Tears of the Kingdom Master Sword Speedrun Explained

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this is a speedrun breakdown of the master sword category in tears of the Kingdom from here on out expect spoilers for the game there's actually quite a few ways you can get the master sword and tears of the Kingdom technically you start the game with it of course only for it to be destroyed right after then you get a decayed version early on for a little before it gets sent back in time and in the final boss fight even if you don't have the sword yet you get it for defeating the boss but it won't stay on your save file afterwards and technically you can even get a glitched version of it from the intro onto your save file but none of these ways is what this speedrun is about this speedrun is all about actually pulling the master sword from the light dragon's head to permanently unlock it on your safe this means getting five stamina vessels and making your way to the dragon as quickly as possible this is a fun movement based speedrun to essentially beat 20 shrines as quickly as possible using a huge variety of glitches and tricks in this video I will break down my run of it and explain you how it works by the time of recording this video this is officially the fastest recorded time on this version being version 1.1 1.1 but with these disclaimers out of the way let's get into the speedrun welcome to the intro of Tears of the Kingdom this part is already managed to become relatively Infamous for lots of resets and speed runs um this is and maybe you remember this from my previous 80 explained video to say seven minute unskippable part of the Run slows down basically all of the speed run categories quite heavily in fact as we speak right now there's actually a vote going on for at least the any percent category to skip the intro entirely because we're getting to the point where the run is becoming a lot more difficult and you'll see in this run I'm gonna go over this new great Sky Island route that I teased in the previous video in the 80 video because I will be using a tier for the master sword speed run but I did want to include a little bit of the intro today mainly because I want to explain you why this run in particular will actually never be able to skip the intro no matter what no matter what the community decides to vote on this simply cannot happen and this is because of how dragons work in this game and if if you haven't already guessed it we will obviously have to have some business with dragons in this particular category because we do have to get the master sword from the light dragon now the problem is this basically as soon as you leave this intro section and you wake up in the room of Awakening you basically get summoned to the real game World the dragons on the surface start moving and there's even a place for Zelda as far as we know the light dragon moving around in the Overworld it seems like we can not stop um the game from making these Cycles progress so the problem is basically the way that intro skip is currently suggested for Speed runs is you would basically create a save file got a nice Spin Attack there for the keys you would basically create a save file after you complete the intro and would start your speed runs from that save file before picking up the decayed master sword and this is where the timing would then officially begin but the problem is that in this run in particular you could essentially kind of like trick um the speed on leaderboards by waiting let's say like 10-15 minutes before you actually create your save file which would then actually change the light dragon's position potentially in your favor so basically all categories that currently have any business with Dragons wouldn't ever be allowed to use the intro skip you see me do the cuts here um I had just enough time to kind of explain you why interest cap would never happen in this category as I got a rate here on my stream and wake up in the room of Awakening picking up the decayed master sword and no the run is not over right now I try to make an intro to this video to explain it to you what you actually have to do in this run this is all about getting the full Bastard Sword right getting the full revitalized master sword on your violin don't get me wrong there's so many ways already to get the master so this feels a little arbitrary but the reason that I like this category is because it's just very fun it's a short and like fast paced movement based speedrun where you do Shrine of the shrine and then eventually you have like a really cool finale by actually getting the master sword from the light dragon's head um but again I understand technically there's other ways to at least touch the master sword for example any person technically obtains the master sword as of right now and will probably always do so I basically think this is a really cool run to show off and I'm going to be able to explain you the new great Skyland route and a bunch of glitches which is why I wanted to show it off and it's kind of like a nice segue into the all shrines speedrun which I'm gonna look into next now let's get into the actual new great Sky Island route it starts up with one of the hardest jumps which is why intro skip has become so it has become kind of like a big deal you basically jump from this pillar over to this wheel I did a cut here because I actually failed this jump in any percent if you failed this jump you would reset watch the seven minute intro again you jump over these wheels go to the side barely squeeze through with like some sidewalking side hopping action and then you make it up here where the nutshell yah Shrine is and this Shrine is obviously technically um the game wants you to get the shrine after you do the other three and you can actually see it on the right here it's currently closed like you can't enter you can't enter any Shrine until you touch the Temple of Time Dora for the first time and additionally even if you do touch the Temple of time though for the first time and glitched yourself up here somehow the shrine would actually not be open um this Shrine only opens after you touch the door Vitality for the first time where it checks for your hearts after GSI so why do we go up here this is something I tease like I said in the 80 Speed Run video we go up here to get some early zonai wings and zonai wings and I will just say this every time I talk about Zone air wings uh probably the most slept on for me slept on Zona device I did not think there would be this powerful they're probably the most powerful Zona device with rockets together with rockets they fly so quickly they're easy to set up you can reset your stamina on them they help you playing the game without the paraglider extremely powerful is on a device I think in the future I will do a speedrunner ranked zonai devices tier list the wings will be very high up there they're very powerful [Music] for the better intro the less annoying intro I am not yet tired of this cutscene it definitely always hits the spot the music is great the visuals are great and it does not feel as long it gets you hyped for the Run also I feel like it's kind of like a rewards nowadays because you do this very difficult jump like that jump over those Wheels is very very difficult probably one of the hardest tricks in the entire round we have so far um and getting kind of rewarded being done with that section of the having watched the intro and getting a real run going feels great now we want to dive down here ideally land on this Lily Pad what this allows us to do is essentially skip a little bit of swimming that way you can just swim with a single stroke basically all the way to the staircase and then make our way towards the poorer pets um I think I mentioned this in the any person Speed Run recently you actually do have to get the polar pad if you don't get the product at all jumping down from this island anywhere will void you out similar to The Great plateau in breath of the wild um you cannot skip this program at all basically the entire game world will be locked until you get this for a pet and then until you beat the great Sky Island the entire game what is still locked it's basically like two sections right at first you get like the room of Awakening in this area when you get the purab head the great sky and it unlocks and when you beat the great Sky Island everything unlocks it seems very very intentional it seems like the developer developers really tried their best to avoid any sequence breaks from happening uh pretty much like a great Plateau skip situation once again who knows if in the future we've somehow figured it out but it doesn't seem likely they were very careful to lock us out but now we get the polar pad and you will actually start to see why even do we get these wings like that was pretty slow right jumping all the way up there getting their chest with three Wings why would you do this and the answer will be apparent quite soon the the next goal that we have is to get to the Temple of Time obviously to activate the shrines so we can enter the shrines by the way in case if you're curious if you try to clip into a shrine which is technically possible the loading zone doesn't exist so no early Shrine skips this time I try to run up to this ledge specifically with a specific camera angle and spawn one of those wings this allows me to run onto the wing and this is where the first time save comes in obviously I'm going to be able to use the wing to fly straight to the Temple of Time instead of slowly walking around the wing has pretty good flight speed it's actually comparable in slightly faster than level 3 running speed um but we're gonna use this to our advantage even more so once again the Temple of Time door is basically needed we need to touch it to unlock the shrines and we need to do the shrines to leave the great sky island and then in this run we're going to be going all over the place doing a bunch of shrines and getting the master sword but for now we're going to be gliding to the Temple of Time door um and touch it and you'll see me also by the way I didn't even mention this but I duplicated with this is version 1.1.1 I duplicated zonai devices with the sword dupe mid-air I want a bunch of wings for later and I drop One Wing behind me when you touch this door the cutscene actually teleports you