm gonna fry that. You know what I need to jumbo-size? I need to jumbo-size some burritos! It's always a good day when we got jumbo-size burritos. Okay, hold on, hold that, yes! Yes, jumbo burritos! I rule the world! (laughs) I cannot be stopped now! (laughs) I am the owner of jumbo burritos! It's a good day to be alive. Alright, let's grab that ticket, what you got? What you got? Alright. - Well, hello. Excuse me, I'm trying to make a burrito tower, here! Get outta here! Geez! Oh, you ruined my burrito tower. Okay, you wanna buy this stuff, huh? Okay well, you're gonna get jumbo-sized. Yeah. Look at that. Twice as much candy for your money. - [Customer] Would you kindly put those in a bag for me? - [Orange] Sure, after I scan them 400 times. (laughs) - Much better. - Thank you. - [Orange] Oh no, the bun! - [Customer] I'll take one of those frozen slush-e delights. - [Orange] Frozen slush-e delights, where's that at? I don't even know, oh here, gotta put a burrito in there. Oh whoops, I forgot to super-size. Okay, it's okay, it's okay. Okay, where do I get a slush-e at? Gonna get that slush-e, gonna get the slush-e. Jumbo sized! I think we need to trade hats, I'll take that one, and you can take this one, okay? Oh, you dropped your hat, too bad, I found this one. It's fine, it's mine. I was here when I found it. (laughs) I just gotta scan it like, 400 times. It's gonna be good, and then I'll scan the actual money that I'm. (laughs) Oh yeah, gonna put that, I'm gonna super-size that, and oh yeah, look at this giant nickel. Nickel be a pickle. (laughs) Ooh! What am I doing? I don't even know, this is so much fun. Ooh, $1.709. - [Customer] Here's some banks notes for you. Keep the change good human. - Thanks, Orange. Ta-ta! - [Orange] Thank you. Hey, don't forget that, you dropped it, oh no! Nobody's gotten that street burrito, yet. It looks super tasty. Gonna put that there. Definitely gonna need some more burritos. Gotta super-size those. Okay, giant burritos for everyone. Yeah, get that outta here, don't need that. Okay, who wants mustard, you want mustard? You want some mustard on this? Mustard on your face. - [Customer] I'll take a paper copy of yesterday's news. - [Orange] Yesterday's news, I wonder where that's at. Hey, what's this, I didn't even see this. Uh oh, is this what I think it is? Oh my goodness. There's fireworks in here! Nobody told me there was fireworks in here! What's this doing? (screams) Whoa, yes! Yes, this game just got 8,000 times better. It's over 9,000, you guys. Yeah, who wants it? (laughs) Roman Candles indoors! (laughs) Oh no, it's all gone. Why? Why! That goes over there. (laughs) Okay, what'd you want again? Oh yeah, you want a newspaper. Is there a newspaper in here, let's find it. Ooh, treats, I like treats. What is that thing, what is it, it's a hologram? Whoa! It floats. Oh, it's a display. Oh, okay there it goes. Listen, I know that you want your paper right now, but I'm making a giant pretzel, and giant burrito display right now. So, that's the most important thing I gotta do. I can't be concerned about what you want, okay? Oh, there's the news. (laughs) I found it. Alright here, oh wait, I'm gonna super-size it for ya, hold on. Yeah, now it's super big, it's real good. Uh oh. (laughs) You gotta pick that up. I ain't picking it up, it was there when I found it. It was there when I found, okay you want another one? Okay, here you go, you can have that one. Just scan it a few times, just a couple, just a few. Just a few, it's fine. Then, we'll supersize it, of course! We gotta make it big, everything's gotta be bigger. Alright, okay, I'm just gonna put that right on top. You brought a case that's a little too small. - [Customer] I'll take my daily lottery ticket, as well. - [Orange] Her daily lottery ticket, as well? Are you trying to be Bane? I'm Bane! (laughs) Super-size some gum, you want that? Oh, you didn't want it, huh? Okay, I grabbed you two, but I'm gonna charge you for 800, okay? - Oh dear. - Is that okay? I'm feeling a little faint today, dearie. You think you could scratch that lottery ticket for me? You can use my quarter. - [Orange] Okay, I get 90% of your winnings, if you win. You didn't win. Well, you didn't win, but you know what? Everybody's a winner, when they have a giant burrito. So, let me just throw one of those in there for ya, perfect. See, now you're the winner. Okay. (laughs) - [Customer] Just write you a check for those. There we are. - What? - [Orange] Oh, let's see, can I read it? Excuse me, I'm trying to grab this, okay. "Bank of Bot, Slush-E Mart, Granny Bot." Looking