Tears of the Kingdom Glitches are HILARIOUS

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tears of the kingdom is one of the most broken Zelda games out there speedruns are already taking the game to its limits so let me show you some of these glitches because they are so much crazier than you think so the first glitch we're gonna do is actually like one of my favorite glitches it's very Niche but my God is it fun the first glitch and you know what I wish I was joking about this but the name is uh wacko Boingo so what you need to do for this glitch uh is you need to go to it specifically really works at Riverside stable for some reason and so you want to put like a glider or something like in front of these guys just put it right here it doesn't really matter too much and uh you want to stand on the glider and then talk to these two NPCs for some reason when you talk to them they open up a side quest or whatever I don't really know I've actually read the dialogue but they open up like a side quest and all this stuff and the funny thing about it is like there's a small cutscene that plays right here as you can see there's your glider is gone and they start walking and so it's little it's a little weird because you're like okay what what just happened there turns out the glider just reappears here and it has some like weird properties for some reason this is the first part of the glitch this is wacko state where it becomes like really slidy and then we can have like Boingo and Boingo is when we add like something to it right so we're gonna take this battery it's really weird because we can't like actually grab the glider and uh it creates this weird state where it's kind of like a flying machine in breath of the wild where you can grab whatever it's attached to it and uh just leave like you can just you can just go like you can this is a wacko Boingo right so I'm B I'm literally directing the glider by like moving my joystick for Ultra hand you can only do this once per save file at the moment nowhere else from what we know actually does this yeah so if you want to talk to our our old pal Zelda you can just kind of fly up here and uh hey what's going on how's it going I'm so sad I'm so sad so this next one is called infinite damage it's kind of odd so you need a two-handed weapon because it works with uh spin attacks right like this the reason why we're gonna do it with this he knocks is you can do it anywhere um it's just like the easiest thing to do it takes some timing so particularly and it's very odd is if you hit this he knocks and on the frame you hit the helocs you pick up a weapon or anything that has like a question mark question mark that you haven't picked up before and you get that dialog box then it persists through that dialog box to hit the he knocks we could pretty much kill this he knocks in one hit there ah damn it you see I'm like slightly off if I was hitting him there that would have done it so if you pick up a question mark item it'll do all of the durability of the weapon in the cutscene all at once if we find a way to get infinite durability on a weapon like for example I guess like if you have a two-handed master sword then uh you can do infinite damage with it crazy right this next glitch though is super weird if you press the Subscribe button you'll make a big number go bigger it's super crazy you gotta try it out this next method Zone I sort duplication which is what this glitch is called works up to 1.1.1 uh it was patched to 1.1.2 so it's actually really easy Rockets seem like a a pretty pretty decent zonai device right so let's let's just duplicate them right so we have 30 of them currently so how do we get more well uh you want to go to uh a wall it doesn't matter what wall just a wall you want to give yourself like some space not too much like like one like link worth of space I think it's called zonai sword duplication because it's really really easy so you want to take out the device right that you want to duplicate and you just want to take out as many of them as you want to duplicate so then we press Y and B as you can see right there it's sorted and then we immediately Press B basically and now we have 40 Rockets so I'll do it again right so you take out the Rockets as many as you want you press Y and B at the same time you can see it's sorted and now we have 50. that's that's how easy it is that's legitimately how easy it is you can just just do that just like infinitely and just so nice sword duplicate that's that's it that's the easiest thing you just press wine beats Zona sword duplication we're gonna do another one uh this only works on 1.1.1 um and Below uh and this is called um mid-air sort duplication found by sauce and uh mid-air sword duplication is equally as weird and just easy so let me uh let me show you this so let's you can go to any any sort of uh Cliff or whatever so let's just go to like this clip right but let's say we want to um duplicate a bunch of uh sapphires right because we like sapphires here right and we have five sapphires you can see that all you need to do is like hold them right you can hold to five and then while you're midair you press Y and B at the same time you can pick them up now we have ten so there's actually other ways to do this as well right now one of them being using like a windshield or just like any Shield just like neutral Shield jump you can do it there right it still works and that's 35 of them and then uh if that if that's not even that I think what you can do it off of moneru right if you're this late in the game and you have Monero you can just wind be on Monero and just like do it it's not made our sword dude it's mid deru those are Pat right that's unfortunate right those are patched and you cannot use them on the most recent patch of Tears of the Kingdom but let me show you a duplication glitch that does work on 1.1.2 if you thought like that was like that was broken like this one is like actually insane for this sort of method like you can basically do this like anywhere there's a hole in the ground like you know uh between the surface level and the depths but there's one particular spot that works like really really well and it's uh basically you'll know this place from uh when you sort of get the fifth stage and it's like right over here uh tobios Hollow chasm okay like right about here should be it so you see you see the surface minimap and if we go down here you'll see a change to the depths that means we're in between loading zones the way this dupe works is that the game doesn't like when you shoot arrows between loading zones what we do here is we're going to equip a times three bow uh that we have in our inventory so we're gonna shoot off a times through Arrow he knocks horn