back a little bit and you see here I'm actually now on the wing that I spawned behind me this way I have yet to touch the ground I've never touched the ground and I still haven't touched the ground and I jump off the great Sky Island right now and this is what this entire route basically abuses I've never touched the ground between getting the purapet and activating this door and that means jumping off right now teleports me back to the poorer pet and you can see the ascent Shrine is basically right ahead of me and um I can use this vantage point this High to once again do one of those Wing strategies and actually take out two Wings here this makes this a little bit more consistent and then Glide over to the bottomless cave where I can get some resources like bomb flows and an early shield and then I'll make my way to ascend so if you compare this to the previous any percent remember we ran all the way up to the Essentia in the previous one that I showed off here on this channel you can already tell how much faster this is now a little bit of a momentum jump here using the wing speed getting into the bottom of this cave and I'm going to be picking up bomb flowers and bomb flaws you've probably seen them in Shrine speed run so on Twitter or anywhere already they're really powerful especially when fused to The Shield uh actually to give you a little bit of another insight into kind of the routing world if anything I think the next interesting route to look at in the future would be to somehow be able to get views as the first shrine in the future somehow to abuse all of these interesting fuse mechanics like fusing bumps to your shield in particular allows for some really good movement options but right now doing this early game movement and then getting Ascend first is great because Ascent is just a very high up Shrine and that height allows us to then immediately fly over to the fuse Shrine and then just run to ultra hand and wrap up the the great sky island but here um I actually climbed up and I do intentionally run out of stamina um because I need another full bar of stamina anyway to make it up the root here barely enough stamina to run towards the um Ascend Shrine gutan buck and um you'll see I have a half a heart here left I was able to do this without picking up any food and that's what you want to see for the essential I'd say Ascent is easily the hardest part of um the the great Sky Island at this point and um it's basically also like a mental thing because any mistake here will essentially kill your run like messing up these Wing Landings will kill your run dying to cold damage will kill your run and you just you don't want to watch the intro again especially you know in this one the intro is always going to be that you don't want to sit there for seven minutes you just want to play the game so and nerves are high here in this run and funnily enough the ascent Shrine itself is no exception to that um I did leave alerts on when I was doing this run so if you hear these sounds this is people following me on my twitch Channel which if you want to you can do as well twitch.tv Lim Cube I'm going to be labbing my old shrines route now and will soon put out a fully commentated all Shrine speedrun I'm sure a lot of people I've actually heard a lot of people are looking forward to that all Shrine speed runs with commentary on this channel have traditionally been something that people liked and I want to get a good run and explain you all of the cool tricks that we do but what I was going to say is Ascend is actually scary because there's this one construct in here with a bow and a lot of speed Runners would agree with me that sometimes this guy has like the craziest aim it will literally like flick shots onto you and you do always have half a heart here exclusively because you never pick up food and the cold will deal damage to you and then also jumping from the great Skylander so you always have half a hearty which means if you get hit you die and I was sweating a little bit here thankfully this time the guy completely missed doing the spinner take here to cut down both ropes and then standing up now Ascender is a little bit of a sad Shrine this platform here is you can never reach this platform in time basically to get the early cycle the only way you could do it is by getting a early bow and arrows and having level three speed food which is not really feasible but again that would be possible if we do for example do fuse first in the future um that's something that we're going to look at there's no concrete plans for that yet but I can see a fuse first throughout being kind of like a dream route in the future because it gives us the most options similar to how we like to do bombs first then in breath of the Wild but here the first cutscene for the first light blessing is unskippable it's a 50 second cut scene also because we're doing shrines again maybe you remember this in uh all shrines of the white I would always say you have to wait until this like monk text disappears to get a faster load this is no longer the case now when the cutscenes can be skipped we just skip them it's just that in this particular case we can't um this first one they wanted to show off I guess this is always this is always what happens in the first run you get no matter which one it is you get the light blessing and this is already a little bit of a teaser maybe some of you have already kind of like thought about this um I said in the intro to this video that we are going to do 20 shrines and some of you already know that in order to get the master sword you need five stamina vessels wouldn't that mean we need 24 shrines because we have to turn in the first four light blessings um to get a heart otherwise we can't open the final door and can't finish the great style and this is true but some of you are maybe one step ahead already and know that there is the the curse the horn statue right the the statue where you can trade hard to stamina some of you might even be a step ahead of them and say wait but I've watched videos and this this statue is actually not available until you beat the first temple this is also true but we are going to be using a trick in this run to access the statue early anyway so we only need to do 16 shrines after great Skyland here I perform a shield jump onto a wing this is once again a great Showcase of how versatile These Wings Are I couldn't do this early on because I didn't have a shield yet but now that I have a shield that's actually extremely easy to jump onto These Wings from pretty much any ledge they are incredibly versatile Zone advice and you see now I can take a direct flight path all the way over to the fuse shrine this is what we would do before um if you watch 90 run actually 80 has changed a little bit because we get rubies and like an early battery there but we don't need rubies at this run so I just fly straight to the fuse train if you've watched 80 recently you would actually see people go over to one of the constructs to get the energy cell and then the Ruby which is by the way little Flex a route change that I figured out and time to be faster but I go to the Future in here right away which means that after this ride I will get the energy cell you cannot skip the battery AKA energy cell after the second Shrine you will always obtain it it's just that if you get it after the second Shrine it's a little bit slower than getting it from a construct no fuse um fuse itself is not the most interesting Shrine but the fusibility allows us insane movement Tech if you've watched my previous video about how this glitch will change both of the wild I know it's a little bit of a clickbait title but it's also not because you will see that in this round that Drake will dominate the game in all shrines it will dominate the game too um yeah it wasn't just a clickbait title it's actually true the the pocket rocket as many people like to call it these days um is a pretty dominant movement trick but there's more to this run when it comes to movement that we'll we'll see later um but now we get fuse um thank you raru I appreciate it we are going to be picking up this Claymore here and then I immediately after pause the game to equip the Claymore and then destroy the flame emitter which was previously fused to my shield and Infuse the boulder break the wall and now this is actually pretty convenient there's a little bit of water here in the fuse Shrine normally um duplicating bomb flowers can be a little bit dangerous but if you do it in water you're usually on the safe side and I do want quite a few of those buffaloes once again using that sword duping that some of you have maybe um been able to do in their early versions of the game this is unfortunately patched out but it was pretty popular when it was around I leave one Bomb Flower there intentionally because I'm going to be fusing it to my shield pickup arrows a bow and then I specifically aim at this little bit like under and around this eye I like to say like this little glowing dots on the chest this will allow me to basically blast the chest all the way towards the door where I need to go anyway and then I've used the bomb flow to my shoot I like this thread a lot it's very cool very stylish [Music] and then I open the door now I have like around 20 bomb flowers and I'm going to be using basically all of them even for small movements like right here you can essentially skip climbing up the ladder and you save around like three seconds of movement and usually it only takes you around two one to two seconds to fuse another bomb flow to your Shield cutscene skip for this guy he will always wake up here in the few shrine but we won't be entertaining the thought of fighting him and just run to the end finishing up Shrine two out of 20. now unfortunately this run is a little bit slower this is like true for all of the speed runs um we are not quite on the breath of the wild great Plateau level where even the early game is optimized and hyped I mean this is already kind of optimized now but it's just not very fast these rides take quite a bit and then rauru constantly shows up has to explain something now a construct will show up explainers the energy cell is like but and I will promise you this as soon as we get the auto build ability which we do get in this run and you'll see why um The Run speeds up tremendously