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all right here's the pack there's no Pokemon cards yes that is correct we are having a baby sounds very weird to say uh but yeah Laura is pregnant congrats Flora hold on um in this video I'm gonna be surprising my best friends and sharing with them the news so it's gonna be very good it's gonna be very fun doesn't feel real yet at all but thank you for everyone for the nice words I'm sure you're saying I might put a clip of Laura in here but if not just know that she's all right she's happy everything's good and um yeah enjoy the reactions all right so Simon is contestant number one All Right contestant number two I've got calyx we've got Toby the idea is we're gonna open well I'm opening packs with all the troops and we'll get it from a Pokemon pack so he's gonna get all right um I've got a camera right here hello hello so I'm gonna reveal the pack oh yeah okay hold on yeah close your eyes all right here's the pack no you have to look at it so close your eyes oh sure sure that's Embassy no open it open your eyes nah no no yeah no legit yeah thank you bro yeah he was like this camera and I was like I don't want this video I don't want this camera at all I would have done it it's probably not even in Focus all right oh my God I'll get Charlie around yeah well so I was gonna originally get tally here you know if we were doing in the drinks video yeah we're trying big time to get into the video I want to film tiger as well if you don't know originally we were going to film at the studio today so then it would have been easy then I'll just do it like that but I had to like fake a story or an idea to come around here I can't believe it oh my God where's the effort all right you can look whatever oh my God oh my God [Laughter] oh my God oh my God yo yo holy [ __ ] yeah bro do you know it's a boy girl I don't know yet we haven't found out in the next one it was like oh damn this is a good pack yeah well this is a great package yesterday [Music] um everything's okay so when's your birthday should you learn to eat yeah the due date's June 13th I'll slap yeah see about it just hold it you know just for the 19th oh yeah just hold her vagina whoa congrats man thank you bro I thought I thought I'm gonna try and get everyone's Direction so don't say anything to anyone yet no yeah yeah of course and I'll put it in the chat can I form a quick video he's like no I was like well what's up when we were chatting about it like do we want to do it blah blah yeah as long as it's not March because we're gonna go away and then oh my God the only thing you can tell if it's a boy or girl from this I don't know it's too early I think it's too early the church is about to ruin it it's not something like look there's a penis jawline yeah [Music] I missed this scan because I was coming back from my lion show because she wouldn't yeah she's like finally yeah she was like you don't have a baby and I was like I just don't know yet and it got to a point I was like I don't care and then literally like two days later she's not pregnant I'm like what you got some goodness you have to close your eyes and I'm gonna put your hands out like together is it is it no it's not even gonna hold a pack yeah what's that there you go you have a blade wait this isn't a trick this is a packer that's not pack I haven't debated can I have my eyes yep [Laughter] that sounds such a good cry foreign [Laughter] [Music] everyone would have been like wow Simon doesn't care I was upset I didn't get Charizard oh my God it's so cute I can't even see it yet enough of it you know you can get like 3D scans yeah apparently you can get 40 ones as well but I was like that's just the kid that's a crazy reaction no it's not yours right someone was like we're gonna tell her and I was like I don't know just Pokemon or something that's all these Pokemon as well yeah I literally said I was like what do you need I was like I'm busy it's like just quit I was like okay I said Texas saying we have to talk oh my God I don't come in crying I think you would cry even if you didn't know who I was 100 that's just a strange I was like right on the internet daily when they're like I'm pregnant I'm like oh God nice I'm going through all the troops all my friends all right we've got Pokemon cards one one pack okay you open one pack each but I've got a range of different packs maybe that's the most expensive one it's like a mad pack okay we gotta close your eyes first okay all right it's really crazy isn't it you put something weird in my hand I'm punching you I'm not put it away I'll put it in one of your hands open it [Applause] thank you thank you I was like it's an empty pack I'm actually speechless yeah it is here [Laughter] oh that's yeah okay spider on my hand yeah yeah okay now you can look what kind of what the [ __ ] this is my Pokemon cards no it's a baby with a beard it's actually upside down it says Laura's baby but you know I'm part of it you can't Improvement me simulations thank you thank you you did this yourself with Laura team effort today I'm joined with Nick Minter Nicholas is it Nicholas Nick please but he's a Nicholas it is yeah Nicholas John John why your hands that way around bro I don't trust him as well you did that way too quickly yeah keep them closed all right you can both open your eyes I haven't I haven't got anything yeah holy [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] you're gonna be a dad mate that's it congratulations there's no Pokemon involved yeah right come here come on it's amazing I know John's in his heads and I think in I really want 10 grand yeah he did tell us that we were in the running for 10 grand so you get to keep the baby because you put it in your hand I think I think so is that the fire yeah no no no no no no no you're not in there yeah you have no all right uh 12 weeks so dude who said it was Laura yeah yeah was she was she annoyed when now Brian yeah Laura Jane Shane she doesn't like that all right [Music] close your eyes close your eyes no no no no no you close your eyes what can I open them [Applause] [Music] how old is it yeah you might have the same birthday yeah all right so you're probably wondering where's Vic where's Vic in this video you showed everyone else the baby news I can't believe I'm actually saying that's not crazy but no Vic all right let me explain okay so this is what happened Vic and Harry obviously went to the F1 so they were the last on the list to go and you know tell them the news I ended up seeing Harry Ethan and freezy as you guys saw at the Arsenal game I got a triple however later that night KSI tweeted this yep that happened and the next day I was supposed to go to a more sidemen filming where Vic was going to be and actually Constantine was going to be I was going to tell them both there get their reaction to the news obviously I couldn't do that and then you know I'm getting ready to go home for Christmas spend time with my family as we know KOA is kicking on again so I do a test okay it turns out the test I did was out of date or something okay the line got messed up bloody Roblox so I put it into the troops group chat and said like look at this test and Frieza was like yeah that's that's definitely out of date you could have given your pregnant wife covered and he put the words pregnant wife now keep in mind Vic doesn't know I haven't told it yet and if I was gonna tell him I'll either do it in person which I couldn't do because of cover anyway or I would find a cool way to do it on WhatsApp I'll quickly go into WhatsApp look at the latest message that I sent to see who had seen it and if Vic hadn't seen it I would say freezing delete that real quick guess what one person saw it Vic um so yeah unfortunately freezy spoiled that but it wasn't that bad you know at the end of the day who wouldn't want calfresi to you know announce your baby to vicstar so yeah that's why Vic starts on the video Vic if you're watching this sorry that I didn't get to tell you in person for all the viewers watching this there's no problem with me or Vic or anything like that things just happened okay but anyway Laura and I are over the moon Laura is in the backs well she's not in the back she's out getting stuff ready for Christmas you know she doesn't want to be in the video um but she thanks you all of course and she's really excited as I am as well um it's gonna be a weird long journey I don't really know what to expect at this point you know I'm I'm saying that I'm I'm playing Warzone every night anyway so I'll be awake but it's gonna be a crazy Journey um on this crazy Journey that I'm already on you know so anyway I'm excited thank you guys for the support um and yeah I'll see you guys soon have a very Merry Christmas and take care
Channel: Randolph
Views: 7,661,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: randolph, new, age, music, rapper
Id: g_qLln2f_T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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