Can You Beat Tears of the Kingdom Without Stamina?

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I am going to beat tears of the Kingdom without using any stamina that's right if I see this green circle appear during the challenge I have to immediately reload my game this means no running no paragliding no climbing and no swimming no stamina at all right first off it's the master sword yo we got the master sword already guys we're gonna have to do some creative problem solving for all of this now keep in mind unlike breath of the wild there's no glitch that does fall damage cancels so there's a lot of like creative things that we have to do here I can't Sprint we're gonna walk [Music] um wait wait a second okay we need to figure out a way to get around this because this wants me to swim I didn't remember this so is it all like yeah okay okay so that's stamina okay guys we need to solve this problem I can't run I'm not gonna like that's you see stamina right there yeah see I can't go across here and I can't like climb right I can jump attack yeah cause we can do that I'm not even climbing there that's an auto climb it's Auto climbing the root right here wait I can I can stand right here on this spot right and then I I do like oh if I can get like right here oh oh my God if I can get like right there that also works it's like literally just shallow enough I have to like carefully go around and then right here is like shallow oh my God it totally is okay and then [Music] you can jump attack on a God I can't I'll try again oh dude we can do it we can do it oh so it's actually closer than I thought I need to literally just not move ah that was a good one left side Crow Left side's definitely not gonna work what do you mean [Music] left side might work I uh take that back see if I can get like right over here huh oh okay I need to like now make it up and out of here without using stamina I Glide the first boss is down oh God all right save guy saved I saved yeah this challenge is going to be a little more difficult than I thought so subscribe if you like this video and all I'm gonna need all the support I can get um how am I okay okay I think I can make it let me do this I think I could like believe in yourself just like Jack believes in you I did it I did it oh dude the jump attack the jump attack is so op the beginning of this is so difficult here's the second one it wants me to jump off I think I can just jump to the side right yeah I can just go around okay easy okay and then now we have uh how am I supposed to do this how am I supposed to do this hey maybe do like off to this like laughs oh okay okay wait wait that kind of worked wait that kind of worked oh I just you could just fall okay actually pure skill he's cracked he's crazy okay and then let me just like jump around here and then jump over here [Music] yes we got out of the beginning area all right here we go next oh my God now how do we do this without using stamina here we go jelly house okay so how do we how do we land here without thinking stereo uh can I land on will this kill me it doesn't kill me that was kind of clutch okay now how do I get out of this first off let me save okay we're about to like play Frogger I think I think if I like no I'm okay okay we gotta we gotta reload this oh all right we solved one problem and then we quickly encounter another [Music] okay so if you save and reload it just places you on the ground let's go back to the room of Awakening here I think it's actually like a kind of insane strategy right so we're gonna jump off obviously right there we go okay no stamina if I save here and then I reload that save does does it teleport me [Laughter] it does okay uh well we solve that problem you know what I don't care what you say that literally counts because you can't save over water so that it teleports you to the nearest land it's a strat it works all right let me save here now let's see what will we need for this I mean I'm going straight to Ganon all right give me the pure pad like are we allowing like full-on like glitches on this I think we should all right double times visible from here um and we go there right and then how do I I just walk up this okay a lot of this will be like is that ledge walkable like I think this is gonna have a lot of those moments of how the hell do we solve this okay I think we found another one of those and then how do we solve it we don't have Ultra hand yet so I can't build a bridge there's no lily pads nearby okay I do have an idea it's a dumb idea but it is an idea nonetheless we can't build a bridge right well we can use old-fashioned strats and we can maybe use one of these Boulders up here that could work oh that uses stamina pushing uses stamina are there any like Shields near me that allows me to double jump is The Shield at the Temple of Time oh oh oh there's a shield at the temple oh there's a shield at the Temple of Time oh dude how do I do this is this gonna help at all like this isn't gonna float yeah we just need to find a bucket and then scoop all the water out of the lake you see jump attack from here I have to be like right here to be able to like not use them I literally have to be on it chop down the tree then roll it by throwing a rock at it it would take a long time but it might work you know that's a really good idea I wonder if that actually would work how do I cut the log then [Music] this is gonna work is it I'm pretty sure there is an ax in snowy area all right let me go to the snowy area real quick oh is this it yes Stone ax oh my God yes oh there's another ax over here there's holding down because it's the closest and I'll cut it down in such a way that it might fall into the water okay there's some rocks over here [Music] oh I use I'm running what am I doing what the [ __ ] am I doing I'm so sorry my brain so I can't push the tree without using stamina right but can I throw a rock that would then push the tree for me okay it moved slightly did you guys see that it moved a little it moved