and gets much more interesting but I thought it was even a good idea to include this early game section here because compared to my last run it has changed right like in my last one I was teasing about this early Wing route and it ended up being the new meta now like I said we get the energy cell and the reason it's lower here is because the construct kind of says like yo go over here we can show you how how to use this one if you just get it from a construct this doesn't happen now I try and set up a specific Shield jump here onto a slope and this is another this is this is how versatile These Wings Are right like I do a bump jump which gives me forward momentum into spawning a wing so I can land on the wing that's already moving forward this is like essentially paraglider type movement without having the paraglider yet that's what makes these so good now here there's a static choo choo spawn these choo choo spawn every single time and I do intentionally take care of them because I will be using the studio jelly for an early game speed elixir next up and if I remember this correctly I may have actually failed this the intention here was to Shield jump up to um this wall but because my initial Shield jump failed I didn't get enough forward momentum to jump onto the wall the entire idea is to skip exactly what I just did Ascend as cool as the scent is the loading screen during the ascent animation usually slows you down so that was the idea didn't work I do pick up the rusty Shield um I need some early game Shield durability in this run the rusty Shield is great for that I get oh I remember this now I get bullied by the bird and then move on and this kind of snowboard in a little bit of time loss um if you do this fast you can actually shoot exactly where shot there and kill a hot footed frog in my case I was really confused because the whole photo frog wasn't there and the reason it wasn't there is because I got hit by that bird so I actually had to shoot another one which was definitely a little bit of a slow down here um I I only need a single one which is that's what makes duping so powerful you can basically get a single one of each material and then make as many as you want and in my case I run all the way back here now to water once again to kind of preserve my shield durability because otherwise duping will destroy Shields quite quickly and additionally um duping frogs and water like I do here makes it much easier to collect them afterwards if you do it on the ground they will jump all over the place but in water they will actually be swimming making them easier to collect no I do a specific amount just enough to make three level three speed elixirs for early game movement as early game I won't have the same movement options that I will have later and then after cooking up the last one I immediately will drink one and then make my way to the final early game Shrine I like to say because obviously there's still recall uh but be it being all giant and I run to this gravity platform and it spawn a wing another strike that I actually came up with that some people still use especially if you do cook food here so basically all you have to do there is you have to walk forward a little bit and if you do walk forward the wing will spawn while it's already flying and we use that here to Glide over to the ultra in Shrine now some people pointed out and this is actually how I originally discovered the Strat if you have seen this on Lim Cube plus like a month ago this is where I found it you can technically um fly under the island and get up to the ultra Shrine in a single Ascent which saves like a second or so because the loading screen is super long it's also really risky though so it's generally generally not super recommended but it is technically a fast Strat now we'll try this by far the coolest Shrine um on the great scale and recently I actually showed off a super cool Dreadful alternate on Twitter I think that must have been my like most liked tweet ever it hit like 12 000 likes which I know people get like half a million but for me I was like whoa that's crazy um and that was combining these bomb Shield jumps together with Shield surfing uh it's definitely the options here are quite cool like like there's so many so much more options in this round the other Shrine is like basically just run through and like wait and then there's Ultra end where you can go kind of crazy which is interesting because it seems like in general like the least interesting speedrunning ability right fusing allows you to do bomb Shield jumps um Ascend people looked really thought would break the game which it hasn't really yet and then Ultra is just building things but we're going to start off by turning this slab around a little bit kind of building ourselves a little bit of a jump platform to then she'll jump over to the other side with the speed level 3 buff and then here you'll see a nice combination of the bomb flower Shield jump on a slope there's a slope right here and if you still jump onto it boom you fly forward and basically if you've watched previous runs it was already pretty cool to Shield surf up the rail but this is even faster and that's the ultra and shrine [Music] light blessing number three and now a little bit of a downturn again until we finally get the nutshell Shrine but like I promised then we will really go into overdrive um and you can already tell basically right I can kind of give you like a little teaser here I think the great style and in this run took me around like 36 minutes or so our 35 I don't remember um but the entire run takes one hour and 25 minutes right that means we're gonna be doing 16 shrines in basically the same time we did four shrines early on and you'll see how that works but here another good thing about wings if you run with level 3 speed you can actually um have them Zoom quite quickly um from your original spawning location I was a little bit too low here the idea once again was to skip one of those ascents unfortunately I had to ascend anyway because I didn't get enough height my wing uh flying there was a little bit off but that's fine I get another Shield here like I said early game Shield durability will be important for the pocket rocket glitch that I made a video on I think it was my last video on the channel and even those Shields but those bombshield jumps you see all the time they slowly ease away your durability so you need somebody game shields for this for sure in fact this run will actually get the Hylian Shield simply because of how much the pocket rocket glitch destroys sheer durability now we finally get the recall ability um and then again there's a little bit of a Slowdown because we have to touch the door and then go back to nacho yam now I do like the setup um after the this ride in particular this always reminds me a little bit of Ocarina of Time if you've ever watched any Ocarina of um of time speed runs this might look familiar at least it reminds me of it um the setups in that game usually being all about like side hopes and backflips honestly I wouldn't say like looking at this run right now and realizing how like in your mind when you play this game you always think about the next thing here again kind of like walk to the left front hop boom um to kind of skip the use of recolete I actually unintentionally talked to the goddess statue I remember talking to someone in chat and getting distracted while I was doing this part of the run on my live stream and lost like five seconds for no reason here you can actually press B you don't even have to try opening the door and rubber will tell you about the teleportation feature and recall but yeah I'm realizing now that I'm watching this run back um there is so much downtime router shows up like 10 times throughout the great Sky Island and has something to say and I like rauru I actually want to see more of him and in fact if you want my DLC prediction I think he will make a pretty big appearance I talk all about all the time about the fact that the switch OLED has like one of those stamps on the back that look like the other stamps that you get from the sages but it actually has raru's power and I feel like that would be weird if we didn't have a way to get that stamp as a seventh stamp in the DLC but we'll see that's not what this video is about I do realize though that this audio game is pretty slow but we have finally at the last Shrine and then we can be on our way to actually make some progress towards the master sword once again we'll be using a bomb flower here I wish we would have these bomb flowers early on so we wouldn't have to do those uh those wheel jumps because you could just see how smoothly you can actually jump up there and then I'm gonna be unless I forgot but normally I would be fusing another bomb to my CLT okay I didn't forget for what I do after the shrine that just makes it so that you don't have to switch your abilities back and forth as much as another like Ultra hand kind of stands out not sure yeah The Recoil Shrine is another one of those shrines where there's not that much you can do especially because it's cycle based um even if you go very quickly you will still have to wait a little bit at the very end until those two like I like to say clock hands overlap so that you can use recall on them and actually go through the gate it's still kind of fun it's not the worst one it's quite straightforward you run through then you slow down a little bit use recoil run through again and that's it and with that we have our first four light blessings which we will for now turn into a hard container and then later on back into stamina to be able to get that Master Sword now one last thing that I do want to do on the great Sky Island here is I want to get a large zonite charge those are relatively useful for some of the things that we want to do once we are finally free and there's actually one relatively close to this area additionally in this area in particular you can see room of Awakening in the bottom left now it's going to say something like great Sky Island again um it loads the great Sky Island if you run outside here so you get a faster warp load and additionally I can just jump down here and land in the water barely and then pick up that large so when I charge which I'll be able to duplicate later on I will be visiting two device dispensers in