Testing YOUR "What happens if" Questions in Tears of the Kingdom!

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so the Legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom is an open World sandbox game which means that you can do pretty much anything you want as long as the engine of the game allows for it in some way want to make a really long pole out of tree locks and then climb on top of it well nobody is stopping you from doing that one and then destroy that pool you can do that as well almost anything is possible in this game I mean someone online made a functioning Beyblade machine that's crazy since there's so much to do and so much that you will probably never even try you're likely to wonder about a few things like what would happen if I attached a raucous to my horse's pulley armor does it do nothing does the horse go flying does it blow up my switch well I'm here today to answer those kinds of questions it does nothing by the way and sometimes it does it's weird just keep watching you'll find out I asked you guys on Twitter and YouTube to give me some of your best what happens if questions you may have about tears of the kingdom and in this video I'll be answering some of the more interesting ones I got curiously I got a ton of questions relating to the great Sky Island tutorial section at the start of the game which makes sense in hindsight as you can't really go back to the tutorial to test off yourself when you finish it and have access to the surface so let's knock out all questions I got relating to the tutorial first I made a new Switch profile booted up my new safe slot and went to go test those stuff starting with what was easily the second most commonly asked question what what happens if you die to the bad enemies at the start of the game yeah a lot of people wanted to know this well after letting myself get pummeled by bats for over five minutes straight while Zelda just stands there and watched I can confirm that you just die like normal thanks for the help Zelda after this you respawn directly at the entrance of the room with the keys in it letting you try again however the loading screen before that kinda spoils the fact that this game has more Hearts to unlock than breath of the wild considering how your 30 hearts are laid out but that's whatever nobody is actually gonna die unintentionally at this point later when on the tutorial Sky Island if you check your map there will actually be an rip marker with him a little ycp specifically wanted to know and I'm glad they asked that because when I checked I noticed that it's actually in the wrong spot if we take this map screenshot in which I'm standing at the spot I died and overlapped the great Sky Island here we can see that the rip marker should be around where my player cursor is instead the game seems to just place this death location at the exact center of the map my guess is that this area underneath Hyrule castle at the start of the game isn't actually an area in the game so if you die here and the game has to show an RP marker it just goes with the center of the map as that's the default coordinates getting into the actual tutorial let's start with something that nobody asked but I tease people with in that post what happens if you break the decade Master Sword before you use it to cut the vines in the room of Resurrection well the answer is that you can't you can pound that tiny Bean of sort into the ground for as long as you want to it'll never break it actually doesn't gain a durability stat until the moment you've cut that second pair of fines directly after that you can break it or make it run out of energy to be more precise this means that at the very very start of the game the decade Master Sword is one of the most durable weapons in the game that's pretty ironic also yeah I photoshopped that image in the Tweet got him anyway staying on the topic of the decade Master Sword for a while most players will probably end up breaking it somewhere pretty early on in the tutorial but rosarian wanted to know what happens if you keep the broken Master Sword for when you get the fusibility can you actually fuse at the stuff well once I got the ability I whipped out my sad little Master Sword tried using fuse on it and you can't bummer you actually get a completely unique message that says you can't fuse on a damaged blade which is interesting if not a little misleading since there are plenty of damaged weapons in the game that you can use fuse on anyways before we continue I want to take a quick moment to pay the bills and thank this video sponsor pocket champs this is a mobile game by mattbox where you as a trainer try to make your champ the best Racer There Is by competing against other players worldwide there are many different ways to claim victory over your opponent like the 40 plus unique gadgets you can use to play in your own style ranging from Turtles to boats to frogs to Mechanical dragons there's a lot to unlock including cool cosmetic stuff of course to make your little guy look how you want like this cool wolf skin look at that that's cute you can also train your little guy without playing the game which I don't know it's fun to do while I work on other stuff like making videos you know there's a big leaderboard system and XL races where you play against like 20 other players at the same time that's pretty wild the game gets updated a lot as well and even has some seasonal offense here and there like this Christmas one from last year it's a nice fun simple game that I enjoy from time to time so go try out pocket Champs you can get that wolf skin I mentioned earlier for free if you use my special link in the description or best getting the QR code on screen in which case you will receive it on August 15th thanks again to mattbox for supporting this Channel