Teen Titans Go! | Science Fails | DC Kids

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[Music] alright ready buddy just gonna merge our DNA no big deal what are the super powers of Robin well good question flight picking things up off the ground with your mouth your crazy old bird feet stuff like that nothing like a little lab disaster to give you superpowers [Music] [Music] frightens it's time we had a bathroom meeting a bathroom meeting yes you guys are spending way too much time in there as Titans we spend on average three percent of our time fighting crime seven percent dancing 18 percent doing food-related activities and the rest of the Titans time is spent in the bathroom this cannot go on can you repeat all that stuff you just said I was in the bathroom as of this moment I am instituting a bathroom rationing no lavatory visit will last more than five there's so much stuff we need to do in there bro and what exactly is that sorry tap dance it's where I go to sing in painting the most temporary of art forms it is where I create my favorite recipes that is not what the bathroom is for it is a place of serious business in and out nothing in there should take more than five minutes ten-second hand washes one minute showers four minutes shaves take you four minutes to shave what I have very thick facial hair oh yes this is coming in very nicely that my friends is a mustache it's every superheros dream to shrink down to the size of a germ and to explore the miracle of the body that ain't my dream yeah girls think about surfing on blood cells climbing a ribcage swimming in the stomach I'll take down those viruses motto sorry you are crawling all up in it it's just a cold and is going to kill you cyborg baby you can't go inside him Robin it's not like we have a brand new shrink ray dude are you sure it's new yeah they don't sell junk at the swap meet now stand aside [Music] Robin are you not supposed to be much smaller I think that's as far as it goes huh no problem this can still work we can handle this cyborg looks like I don't have a choice [Music] [Music] [Music] they're clean as the baby's behind it's up as baby's behind sky those things aren't usually so clean yes I am saying we did an awful job can you just put me back together okay this is not how I go back together I don't know I'm pretty sure that's how I remember you agreed then what about all those extra parts yes extra part cyborg as in you do not need them that's my leg you're sitting on sorry cyborg but we've done everything we can you can't leave me like this it's undignified I feel like Webster Webster Webster 1980s TV show was that tiny kid who was like 40 in real life you know his parents died so the dad's a football buddy adopts him George papadopolis with his wife Katherine but Webster calls her man there's an episode where he uses a science kick even though man warns him not to I have all six seasons on VHS if we can't put your body back together maybe we can upload you into the tower computer yeah and then you'd be completely electronic none of that gross flesh and blood stuff going on you make a compelling case let's give it a whirl okay that's good connected to all the tower systems at all ah can you please turn the lights back on having a good time [Music] [Music] the minute this clown is horrible yeah what are you doing Lane keator stuff I told you you're too old for clowns guys this is a classic clown act look at the shoes the nose the makeup no way this clown is for kids yes clowns are for kids when I was a kid calls are way cooler they had depth and meaning this clown is garbage yesterday don't know what they're missing you know maybe we can fix him make him as cool as he used to be clowns were never cool you're letting nostalgic cloud your memory guys kids entertainment is not something to be messed with it's sacred I worry that altering this clown could have disastrous consequences sorry mama but we're making this clown cool again this clown I know he looks like some kind of clown what it is grace but we'll just dress him up like we remember I don't really remember what he looked like brother just said he was cool just sign this here waiver stating that we can do anything we want to your mind body and spiritual being [Laughter] [Music] [Music] the clown's gone star it's safe to come out we made our clown cool again give him away from me [Music] I can't believe my luck I just watched my car and it's already covered in bird Dookie sorry my bad Oh what happened to you and what are you doing pooping on my car oh I tried to give myself superpowers by turning yourself into the chicken I guess it didn't really work out like I was hoping does this mean you finally realized superpowers are a curse no way this doesn't count this doesn't count since I didn't get any powers I almost want to give you superpowers just to teach you a lesson you can give me powers of course I can but you'd have to be sure this is something you really want those Ian's okay but before I can there's something you need to do what don't play dumb you know exactly what I'm not doing the chicken dance for you chicken dance no chicken dance nope [Music] [Music] the cyborg is starting to tick me up I cannot even flirt my scream ease in peace he's everywhere we have to get him out of the computer what you guys talking about ah nothing after years of being half man I'm finally a whole computer and now you want to take that away from me well we have no idea what you're talking about we were just fighting scope [Music] I'm sorry but I can't let you do that oh yeah well who's gonna stop us I'm