Teens Forced to Work: Spoiled Kids Face Reality | Dhar Mann

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look slow down are you trying to get us killed okay you sound like my dad I drive like this all the time why did you turn the music off oh my gosh that might be Amy M get my bag are you sure you should be texting while you're driving Jess relax okay both of you just have to chill out [Music] careful oh my gosh Brook I'm so sorry let me clean it up no don't worry about it it's from last season my mom told me that she was going to get me the new Chanel in your des and boy bag anyway for my birthday oh oh my gosh Amy locked in our ski passes for this weekend is it still cool if we stay in your parents ski chalet and Aspen yeah of course it's ours when we want it but when we don't take it my parents put up an Airbnb it's the perfect setup a vacation house that pays for itself I'll let Amy know that we're in broke look [Music] out Brook sweetheart are you okay are you hurt no I'm fine mom and Maddie and Jess are fine too it's really not that big of a deal it was just a little fender bender doesn't look so little to me well it's not my fault that people don't know how to drive these days I was literally minding my own business and then the guy in front of me just slammed on his brakes for no reason oh my gosh what in the world was he thinking good to see you again Mr Adams Mrs Adams so I do have some good news and some bad news well why don't you give me the good news first because I don't think I can take any more bad today good news is it's all fixable there no frame damage should be all done within a week or so bad news is your insurance is going to go up because she did slam into somebody who was waiting in a red light oh you what you lied to us were you on your phone again texting and not paying attention no no I really wasn't I swear this is an estimate for the repairs oh this is ridiculous our insurance is going to shoot through the roof you could pay up front if you'd like I'll be in my office give you guys a minute to discuss it amongst yourselves you know I don't even get why you're so mad this isn't even the car that I wanted for my sweet 16 because it's a lot of money how exactly do you expect us to pay for this I don't know um a credit card money doesn't grow on trees Brooke well technically no that is enough I did not build a real estate Empire so that my daughter can spend a fortune on clothes and cars until you can learn the value of money you are not going to Ashen with your friends and you can forget about that new Chanel bag what no no that's not fair mom you know how bad I want that bag and Dad we've had that trip planned for weeks what do you guys expect me to do just stay home while everyone else has fun without me no of course not no you are going to come to Uncle John's farm with us this weekend the farm no that place is absolutely repulsive I hate it there no that is a great idea besides it'll give you a chance to catch up with your cousin Jenna you haven't seen her in ages okay well there's literally nothing to do there it's in the middle of nowhere I'd rather just stay home you don't have a choice don't worry about all that fancy stuff because when we're going you won't need [Music] any [Music] [Music] here we are see not as terrible as you said it was you're right it's way worse come on Brook please don't say that this Farm has been in our family for three generations it's part of The Adams Family Legacy this is one weekend of your entire life it's not going to kill you can we just stay in a hotel or something I mean I'm sure there's a St reges around here oh St reges out here well there's a Best Western couple cities down but it sold out we checked turns out it's becoming quite the popular trend for city Folk to come out and experience the farm life why would anyone want to come out here I'm just saying the sooner we get back to civilization the better well if it isn't my favorite City Slickers it is so good to see you uh I'm not getting any signal out here ah yeah sir pass you out in our neck of the woods you can use the home phone if you need to make a call a landline seriously no what's the Wi-Fi password unfortunately no Wi-fi either we got dialup dialup what the heck is dialup Brook don't be so rude remember your cousin Jenna hey Brooke gosh it's so good to see you again I was just about to bring the animals in you want to come say hi to them and help me uh no I'm going to be inside but thank you so much watch I hope she's going to be okay give her some time I reckon she'll love it out here she may not even want to leave smells like cows in here it is disgusting I highly doubt that come on what [Music] the be quiet wow look what the Cat Dragged In what's for breakfast everybody already ate seriously mhm hope it was that rooster where's John and Jenna they're out working they get an early start around here there's a lot of work to do on the farm I don't get why they don't just hire people to do it for them I mean clearly they could use it this place looks like I could blow away in a gust of wind hey someone's awake I would have been up sooner if it weren't for all that crowing at some ungodly hour yeah that's our rooster Pedro he didn't bother you did he no I love being woken up before it's light out oh my gosh I'm starving who do I talk to to make me some eggs oh Brooke Uncle John and cousin and I don't have a chef like we do I can make you some before I head back out to finish but you oh my gosh you're a lifesaver I like them Sunny set up with just a dash of lemon pepper thank you lemon pepper still no service how does anyone live out here you can survive for one weekend I'll be back home tomorrow night can't come soon enough Well you certainly know your way around the kitchen Jen well after what happened I picked up most of the cooking I've gotten pretty good at it if I may say so myself well maybe you can teach Brooke a thing or two you know your mom would have been so proud of you I hope you know that hey Brooke so who's your finish eating it would be really nice if you return the favor help Jen out with some of her work I can't I'm booked all day what I am I have to do my nails today and then I'm trying that new face mask and I have to make my playist for the drive home you know actually I think I'm going to get started on that now so Jenna when you're done with those eggs can you bring them to my room and remember Sunny set up with just a pinch of lemon pepper okay Brooke Jenna is not your servant I never said she is Jenna you wouldn't mind right um great and please don't overcook the eggs I like them just a little bit ready thanks hey sweetheart after you're done you mind helping me out back tractor's acting up again of course not dad you're such a sweetheart Jen you're always so F yeah I wish some of that would rub off on Brooke I regret spoiling her so much leave her here a while there's plenty of extra space sure she'd learn a thing or two there's nothing more humbling than cleaning horse manure actually you know that really isn't a bad idea I just have to finish packing and then I'll be ready um that's what your dad and I came to speak to you about we've been discussing this and we think that it would be best if you stayed here through the end of winter break good one we're serious it'd be good for you to experience life on the farm plus your uncle John he's been looking for a couple of extra Helping Hands around here yeah right there's no service no Wi-Fi and no mall it's basically a prison you guys just can't abandon me here okay look Brooke if you really want to follow in my footsteps then you have to learn the value of hard work and believe me there's no better place for that than here think of it as a working vacation you'll get to be around all the animals and you'll get to hang out with Jenna uh no absolutely not I'm not staying here I refuse this is not up for discussion we'll be back in a couple weeks on Christmas we should go if we're going to avoid [Music] traffic you guys aren't funny I'm not falling for it wait wait you guys just can't leave without me you guys stop we'll see you soon you're the worst parents in the [Music] world I guess they broke the news I'd rest up we have a lot of work ahead of us we'll start tomorrow what are you talking about I'm not doing any work sorry Brooke parents orders they said they're not picking you up if you don't listen gosh [Music] rise and shine sleepy head pick me up in a couple hours no can do we're already behind schedule come on get up brush your teeth let's [Music] go hi gorgeous good morning all right I am going to feed and turn out the horses if you want to get started mucking out stalls what am I supposed to do with that you clean up the soil shaving you use use the shovel to pick up the poop and put it in the bucket the what now you'll be fine are you sure you don't want to change I have some overalls and extra work Boop no I walk around Rome on Cobblestone roads in these heels all the time think I can handle this okay suit yourself come on baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] never know youo afraid to try your wishes might come true catch Sho and St shooting Across the [Laughter] Universe shout it out like we don't care hands up we don't [Music] care and we all know going to get it right you wishes might come true catch a shoo and start shooting for Universe your it out like we don't care hands up [Applause] [Music] w we don't care hands up [Music] w we don't care we don't care we don't care we don't [Music] care we we we don't we don't care [Music] oh every muscle in my body is aching right now that just means you put in a good week's work and to thank you for all your hard work I made you breakfast I'm sorry the eggs aren't sunny side up I just kind of lost track of time so you ready for another day oh I will do anything for this food but please tell me there's no excrement of any kind well no not this time jeez talk about a fixer upper huh yeah we used to have a lot more sheep in here but we had to sell off most of the flock in order to stay afloat then this just kind of became a junkyard storage area it's been a rough last couple of years if you want to get started clearing the cobwebs I am going to get working on the [Music] installation you know if you guys fixed this place up it would actually be pretty nice maybe but we don't really have the kind of money for that yeah I don't really understand I mean you used to have an entire staff of people here helping you out about when my mom it's okay if you don't want to talk about it when my mom got sick the insurance companies wouldn't pay for her treatments so we ended up taking out a bunch of loans on the farm we do our best to pay them down but every time we make a dent it just seems like the interest rate gets higher and higher to be honest we might even have to sell this place before Christmas and that kills me to think what that would do to my dad it was Grandpa's final wish to keep this Farm in our family I'm so sorry Jenna I honestly I had no idea yeah but if you guys need money why doesn't your dad just talk to my parents I know they'd help you out he's too prideful you would never ask for money you'd be mad knowing I was even here telling you about this I know that you don't love the animals or like being outside or anything about the farm really but to us this place is home yeah well I can honestly say that in the beginning I hated it here but I do think that it has the potential to slowly grow me a little bit I can see why my mom said a lot of people like to come out here and why the motels were always booked out I bet people would even want to stay here oh my God that's it sorry you guys have this amazing unused space right in front of you I mean you could refurbish this and rent it out on Airbnb it's actually not a bad idea but realistically they don't have the money to fix it well then just start with the bedrooms in the house I mean think about it you have this great location you're right near all the big Vineyards and wineries and you can offer a real farm