today and now let's get on with this other stuff now where were we all right the tutorial normally how it goes is that you finish the four shrines open this door in the temple of time that you need four hearts for otherwise it kills you and put the decayed master sword in this glowy ball which will then send it back far into the past for solo to accept it and take it with her for reasons well padilly Dillo wants to know what happens if you skip all that and just go straight to the pedestal without opening that Fidelity door since that pedestal is on the outside of the temple you can just climb around it and get to the other side of the door and that's when I remembered you can't actually cross the bridge without at least having the event ability well returning later with the Ascend ability and without opening the Temple of time getting to the pedestal early isn't very hard but as you might have expected the glowy ball thing just isn't there at all there's no special text box or whatever either you just have to open that fatality door for the globby ball to appear and for that you need to finish the four shrines on the islands the first time you interact with the door to the Temple of Time you get denied entrance and a cutting place of raru telling you that you're too weak to open the door and that you should go power up at the shrines on this island and then point you towards the first one after that you get the main quest the closed door which tells you to go complete the first three Dinah Woodrow wants to know what happens if you already go through the first four shrines before trying to enter the Temple of Time and getting this Quest and this one was actually really interesting if you skip the Temple of Time and make your way straight to a shrine you actually just can't interact with the shrine at all the green wall you normally interact with isn't there there's no light spiral coming out of the shrine the name of the shrine doesn't even pop up in the corner meaning the shrine doesn't even get marked on your map which I found pretty peculiar if you then go back to watch that cutscene with Maru and accept the main quest then you can interact with the shrines anyways in normal progression you finish the first three shrines then head back to the Temple of Time with enough power to open the entrance you then interact with a rock get a cutting with sawdust somehow that gives you the recall ability use it to get up to the fatality door fail to open it and then varu pulls up to tell you about a forced Shrine on the island that's really far away so you should go warp to it to get a little stronger this Shrine is based around the aforementioned recall ability meaning it's the only tutorial Shrine where you get the ability before you even enter it so Dustin TV3 asked what happens if you visit the recall Shrine without having recall so I wanted to test this and there's a few problems remember how I said that after failing to open the Vitality door Robert tells you to go teleport to the last Shrine well this scene actually unlocks the ability to teleport so I tried getting to this scene without getting recall first it's actually really really easy to get to the fatality door without recall by just jumping on the Turning after that you can get up on this little ledge here and you're golden it's that easy and here's something really cool the developers actually thought of this and programmed in a really easy to miss cutscene if you reach this door without interacting with the rock that gives you the recall ability raru will stop you and say I can send cell this presents back near those stairs you passed earlier the game then pans over to the glowing Rock and he says I would suggest going there first and seeing what you can find this is really cool at all but it means that you cannot get the ability to teleport without having recall first and that's a problem if you want to make it to the recall Shrine without the ability because it's really really high up in the sky so we can't get to it without fast travel this is where most people would probably give up but I'm not most people I reloaded my save file before I even entered the Temple of Time found one of those big floating platforms and with two sonai fans and a dream start with my flight up there because you only have one battery and very limited resources at this point of the game this uh this took a while but eventually I actually made it back up to the starting Island ran over to the shrine and you gotta be kidding me yeah uh you can't interact with the shrine again this time it does actually have those solar lights coming out of it unlike last time but the wall you interact with to open it doesn't show up and again the shrine doesn't get marked on your map either a little disappointing but it was fun to find out nonetheless anyways as for our last tutorial question for now mankini Nick asks what if you don't break the master sword and I'm gonna assume that they meant the decade Master Sword otherwise they're just trolling me and I fell for the bait I actually saw a few people ask something like this so I'm just gonna go with it the answer is that nothing really changes whether you break the decade Master Sword or not the cutscene of you placing it in that glowy thing and giving it to Zelda in the past plays out the exact same regardless this is because even though you break it you still have it in your inventory before watching this cutscene it's just grayed out and unable to be used never recharging so that's every question I got relating to the tutorial well all but one but I'll get back to that later for now we're gonna move on to stuff I could test in my own finished save file first I'm going to cover things that aren't spoilers but once I start talking about actual spoiler related topics I'll give a heads up let's