8 y.o. is the Mini-Mom of 6 Siblings | Full Episode | Supernanny

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[Music] well i'm in the high desert of hisperia california let's take a look and see which family i'm going to help now hi we're the prescott i'm katie and i'm daniel and we have seven kids marley is eight daniel is seven trenton is six phillip is five aiden is three ella is two and reed is one this lovely big family look basically we knew each other in high school he was the cute older unattainable athlete and i was the younger cheerleader and i was very vain very into myself and didn't really want kids at that time i didn't really ever think i would ever have kids wow this mom went from a cheerleader of no kids to a mother of seven something happened there i'm an asphalt paving estimator i'm work five days a week and i leave katie home with all the children to fend for yourself right i stay home with all the kids daniel is our hard case he's very aggressive you know what i'm not i'm not i'm not ah daniel was diagnosed with adhd daniel honey i need you to come and take your pill these parents need to learn more about their son's condition marley is our our big girl she's our our helper i have depended on her so much just being my everything marley can you go check and see if reed is still in his bed marley do me a favor marley can you get ella's shoes for me and mars after that could you grab reed and you run out to the van could you run and put that in there molly can you help him like i asked you marley marley marley please look at this little girl like a mini mum she's eight years old handling the seven kids alone during the day at home can be a great source of stress trenton if you don't get off that counter right now you're getting a butt whooping when all of the kids decide to have a little moment all at once uh it is extremely [Music] overwhelming i just get so frustrated and angry get out get out of here get out you are not putting a timer on stop touching people look at me right now no get up now you're pissing me off do it now she's not enjoying motherhood right now no way i'm having a moment i just need you to go away for a minute okay just leave me alone up here danny please come please help us hurry supernanny hang on mom and dad i'm on my way i'll see you soon hello hello hi pleased to meet you i'm joe i'm katie it's nice hi come on here thank you this is the biggest family that i've ever worked with but i'm certainly up for the challenge of helping them it's so good to have you here come on thank you who have we got here this is really one this is read and how old is reid reed is one it was definitely a big thing for me personally to have jo c you know what it is to to be the mother of seven children and try to do it effectively what's your name miley hi marley pleased to meet you how old are you darling um eight eight this is daniel hi daniel hi pleased to meet you joshua how you doing good good since dad was at work i really wanted to see mum go through her everyday normal routine what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just watch how you run your own day really okay okay [Music] a couple of hours in i saw exactly how mom deals with daniel's adhd i will help you you need to ask me i can't read your mind i don't know if you need help you need to ask adhd affects four to twelve percent of school-aged children so this is an issue that many families are dealing with start doing it i need help children with adhd have a chemical imbalance which makes it really difficult for them to focus on tasks also they can be really hyper and have a tendency to be very competitive where is a where is a air okay you know what your attitude really sucks right now you are ruining fun time no it's gonna take an hour raising one kid with adhd is tough enough but then having to raise six others is a real handful daniel's anger escalates to the point where he then becomes physical and he throws things no then not at all i hate you go to your room go to your room when i'm in the middle of disciplining a child i feel like even though joe is watching i have to do what i'm doing if the parents are frustrated during the day and have lost their patience daniel's that green light that goes off and they see him as an excuse to vent out i need you at that table now and i will not tell you again and i will not ask you again you get your fanny to that table and you get started i'd like to see mum more relaxed and patient when dealing with daniel's temperament because when she gets really worked up it only makes daniel's temperament worse do me a favor would you please would you find reed's shoe can you find reed's shoe for me please just look around it's somewhere around here the first thing i wanted to look for was how mum handles such a large brood of kids marley can you go give daniel his spelling test it's turned upside down under his homework packet thank you marley can you handle that will i go find phillip it's really tough for mum to deal with all these kids so she needs miley to be minnie mom to help her marley can you let aidan outside please it's a very common practice for first borns to have the responsibility of looking after all their younger siblings running great super cup from the bedroom out of his career marley is the oldest child which leads to mum putting pressure on her i'll do this for you can you go no just give that to him for me please thank you honey stop talking about flipping people off stop it it's rude katie's so tightly wound up that she's losing her temper and overreacts with the kids there's something's got to change stop it what's going on whilst katie was getting the kids under control i was looking in her closet i noticed all of the raw raster i keep them it's one thing to keep your costume because you love your costume you know but that's not the reason why mum holds on to that what do you remember when you look at this um fun having fun it was so much fun for me it was such a positive experience it was just they do represent a time that is is long gone now that i i had my own identity this is what