good! I can take that, that's legal tender right there, just put that right there, slap that shut, yeah. Hey, forgot your burrito, don't forget the, no you dropped your burrito! Don't forget these, you paid for those! Lady, come back. No! Lady, you forgot your burrito! Oh, now it's a sidewalk burrito. Somebody's gonna be happy, it looks like somebody grabbed the street burrito, so that's good. Now, we're gonna need some more giant burritos, of course. (laughs) This place definitely doesn't have enough giant burritos, so better, and there we go! Now, I'm feeling better. Feel real good, how about you have that. Okay? This display goes here. - Yeah bra. - What? It's a buyers market. - What now? They're looking at me like I'm crazy, you know? - [Orange] Who's talking about? - [Customer] What are you talking? No, no, I'm talking to you, no you, yeah, you. - What, me? - [Orange] What? - [Customer] You got that hot dog already? - [Orange] Hot dog, you didn't even ask me for a hot dog. How am I supposed to know what you want? You're kind of a jerk, aren't you? You're gonna get a giant burrito a thousand times. Just a thousand, okay? Is that okay? Oh, double the price. Perfect, I'll just keep scanning this a couple times, and I'm gonna hit double the price, okay you're up to $22,000. Up to 89,000. Okay, let's see how fast we can get, okay! Yep, a million dollars, a million dollars, that's a real steal right there, for one giant burrito. (laughs) Let me get that hot dog you wanted, sorry buddy. Okay, let's just charge you for 8,000 giant pieces of gum. That's real good right there. Okay, good, yeah! Now, you feel real good. There you go! - Took you long enough. - Hey, shut it! - [Customer] No not you, the other. - [Orange] Okay, you're gonna complain about how long I took? How about some mustard on all of your stuff? Is this enough? You want some more? Is this enough? Is this enough? Is this enough? More mustard? Oh yeah, just sprinkle it on there. More mustard, okay. More mustard. Perfect. (laughs) Get outta here, you're not welcome. Okay, let's pull that, a million dollars. A million dollars, that's a real steal for you. - Yeah, get outta here - Listen, am I right? jerk wad, or else I'm gonna pour some more mustard on you. (laughs) Thanks for the money, honey, alright. Alright guys, well I think that's a good place to stop for this episode. I'll make sure to keep on going though, okay? We'll tune in again, and we'll play some more Job Simulator. We'll keep going with this level, 'cause it's a good level. Ooh, check this out! Oh my goodness, there's still so many things to explore in this level, so yeah! It's a good time, having a good time, yeah. Do everything again, (mumbles) on the internet, 'cause it has giant burritos, okay? 'Til next time. Later, hot potatoes! Hey yo, it's HSO back here with another game video! You know what it is? Job Simulator, that's right, it's been a little while. I never finished the retail level. Wow, yeah. Giant-sized fireworks, that's always a good thing. Gonna keep that on the counter, so it's nicely handy. You never know when an opportunity might arise where I need that, you can have that. I'm gonna have the burrito. Burrito, hey! Get outta here, I didn't say you could come in here, eat the burritos. Burrito boomerang. - Oh my little angel, - Huh? Put that nice, healthy banana up there for the human. - [Orange] You want me ring up your banana, huh? Well first, you know what we gotta do? We gotta double size it. Oh yeah, big bananas are always appealing. You look better with a hat on. Perfect. See you later, careful I pooped in the floor in there. - [Kid] Sugar, give me sugar! - [Orange] Give me sugar? Well, give me your hat first. (laughs) Well, these lots of sugar in energy drink, so they gotta double size it, yeah! Here you go, making it rain! (laughs) How do you like them apples? Okay, just charge you for a few of those. Whoa, $9 each? Oh, they much be on sale. (laughs) Alright, let's super-size some of these candy bars for you. Nice, alright, now it's looking good. Okay, let's just charge you for eight of those, there you go, have one those, that's good. Yo, shut your mouth! - More, more, more! - Okay, okay! - [Customer] Human, sorry about the wait. Have you rung up our order? - [Orange] Super-sized candy bars double as, drum sticks! (laughs) You like that beat, that's a pretty good beat right there, oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, 99 cents? These are at least twice that, there we go. There we go! $337 please. - Can you hand the human - Gimme! the money? - Gimme! - Whoa. - Gimme. - [Orange] I'm