start with that thing I called open the video with Master dude guy one two three who wants to know what happens if you put a rocket stabilizer or various other movement Zone attack on the horse pulley saddle I tested out pretty much every movement zoning device and a few others the results change per device of course so here's what I found first and foremost Rockets are an interesting case if you just attach the rocket and activate it it doesn't really do anything the horse just kind of stands there while it fails to take off I tried putting it towards where link would sit on the horse and getting on it quickly after activating it and this happens uh ouch when I hit the horse with the same attack that I activate the rocket with the horse actually kind of flew with the rocket for a bit I think this is because the horse was in motion unlike when it's not and in this state it's able to be affected by Rockets but that's just speculation moving on to other devices stable realizers are awesome if you activate them they will always Point upwards no matter how improbable it may be and uh yeah they don't really do much of anything on the horse fully armored by themselves figures small wheels don't really do much either I had hoped they might slow the horse down a bit since they would generate friction in the opposite direction but that doesn't seem to be the case I feel like maybe it slows the horse down somewhat but if it does it's so little that it's barely noticeable what does slow horses download are hover Stones normally they stay perfectly still in the air so trying to have a horse full and active hoverstone it clearly isn't easy I tried it with more hover Stones stuck together and as expected it slows the horse down even more and then there are Stakes those poles you can stick into the ground that I almost never used during my playthrough putting that on the pulley armor completely immobilizes the horse which makes sense because good luck moving something that is literally stuck inside the earth I guess that's not really a movement Zone otherwise though but whatever moving on let's stay on the topic of Zona devices for a bit game on boy asks what happens if you put a stabilizer at either end of something then activate it will it break or just not work I mentioned them briefly earlier but stabilizers truly are awesome they help you keep your poorly balanced Vehicles upright no matter what and I never really thought of using more than one on something at a time first I simply tried it on a pole and yeah it just freaks out until they break off I tried it again but this time on a crappy vehicle which would normally never so upright on its own to see what would happen and as you may have expected they again just freak out until they let go of whatever they're attached to in a similar vein chicken sandwich asks what if you attach those stabilizer devices at the ends of each other do they just endlessly flip like cats and toast and I gotta say this has to be my favorite Discovery to come out of this video I was fully expecting a similar result as last time that they would just freak out and let go of each other but no they just seem to stick together perfectly fine and what's more is that this somehow seems to generate some kind of anti-gravity effect when I lift it off the ground and let go it clearly falls down way slower than it should and no this footage is not slowed down I don't know why this happens or if it's even intentional but it's really cool I tried seeing if doing it with more stabilizers and answers the effect but no they just seem to fall just as slow here's the best part attaching this to a small vehicle and driving off a cliff with it actually makes the whole thing fall down way slower and sort of glide through the air you can write this thing off a sky island and you'll be completely fine once you touch the ground it may not be super optimal but it's cool damn it but let's not get too distracted by this though move gone to the last Zone I defy topic for now Riley Colwell has a really fun question what if you attach the max amount of flame Invaders to each other would it crash the game for those who don't know there's a Max build limit of 21 things trying to attach any more than that just doesn't work so after having made this cool flame emitter wall here if we activated it spits fire the frame rate definitely dips a bit but it's far from crashing moving it around also creates a pretty cool effect and yeah you may have noticed that this drains your battery like crazy I tried doing this in korok Forest which to my eyes is the area most prone to lag in the game not to mention It's A flammable Forest when lighting stuff on fire here it definitely feels like the frame rate drops a little bit harder but still far from crashing the game those are fun questions so I tried it with other emitter type Zona devices the least interesting of which was 21 Frost emitters the frame rate definitely dips a bit again but that's really about it you can of course still freeze water with it but it's really not that interesting 21 beam emitters doesn't like the game that much either but it gives you a cool Mega Death laser it's pretty fun to play around with but again not super interesting I know hydrants aren't technically emitters but I still admit something that being water anyways it doesn't like the game much but it does give you an extremely effective shower it also by far uses the least amount of battery power which is funny considering it gives infinite free clean water I'd kill to have something like this in real life 21 shot committers easily gives the best result though first of all it's bright as hell but that's not what's cool about it putting it in water makes the magic happen because once you do that the frame rate absolutely tanks no this footage isn't edited