Women Show Love Has No Boundaries! | Dhar Mann

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you're a girl this is going to be easier than I thought you know I could just go to the police with these right now who are you I'm not the cops if that's what you're thinking but I can make your life a lot more difficult than they can if you don't do exactly as I tell you what do you want from me like you come with me and you'll find out or I go to the police it's entirely up to [Music] you 1141 do not forget that number okay what exactly am I looking for cuz you haven't told me anything I will tell you when you need to know right now the the most important thing in your life is 11:41 okay regardless of what you're after I'm not stealing anything okay I could go to jail well you could also go to jail if I release these photos of you selling drugs you are nobody off the streets no one would even miss you if you were gone that's not true somebody would miss me who another homeless person and what is taking so long in there the hairstyle and makeup artist finished with you 20 minutes ago well surprise surprise you look halfway decent now let's [Music] go thank you here I haven't seen Dominic he's got to be around here somewhere I feel so bad and out of place I really don't want excuse me excuse me I'm I wanted to thank you for coming to the launch of my new Foundation flowers for the Lila inspired by my my late mother Delilah who as you know recently lost a long battle to breast cancer sorry H I know a lot of you have asked me what I plan to do with the money she left behind and I thought the best use for it would be to go towards helping others who are struggling with cancer not just emotionally but but financially as well so they know they're not alone during these hard times so I'm not uh not good with speeches I would just like to thank you and tell you that this means a lot to me I appreciate you all and I'm sure my mom is looking down with a heart full of love thank [Music] you he is he is such a nice guy okay I I can't steal from him this just you can and you will Demetrius what a lovely surprise brother I didn't know you were coming oh I wouldn't miss this for the world you know that hey Dominic can we just borrow you for like one second we want to introduce should have some of course sure sure of course I'll be right back no worries sure whoever's waiting for you is far more important than the only family you have left what you want to steal from your own brother don't act like you have any morals with his drug dealer you don't know anything about my situation when my mother died she left everything to him including this house now he's just giving it all away without giving me a dime how could I not be mad but when you steal it's in that safe I won't need anything else I'll be set for life okay what exactly is in this safe you know what I don't even want to hey I'm sorry about that I had to talk to them over there I don't believe we've met uh no you haven't this is Holly my new associate it's nice to meet you Holly likewise I heard your speech and everything you're doing for the foundation and your mom it's amazing thank you yeah it's very amazing um hey why don't you show Holly around the house um give her the grand tour you know well I'd love to but that he nice guest here I want to want to be a bad host well don't worry about that I'll take care of them you should be the one to show her around this is your house now right um uh what would you like to see Holly uh sure that that sounds lovely thank you right um this way get me what's in the safe I'll give her the photos you'll never hear from me again don't screw it [Music] up Linda how have you been and last but not least uh my mom's room oh this must be her mhm oh she was born on 11:14 MH so then she was a Scorpio yeah I'm a Scorpio too well maybe that's why we get along so well than [Music] Holly M these paintings are so beautiful yeah she loved to paint and she really love flowers flowers for Delila it all makes sense now yeah it's a corny I know adorable actually it's so sweet that she named your foundation after her and something that she loves I used to paint Once Upon a Time really what kind of things did you paint oh everything people abstract art nature but I love making portraits the most and the last project I was working on was a portrait of my mom but then then she got sick my mom has cancer too and I'm trying to do my best to help her but there's only so much that I can do I'm so sorry I'm too familiar with that my mom having cancer and then being gone uh I'm I don't mean that's going to happen to your mom I you know I'm I'm sorry I understand you know I I think it's really honorable what you're doing helping your mother I I bet she's really grateful and hey maybe it'll inspire you to finish that Port of her huh yeah maybe I [Music] will um this is so awkward but I really have to go to the restroom room oh uh yeah that's no problem at all I can take you downstairs to the guest bathroom and oh sorry um I actually can't wait I really have to go like like now is it okay if I oh use my mom's up yeah of course it is yeah okay thanks you're you're not going to wait right there are you oh I'm the what is there a problem uh I don't want you to listen to me would you mind waiting outside I'm I'm a little shy yeah it's completely fine I [Music] understand 1 1 4 1 [Music] 1 1 1 [Music] 4 don't move you really thought you could get away with this didn't you wait Demetrius what are you talking about you're the one that told me quiet don't say another wor this is so embarrassing I'm sorry I'm the one that brought her here and I just found out she's also a drug dealer liar okay he is lying he's the one that put me up to this oh this just keeps getting better if I'm lying how do you explain these someone just sent them to me okay not about the drug dealing part but everything else please Dominic you have to believe me what kind of person are you you're stealing from me after I opened up to you about my mom can't believe a word you say about the paintings about your mother having cancer your name even Holly who knows it is okay I I swear and everything that I said to you over there was real please Dominic you have to believe me save it for the police we know who you really are now in fact everyone should know who she really is she may want to steal from them [Music] someday come on are you coming yeah I um haven't been in here for a long time I think I need a moment finally excuse me everyone I'm sorry you have a little bit of a situation here at this launch for my Foundation about giving back in honor of my late mother that we have a thief here Among Us she tried to steal a diamond necklace that was my mothers it's worth over a million [Music] dollars little did she know even if she had been successful the necklace she stole from the safe was a fake the real necklace is hidden in my vehicle take it to the bank tomorrow for Safe Keep uh excuse me one moment ladies and gentlemen I'll be right back uh I'd secure your [Music] [Music] valuables matress what are you doing in my car I um I heard you say that the necklace was in here I wanted to make sure she didn't steal it oh that so Yes actually I just checked the safe and it's empty so you care to explain that to [Music] all right enough of this tell me where the necklace is I would never tell [Music] you you are going to tell me and you're going to tell me right now listen we're brothers we don't need to do things like this oh like you ever cared about that all you cared about was beating me and absolutely everything in school when we were kids in tennis when we were teenagers and in business when we were adults you were Mom and Dad's Golden Child it was as though I didn't even exist all they cared about was you so I'm not surprised they cut me out of the will but not anymore after I sell this necklace I won't need you or anybody else and we are not brothers so spare me that crap and tell me where it is all right just can I have the fake one please why just sentimental reasons it just reminds me of Mom just please I here the now where is it one more thing get rid of those pictures of Holly I'm not going to do that like you don't need them you I'm going to give you what you want okay just get rid of them fine there happy now now stop stalling and tell me where it is all right it's right [Music] here Demetrius Waters you're under a r for attempted grand theft and blackmail you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you called the police yeah how could you do that we're brothers well not according to you remember oh by the way the real necklace you had it the whole time this is outrageous is it hey sorry I embarrassed sh from all those people out there hey at least you weren't the one getting arrested I'm still confused how did you know it wasn't me that was trying to steal it it was actually quite simple you see as you can probably tell by now Demetrius has never been the most trustworthy person that's why when he asked me for the code to my Mom's safe after she passed I gave him the wrong one little does he know I get a push notification anytime someone tries to access the safe I was surprised to see you tried to access my mom's safe but I was even more shocked when I saw the code you used it was the wrong one I gave Demetrius that's when I knew something was off still I tried to give my brother the benefit of the doubt that's why made up a whole speech about the necklace being fake and the real one being in my car see what he'd [Music] do as soon as the safe went empty that's when I called the police and sure enough I caught him red-handed so you see I set a trap and he fell for it wow that's that's pretty smart and this whole time I thought I'd be the one going to jail oh no I just remember he still has the photos no no don't worry about that okay I mean him delete him before the cops took him away what I am concerned with though is why is NI girl like you selling drugs well I could tell you or I could show you [Music] so did all this for your mom I know it wasn't right but I didn't know what else to do cancer treatment isn't cheap and I'm just I'm trying to do everything I can to support her even if it means being homeless or you know sry about that you can get back to her now yeah Holly we still haven't gotten payment on your outstanding balance I know I know I'm trying my best but I should have that soon okay but that's what you said last month though and after 60 days we do have to stop treatment unfortunately so hopefully that doesn't happen okay okay okay okay hey Mom how you doing how you feeling Holly everything all right I thought I heard them say they were going to stop my treatment you're going to stop my treatment well um mom the truth is that that your treatment's going to be paid for in full what my new Foundation ours for deila we're going to cover everything no no no no are you sure yeah it's the least we could do for the mom of our company's new CEO you got a new job you didn't tell me that um I'm I'm just as surprised as you are mom um can can I talk to you for a second mhm um look look I know that you feel bad about my situation but you don't need to do all this it's nothing to do with me feeling bad I just think that you're the most qualified for the job someone who would put their own life in jeopardy to save their mother from cancer that's the kind of selfless loving person that I think should be running things plus um I think that my mother would approve than thank you so much you have no idea how much this is to okay it's okay it's all right well olly you said there was going to be a big surprise I didn't know it was going to be this well actually mom that wasn't the surprise what is that I finally finished that Port of you oh holy you made me beautiful thank [Music] you and I also made another one thank you for helping me get my inspiration [Music] back what you got there Eric oh it's it's nothing come