experience by giving out like fresh milk and eggs oh my God we can literally Market it as like a farm Sheek Little Country getaway I mean everyone loves a good bed and breakfast it would basically rent out itself you think so I I wouldn't even know how to start I mean I've never done anything like that before I'll help you figure it out I literally grow up my dad's real estate office I've seen him do it like a thousand times Jenna come on what do you have to lose are you going to give up on the farm or are you going to fight for it I'll connect the dialog yay some days it's so hard to wake up and face the world outside and sometimes we get down on our luck but don't ever lose your pride cuz no one canun and no one is as fun as the Supergirl you are there's no way they can say that you're weak are afraid cuz you're shouldn't stop come on let your power shine all around the world singing loud to the sky all around the world we know that we're not perfect but we know W wor this singing all around the world thank you so much for this incredible experience we had a lot of fun and the food was amazing too you're welcome come back anytime I can't believe it after a few more stays we'll be caught up on our mortgage all thanks to Brooke no it was a team effort I guess it's going to be a pretty good Christmas after all yeah it won't be easy going to be the first one without Margaret gosh I miss her so much is that her next guest checkin not for another hour no I think that's my Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas hi Dad Merry Christmas hi Mom hey I've never seen that outfit before s Chanel very funny I hope you learned a little something from Uncle John and Jenna she wasn't too much trouble was she not at all in fact we actually learned a lot from from her she had this amazing idea for us to rent out our extra rooms turned out to be a big hit you did did Y and we're completely booked out through the end of July she's even been helping out around the farm my daughter mhm [Music] oh wait I have Wi-Fi now oh yeah we brought the hotspot along oh my gosh thank you I have been dying without my phone that's our daughter all right oh before I [Music] forget got a little surprise gift for you is that the boy bag I've been wanting yep and I saved the ski shalet and Aspen so you and your friends can go for the New Year's really this is going to be the best Christmas ever you know what Mom I think that we should just return the bag and use the money for something else did you want a different bag oh no I think we should use the money to help Uncle John and Jenna refurbish their Barn so they can rent it out are you sure because I know how bad you wanted this yeah I'm very sure and Dad rent the ski shalet to someone else because I think it'd be better if we spent Christmas here all together if it's okay with Uncle John and Jenna are you kidding me that'd be the best news ever certainly make things a lot less lonely well it's settled then it's going to be an Adam's family Christmas yay I do have one request though can no one wake me up at 4:30 a.m. because I'd like to sleep in for once I would like to say yes but Pedro he makes no promises who's Pedro again the devil that's who [Laughter] [Music] run all right here it is what do you think pretty cool huh huh seriously dad a Porsche I told you I wanted a [Music] Rolls-Royce oh man I should have gotten her the cooling in are you kidding me you spoiling her is why we're in the situation in the first place John can you imagine how excited we would have been to get a brand new Porsche for our 16th birthday H I would have been crazy excited to have any car at all at 16 I was working at this soup kitchen trying to save up money to buy a used jeda exactly there are so many children who get nothing yeah maybe if you would stop treating her like Daddy's Little Princess all the time she'll learn to appreciate something for [Music] once enjoy please let me know if there's anything else I can get you thank you what is this a complimentary bread ma'am I know it's bread genius where's your guys' brown B at bread that's one of the reasons why I came here in the first place it's not a big deal Victoria I'm sure this one is just as good no I want the brown bread let me go talk to the chef yeah you go do that what they're really not going to say anything I mean if she wants brown bread you know it's fine it's her birthday you did not have to be so rude the waiter didn't do anything wrong yeah he did he brought me the wrong bread this is exactly what I want black on black at least you got the color combo right on the Porche you know your father was just telling me that when he was 16 he had to work in a soup kitchen to save up for a used Jetta and I'm proud of him for that okay so what does that matter we're rich now we're rich because we worked really hard for everything we have not because anyone gave us anything do you want a cookie or something honey what Mommy is trying to say is that you should be a little more appreciative of what you have the Porsche is a really nice car in fact a lot of people would love to have a car like that that's all and why don't you try this bread I'm sure it's delicious M no I'm not trying it I don't want to keep the Porsche you want me to have the same car as every Junior Viewpoint you're lucky I'm not asking for a phantom you should be lucky that you're not getting a used Jetta or having to work in a soup kitchen yeah because that'd be so hard if I can pass Miss wiggin's English class then working at a soup kitchen would be a breeze you would not last a week in a soup kitchen Victoria yes I would all right I'll tell you what if I can work at the soup kitchen for the week then you guys are going to buy me the Colin you know that's not a bad idea she's going to work in a soup kitchen for a week and get a quar of a million dollar car what kind of a world are we living in I'm terribly sorry but we no longer have the brown baguette then go find it there's no way I'm eating [Music] this we're so sorry maybe working in the kitchen will humble her [Music] huh thank you so much can you believe people actually eat this crap hey I can take over the soup if you want to just do the bread let me guess your parents are making you work here too uh no I've been volunteering here for years cuz I just love helping people hi hey Homer here you go enjoy thank you so much Shelby y thank you and here you go Dad is it okay I have one more bread I'm really hungry um oh sure whatever have as much as you want actually it's only one per person I'm sorry sorry honey they changed the policy Remember come on what's the big deal it's just bread she could had more well trust me I want to but with the recent budget cuts are our funy is really been affected and we have even less supplies now if you give two pieces of bread there won't be enough for everyone [Music] unfortunately thank you sir I had the CHF find the brown bagett for you it wasn't easy he had to go to seven different stores just for you mhm well [Music] thanks that's so yummy great okay so honey how was your first day it was horrible it stinks there and the manager is so strict she wouldn't even let me use my phone it's more like a prison than a job so it was kind of like a prison just cuz you didn't get to use your phone are you sure you're going to last the whole week uh for the Clone and yes if it weren't for that I wouldn't even be it's here what's here do you know anything about this no idea please do not tell me you got another pair of designer shoes with our credit card you already have too many any not R bottoms I only have plain W you know how many kids only have one pair of shoes you don't need every style in every brand uh yes I do I'm going to go try these on but honey you haven't even eaten your grand hey Victoria I'm just on my phone and there's not even anyone here no I was going to say that maybe you can pass out these crayons to each parent that comes in with the child someone donated these Isn't it nice great more work thanks you know Victoria now might be a good time for you to take your lunch break before the rush comes I just made a new batch of soup that maybe no I'm not eating that crap and my chef made me [Music] lunch to dinner later because at the plays they the what happened it's okay here at least until we get home and then I can we'll put some crazy glow on in come [Music] on hey I was wondering if you guys were going to come in today yeah we decided to wait until dinner since the kitchen only allows one meal a day so what are you going to do for lunch um here have mine oh no no no no we couldn't no please I'm not hungry honestly thank you thank you so much this really means a lot to us I want you to keep me what is it we going to share it and then we'll go to dinner [Music] dad dad your dad had some business honey what's up how much longer do we have to stay in this dump for my room and my closet are literally so small this is not a dump do you know what people would do to live in a place like this you know the renovations are going to be going on for probably a couple more months a couple months are you kidding this is going to be the longest summer ever here you go thank you of course thank you and here you go yeah so are you excited about what after today it's officially been a week so you don't have to do this anymore oh yeah I am Shelby can you come here for a second oh yeah everything it's her birthday today and Sophia wanted to have you over as a thank you for helping us the other day I really hope you can come sure I'll be there great we'll see you hi you're just in time I was about to start singing Happy Birthday come in um at 3: okay 1 2 3 happy birthday to you happy birthday to youth happy birthday dear Sophia happy birthday to you Bravo did you make a wish okay good I'm going to go get your gift okay please give Victoria some company again thank you so much for being here this really means a lot to us what' you wish for let me guess toys new clothes I know a puppy no I'm good with what I have I don't need anything else really well not to be mean but your shoes are kind of falling apart you have to eat at a soup kitchen and your place is pretty small yeah I know but my dad always taught me to be thankful for what I have because there's always someone out there who has less I could have no food to eat no no shoes or no home how Sophia that's so true and you're really smart for your age you know so what' you actually wish for for my dad to get a new job he's been sad since he all right open it new crayons thanks Dad I love them you're welcome I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything else but well Dad stop it they're perfect thank you so much you're welcome do you love it or do you love it huh no you got it for me a deal is a deal honey and we're so proud of you for having completed your week we are go check it out you're a very lucky girl so what do you think it's great I love it honey you're not as excited as I thought you'd be no I am it's just is it okay if we return it return it but but this is a car you wanted honey no dad I don't want the Colin or even the Porsche I don't understand where is all this coming from let's just say someone told me to be grateful for what you have because there's always someone who has less than you are you sure you're even our daughter so if you don't want to car for your birthday what would you like then [Music] I say this I oh God now I'm regretting not buying the other bag too you totally should have if my dad gave me his credit card I would have yeah and the gold one is so cute well maybe I'll come back and get it before our New York uh-oh you got a parking ticket again how much is it oh $54 not bad not bad my parents would kill me if I came home with that yeah mine too and you know this is a reserved spot right there's a $5 parking lot right across the street I know but that's way too far to walk and my feet are already hurting from shopping and heels all day it's fine I'll just use my Dad's credit card to pay for it he probably won't even [Music] notice you got another