Creating the unthinkable into Breath of the Wild

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Sounds cool thank you for reminding me!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Common-Discount ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this video is sponsored by crunchyroll go to point crow or click the link in the description to get two weeks ad free stay tuned for more at the end of the video what the hell did i just do welcome to hell guys this is inferno if you liked the youtube video uh that recently came out it's called modding things into breath of the wild that shouldn't exist then uh this is that but but more that was me discovering it this is us like preparing for it um to check out also the other modded videos which are there there there there there and there and there and there i actually i don't know if that's gonna like be an edit or thing i think that's really it oh check out so get ready this is gonna be actually insane let's go um do stuff okay we're gonna go over to the um hyrule his jelly legs i love his legs link's legs are just like what what is this oh that's fire blight we have a couple of them here you know it's all it's all in a day's work you know it's all casual we should i think we should need more i think we need more here we definitely don't have enough oh actually we do have enough that was that was totally enough there all right here we go go right here and uh let's get our master sword again um because we can um actually world claymore works too oh oh i i put rusty claymore oh whoopsies oh well we just have a really good rust to play more then we just have like a really good rusty claymore okay we'll start with that that's pretty all right yeah whatever okay cool what is this oh god thing is fast all right well we got thunderblade ganon this thing is fast oh god the nightmare of everyone it do be quick though he do be quick but not quick as us wait can i not beat him i don't think i can beat can i beat these guys i don't think i can i dropped the traveler's kmart okay i don't think we can beat these guys like the wrestling claim was like the rusty claymore right oh it's the wrong one did i like beat one of them that'd be lovely nice i got one okay this isn't working well what the hell i can't beat any of these guys all right let's let's go away let's go let's de-spawn these guys so we can get some more goodbye thunderblades i'll miss you not really i'll ever miss you let's do this what is this here whoa you see that it's the after image the zoom it's the flow of thunderblade wait what the hell wait did we just spawn that oh we did we did just spawn this let's see what this actually looks like wait who what i mean sure i think let's just create our own mountain really quick guys easy we'll just do we'll just create our own mountain how's that how's that sound yeah this is the cliff after the opening cut scene so you're like right here and you like look out to the world except you just fall through okay what does this do okay so that's radonia but no fire just a couple of donnie's that's interesting that's different you know yeah because rudoni is lit with like no no fire fruit yo link your legs your legs good dude dude oh this is when this these are when the uh um when they're doing the the light oh that's so cool so we can have a couple of them right and they're all just like pointing right you just like we like if we spawn another one like yeah they're all sitting and pointing across let's get another one in that's so cool let's do let's do ruda i guess i think this is rudo oh but rude is pointing the opposite way right and it's like up i actually really like meadow that's such a cool like pose like you see that that's so cool like you just see it just being like you know out oh wait that one this is so weird varudania it's so weird because it like it opens up its face i don't know how i feel about it it's like really it's really awkward you know i never really liked it oh this is a cool shot oh my god wait that's really cool too like whoa the space fleet all right all right think about this right here right all right think about this thumbnail this this is thumbnail right what they don't want you to know about breath of the wild too title clickbait oh baby oh that would get so many people mad that's so cool though i'm so glad we found that that's neat all right what's this one field object map tower long yeah it's long it's map tower long as opposed to short i guess oh god i mean it really do be long like that's not like a lie like that's like pretty true like that's it really do be long though that's not even like is that all that's not all of it that's definitely not all of it that really do me i was wondering why it said long that makes a lot of sense now how how deep can it go like how far can we get this up let's get the entire thing we got did go all the way down no it didn't okay ends like right about here that's just like kind of like this is also click bait like what they don't want you to know you've never seen it before breath of the wild to confirmed gone wrong gone sexual you won't believe what happened okay this one's called sandstorm distance whoa oh whoa that's aesthetically so cool well there's the sandstorm we got i mean we got it like that's how that's how it works there that's so cool you can just spawn in a sandstorm and that makes it even more ominous with the towers right they're just like in the distance darkness distance have to go from the far far away from it whoa oh wait