part of the tower now I have new friends [Music] I'm fighting a vacuum cleaner and losing this is embarrassing [Music] [Applause] I can't see [Music] it's over buddy time to get your old body back you know maybe you're right I think when I lost my body I lost a little of my humanity too [Music] citing bandages we need more bandages don't worry I got you PC you're lucky your animal superpowers are keeping your arm alive while we figure out how to reattach it this should help you hey it's going to be okay Beast Boy no don't let this bum you out well are you not upset with the loss of your appendage nope now I have the sweet robot arm to go with my manly sky okay that is the coolest thing I've ever seen oh hi nothing robot arms are tough and all but losing body parts is not a good thing worked out for you maybe cyborgs right will work to reattach Beast Boy might have thought that was funny but I'm a man now [Music] what are you doing I've decided to shrink the entire team but the Ray is broken not anymore I was able to fix and improve it with my tiny hands let's do it Tiny Titans [Applause] the virus has gotten so bad that it shut down all your systems exactly like I told you it would we're gonna need more soap or you know real medicine no it's already too late we only have one option Oh [Music] where are we looks like we're a lost in the carpet not for long let's climb something tall to get our bearings oh that looks kind of far perhaps we should have gotten closer to my body purse [Music] [Music] [Music] we have not moved but if you will inches closer we've never gotta make it we're gonna die here sit tight eeeh the loan not on my tiny watch I have an ace up my sleeve [Music] we finally made it I think it's the stomach this is most unpleasant come on this is great who wants to serve this hot dog there's more fun to be had in the body follow me uh-uh your rooms boring you got around like and play with uh something no rattles just devices to destroy the Titans with that gonna destroy us it's a surveillance drone I'm gonna use it to find your feet isn't it's too loud we hear coming from a mile away yeah giving me whoa how'd you do that you're not the only gadget genius now watch don't worry cyborg help is coming just need to upgrade the Arsenal starting with these guns [Music] [Music] [Laughter] making dinner beasty yep I heard certain foods or brain foods they're supposed to make you smarter then you feed your big brain baby I'm already feeling smarter what is it with Beast Boy getting his arm blown off on purpose you mean scar man his name is bees boy that is no boy I was just trying to cheer him up by telling him scars were cold but now he has taken it too far keep these on ice woman thanks what's in here oh you know just some lame body parts I'm not using anymore what did you do these boys just made myself a little cup and it's got a star so scary you can say that again Swami you do not get it oh I get it I used to have a little kid arm and a little kid leg and manlier than ever this is not an improvement you say something we gotta get those body parts back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] body adventure hmm where to next I know let's hit the ribcage for some awesome climbing would not the virus most likely inhabit his air sacs yeah probably fine it's like you were inhaling jelly cyborg [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay Robin maybe we should just take cyborg to a doctor no we came in here to fight some viruses in an awesome showdown and that's what we're going to do look there's one now Titans go I would rather than ah I am not touching that there oh no thanks [Music] everything in this body is sticky smelly and weird I thought a body adventure would be awesome but it's just gross come on let's get out of here play me some membranes bury mucus and whiteheads okay you were right she is kind of a bummer now but I still say it was an improvement you guys want to know where hamburger meat comes from Raven huh okay this is all my fault I used dark magic to give Starfire all human knowledge apparently it's expanding too rapidly if we don't go inside and destroy it her head will explode Azarath metrion zinthos [Music] knowledge it's a natural and it's growing at an alarming rate then let's nuke some neurons [Music] it's not working they're growing bad dudes this is worse than I thought we're gonna have to take it out of the source this must be it so you're the one who made her a bomber not on my watch Titans she's using facts and figures to deflect our attacks I don't know utq our mothers her knowledge is too powerful we don't stand a chance the only way to fight knowledge is with ignorance I like the cake may I have the strawberry breathe do you need the cold it's working she's weakened fire away Robin I've got one last fact for you the Titans win 100% of the time Booya hit that subscribe button for more Teen Titans go I'm gonna watch another video
Channel: DC Kids
Views: 28,533,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DC, DC Comics, Cartoons, Teen Titans Go!, Batman, DC Kids, YouTube Kids, Justice League, teen titans go, teen titans, teen titans go to the movies (movie), teen titans (tv program), TTG EN, Science Week, science experiments gone wrong, when science goes wrong, science fails, science experiment, science experiments for kids, science experiments that went horribly wrong, science gone wrong, bad science experiments, science fail, fun for kids, cartoons for kids
Id: HvbzEwpMO14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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