this run so putting in a single zone and charge will basically guarantee you the item that you want and then it's also a relatively effective way to refill your battery especially when we get to any rocket related tricks later on but here we are the great Sky Island final split all we need to do now is make our way to the goddess statue get the fourth heart and then we're off and you already see again the next split is also built which might be confusing here unfortunately again had some issues with the wing normally the strategy here would be to spawn another one of those wings and then ride towards the Temple of time and then you can actually bomb jump on the wing to make your way through the door it's a pretty cool stretch but if you fail the wing there it's not worth to go back right it's not worth to go climb back up and try again at that point you just run over here send and make your way to the door and just have to deal with it once again we're going to be bomb jumping here to skip the use of recall and then I run straight to the goddess statue to turn in the first light blessings into a heart is unfortunate that this is basically mandatory I think a lot of people dislike this uh mainly so that that makes it sort of like three hard runs are effectively impossible I mean technically you could turn in the fourth party and then immediately do the glitch that I'm going to be doing later to turn the heart back into stamina but it would feel um weird it is what it is this is what they decided to do this time four hearts to open the door and that's it the final task of the great Sky Island pushing open the door four Hearts needed and people ask this all the time but if you don't do this specific task if you don't open this specific door with four Hearts the cutscene to finish the great Sky Island does not spawn this is what I mean when I said they were very careful to not unintentionally maybe allow any sequence breaks we would somehow need to get an early heart if we could somehow do this then yes we could open this door early and maybe finish the great Skyland early but it doesn't seem likely that we can do that it's right now finally on the bridge here doing a quick ascent the bridge here is a little broken to be fair it's quite old she'll jumping over here to skip at least that Second Ascent and then finishing the great sky and he had 36 minutes and this is when things start getting a little crazy now we can finally go wherever we want to go and our first goal will be also built once again also that looks confusing but it actually allows us basically the most broken movement Tech in the game it is not exclusive to version 1.1 but it is better on version 1.1 and maybe this allows me to quickly talk about the version differences currently the world record for this run is on version 1.0 and I do think there's a chance that version 1.0 is faster version 1.0's Advantage is that during Pocket Rocket the glitch that you've probably seen a lot where you basically do infinite Rocket jumps in version 1.0 I love how the sky looks here in version 1.0 that rocket does never run out so effectively you can do the fuse entanglement with the rocket once and then use that rocket Forever Until your Shield breaks and that's super powerful but version 1.1 instead has these very powerful Auto build cancel slides that's a glitch that we will see a lot in this run as soon as we get the auto build ability so it's kind of like a race between the two I think it all shrines version 1.1.1 will be the fastest in this run version 1.0 might actually be faster but I wanted to show version 1.1.1 because I think it's more versatile there's more interesting tricks it shows of the auto bit cancel slides it shows off the pocket rocket movement again in the future we'll know which version will ultimately be the fastest obviously there's always the current patch runs as well which will be cool to watch as well and I will probably look into those in the future but for now I'd Glide over here to this island to pick up One Singular Ferry and basically what I said earlier about the frogs what makes duping so powerful is that all I need is a single Ferry and then I can make as many fairies as I want why do I get a ferry is it because I'm bad at the game yes but it's also because we will actually never ever get the paraglider in this run just like in any percent this run will also get away without getting the paraglider so I will be landing on the ground a lot uh and I will be taking damage now there is actually a full damage cancel for this game however it takes quite a bit of time to set up so in reality it is actually faster to go over here and do like 30 ferries and never do a single fall damage cancel compared to doing like 34 damage cancels which will take like 5 seconds each um and that is also this also is on the way oh so the fall damage cancers are much easier to fail like the ferry you can't fail I also duplicate some large Stone Age charges here um to get the Zona devices I need for the run which will effectively be a singular rocket and a singular steering stick those uh I really do feel like the the most powerful devices are really some of the devices that nobody really had on their radar like steering sticks okay Rockets I feel like was kind of obvious that they were going to be good but like steering sticks and and wings I didn't really have on my radar too much but it does make sense now that we've seen what they're capable of I built a quick fan Contraption here just to Glide over to this device dispenser almost get sniped by this Archer and this is where the largest online charges will have a tremendous Advantage because instead of putting it like four normal charges and getting unlucky I can just put in a singular large charge and get pretty much enough drops to be pretty safe again I want a singular rocket here any other rocket helps me um because I can do more effectively I think I end up getting three or even four Rockets here I don't know if I pick up all of them I only pick up three and then I go to this ledge and duplicate this will basically make it so that you can't take out the Rockets So if you do the sword duping inputs instead the Rockets will be duplicated I want around 20 or so um so I can quickly take them out later out of the quick menu and then I drink another speed potion and I run over here to the will I get it right is the G note dock shrine I'm still in the processor yep okay okay not bad I'm in the process of learning them and yes some of you will think I'm crazy because you probably saw these names and we're like there's no way Lim Cube learns them all again I'm getting there already I'm kind of scaring myself there sometimes so that's a genocide we will not be completing it now we will only be getting the war point we will be completing it later once we get also built it's going to be pretty cool once again one more of these Wing spawn Shield jumps because I'm on my way now to the chasm towards Auto build so basically this was a little bit of a setup section we picked up fairies duplicated them picked up Rockets now we have pretty much everything we need to go fast and we picked up that early game warp point up in the sky and now I run off the wing really early this is actually really cool you can really see how momentum preservation was done in this game where if you run forward the momentum will actually be kept all the way so I can literally fly essentially all the way to the chasm at the great plateau and then boom make it in there perfectly we won't be getting any bright Bloom seeds uh I know exactly where to go at this point in fact if you've seen so many percent runs we actually used to go to only even at any percent uh build this Infamous hoverbike but even the hoverbike is actually slower than running there with level three speed mainly because it takes quite a bit of time to build it and you can obviously see um the big mine and the big this is where you get the ultimate ability also some people will probably be like wait there's no way ultimate is worth you have to fight Master Koga but actually you don't uh this is what makes Auto build so much better in fact once you get the ability if you don't fix the yiga clan members um Vehicles you can just leave and that's exactly what we're gonna do you can already see the construct right there where we're going to pick up the ability and then we'll never see the depths again in this run and actually in Old shrines it would be the same you know shrines we will go down to the devca a singular time uh get all to build and then never come back [Music] [Music] all right final ability for now we won't be getting the camera in this run in fact the map Rune which is usually considered a meme will actually come in clutch in this run people make fun of the map Rune all the time being like why is this even a thing but we will actually be using it to our advantage quite a bit here and that is also built instantly recreate recreate buildings the researcher here is going to ask us to rebuild their vehicles and we want to just completely ignore them so that we don't have to fight Master Koga now I will build some relatively interesting Contraptions right here they won't make much sense for now they will be using once again the wings the probably business Zone I devise in the game um to our advantage and the first one is just going to be some sort of t-shape a wing that's flat and a wing blocking and then the second one will be slightly different it will be a wing at a 45 degree angle I use the stair here to kind of set it up and then another wing also in kind of like an angle uh you'll see once I attach them here they kind of Point upwards at 45 a little bit less than 45 degree angle this will allow me to go uh flow boards and up really quickly and this is all confusing I get it like what is it what is he doing he's getting also built he's sticking Wings together why and this is all because of the auto build cancel slide glitch the audible cancel slide is the most broken movement attack in tears of the Kingdom as of right now um there is other things like the weko Boingo which is one of the craziest names ever it takes way longer to set up uh but you'll see the versatility and strength of the audible cancel slide right now I went back to Yuko this is the ultra and Shrine and I take out three wings and in fact as I take them out