a little um do you think this will actually have a chance of falling let's try this [Music] okay okay it's falling okay oh oh oh it fell into the water yes yes [Music] okay okay stay on there stay on there stay on there and then I need I need length to go across but that works so I do this and it falls and this fall it has to fall in such a way that it literally rolls into the water oh my God it's so dumb uh and then I have to like jump further that one's a bust that's not gonna work for sure right yeah all right come on all in such a way that it are you kidding how do we get it twice in a row and then never again [Music] or further right okay oh perfect yes yes okay okay okay okay okay now get on it perfect let me try a double jump [Music] oh come on is it really that close I move forward will you stamina it does cry nice that's good that's good let's go oh that's good [Music] okay that's good that's good that's that's good we're close we're close wait wait wait wait wait we're getting moved a little bit closer because of the breeze we're literally getting moved a little bit closer because of the breeze here we go [Music] can't believe that'll work I can't believe that actually worked it was two hours just for that moment the amount of things that had to go right for that is ridiculous oh my God [Music] I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game maybe if I like oh that works okay we're good we're good I want to cry I actually want to cry oh what the hell um like I'm actually kind of like at a loss where's the wind glider when you need one I know right seriously I have no idea there is a chest with three gliders in it at 514 minus 1100 1435. you're talking about um this chest right uh let me try literally right here ah let me take this rock this is our our friend rock yeah not Frederick Red Rock and we'll put him here okay and now we're gonna now we're gonna see if I can get on top of this rock okay we're on the Rock okay [Music] we have gliders now can I dupe right now I think I can do yeah so nice sword duplication it was literally just found like today actually so I need to go up to a wall um position close enough to a wall but not too close take out as many Zona devices as you want okay uh sort the menu inventory and close out of it oh the game lagged a little bit it's like YB like that okay go a little bit farther okay oh I duped now I have 12. oh my God yes crazy oh this is broken like I'm down with using glitches I I feel save transfer is probably where we stopped I feel like we have to do it on one save file this was found by walvis and Flash I want to give credit where credits too those are the the glitch Hunters that found this do you think we have enough so now I'm wondering now that we have these gliders there's a couple things we can do first off can I just literally take this glider like will this solve our immediate problems okay we can like stack these [Music] that works actually I can like oh oh I made it okay we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good okay we've made it we've made it and then we get to this thing however I think we have a solution I think we can stack our our gliders here in order for me actually do something [Music] the issue now is I can't take out my gliders like I can do that [Music] so far so good question mark that could work we're higher than we ever were oh yes yes so then I take more gliders out so far so good whole Stack's kind of falling over [Music] uh you stamina that kind of worked though that's a good start oh my God wait this could give us the amount of height that we need should I try it I should the glider's moving I think oh oh we made it yes oh my god oh we just barely made it damn and we can get a shield yes oh dear the Lord and Almighty Heaven Jesus God the amount of Small Miracles it took just to have that happen is actually ridiculous so now we've unlocked all of the uh the the shrines let's go to ultra hands probably the most important one because this will allow us to build Bridges um okay okay well the next thing is okay how do you how do you get up here let's try gliders and take out the gliders here and I like no I can't Shield hop jump slash there I feel like this is actually kind of crazy can I make another glider Tower here so far actually so good and looking up actually seems to help with the gliders I think we can do this I mean look at this oh yeah yeah we got a glider right here if we get a glider like right in here I feel like we can do it it's like we're actually like really close to this it's just like it's just barely just not tall enough like we can get right here we try to like get up here I guess oh that's really close have you tried just doing it better I was like imagine that worked I wonder if I can like double jump oh I don't know man what if I like that's a little bit of a new okay so we have like a platform here okay one in front of me jump and then gliders more okay nice if I jump attack here this could work [Music] oh this is totally possible let me try to Shield jump here that might get more reach oh we run we're on it though we were literally on it let's try it again [Music] another glider oh appeared on the side over here I feel as if whenever I go to to read read climb here it's like an RNG Fest on whether or not I'm gonna use stamina [Music] I gotta be more careful it's like right here around there's like an angle which just works okay maybe that works wait I'm so much closer now wait this actually could be it [Music] I think I was just barely too low oh oh we were okay it's right there it's literally right there let me try to add another glider it does make it go higher this might be it now that I have it I can Shield jump and maybe this will work [Music] oh God I feel like I should have jump slashed there for sure okay so the way I need to do this is I need to like walk forward I mean like thumb slash yeah we made it yes save oh my God that only took two hours to get the perfect glider RNG okay all right now we can go