parking ticket Tasha not right now Mom I'm in the middle of something important you call online shopping important uh yeah winter collections just dropped you know how fast things sell out what are all these don't tell me you spent more money on Mom I don't want another lecture can you please just leave me alone see this is the problem we spoiled you too much and now Dad mom's acting crazy again can you please get her crazy asking you to not throw money out the window is crazy dad what's with all the yelling can you get Mom out of my room please she's bothering me she thinks me telling her to not waste so much money on shopping and parking tickets is bothering her oh I got a $54 ticket it's not a big deal okay it's not like I meant to get it another ticket isn't this your third one this month thank you she has no regard for money at all why would I we're rich you guys own the hottest restaurant in town why are you acting like we're poor now you see you've spoiled her too much make her pay for her own ticket and cut up her credit cards that's the only way she's going to learn what no way I'm not getting a job and you can't get rid of my credit card Dad please say something I'll pay for this last one but if you get one more ticket you're on your own thank you Dad you're the best of course he's the best he gives you everything you want what about the shopping are you going to say anything to Tasha about that try to cut down on the spending okay sweetheart of course not a problem I love you love you [Music] [Music] too I called the store and they said that there's only one gold purse left in stock they better not sell it I'm sure it still be there you don't have to drive so fast yeah I think you should try slowing down and risk someone else buying it not a chance I need it for her trip oh have you guys booked your tickets yet by the way I'm just waiting for my direct deposit from work to hit then I'll book mine yeah same I get paid tomorrow so I should be good to go what about you I'm dropping by my parents restaurant later so I'm going to ask them then I I know my dad will be cool with it it's just my mom that I'm worried about a cop I can't wait this is happening I tried to warn you to slow down dude the cop is coming to the car right now why do you need to call the store to see if they can hold the bag for me if someone else buys it I'm going to be so [Music] mad [Music] how's everything going amazing oh you know can't complain hey Jen mind if I leave this here yeah no worries [Music] thanks hey Dad hey sweetheart one sec may want to try another pinch of salt want to try some I'm okay thanks keep up the good work so how's it going good um you got a sec I wanted to ask you about something sure what's up so you know how I've always talked about wanting to go to New York yeah well my friends are planning a trip and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind mind paying for me to go did you ask your mom about it come on dad you already know what she's going to say can you please just make this happen for me you got another ticket Mom calm down there's people around we just spoke about this yesterday and look she got a speeding ticket today for $100 why are you going through my stuff Tasha that's not all she also bought another bag right after she said she'd sto spending so much yeah but it's not even that expensive you call $900 not that expensive this is all you're doing she's never going to appreciate anything unless she has to work for it your mom's right and I'm sorry but I'm not paying for your trip to New York New York but Dad my friends are going please all these years we've worked so hard and we haven't even seen New York do not give in it's time to take away the credit card it's gone too far give me my credit card back no please don't do this to me Dad how am I going to pay for anything the same way we all do by working for it you want me to work you won't even have to look for a job most people's parents don't own their own business hey remind me how much I pay you guys uh 20 bucks an hour right I'll pay you 18 and here you can even start right now there's absolutely no way I'm wearing that fine then I guess you won't be buying anything anymore or going to New York sucks and don't think we forgot about the credit card are you serious without her dad's credit card Tasha finally has to work for everything she wants she starts by cooking food in the kitchen she then has to clean dirty tables she even has to take out the trash she finally starts to understand just how hard making money really is and then a couple weeks later Tasha gets a little surprise hey Dad hey Mom hi honey how was work it was all right we're so proud of you for working so hard thanks I'm going to go shower wait wait I got something for you your first paycheck really how much did I make $897 yeah almost enough to buy another purse wow I can't believe I did all that work just to be able to buy one purse it means more when you have to earn it yourself right yeah it does actually where are you going is it okay if I use your credit card why I'm going to return all of it I realize now that I don't need this especially knowing how hard it was to make back all that money I spent really yeah and I was thinking after I've done returning everything maybe I could use the money to I knew there was a catch let me guess pay for your trip to New York no I I was going to pay for that myself what I was going to say is we buy you guys tickets you know so that you both could come with me you want us to come with you yeah if you want to that is are you kidding we'd love [Music] to no way this place is a box compared to my room where am I going to put my clothes and how am I going to sleep on this tiny bed you cannot expect me to stay here come on Madison this is what dorm life is like don't you think you're being a little bit dramatic no I want an off-campus apartment I'm not staying here we have gone through this all freshmen have to live on campus their first year I'm so sorry about that hi I'm Rachel I'm Madison's Mom hi I'm Cassie your new room yeah we're not going to be roommates for very long can you please talk to Dad and have him call the school board with as much as he donates I'm sure they can do something I am not going to have your father ask for favors because our high maintenance daughter feels that the dorm room isn't good enough for her okay he already thinks I spoil you too much anyway you know look it's nothing a little decoration can't fix right we'll have this place feeling like home in no time mom please some cheap string lights are not going to fix this place this sucks he you know what you are being really ungrateful okay there are a lot of people who can't even afford to go to college let alone live in the dorms is that supposed to make me feel better you know what I've got to go to work the movers will be here soon with all of your stuff and don't forget your father and I are taking you out to dinner tonight oh great just what I wanted on my first night living alone dinner with my parents come on you know this is hard for us okay our baby is going off to college we just want to spend a little more time with you that's all okay it was so lovely meeting you you as well wait how am I going to pay for things you know I lost my credit card oh um there's an account set up to cover all of your meals and your books and your father got you a prepaid card use it only for emergencies I think he only put $1,000 on it that's it th000 bucks won't last long at all well it's just a few days and besides your new cards will be here soon you know for someone getting a bunch of free money you really like to complain a lot I don't know maybe you should get a job find out how hard it is to actually earn $1,000 yeah right the whole reason I even agreed to go to college is so that I don't have to work you know when I was younger I worked and went to school at the same time anyway that's a struggle you will never understand your father warned me this would happen anyway I love you I've got to go okay bye bye I can't believe I have to live in this dump this room is awful and even this bed is like hard as a rock it's not that bad like your mom said nothing some decorations can't fix and maybe you could get a new bed we could totally transform this place um I'm not sure what kind of standard you're used to but this is not going to work for me I'm even getting like itchy just being in here I [Music] can't unfortunately that's just store policy well that policy is dumb I want to talk to your manager uh okay give me a sec hey is everything okay no they keep telling me I can't charge an iPad to my student account doesn't make any sense oh wow you're buying an iPad I'm saving up to buy one saving up they're not even that expensive they are when you're on a fixed income hi so yeah unfortunately you can only charge books and school supplies to your student account how does it make any sense parents are getting upset on how much their kids are charging so we made this policy a few years ago but if you still want the iPad you can always pay for it separately so do you still want the iPad how much is it $998 72 perfect you can charge it to this card uh isn't that for emergencies you think I don't know what I'm doing the sooner I SP the money the sooner I get money back it says it was declined what no that's impossible run it again same thing this is so annoying got to call my mom you talk to Dave about that mhm hang on hang on one second hey uh they keep saying my card is a client and I'm trying to make a purchase how much are you to spend $11,000 I'm sorry on what I told you to only use that for emergencies uh this is an emergency I'm trying to buy a new iPad we just got you one last year why do you need a new one I just do okay I'm in line so I can't talk right now but you said there was $1,000 on there so why isn't it working you know what can you tell Ron I need to talk to him okay you know what I'm finding out right now okay your dad isn't going to be happy when I tell him you're already spending all of this money what's up hold on you put $1,000 on Madison's card right no 500 what does she need $1,000 for a new iPad she just got a new iPad last year I know but I tried to explain to her you know what it's fine I'll just pay for it over the phone see now this is why she's never going to learn because you always give in to her well uh put the cashier on I'll just pay for it with my credit card thanks hi hi I told you I know what I'm doing I don't get why you can't just at least ask and say what I'm sorry my daughter hates the dorms could you please break your policy for her no okay well can you at least see if they have any sweets or anything at least I don't have to have a roommate what's wrong with Cassie she seems like a sweet girl I'm sure you'll be good friends yeah right you think I'd seriously ever be friends oh hi I didn't know you guys were coming to this restaurant what are you doing here I started working here last summer but you go to school why do you need to work to help my mom pay tuition College can be crazy expensive with tuition and books and everything wow Cassie I'm I'm just so impressed oh this was the girl I was telling you about Madison's roommate oh it's nice to meet you perhaps you can rub off on Madison so she starts thinking like you what are you talking about what's wrong with the way I think I'm going to go grab some more Waters and I'll be back to take your orders why would you embarrass me like that I just think that maybe you could use a little grounding you know not a lot of kids have grown up in 10 bedroom houses with Butlers and a chauffeur well that's her problem don't try to punish me for it why are you looking at me like that I this is exactly what I told you would happen you give in her every time can you guys please not talk about me as if I'm not sitting right here it's so annoying anyways do you guys know how my credit card's going to get here I don't know maybe never very funny dad oh who said I was kidding oh and by the way you know you blew your budget on