on you can tell me am all right uh there's this girl at school her name is Victoria and she's super cool and smart you going to ask her to be your Valentine maybe oh come on okay fine yes I have everything planned out I'm writing her this song and then I'm drawing her a portrait sounds like a great idea uh I remember when I had my first crush on this girl butter the Valentine's gram at school did they still do that yeah they sell roses but they're like $5 $5 sheez it's like a dollar when I was growing up here take this just in case you want to buy one no I'm I'm fine I don't think Victoria's really a flower kind of girl she seems like someone who wants something more sentimental wow sounds like a real keeper your mom always says the best gift comes from the heart hey take this anyway just in case all right thanks Dad bye good [Music] [Applause] luck here you go I'm closy too don't worry hey would you like to buy a Valentine's Day Graham for five bucks oh uh no I'm fine thanks are you sure if you have someone special in mind girls really love roses yeah but after this I actually have English which I'm not on second thought sure yeah why not go hey Eric who you buying that for um I'd rather not say Jamie come on man the whole school's going to find out eventually and besides maybe I could uh give you some pointers all right um it's for Victoria I have this whole song that I'm writing for her so I figured the flower might be a nice addition a song Seriously oh man you know since I'm your friend I'm going to help you out see there's really no sense in wasting your time and money on something she's just not going to like when you could just give me that money and I'll rewrite that song into something truly romantic what do you say you know how to write songs I know how to write songs come on man if Ariana Grande and Ed Sheran had a baby I'd be that baby anyways let's take a look at this song you can uh be gone now Sho all right let's see oh no no buddy I got to be honest with you this whole thing's going to have to go it's trash really yeah ah I liked it but honestly I I don't really know this is my first time writing a song so it shows but you know don't worry your man Jamie is on the case and you know you should uh consider yourself lucky cuz I usually charge a lot more for my services all right sweet thanks I appreciate it hey don't you mention it I'll uh get back to you with this new and improved [Music] song yo why you talking to the dwee oh you know just giving him some advice on talking to Victoria wait wait wait I thought you like Victoria why are you helping him who said anything about helping him I'm not giving him any good advice hey uh let me get a gr come on I don't got all day let's [Music] go is that Victoria sh no talking don't be so loud about it it's another gift for Victoria pretty nice right I mean but you don't like it bro it looks nothing like her the nose is wrong look at her ears they're disproportionate oh man don't even get me started on those eyes bro H yeah maybe you're right well hey it's okay I'm going to help you out free of charge this time really shh no talking never peek from either of you and I'll write you up sorry you know how to draw of course bro you know I have been referred to as the modern day Da Vinci anyways I'll take this and uh I'll get it back to you with your new and improved song I think Victoria is going to love it sweet dude I'm so excited well I'm excited too man I'm excited to see the look on her face when she sees this especially once I'm done with her hey are you for the Big Show Big Show no I'm not going to do it in front of everyone I'm just going to do it when we're alone what are you talking about you have to tell her in front of everyone if you wanted to really know how you feel yeah make a scene I don't think Victoria is really that type of person all right you got to trust me Eric every girl loves a grand public display of affection that's how you got to show them how you truly care here I mean with Victoria it's either that or some other guy's definitely going to come along no no um that's fine yeah I'll do it I'll do it if you think that's what it'll take have I ever misled you yet all right come on this is your new lyrics and your new and even more improved drawing wait all these lyrics are making fun of her I don't think Victoria is going to like that oh dude you don't know I mean girls love when when guys are mean to them that's how it works he's right I've read all the lyrics Victoria's going to love it she'll forer be your Valentine's after this for show that's what I'm saying man so it's no more time for talking it's only time for singing let's do it wait no I'm not ready right now we have I can't no dude it's time all right hey everyone I have an announcement so my good friend Eric here has something special to say to Victoria take it away buddy um Victoria this one's for you Victoria you're eyes are the color of poop and you're pretty ugly too if only you worked harder you could be a whole lot smarter not everyone's born to be perfect and I know you surely were not you make this world a worst place I'd rather have you lost in space like a lonely astronaut oh Victoria Victoria you really suck you're the worst in no no keep going man she's loving it dude she's crying no no no no I think those are tears of joy watch watch look give her the picture seal the deal okay um Victoria I also Drew this this uh drawing of you as a gift what I'm trying to say is um will you be my Valentine oh my gosh no I didn't draw this this this was not me I no I won't be your Valentine I can't believe you expect anyone to say yes after you insulted him friend the entire scho this was all a mistake save it Eric wow Eric I really can't believe you do something like that man I'm going have a hard time showing your face around this school again but Victoria I'm really sorry about my friend Eric's Behavior here today if it makes you feel any better we could be Valentine's [Music] instead [Music] hey what's wrong I messed up big time what do you mean she she not like the song or or the drawing no no she hated both well I mean I didn't actually sing her the song I wrote some kid named Jamie wrote it and he changed my drawing too he pretended to be my friend but in the end he was just trying to be with Victoria what how did this happen I let him convince me it was a good idea to change everything I was going to do and now now Victoria hates me I should have just gave her the Valentine's gram like you said clearly worked for Jamie I'm sorry son look you had a good idea I just said oh my gosh dad dad drive drive I I I can't do I can't talk to her I think it's too late for that just see what she has to say do I have to yes and this time just be yourself okay but if I don't make it out of this alive it was nice knowing you okay look I know you're really mad at me but I can explain explain why you insulted me in front of the entire school go right ahead I'm dying to know that wasn't my plan look I wrote you a song yes but then Jamie changed all the lyrics to make fun of you my original song actually had a lot of nice things to say about you it did yeah and even the portrait too I drew you he changed that too look um here was the original [Music] one wow it's beautiful anyway I should have just stuck to giving you the bance Valentine's Graham I'm sure that's what you would have wanted no I do not want a valentine Graham those are so unoriginal but I saw Jamie with it I said no to his flower I don't want something that every girl gets on Valentines and besides even if he did get me something better I still would have said no because it's Jamie ew cringe Eric play with this s what no no I it's so embarrassing I come I mean I'm sure you wouldn't even want to hear it would you actually I do okay cool um cool give me one [Music] second all [Music] right your beautiful brown eyes your long black hair I swear I'd pick you at the crowd of anywhere they say nobody's perfect but they hav't met you you're the definition of kindness and intelligence too and maybe it's my emotions speaking but you're pretty great and if you're free on Friday maybe we could go on a date oh Victoria Victoria you're the best girl around I've liked you since the fourth grade when you moved in to this time Victoria Victoria thanks for giving me all of your time and now that this song is over I'm asking you will you be my valentine I'd be so honored to be your Valentine really yes this is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me but how did you know the song I mean without the lyrics well um I was working on the lyrics before it got sabotaged but the song was easy to perform because I just I saying what I really felt I love that the best gifts do come from the heart [Music] so um about Friday two things I just have to be home before 8:00 p.m. because that's my curfew and is it okay if my dad drives [Music] us hard dud looks like Eric's taking your girl he showed you be [Music] quiet whoop Damie Preston I saw that you're a big trouble young [Music] [Music] man hi you must be gisala I'm Maxwell it's so nice to meet you you're late oh well only by 9 minutes I'm sorry I should have been here on time I just had an urgent meeting at work you're not like some kind of CEO are you please tell me you're not wow I would figure most women would like a guy that owns his own business I'm not most women I feel like Rich guys are always like um hold on a second did I order it medium well no I did not I ordered it medium rare I'm sorry sir I can have the chef cook you another one of you forget it all right I have a meeting with a big client and you have already taken up enough of my time take it back put it in a box and I'll feed it to my dog yes sir right away I don't care just get out of here yeah [ __ ] guys are always like that and that's why I don't date them I see well you don't have to worry about me I just have a little old sales associate job at a finance company it's actually quite boring you [Music] know I mean if it's important you should definitely take it no it's just my assistant my assistant manager I have so many managers I'm starting to lose track of it can I get you guys anything uh yes uh I'm going to do the ribeye and tell the chef he can cook it anyway he'd like I'm not that picky oh that was a lot of fun yeah I had a pretty good time sorry for drilling you my mom says I'm too direct which is ironic cuz I get it from her no I love that you're so direct ah it saves a lot of time so you can thank your mom for me I sure will so how you getting home um same way I always do West oh wow do you need a ride I promise I'm not a serial killer actually how many hits does it characterize to become serial I would definitely say more than three oh I'm definitely not a seral killer though well see this is what I mean look at this Porsche parked over the line rich people in their fancy cars are so entitled anyways where did you park oh actually I am right around the corner you know what I just realized I have to be somewhere so I'm not going to have enough time to drop you off I'm so sorry okay don't worry about it yeah yeah yeah can I check this [Music] yeah hi Frankie how's my favorite boy in the whole world look I won a soccer trophy at school today oh you did honey I'm so proud of you I wish you could be there Mom I wish I was too I um listen I'm so sorry honey but I I need to call you back later okay and I want to hear all about it okay okay I love you bye so that was your son that you were telling tell me about yeah he's my whole world I can imagine and he lives with you right um it's uh it's complicated he he lives with my mom who's uh sick right now and I don't get to see them much um would it be okay if we not talk about this right now oh absolutely no I totally understand I'm sorry no no it's okay no you want food for you and your little creep you should get a job and stop banging for it you people make me sick uh I'll be right back yeah