Teen Titans Go! | The Love Dance | @DC Kids

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dear friends do you know what day it is it is the happy day of the Valentine you mean Valentine's Day yes a wonderful holiday filled with the flowers and the candy and don't forget about love so romantic Oh tonight we shall have a dance at which we will all share our true feelings huh I didn't realize that today's Valentine's Day Starfire wiII be my dog diamond of course we should all have the Valentine's then already got a secret Valentine [Music] may I have this dance Ballentine for you Robin Valentine's Robin you are like the brother to me and jinx I just wanted to step away from the prisoner don't worry I got you you're lucky your animal superpowers are keeping your arm alive while we figure out how to reattach it this should help you hey it's going to be okay Beast Boy No don't let this bum you out well are you not upset with the loss of your appendix nope now I have this sweet robot arm to go with my manly scar okay nothing robot arms are tough and all but losing body parts is not a good thing worked out for you maybe cyborgs right will work to reattach Beast Boy might have thought that was funny but I'm a man now sky Titans we are here today to discuss cyborgs crush on jinx Starfire if you would superhero Charter of Conduct states no superhero shall take romantic interest in a villain it does not say that anymore cyborg okay I'll tell you the truth finally I'm pretending to have a crush on her to lull her into a false sense of confidence have you been eating the Bologna again in fact I'm going to take her down right now she's at a coffee shop as we speak and how do you know that I know everything about it baby colour attacking you that she listens to everything [Music] because she's my enemy I mean if you'll excuse me oh you are hooked up to my patent-pending Lion detector machine so I'll know if you're lying now did you steal my sandwich I did not I was doing the handstands and before that I have a toast from France for breakfast and before that I was asleep and before that I read the book and before that I brushed each of my tooths yeah okay okay I've heard enough one last question do you love me yes did you just lie to me yes I did not wish to hurt the feelings huh I see could you learn to love me no very well is there any circumstance where No thank you for your time are you sure [Music] what we had a date I never said yes yet here you are uh you're standing right on that turtle's eyeball he'll be fine they're very resilient seriously you're always standing on sea creatures you don't need to be nervous I'm not nervous you just don't know what you're getting into with me I have a dark side I heard can I show you something to back it up relax oh thanks [Music] so what did you want to show me this so what I'm supposed to fall for you because you show me some dancing fish oh look they're so adorable it's like a musical is about to break out so I'm gonna take up to kiss your face just wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that was intense circle of life baby I thought you'd like it I can't believe this but for the first time I feel like someone gets me you should wear your hood down more often thanks [Music] well I better uh [Music] what Raven wants someone who can match her intensity I can be in touch [Applause] lay off my girl okay you guys said she was crazy about Beast Boy but you didn't tell me she was cuckoo cuckoo villain world is gonna pay a lot for what I've uncover here peace out Titans Tim what's going on [Music] you're leaving without telling me aren't you sorry things are just getting too intense between us Beast Boy wait just want to tell you go get her tiger you can't tell me you don't feel anything for me you want to know how I really feel fine [Music] there are three ounces [Music] what'd you do to her Raven banished her to another dimension you're welcome she was just about to tell me how she felt looks like somebody's a little yeah the truth is I would never devote a moment of my precious time to the pursuit of something as stupid as whistling perhaps I can teach you the whistle Robin oh this is the perfect environment for the whistling no distractions plenty of air now observe fascinating way to describe the whistle did it have the full lips as well oh now it is your turn simply control a stream of air by pressing your lips together like well you're a great teacher are you following me no I'm tracking you also I got you this very pie my favorite I know that's creepy I knew but in a romantic way [Music] does this mean we're I'd like that if any of the other Titans found out if any of the hive found out [Music] then we'll just have to keep it a secret [Music] yummies yes what tears make me a special Valentine surprise and from the looks of it it's gonna be big shiny and probably radioactive she doesn't like you Beast Boy she's planning on destroying us all hmm sounds like someone's bum she's not gonna get to slow dance with me tonight oh here look I've been using my magic to watch her every move she doesn't really mean that [Music] jokes do she is hey she gets grumpy when she hasn't even tried to warn you you okay there's nothing wrong with you it's her she's an awful person no I know it I'm just not good enough you know there's another girl out there who I bet likes you if she's out there why hasn't she told me oh we just split Raven into four versions of herself actually there are five Ravens now are you sure cuz go ahead Beast Boy we'll wait huh zero one you don't start at zero when you count really huh five it is we just split Raven into five versions of herself you okay Raven told you not to mess around with that thing what's not to like all of your personality traits and matches them with your ideal superhero mate and why would you waste your time with that because Robin wants to prove he's a perfect match for stop em okay let's get started are we sure it is wise to let the Machine decide who we love and Starfire's ideal match yes why I see that's me hi [Music] [Applause] take your down will ya I'm gonna give her a ball stalker yeah [Music] well I guess it's time to bring out the big guns flowers she has really bad allergies though great she's going to get away no she's not gonna get away yeah she got away