buying that iPad today so I'm going to need back your prepaid credit card yeah right I'm serious well it's not like it matters anyway I already spent everything on it I'm sorry you spent more money today yes I bought these shoes aren't they cute you spent $1,500 in one day yeah what's the big deal you guys are acting like I spent 15 grand sheh 1,500 is a lot of money no it's not I don't get why you guys keep acting like we're poor when we own a massive business no we own a big business you do not there you are thank you hey can't see me ask you something sure it's a little personal that's okay how much money do you make working here um it varies I think last month I made about $1,400 $1,400 she made in a month you spent more than that in a day so it's not my fault her family's poor you need to apologize to Cassie right now for what Madison I'm sorry that I called your family poor even though it's true I can't believe you what they are why else would she need to work here you should be ashamed of yourself we did not raise you to behave like this yes we did excuse everything she asks for you give her designer bags at 14 arrange over at 15 credit cards at 16 how else do you think she'd turn out well you could have said no I have tried many times and I keep getting ignored you guys are doing it again I'm literally sitting right here okay so what do we do now Cut Her Off make her get a job she's never going to appreciate anything unless she has to work for it yeah right I go to school I can't be working lots of kids go to school and have a job at the same time that's what we did you certainly can too Mom please have my back here I think that's been my problem I've always taken your side and look where it's gotten us I'm afraid your dad's right if you guys seriously think I'm getting a job then you are out of your mind fine don't get a job we will just return the designer bags and the Range Rover and don't think you're getting your credit card back this is unbelievable so what's it going to be fine okay I will get a job for a couple months but that is it no that is not it when Cassie comes back you are going to apologize fine I will for the first time in her life Madison has to work for everything she wants she reluctantly gets a job at the local store she works long hours and has to help really rude customers between working and all of her classes Madison barely has time to keep up with her homework and study she's exhausted every single day when Madison finally gets her first check she's so happy to have money again that is until she realizes how little it is Madison finally starts to understand just how hard making money really is [Music] hey I'm just finishing up some homework but I should be done about 5 minutes come on in okay no problem although actually your dad has a few surprises for you oh yeah what's up that's right yes I spoke to a couple of people and they have agreed to make an exception and let you live off campus no way mhm we actually found a really nice complex close by and it's got some larger units in it it's got a pool a gym even a movie theater I think it is much more up to your standard and we can drive by on the way to dinner really mhm actually think I'm just going to live here after decorating it it's really not that bad um are you sure I thought this is what you wanted it was was but let's just say you guys and Cassie rubbed off on me we're actually pretty close friends now okay wow well I am really happy to hear that oh yes well uh here is something that actually might excite you my credit card that's right Mom and I discussed it and we agreed that you have been responsible enough so that's for you uh as tempting as it is I think I'm good [Laughter] who oh well who is this person and what have you done with my Madison I actually don't mind working now I mean it was tough at first but it's gotten a lot better and I actually have a surprise for you guys oh yeah okay here it's the cash from the iPad that I returned oh but I thought you said you needed a new one nope I'm happy with my old one I guess what you guys said was right you can never appreciate anything unless you have to work for it thank you for teaching me that oh honey oh come here oh I love you so much I love you guys too tacos to the carck dude you have to slow down you're going way past the speed limit I can't hear you Leah you have to slow down do you know how many speed traps are on this road I just got a ticket last week would you relax I have an automatic get out of jail free card well that doesn't help us if you get us killed come on Alex live a little woo see I told you just let me do the talking okay okay license of registration I'm sorry officer what seems to be the problem do you have any idea how fast you were going back there no but it couldn't have been that bad you were going 20 over the limit and your tail light's broken really I had no idea yeah I'm going to have to write you up for that license r no you can't my dad would be so upset if I came home with a speeding ticket maybe you know him Bill Burton are we talking about Police Chief William bordon yeah so you do know him yeah that's my boss oh so you probably know how on edge he's been lately dealing with the Department budget cuts and all if I come home with a ticket he's going to lose it budget cuts yeah it's so sad they're going to have to let go of some of the guys on the force and my dad's deciding who to keep and who to let go as we speak oh I shouldn't have said anything but you seem like a nice officer I'm sure your job is safe as long as you don't do anything to upset him I'm sure you have nothing to worry about yeah how about I let you off with a warning really you can do that just this W that would be so amazing you have no idea how much this means to me and to my dad I still have to write you up for that tail light though you know a car is too dangerous to be driving like that but don't worry once you get it signed by the police officer when it's fixed I'll come off your record great I'm sure I can manage to do that promise me you'll get it fixed as soon as possible of course safety first okay there you go Saturday D for I will and I'll make sure to put in a good word for you when I get home I appreciate that have a good day ladies bye told you it works every [Music] time when were we going to tell me about this tell you about what you got another ticket Leah oh that what are you doing going through my stuff if you did your own laundry I wouldn't have to don't try to change the topic your father and I told you that if you got one more oh my gosh mom chill it's a fix a ticket I was going to tell you about it when I don't know eventually do you think this kind of behavior is going to fly when you go to college in the next few months you are making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be this is your third ticket in the last 6 months it is a big deal hand me your keys what are you serious yes Keys now no way I'm supposed to meet Alex at the plaza in like 20 minutes whoa what's with all the commotion do you want to tell him or should I mom's trying to take my keys because I got a fix it ticket what for the tail light you promised when I signed off on that last one you're going to take care of that that was months ago Leah and and I was going to take care of it this weekend I swear can you please tell Mom that she's overreacting and that it's not that big of a deal it is just a fix a ticket honey it's not like she got caught speeding again of course not I'm not dumb it doesn't matter we asked you to fix it and you didn't well that's because I didn't have enough money for it do you know how hard it is for me to get by on my allowance I I told you guys I need more money or or like a credit card or something maybe if you weren't shopping all the time you'd have some left over if you want more money you're going to have to get a job none of my friends have to get a job their parents actually support them that's not how it works in this household or real life I want a new iPhone do you think I just expect someone to give it to me you're being so unfair since you're old enough to get a ticket you're old enough to get a job bill can you back me up here honey she said she's going to take care of it this weekend I don't think it's that big a deal I definitely don't think we have to take away our keys thank you daddy you're the best because he always gives you what you want you're welcome sweetheart no I got to get going to the St wait Dad um I'm about to go shopping and I I wanted to see if I could get a hundred bucks absolutely not you have already got I was talking to Daddy not you it could be an early birthday present don't forget she just got a ticket and she doesn't turn 18 until next month how much is it for [Applause] $40 there's 60 okay I want you to use 40 of it for the ticket and don't even ask me to sign off on until the I won't I'll make sure I take care of it first love you dad I love you too [Music] baby how cute is this dress $100 no I don't think so yeah it's it's expensive but I need the stress for orientation you thought you already had an outfit for that I'm not going to bring just one outfit you think you could spot me you still haven't paid me back for the last time you wanted those shoes unlike you some of us have to work for our money I'm planning on paying you back soon mhm come on please please please please please please Leah I'm not your dad I'm not going to fall for your lies besides I'm sure they'll put it on hold for you until you get your allowance that's not until the end of the month orientation next week oh look hey they're hiring maybe you can work for it you know like the rest of us you mean work a job in retail yeah are you serious come on think about it not only will you have the ex cash but you might get an employee discount or I could excuse me can I try this on sure dressing room's open thank you come on what are you doing getting a discount just like you said a five finger one are you crazy that's stealing what are you like a lawyer or something no stop it you could get in trouble if you get caught you could go to jail Leah come on think about it if you have a criminal record UCSD could possibly resend your admission you're being so dramatic my dad's not going to let that happen in a million years plus I told you I have a get out of jail free card all done Leah please come on I'm not going to let you just walk out of here and ruin your whole life over silly dress Leah how did that work out oh um it wasn't really my style so I just left it in the dressing room have a nice day I'm going to need you to open your purse uh no I'm not doing that then I'm going to have to call the police go ahead all right let's go get your hands off of me you have no idea who I am puts two security sensors on a dress you guys have trust issues Are you seriously blaming us for something that you just thanks for calling Zach I'll take it from here Daddy I'm so glad you're here wait a second she's your do daughter can you please just give us a moment this is all just a big misunderstanding somehow the dress ended up in my purse and I don't know I guess I just forgot to take it out come on Leah if that was the case then why was there an extra sensor in the dressing room and why is there a big hole in this dress you're going to have to come up with a better explanation than that I'm sorry sorry I I just really wanted the dress for orientation and you didn't give me enough money for it so what were you thinking do you have any idea what kind of position this puts me in it won't happen again I promise can you please just bail me out this one time Leah I'm a cop okay my job is to help the community not help you out of trouble every time talking your way out of tickets is one thing but stealing how could you be so reckless do you have any idea what happened a criminal record does to someone's life I know I know Daddy just please your mother's right I have been too soft on you I can't keep bailing you out every time you're never going to learn sir I feel terrible about all this I'm going