thank you my son hasn't eaten all day you have no idea how much this means to us here go mom you haven't eaten either I'll be fine that's worry about you okay hi here you can uh take that there you go hopefully you don't have to spend the night on the street oh my gosh thank you thank you so [Music] much $100 is a lot of money you must be a really great salesperson the best oo grota sounds like the perfect match she is MHM there's just uh one little problem what she hates Rich guys you're telling me there's a girl in La that doesn't like Rich guys well you've got a big problem cuz you're loaded but since you told her the truth and she agreed to another date it'll be all right you did tell her right I will no look I just wanted her to get to know me you know and then she can realize that I'm not one of these entitled Rich jerks that she dislikes oh by the way um going to take her to Craigs next week think that's a good idea have you bumped your head no you can't take a girl to Beverly Hills unless you want to think you've got money and you're not fooling anyone with that or this suit to be honest you're right wow you're a lifesaver can I say I'm always here but I don't like the fact that you're lying it's like I always tell my son the truth will always come out in the [Music] end oh you're right I I'm going to tell her uh like right before our 3-month anniversary if we make it that far look I got to go and you are the best thank you mhm um can I borrow your car well then how am I going to get home oh cuz you know I do owe you at least one or two favors right you owe me nothing Oh great cuz I've been wanting to drive a Porsche but you make sure you tell that sweet girl the truth and soon you got it just to write down whenever you're ready out oh I got you sure I feel so lucky that God gave me you lift up everyone around what I will roses roses for the pretty lady absolutely how much for the bouquet $50 stop it one is enough one yes so much here you go [Music] enjoy when we say I do from marry heart that's the Michelin good stuff yeah but this one is my one get one free I did notice the deals I won't get one free I mean save money same time don't forget the the free one oh good job thank you thank [Music] you wow this will be beautiful on you look at that oh I love it oh no come on come on look at [Music] this thank you again for my beautiful necklace I really like it well I really like you now look at it as a anniversary gift oh yeah today marks 3 months doesn't it 3 months I still feel bad you spent so much you you should be saving your money not spending it all on me um yeah about that gisala there's something that I've been meaning to tell you okay um when we first met I said that I was a a sales associate mhm MH but in reality I I'm I'm a I wait hold that I I want to of course uh hi honey Ola grandma wants to talk to you hey Mom you don't sound so good are you okay um he's actually right here hi hi I'm Maxwell oh I've heard great things about you and I have to say you did an incredible job raising your daughter thank you so much it's nice to meet you Maxwell who's that man mommy um this is Mommy's um boyfriend um your mom's boyfriend and me and my boyfriend are on a date so I'm going to call you back later and I really love you guys so much okay okay bye it's really not the same talking to them over the phone I really miss them I don't mean to pry but just wanted to ask why aren't you with them um it's a really long story I don't feel ready to talk about it with you but I don't want you to think I'm keeping secrets okay oh no I wasn't thinking that at all okay um were you going to tell me something about your job I think I was uh-huh I don't remember you were that's not been important but you know what is important are we going to have our anniversary dinner tomorrow yes but but I was thinking that maybe instead of going out to eat we could cook at home save some money it would be more special how about your place you want to come to my place mhm I don't think that's such a good idea it's a horrible idea I know I know but I told her my place was a complete mess so we couldn't bring her here hey are you insulting my work squeaky clean no I know it's squeaky clean you do an amazing job you know that yeah I do I just can't show her how I live but you said you were going to tell her within 3 months I tried and then I got scared but don't worry I promise tonight's T night everything okay no her place flooded now she she's suggesting to come here I'm just going to I'll just tell her uh we'll go out you know if you were honest you wouldn't be in this situation well if I was honest then I wouldn't be with her at all tou oh my gosh oh my gosh she thinks that I'm trying to hide a wife here what what am I going to do just tell her I can't tell her I have to tell her face to face what am I going to do what am I going to do look you don't really have a choice but to be honest if she sees this place she's going to know you're not a sales associate it's not like you have some crappy apartment like my place that's it your place let me borrow your place for tonight not not even a night I just need it for a few hours absolutely not there's no way no how I'm a principal person I have values and morals and ethics and you know what I would never sto down to your level and mislead this beautiful young lady there's no I will double your salary this month be out before I get home deal just be out before I get back 9:00 p.m. the latest you have to tell her the truth or Rose I'm never going to help you again I'm serious he's never going to tell her he's never can I get that for you yeah thank you again for making dinner it's been a really special anniversary well it's not over yet because I have a big big surprise for you I think you're really going to like it too really yep but first dessert M well I can't wait for my surprise so let's get some bowls bowls yes okay we got the bow you don't know where you keep your bowls I um just I misplaced it from time to time balls thank you and I will take a spoon you want you don't know where your spoons are no I I have them here I'll help here they are no um who's Christina Jackson oh they they're always getting the address mixed up so weird you have a wife and a kid this is why you didn't want me to come here no it's not what it is I swear well then you better tell me what's going on before I walk out that door okay I will I just don't get mad there is something that I have to tell you but it's not what you think it's not I'm not married I don't have a kid the woman is Christina and she's my maid this is her apartment and I know that I told you that I am a sales associate but the truth is I'm a CEO of a company so you've been lying to me since the moment we met no that wasn't my my intention I just thought that if you found out that I had some wealth that you wouldn't give me a chance but I knew that if you just got to know me you would realize that not all people with money are bad you think you're proving that to me right now you know how I feel about Secrets oh come on you've been keeping secrets from me this whole time what about your son huh and your mom why don't they live with you look don't go around acting like you're this perfect little angel you want to know why my family was separated from me fine I'll tell you you see a while ago I was on a student visa and not allowed to work so my mom was fully supporting Frankie and I she was the hardest worker I knew and the most loyal the company my mom worked worked for was getting ready to go public and while they gave all their top Executives big bonuses a lot of the bottom level employees got fired including my mom just so the company could make their books look better after years of loyalty they treated her as she was just nothing after that we really struggled since my mom was on a work visa and that company was her sponsor it was hard for her to get other jobs we used up all of our savings and we fell behind on bills things got so bad that a lot of the days there wasn't even food in the fridge so my mom decided that the best thing to do was to move back to our old family home she even took Frankie with her I wanted to go with them so bad but she wanted me to stay in hopes of giving me a better life I remember crying so hard that day and promising that no matter what one day I'd have enough to bring them back so you see I didn't keep it from you because I wanted to keep secrets I kept it from you because it is incredibly hard to talk about and you already knew that and this this is exactly why I don't trust rich people look I'm sorry that you and your family had to go through that but that's one person I would never treat my employees like that H I'm supposed to believe that why our entire relationship is based on a lie s please don't hey are you okay that's your apartment up there isn't it you shouldn't work for that man he's a liar don't say that Maxwell's a good man he isn't he's just like the rest of them you'll see that's not true you just don't know him like I do he's different no he isn't all rich people are exactly the same all they care about is themselves hold on I can show you okay I have a son just like you his father and I we didn't work out he didn't treat me well and he went and hired a power attorney to try to get custody of my son I didn't have a lawyer and I just knew I was going to lose that case I was so worried but Maxwell at the last second swooped in and got me the best representation without me even asking not only did I win he refused to let me pay him back he did he did and he also helped my son graduate from College oh first one in our family congratulations thanks couldn't it happened without Maxwell you know last year I needed surgery and I couldn't afford it but Maxwell he used his own money to pay my medical bills and again without me even asking him I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him listen I know that lying to you was wrong I told him that but he's got a big heart and he loves people deeply and will do anything for people in need please just give him another chance Zelda please don't go I know what I did was wrong but if you just give me one more chance there one more chance I promise I will never lie to you ever again Christina even warned [Music] me truth will always come out in the end I'm sorry that I didn't listen to her I'm sorry that I kept all these secrets from you what you did was wrong and you hurt me a [Music] lot but I think I understand why you did it I want to give us another [Music] chance you better listen to her from now on one sec yeah no perfect timing yeah okay and who was that just the last gift of our [Music] anniversary did pretty good huh boy you almost lost everything if it wasn't for me you said you were going to double my salary mhm I'm gone and triple it don't act like you don't got it give my keys I'm tired see you tomorrow boss okay [Music] here I am again in a fancy restaurant pretending to be a billionaire ays so I can find a rich husband I took a deep breath trying to calm myself but it wasn't working this was my 11th dat like this and the lies were getting on top of me I couldn't keep doing this thought that you're not nervous are you I'm allowed to be nervous you're making me laugh again I can't keep going on these scammy setups well it's not a complete lie we used to be billionaires before your father made that ridiculous stock investment but we're not rich anymore and we're not lying we're completely tricking them I'm so sick of going on these dates marriage is about love and not money nonsense marriage is a way for families to come together to combine wealth and power well that's depressing do you not want to help your family anymore is that it I never said that you know how much we've been struggling lately right you know your sister's medical bills do you want her to stop her treatment do you want to abandon her now when she needs you more than [Music] ever fine I'll do it for