helped me really i think get through when my parents got divorced because i was in high school when it happened and this was my outlet there was a lot to be said symbolically what these costumes represent for mum so are they symbolic maybe in some way they are yeah talking to katie about her cheerleading days made me realise how young she was when she started a family i was interested to find out about katie's childhood and what her relationship was like with her parents you have a relationship with your mum and your dad now um yes i have a great relationship with my mom she's one of my best friends put your dad i don't see him a lot we have different views on his lifestyle and so i don't what was he's homosexual right and so um you know daniel and i even though we frown upon that lifestyle we accept and love him but it puts us straight on our relationship kenny's father walked out when she was 13 she had felt betrayed and lied to because his truth of being a homosexual had come out and that had shattered her family the man in your life your father then chooses to leave and the commitment with your mother is no longer there but he didn't show commitment with here you go right i feel the need to have my dad be an active part of my life and pursue a relationship with him it was something that daniel and i had discussed before but there was always that you know restriction put on what i could allow because daniel wasn't comfortable with that and that went against his inner you know beliefs as to what is right and he's very much a black and white thinker and so when he was gone it was just the stress of trying to survive with my mom and so we were just kind of left to you know pretty much fed for ourselves the fun and the joy was gone how much have you moved on from that not much okay talking about my dad and and getting that issue out in the open was extremely excruciating for me to do because that is not something that i normally talk about today was hands down the hardest thing that i've had to do in coming to terms with the whole situation what do you miss katie's feeling really lonely and isolated as a parent and emotionally she's going through a lot of turmoil because her father left when she was very young which is making her feel abandoned [Music] you're not doing bad are you family seven kids you are committed to one another in your strength of providing for your children and that goes beyond but even when the tough gets going you muster through and deal with it the best that you can and that's what we're here to talk about the best that you can right now is in a place that's not ideally good so the first thing that i do want to talk to you about katie is the tall order that you give yourself every day you are so hard on yourself that you create drama where it's not necessary you're not in there you feel the same sometimes i try to tell her that i think she's doing a great job when she tells me she thinks she's failing them and i think she's doing a good job you didn't even think about having kids and then made that decision to keep your husband happy because that's what he wanted and the demands that you put on yourself are stopping are stopping your kids from just being just being kids you know i think your expectations for the kids are unrealistic you know let's talk about marley this little girl's carrying the weight of your problems and your problems on our shoulders too many [Music] it wasn't her choice to be in a family of seven it was your choice and your choice of having a big family is your responsibility it's not working it's not working and it needs to change let's change it adhd daniel diagnosed with this condition understanding daniel's medical condition is so important for the pair of you but you choose time and time again to forget that he has adhd that he's going to get hyperactive it's not to say that it won't get better but you forget so you scream at him and you shout at him all that does is create this defiancy in daniel it doesn't bring resolution we have the desire to change it but we just don't have the knowledge of how life just happens and they just deal with it and on the very top level because you're too busy upholding the importance of everybody else's expectations instead of standing up and saying and i can only do what i can do and that comes from a deep down insecurity of feeling that you will lose love that you had i have to bring this up your father is is so relevant in this but you're not willing to accept the way he is his sexuality has nothing to do with his ability to love his daughter but his abandonment does but if he's being pushed because he's being told that his sexuality does not belong in this home then how can he make that bridge as well you're tall [Music] you're torn because you you love your father and you want to build a relationship with him but you seek permission from your husband to do that [Music] what is it say it i need you to get over the having a problem with homosexuality i need you to let it go and you know i'm not happy about my dad's choice and i never will be but but well but he's my dad i'm well i need him and what [Music] um i want i tell him i'm what i just need you to to realize that he's my dad and i need you to respect it and i need you to try not just to be cordial i can try right what is much needed in this house is fun all right we need two parents to get stuck in hands-on rolling on the floor with their kids and enjoying themselves there's no reason why we can't really get going as soon as possible and change all of this all right so should we get working okay right because we've done some here but we've got a lot more to go okay the next day i began teaching and the first order of business was to convince katie to take time out for herself which isn't easy when you've got seven kids so i came up with a tall order chart to give her ideas about what she can do to limit her stress have a break there are so many times i see you looking for things to do instead of recognizing that you should be giving yourself permission just to step down and just chill okay all right play play and