into the abyss as you can see wait oh whoa they just stay there weird right so all right let's let's go up to them because that's the loading zone right oh they just fell and now ta-da we have three he knocks horns so it doesn't have to be times three bows for this like we have a times three Lionel bow right you can see right here it's times three you can use a duplex bow you could also use a times five bow the more times that you have on your bow the more arrows that it shoots the more you'll be able to duplicate per shot would bomb flowers work yeah that's probably a good question right like can I use items that explode on impact the answer is dear God yes so rubies right they do a ton of like fire damage and stuff right um You can do that we now have six more rubies than we had before so they do explode on impact right like a regular Ruby like you can you can take a regular rupee you can see this if I do that it's a huge explosion but if you do this for the loading zone like it doesn't actually explode so you can still pick up those rubies pretty cool right this glitch is called Spring Dalling what this does is it's just like it's just weird and I don't know how to explain it but we're gonna take out the spring and then so set the Springs facing the direction you want to um launch stand next to the spring a shield Surf and upon Landing press y so you we want to basically hit the spring and then ragdoll okay perfect I think we got it so we press Y and then unequip our Shield as launches you really far it's stupid but it's fun this will be definitely used during speed runs so it's a glitch because you get thrown so much farther than you normally would what if you stood on the spring yeah let me try that and then decrease [Laughter] you get some instant height with that I guess it's stupid it's just stupid and it's funny and that's it that's literally that's that's the whole point of this and that's what glitches are so we're gonna do this so this is spring strangeness and so we're gonna bring out four different Springs here and we're gonna activate all of them and then we're gonna do something a little wild and we're going to fuse them all together so then we're gonna go in the middle of these foreign it just doesn't really know what to do with you it's definitely strange definitely a little weird and uh the game doesn't really know what to do with link yeah I mean you can see it link is literally just vibrating like look at our mans oh this one's crazy basically the way this works is that you can put any food ability buff like attack times three up right you can do that you can put it on anything that you have the way this works is you want to go to an NPC that cooks food for example this one at Cara Car Bazaar then you want to cook like a some sort of food with an effect then uh we're going to uh quite literally just quickly I'll really eat the food the mighty mushroom skewer so eat it easy look to go and then we're gonna go and uh buy cooked food like seared steak and uh we'll we'll take we'll take them all and then literally just like look at the inventory for some reason my steak has times three attack up that's it that's the glitch now if you're wondering okay you know I want to do this but I want to update my game now there's actually kind of it's kind of funny if you update your game your seared steak will still have this attack up and as long as you have seared steak in your inventory no matter what as long as it doesn't like go back to zero then it'll always give that times three to talk about any seared steak across the entire world for some reason this one that we're going to do right now is called an auto build cancel slide this genuinely breaks the game we're going to take this uh piece of wood right and we're going to attach just something to it just like build with it right like Whoa We built with it that's so cool right but what's important about that is that in Auto build it registers as an auto build you want to take this out right and you want it to build like it is and then press by really fast there we go okay we got it okay so you can see that the auto build now in the background is like not there but we're still in the auto build menu so then we press again you know the same exact thing before and you can see here that there's now a blueprint that is kind of floating and it's kind of like with us which is a little odd so this is an auto build cancel right so then what happens if you take this Auto build and then like I don't know we like Ascend up to it there's like be on top of it and then you can kind of move around with it right and sort of just kind of go places oh oh oh God I'm being decent oh oh dear God it's very strange to say the least so you can kind of control it a little bit do you see this and then think that the game is not broken this is a totally normal Zelda game with no glitches whatsoever yeah so if you guys wanted to have like a bless or something you know in this game and you're like man I can't get around it's just too difficult well do I have an option for you this glitch that I want to show you guys next it's called Uh uh zuggling why is it called zuggle well it's because it's a smuggle glitch but there's a z because of zelion that's why it's called a zuggle it's a z smuggle let me show you this because it's actually like one of the most broken glitches in the game and it's why the speedrun community has been like sort of split into if you're running on current patch or 1.0 and what zuggling is it allows link to hold more than one weapon at a time so I'll show you really quick right you can see link is holding a spear it's a pretty powerful spear actually so we're going to go up against a wall like this and then you're going to press L hover over to the map and then immediately after unclicking the map you're going to press right on the d-pad you're going to drop whatever weapon you currently have with X and then immediately press the right on the d-pad again uh let's let's uh attach a white main lighter blade so we're going to now have link hold the spear and the linoblade at the same time it's going to open the map like we just did before we're gonna open uh the inventory with plus and then we're going to drop the current weapon that we're holding press plus again and ta-da we are now holding two weapons at once you can see links back so let's do it again so we're gonna open the map press right on the d-pad drop the weapon with X open it again um let's go do the white main linoblade again just hover over it unpress the d-pad it appears the map press plus and then we're going to uh take this drop the current weapon that we're holding Press B we're good to go and now as you can see link is holding both the white mained Lionel blade and