these wings I always duplicate them by pressing Y and B at the same time and then I create this build that's like t-shaped with auto built but as I create the build I press B sorry I press y to take out a weapon and then b y also takes out the um the list of your saved Auto builds and effectively cancels the ability and here you see why the glitch is bad actually I was thinking about cutting out this part where I failed this is literally the only ultimate cancer slide I failed in the whole run but this is good because this will actually give me more time to explain what the hell is even going on it's probably the biggest time loss on the Run um in fact I actually had a 122 Pace run of this category right after this run that died to Zelda's positioning at the end I will rant about this later but for now I take out three wings I try to duplicate them as I take them out I build the t-shaped object um I cancel auto builds but bring out the list of previously built um Contraptions just in time to cancel the ability that makes it so that my ultimate is flying in front of me kind of like in the air I then take another Wing to get this backed out Contraption right next to me and now I can actually use Link's movement to fly on it and you'll see how quickly I can move with this this is effectively just like the blss in breath of the wild the um the trick of the bomb where we like wiggled around it's maybe something that some of you remember I literally go in a straight shot to Hyrule Castle right now and I will go to I will Caster mainly to pick up the Hylian Shield which will provide me with a super high durability shield for all of the pocket rocketing that I'm gonna do again they completely eat up Shields and then there's also a very quick Shrine right on top of here might as well pick that up and then even after Thailand Shield I will actually collect another quick shrine again the entire point of this run is to do shrines quickly these two are perfectly in my way while also collecting the Hylian Shield quickly right here I pick up another weapon I will actually need two weapons and I only have one so far for the glitch that I'm going to do later to turn my hearts back into stamina I actually dropped that Shield there the other one because it was about to die and now I set up the pocket rocket I made a video about this if you want to know how this works essentially it uses the fuse entanglement glitch um to kind of like mess up the way your rocket Shield works and this also works inside shrines so I set up the glitch in front of the shrine before even entering because inside shrines you can take out Rockets you can take out Zona devices and now I have it active and I can do this I use the bow to turn around because we don't have the paraglider and then that is the ceruta bomag shrine very quickly solved with this glitch and this is what you'll see most of the time for a shrine interior Movement we are almost back at the wind bomb era again where most of the shrines will be solved this way thankfully right now there's actually quite a few shrines left that have unique strategies so it's not like wind bump in every Shrine which is effectively what it was in breath of the Wild but this is actually super fun to do um I think in fact this is more fun than wind bombing because it's more skill win bumps is like you do your setup and then you hope you land in the right spots but this Pocket Rocket glitch is like you have more control over it and that actually makes it very fun now here I make my way towards the docks and that's because that's where you get the Hylian Shield I actually thought it was a really cool when I got here for the first time because as a player of breath of the wild that played the game for like five thousand dollars I did this Shrine that used to be done in Brooklyn with white so many times that I was really curious like what would happen if I light up these torches again I wonder and well you'll see in a bit what happens my and you could see here right I actually used a fresh Shield a fresh metal shield to set up the pocket rocket before the shrine and I probably did like around 10 or so little jumps maybe maybe 12 and it already broke this is why the Hylian Shield actually has appeal I throw a bump here to light up the fire and that will get to me the chest of the Hylian Shield no idea how it got here if anyone knows let me know and then I will actually use the zagal glitch something that you've probably seen at any percent um if you watch 90 video where I do some weird menu stuff using the map Rune to instantly duplicate the Hylian Shield now I have two Hylian Shields which is gonna be all I need for the rest of the run I have two high-end Shields two weapons Rockets I've done a quick Shrine on my way and now I make my way to sapapa so papa is definitely one of my favorite Shrine names it's right over there so it makes sense to just Ascend up here after the Hylian Shields and then make your way over I once again set up the pocket rocket glitch and this is the problem that 1.1 has you just have to do more of these setups compared to version 1.0 where you basically never have to set this up again once you have the setup done you can just fly wherever you want in version 1.1 you have that advantage of the super fast Auto build cancer slides those who Wing movement uh that Wing movement Tech that you saw earlier using the auto build Rune the glitch is actually possible in version 1.0 but you need to basically constantly push your wings around with another Wing which makes it much much more annoying and it's also slower it also it doesn't have the capability of going forward and up at the same time which I'm going to be making use of very frequently now Vincent Papa I'm going to shoot a bump arrow in the middle of these two torches which will light them up and will skip the first gate [Music] drop down perfectly run off here a little bit and then build my way back up basically with height this is actually super annoying in this category which is why I love getting the paraglid on all shrines at the moment if you try to go into a dive but you're still too close to the ground like I was there link will Instead try and throw his weapon and that's super annoying uh sometimes you lose a lot of time in all shrines as of right now we do actually get the paraglider even though it takes like three or four minutes to get uh but it allows us to basically move around much more control but this round is too short it's a 20 Shrine run so doing like a five or four minute paraglider because it actually takes longer to get in this run because you don't have to do the other shrines in the area uh it's not worth it so unfortunately we have to deal with some of the more difficult to perform movements um that goes in hand with not hearing the paraglider now I hear was another pretty big mistake in the run so you see a shortcut here as I warp I actually had to walk back because my pocket rocket ran out too early um but this is the Geno dog Shrine so this is where I went earlier to pick up rockets for the first time and I only activated the teleport Waypoint right now I jumped over to the Crystal and we will use the we will see the second use of Auto builds and especially that auto builds cancel by sticking literally anything to this Crystal it gets put into your auto built history so I immediately pick up the charge again now this Crystal is in my auto built history if I cancel the auto build Rune again the crystal will actually act exactly the same as those wings acted earlier and yes this is literally The Shred for every single one of those Crystal shrines you you don't even have to reset up the auto build Contraption you just use Auto build on the Crystal and look at this look at the speed of this um this is literally what we're doing at all shrines for essentially every single one of those Crystal shrines the crystal just flies next to you and you can move however you like um it feels very fun and like honestly that's in my opinion just an improvement because most of those Crystal shrines would just be build some sort of contraption and like slowly get it to the shrines so speeding those up I think is really cool this will actually be the only Crystal Shrine in the routes um because that they're not like super quick but this one is just perfectly on our way and acts as a good well point so that's why I get it it's basically right next to the rockets that we want anyway so that's just why it makes sense to pick up now next up is Rucker shock and that's actually another slow Shrine and the only reason that one is worth is because it's right next to another device dispenser and that device dispenser has some zonai steering sticks and here we'll see our first Auto build Kansas light making use of that other build that I saved down in the depths the one that's kind of like a v-shape and the one that's pointing up because rocker shock is the sky island kind of like in front of us um and it's a little bit higher so here with a little bit of different Wing movements I get the build next to me make my way on it and then you can see that the wings are not only moving forward really fast they're also moving upwards and this is the huge advantage of version 1.1 it essentially allows me to go in a straight line over to the device dispenser this is the one that has the steering sticks here also what I try to do there when you see that is sometimes I try to do a shield jump before I land on the ground which will basically make it so that you don't get that Landing like animation of Link kind of like um recovering from the fall it can be hard to time though because they're moving down pretty quickly it's again use the pocket rocket glitches to make it over to the shrine itself once again because I'm already up here it just makes sense to complete this one since we wanted to get those steering sticks anyway for later this will be uh used for the zaggle clip that that we will do to enter the cursed statue to turn our heart into stamina and Rucker shock is oh man this is another Shrine today it's not super slow um but it's annoying and it's also not super fast you'll see um basically let me see if I did this correctly here this first part can be quite tricky I actually managed to do it pretty well here going through that little Gap can be annoying the second part is what's more annoying because there's