in any way sadly it does not crash the game but if that were your goal doing something with a lot of shock emitters around water definitely seems like the way to go and lastly though fans aren't really emitters either putting the max of those together created some pretty fun effects obviously it blows a lot of wind in One Direction and when that direction just happens to be downwards the whole thing just takes off instantly putting a steering stick on it gives a pretty effective way to gain height pretty fast though albeit at the cost of a lot of materials and a lot of battery power alright let's knock a really quick run out before we get into more spoilery stuff star boss asks what happens if link doesn't finish the skydiving Challenge and keeps Falling Towards the surface really quick answer if during a skydiving challenge you keep going past the landing Islands you will eventually be stopped in mid-air and the construct will say you are leaving the course wait one moment I will come and get you and then you get Warped back to them and then they will say you've been disqualified due to leaving the course and ask you if you would like to try again yeah that's it all right we're going to get into some slight spoiler stuff now nothing huge yet but just some mechanics you may not want to see if you haven't gone to Terry town yet or haven't obtained a certain legendary sword yet this is where I suggest you stop watching and if you do I thank you for watching the video there's your warning three two one okay so now that those losers are gone you know those Gloom weapons that are really strong but lower your max Health by inflicting you with Gloom when you land hits as noodle Juju asks what happens when you drain all of your health using weapons that inflict Gloom on link well after taking a quick Loom bath to get myself down to one heart I found an enemy Gloom weapon in hand and began swinging and what happens is that you simply don't take any more Gloom damage it's completely impossible to take any more self-inflicted Gloom damage if the next hit would kill you you can of course still die to Gloom normally just not to itself an Afflicted Gloom staying on the topic of weapons squibble 08 asks what happens if you send a Dream Home Room into storage while it has weapons in it I mean those rooms where you can display weapons I was wondering this myself too so I'm glad someone asked first of all if you put a weapon in a display stand and then enter the house building mode the weapon stays in the display which makes sense but that's not what squibble asked if we then move the room outside the Border until grandison we're done he begins his inspection and tells you when he's done that he went ahead and packed up everything you placed outside the plot which he always says but here's where it gets interesting if you had weapons displayed when putting those rooms away he'll actually also say but don't worry I made sure to leave all the items exactly where they were if we then go into building mode again and ask him to take that room back out of storage he'll do so of course and lo and behold the weapon will still be there in the exact spot where you left them just like he said we can then move it back into the plot tell him we're done go into the room and reclaim our weapon here we get some appreciation for Grant the sun in the comments he looks after our weapons just fine and hey since we're near Tarrytown anyways flower Phoenix wants to know what happens if you ask to unfuse a Master Sword Fusion to the little Goron bro at Tarrytown for those who don't know because I definitely never did this myself there's a girl on in Terrytown that lets you break apart any fused weapons you may have with you if you let him do that he'll place the weapon and whatever material you had fused to it on the platform here completely separated neat stuff fusions on the master sword are a little special since the material gets kinda absorbed by it and only shows up when you swing it so if you go ahead and ask him to unfuse this thing uh we can't the game just straight up won't allow you to select the master sword here this actually makes complete sense because when you do this with a normal Fusion he takes the weapon out of your inventory and makes you pick it back up and the game never lets you remove the master sword from your inventory when you get it it would have been kind of nice if he had some kind of special dialogue for this though anyways now we're actually gonna talk about big spoiler stuff I'll not only be clearly showing where you find the master sword in the game but also just straight up the final boss and ending let me repeat that I'll be showing the final boss and ending of this game so seriously if you don't wish to see that go click off the video now there's your warning five four three two one all right now that those losers are gone let's start with Port Monet's question what happens if you get to the light dragon early in the game most of you probably already know this but once you're done with the tutorial you can actually get to the light dragon at any point in the game granted you have the resources to reach it in the footage you see here I haven't done a single dungeon yet or even started any Regional phenomena Quest yet getting to the light dragon was pretty hard because at this point it flies insanely high above the ground but you can of course still make it if you're here you can actually just try to pull the master sword like normal but you need at least two full stamina Wheels to actually succeed you can bring all the stamina restoring dishes you want the game doesn't let you pause during this full animation so you can't eat it and temporary yellow stamina Wheels also don't show up either so if you run out of stamina during this the light dragon will just simply