you let her go on purpose hmm he will not leave you alone will he know ever since cyborgs computer matched us he's convinced we're meant to be together and you are not of course not I want someone who thinks and acts like me hey Raven hey Starfire look I know what you're doing and it's not gonna work [Music] have you been using the power of telepathy again I don't have the power of telepathy because you've been on my mind oh hey why are you wearing sunglasses indoors I have to wear them because our future is so bright together mama so you and the old king at is see who woulda thunk it huh I give no credence to your machine but I admit Aquaman does possess many admirable qualities and he's quite fit you know who else is fit [Music] you are not wearing the shirt or the pants yep just got back from the pool swam about 200 laps no biggie reflection oh I must go feed the silkie now well before you go the exits to the room art and oh did I step in gum look at that calf he could cut diamonds hey star nice mask it is not supposed to be nice it is supposed to be menacing oh well it really brings out your eyes are you ready to spend all your time and energy relentlessly pursuing me only to be frustrated at every turn oh that's sounds super creepy I'd never do that go away Raven it takes two to make a relationship work we don't have a relationship give it up I have never given up on anything in my life and I am NOT giving up on us what are you talking about you give up all the time I give up ah ah so sweet look at how excited he is to see you come here little man it's time for your bottle I don't what's all this you are like my big Valentine's Day no way Jose I got something super special planned you do you know it it's Valentine's time is this cyborg we're celebrating Valentine's Day the best way possible in a classroom environment baby [Music] yes star may we pass out the cards now does everyone have their folded paper envelopes taped to their desk I sure do I spent all night on this then let's hand out our Valentines [Music] wait you got everyone the same cards of course but today is supposed to be our day you don't want to hurt someone's feelings do you wait you didn't get cards for everyone no you didn't get me a card I just got one for my husband [Music] it's okay buddy it doesn't mean she doesn't love you I don't love him I only love you are you trying to ruin his Valentine's Day unbelievable my first stakeout was a great success you know it's funny I brought you out here tonight to trick you into kissing me what but instead I learned a lesson it took your Jeff disguise and the smell of rancid corn chowder for me to realize it but besides being kind sweet and the love of my life you are a great detective you tracked dr. light to his lair using all three rules to a classic stakeout I'm proud of you I could not have done it without your guidance partner balbin yes new rule you do not mess with mama want to check out those skeletons now I said to the death [Music] still that was pretty intense see a little Goblin [Music] look who is paying us the Valentine's Day visits ah how cute star you're really getting me baby it is the Cupid [Music] no it's Aqualad yeah it's me miss me Raven oh I will chew you up again bro relax you little Goblin that's all in the past oh so romantic you two have nothing in common yeah he's about water he's about rock he's a hero she's a village he's a boy she's a girl when you rejected me I was heartbroken but seeing you now sad alone and single I know I dodged a bullet whoa okay I am not single Beast Boy and I are dating really the really s cool I think I ordered too much spaghetti I might need some help star [Music] [Music] this place is so romantic wow thanks for the lift handsome gondola man [Music] that must be the flower if you wish to pick me you must answer one question you may know real cool me up look good on my petals is that the riddle sure it looks fine let's go what I said you look fine Wow I'm just saying it doesn't matter no one cares what you look like hey I'm sorry I wasn't being thoughtful your petals are perfect I do the color really complements your stem you noticed and don't think I didn't see that new stamen I got them on sale could have fooled me you look like a million bucks you are worthy pick me and let us bring joy to your loved one [Music] you're a beautiful young lady Wow um look and your cloak matches your hair perfectly I like you a lot I thank you oh so sorry it's hard to contain our love by the way I ordered for the table oh I love calamari I know what you're doing there you are Valentine yeah no more arrows no no I merely wished to exchange the hearts proclaiming messages of love candy hearts oh okay that sounds harmless where did you get this heart that is of no importance Robin did I just move I am sorry but I could not carve a message into it Robin come on I never get to use this thing [Applause] huh not a fuel what were you saying Beast Boy is in there getting all changing and stuff it must be part of the lifecycle triggered by his animal DNA I wonder what friend Beast Boy will look like when he emerges [Music] take me away my man insect a prince what was that raven nothing I know everything about it baby colored attacking you that she listens to everything because she's my enemy I mean if you'll excuse me oh are you following me no I'm tracking you also got you this [Applause] [Music] very pie my favorite I know that's creepy I know but in a romantic way so I got you some stuff cuz I love you and everything I got you so amazing so amazing yeah that's a the main maybe I could wait you every day all I wanna do I just let you watch [Music] honest you palawan us all [Music] okay wrap it up lovebirds friends you have repaired your romance yeah we did and all it took was a little thought effort and sacrifice so what are we talking about I don't remember [Music] [Music] that was the most enjoyable of videos another please
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 44,853,838
Rating: 4.3718061 out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, Justice League Animation, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Teen Titans Go Songs, Justice League, TTG EN, TTG EN Love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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