Teen Titans Go! | Eating Healthy | DC Kids

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one of my stomach's and the meats are locked in a most ferocious struggle oh the meat has won oh there's a meat person in me what's your name little meat person can't think thoughts only meat I don't know sweats don't worry I got this he's so alert it's like he doesn't have any meat in them at all how are you so focused and agile all things are possible through vegetables bro [Music] [Music] okay seems your first challenge is to find food we already ordered pizzas no pizza this is survival and survival means eating gross things let's start the challenge the first team to eat all their bugs wins I do not consent bugs are full of protein essential vitamins and fiber for centuries man survived solely on bugs and I believe even one more young no Nam [Music] that he's not survival this is survival [Music] well yes I decide of maggots with my beetle I need no bugs bugs are beautiful creatures yo and your breath stinks food rules of Robin boom boom you don't even know what you're booing yet well it's a big book with your name on it that's all we need to know it's a strict rule book on how to follow rules rule number one follow the rules rule 213 apples are to be eaten bottom to top no more of this sideways nonsense and when disposing the stamens oh no not him um safe from fireless building now no thanks to Nyborg why is that dude saving that other dude from nothing does he look exactly like you except slightly more handsome yeah rule 75 I'm the handsome one and he's from bizarro world where everyone is the opposite of someone here he's my opposite lacking my intelligence leadership and incredible athletic ability yeah everyone mrs. Nyborg goodbye bad to meet you oh really so so rude that's bizarro speak usually says the opposite of what he really means so for him up actually means sideways no Beast Boy backwards keep trying to live a long healthy life you should eat of the fruits and vegetables so your bodies do not become famous bodies think that this Apple here is nature's candy not speaking of apples did I ever tell you the story about the apple cart well this fella he decides he's gonna Park his apple cart in front of my house okay let me see what we're working with you call those bellies is shameful what do you have to say for yourself well I for one out you your belly Oh what about you six-pack I'm up for the challenge sir you ready to get juicy tangerine well first things first turn in your smile bones please just put them in the bucket seriously do you want to learn how to eat or not will those be stored in a sanitary manner yeah I put them in the bucket [Music] those bellies are looking ripe here's your smile bones back y'all you earned it oh that's not right Oh see you Robin have you considered eating less of the fish huh noted like wow my favorite a triple-decker sardine jelly and tomato sandwich not bad but check out like quadruple triple-decker veggie Sammy you think that's a tall sandwich I can't sandwich my own let's just say I'm a good shoe blow there now let's try to wash this down with some ice-cold pop thanks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think we lost an party can you talking to that boy if you're in front of me [Applause] [Music] step right up and test your luck knock down the bottles and win a stuffed animal or you'll have a lady friend [Music] robbing the carrots do starfire broccoli Ravan falafel and hummus and Cyborg spinach brown that's good really good I thought this would taste like dirt [Music] crime alert [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so much delicious yes this world would be very easy to conquer it's time to teach those bellies how to eat Starfire Raven you know what to do [Music] nice try but how will they see where these delicious treats without their smile bones how are we going to our food now take ours quick Raven give people your smile bones oh no way you do it star very well [Music] well I sincerely hope we all learned a little bit about the importance of favoring your food we sure did thanks Robyn it's just one more thing you want some shredded coconut on that bro you know it says keep that coconut coming [Music] [Music] I am done now with the coconut rage Titans we need a new food source fast but all we got here at his garbage coconut maybe we should check the other side of the island is the unexplored side of the island who can say what mysteries the mysterious side is where the play [Music] whoo - whoo - whoo - that's good start to the other side of the island [Music] in here this whole time so much better than the diabolical coconuts it's like a flavor explosion y'all know I bet these would be really good fast hmm okay check out those dinosaurs yeah from them we're currently focused on the potatoes huh okay I just wanted to make sure I refused to move the apple cart so when he's not looking I run up and I break his ankles with a mic that was a good pipe good copper pipe what great apples hmm a wonderful food items even without the maple syrup way better than Pizza which we couldn't afford anyway since we're putting so much money into our savings I think my interest just got compounded that is so good you should be proud look how your healthy lifestyle changes have affected us for the rest of your life you little scamp no sorry no more fun that's the price of a long and healthy life guys I was wrong we're young and that means we should be making the worst decisions of our lives if you won't take care of yourselves we'll take care of you we'll see about that dice goes I got old man strength thanks for taking such good care of ourselves I know life like this is boring but if you make bad decisions today we won't be around later that's it the only way to stop decisions I'm going to ride my motorcycle I would like to order the expensive shoes with the colors on the bottom I thought you liked old people dear not as much as I like fried chicken great job Titans we've saved ourselves from old age let's go okay Titans time for more rules of Robbin rule 52 a superhero must train a minimum of three times a day me train watch him now I wanna train like nyborg me too way ahead of you I never knew the training could be so nice this is the opposite of training we're just following now boys leave if knob or wants to stay he has to follow the rules Nybo I promise to follow rules thank you now let's get back to the rules of rubber [Music] quiet it is time to harvest lima beans potatoes peppers collard greens the breeze has risen I will destroy [Music] but there is no room for you in the new vegetable kingdom his mind has been poisoned by the meat I don't know I didn't bring a watch ribs buddy awesome tragic horse body is a temple he does not indulge in such filth no smell for you and the taste is even better than the smell vegetal this is one bike couldn't hurt hmm try a sausage spicy vegetables now that's what I call a balanced diet lazy day bro I'm gonna watch another video
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 14,510,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, cyborg teen titans, titans, teen titans go beast boy, teen titans go!, teens titans go, teen tiatans, dc kids holidays, starfire teen titans, best episodes of teen titans go, top best episodes of teen titans go, TTG EN, TTG Active, Health, Happiness, Eating Healthy, Food, Eat, Yum, TTG EN Food
Id: X1xWSvvCOag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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