to make sure she pays for everything I'm taking her down to the station what no Daddy you can't oh I don't think all that is necessary especially knowing that she's your daughter I think a warning is more than enough see even he agrees with me it's just a dress you're overreacting you're not talking your way out of this one let's go taking you down to the station no no dad now Leah I understand she's your daughter yes sir your honor but I don't want any leniency granted just because of that fact I see young lady you're being charged with petty theft do you understand the severity of this charge yes your honor I do your father the chief of police has asked that you receive the standard sentence for firsttime offenders I'm inclined to agree with him and give you a $1,000 fine 100 hours of community service and two years of probation unless there's any objection I hear um May I your honor go ahead I'd like to ask the court to consider the community service work to be done at my shop where the defendant can work as a volunteer we're experiencing a staffing shortage and I think this work can teach her a good lesson if she gets there on time and does the work then I don't think these other punishments are necessary considering she's just a minor and still has a bright future in front of her I'd hate to take that away from her that's quite generous of you considering the facts it's a little unorthodox but Chief do you have any objection to that no sir your honor whatever you think is fair all right I hearby sentence the defendant to 100 hours of community service upon successful completion this case will be dismissed I hope you understand how generous this is Miss Barton yes your honor I do and thank you you should be thanking him now you not doubt that your 18th birthday is next week and your juvenile record will be sealed if you get in any more trouble you're going to be charged as an adult so take this as a final warning court is dismissed Leah catches a lucky break and is given a final warning to get her act together a few weeks later she starts her first job she dislikes every moment of working but considering the alternative decides to keep pushing forward anyway it doesn't take her long to see how hard having a job is she works long hours and no matter how much she does things just keep piling up what made it even less fun is she was the only one who wasn't getting paid she had to do all of the dirty work without any of the fun and then a few weeks later it's Leah's last day of community service and working at the store all right well I'm going to clean up the fitting rooms before I look up oh I already took care of that really yep great then I'll put away the new merchandise address done and done markdowns also done wow okay I didn't think I'd ever say this but I think I'm really going to miss seeing you around I'll contact the court and let them know that you completed your end of the bargain and make sure the case is dismissed thank you you know it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but maybe I'll see you around oh or not oh one more thing before you go what's this open it no are you serious don't worry I took off all the security tags well even though I shouldn't I really feel bad for all the work that you did without getting paid so it's yours keep it I don't even know what to say don't get too excited if you were getting paid that mean you'd be making about a dollar an hour I know technically you weren't my employee but by far you've been my best worker wow that that really means a lot to me but but honestly I can only accept this on one condition what is [Music] that well this is a surprise we didn't expect you back until winter break well I finished my midterms early and I wanted to come visit you guys well you just missed dinner yeah that's okay I actually have two surprises for you really what's this no but how did you that better not be stolen yeah I didn't steal it I didn't want to tell you guys this but I got a job and I've been working for the past few months you did yep and Dad this is for you well this is a first a paycheck hey isn't this the store where you were after I finished my community service I continued to work at the store but now I actually get paid honey that's great but why are you giving this to me flip it over I endorsed it to you so you can keep it as payback for all the money that I owe you who is this girl I don't know I can't accept this I I want you to use this to fix your tail light okay believe it or not I already took care of that and I paid back all of my friends the money that I owed them so I want you to keep it honey we are so proud of you you really turned your life around well I'm going to go change so I'll be back you see what happens when you're not so easy on her you're right I'm having a hard time believing that's even my daughter me too that officer Dylan Chief Bart what are you doing in my house the car in the driveway it was feeding so I followed at this address I I didn't realize it belonged to you she's definitely still my daughter Leah Charlie dinner will be ready in 5 minutes this is hot 90 what in the world hi hi I got your food delivery I'm sorry there must be a mistake I didn't order any food I'll take that and for your troubles dude have a good one what is this what are you thinking I have spend 2 hours in the kitchen making dinner mom I'm sorry but I have been craving the chicken marsala with Fred velvet cheesecake all week what's this outfit self-care Sunday I turned the bathroom into a sauna esthetician said it'd be good for my pores no if you'll excuse me I got to go steep no no no no stop turning up the heat so high do you have any idea how much our gas bill is and how do you plan on paying for all of this your credit card duh uh no sir I don't think so that is what your allowance is for but I already spent it you spent $100 on what video games little off May let's slip that um well you're buying me a PS5 for Christmas Okay saw the order confirmation in your email what are you doing going through my email okay listen Charlie just because I have money doesn't mean it's yours to spend on whatever you want most kids have to work or do chores for their allowance and not every kid gets Uber Eats or video games or an inhome sauna and we are staying at a five-star hotel next week with your aunt and cousins because you wanted to be closer to the ski resort excuse me for not wanting to stay at some cramped crappy place all I'm saying is I want you to be grateful for what you have Ma I'll be grateful when I'm playing with my PS5 I remember to get the headset while you're at it if you're going to do something might as well do it right hey Mom how much longer till we get there I want to make sure we get to the lunch buffet in time I don't know another hour maybe more if that storm comes and we could have avoided all of this if someone didn't oversleep this [Music] morning are you kidding me Charlie Charlie Charlie what did you just charge $75 on my credit card when I told you to stop spending money well maybe I wouldn't have to if you got me that PS5 6 months ago like I asked then I probably wouldn't need more roox that's it I'm turning this car around what no you can't do that yes I bought a whole new outfit for my ski license oh I don't care I am done with this entitled attitude until you start appreciating the things that you have I have to stop spoiling you we're all for halfway there though and the storm is coming we can't turn back now we have to stay at the hotel there's no other option oh I think that there's another option no no no no no we are not staying at ant Lily's I hate that place it's either that or the car you [Music] choose in my sister my favorite nephew Charlie we're so happy to have you get in here is wow man it's freezing in here can we turn up the heat heat no you can you can throw Another Log on the Fire if you want it you can to chop some wood sure very funny at Lily Deon where's your PlayStation can I have room service might as well make the best of this weekend I wish I had a PlayStation I've been saving up for over a year what about an Xbox you got to have one of those no switch nope you serious right now what do you guys do for fun around here then oh well when your aunt Lily and I were kids we would read play board games oh we would spend hours playing Monopoly I would always get boardwalk and park plate and then I'm bankrupt her with all the other ones since I live in the 21st century and I'm not making my way across the Oregon Trail there's got to be something else we can do Oregon Trail oh that's good right remember when we played that that's a good one may maybe after I finish my chores we could spend some of my allowance and do something in town now we're talking we can go to the arcade or the mall laser tag wo wo wo wo wo you are not going anywhere after that stunt you pull with my credit card Devon's offering a pay though hey Devon's not going anywhere either until he finishes raking the driveway chopping the firewood you got to hang the Christmas tree lights the rest of way and uh it's his turn to make dinner come on please please can we go please all right all right all right listen listen to me if you help Devon with his chores I'll consider letting you go are you serious right now that is not my job well you're you're not a nurse either but you seem to have no problem spending my paycheck now if you want to go to the arcade the mall or somewhere like that you're going to need to earn it or you could stay home with Aunt Lily and I and just play Scrabble there's no way be in my room on my tablet oh I forgot to mention I took the tablet away and I canceled the PS5 order you wouldn't you sure about that so what's it going to be a dog on a chain since I found your love it's always been the same I'm never out late I do anything you ask to get a pad on the back I swear that I've been on every Airline from Memphis to Seattle to be by your side got nothing left now but a dollar and a dime can't buy peace M and all that I am today if I were a little more Saye oh well I could I swear I would hide your memory away I wouldn't have to walk around calling out your name event learn other [Music] ways but not today not today [Music] not oh it smells good in here I can't wait to see what's on the menu tonight my blood sweating tears that's what ravioli with a spinach and ricotta filling and homemade pasta sauce nice thank you thank you Charlie sorry think I just fell asleep for a second well I can't wait to dig in this is terrible mhm I can't say that I disagree no uh we can order something wait what no I spent hours in that kitchen not to mention raking the driveway splitting firewood and getting the house ready for the holidays do you have any idea how much work when it's all of that oh that reminds me here's your week's allowance oh yeah speaking of wit what do you think you're doing you already spent your allowance remember I get yours too yes and I'm sure Devon is very thankful for all of your hard work you know what since you helped you can have half $5 we did all that for five bucks each I know can't believe we got so much either see not everyone gets free money like you you know what I think I need to lower your allowance until you learn a thing or two about savings no please get it okay if your job is anything like what I had to do today I know how hard you work for your money I had it good and I messed up I should have stuck to my allowance and never used your credit card should have listened to what you said should be grateful for what I already have just please don't cut my allowance or make me do anything like that again well if this is a sampling of your cooking it is safe to say that you will never ever be doing any cooking never and since you apologized and you learned a lesson I do think you can have a Christmas present early open it open it no way PS5 thanks long man can't wait till I get mine only nine more months to saveing up nine more months well technically 9 more months in one week since we're splitting this here you can take it are you