tulip good girl it's going to be great you'll see now get ready you have to impress them this is the richest family we've met so far oh here they come hi hey great to see you again good to see you this is our son jack hello Hi how are you oh you're so handsome you'd be perfect for our girl you look so good together what did you say uh this is our daughter Lily isn't she gorgeous mom what is this you told me that we were just going to lunch with some friends did you set me up with some rich girl again jack don't be so rude just sit down and give her a chance now fine I'll sit down let's get this over with Jack this is embarrassing oh my God I would be a terrible husband yeah you really do not want to marry me okay and my parents oh my gosh you'd hate him because my mom she's constantly complaining stop it this is what you get for tricking me into this wow he's Brave I've never been able to talk back to my parents this way am I weak I'm so sorry he he hasn't grown up a bit he he just wants to stay single forever and ruin this family I told you to stop setting me up and you decide to trick me instead I'm out of here I watched him get up in storm out and I realized this man was different from all the men I'd met so far he was better than them he was better than me I got a sudden burst of inspiration that day I fought my parents again begging for us to find another way out I was going to put up a fight just like Jack but my mom wasn't giving in don't give me a time tell let's just do multiple jobs we all work harder together we don't have to trick people work hard do you hear yourself do you really think we're going to pay off your sister sister's debt by working harder or do you want to pass it on to her since clearly you don't seem to think she's your responsibility I never said that Jack's family really liked you they've personally invited you to their house you are not messing up this chance for us got it you have to talk to her like dude why are you putting her on the spot like that because I'm telling I knew I should have fought back just like Jack did but I couldn't I had too much at [Music] stake anger bubbled up inside me as I went over to Jack's house the next day why was I so weak why did my sister have to fall sick why did my dad have to lose all our money I was furious at my parents at myself at this whole Twisted world I'm so tired of this you are not leaving I am sick and tired of this disrespect do you do something huh why are they fighting we took the effort to apologize to that girl's parents and invite her over here now you are not leaving without seeing her I told you that you cannot force me to marry or meet someone that I don't want there's nothing you can do to change me yes there is I can disinherit you and remove you from the company what do you think I want a useless phander for a son do you think that someone without a wife or an heir has the right to inherit what I've built you take one step off this property today I will ensure that you are pennil stop it oh Lily you're here what are you doing why are you talking to your son like that who do you think you are to raise your voice at me I will deal with my son however I see fit I knew I should have shut up but this was too much and my penup rage was boiling over if you're threatening your son by forcing him to make a lifechanging decision then you a bad parent excuse me do you know who I am yeah you're a bad parent why you little okay that's enough dad come on we're out of here what you did now he's never going to come back thank you for sticking up for me but you shouldn't have done that because my father is not a good person no he was horrible to you I couldn't watch it thank you but again you really didn't need to do that especially after how rude I was to you yesterday I didn't think you were rude at all I was actually amazed at how you fought back I wish I could be more like you I want to be more like you the fact is my parents forced me to pursue you too they made me come here but I don't have to listen to them I I know the difference between right and wrong and this is wrong so I can't do this I'll leave you alone now but it was nice to meet you jack L wait I have an idea what if we tell our parents that we're dating they can't force us to get married immediately right we can buy some time and they probably wouldn't bother us again for at least a year if my parents left me alone and stop sending me on these endless setups I could focus on getting more jobs and supporting tulip myself let's do it all right we have a deal and so I partnered up with Jack and we drafted a lie that would sue both our parents [Music] later that week we announced that we were dating to our parents my mom was so over the moon that she hugged me for the first time in years my daughter is going to marry a billionaire calm down mom don't rush us we need at least a year to get to know each other oh I know I know honey it's just I am so happy oh my gosh this is so exciting I told you my plan was going to work now that I finally got my parents off my back I got a second job working as a freelancer online and I spent several nights pouring over my laptop of course I had to go to work during the day too and the whole hassle left me exhausted in the middle of it all I had to go on regular dates with Jack or my parents would get suspicious but the odd thing was these so-called dates were actually really [Music] fun sis we weren't really together there was no pressure I could just be myself we watched movies went to the museums and ate till our stomachs hurt in my stressful hectic life Jack was a breath of fun and fresh air I couldn't help but look forward to meeting him with my whole heart but whenever the feelings got too strong I squashed them down remember Lily you're dirt poor and you lied to him he'll never date someone like you hey are you all right you look down no I'm fine it was pretty stressful trying to hide my lies from him I was working so much that I often had to cancel on him and I had to make a different excuse each time I could tell he was getting suspicious all [Music] right one time I was working at my waitressing job and I saw Jack about to walk inside if he found out I was a waitress he'd definitely know I was a liar I threw off my apron pulled down my hair and rushed to a table to pretend I was a customer hey what are you doing here uh I was just eating alone yeah yeah why are you here I was just grabbing a coffee why are you sweaty and out of breath oh uh I just did like 10 jumping jacks yeah you're definitely lying to me no Lily Are you um are you are you seeing someone else I mean not not that not that I care I just no I was just here alone I feel like you're hiding something from [Music] me just then my manager came out of the kitchen and I panicked what if she asked me to get back to work I jumped to my feet made an excuse and raced of the cafe I actually have to go to the bathroom outside yeah the bathroom's in here are gross this was not sustainable if I wanted any chance of being in Jack's life I had to come clean to him myself I gathered up the courage that week and went over to his house to see him but when I got there I found some unexpected guests in his living room what's going on here hey Lily I'm glad you made it you invited her here yeah she said she wanted to come so I said yes besides Lily's my girlfriend I didn't know he had a girlfriend my parents are already trying to set me up with someone else can you believe that Amy is gorgeous she's well read and she's from an esteemed family so is Lily no she's not in fact I'm glad you're here Miss Lily I get to expose you to your face what are you talking about after the embarrassing manner in which you spoke to me last time I did some research turns out your father made some horrible investments in the stock market didn't he you're completely broke aren't you and you just came after Jack for our money that's not true dad Lily's never pushed me to marry her or be with her she spends time with me because she likes me not because I'm rich I can't believe that you would make stuff up about her just to make me feel stop I can't lie anymore it's true I'm broke what we're not billionaires and I'm not a wealthy ays in fact I think my parents are like a million dollars in debt and we went after after you because you're wealthy no way but that's not why I continued to stay with you I really loved hanging out with you and getting to know you that was all real nonsense you were just trying to trick Jack and fall for you I've seen manipulative women like you before God only knows what would have happen to Jack if I hadn't stepped in I'm sorry Jack I would never take advantage of you you have to believe [Music] [Music] me finally my secret was out and it came out in the worst way possible I wanted to tell Jack myself but I waited too long and now the opportunity was gone forever I was heartbroken and exhausted I had only one place left to go I rushed to the hospital to be by my sister's side I tried to keep my composure but I didn't want to bother tulip my mother came storming into the room looking utterly Furious Lily Jack's poers just called me you told them we were a million dollars in debt they found out on their own I just just owned up to it because you yelled at them first or else they would have never checked isn't that true yes we lost one of the richest families because of you I cannot believe you ruined this for me it is so so so stupid but I am forgiving you we'll find your new husband I'll set up some more dates no what I said no I'm not being set up anymore and I'm not going out with random guys anymore and I'm not lying for you anymore H feeling all Brave huh after I forgave you for messing it up with Jack's parents you're going to be selfish and ungrateful and leave tulip alone if you really cared about tulip you'd have three jobs like I do but all you care about is your personal wealth and status and you use me for it how dare you I raised you and you'll do as I say I'll never listen to you again I'll never let you manipulate me again make your own money we're not done the moment we were alone tulip demanded to know what happened the full story I finally told my sister everything that happened from the start Lily you you really let our parents do all that to you why because we're in a mountain of debt dad's debt the mortgage and and my medical bills that's what you were going to say [Music] right did you do all this for me no then why did you do it I mean we had a plan remember we were going to start our own online fashion business and pay it all off toip dreams are great but they're not reality we are so far in debt that we can't even get alone so you'll marry someone just to pay off my bills I mean you're making yourself unhappy I would do anything for you I know that but you should really tell that boy Jack about me absolutely not I will not use you as an excuse for my lies I've hurt him enough and I just need to leave him alone of course tulip wasn't going to listen to me I fell asleep beside her bed but when the morning came I was woken up by the touch of warm fingers on my head I looked up to see Jack looking down at me jack what are you doing here well your sister texted me on your phone and she gave me the address so here I am toip what you were being on mopi so I had to do it now you can talk it out why didn't you tell me about your sister and all the jobs that you were doing I would have understood because I didn't want to use her as an excuse it was me who decided to lie and I followed my mom's schemes but you were doing it because you were in a bad situation Lily you should have trusted me and told me I didn't want you to think that I'm a liar I don't think you're a liar well I did last night after everything your sister told me I I'm not angry at you Lily really yeah you weren't being you were just trying to survive yes you lied to me but you didn't want to marry me and you weren't trying to trick me