play all right i want to see you do that enjoy the time that you have with the kids okay and have fun be imaginative with them jump into their world and that's enough that's all your kids want right yes have fun when joe brought the tall order list with her i looked at it and i thought oh okay these are things that i think i can do katie seemed receptive to the message that she needed to take time out for herself but later on that day she had the perfect opportunity to rest when the kids were playing with their toys and she chose to worry about cleaning up the toys are all over the place but the kids are going to tidy up those toys at the end of the day okay okay the most important thing is you know the kids are getting your time and that is so important because that you can't you can't replace yeah it's true i lost focus of those things that were on my tall order and i found myself once again caught up in the moment all right let's go i could see that katie was going to have a hard time changing her ways so i came up with a symbolic way of teaching her the principles of letting go so what you're going to do is put your hand through the katy trap and you're going to take one of those balls and you're going to get it out okay do you want to see what you're holding on to fear you've been holding on to fear so tight for so long that you can't set yourself free so the only way is setting yourself free to do what let it go let go exactly unrealistic expectations [Music] yeah that one frankly i'm really glad to let go of because it was driving me next i was just really tired of failing so my point being is that sometimes when we hold on to things we cheat ourselves i could see that there was a real weight being taken off of katie's shoulders as she made the first steps forward in having realistic expectations that were achievable so she could start to feel good about herself and not feel like a failure because she's not with mom committed to lighting up it was now time to address daniel's adhd and as soon as dad came home from work he decided to put daniel in a time out and i got the chance i needed so stop for a minute what happened the pair of you are arguing come over here daniel because like both of them are welling away like foggins what went on no shouting stay calm nobody can understand you if you're shouting okay what happened um i was building like something she was doing something and then i had a little block and she took it from me that's what's important i feel here for daniel to feel like he's being heard because that leads to so much frustration he becomes really impulsive with the rest of his siblings and then he lashes out and he's met with discipline that's very aggressive give each other a hug then and make up then okay and when he's spoken to correctly and respectfully and in a manner that doesn't threaten any kind of hostility with him he responds really really well stop before you're reactive to something just stop and be responsible and go right i need to do both sides and be calm about it so that you take all the anger out of the situation because you're there purely just to listen the way we approach daniel's adhd i don't think we're doing the right thing i think joe was correct in what she was telling us [Music] the next task for me was to get mom and dad to see each one of their children as individuals rather than one large pack and i had two different ideas of how to accomplish that okay so look this is what i want to show you arts seven of them each day i want you to write something very positive about each one and then what you're going to do is you're going to give them their hearts at dinner time oh cool and so using the hearts every dinner time allows mom to put a really nice loving positive message on that for each and every one of them okay ella there's yours and there's reeds and aiden and phillip thank you mom it allows me to really say what i'm thinking and feeling and not being afraid to just put it out there [Music] you were very responsible today here says phillip you were very helpful today thank you i love you mom because you were a good helper i love you i like the hearts because it makes us feel better about ourselves when our mom gives us good good comments and stuff aidan you are so fun to play on the swings with and reed says reed i am so proud that you said lizard today i love you mom yeah that's a big deal for him to say things like that to hear that on a daily basis is going to be so good for their hearts and and their little souls where's three older ones can you come the hearts idea is for mom to be positive about writing a little message for each child so they get individual attention spreading the chores amongst the three eldest children takes the burden off of mali and it also allows the other children to share the chores equally okay you're gonna know what your chore is for the day because your initial will be pinned to one of the chores and placed onto the cork board i thought that was a better idea then my mom and dad didn't have to do a lot of work i didn't have to do a lot of work and we all had a good amount of responsibilities also because you are the oldest you will be privileged with good behavior in staying up a little later too over the weekends and maybe having sleepovers [Music] i find it absolutely bizarre that kd has been here for a year and hasn't even met any of her neighbors and so i thought i'd venture outside her own doorstep and start to make some neighbour friends myself these are your neighbors hi guys nice to meet you all oh my gosh i hold on to my old neighborhood and the way we had it so much so that i really fight against making friends here this lady's been living here for a year and still hasn't met any other mothers as you can see these are all mothers it really showed me that you know there is a community and sometimes it just takes one person willing to step out of their comfort zone and say hey you know let's be friends yes that's so funny well come on in and make yourself at home so katie this is for you mum to mum okay this is all your mum's addresses and numbers in