Tears of Repentance - Said Rageah

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with the permission of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and the blessings of albari we would like to go over a subject that is we are in dire need of this subject is a subject of the repentance to and allah of the muslims they assume that tawbah is something that is suggested by allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala it's something that is recommended by allah through the quran and through the teaching of the messenger of allah what we don't understand is a tawba is not a suggest suggested subject or topic it is not recommended thing that we should try to entertain rather toba is must because allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the quran or who you believe all of you must repent to allah some of the muslims due to the limited knowledge of an islam they may assume that they can delay the tawbah until they reach a certain age until they get married until they perform their hajj and their thoughts that they can do whatever they want to do because allah will wait for them and men can most wait for them but they don't realize that american mode does not discriminate malaca does not know whether you're young or old it does not care whether you're rich or poor whether you're male or female whether you're healthy or ill mannequin mode has a list of names and based on that list manuka will take the souls of the people yukon some of the stories from bani israel is not listed in us that we should record or report just to support what we're saying not to take it as the core material of our deen but they said that medical moat he looks at the person's face five times a day and he sees this person that is planning for his future he's planning for his wedding he's planning for his business he's planning for his trips he's planning for the future of his children but medical mode is saying what a poor soul he does not know that his time is coming soon he doesn't know but he thinks he has so much time in a similar narration similar sources we all know the story of al-wazir that in the presence of the navy his advisers were sitting next to him one of his advisers and then he felt uncomfortable and he left and he came back later on and sulaiman said ali islam is not it is not your nature to act like that and behave as such and leave as such he said the man who was sitting next to you was staring at me looking at me in a strange way he made me very uncomfortable so i left who was he made sure man said that was medical maybe allah said that was the angel of death that was here or the advisor said subhanallah me and melanic on the same land we cannot be so please order the wind to carry me to a far land from the earth of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so sunnah iman in a long story to make sure he ordered the wind to carry this man to the land of india and subhanallah shortly after that malaka mode once again came to sulaiman and when he came to him sumaiman said to the american moat you made my advisor very uncomfortable what were you staring at him like this he said i was shocked about his presence here allah the lord had ordered me to take his soul in the land of india so i followed the orders of allah and i went to india saying subhanallah how can i take the soul of this man was all the way in palestine and all of a sudden the wind brought him to me on due time so i took his soul so no matter what we try to do and this is again is not from so again we have no knowledge when medical mode would come and would ask your soul to be delivered and sent it back to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and that's why we say in the quran indeed we belong to allah and into allah we all shall return what is the thing that we must acknowledge is being a human being means we are being who are orphans will commit sins all of us we commit sins in different levels some of us we are so much into sins and others win away from some of us will rush back to tawba others they are persistent and insisting in continue committing the sins and that's why in the beginning all of us we commit sins and we fall into a mass and the best of the sinners are those who quickly repent to allah subhana with them worst of the deed is for us to commit the sin and to walk away as though we did not do anything if you know you know brothers if you don't do well or you don't do what your boss asks you you feel guilty you fear that he may give you a note or he may fire you or he may ask he may deduct from your salary he may punish you for asking to go back but subhanallah when we commit ma'asi sins we don't move nothing moves here as though our hearts are made of stones as though we're not afraid of allah and the sahab of nabi sallallahu alaihi he was under this in the tibet in used to say or the sahabas the people who came after them used to say al-munafiq the person was hypocrites when he commits his sin he feels like a fly just flew by his face and he waves it like this and the movement when he commits the massive he feels like he is under a mountain about to crush him now look at yourself when you disobey allah do you lose his sleep over the messiah do you worry are you concerned you lose your appetite or you just move on if you move on then something is wrong with your iman something is wrong with your faith something is wrong with the level of chakra that you have i want to narrate a story that really relates to this to the title on the theme of this and this historic is well known but allah says allah said remind he need a reminder will benefit the believers so everything that your speaker is going to address or say or mention a quote tonight it's not something new it's not something that i will bring out of my pocket it is not something that would i fabricate but it is something from the quran and the sunnah and the people that we all know and the stories that we all shared before and allah said in the quran so in their stories the stories of the people before us there are lessons for the people of people of understanding this young man who made tawbah