you were working hard to solve your problems on your own I mean how can I be mad at you for that you're a good person silly don't hide from me so we can still be friends unless you're still seeing the other girl from yesterday is is that a is that is that jealousy that I smell no actually um no yeah I uh I'm not seeing her because I was was hoping that you'd go out with me what yeah I like you Lily you're beautiful and you're funny and you're Kinder than you know I really want to start spending time with you and get to know you and take you out for real but there's one condition what's that I'm paying your sister's medical bill no come on no absolutely not I can't let you do that the whole point was to not spend your money I know but it's only a million bucks and I'd be happy to spend it on you because I love you I love you too of course Jack didn't listen to me either I didn't let him pay tulip's bill but he did become the very first investor in my company with toip when she got better tulip and I finally started our company together and in a few years we made enough money to pay off all our debts ourselves we even had some money left over for my small wedding with Jack tulip Was Made of Honor of course and neither of our parents showed up but we were still blessful and happy this was our fairy tale okay I see you got the ice yeah yo you know what this is n man what's that that's a jewelry tester see he's about that life who's a fraud no come on Brandon why would you do that it's fake yeah it's fake I'm sorry I didn't know stop talking about it for someone here okay your secret safe with you you sure yeah now uh this new victim so you want to hit the arcade tonight can't parents out of town so got to be home by 6 I'll just come to your place then you know what your mom always says just talk to her no that'd be weird can't be more weird than you staring her down like a creep bro yo Theo let going touch your chain want to see it's real it's real but all right okay straight eyes what about you what's your name uh Eric my name's Eric you got a chain I want to test it no sorry I left it at home today okay there's Alicia let's go talk to her yo Alicia why' You Lie by not having your chain oh you know it's fake I can't let Brandon Mitchell know that I don't think I'm a joke bro who who cares what he thinks or anybody else for that matter just be you yo you're rich you don't you don't get it but it's fine just just head out before he comes back all right man dude I can't believe your dad bought you a Porsche yeah it's nice just trying to be lowkey about it low key did you hit your head or something if I had a car like this the whole world would know getting tired of this old rust Bucket Man ouch ah man I forgot my math book all right I'll be right back hi you're Eric right is this your car I it's actually my it's really nice I didn't know you had that kind of money I know Porsches are typically really expensive oh so is it your car uh yeah yeah it is I I just picked her up last week my parents are really rich they uh they have businesses all over the world um they're actually in London right now closing a deal wow that must be nice you probably have a house in the hills and everything mhm something like that speaking of the hills did Brandon invite you to the party tonight uh yes but I don't know if I'm going to go I just I have a busy schedule so you're Alicia hey you hi did you get my text oh I didn't even realize you texted um we were talking to Eric about his new car this you man yeah just picked her up last week dang dope man where did you get it the Porsche dealership yeah I know that which one not a Pasadena yeah that one uh Pasadena Porsche that's cool man my dad might have sold it to you he works there really so um 9:00 for the party oh that's actually what I texted you about um we can have the party at my place my parents are going to be home seriously now what are we going to do no one have a house we can have it at nope well Eric has a house in the Hills I do oh yeah yeah I do oh dope so we could just have the party at your house uh I don't I don't think so my parents are really strict they aren't they in London though they won't know oh come on Eric please come on yeah yes yeah um you guys think 10:00 my place all right bet send the details in the group chat M right see you later man thanks give me some fan thanks for hosting the parties tonight yeah of course I'll get your number for the address oh sad we missed the bus again are you serious now we're going to have to walk home it's going to take forever unless you can give us a ride home yeah sure seriously you would do that of course yeah I just have to wait for uh my friend Theo to come back you're a lifesaver thanks so much Eric yeah hop in yo Eric what is Alicia and S doing in look they needed a ride so I offered okay so if if you offer then why are they in my car quiet Town dude Alicia Baker is in the back of your Porsche Alicia Baker do you know how big a deal that is that is a huge deal I don't care if it was Miley Cyrus in here okay maybe Miley but no one else all right man can you just ride shotgun let me drive I'll explain you later I promise fine then I crash my car man probably won't hate to break it to you man but Eric's definitely trying to steal your girl I'm not worried about that loser no but there's definitely something going on with him I'm going to figure out what it is all right thanks for giving us a ride Eric no problem did not know you lived here yeah we just moved into about a week ago I'm sure you have a much nicer house no this is fine no judgment here thanks so we'll see you at your place later tonight yeah awesome wait unless you guys want to come to dinner with us beforehand yeah we're going a Darla's Diner before the party you guys should come yeah we'd love to awesome meet us there at 7 perfect see you then go bye bye you got about 30 seconds to tell me what's going on it's a funny story actually so it's not that funny so I I might have told them more alluded to the fact that the the Porsche was in fact mine what you did what are you crazy I was just trying to show off for Alicia and Brandon okay I I dude I didn't mean anything by it Eric I keep trying to tell you you should be trying to impress Alicia Brandon or any of those people I just keep telling you just do you just focus on you just be what are you doing my mom just came out she cannot know that I'm here and I don't want the girls to know that I live here either how are you going to avoid your mom when you throw a party here tonight and have you ever thought about considering like how are you going to fit more than five people in your place about that so we can talk about later later yeah important there's no where are they who's oh Brandon and Asher they should be here in minute but they are always late there they are hey hi hi hi I didn't know any else was coming yeah well it's the least we could do after Eric gave us a ride home and is letting us use his place for a party anyway I will get a table how many people one two actually this place is kind of cheap let's go somewhere nicer giovanis but giovan is so expensive come on it's more up to Eric standards oh no daras is daras is great plus I at Jones all the time perfect it's perfect place hey what are you doing we can't afford that place I know we can't afford it but I want to see if he can so let's yo Lisa okay that was good just going to leave this here guys whenever you're ready thank you Alex it's good to good to see you again guys the bill is $1,000 no that means like $200 per person yeah I don't have that kind of money same I don't know what we're going to do um it's fine I got it thanks shoot I I left my debit card at home I'm sorry guys Eric you got this right the whole thing yeah come on man you drop a Porsche you here all the time you got this I'll pay you back I promise for sure he Scotty thanks man yeah s thank you sir the uh card showing declined really oh you think you could you could try it again just you know what it could be the portable reader they do mess up here and there so I'll try the register for you okay cool I'll come with you uh Theo you think you could come with us just to be safe sure look I don't know what you're about to ask and the answer is no please just put it on your credit card Bren said he pay you back it's not that big a deal mmm don't make me look bad in front of Alicia okay I finally have a shot with her this is getting ridiculous after this I'm done done I'll make it up to you I swear you know that's probably a lie since that's all you do now dude you got a winner yes sir I was too full thanks for dinner yeah so 10: p.m. your place yep just give me some time to get the house together all right bet your address is 3131 donda Drive hey out yep that's the that's the one okay we'll see you then bye Eric why does Brandon have my address okay I can explain they think it's your house don't they I can't believe you look I know you're upset and you have every right to be but you don't know what it's like I don't know what it's like yeah I don't know what it's like to be a pathological liar you don't know what it's like to be me to have no money to drive a a beat up car that barely even runs to live in a crappy old apartment I just wanted to be the cool kid for once man I'm I'm sorry I should have never said yes to them in the first place I just got so caught up and everything look man being cool isn't about what you have it's about what's in here who you are on the inside it's all that matters it's pretty easy to say when your family has money but it's fine uh I'm going to let them know that the part's off at least she'll probably never talk to me again but oh well look everybody's got to be out by 2: a.m. you hear me my parents will be back at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning you're serious yeah man okay yeah and and I will have your place [ __ ] and span before your parents get back you better thank you I am indebted to you for life yeah and the [Music] afterlife whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing if I want people to believe I live here they can't come in and see all your family photos and have you thought about what would happen if people did find us they won't find out as long as you help me hide everything all right got this one can't believe I let you talk me it [Music] is bro it's over for you you've lost Alicia what you think it's time for you to move on now look man it might be over but not for me come on this house is so big so nice yeah thanks it's it's big it's nice but I uh try to stay humble about it you know like that yo this house is fire it's huge we actually got lost we did but we found something interesting booah now if this is your house why do you have pictures of Theo's family uh I was I was helping Theo with a family project earlier right Theo project right yeah family family project it's cool it's cool so you got your chain on let's test it uh yeah sure we can do it later I was actually about to show everyone oh no Co man take a second no no no the the thing about the chain is is that is fake really um that's that's really weird I didn't think my aunt was the type person to get me a fake chain um but it's no biggy I'll just I'll wear one of my other ones next time it's cool man you got played yeah or maybe you try to play us I told you I didn't know it was fake I can afford a Porsche why would I get a fake Channel just leave him alone Brandon about your Porsche you said you got it from Pasadena right yeah so that's funny cuz we went and saw my dad at work and he told us that every single person that buys a car get a picture on the wall so we looked we didn't see your face you know who we did see Theo yeah Theo was there Theo was there he was helping me with the the paperwork stop you're a fraud that car is not yours this house ain't yours guys I can explain everything okay huh dad what are you doing here you weren't supposed to be back to