serious yeah save up my allowance a lot faster besides already have an Xbox you need it more than I do did take it can't let you be stuck playing Scrabble with these two hey hey no offense can we go set it up yeah uh-uh we pay your allowances so we're playing it first you can have your turn right after you finish dishes H hey Dar man Fam I'm really excited about today's video for two main reasons number one it's my first ever collab with my fiance Laura and number two today is actually her birthday so I would really appreciate it if you guys are on Instagram go to Laura's hand handle I'll put the handle right here on the screen like her last photo and wish her a happy birthday and I'll be choosing five to 10 of you to send you a personal DM should we go ahead and start today's video Let's Do It Let's go if you weren't going to buy those shoes I would have they're so hot yeah and I love how they go with your new bag yeah I was actually thinking that I could wear it with this one outfit excuse me oh I'm I'm I'm so sorry Laura hi Kendra wait do not tell me that you shop at the thrift store uh yeah I just picked up some really cute things C what cute it's my way of saying cute oh got it let me get the straight you think that buying other people's youed stuff is cute it's really not that bad you save a ton of money plus most of the stuff has hardly been worn look no I could never wear someone else's old smelly clothes that's disgusting seriously ew yeah I can't believe you're going to wear all that oh it's not for me to wear it's for me to sell what do you mean I'm starting a business where I customize clothes and shoes and I make them look cute like check these out I bought them used and then I added my own bling to them and You' never even know they cost less than $10 right wait you're wearing $10 shoes you've got to be joking Kendra just spent over $600 on a fair oh our Uber black just got here I'd love to stay in chat but we gotta go and I'm just looking out for you but that little business idea of yours is never going to work you might just want to return all that stuff and get your I don't know $12 back so that's my plan to own my own clothing store and who knows maybe I'll even own my own makeup line one day it's very impressive and I'd imagine expensive how do you plan to fund it all oh well that's why I created this business plan to pitch to investers and if they say no I'll just ask my dad he's got a lot of money that makes sense all right well great job [Applause] Kendra let's see how about Laura awesome job yeah you killed it thanks this should be good whenever you're ready okay so I've actually already started my own business where is there something funny about that Kendra yeah when you say you've already started your own business have you sold anything yet not yet but I plan to after school today when I set up my uh I'm not talking about the future I'm talking about now have you made a single Dollar in sales um no then you don't have a business you just have a dream don't get them confused hey be nice sorry Laura you can continue okay so I have a dream to start a business where I take used clothes make them cute and then sell them for example take this shirt I cut off the the collar add some bling to it and with that I made this necklace wow that's so creative yeah I can't believe you made that thanks and the best part is that I can sell it for just $7 and still make a profit $7 are you kidding me what's wrong with that my business plan has been making 2 million in sales my first year what are you going to make selling $7 necklaces oh well I'm not too worried about that I was taught that when you do what you love the money will always follow I actually really like that with that mentality She'll always be shopping at the thrift store Kendra what I can't tell the truth sorry you didn't get a chance to finish Laura but excellent presentation all right class we'll pick back up tomorrow you know 10 years from now while you'll still be buying use stuff I'll be shopping at air Ma and buying Birkins I'm really happy for you [Music] Kendra hey don't let Kendra get to you she thinks because her dad has money she can treat people however she wants personally I love your idea really thanks hey guys you want to come check out this stuff sorry I don't have time okay no worries hey any of this stuff interests you I'm all right thanks well let me guess no one's bought anything yet not yet but I think someone will soon so this is your business idea huh to sell a bunch of used stuff on some beastro tables well just to start I plan on posting everything on Facebook and then getting my customers on there no one buys anything on Facebook yeah that's never going to work well with the way social media seems to be going I think they will one day it doesn't even matter no matter where you sell no one's going to want to buy your used trash what's your problem Kendra I haven't done anything to you why do you keep being so mean a you think I'm being mean I'm sorry that wasn't my intention at all if I was trying to be mean I'd probably do this hey why would you do that because that's where it belongs just like that necklace you're wearing it's all [Music] trash hey is everything okay no Kendra just threw all this stuff in the trash are you serious I can't stand her you should just ignore everything she says I try to but sometimes I can't help but think what if she's right maybe my idea will never work hey don't say that I really like your business thanks but like Kendra said it's more of a dream than a business I haven't sold anything that's not true what do you mean I'll take one bling necklace please really okay thank you here thanks for being my first customer so I guess that makes me a second I'll take that one thanks um okay 2 three four 5 six shoot I've only got $6 oh that's okay don't worry about it are you sure I feel bad I know you don't make much off of these no it's it's fine I do this because I love it not because I'm here to make money thanks I can't wait to wear it and just like that Laura made made her first sales she would take things she bought from the thrift store and customize them to make them look cute or should I say cute she started taking pictures of all of her pieces and posted them on social media excited to find some customers she sold her products everywhere she could and things seemed to be going great that is until she realized that her sales were really slow people didn't really seem to be interested and nobody was seeing her Facebook posts Laura started feeling like her business was a total failure and then one day she even decided to give up great wa what else could go wrong well well well look who it is what do you want Kendra I'm not in the mood why do you seem so upset I don't want to talk about it now please leave me alone let me guess that little dream of yours didn't work out no it didn't that's why I'm here returning all this stuff is that what you wanted to hear a I'm sorry can't say I'm surprised though I tried to warn you well I guess I should have listened hey don't beat yourself up over it I'll tell you what my dad just agreed to fund my business so after it takes off maybe you can come work for me I'm sure I'll need an assistant to carry all my Birkin bags hey uh can I help you yeah I'd like to return all this stuff if possible oh um we actually don't typically accept returns but since you shop here a lot maybe I can go talk to the manager just give me one second thank [Music] you Laura hey hi Miss Jacobs what are you doing here I just came to look for some things after hearing your presentation a few weeks ago I've become quite hooked on thrifting check out this belt I bought from here can you believe this only cost $4 that's amazing thanks so what are you doing here uh I I'm just returning some stuff you don't need all of that for your business things didn't work out like I'd hoped so I decided to give up no don't say that you barely even started why would you give up so soon in the past couple of months I've made less than like a few hundred my whole plan to sell things on Facebook let's just say was a bad idea no one buy anything well let me ask you something are you passionate about the products you make well yeah and do you love what you do I did I mean I guess I still do why and you shouldn't give up because a wise person once told me when you do what you love the money will always follow wow I can't believe I almost forgot that don't worry about how much you sold just keep going and everything will fall into place you're right thanks Miss Jacobs I'm I'm never going to forget this [Music] anytime so good news my manager agreed to let you return everything actually have changed my mind but thank you okay well have a good day bye Miss Jacobs wait one more thing what's up I've been hearing a lot of my students talk about this new app it's called Instagram I'm not sure if you've heard of it but supposedly it's all the rage maybe you should try selling there I'll definitely check it out thanks you're welcome and by the way that belt is so cute thank you with a new level of excitement and motivation Laura decides to keep going she keeps making all kinds of new products including customized shoes necklaces and [Music] clothes this time when she takes photos she posts them on Instagram and people all over the World start to discover her work over time her following explodes she ends up with millions of followers and thousands of customers all loving her photos and excited to buy her products her business became even more successful than she could have ever imagined and eventually she even started her own Cosmetics company with a little bit of help of course hi guys hey babe but what do you think of this palette a it's cute you mean CA Ella tell Daddy it's so cute do you like it yeah here's your strawberry is saw you refresher oh my gosh thank you so much your 12:30 is in the conference room waiting oh perfect do you mind putting that in my office and grabbing my bag I left it in there oh yeah no problem thank you so much okay bye Ella can have a kiss a love you bye good luck thank you hey what are you doing here oh hey I'm here to apply for a job I didn't realize you worked here but I thought you started your own business oh well that didn't exactly go according to plan my dad's still pretty mad at me for losing all of his money oh no I'm so sorry to hear that it's fine I'm actually here to interview for a senior manager position here at live plam if I end up getting it who knows I might still end up being your boss oh well hi hi you must be the owner I'm Kendra it's so nice to meet you I was actually just talking to your assistant here oh um she's not my assistant she isn't no she's my boss Laura owns this company with her fiance you do yeah thank you so much wait is that a Birkin mhm do you mind if I of course wow I've never held one of these in person before it's so nice I guess selling $7 products from the thrift store really worked well you can say that gosh sorry to interrupt hi I just got a message from HR Sally accepted the senior manager offer oh wow so that means that this position uh unfortunately this position is no longer available oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'll totally reimburse you for your time I mean is there any other position available just the assistant position oh no Kendra would not no that's fine honestly I'll take whatever I can get oh okay then have a seat oh here's your bag thank you so I'm dying to know how did you get to where you are well it's like I've always said when you do what you love the money will always follow I remember hey babe uh no rush but Uber X will be here soon okay thank you so much I'll be right there okay thanks with all your guys success you still Rite Uber X I mean there's nothing wrong with being Thrifty well not for everything right all right so let's get this interview [Music] started Leah what are you doing at this park on a random Tuesday afternoon what do you mean Park wow wow you're exposing us I'm just kidding we're here at Darman Studios for part