here i gave katie a mum to mum book so she could place the mother's addresses and telephone numbers in there to be able to identify the name to the face so that she'll know who she's inviting around i'm really glad that you've come this afternoon because it just really shows you that in a neighborhood there are so many other moms who are out doing the same thing that you guys are it is challenging when you're at home with your kids you want to know that you can pick up the phone and say hey this is going on today what's your advice and to be able to support one another and that really is crucial keep in touch with one another ring one another support one another you're all women raising children and even if you don't talk i'll talk your ear off if you'll listen so you can call me and if you have nothing to say i got plenty to say katie came out of her shell and she had a great time talking to the other mothers i think it's a sigh of relief for katie to realise that she's not as lonely or isolated as she thought she was i really appreciate it i love meeting all of you you're all welcome to come by anytime you're very thank you joe for inviting them this is really great whether you have one kid or 20 kids all moms are in the same boat they need a support system [Music] it is time for me to go for a few days only but in those few days remember everything that you have in this house works for you and it's there to serve you so take ownership of it it's very easy to do the things that you know your teacher teaches you when they're standing over your shoulder but when that teacher leaves the classroom it's basically up to the student hi katie and daniel are going to have their hands full with new techniques but i hope they do a good job in remembering what i've taught them because when i get back i plan on them both speaking to katie's dad the prescotts have spent three days without me so it's going to be interesting to see if they've held their own have you been doing well yeah so as you can see we've got some clips here and we're going to take a look at the first one and that's all about daniel and his behavior and time out and how you guys have addressed daniel's adhd and your approach to that because that was definitely something that needed to be improved [Music] [Music] son you can come out of the corner whenever you're ready too oh [Applause] can i talk to you in my bedroom come on we do not want you to get upset that's what we're here for we're here to help you i'm angry but i keep nothing around and it turns into a fight and i keep getting in trouble do you want to change that jade yeah you did that make me real proud of you okay i love you come on i'm going out of control [Applause] okay i always forgive you eh that's nice that's really nice to see look you're joking watching that i can see all your eyes welling yeah yeah it's choking though to watch isn't it you know you feel a bit like when you watch it you know it's tough to see him being so angry too let's be real here daniel you're still learning how to compose yourself and not get wound up by daniel when he kicks off it really is about your own temperament because you're you'll feed into that banter or you won't and learning to step outside your own box and have more self-discipline is what brings you to the point of being able to execute this discipline with daniel in a successful way i think that the way we're dealing with it now there's a light at the end of the tunnel i think we have that's way better we have a chance now with him whereas before i felt like we were it was hopeless it was getting worse not better well it's on daniel well done thank you okay so are we ready to see the next bit here which is all about chores let's take a look [Music] here make sure you put them in sticking up the sharp knives put them in the back and put them down okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are cleaning here grab a paper towel and start rubbing it around in the mirrors the dishes had to be hard for daniel because he likes the dishwasher a certain way like he has his method so i have to just i just have to brag on him that that was really hard but he is handling it really well like he knows that they're doing their best and he's not tearing him up for you know not doing it his way i tried to explain to him how to do it but i didn't i just let him do it yeah kept my hands off try to at least and the fact is he's in he's in he's doing it you know and that's what's important here okay let's move on to the last but not least yes this is the clip about the hearts and the children so let's see how well we did with our okay consistency here something else barley i want to talk to everybody about something that joe said come here okay listen listen i really want to do our family circle tonight okay and i want to do our hearts okay okay no running no yelling okay show me your not calm face okay now show me your face now what do we need to do right now which face so show me the face you're gonna do for the rest of the night [Music] baby minnie don't forget your coat mom why don't you just bring that stuff to the table there you go [Music] so as you can see you promised the kids the hearts and then they you didn't deliver they've really they've really latched on to that they love it they love receiving this positive message from you every night so please try and remember to do so you're confirming to them things that they've done that have been fantastic during the day and you're reminding them of the things that they've done which is incredibly positive i've seen some fantastic fantastic footage i'm very very pleased with that of course there's always room for improvement it's nice to see the follow through well done thank you the dvd footage was absolutely superb there is still one thing emotionally this family need to overcome and that's to get katie and daniel working on their relationship with katie's dad sherman how about if i suggested building that bridge this afternoon by a phone call a baby step forward and have a nice phone call with him katie we'll come in and tell her right now yeah