tomorrow morning why are all these people in our house okay look let me explain oh my gosh Brandon's telling the truth I can't believe you lied Eric yeah how could you pretend that you lived here what a loser this part is whack let's get out of here anyway I'll see you later okay I'll talk to you you okay look I don't understand why you lied some people would like me Eric you don't need a nice house or a nice car or a chain for people to like you come on Alicia you know you wouldn't have given me a second look if I told you that Porsche wasn't mine that's not true I live in an old apartment building who might a judge if I'm being completely honest we live in the same building if we pulled up 3 seconds later then my mom would have seen us pulling up from the Porsche and dragged me out by my ear okay he's got jokes see I knew why I liked you you liked me I guess you don't anymore though not after this well I won't make my final decision until I've met the real Eric this Eric it's not the things that you have that impress me it's who you are and maybe I can get to know that guy sometime over [Music] dinner yeah I love that but anywhere but giovan's I it's going to take me forever to pay Theo back for that we can go to Darla it's a lot better food too true and Brandon's not there oh thank God Des there case for you know you really had us all fooled there Eric I cannot believe you are Alicia's neighbor right okay can we just not talk about that please it's all someone has been talking about all day sorry yo Alicia you really here with him after everything he did he's fake he has no money so I'd rather be here with him than someone that's a bully what are you laughing at walk around with a fake chain she said you wasn't going to say anything let me see this man what are you doing get that off wow this entire time you've been making fun of people for wearing fake jewelry meanwhile you're rocking a fake chain why would you do that you know and since we're on the topic of being fake guys his dad's not even top salesman he's the janitor don't believe it that's C your Asher yikes that was a plot twist yeah God if he would just be himself people would like him so much better wow that's really interesting you should probably start a podcast I learned my lesson okay hey guys hi what can I get for you I'm going to keep it real what's the cheapest thing you have on the menu chice yo you're talking to this chick y she's so fine she's not just fine she's like a model you guys are preaching to the choir I'm actually going to ask her to be my girlfriend when we go out tomorrow night yo dude if she says yes you'll for sure be the guy dating the hottest chick in school yeah it's precisely the Goat coming through with a straight 10 bom man yo check it out you've got a stage five Clinger Anna rumor has it she's like in love with you bro oh my God could you imagine Mark the Star Quarterback and Anna president of the chess club I her dreams she was like two 1.5 a best boys phone's [Music] away all right everyone this will be your last assignment of the school year now with a partner I want you to power up a calculator using no battery the instructions are on the board so go ahead and choose your partners now so which one of you guys is going to be my partner oh uh sorry bro um me and Todd already chose each other seriously you're just going to leave me hanging like that don't take it personal I need to pass this class and we all know how bad you are at Kem hey you want to be my partner oh sorry I'm with Alexa hey Mark do do you need a partner no uh me and Ken are going to be working together yeah oh okay um maybe next [Music] time hi come on in let me introduce you to the class all right class this is Amber Amber just came to passadena and she will be joining us for the remainder of the school year now I know there's only a few weeks left but I want everyone to make her feel welcome and Amber will be here next year the entire year with us so you'll be seeing her then too do you guys see what I'm seeing oh dude that girl's a 10 for sure more like a 10 and a half she's even harder than that chicki showed us on Instagram you're right so is there anyone that doesn't have a partner that would like to work with Amber me I'll be our partner okay Mark great all right Amber this is Mark the instructions are on the board see be working with him go go go go [Music] go thanks I'm Amber it's nice to meet you pleasure is all mine I hope you know what you're doing because I don't know anything about chemistry oh chemistry is going to leaste the bar worries I hope so my mom said you gra me for the entire summer if I don't pass this class well we can't let that happen because how else am I supposed to take you out hey Anna I could be your partner really yeah of course and and don't worry I don't mind doing most of the work I think it'll be pretty easy I think so [Music] too okay don't forget your project is due tomorrow good luck Amber um I know this sounds a little bit odd because you transferred at the end of the school year but this project will pretty much count as your final Chemistry Grade because we have no other assignments okay thanks all right I really can't fail this class you better know what you're doing don't worry I got you by the way what are you doing tomorrow and I boom I got a number yo dude you're a Savage I don't see how you do it I gets better she's going to come out with us tomorrow night wait what about that girl from Instagram I forget her I'm going to take Amber why I be with the 10 when I can be with a 10.5 dude everyone on the team is going to trip when they see you with her hey watch it I'm so sorry is this Mark can I please have my my notebook P oh my God this is Mark you like some kind of stalker or something no please I this is crazy there's more you're like obsessed with him I'm not messing around I really need my notebook back hey can you just give her back her notebook whoa what is this Revenge of the Nerds you want the notebook back here go get it yes hey why did you throw Anna's notebook I was just joking around well it doesn't look like Anna thought it was funny if this happens again all of you are getting detention what had nothing to do with that yes you did you could have easily stopped it but it looked like you were having fun could you two please excuse us and actually [Music] Mark if you weren't so busy playing around you wouldn't be on the verge of failing my class what are you talking about I just graded last week's exams and you scored the lowest out of anybody in my class and if you don't get an A on this project you will not pass really oh well I wasn't planning using my grades to get into college anyway don't think that football will save you according to the new regulations any athlete that fails any class will be benched what you can't be serious I am and it doesn't matter how good you are now Mark May I make a suggestion instead of making fun of Anna you should try to be more like Anna she scores the highest grades out of any of my students in any of my classes think about that so I have to get anyland project or I can't play football next year what no we can't lose our quarterback there's no way we're going to win without you you think I don't know that what's your game plan then oh I think I have an idea let's see if I can speed find it hey Anna can I talk to you for a sec um to apologize for earlier okay that's [Music] fine so uh look I'm I'm really sorry for what happened in the hall my friends can be really mean sometimes oh that's all right you didn't do anything yeah but I I couldn't help stop it by the way I thought your drawings were amazing oh my gosh that was so embarrassing no not at all I like them honestly really yeah you're super talented president of the chess club an artist what can't you do thanks if I'm being honest I'm still mortified about everything that happened earlier oh don't be the funny thing is I um actually always liked you I'm was just too nervous to do anything about it but now that I know you feel the same way I was you know hoping we could hang out sometime what really yeah maybe we can go out tomorrow night like on a date you want to go on a date with me why not when you got beauty and brains that's really hard to find that's really sweet tomorrow night works great perfect I was also hoping maybe we can work on the the calculator project together you know after all oh I would love to but I already promised Nelson that I'd be his partner oh he'll be fine with it watch this hey Nelson can I steal your partner me and are going to be together so he's cool with it I don't know I mean who's going to be Nelson's partner he can be with Amber does she want to sure I got to run but um here's my phone number and just text me and we can work on the project after school oh okay bye bye mark hey cheating on me already you really think I'd be with a girl like that I actually just figured out ways for both of us to get a in chemistry really yeah and you don't have to lift the finger so you can spend all the extra time finding fun places for us to go this summer I like the sound of that hey what happened to you last night I thought we were going to work on the project together what do you mean I waited for your message you never texted me yes I did I I sent you like five text messages look that's weird I didn't get anything what number did you text uh the one you gave me oh I see you put the number in wrong it's the last numbers an eight oh but I texted exactly what you put on my notebook oh I just got this number so I I wrote it down wrong that I'm such a fool but it looks like you finished a project yeah well I wasn't sure if you do it well this is impressive and okay it works you made this yeah me and Anna I'd say it was 50/50 oh w I didn't realize you switched Partners okay Mark well if I had to guess I would say you will be playing football next season good job thanks you're the best you're welcome hey are we still on for tonight oh I was going to talk to you about that mhm see I don't feel yo tonight is going to be lit I got a 700 p.m. giovan's reservations just like you asked Can you guys give me a minute uh what okay they're coming too yeah that's what I wanted to talk about I don't want to go alone so I invited Todd and Ken I hope that's cool oh um yeah yeah no no problem text me just change the last number 2 and eight I'll do it now so I don't forget you got it sounds great oh hold on um how should I dress tonight wear whatever you want okay um I guess I'll dress nice since it's a a date mhm are you sure you don't want to get an order in um no not yet unfortunately we can't hold the table for more than an hour if you don't order anything okay if he's not here in a few minutes I'll just leave sorry hi I have a reservation under the name of Mark Mark great just give me a sec to make sure your table's ready man tell me she's not a dime yeah she is for sure I've some random guys saying she's the hottest girl in school really nice it's crazy how you got her to hang out with you so fast yeah you guys almost ruin that by saying my plan in front of Anna well if you would have actually told us the plan then we never would have so what' you say to get out of hanging out with her tonight nothing what do you mean I literally said nothing I figured if I didn't respond she wouldn't show up whoa whoa whoa you mean you didn't even cancel on her what if she's here no on the right mind would turn up and even if she did that's why I had you res schedule the reservation for an hour back uh Mark Anna why didn't you answer any of my texts you obviously got them uh me you're over an hour late you said our date was at 7even date is that really what you thought this was look let let me break it down for you uh mark would never go out with someone like you yeah he only dates 10 not one and a halfs aren't you going to say anything what they're not lying only day T no offense so everything that you said about liking me it was all a lie