this is the oh my god wait wait this is the uh the thing the darkness thing you know like the the the th oh my god this is gonna be so cool we gotta place this like properly i think we wanna place it like right here on the edge of the sandstorm and then we run away oh it might spawn oh there it is it's the darkness that's so crazy that's crazy this is so cool we're like we're really breaking it today let's do another one remember tag oh so we can just remember a memory right here and in that moment he recalled that only a small percentage of you guys who are watching the video right now are actually subscribed so if you like the content and you like the content on the channel in general please feel free to subscribe thank you let me uh what the hell is happening oh my god let's go so let's do this one lame tornado and i just spawn in what the hell did i just do welcome to hell guys this is inferno so link is just you know infinitely a um lightning rod quite literally welcome to hell guys god of thunder all right what's this right here wait i think i know what this is yeah that's what it is it's a meteor oh oh this could crash the game but like i'm prepared to do it i'm not prepared to do it anymore i i dislike this strongly oh it just like completely oh gotta shut this down oh it's gonna like crash my computer if i keep it up nevermind i saw a spike in cpu usage because it kept like trying to like let's not all right did i not tell you that i broke my computer whoa that one was close let's not do that again what is this it was this moment when he realized he [ย __ย ] up okay let's just torture link oh that's hilarious it's a bookshelf guys it's a bookshelf oh [Music] uh yep that's definitely your pleasure all right wait wait wait we don't do it in my pleasure my ears okay all right what's next here um it is my pleasure i was delayed my pleasure i'm kind of scared of me for right now i'm not gonna lie thanks for bali oh like what if we did a couple more jeez there's one on top of the others he's he's literally piggyback riding all right we gotta run guys we gotta really like get out of here okay wait wait we gotta do it again over here though did i just make a car oh right wait wait that's the wrong bow it's the wrong bow guys let's do this again let's see what's up with this jesus me and the boys where are you going guys where are you going oh wow these are wow he's really up there okay let's do this next one i think i know what this is [Music] what's up coco [Music] um [Music] i can't i can't move oh that explains why i can't move oh obviously that's why it's a barrier oh whoa that's so neat i wonder if you can defeat it oh [Music] don't use that one all right i just can't use the bow here okay i forgot about that all right warp point remains over here oh um i mean we're going somewhere okay all right what's 50 by 50 okay oh is this what shadow marth used for the flores lava so this is how the floor is lava um video which uh is on youtube by the way it's really cool you should check it out if you haven't already this is how it was so it's a 50 by 50 floors lava right here so if i go through it yeah it's lava yeah we can do the same with water as well if we jump really high water this right yeah we can just swim in the air look it's our little private hot tub wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so if we like i'll do the sound effects guys i'll do the sound effects for it i got it oh my god that's great yeah don't don't jump attack uh would not recommend i could like no immortal can can hold a single one of those maracas only hesh you can damn they never told us they never warned us oh the broom we're kind of holding it wrong but it's it's a broom you must be swept i mean who holds a broom like that what's this here okay how much i gotta ask you guys how much backlash would i get oh my god wait wait oh whoa okay so that's just a hot iron this is basically a sword before it's actually a sword that's so he's not even gripping on anything link what are you doing link how are you how are you holding this thing oh it's in his arm oh it's in his arm like it's in like it's literally in his okay wow that's that's pretty metal it's lit i mean that's literally metal what take my melon oh oh oh wow uh that wow that melon real powerful there you guys ever you know let me let me let me get something relatable here do you ever do you guys ever be in college do you be in college sometimes because i'd be i was be in college earlier you know it you know relatable do you know because um because mood it's a liquor bottle [Laughter] what a pose let me see if i can throw it wait that's the wrong one well that's well that makes sense uh well we're in the korak forest now what's this what's a beetle yeah that's a portable beetle oh hey what's going on my dude how you been it's been a while oh you're oh oh uh oh you made me you made me clip out oh why is that oh cause you just don't fit you good dude oh my bad i'm sorry i'm sorry i'll spawn you somewhere else i'm sorry about that there he is now he's breathing he's fine we got this guy right here is the yeah they're just all of them wait let's let's bring the uh the other guy down number two that's crazy you know what's also crazy it's getting to nighttime it do be getting late it really do be getting late so let's go sleep until morning it's my bedtime all right cool next zelda oh we got zelda oh there's there's another zelda too and a third zelda which one will you choose there's there's so it's this is just