okay all right let me try i was stunned when joe brought up talking to katie's dad on the phone today i didn't expect it i think that's this is a big challenge for me i'm gonna call your dad i'm gonna talk to your dad okay see how it goes and you're okay with that i just got this knot in my stomach because i knew it was something i needed to do you know why we're doing this because you know what it's it's about time isn't it let's face it it's about just really being able to you know touch base with your dad you know to speak to your father-in-law and and to clean the air and and to start a fresh it was time for casey to let go let go of all that bitterness because katie's dad had made a choice to leave the family and if daniel loves her then he needs to accept his father-in-law regardless of his sexuality oh hi is that sherman yes hi sherman it's joe frost how are you i'm well how are you yeah i'm fine i'm here with katie and with daniel hey hey dad i would love just to hear a little bit of how you felt personally with the decision that you made oh boy i went through just anguish that was unbelievable i had for years fought it and fought it and i got married thought that would end it got really involved in church i thought that might help and actually it nothing had helped and i still had those feelings and it came to a point in my life where i knew i had to make that decision and once it was over with for me and i'd gone through it it was like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders when i you know finally had come out to everybody phone call made me understand where he was coming from with what he was going through you know it's a step in the right direction does your sexuality define who you are as a father no does it change how you feel for your daughter and the love that you have for her absolutely not i i love them more than anything and that my sexuality has nothing to do with that your relationship with daniel has been one that's had its shares of ups and downs right we could honestly say yes so i met daniel hey this is your dad-in-law here your father-in-law on the phone hey sherman how you doing buddy i'm all right um you know through talking with with joe and with katie and all the issues have been brought up the main thing that was brought to my attention was that i'm partly to blame for keeping your guys's relationship um on rocky terms and i just want you to know that whatever it takes for you and katie to have a better relationship i'm willing to do it to help you guys out and help us all out all right that's great news there's nothing i want more than a relationship with you daniel i respect you tremendously as a father and a husband because i've been there and seen you um work with the kids and jump in there with katie you know just proud to have you as a son-in-law and to be emotional but i think you're a heck of a guy and a great father and nothing i like better to have a good relationship but yeah me too it was just nice to be able to hear how much he is proud of daniel and cares for him and i think that probably touched daniel too in order for a relationship to grow for you guys daniel sherman to spend quality time together it takes time absolutely marvelous all right dad love you hey i love you too bye-bye i think this is really the beginning of building a great relationship he deserves it you know no matter what's happened in the past he still deserves to be able to be a grandfather give me a hug thank you very very proud of you bro thank you serious i'm glad we're all together because it is time for jojo to leave now can i get like a big group hug she's asking for a couch [Laughter] thanks jojo thanks jay you've helped us a lot good job jojo now that joe has come into our family i feel like we are in a completely different place i think we have more peace within our home i see a change in every child take care of your family huh after having joe come to the house i think our family's a lot better off it's a lot calmer i definitely think we're a happier family bye bye-bye take care the prescott family were unhappy their hearts were heavy their children were sad and with good communication open minds open hearts we have seven children who are much happier parents who are communicating with one another and a grandfather who's going to get to see his kids as priceless [Music] we're over here we're gonna go set our stuff down and then we'll go see the ducks i just feel like so many weights have been lifted off of me it's put me in such a peaceful place inside i don't i don't have any food right now the main reason i started this whole thing was because katie needed it and along the way i found some things a lot of stuff for myself too i wasn't expecting to but i did sting you yeah yeah i want one more time i'm no longer having these thoughts running through my mind at the end of the day of all the things that i haven't accomplished i go to bed with this sense of pride in in what i've accomplished with my kids that day and it gives me a great hope for the future so what happens when we run out of grapes they come looking for them no i see my family changing since jim has got here yeah throw throw whatever i don't know what they're gonna eat but talking about my dad and resolving that with daniel was like somebody just literally lifting a weight off of me i feel like there's hope now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Supernanny
Views: 3,401,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supernanny, supernanny full episodes, super nanny, supernanny uk, supernanny full episodes worst family, supernanny megan, supernanny girl faints full episode, supernanny worst family ever, supernanny 2020, supernanny season 8, supernanny best moments, supernanny teenagers, supernanny madison, supernanny us, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, supernanny bedtime, supernanny mean mom, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny autism, the prescott family supernanny
Id: 7TTr3jMIdfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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