gonna pour mustard on you, right now. What the, hey! - [Customer] What are you doing to my darling? - [Orange] She was the one that knocked the mustard out of my hand. Obviously, these fireworks are way too small, there we go. Now, it's looking good. You know what they say about fireworks? They're a real blast. Giant burritos, take that. Could you not just stand there and watch me? It's weird, here have a burrito. Where are you going, have a burrito. (groans) That's my hat, gimme that. - [Customer] Why don't you bring out that display, and we can pump it up a bit. - [Orange] Pump up that display, huh? Okay, let's do it. There we go, oh jerky meats in your face! - [Customer] Yeah, that's the one! Let's max this thing out. - [Orange] Yeah I know, that's what I'm doing. Oh, these need to be bigger. These need to be way bigger. There we go. Bigger makes everything better. Every display needs more burritos. Looking good, get enough Twinkies in there. Would you quit talking, I'm building things over here. What the heck, it went down, no! It erased my display. You're responsible. That's what you get. Can I have that? Okay, you can have this then. You want a beanie? There we go, looking good. Hey, I just gave that to you! There you go, have a drink. Yeah, it scanned. - Shake it. - Shake it? Could you shake it? - [Orange] I can shake it. Shake it like a Polaroid picture, right over the scanner, yeah. (laughs) - Take it. - You take it! - [Orange] Burrito time! (laughs) Ooh wee, have one. - [Customer] You've got your money, now give me the drink. - [Orange] I already gave you the drink, you're holding it. Candy bar boomerang. (laughs) Hit him in the butt. What's going on, wow! Well, that was cool. I wish my butt shot steam out of it. (laughs) Next customer, you're a butt toucher. Sweet pipe, it's mine now. (laughs) - Give me. - What? Stuff. - Give you stuff? Whatever's good. - [Orange] Oh okay, well first of all, we gotta charge you for this pipe here. I'm gonna have to scan it a couple times, 'cause I think the scanner's broken, or something. Yep, there we go. I bet you didn't know it, but there's a hat tax. There's definitely a hat tax. It doesn't scan? (groans) Your hat's broken. I'll give you some of this soda, but it's really important to shake it up first, before you put it in the basket, wow! (laughs) Yeah! It's always important to have giant burritos. Jumbo, get this cactus out, oh okay, you're gonna hold on to that, huh? There we go, giant burritos in your mouth, eat it! (laughs) Wow, hey! Come back, giant burrito. You're my friend. (laughs) I'm playing the drums on your face. Yeah, dropping that beat. (laughs) You ever mix sodas together to make a suicide? Here we go! (laughs) Making it rain! Who wants some? Oh man, I am the best retail employee of all time! Making it rain, yeah you know you love it. Oh, I forgot to scan 'em. Yeah, these are soda-licious. (laughs) But wait, does those hold those there? Oh, they do! Oh my gosh, I just made the best thing ever. Alright, $580. - [Boss] Nothing like a little retail therapy. - [Orange] Hey, I didn't say you could start talking to me! Ow, it hit me in the face. (laughs) I didn't expect that to happen. - [Boss] Put stuff where it goes, get it sorted. - [Orange] I don't wanna, okay fine. Okay, I'll put the magazines up here. I don't wanna clean your stuff! Okay, gum goes on the gum rack, there you go. What's this? Why would you put the cap on before I put it in there? Alright whatever, hot sauce on everything, yay! Okay before you go, let me put a burrito in your box, no wait, wait, wait, wait. No, I gotta put a burrito in, hey! Don't forget your burritos! (groans) Now it's a street burrito. More street burritos! (laughs) Okay, next customer, shut your mouth. Okay, you want some popsicles huh? Better get 'em giant sized. There you go. Here, take the other one. Okay fine, I'll put it in your head. There you go. - [Customer] Could I get a bit of change, too? - [Orange] A little bit of change, huh? Well, I got you covered man. Right on the money. - Wow, thanks. - You're welcome. See you later! - You're a really good person. - [Orange] Orange. - [Customer] I'll be going now. - [Orange] Don't forget your burrito. Oh wait, where is he going? Hey, did you want a burrito? - [Customer] Hello there, human. - [Orange] Yeah, we just saw each other. - Look at this. - Yeah, a burrito. I've got a coin here, for ya. - Hey. What can I buy for this? - [Orange] Oh I see, I give you the coin, and you bring it back so you can buy something, real nice. Well you know what, you get a burrito, there