some constructs here and usually what I try is I try to kill them and I'm pretty sure I missed my bombs here yeah normally I try to go into bullet time and shoot them with the bomb error but I already fell down it is not at all actually mandatory to kill them but if you try to set up this next part here with the mirrors and they are alive they usually just hit you all the time now there's actually a cool threat that we do in all shrines for this if you have a multi-shot mode which is too slow to pick up in this category you can actually shoot these light platforms um the ones that glow green you can shoot them with Dazzle fruit but you need a multi-shot ball um otherwise you cannot charge them up enough and there's no multi shot bow in the run that would justify this because those mirrors are still pretty fast getting any multi-shot but would lose like 30 seconds and we would end up having like a Time loss overall but in all shrines because there's multiple of those light platforms the Multi Shot bows worth it now next up is siamud sauce and that name is for a reason I'm sure a lot of you um got caught off guard by the shrine I know I did and this one seems quite far away especially because we will have to go to Lookout Landing later at one point to exchange our heart into stamina but once we are over there at the sky maze we actually have access to three other extremely quick shrines so it is worth especially using that auto build Kansas light again once again here I'm using the horizontal version because I don't need any height this moves faster overall and especially in any low gravity areas you want to not fly too high if you ever fly too high in any low gravity areas diving down to the surface again actually takes quite a bit of time so yeah I don't want to get too much height dive straight down to the shrine here I did it correctly you could see I basically did a shield jump just before I touched the ground to cancel out the landing leg and then siamotzas is a blessing Shrine right nothing weird about this one other than the fact that it's unlit the thing is I wanted to pick up arrows here because I realized I was low on arrows and realized they're actually on the ground and not in the chest um but you can still just pocket rocket up here and this is a very interesting Rao was like no no no no you're not supposed to be here yet and then you just keep jumping pretty interesting Shrine uh to do quickly I I think that I did this Shrine around like 80 shrines into my playthrough so every single time I ended up in a blessing Shrine after this one I would always be a little bit suspicious but I think that's what makes the shrine so special and fun because it is a one of a kind very cool idea for this one now next up is a kitar walk and kitar walk is actually right below oh you don't see it yet because I actually have a visual cue I basically Shield jump just towards Death Mountain here and then I can basically perfectly fall next to the shrine and and this is something that in routing in general is something you want to focus on like if you can ever fall to another Shrine like it took me like 20 seconds to go from one Shrine to another here simply because all I need to do is fall down and this game has a lot of those instances where you will startups on a sky island and you can just reach the next train by falling down those are the sort of movements you want to try and prioritize so you you want to basically once you are up somewhere on the skyline you want to stay up there as long as you can and then when you get the opportunity literally fall down straight to the shrine below and that's why it's worth it to come over here to this to the maze oh I remember this I got so upset there you could literally see that pillar uh kind of like you know stopping me for a fraction of a second there and that basically made it so that I ended up falling down um and respawns here unfortunately kind of had to readjust my angle 20 second time loss in the shrine was not happy about it again I actually had and maybe it's about time to talk about this I was grinding this run a little bit on my stream and I had a run after this one that was on Pace to be a 122 which would have been the VOD is still up on my twitch would have been like a two almost three minute world record even better than version 1.0 which again we don't know which version is faster but um I I said before that it actually this run very much depends on where the light dragon will be at the very end because you do have to reach it and with this route she would usually always be around the forge Island The Zone I forged Island that big tower with the lasers some of you probably already jumped and in this run that's where she is and then in the run I did after this one the 122 Pace run I did I did the run and she wasn't there and it was like okay I guess I played faster so so she should be a little bit further back after some signs it turned out she was at the wind Temple which made absolutely no sense she was literally on the opposite side of the map and I realized in the Discord that this is something that many people have seen the light dragon be behaving very weirdly even teleport himself sometimes so right now the light dragon is one of our community's Biggest Mysteries and um that's why I personally will be moving on to all shrines right now because I don't want to lose another Master Sword run to Zelda randomly being on the opposite side of the map even though she shouldn't be like technically she should be on a huge cycle but for some reason something that you can do can make her take different paths or make her start the cycle in a different spot and it can be extremely frustrating I will report on this issue in the future if I figured out the community figures it out but right now the light dragon is very frustrating I got very lucky here in this run that everything worked out though so in this run it won't be an issue but I did want to briefly mention that the light dragon can be a very big headache um we don't fully understand her yet that was sivakama another quick Shrine um simple audible cancel slide to get there a lot of the shrines in this game are built in a way where you can see the goal right when you enter which we can use to our advantage of the pocket rocket trick but there's actually also a very big amount of shrines in this game where there's a straight up wall blocking the the ending in the community we already joked around that it almost seems like that the Zelda team had like two different teams working on shrines one team that watched speedrun so was like no no we need to stop these guys we need to build worlds here and then another team that just put the shrine at the end being like Oh yeah you know experience are kind of cool they can actually go fast obviously that's a joke like I don't know if anything like that happened but it really seems that way now I haven't actually gotten the other Shrine in the Maze yet and that's another reason that coming to Gerudo town on Garuda town but the Garuda desert is so effective because other than these other three uh quick shrines the the shrine inside the maze is still at the same spot and it's still a blessing and blessings obviously super quick all we're going to do is get there like I just did with another Auto bit cancer slide and then once enter the shrine I can run to the finish line so these shrines are really our Prime suspects for any sort of Master Sword speed run or no speed run that doesn't have to get every single Shrine they're really fast and then after this our Gerudo X like little Gerudo trip here will end and we will make our way towards Lookout Landing finally and you can see right there's like 20 minutes left in the run and still eight shrines but that's just like how quick the Run gets from this point we have now completed 12 shrines eight more to go and next up um is ryogok and ryog is actually a shrine on the great plateau and this is like the perfect opportunity for Speed runs to teleport somewhere mainly because right now we are like inside the maze you can't even Ascend right away so might as well teleport and we actually have a really good teleport point which is Geno dog the one that we got at the beginning once again this is using these rounding fundamentals I made this route myself um that I talked about earlier essentially whenever you can you want to be teleporting up somewhere and then just literally fall to the shrine this will be a perfect example of it because ryog um is pretty much right below this one I set up some I set up like a relatively precise falling angle here say hi to the flux construct at least we get a little bit of flux construct music and I love the theme by the way and then you can already see your yoga right below unfortunately it did Rob us out of the skydiving music which is another one of my favorites and here once again going for the shield surf at the end fusing a rocket normally to my shield here so this is not Pocket Rocket this is a normal rocket fusion and you'll see why and this is Shrine 13. force transfer if I remember correctly that's right I actually casually I ended up breaking the shrine I tried to unstick um the uh the contraption here and I somehow broke the actual wheels so I had to like reload I remember but all we need to do at this point is run to the edge use the normal rocket for height dive over to the ending and that's real book next episode um which is another great name not one of the fastest shrines of the road but it's perfectly in the way for us to reach the god Landing so we might as well pick it up so basically we're going to be going over Hyrule Field now on the way to look at Landing to transfer our hearts and then once that's complete we need three more shrines and I actually came up with a pretty cool way to route in these last three shrines and you'll see why my speed potion is running out here I didn't make more because at this point having extra speed doesn't actually matter that much there's not too much running left this movement here is for some reason so difficult this should be relatively easy but that ledge is just perfectly built to kind of stop you from using the pocket rocket glitch and this is one of the rare instances where I don't do one of those Auto bit cancel slides in the Overworld mainly because that wall is like basically perfectly in the way