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this is my dog Charlie she's been my best friend for the past year ever since my previous dark Becker passed away this is my dog Becker he's been the best dog ever I'll see you later it was extremely hard for me because I felt like I would never have a dog like that ever again that was until Charlie came into my life she'll never be beggar but she is amazing in her own way so I wanted to do something special for her for her first birthday huh you're turning one she's excited you excited she's excited this is the doghouse I built for her a year ago and clearly she's outgrown it all right Dom you ready let's do this hit it holy crap that is definitely broken she actually looks sad I thought it was time she deserved an upgrade So today we're gonna be building her a 20 000 luxury dog house and you won't believe what we surprised her with at the end of this video bro how are you gonna spend twenty thousand dollars on a dog house I have some ideas so we arranged a doggy focus group to find out what dogs really wanted so what do you guys even like anything but with two days until Charlie's birthday we had to get started right away [Applause] [Music] we just finished putting up the fourth and final wall so we're gonna start on the roof and then the inside it's going to Corey to play if this entire house collapses it's his fault no it's not we built this pretty sturdy so the house is finally finished and now it is time to decorate the entire house be careful okay it's so small in here the fact that this entire bed fits in here is crazy people are gonna be like you spoiled her no I'm just appreciative this is spoiling for sure bean bag couch coming through oh my God it's bro check it out I got our TV dogs don't watch TV no no trust me trust me this one only plays Squirrel videos how sick is that so we added the finishing touches and now it was time for the big reveal done all right it's looking good bro it looks really good hey guys oh hey Charlie you asked me to bring her yes no idea why we have a surprise a very big not for you it's for the dog all right so you guys know how Charlie's first birthday is coming up right yeah so we built her a 20 000 Dog House in my backyard what you've never spent twenty thousand dollars for my birthday maybe I don't like you as much I'm just joking you know when you see this house you'll understand why it cost twenty thousand dollars Dom are you ready I'm ready yeah Charlie are you ready three two [Music] what do you think oh my gosh so this is the living room I love this go Dog go yeah Charlie do you like it do you like your living room wait we should show her upstairs yeah she hasn't even seen upstairs oh yeah oh my God oh my gosh yo Charlie is your bed comfy is your bed comfy it's now settling in that we did this for a dog like what more could she want she's literally never gonna be bored and speaking of never being bored while I'm at work I actually have a professional Petter to come to the house to make sure she doesn't get too lonely what makes you a professional Petter and how can I sign up what's up everybody hey this place is amazing this is like my size yeah I'm RJ the professional oh awesome cool professional better what makes you a professional see this officially certificate of a professional dog Petter I'm a professional crayon that does not look legit guys don't question him see look watch oh yeah she loves it how do I get into that do you want to be pet too I kind of do a good boy I like this I will see you both tomorrow at the same time okay we'll see you later I love RJ no let's put the mailbox well you know how Charlie loves barking out the mailman obviously she can't see it from all the way over here so watch it that's so creepy but all right I think he's malfunctioning oh my God oh my God what's going on oh my God stop it Tom I don't know what to do oh my God and that literally happens every hour so in a couple hours we actually want to throw Charlie a big huge birthday party with a bunch of her dog friends like a housewarming party we had everything for for the party except for one thing we don't have any dogs so domini made some flyers to advertise the party oh wait but dogs can't read that oh no this one's for the owner this one's for the dogs woof woof bark okay so while we waited for people to respond to the Flyers we invited Pearson over to check out the doghouse what the hell Charlie a house like a tent like a doggy-sized door there's like so much room here I'm so surprised oh she's like so this is my living space I love what you've done with the place well we did it I just can't believe that you guys did all of this for her birthday oh that's great and we have one more gift for Charlie at the end of this video that gift is going to change Charlie's life listen you have to wait and see no I don't want to win anyways you want to come see the backyard there's the backyard welcome to the backyard oh okay Charlie hang on I know we're excited probably wondering where the bathroom is well that's what the fire hydrant's for right there oh yeah I actually do have to take a tickle if you guys can just look the other way yeah yeah you can just go ahead right there and then move okay this is my favorite part look at this Pearson what is this oh this machine allows her to play fetch with herself because she just puts the ball back in and then it shoots back out what she's living the life yeah wow Charlie you are really living large here so what did you think of the house it was amazing I'm not talking to you pierce I'm talking to dogs out of here I don't think the Flyers work do you have any other bright ideas oh I actually have one I do need three thousand dollars though three thousand dollars it'll be worth it trust me people will come here's my credit card all right I'll be right back all right so while Dom let to do whatever he was doing I helped Charlie get ready for the big party so it's your big birthday party so what do you want to wear you want to wear this one no what about Charlie you gotta wear something Charlie bad news no one's coming to your party oh she doesn't care Dom the signs didn't work yeah that was kind of dumb so now what the plane should be coming right now the plane there it is you got a plane yeah look oh my God why does it say woof woof bark bark woof woof bark bark translate to come to Charlie's party really yes in dog language the plane and the Flyers were a success and dogs were rolling in wait wrinkles oh my god oh yeah you're good to go we're here for the party you're not allowed no humans allowed look yeah no humans but look I'm a dog [Music] oh my God so uh welcome to Charlie's house everyone if you can don't make a mess but uh have fun Lexi how you liking it smells so bad here it's so bad looks like you're having a good time to oh this one said I want a party I think Charlie's ready for a cake oh definitely happy birthday to you birthday guys oh my truly you're keeping oh my gosh they love the cake huh you want some cake oh there you go they love it excuse me you want some cake hey it's not your birthday man that's a lot of cake can I have everyone's attention welcome peanut butter oh Charlie do you like it oh my God now you have to stay here until you're completely clean peanut butter all over his mouth do you like peanut butter man well you guys got peanut butter man I don't know about that oh oh my God peanut butter man thank you so much anytime that was a pretty successful birthday party all the dogs have gone home Charlie did you enjoy your birthday she definitely time yeah she did huh not all the dogs left wait whose dog is this excuse me hey party's over yeah okay give me your keys so while we're waiting for the big surprise Charlie and I spent a little bit of time together [Music] all right so this is the moment we've all been waiting for it's Charlie's big surprise I'm so excited obviously we surprised her with this house but we have even a better surprise and it's in this box all right Charlie are you ready for your final birthday surprise you ready three two one oh my gosh Charlie meet your little brother Ollie oh my gosh look at they love each other oh my gosh hi look how cute how cute is so fluffy huh you guys having fun back there oh they're so cute look at them play Oh Charlie let's not be too aggressive Charlie I think Charlie likes their present what are you guys saying no because he's just sniffing her butt you're so cute I have an idea if this video gets 300 000 likes then we're gonna build a dog Hotel I'm down though yeah hit the like button yeah hit the like button this week shout out goes to Janelle and we'll see you guys next week adios amigos [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 9,561,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uA4q6gnyzz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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