three of our collab with Sniper Wolf hi guys are you excited for this one yes very excited nice and as tradition we're going to be giving away two brand new Apple laptops all you have to do is subscribe to my channel subscribe to sniper Wolf's Channel and then comment done in each of our videos should we start today's video yeah let's do it all right let's go ahead and start it I'm so sorry Bri are you trying to be funny Jordan no I I didn't mean to do that I was just trying to throw into the trash really all right then let me help you throw it in the trash since you are trash Jordan nice one yeah you have to be so mean you know it must be so embarrassing having to clean floors between classes because your mom is so poor hey don't talk about my mom and besides she didn't judge someone until you walk in their shoes I'll talk about whoever I want to talk about Jordan the janitor Jordan the janitor that's so good besides why would I want to walk in your nasty shoes he smells let's go yeah ew Sniper Wolf she's going to be at her school today yeah you didn't know she's coming after school with psycho mantis yo I heard Sniper Wolf just got here let's go outside and look that was a close one thanks again for doing this meet and greet sorry I didn't think it'd get this crazy oh it's totally fine wait isn't that Jordan what are you doing just as a janitor I picked up a job to help my mom with rant I know it's so embarrassing no it's not it's actually really cool yeah like I used to work at a store folding clothes there's no shame in hard work I wish that was true there's this girl Bri she do humiliated me in front of all the school you're joking Bri someone should call her parents oh no I think they're coming this make me for they see you thanks Jordan hey um have you seen samur Sniper Wolf no I [Music] haven't oh oh whoops I missed can you leave me alone I'm just trying to get my work done oh he's just trying to get his work done now I feel bad here I'll help you wellow thanks Bri I clean this Jordan the janitor that's so good why would you do that what's the big deal it's your job to clean isn't it how would you feel if I did that to you I wouldn't know my mom's Rich so I'll never have to work a day in my life I'm like your mom have fun cleaning this up [Music] loser hey Jordan come quick toilet's clogged oh I'm actually off the clock a all right I'll tell you what you make like six bucks an hour here's 50 for some of your time now go clean the toilet Jordan the [Music] janitor you know what Bri I used to be a bully too you see look there's Sniper Wolf just kidding I accidentally knocked over your water bucket you better clean this up Bri Elizabeth Johnson mom what are you doing here I heard how you've been treating Jordan how could you act like that what heard from who we snable hey friends let's go outside so we can hang out come on oh you can go too honey sorry so is it true how you've been treating Jordan uh she spilled all this water on the floor what quiet what's the big deal he's just a janitor how would you like it if somebody treated you that way you should never judge someone until you have walked in their shoes you're joking right we have money okay I would never be a janitor that's gross there is no shame in hard work you know what that's the problem you have never done hard work a day in your life that's going to change what are you talking about you my dear are going to be a janitor so you know how it feels he and you can start by cleaning up this mess you made what no Mom there's no way I'm going to do that you don't have a choice it's either that or you are grounded the entire Summer come on Jordan let's go hang out with Sniper Wolf this is so dumb Brie k can't believe what just happened the next day Bri has to clean the floors in between classes one of the students comes and throws their garbage at her laughing and calling her names Bri is so embarrassed during lunch while Bri is picking up the trash another student dumps their their entire tray on the floor all the kids laugh and stare Bri gets completely humiliated and after school while Bri is mopping the floor one of her classmates comes and dumps the entire bucket of water for her to clean up the whole school can't stop laughing breeze so embarrassed and finally understands what she made Jordan feel [Music] like and then one day Bri happens to see Jordan here you go 186 I know it's not much but I hope it helps oh honey I am so proud of you this is going to help more than you'll ever [Music] know Mom can you give me a cook sec I'll be right back okay here I'll help you please don't hit me with that hit you with it why would I do that I don't know because of how I treated you look I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I never should have judged you before walking in your shoes never knew how hurtful it was to be made fun of can you please forgive me of course come on I'll help you finish what the heck Jenna my new bag oh gosh Rachel I'm so sorry I was aiming for the trash I swear wait here I've got some um oh you ruined it do you have any idea how expensive this is I what am I thinking of course she doesn't look at what she's wearing spoiler alert it costs more than your rent yeah which is due by the way I'm coming by with my dad later tonight to pick it up so have it ready don't worry I'm getting my paycheck after my shift wait don't tell me she's the one that's living in your dad's trailer that is so embarrassing yeah and what makes it even worse is they hardly even ever have enough to pay the full rent you think with her mom getting disability from the government they'd have it on time does she really have a disability or is she one of those who knows I mean I wouldn't be surprised if her mom fakes it so she can get free money from the government you know you're lucky that my dad is so nice I would have evicted you and your mom a long time ago have fun riding your bike pick this up since you're so used to picking up trash as a waitress they still haven't fixed the septic tank I called maintenance this morning I don't I don't know it's taking so long did you tell them it's the pump they lend me some tools I can probably fix it you already do so much honey I don't want to add one more thing on your plate it's fine Mom I feel bad that you're the one who has to sit here smelly it all day especially when you already have troubles breathing don't worry about me how is school and work school wasn't that great I got to see on my chemistry test oh but work was good I uh got my paycheck so that should help with rent what's wrong I'm just sad you're still in high school and you take care of me and you pay rent it's not what I wanted for you at all it's okay Mom I know everything changed after the accident but I'm glad you're here I do miss dad though he loved you so much you know that I know are you hungry I need PP and J I am always hungry you know that I wish the diner gave us some free food every once in a while maybe then that's a maintenance man hey Jenna how are you good uh do you mind if I sign my check over to you and then the rest will pay in cash of course what is that nasty smell it reeks in there the uh septic Tank's broken oh I'm so sorry I I talked to the plumber and he is going to try to get here tomorrow we just have so many projects going right now are all a little backed up I don't mind trying to fix it myself if I could just borrow some tools you know how to fix a septic tank yeah ever since my dad passed I've had to learn how to fix a lot of things on my own plus it's my dream to go into real estate one day too so really she probably knows how to fix it because she's the one that broke it Dad you know how tenants can be they'll do anything to get a discount on rent Rachel what we don't need a discount here hand that to Tyler here you go I'll count back um and here's my check thank you I will call the plumber see if I can't get him here any sooner have a good night surprise surprise it's short Rachel it's fine Dad it's not fine they owe us $22.80 I got some cash tips today actually let me um let me check here's 21 is it okay if we pay the balance next month no we're going to have to charge you a late see then don't be silly no no that's fine keep it we consider it paid in full have a good night hey why do you always have to be so rude to her because they're always short un rent and plus she ruined my bag today it looks fine to me oh like you would know and if you follow me you'll see where they put the hardwood floors in oh hello hi have a look around let me know if you have any questions thank you over here my favorite part of the whole house this is where you're going to be doing all of your entertaining hi there what are you doing here um well let me guess he came by for the free food um it's my favorite part about open houses too help yourself I thought you were going to be so mad this isn't really why I'm here I just like touring open houses I must have seen a 100 houses before I bought my first one it's a great way to learn the market you want to water yeah that'd be great so I take it this is one of your homes yes mhm I just finished modeling it last week so I put it up on the market oh oh told me that they fixed this do you mind if I take a look I might be able to fix it you sure you know what you're doing no harm in trying do you have a wrench or some pliers uh I don't know there might still be something under the sink okay I think I see what's going on here you just have to do that okay try that you fixed it how'd you do that well when your dad's not around and your mom is disabled you got to learn to do a lot of things on your own that's very impressive I could use someone like you on my team isn't Rachel helping yeah if by helping you mean spending all day on her phone and shopping online then yeah sure she's helping either way she's going to Santa Barbara this summer what I really need is somebody who is Handy like you unless you're going to college as well no that's never really been my thing plus if I'm being honest it's really expensive but I have my Diner job you know if after you graduate in a couple weeks you come work for me I will pay you double what they're paying you at the diner and I'll even knock a few hundred bucks off your rent you can do that I mean I'm the owner that's very tempting but I need some time to think about it oh absolutely yeah but uh didn't you tell me that it's your dream to work in real estate yeah well you'd learn a lot being on these jobs and I could probably help get you your real estate license about that I don't think I'd be able to pass the test I'm just not good at that kind of thing you know I had a mentor a long time ago who would always tell [Music] me Tyler whatever you believe you can achieve and it's that sort of positive thinking that got me to where I am today so please be nice to yourself you're making it awfully difficult to say no and hey here's the icing on the cake all the free food from all the open houses that you could possibly eat what do you say uh Hey Dad I was what is she doing here I was just offering Jenna a job to come work with me you can't be serious her I don't see why not she fixed that sink faster than most plumbers I know no no dad you're making a huge mistake I'm not going to allow this well last time I checked Rachel I was still the boss this is ridiculous well what do you say all right let's do it all right Jenna is excited to start her new career in real estate with Tyler as her Mentor after graduating she quickly becomes Tyler's right hand helping him on his different real estate projects she constantly impresses him and in return He rewards her for all of her hard [Music] work when Jen is not not working on property she's starting to take her real estate license Tyler does all he can to help her [Music] prepare after a few months she ends up taking the test even though she's so nervous she does the best she can to pass and then one day Jenna gets some unexpected news this place looks incredible thanks I think it turned out really well yeah Rachel's really going to love it Rachel