and these shrines are so close together that I can simply use the pocket rocket rocket glitch to reach tutsu almond once again you see me go for those Shield jumps at the ground to cancel the landing leg Works a little bit differently than the other shrines because it is actually one of those that has a wall covering the light blessing but it can still be done relatively quickly I do some Pocket Rocket jumps to land on this ledge and then I wait for the orb to drop I use recoil on the orb which allows me to then Ultra hand it which is a game mechanic that I'm surprised is in the game because it's actually very very easy to abuse shrines with this or like to cheese shrines with this and then I take a steak put it into that rotating wall and it will push the orb to the goal now Stakes um and I don't know how many of you actually watched my casual playthrough of the game I use recolly on the orb just so that it doesn't like roll around and actually gets stopped because otherwise it can take quite a bit for the orb to reach its goal but yeah Stakes um I found the Maya chin Shrine which is the next Shrine I'm going to be doing relatively early and it didn't quite click to me how steaks work it took a little bit once I finally cleared the shrine I do but yeah um Stakes a little bit strange at least at first um and it is it feels great to do the Maya chin Shrine in speed runs because it's probably one of the fastest shrines in the entire route um but again if you watch my casual playthrough I got stuck in there quite a bit and people ask me like how could you get stuck they had such an obvious ride it is like the game wants you to play Pinball they're exactly essentially but it was for me the problem was the stakes like how the stakes function didn't quite click with me so I was in there for longer than I should have been here once again I had some issues setting up the auto build cancel slides and this is mainly because that is a very weird input you press like Y and B but you don't want to press them super fast you want to press like YB if you do it too quickly it won't work if you do it too slowly it won't work it definitely takes some getting used to here once again I use an auto build cancel slider gives me some um height as well uh basically and actually ended up falling off here I remember this now not the biggest deal because I can still use pocket rocket to reach the shrine but most of the time you want to use one of those essentially because if there's any obstacles in your way the horizontal ones can be a little annoying now my engine um again this is the stake Shrine where you are supposed to play Pinball and this is probably something you've seen on Twitter at this point um or YouTube where people said like oh you can use bomb arrows here you can use bomb arrows on those big green buttons but did you know that you don't even need to hit the button that's right it actually works through the wall so without even turning around the wall there without even turning around the button the bomb explosion Blast where it's still activated finishing the Maya chin Shrine extremely quickly yeah it's very fun for me again mainly because it was such a I was so stuck here casually it was day one I will admit it was like the first day I played the game on and I also streamed like 13 hours or so like 12 hours at the time so I I will use it as an a little bit of a excuse but it feels great to break it in the speedrun now next up Isuzu yai and another is not super quick shrines uh Shrine these shrines here are not the very fastest in terms of interior but they are just so I mean they're not slow either don't get me wrong but um they're just so close to look out Landing that it makes sense to complete them but again local Landing is a must you'll see turning one heart back to stamina takes around three minutes so that's three minutes versus having to do four shrines which would probably take like eight minutes so that that glitch that I'll do there will literally save like five minutes I set up Pocket Rocket again mainly because this is a pretty long Shrine in terms of like it's literally long not in terms of duration like it's physically long you'll see there's one other cool thread though in susuyai um that I came up with I do like doing those occasional reflexes I've been working very hard uh in the stretch hunting and routing department for this game [Music] uh you don't want to fall down here this uh the movement speed of that wheel there will actually hold you back quite a bit especially without speed food uh but what you can do here is this wheel you can actually do a precise bomb arrow shot against and that will open the gate for just a little bit uh there I actually got kind of got teleported to the rail which is something that these rails do because they want you to be able to Shield serve on them so even though I try to rocket jump around the rail kind of tried to teleport uh me to it but there's light blessing number 16 four to go next up will be geosin and then we'll do the statue and then we'll be on our way the ocean is right I liked a lot it reminded me of that one Tick Tock where I think it's about like game design and that girl is um basically asking what what opening the shapes of toy blocks should go into and she's reacting to this guy essentially using the square hole for each shape that's you'll see once we are in the GEOS and Shrine you might be reminded of that same meme but once again setting up another ultimate can slide and it's weird because I actually did a lot of timing for this like you'll see that the geosyn shrine is pretty close it's literally right over there right and people ask me like at this point can you run running is like literally 30 seconds slower even Epona is 10 seconds slower which is like an amiibo so you could ride there with opponent but even that is 10 seconds slower than using that auto build cancel slide that's how powerful they are even though they take quite a bit of time to initially set up now jioson is also very quick um it's a fun Shrine and I remember it fondly but it's it's actually very fast so all we need to do is jump over that first Gap land down here and then I'm actually going to use the normal feature of the rocket by simply um holding the ZL button to fly up and finish the shrine now 70 shrines are done which means we need three more and next up I'm gonna go to look at Landing now the thing is this um there is actually a goddess statue in Lookout Landing so it would technically make sense to do 20 shrines before Lookout Landing then do the glitch and then turn in the rest of your light blessings the problem is that the goddess statue is in the shelter and not only is the shelter closed at the start it actually takes quite long to open it because you have to talk to Paula and you have to like watch those cutscenes and you have to go to the guy and he opens the shelter and it actually takes too long so instead what we'll do is we'll do the little trade offer now then do three more quick shrines and end on another goddess statue to do our actual upgrades and then make our way to the light dragon once again another ultimate cancer slide setup to land and look at Landing you don't want to run in there otherwise you're going to get greeted by the guards and that will end up losing some time and here I position at a specific spot kind of like behind this balloon once again do a shield jump to cancel the landing lag and then I place my steering stick on the ground and I kind of like turn it in a way that when I stand in this corner there I will be able to get on it but now I do what you've probably seen before maybe you've seen my last any percent uh video like how the 80 percent Speed Run and tears of the Kingdom works this is zuggling by essentially doing some interesting menu inputs and using the map Rune I'm creating copies of my weapons on my back that are basically stuck to link and if I do that enough in my case here I will do the seven times creating both a copy of my shield and weapon I will overload the game and when you overload the game the game will stop working properly for example you can change abilities anymore you can't pick things up with ultra hand anymore and if you reload you've probably seen some of those glitch videos link will essentially like leave his body he won't have hair anymore his legs will literally be left behind it gets quite funky but in our case we're going to be using it to do something called a steering stick clip which is exactly why a position that steering stick in that specific location by touching it here I will literally clip through the ground perfectly right at the Royal hidden passage next to the coast statue normally this one would be blocked but it is interactable with despite the fact that we haven't done that episode it is funny despite the developers putting in so much effort to know so you can spray too hard this sort of stuff still works like I guess you can technically Reach This statue by going through the Royal passage the other way by breaking all of these walls so I I guess technically that's maybe why but yeah I appreciate it here the deal with the Statue will go through we're gonna get a stamina vessel now instead and we have effectively just done four shrines in our for our purpose right because that was our only way to trade this heart and the great Skyline shrines back to something that's actually useful for us for the master sword because this time around they chose stamina vessels for the master sword so very nice for us I will be dropping these weapons here and you'll see there's a ton of weapons on the ground I pick up one more weapon to be able to do some quick menuing still and then teleport back up to Yuko again that's the ultra and Shrine it's actually in a really good position to do three more quick shrines that will kind of lead me towards kakariko um that's where we can find another goddess statue so it makes sense to do three quick shines while moving there then we can quickly turn in our light blessings to stamina and then make our way to the light dragon now here at Yuko all we need to do is run down and fall down and this is once again exactly what I talked about earlier if you ever get the option to do this if you ever get the option to have the movement to your next try and be just falling down you want to do that and this will get us to the touchy