to ultra hand in a second it's just we we get ultra-handed just one second give me give me a little bit I hope you guys are ready for another fun two hours if I think we have an idea so what does glider setup look like for this dump and then place okay I placed one nice and then Place Another okay and I have a third here okay we're making a bridge it's happening kind of a far Gap let me try though [Music] oh my god with some ridiculous setups we can finally finally get our first shrine five hours into the Run hi raru all right we got Ultra hand Okay so we've gotten shrine at number one down let's go to the seconds right now uh and to do that we have Ultra hand which is awesome this will make my life so much easier it's so nice to like you know see some scenery other than a rock wall for two hours wow so pretty oh can I use amiibo huh okay I have a lot of amiibo okay I got I got fish can we release the stamina fish okay be free they're just sleeping okay oh the shrine is right here actually anyways all right let's go up to the second Shrine now the more Powers we get the easier this gets to awesome all right that wasn't too bad this is going a lot faster now yeah let's go to ascend which is the third Shrine in the game I feel as if we might have some troubles with this because Ascend requires you climb a lot of things we're building a bridge and I put this here all right let's climb this bridge now see if we can I mean let me do I use stamina damn it all right I'm gonna like do this the entire time though so I don't accidentally like climb okay oh so you guys come here often or I feel like if I just do like a bunch of Shield hops this could work okay almost there okay a couple more front hops no stamina no stamina yes nice all right we've made it now to the third Shrine we got Ascend also known uh cloakly as uppies you have to say uppies every time or it won't work right sorry uh uppies this is stupid we've got now all three of the shrines so we should go to the Temple of Time and the door should open for us now all right into the Temple of Time this is Zelda's stage cutscene oh my God it totally is I didn't even notice that hey we got recall awesome we got our uh fourth heart container not bad and now we can finally make it off the sky island we do have another problem though how do we get off the sky islands you gotta have to fall down into the ground that's a problem for future Eric in like five minutes from now but whatever you know you land in water nope you can't swim guys wait I do have an idea wait oh my God I have an idea just try trust me on this here we go okay I can't see where I want to go yet this might take multiple tries oh wait wait I didn't plan this there's no way I was looking for something else I'll tell you my idea in a second but we we somehow landed on a lily pad oh guys I'm so sorry we need to reload so anyways are there any horses nearby like genuinely because all right so my idea was to land on a horse couldn't you just choose a glider you could you could also just use the lily pad I think we'll do that wait for it right there yes awesome and we've made it to Hyrule Kingdom without using any stamina whatsoever now we just go to Ganon you guys think I'm Joe I'm not I'm not like I'm serious now we just go to Ganon because like I'm not going to complete the rest of the game that's a lot of time I would like a couple things first I would like a shield that's really durable probably something like the Hylian Shield some armor oh and steering sticks as well oh and I do need the tools to fight the bosses we got this guys I'm not gonna lie I use stamina again I I think we get the steering stick first that'll help our Mobility a ton because we have to walk everywhere and it's so slow we're gonna walk all the way down here to this bridge literally that's the goal right now we're gonna walk to that bridge [Music] we're almost there right yeah we're almost there guys [Music] okay we're almost there guys we are literally aiming to get to that gumball machine no we're not it's in a chest and that's exactly what I was going to say so we're actually not even going to go to that Gumball wait is this not where the chest is the chest in here oh my dear Lord in heaven okay I can use the send to get in here baby oh no not the gliders what if you run out oh you know what you're right so wait what do you do you take this with ultra hand you bring it all the way up you drop it down you go back onto it use recall and it just floats up yeah and then what I could use is Ascend and Ascend up there oh my God that's so cool okay and then now I can get this chest which should have a steering stick in it yes we only have three steering sticks but technically because we have one steering stick we have infinite steering sticks that's probably enough you can give a Mana steering wheel or you can teach him to duplicate now let's make the probable best vehicle in the entire game now that we have steering sticks and fans you attach this like we've built the hoverbike probably the most overpowered build in the game if you have enough battery you can go anywhere and good news because we have duplication we always have enough battery and we might as well just go get Auto build right now let's go to the nearest depths oh how do I get down Into the Depths if I want to get Auto build I think I found out a way oh God oh God oh no oh okay okay um um okay I can learn this really fast there was a glitch that was discovered about three hours ago called fall damage canceling now is the time to learn jump attack open the ability menu wait I can't jump attack there's no fall damage if you're using a steering stick on something wait really let's take a rock they used to ride these babies for Miles dude put a steering stick on it and then okay this could work is this gonna eliminate my full damage there's no way all right we've successfully made it to the depths all right let's go get Auto build nice all right we got Auto build perfect uh so we can teach us uh what Auto build