don't take it so personally I just needed help with it the project now I get it can't believe I fell for it come on you honestly did not think a guy like me would be interested in a girl from the chess club [Music] you you used me I'm sorry sweetheart don't hate the player hate the game Savage your table's ready [Music] good Mark goes on to have a great night with Amber while Anna Leaves in tears a couple of days later Mark and Amber find out they both got A's they both celebrate and plan everything they're going to do over summer together Mark and amers spend a lot of time hanging out with each other they end up getting really [Music] close and over time Mark even asked Amber to be his [Music] girlfriend when the next school year starts Mark's so proud to have the hottest girl in school or so he thought man this year is already harder than I thought right I got a C minus on my last geometry quiz you guys got to work smarter not harder how'd you pull that off I got Trish doing my math homework I got Bianca doing history and some other girls doing the rest of my classes wow and a whole while dating the hottest chick in school I don't know how you do it man I guess you can say I'm [Music] a who who is that wait is that Anna no it it can't be dude she's not just a 10 10 10 and 1/2 11 dude she might be even hotter than Amber you guys are right Anna yeah you uh mhm look amazing yeah what what what he said thanks how did you when did you I'm sorry I'm really confused right now how did you transform well after you hurt me really badly I decided to really focus on myself so I got rid of my braces got some contacts and found a new skincare routine I'm going to need that skincare routine sure anyways um take care don't why you walking so fast I'm I'm trying to talk to you what are you doing tomorrow I don't know why thinking we could go on a date oh no games this time seriously I thought you were going out with Amber we're not exclusive really [Music] yeah but I definitely settle down for you I'd choose you over Amber that's really sweet but um I already have a date who with a guy who liked me for who I was all [Music] along you're going to choose nerdy Nelson over me what can I say I'm into beauty and brains too bad you can't offer both are you kidding me I'm getting A's in all my classes yeah well not for long I can't believe you used me what are you talking about I'm never letting you copy off me ever again what just happened oh I figured out what you were doing and I told Trisha next I'm going to have a little chat with Bianca and all the other girls no you can't do that it'll ruin everything how do you even know all of them next time you try and use people make sure they're not all in the same chess club or it gets around pretty quickly whatever it doesn't even matter anyways Amber's way hotter than you about that I'm not sure how she's going to feel after I play her this we're not exclusive really yeah [Applause] but I definitely settle down for you i' choose you over Amber you recorded me I had a feeling you might say or do something douchy delete that right now whoops I sent the whole conversation to Amber good luck with that I can't believe you did this as they say don't hate the player hate the game great now Amber's calling me hey baby what do you mean don't call you baby you're really going to believe her what do you mean [Music] baby so are you going to tell me how you able to get these here are your milkshakes and your burgers thank you your fries will be just a minute awesome thank you thank you this is so good cheers cheers oh my gosh is this wait when did they bring this back I thought they didn't make this anymore they don't I pulled a couple strings because I know that you used to love him so much so good but I can't believe that you remembered that was like four or five years ago yeah too is this from I can't believe you kept this after all these years wait a minute is this the exact same meal from well I we're just missing the one very special order of french fries thank you oh my God I think he's going to propose to her I have never seen someone propose in a diner before you've got to be kidding me this guy is a clown Tiffany ever since our first date I knew that you were the person that I wanted to spend every second of every day with for the rest of my life don't do it I mean you're the smartest kindest most amazing person that I have ever met please and [Music] so will you Tiffany Jane Mundy marry [Music] me there's no way that she's going to say yes of course of course I'll marry you yes oh my God than you I love you wait a minute did you know that he was going to propose to her yeah isn't it so sweet sweet this entire proposal probably cost like 10 bucks this has got to be the worst proposal all time he actually worked really hard on it could you imagine if I proposed to you in a place like this oh I would have walked out in seconds and I would not blame you look I'm sorry I couldn't get you a bigger Stone if I had more money than sweetheart this is more than enough okay I love it besides it's not about the money it's a thought that counts that must be them ready let's do it hi come on in oh thanks for coming out mom he looks so good at Blue looking good you always look good oh my God come on and let up to girl a I love you on Doug taking good care of my little girl doing my best sir ready y have a seat sit down get comfortable get comfortable so we invited all be here today because we actually have some big news to share with you we're [Music] engageed the sweetheart everyone knows but we are so happy for you wait had you already babe did you tell he didn't say anything we saw the video [Music] video oh wow someone must have recorded it wow babe it already has 500,000 views what are people saying let's see Zero class what kind of person proposes at a fast food restaurant if I were her I would have run away fast world's cheapest for B let's not worry about the comments fact is you're engaged and we are so excited for you hey hey don't listen to them okay who cares what they think I loved our proposal it was perfect mhm it was it really was I uh I need to use the bathroom excuse me your kids are doing better than than any other class in this school I'm very impressed Mr Campbell thank you I appreciate that keep up the great work we'll do oh uh Mrs Peterson there was one more thing um is there any way that I could get a raise there's talk about a 2% bump next year I mean we'll have to wait and see next year um okay H how about any Advance I'd have to ask the board for approval I mean why is there something a matter well you see hi Mr Campbell I saw you on Tik Tok yeah me too you're on Tik Tok yeah kind of a long story I don't really want to get into it yeah I should probably get ready for class but thank you so much for your feedback you're very welcome have a good class I yeah I will so I have an idea on how to save money for the wedding I was thinking that we can just have it at my mom and dad's house in their backyard we could hey what's wrong if you don't want to have at my parents I could easily ask my sister and we can use her house Tiffany if we you if we do it at a house do you have any idea idea how many people are going to make fun of me again I'll go from the world's cheapest proposal to the world's cheapest wedding come on babe like you're letting this affect you way too much no I'm not the video has 4 million views now wait really yeah I've been looking forward to this day for so long and now I just hey hey hey I'm still excited I can't wait to be your wife I'm not going to let some some trolls dampen my mood okay everything is perfect I promise look let's talk about something else okay um look I I set up a registry look I know I just I don't think we should even have have a registry because I mean I I spent all my money on the ring and who knows when we'll be able to get a house I mean we don't even we don't even have a place to put all the stuff that we get so what look we'll have everything that we need okay and then we'll get a house I should have listened to my father and never become a teacher Ethan what are you talking about you love working with kids like you're so good at your job I know but teaching doesn't pay Tiffany I should have become a dentist or gone into medicine that way you wouldn't be stuck with such a broke cheap skate Ethan please you know that's not true you no I'm sorry Tiffany I'm I'm just I'm going to go to bed Ethan wait [Music] hey guys if you couldn't already tell I'm Tiffany the girl that was in the video of the quote unquote world's cheapest proposal but let me tell you something it may not have been overthe toop like some girl's dream proposal but to me it was perfect you see 5 years ago Ethan and I went on our first date we both had an amazing time and hit it off right away it was non-stop laughter the food was amazing and it was definitely an unforgettable night fast forward to now what made the proposal so special is that Ethan somehow remembered the exact table that we sat at got the same hats that were discontinued and even managed to get the diner to make the same milkshakes we had on our first day that they stopped making a long time ago it was so sweet and it brought back so many memories and when I asked him how he was able to remember all that he pulled out the receipt from our very first day and look [Music] so you see well we all may think that it was the world's cheapest proposal really it was the world's sweetest proposal he's literally been been thinking about this since the day that we met so if if you don't mind I'd really appreciated if you would just stop with the hurtful comments I mean it's gotten so bad to the point that he's he's questioning his career choice of becoming a teacher because now he thinks that he needs to be making more money but honestly he is the best teacher and his students love him I love him you know i' choose him over any rich guy who could drop a whole lot of money on a proposal any day of the week can anyone tell me what the green light represents Riley you know that there's no phones in class sorry I was just showing Skyler a video about you on Tik Tok okay show of hands how many of you have seen this Tick Tock about me okay look I know that I am this guy from the the world's cheapest proposal but if we can please I wasn't talking about that one this one's called world's sweetest proposal what are you talking about you haven't seen it it has over 5 million views your fiance Tiffany posted it on Friday here check out the [Music] comments Mr Campbell I'm sorry to interrupt you but there's a bunch of packages here for you packages for me I'll show [Music] you what's all this I don't know they're all addressed to [Music] you would you like the rest of them in this room still there's more [Music] hey hey did you get my text oh no sorry I was in class but uh check it out look at all these packages that were addressed to me oh my gosh look there's just as many here that's why I was trying to text you look at the link that I sent you okay sorry I didn't tell you this but I explained your your side of the story I added a link to our registry and that explains the packages but also someone created a GoFundMe to help us with the wedding can you believe it I don't even know what to say that's it's incredible After People heard your side of the story they started to come around I told you it's not about the money it's the thought that counts you're right I love you love you bye hey guys I just want to thank you so much for coming out helping us celebrate our wedding and that GoFundMe housewarming allinone you know even though some may think of our wedding as cheap I know that I am the richest man in the world because I have the most amazing people all around me I have the most fulfilling job and most importantly the most beautiful bride that I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with so Cheers Cheers $16 an hour absolutely not 16 an