what do you mean I didn't tell you I'm going to surprise her with this place as a gift for completing her freshman year campus is right over there so she can walk to class I see that makes sense well uh I hope she hey Dad got your text I'm supposed to be kid at the mall so why' I have to come so urgently I want to show you something what do you think I mean it's fine not any different than any of your other fixer up yeah but this place is special because is for you you're joking do you love it I said that I wanted a penthouse really Rachel that's all you have to say look when you graduate school you were making your own money you can buy whatever Penthouse you want but this is a really nice place I'm guessing that she worked on it night and day she actually just finished hanging the last piece of artwork before you came in well that makes a lot of sense anyway I have to go so I'll call you later hey wait don't you want the keys I'll get it another time oh and I almost forgot your office gave me some mail to give to you Bill Bill oh hey Jenna test results came in you want to open it why don't you do it I'm too nervous sure you did just fine let's see well did she pass sorry Jenna no you didn't see Dad I told you hiring her is a huge mistake now you're going to have to fire her fire her she can still work on fixing up my property she just can't list any houses that's all if she can't even pass a simple exam then clearly she's incompetent you don't have to give her a job just because she lives in a trailer with a disabled mom and you feel sorry for her I cannot believe that you just said that I didn't hire her for sympathy I hired her because she is a major asset yeah right you know one day when I take over this entire company the first thing I'm going to do is fire her good job failing your test Jenna I I am so so sorry that she said that I can't believe that she talked to about like that it's fine you know she's right I am a failure no you are not failing one test does not make you a failure you don't have to be nice to me just because you feel bad I mean if Rachel's just going to fire me the first chance she gets when she takes all of this over then I should just leave now do you really think I'm going to hand my company over to Rachel after the way that she just treated you no way she has a lot to prove before that happens I think I'm just going to go home if that's all right Jenna I failed my exam too you did yeah and if I'm being honest I failed the second time too I didn't get it right till the third try really yeah and can you imagine where I would be if I let that stop me I wouldn't have any of this you really think I can still make it in real estate no I don't think so I know so but it all depends on you because whatever you believe you can can achieve I remember see here smarter than you think you cannot let one bad test discourage you you have to keep going don't do it for me do it for you if I'm being honest I was thinking more to prove Rachel wrong but I suppose that'll work too hey you know whatever you got to do to keep going but does this mean you're not going to quit I'll try again and this time I'm going to pass that test no matter what that's what I want to hear this time Jed is more determined than ever to pass that test from that point forward she spends every moment she can preparing failure was not even an option what she finally gets her results she finds out that she passed both Jenna and Tyler celebrate in [Music] excitement Jenna starts listing houses and becomes a very successful real estate agent it doesn't take her long to become one of the most most successful agents in the city a lot of time passes and then Jenna does something that shocks everyone this place is incredible yeah yeah it is hey Dad your office told me you were here but wow this is exactly the kind of place that I would want to live in please tell me you bought this for me this is the sort of place you'd like to live uh yeah if you give me the keys I'll go home and pack my bags right now I would die to live here well if I had the keys I would certainly give them to you but this is not my place it isn't H don't tell me it's one of Jenna's listings it is not one of Jenna's listings okay then what is it you want to tell her this is my place I just bought it you're kidding me you went from renting a trailer to owning a pen house how did you do it well as someone very wise once told me whatever you believe you can achieve and now I know that that is 100% true I still can't believe this is your place that's uh the University's calling me oh you know what Dad I wouldn't even hello speaking the tuition is being refunded to me why would that be she did ah no I did not know that thank you very much for telling me okay you have a fine day too goodbye Dad I can explain I you flunked out of college I'm sorry I just I got so distracted by all the parties and all the fun things that were going on and we have to go Jenna uh I'm sorry I'll be back later with your housew GI no worries thank you again for everything dad I promise I'll do better next semester oh you are on your own if you think I'm paying for any more tuition you are out of your mind bye Rachel Jenna honey I can't even this doesn't even feel real to me that this is going to be our new home the master bedroom it's bigger than our entire trailer well I am so glad that you love it because that one's yours oh no I I couldn't I'm not taking no for an answer I am so proud of you your dad would be so proud of you too I love you so much I love you too let's celebrate let's have our first meal here are you hungry I never say no to food okay let's get a PB&J mama you know we can afford to order in right what's wrong with bb& J oh don't get all fancy on me now okay okay after [Music] you hey sweetheart why are you still in your pajamas I thought you had an interview today yeah I'm not going to that pay like $14 per hour who on Earth would work for that someone who has bills to pay that's who but you don't have any of those so you wouldn't understand have you seen the you used all the milk oh I sorry did you need such a big bowl other people share this milk too you know it's not that serious just buy another gallon after work it's easy for you to say you're not the the one paying for it whatever hey buddy hi sweetheart hi good morning why is it so cold in here I'm glad you said something I thought it was just me did you turn on the AC Yep this morning it's freezing in here what temperature did you set it at 67° do you know how much electricity this uses well it's hot what else what do you want me to do well um you can take off your hoodie for starters but then I'll be cold exactly and you don't have to pump up the AC what do you have to say uh try not to use the AC so much okay buddy you guys are being so dramatic bet it's not even that expensive oh okay so you pay the electricity bill all on your own oh wait you can't because you don't have a job God not this lecture again please dad can you tell her something before she goes crazy it's okay honey he's still young he's got time he's 18 years old when I was his age I had two jobs and I paid all my own bills I don't want to hear this again I'm out what you're just going to leave your cereal there I don't believe this he just thinks money grows on trees H he'll learn one day do we have any more milk no Daniel poured all the rest of the milk in this big bowl of cereal and then just left it it's fine I'll just drink my coffee black uh why does our internet bill say that it's going up did you change our plan no maybe Daniel did are you serious you know he's going to say well what's a big deal when he's not paying for it I think we need to put our foot down he's got to start paying for things you're right sweetheart I'll have a talk with him dad the toothpast is out can you pick some up after work um sure son Daniel did you change our internet package oh yeah it was lagging on war zone so upgraded our services it's only like $40 more a month it's not that big of a deal $40 a month is a lot of what are you doing what it's empty no look at this give me let me see no that no no way I don't want toothpaste that's been in the trash your dad and I will use it then I'll get it you can't just go changing our services without letting us know it was lagging what do you want me to do hi I have a package for Daniel ortis oh my God my package is here thank you so much enjoy what in the world did you order this time yes my PS5 is finally here how in the world did you pay for that oh I used your credit card you used our credit card did he talk to you about this no he didn't say anything to me about this Daniel how could you charge something so expensive on our card without talking to us it was only a few hundred what's the big deal a few hundred do you know how hard it is to earn a few hundred no you don't because all you do is lay on the couch in your pajamas drink the last bit of milk pump the AC and spend money on our credit card without paying for it relax Mom you're blowing this way out of proportion dad can you tell her uh your mom's right son you got to listen to her that's it enough is enough I am returning this so going forward if you want to spend money you spend your own money so that you can learn that money does not not grow on trees what no this is so unfair it's for your own good Daniel you know what fine I don't need you guys to buy me anything I'll get my own job and buy everything myself good and I don't need to live here anymore either after I get a job moving into my own apartment wait dan let's talk about are you sure this was all necessary this isn't easy on me either but I know in my heart that this is the only way he is going to learn if you say so the mom and dad stand there hoping Daniel finally learns not to be wasteful with money the next week Daniel starts interviewing for jobs because he doesn't have much experience all he gets offered is an entrylevel position he hesitates but after remembering he has bills to pay he decides to take the offer and starts working right away a few weeks later he moves into his new apartment everything seems to be going great that is until he realizes how much money he has to spend paying all of his new bills Daniel quickly sees how much even buying basic things like milk and toothpaste can quickly add up it doesn't take long for all of his hard-earned money to [Music] disappear now that he's paying for everything himself he becomes a lot more responsible to save on bills a lot less wasteful to save on groceries and he squeezes every last drop out of everything he has Daniel finally learns the importance of not wasting money and then one day Daniel goes to pay a visit to his parents Daniel look great come on in bud thanks Dad hi Daniel you look nice it's good to see you it's good to see you too Mom I bought you guys some things you got us some stuff where'd you get us first off got your water filter you guys spend so much money on water bottles this will help reduce that cost oh I never never thought of that I'm impressed I guess that will help us Save A Lot huh thanks and I also got you double paded toilet paper that way you can split in half and get the most out of each rooll well maybe your mom can split hers in half but I like the extra padding well if at least one of you guys do it you'll save a lot of money oh oh and I also got you this since you like oranges I got you seeds to plant them that way you don't have to buy oranges anymore wow I am so proud of you honey but I'm confused I thought you said spending extra money wasn't that big of a deal yeah well it took me getting my own job and paying for my own bills but I finally understand money doesn't grow on trees well luckily oranges do so we don't have to worry about [Laughter] [Music] that
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 828,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: 09NwqIR9k7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 18sec (9078 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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