you go. Okay hold on, for the next customers, I gotta be ready with burritos. So, I'm gonna put 'em in the burrito holder. Totally not gonna, in the face! (laughs) Burrito? I wouldn't change a thing. (laughs) That's matching change with a burrito, wow! Are you trying to rob me with a banana? - [Robber] Open that safe, and give me all your cheddar. - [Orange] All my cheddar, that's not Gouda. (laughs) Hey, where'd you get another banana? - [Robber] There's plenty more where that came from, kid. - [Orange] Uh uh, hey! I'm getting a bad pealing about this. - You're at. - No, give me the banana. I don't have all day. - Stop it. Don't have all day. - Mine. - [Orange] Stop spawning bananas! - [Robber] There's plenty more where that came from, kid. - [Orange] Oh yeah, well, look who's got a super-sized banana! Now, you stick 'em up. Am I holding backwards, is it this way? Uh oh, now am I gonna shoot my feet? This is also mine, I found it, it was here when I found it. Actually, let's go ahead and fix that, there we go. Now, we're looking good, get back on there. (laughs) Looking good, buddy. 42, 69, 83, oh hey, it opened. Wow, there actually is cheddar. The cheddar makes it better yo, cheddar, cheddar, what is? Oh okay, gotta super-size it, first. There you go. I'm gonna have to charge you for these bananas though, okay? How do I shut this thing off? Hey. Can you come back here? Be quiet. (groans) Come on, thank you. Geez. Oh excuse me, look out! (laughs) I said look out. Alright, next customer, let's see, oh hey, we'll get this, start this on fire, and then I'm gonna throw it in your face! (laughs) He knows he loves it. Banana butt! (laughs) Burrito? Burrito. Burrito, burrito, burrito, burrito, burrito, burrito, burrito, burrito. (mumbles) (laughs) Burrito. Okay, what do you want from me? Your hat's broken, I gotta fix it. There we go, now it's looking real good. (laughs) - Big burrito. - Yeah, big burrito man. - [Orange] Hey likes that. Sorry, I'm gonna have to charge you for super-sizing. Ooh. - Later. - [Orange] Later, don't forget your last burrito. Hey, come back! Don't you want one more burrito, oh, he didn't want another burrito. Okay, next customer, and I'm totally not gonna hit you in the face! (laughs) Hey, it's my display! I broke it. Just by putting glasses on. Well there you go kids, now you've learned, don't ever wear glasses. (laughs) Shake 'N Bake, Shake 'N Bake, everybody loves a Shake 'N Bake, yeah! Now we're talking, put that right there. Oh, I love my new fountain. Whoops, I'm sorry, it just slipped out of my hand, I didn't mean to hit you in the face. - [Officer] Good evening, human. - [Orange] I wasn't doing anything, officer. - [Officer] I understand you were held at banana point, earlier this evening. - I was. We've captured the suspects, we just need you to point out who did it. - [Orange] It was the police officer, dun, dun, dun! (laughs) Hold on, I just gotta make this bigger. Just a little bit. Let's see how it fits, oh yeah. Now you are a figure of authority that no one can deny. (giggles) Bigger is always better, of course. Uh oh, now who's the guilty one? (laughs) Switcharoo! Looking good, officer. Here, eat the burrito, eat it. Put it your mouth, eat it! Banana. What do you want from me? Take that. Yeah, take him to jail. Oh! (laughs) What a throw by the orange! Can I help you? Sir? What is going on here? I think the game is frozen, or something. Eat that, come on, how many do I have to give you? Hello? Hello! What is going on? Okay, this will get his attention, don't worry. Wake up! (laughs) Whoa, I missed. (laughs) There's no policy about firing fireworks indoors, are there? Excuse me. (laughs) Wake up! (laughs) I think the game is frozen. You want some of this, you can have some of these. (laughs) We're clearing the shelves for a holiday special. It's a Labor Day sale. Come on, no. (laughs) What happened? (mumbles) Playing the drums, playing the drums. Alright, well, I think that's it. The game froze, and you can't go on anymore. Thank you so much for watching, guys. It's always fun playing more Job Simulator. (upbeat guitar music)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 12,242,010
Rating: 4.6749244 out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, saturday supercut, annoying orange plays job simulator, let's play, gaming, annoying orange gaming, job simulator, job simulator supercut, supercut saturday, comedy, cartoon, satire, parody, spoof, lampoon, fun, silly
Id: 7sXQQ0WcJEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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