creepy i think this is creepy that's not region that's that's not rishu um nope that's not riju all right i mean we're just we're just hiring we're just guessing at this point no no no okay these are all the wrong ones 25. so someone one of these is going to be riju probably no okay 24. there we go we got reshoot there it is only took us a good first try oh that's daruk there we go oh so we got daruk here there's mifa hi mifa wow she's really small that's her bowser there we go so we got urbosa as well and then and then everyone's favorite everyone's favorite's next everyone's favorite look it's rivali we know how you love ravalli guys then there's this whoa whoa wait a second here all right let's go over here this is we've made our own custom trial of the sword just right here all right what else is here the library yeah this is oh this is the hyrule castle library okay nice wow that's lovely to spawn in love that for us i think i know what this one is i think i know what this one is i think we know what this one is oh my god this is the dome for ganon what does it look like outside all right so it's like a mini dome it's like a mini dome that's so cool especially at night time look at that it's so sinister oh all right damn getting a little bit more and more unstable we can do this we got more guys one slip could cost me this entire stack oh god oh god things are things are really like getting a little jittery here oh jesus they're just shaky they're more and more shaky so what if i just did this all right the game's getting a little bit laggy here with all the collisions what's this one over here that is a chica slate really is it i can't see it it doesn't exist there it will help guide you after your long slumber thank you thanks thank you zelda thank you i think thank you still whoa we got the sheikah slate this is the beginning cutscene oh we actually spawned back here um i just softlock uh i in fact did softlock i cannot move anything in my controller i it's not is not working out right now rupee goal okay what is this uh i guess we're printing money hey keep it coming guys oh shooting star what is this wait what's that from that's his oh that's the xenoblade chests right that's super pretty look it's piya oh i mean it's on my back but i can't i can't like shield with it i can't like oh oh what what what is happening let's go if you get skew and then do this it's crazy okay let's go get skew all right if i do this make sure that like i can i i'm like lined up do you want to get a good skew here really good skew all right i'm pretty good all right let's do this what nice i like how it's like we have a sword on our back and a sword like we're like just double wielding right now what if we have a sword as our uh as our you make a sword a shield as well [Laughter] wait wait in doing so i can actually now use my sword as a shield and then take out my it's like discus [Music] and then i can shield with my sword what is this all right where's the enemy i can fight hey cool okay oh it doesn't do damage it doesn't do damage though it's not it's not doing damage but it do look cool oh that's it wait wait it's an invisible shield now we're just sliding right so if we go like this he just be sliding i love it too because you can see link with his sword is like out you know cuz you can shield like that but he's like he's about to cut someone you know oh sword do be broken all right let's just travel like this why not let's just travel you know let's just go let's just go you know away away away from everywhere away from here i don't want to be here any longer we're just going you know we just it just be happening like this the goal of one man to surf the world of course anyways i think that'll do it for the uh for the modern breath of the wild i thought we killed you last time all right that's pretty good all right all right all right before the video ends i need to ask you guys something i watch anime i read manga you know a lot of it but unfortunately i run out of material so i need new stuff that's where you guys come in something like one piece with like the literal god tier world building and storytelling or hunter hunter where you know it's a comprehensive power system that just makes sense means things like tower of god dr stone demon slayer you know i i've been through all of them so please put recommendations in the comments below because i'll go through them and honestly just save them all so i can you know watch or read them later um and since i know a lot of you guys love it as much as i do crunchyroll has decided to sponsor this video and if you go to crunchyroll.compro you can get two weeks ad free viewing and it helps out the channel unlimited anime manga and all episodes are professionally subtitled that's crunchyroll.compro link in the description see you guys in another video [Music] you
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,725,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, breath of the wild, botw, point crow, modded breath of the wild, modded botw, modding breath of the wild, pointcrow breath of the wild, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, pointcrow modded botw, zelda, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, glitches, botw mods, breath of the wild mods, botw glitches, gaming, gameplay, cemu, breath of the wild speedrun, world record, speedrun, speedrunning, modding, glitch
Id: sawpy7p49OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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