is and all the stuff but we actually just don't need that so we can just kind of leave oh I haven't actually gotten to say we actually haven't gotten a Teleport point on the surface yet dumb okay so it like it still works right like if it's if it's from the yo look at that sick trick dude sure God damn dude oh my God he did like a full 360. okay now we have basically infinite travel and height we've solved our walking problem so I want to go get the the Hylian Shield and we got the Hylian Shield easy now let's go do some other stuff all right let's go across here and let's go get the Phantom armor okay [Music] difficult controlling this in a cave but we'll take it we're almost to the first armor set just right here awesome and there we go we got the first set of armor that we need the Phantom armor are we just gonna get two more pieces of the armor and we're good uh the second Phantom armor should be right in this particular spot we got the Phantom grease all we have left is the last one uh which is right about here okay the Phantom helmet should be like in here if I recall yeah yeah like up here oh my God yes yes yes yes yes this should be where the hello hi don't mind me yeah this which I ran I'm so stupid Oh my god I'm an idiot I'm an idiot oh my God I'm so dumb this is a no stamina challenge what am I doing all right I'm just gonna walk you know like you do and like just pretend like hope the enemy doesn't see me and there we go we got the third of the full armor set the Phantom armor the most overpowered set in the game because you get times three attack up with 24 defense and you don't have to upgrade anything all right and then we we have I think one or two more things to do before we go to Ganon just to prepare so we don't die let's let's be honest with ourselves can I beat Ganon first try for sure why would anyone say no but in order to do that we need to get prepared so what we can do now is we can actually just start by duping uh bombs by the way in case you don't know this is how you dupe let me just reload for um unrelated reasons here step one oops all right so we have 132 bomb flowers now oh you know what there's a topaz about right here in the game that we're gonna go pick up real fast it should be like right here I know this game too well already and this will be necessary for the give those topaz uh creates electricity let's go down to Ganon wait what if I did this what if I like press B and then did this oh oh yeah anyway that's actually like such a cool way to go down oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that's a quick way to descend the guys in case you guys are curious we're going again and for realsies this time all right and without any pain all right end of uh the line is like right here gloom's approach oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no please don't all right let's try this again for the first time ever how did I live but you know what we're at the bottom of Hyrule Chasm we've made it to the bottom without taking fall damage or using well sorry we took fall damage but we made it to the bottom without using stamina and that's what I think really matters here oh I think I need to do another Auto build here okay yeah how do I get down there without stamina I think getting to gain is going to be almost harder than actually Ganon itself I mean just look at this look what we're gonna have to do here so if we go down here we'll be fine like we'll take some fall damage that's okay we're not gonna die all the way though do a full cover plus 20 Health uh 20 hearts wait Gloom makes you lose all 20 hearts Gloom damage removes all of your heart oh my God guys let me go up here I need to make it there this way awesome awesome huge somehow that worked next up is the silver linel so I'm gonna take this fuse the diamond for the rusty Broad Sword it's not a ton of damage but the fact that we have attack up times three is going to like do a lot silver Lionel I need you uh for the weapons later here we go nice got the flurry Rush awesome a lot of damage there wait I can't Mount the Lionel it takes stamina right I forgot are we gonna be doing this first try he's a gamer what nice nice yeah 44 fuse attack power huge all right and we'll take everything else off all right cool let's begin uh we we just finished this Lionel let's go begin it all right and we just need to go up here thread the needle thread the needle thread the needle thread the needle it's been thread the needle has been thread okay okay okay now I just need to not okay I'll lose my glimp stuff that's fine as long as they don't die wait I don't have my bike anymore but I do have something that's that's second best and this should ignore fall damage awesome okay we're almost at the beginning of the game this is this is it oh yes are gonna be calgara we'll see I don't know we'll figure it out this is the imprisoning chamber um and I actually do have a really fun fact about the imprisoning chamber that you probably missed on your first playthrough let's do our handy dandy uh falling mechanism okay here we go this I love this is gonna make it oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God wait can I clutch this can I clutch this might be kind of difficult okay control let's try this again maybe oh I don't know about this oh I don't know about this oh God all right guys do you want to know a fun fact about the imprisoning chamber yes okay well we'll hear what I'm done all right control all right watch this oh God will I survive this Jump Then okay no this is the one guys stop oh somehow somehow we have made it on the most precarious ledge that's ever existed can I build I can I'm gonna Auto build and then I'm going to ultra hand grab it okay put it down over here and then recall it and then climb onto it press l ull damage cancel The Rock coming in clutch oh my God I can't believe we just did that that was insane I did I used every single power we had okay so you guys want to know a fun fact about the imprisoning chamber so you