Cuts Shrine another long Shrine physically but very quick if we perform the pocket rocket glitch once again nice landing here on the shield uh very quick Pocket Rocket setup for this one you can see how quickly you can actually set it up if you if it goes well and then almost done here with the shrines building with locks is not something we're going to be doing we are going to be flying instead and once again it seems like this is one of those friends where the team was like oh you know what we'll just have the shrine completely open so if there's any glitches you know they can go fast but I mean again I highly doubt that actually happened it's just funny how it really seems that way sometimes now next up is Modoc one of my favorite actually this this category has two of my favorite Shrine names to say it has the papa and morocc they're both pretty good let me know what is your favorite try name um if you remember maybe anyone in particular standing out I guess there's yo you you um that's definitely one that stands out probably also in my top five with Modoc and sapapa maybe you have one that stands out particularly for you but here Modoc is quite high but again no problem for the auto build Kansas light glitch I did have some issues here setting it up because once again that input can be difficult and finicky to get but once you get the cancel ride you can use the wing to bring the other Wings to you and then go sliding and then you see kakariko's up there on the right side where we'll find the makasura shrine it's the new kakariko Village Shrine which we can quickly grab in and get our updates and not updates sorry upgrades done morocc is also a this Shrine once again seems to be built by the team that likes speedrunners because you'll see it is almost like it's built for this this glitch uh normally this is a I mean obviously it's not right it just happens to be that way because this is a shrine that's normally built for the spring Zone device which is a good one it's a fun one not quite on Rocket level but it's definitely up there with like BTN a bouncy device yep quite bouncy um but yeah this definitely basically works out perfectly once again I would prefer to have the paraglider here which is too slow to get because then you can cancel your momentum perfectly at the ending which you can still do it's just more difficult but very nice only one Shrine to go now before we do our upgrades which is going to be makasura now once again because as we get to the end of the shrine here I will quickly talk about the fact again that I will be working on all shrines speed runs on my twitch Channel I'm still kind of in the last process of refining my routes before really going to do attempts and then in the future you'll see full all shrines runs on my twitch and then eventually once I get a good run a fully commentated explained version here on YouTube I'm looking forward to it because all shrines is essentially the reason I'm doing this I will say uh breath of the wild speed running was pretty cool to me but it only really started getting super interesting once I found all shrines speedruns in breath of the wild some of those videos ended up having like helping my channel growth a lot and it's my favorite run and it's shaping up to be that way again in tears of the Kingdom with them adding back shrines again which honestly I didn't think I would want them um sometimes people would ask me do you want shrines back and I didn't prioritize that too too highly but the shrines in this game I think are amazing and they're still very fun to do fast so I hope you look forward to seeing all shrines fast in the future with explanations that that would be a fun ride um as we slowly get that time to do that lower and lower then who knows maybe the DLC if that does come out will that even more shreds one more Pocket Rocket setup here because this is once again a very open but relatively long Shrine in terms of distance that we have to cross but there's nothing in our way so we can just keep going [Music] and then there will be Shrine number 20 which means now that we have already turned in our heart to stamina we can do four or seven upgrades we'll have a second ring of stamina and we will be able to actually pull the master sword now again I said before with this route I've done some testing and normally the light dragon is relatively close to forge to the forgery Island I think that's what the name is the plant pot looking Tower the lasers um and in this round that ended up being the case again no idea why it didn't in my technically slightly better run and said she was on the opposite side of the map I will let you know once we figure this out but this is basically um the idea of the route you want to end right next to go to Statue because after this I'm going to be teleporting all the way up to the room of Awakening which is one of the highest ball points in the game there I think there's technically no I think it might actually be the highest warp point in the game because there's higher points in the game like the one of the paraglider challenges a bit higher there's that flower overlookout Landing that's a bit higher but if you don't have the like The Medallion this is one of the highest War points which is going to help us to easily reach seller because if you in case you didn't know this yet Z actually has two kind of like flight paths um and they will only change once you progress the the story a little bit like either by freeing The Deco tree and getting uh the the tracker essentially that shows you where the light dragon is or by doing the final memory that will kind of like reveal Zelda um but since we won't be doing this is that it will be taking a higher flight path essentially her flight path doesn't change much she she like takes the same cycle but before you do the uh the quest progression she is going to be normally too high to reach her for a good reason but we don't care because we can fly and I want to not show you how that is the recall Shrine and there's going to be two Wings perfectly over uh there so I don't even need to take out any wings I can immediately start setting up my ultimate cancer slide and then um the timing for this one actually does end when you pull the Masters out and what I like to call the sacred realm um after you initially get done with the struggle you get teleport into like this golden realm where you can then pull the master sword once that pull is for completed is when the Run ends um in this recording I also have included the cut scene of uh Zelda kind of like giving her speech where she has like the stance that she will have in the new upcoming amiibo coming out this holiday season um and I thought it would be maybe interesting for you to have that cuts in play mainly because it is in Japanese Japanese is not faster for this run but I basically switch around the languages quite frequently at the moment and just because in this run there's no difference for languages it only really currently matters for longer runs like all dungeons where English seems to be the fastest but here I go straight towards that Tower you can see it on the left Zelda loads in in the back right there and then basically in a perfect position to land on her head even without the paraglider now another thing that could be interesting to note is that there's actually no fall damage on these dragons so I can literally just dive down and then start collecting the master sword foreign and this is what I like so much about this run because despite the fact that there's other ways to get the master so this is definitely the most epic and most rewarding way to do it this entire struggle sequence is so cool the music is so epic and then the music gets even better once you get into that I like to say it's sacred realm it's basically as close as we'll get as Zelda is healing the sword with her sacred light [Music] so this might be the most epic Master Sword pull we've ever had [Music] and there it is [Music] successfully reached the finale Once Again the time I will end once we do that last input there where we pull the monster swords I'll let you guys listen to Japanese Zelda's speech one more time and then I talk to you one more time as this run is coming to an end but here we are I like to call this the second also the music here I don't even want to say anything it's too good [Music] so beautiful and that's it um you see the pull button here as soon as that pull button is gone you don't have to do any inputs anymore and the master sword is obtained a very glitch dense movement heavy very cool speedrun if it wasn't for zeta's position I would be grinding this run quite a bit more but all shrines is calling that's gonna be my next goal I wanted to show this one off though because I think it kind of shows our progression already quite well the speedrun community has been grinding we have so much Cool Tech already I hope you're staying tuned because I think all shrines is going to be absolutely crazy and then handle the handle Community is cooking too so many italian certain smart people working right now and making this game broken again [Music] and one more time I I'll present Japanese style doing this cutscene I think it's very well done pink [Music] America yes foreign [Music] the ad who is like it's like a cheat code to make you emotional what the I'm just sitting here commentating my speed run and it still gets to me anyway uh that would be it the master sword Speed Run um I absolutely love the visual that plays here as she brings you back to the great sky and I also think this seems to set the time statically to 7am the morning which always gives you this nice visual might actually be useful for Speed runs in the future to get the Master Sword to then progress the time of day to a certain point that you might need for some shrines but thank you so much for watching um if you have any questions for this video and I'll be happy to answer them once again look forward to some old shrines speedruns in the future this was the master sword Speed Run I hope you liked it I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Limcube
Views: 111,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ew-vCYRbBrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 46sec (5026 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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