hour is not that bad do I look like the kind of girl that can support my lifestyle with minimum wage I mean I mean we live in a small 400 ft apartment you don't even have a car exactly which is why I need to make more money to not live like this anymore good afternoon me I get you two started with something to drink uh champagne perhaps I'll take a glass of champagne oh excellent uh would you like moette Verve or Ros um the first one's fine oh bring a glass of Moet out right away it is $25 a glass $25 for some liquid that I'm just going to pee uh we have house champagne that's $4 a glass perfect I'll take that one uh water water's good yeah thanks hope you didn't ruin your dress like it matters this cost me $7 and anyway from the clearance section at Forever 21 a bottle of Mo oh my gosh I can't believe you ordered another one who cares it's only 150 oh my gosh you're so right 15 I wish I had money like that did you see their Chanel bags my stepdad's rich and he's one of the most miserable people I know you know what they say More Money More Problems well I say bring on the problems hello this is she an executive assistant position well that depends we switch feed we'll see you in a minute thank you you're welcome what do you mean first class is fully committed no I'm not flying business what do I look like a peasant or something this is a nightmare I'm going to New York to give a speech and only business is available yeah that's sounds awful I'm penny I'm here to interview for the executive assistant role I haven't shaken a hand since 2019 right sorry I'll cut to the chase if you want to work for me you have to be available 24/7 go wherever I go do whatever I ask on however little notice oh and no complaining ever are you good with that oh and I should add this position pays $100,000 a year I'm available to start today if you'd like Miss Richfield ew take your dirty shoes off the sofa Shelby they're not dirty I cleaned them today I don't care that couch is Restoration Hardware it cost $2 $5,000 and I'm not going to have you ruin it I swear you care more about your designer Furniture than you do me no I have an appreciation for designer Furniture because I paid for it with my hard-earned money here we go again you know Mom the world doesn't revolve around money oh well tell that to your father who's trying to sue me for it oh hi I'm Penny your mom's new assistant m Shelby you know I'm curious to see how long this will last she's had seven assistants in 4 months that's not true Ray was not an assistant he was my driver my bad six excuse me ma'am which bag would you like to take to New York with you I'm sharing a stage with Judy Smith I can't go with the YSL or the Chanel or she'll show me up I'll just go with one of my bir Perkins of course oh also Gregory came down with the flu he uh is no longer able to go with you what who's going to carry my [Music] bags Henny what are you doing this weekend want to go with to New York you'd stay at Park Plaza Hotel it's five stars everything is taken care of red carpet treatment oh my gosh sure I'll go great perfect so go on home get your stuff we leave in 2 hours we'll be back on Sunday okay Sunday you said you'd be back Saturday for my first dance practice it's practice Shelby you act like it's the Olympics when you do something impressive then I'll be there what I have to work our lifestyle doesn't pay for itself who said I even want wanted this lifestyle I hate you I wish I could just live with Dad oh so you'd rather stay in a motel 6 okay I'm just going to run back home and pack I'll be [Music] back I don't know I'm confused so you got a job and started working all within 3 hours what can I say Miss Richfield moves fast and now I'm going to New York with her wait now uh-huh that's why I came home to pack I'll be back Sunday my birthday is tomorrow oh yeah shoot um well we can celebrate it on Sunday gosh I should have seen her penth house it's honestly my dream home and the way she lives it's just incredible she has staff that does everything for her designer backs like their candy imagine did you find out anything about like her personal life is she happy she has a daughter um Shelby they don't have the best relationship she literally told her she hated her and from what I read online she had a bad falling out with her husband ex-husband George it's messy but anyways you should have seen her bags what I would do to have a collection like that hold on hold on is is that really the only thing you're taking away from this you said her own daughter hates her yeah but you're missing the point she hates her inside of a mansion I'd rather be crying in a palace than happy in a tump like this any day what exactly is so bad about your life look we live in this cute little homey place you have someone that loves you who cares if you don't have a Hermes or Chanel bag happiness isn't having everything you want it's appreciating everything you have I'm going to pretend you didn't just say [Music] that here you are a glass of moette from the front thank you I've been wanting to try this ew it's horrible just because it's expensive doesn't mean it tastes good Oh and before we touch down we have to change I have to go straight to my speech afterwards we'll check into the hotel got it so what are you giving his speech on how AI is reshaping the legal industry there'll be a lot of other lawyers there yada yada yada you don't seem too excited about it no I am I'm just not too excited about sharing the stage Barbara Judy how are are you what a cute little beach get up I'd be better if someone wasn't Lolly gagging in the first class restroom so now I have to use the one here in economy you're not sitting here are you in economy God no I wouldn't be flying if that were the case I barely agreed to go when I found out I was stuck in business rather than first you're in the seats that don't requin to 100% flat I know oh I'm so sorry I hope you still find a way to get some rest so you're not too tired for our big talk on the stage oh don't you [Music] worry I'm more prepared than you [Music] know is that the new Birkin in a 30 mhm mine in the 25 was so much more expensive peek but it's so much more Chic in my opinion oh [Laughter] I can't stand her Nick's the black dress were going with the gold set got it are you guys like enemies no she's a friend we go way back I've known her since fifth grade well you two seem like you hate each other we do but you consider her a friend look when you're rich there is no such thing as a pure friend or enemy there's only Frenemies everyone's in a secret competition with each other you'll understand it one day I can't wait to see the little surprise I've prepared for her on [Music] stage cheers so the topic is how AI is changing the legal landscape why don't we start with Miss Richfield sure AI presents unpresidented opportunities to enhance legal research and to streamline tedious task but let's not forget the importance of human judgment and expertise something I hold dear of course Barb no one can deny the value of human Insight however ai's ability to sift through vast amount of data and provide actionable Insight is unmatched efficiency is the new name of the game efficiency indeed but let's not sacrifice accuracy and thoroughness in the pursuit of speed shall we well you know like you did in the Clinton case all right what hold on a second what exactly did I do in the Clinton case Judy Judy Judy come on everyone here has read about it in the New York Times I I'm just saying if I was the attorney on the case there's no way I would have lost especially a summary judgment oh in case anyone is unfamiliar with the article I placed a copy of it under everyone's seat if we could please just Barbara are you now suggesting that we should believe everything we read in the papers because if I'm not mistaken it was in The Washington Post that your ex-husband called you a self-obsessed money hungry monster that that is simply not the truth there are two sides to every story yeah you're right there are two sides to every story and now that we've heard yours I think it's only fair that we hear George's as well oh George dear mind enlightening us ladies and gentlemen I stand before you to share the painful truth truth about the collapse of my marriage my ex-wife's Relentless obsession with money is what tore us apart every aspects of our relationship was overshadowed by her her endless desire for material wealth I tried to tell her that true happiness resides in in love relationships and not in the numbers on the bottom of a statement but she didn't agree even after our own daughter refused to speak to her so if any of you are thinking about doing business with her know that she doesn't care about people she only cares about her own [Music] profits that was complete humiliation I don't ever even want to show my face again please don't strust about it Miss Richfield people will forget about it in no time no they won't not in the legal Community your reputation follows you wherever you go if you don't mind me asking why is he's so upset was the breakup that bad he was a stay-at-home dad taking care of Shelby and I was the bread winner and when we separated I did everything in my power to make sure he didn't get a dime is that fair well regardless whatever he said wasn't true but it is that's the reason it stings so bad everything he said is it's true George and I when we first met in law school everything was great we didn't have much but we had everything we needed but after I started practicing and making money became obsessed so much so that I put my own daughter and husband on the back burer and now now they both hate me don't feel bad honestly there are millions of people who love to have your life you've got a beautiful downtown apartment an army of people at your beck and call a bad collection that people would die for I'm sure I would okay car about a pointless bag purses used to mean everything to me they were the symbol of wealth and Status prize possession that I just flaunted without a second thought but now they're nothing more than an empty vessel just just like how my heart feels as someone who has had it all I can tell you firsthand being rich is overrated I trade everything to go back to my old life or even have the relationship with my daughter man well maybe it's not too late happy Birthday to happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ean happy birthday to you wait I thought you weren't coming home till Sunday well I wasn't but I quit my job it really wasn't a good fit for me anyway wait I don't understand you seem so excited they were even paying you six figures yeah well let's just say I finally realized that I don't need an expensive house or an expensive car or even designer bags I honestly love the life that I have that we have so you wouldn't rather be crying in a palace no as someone once told me happiness isn't having everything you want it's appreciating everything you have and I've got everything I need right here so are you going to blow out your candle or not okay okay okay but if you want to wish that I get one Breckin back this year what I'm kidding [Laughter] blow just a sec hello this is she yes I'm still looking for employment opportunities well it depends how many hours will I have to work cuz if it's anything over 40 hours then I can't take [Music] it 5 six 78 1 2 3 4 back six 78 forward 2 three back five six 7 one 2 3 5 six 7 1 you showed up and I promise going forward I'm going to start showing up a lot more often okay hello no it's okay just give them half of everything honestly I don't care about the money anymore I just want peace to be happy I'm sure I got to go [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 503,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: vZjPStftKj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 6sec (9126 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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