know at the beginning of the game when Link and Zelda were discovering all of the zonai material and everything I don't know if you guys remember but Zelda was holding a torch in the torch is right here it is the smallest detail but it shows you how much effort they put into this game so that's your fun fact I hope it was worth it okay I think we have one more fall until the end of the game I don't want to use the zonai material here I want to do this with the most insane clutch you've seen yet watch this guys I really really want to see if I can make this work okay here we go right it's like right there see what I'm going for I don't know if you guys see what I'm going for see if this works it's like right there though [Music] Oh I thought that was it oh oh no I didn't get the loading zone it's devastated so what we're trying to do is if we if we hold on to the root it's just enough where you can hold on to it and get the loading zone for the fight so then you don't actually have to climb back up [Music] I got it yes boy held on to the wall and it didn't use stamina and it loaded oh that's so cool all right here we go guys now we gotta fight the Demon King's Army by myself [Music] huge okay great this is the first of a couple waves perfect okay let's all post is next okay all right the Dodges good blocks nice all right was office down give toes nice fire fruits okay nice give those are down perfect last wave the moblins wow that was a big shot okay and last one right here perfect okay Demon King's Army is gone next is colgara the first of six bosses we have to beat in a row I need to literally snipe this man's I could do it I think with rockets [Music] Maybe [Music] yes oh it does work oh you can't use Rockets it's possible it's just really really hard yeah okay okay too late nope oh maybe yes second one it's two of six we have to hit him six times like this this is probably one of the hardest fights we can do here without stamina oh yes okay okay halfway halfway do I have to dodge these wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second wait a second I didn't agree on this I don't want to be in the air [Music] how do I if someone shoot us up in the air though but like what it like maybe we void out yeah why does it do that okay I'm gonna avoid out okay please just spawn me back on the platform I mean when he summons yeah when he summons the uh tornadoes you stay still those kind of free damage all right one more hit one more hit on golgara oh the snipe oh we got cool Cara okay now we have Goma next I know it's a lot to say here but I literally just need to not die okay I go over there and then I use Ascend right okay I can't Ascend okay perfect second phase oh my God we just literally like one phased up one cycled there we go do that [Music] okay perfect L up okay Ascend and here we go so much damage almost there one more hit next is monkey Rock which I need to use uh jellies for it that was working the damage the damage second phase please okay not second phase I just need to hit this once awesome okay good so far I'm back here nice nice here we go yes third one down oh my god wow wow we can give those next this one's gonna be a doozy I'm gonna use I have a fire fruit right yeah nice nice good damage okay awesome second phase I can just ignore the gibdos if I just keep doing damage all right so close so close we can give those down okay that's four we got another boss though right yep we got to this Boss season construct x two more bosses I might beat this thing okay let me use fire fruit here guys on fire and then I nice oh then you hit like that okay perfect awesome okay half health okay fire again into the wall there we go nice perfect almost dead got it okay and then we have Phantom beginning next which is also extremely hard hey okay cool thanks for that that's so cool of you Spears next okay okay anyway [Music] can't believe we just did that that's crazy let's go to Demon King Ganondorf and beat tears of the Kingdom without any stamina at all here we go oh nice got the player Rush perfect oh my God that's so much damage got the flurry Rush perfect it's okay first phase down do that health bar though fine touch it okay all right last uh fake in and okay perfect perfect now I can focus on you nice I gotta really focus here doing this with only four Hearts keep that in mind no we got it perfect that's a lot of damage there perfect next phase next phase I can't skip this oh the taunt God damn okay oh good Parry got it okay are you going to flare Rush this no we got it perfect he's almost dead he's almost dead just one player Rush that's all I need got the flu Rush this could be it yes so we did that first try too let's go Demon King Ganondorf first try no stamina now we have a problem um how are we gonna do demon dragon here oh also yeah right it gives us the master sword for the end so if you want to get the master sword without stamina just beat the game easy okay here we go God it's so badass okay so how do I do this without stamina so if I go here oh my God if you don't take fall damage there's no way you don't take fall damage if you land on the dragon's back oh easy easy here we go last eye and then the last shot can you beat tears of the Kingdom without using any stamina the answer is yes you can do it 15 hours and 43 minutes [Music] all right there we go and that's Kingdom without using any stamina whatsoever
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 844,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom, totk, tears of the kingdom challenge, challenge, zelda, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, pointcrow challenge, point crow challenge, zelda challenge, can you beat, can i beat, totk challenge, zelda tears of the kingdom, nintendo, gaming, game, playthrough, lets play, tears of the kingdom playthrough, totk playthrough, walkthrough, glitch, totk glitches, tears of the kingdom glitches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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