shake you off and Link will then automatically pull out his paraglider which means you can just land back on it and try again but there's of course no real reason to also if you never start holding the a button to pull sort out nothing happens link will stay there dangling on the sword Forever Until you attempt to pull it out I'm sure most people that have successfully pulled out the master sword expected something like this but I could not find any footage at all of someone actually failing to pull it out so I still wanted to show it that said since this was already expected I wanted to take this question a little further and try to get to the light dragon during the tutorial the earliest Point possible the light dragon actually flies really nearby the great Sky Island while doing the tutorial and there's a convenient Wing liftoff ramp by the recall Shrine that you're supposed to use when you're done with it but we're gonna use it to try and get to the light dragon zonai Wings run out and disintegrate long before you reach the dragon but by strategically switching to a second Wing mid-flight I was able to keep going and check this out yeah that really caught me by surprise turns out there's a giant barrier around the great Sky Island during the tutorial that makes you void out if you touch it which will obviously then make you respawn back at the last bit of ground you are on makes complete sense in hindsight actually the light dragon doesn't seem to have those light streams coming out of its head which is normally caused by the mass of Sword being there so I'm guessing that even if you somehow managed to get to the light dragon during the tutorial through glitches or whatever the master sword just wouldn't be there at all and speaking of the light dragon let's move on to the final boss fight because I got a lot of questions relating to this part of the game first of all SAS asks what happens if you try to use a zonai flying machine during the one section at the end of the game you know the one the one at the end with the thing spoilers and I'm gonna assume that they mean the demon dragon fight well it's kind of a nightmare to try and build anything while on the light dragon here but it's definitely possible succeeding and building a flying machine here gives you a flying machine I mean it works as you would expect don't get me wrong I'm not dogging on the question at all I love that this was asked because oh my God just look at this flying around on a flying vehicle of your own creation while two giant dragons are also flying around you it is just insane and so cool truly this is one of the greatest spectacle boss fights ever combined with the awesome music this was way more fun and cool to do than it had any right to I recommend you give this a try as well Brody asks what happens if you touch the ground during the demon dragon fight I was actually asked this by a few different people but broady was the only one I saw that also asked what if you get to a sky island during this fight let's tackle these questions one at a time reaching the ground during this fight is impossible you can easily fall too fast for the light dragon to catch up to you which it will always try to do if you fall past the demon dragon but if you go too far the game simply cuts to a quick scene of you getting caught by the Light Dragon anyways which will then void you out and respawn you and the light dragon back near the demon dragon trying to get to the sky island was another story though I tried getting to the great Sky Island using our trusty Sky bike from before as that seemed to be the nearest one and as you might expect there's a big barrier around this fight that plays a similar cutscene of the light dragon catching up to you when you reach it which then brings you back to the fight I actually tried this twice because the first time I did it I spun the camera right as the cutscene started and I wanted to get a better shot to use for the video but that time I was actually able to see the barrier around the fight as it looks like a wall of light when you get near it I have no idea why it didn't show up at all the second time I did this it's whatever I guess but I'm still pretty confused by that while doing this I remembered that there's actually a tiny Sky platform above local landing and when I say above local Landing I mean really above it for those who don't know this is the highest point you can stand on in the game this thing is so high up that even if you start from the great Sky Island you cannot reach it with a sky bike without your batteries running out you have to wear armor that makes your battery last longer or use zonai charges anyways the reason I'm bringing this up is because this platform is actually like right above you during this fight so I figured if I can't stray too far from the fight maybe I can get really high above it and so I tried reaching that platform during the fight and yeah you guessed it the same cutscene of the light dragon Place stopping you from doing so again I mean I don't know what I expected it makes sense that you can't really leave this fight seeing as the demon dragon is about to destroy Hyrule and all but it was still worth a shot you know let's focus on the demon dragon for a bit Matthew speed once asks what happens if you never hit the demon dragon with the final blow so after a long and arduous fight I climbed on top of the demon dragon's head pulled out the master sword and just sat there never pressing the button and what happens is that well link just sits there like that forever you can wait here as long as you want nothing really happens link occasionally loses balance for a bit but never falls off you're just stuck listening to this short looping music you forever [Music] that's nice eventually I just bit the bullet and pressed the