then also the spear at the same time you can see it's like a really long thing and then literally on his back link is also still holding the spear so we now link is now holding two weapons at once right so you're you have you wondering oh that's so cool that's crazy what if you did it again look at us oh dude we're it this is insane look at our weapon if you're wondering what this does it's as if link is holding and every single weapon at once so it Stacks the damage of each weapon it also uses the durability of each weapon too but it doesn't do them individually just like whatever Link's like holding at right now you know so this is uh what a zuggle is you can just keep adding weapons and weapons and weapons to link so you know what why don't we just keep doing that why don't we just like keep doing that real quick and then fight a Lionel uh let me just like just very rush to you real quick and then um uh you're dead hey this is this is for everyone who had to face off against the Lionel didn't know what they were getting into okay so you can do a lot of damage okay but that doesn't save you from dying all right like that's just okay just eating it you gotta still be good oh um guys I I am just I'm detached from my body I cry and scream but it does not help oh God dear God save me it hurts it hurts I like go back into my body like oh look it works look what are we done wait so can I like change clothes my torso it's back wait assistant so if I want to get my legs back do I just like my legs back so that's like zuggling so we're actually not done so so remember how I said that all of the weapons that you zuggle together it's like link is holding all of them well if you actually just like drop the weapons that you're holding it duplicates all of them so not only does it do like extra damage it oh it like overloads the game it also duplicates weapons and everything it's like the most insane glitch it's more broken than some breath of wild glitches seriously I don't think there is a breath of wild glitch as broken as this um so let me actually show you a little bit more about zuggle overloading okay so Zucker overloading was actually found um also by zavellian and uh it enables a lot of shenanigans let's do some Shenanigans here uh how many is that all right so this is 29 and then this is 30. okay you can see here that there's some weapons that are stuck in the ground right now there's some weapons that have flown over here but what's most important is that we zuggle overloaded the real important thing about this in a bunch of different weird things happen but this is very notable if you go to a steering stick and then press control you just fall through the ground look at him go yup you just you literally just fall through the ground now you might be like Point Crow aren't you going to uh hit the surface and won't that actually just kill you well no it doesn't yeah okay we're just inside of the ground okay let's go to the depths now okay and I just fell onto some random okay what this doesn't seem like the most useful glitch ever on the contrary you can actually skip the entirety of Hyrule castle by doing that speedruns don't face any bosses except for demon king oh God there goes my body again overload again and this is a throwback to what we did in breath of the wild you'll see in a second let me just like do it again all right let me snuggle 30 times so um let's see what happens when you steering stick a shrine okay bye so we're going to jump attack and then we're going to press B and immediately after pressing B we're going to open our Shield menu right and then we're going to once we have our switch Shields we're gonna immediately tap r to go into boltide and then we're going to go um oh God that's so hard right like I can do this but it's like I want a ZR there we go that works wait that works yeah literally we got infinite height so we go uh B like this and then right here huh nice okay so that's kind of crazy now it's really really difficult to do but my god um does it actually like give you height so this is fuse entanglement which allows your Shield to have an effect on an object as though it's fused to a shield but we're going to do something called Spring boarding with it so springboarding is this right so springboarding is when you open up fuse and then you're going to hold down L right so you can see it takes a little bit to like actually open up this menu so if you hold down L and then do ZL you can see right here that we started fusing while the menu's up so we're gonna do this and then immediately switch over to some more uh some other weapon right or some other shield and you can see that like oh we have the spring on our Shield but the Spring's actually just over here that's odd right so we've now infused and Tangled this spring with our Shield right that's that's fuse entanglement so now if we go like a little bit farther uh like away like we go a little bit past where like the spring can like activate and stuff and then we jump on our Shield yeah we get like infinite hops so this is springboarding it's it's actually really cool right it's pretty neat so rocket boarding is essentially the same thing as springboarding where we're going to fuse and Tangle our Rockets to our uh our Shield here refuse and Tangled our rocket through our Shield right you can you can definitely tell with like a zonite shield because um you can see that it's like activated in the back but the Rocket's clearly here so if we then fuse the rocket with our weapon here so if we Shield surf hold ZL and a and then spam B we can just infinitely jump pretty much until our rocket runs out of durability which is really cool have you tried waterboarding you know what no well maybe we should try that you know what if chat if we end up finding anything like if I personally have the naming rights to something and we find something to do with the hydrant here we can call it waterboarding guys guys this has incredible speedrun potential look at this the one the only waterboarding whoa wait this is it's just stupid oddly enough I feel like this is kind of useful this is so stupid [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 874,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom, totk, tears of the kingdom challenge, challenge, zelda, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, pointcrow challenge, point crow challenge, zelda challenge, can you beat, can i beat, totk challenge, zelda tears of the kingdom, nintendo, gaming, game, playthrough, lets play, tears of the kingdom playthrough, totk playthrough, walkthrough, glitch, totk glitches, tears of the kingdom glitches
Id: ChogQJyKLWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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