button link does not do this on its own you have to beat the one to do it and now let's move on to our final question for today which was also by far and I mean by far the most commonly asked question for this video what happens if you don't catch Zelda at the end of the game had a poetic how the two most commonly asked questions were from points at the very very start of the game and the very very end of the game the only two times in the game where link has his normal human arm nonetheless well anyways getting into this segment I wanted to make sure I tested as much as possible considering how many people asked about it first of all you don't actually have to dive at this part link Falls a little bit faster than Zelda So eventually he'll catch up with her and once he has both you and Zelda will stop falling or more precisely you stop losing altitude even though it still looks like you're falling you can just chill here for as long as you want you and Zelda will never actually reach the ground you can dive at this point too but it doesn't really do anything all it really does is just change Ling's pose you may have also noticed that there's once again an invisible barrier around you here so you can't drift too far away from Zelda actually getting to Zelda though if we press the button to reach for her and enter this part where we have to hold a to get close so we can grab her if we don't do that then similarly to the final blow on the demon dragon you just sit there forever the game waits for you to make a move while this short music Loop plays indefinitely [Music] what's different from the final blow though is that here we have to hold the button down instead of just pressing it once so here we can see what happens if you hold it for a little bit and then just let go and what happens is that link loses balance and flies back upwards and after that he actually falls back to sell that insanely fast whether you hold the dive button or not something interesting though is that they made a unique little musical cue for if this happens [Music] and after that it just goes right back to that infinitely looping part of the song and speaking of this song it has three different looping stages and finding out when exactly those different stages start was really interesting to me the first part the opening of the song of course starts when link wakes up mid free fall [Music] which then of course leads into the actual song the second part when Zelda's Lullaby kicks in starts at a specific distance away from Zelda which you can of course delay by not diving and the last part when the short Loop of the legend of Zola main theme kicks in starts playing once the prompts to reach out to cell that appears on screen not when you actually press the button which is what I would have expected [Music] and of course if you don't hold the button down and Link goes flying back up that little musical cue leads directly into that last looping main theme part again like I said before now I know that this climactic part having so many ways it tricks you into believing there's a sense of urgency offered that to actually be fake might disappoint some of you guys watching and think this part sucks because of that but I urge you not to look at it like that this final dive to catch Zelda at the end is such a cool parallel to the start when link failed to catch her and the fact that the developers make you experience it through gameplay just makes it so much more memorable since this part is done in gameplay and not in a cutscene they were kind of forced to make it so you can't fail it even if it was hard to fill this part knowing that she probably died here and you getting a game over or whatever and then being sent back to try again would ruin the scene for me if I experienced it that way as it is now I think it's the perfect way to close out this great game even if there's technically no real urgency at all foreign rambling aside that was all the questions I wanted to cover in this video this was a lot of fun make thanks to everyone who submitted the question of course and also at the no-sew giant firing coal write the Yoshi quote is cool milk and frogs lure effects one clerk cpj EXO bear Sylveon 700 lion the chef the flying fire Sheen for the win the game deity and the rest of my lovely patreon supporters starting next to all the video I'm gonna let my patrons decide how I dress up link in these tears to the kingdom videos so if you want to show off a cool fit that way you know where to go I'd love to do something like this again sometime in the future I got a bunch of questions that would require way more time to figure out like ones related to dungeons for example which I couldn't put in this video due to time constraints so if you have anything you'd want to see in a potential part 2 of this video be sure to comment them down below or follow me on Twitter and keep an eye out for future posts regarding that video for now I hope you enjoyed watching if you did I'd appreciate you leaving a like or subscribing if you want as that really helps me out no I'll be locations though of course and a less thanks to mattbox again for sponsoring this video be sure to check out pocketchamps in the link down below thanks for sticking around until the end and I hope you have a great rest of your day until next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: PJiggles
Views: 603,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJiggles, PJiggs, PJ, the legend of zelda, legend, zelda, fun, breath of the wild, link, zonai, device, sky, islands, great sky island, demon dragon, light dragon, master sword, questions, what happens if, what if, don't catch zelda, decayed master sword, fuse
Id: 2AeTosJ17Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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