who later became one of the greatest imams of the ummah was known as the sark the thief he was well built strong he feared no one and even mothers when they want to put their children to bed they used to say if you don't go to bed i will ask someone so to come and take you and the children used to be terrified of him and this is the man that he used to make the hola weave until they pass out the man who used to be a wife of masjid al-haram whether it was a thief and one night he decided to go and rob and steal one of the local homes and he went while he was climbing up he saw the owner of the house is an elderly man old man and he knew he could overtake overpower this old man but subhanallah that al-fuday said let me see what this old man going to do and this old man subhanallah with his humble home he picked the mush of the quran and he crossed his legs and he sat down and he flipped the page of the quran with gentleness and kindness and he recited out light as though allah is saying to this old man iqra recite so the thief can hear your recitation and he said al-amyad for those who believe in allah and his messenger isn't a time for them to return to allah for their hearts to tremble when they hear the recitation of the book of allah and subhanallah and he sat down i repent to allah and i will never disobey allah and then he went to the masjid subhanallah he went to the masjid and not only that he repents not only that that he shed tears but rather he decided to be on the syracuse on the right path because we are fake taivin a lot of times we make tawba but our torah is fake we will say oh allah forgive me o allah forgive me but in your heart and mine they not on the tawbah they not on the isla you must make trouble from that because you're lying to allah you're saying allah forgive me but you're thinking about your children you say allah forgive my sins but you worry about other things your heart and mind not in that is you're playing with allah and you shall repent from that you should repent from that subhanallah if you only know how much sins we commit when we think we're doing good allah subhanahu wa he promised us that he will forgive our sins if we rectify our situation if we don't stay on the situation that we make toba form rather if we rectify and allah says the condition is that you must make tawba and you must make isla with allah you must fix that relationship with allah you must not assume just because you said for allah your sins would be washed away you must not assume just by saying oh allah forgive me allah will rush to your forgiveness yes allah is most forgiving and he loves to forgive but if you play with allah like you play with your children will punish you if i heard this story from one of the khatibs in in a very profound incident and he's talking about an incident of a young man of our time who commit a messiah but he really repented to allah this young man the story of this young man is narrated by a stranger who just met that man he said subhanallah he said this young man he traveled from riyadh from saudi and he went to a neighboring arab country and when he went for a day one day business trip he went and at the end of the day he came back and he said let me rest in one of the hotels so i may catch my flight early in the morning tomorrow when he came to the hotels he realized that the women who dress un-islamic and men are smoking and drinking and he came to the count of the reception and he said do you have any rooms available and this man with the beer and though and he looks like a person of a mystery the man behind the counter said ya sheikh what are you doing here this is not a place for people such as you such as you he said i just need one night to sleep he said if you want all this masia then you can stay here but this is not for you leave so i left i left and i sat in the park public park waiting for the time for the sun to rise so i can pray fajir and after sunrise i pray fijian i went to the airport he said at the airport i found little musa subhanallah and in the muslim he said i slept like a baby because all last night i was up he said in the death of sleep my sleep i heard someone stopping someone crying out loud and he shook me and i looked for either who would be sharp a young man you know beautiful handsome face but he looks pale he's so pale because he's been crying and i said to him what is wrong with you he said can you sleep i said yes i'm tired he said well but i cannot sleep i cannot sleep and he said i said insha allah everything would be well just relax and sleep but the young man would not stop crying so i sat and i said man beca what is wrong with you i had everything that allah would bestow on a servant i had money i had status i had wealth i have a wife and children i'm a happy man but the nima of allah was too much for me so i want to change i want some excitement in my life i want some something different so i went with my friends who were coming out to this country and they said let us have fun let us enjoy ourselves and this is how shaytan brothers and sisters this is how shaytan leads you to massa shaytan will never ask you directly disobey allah leave your salah take off your hijab or wear hijab that is half shirt sleeve or wear something tight or put makeup but he was saying look nice he would say just take one step people dressed like this and one step one step one step before you know it the shaitan puts you in the court of massa so this friends his friends they said let us go for scenery it's a beautiful country it's a freedom it's not like saudi everything let us enjoy ourselves and first go to the mall second go to the movie and see a movie third go to a hotel in the hotel that these ladies is women and bit by bit the man found himself committing adultery with the lady with the other bill he said i rushed and i came back and this is why i cannot sleep that's why the tears of that person was dropping it's a long story but it shows that if you really are repenting to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then you must show it sincerely allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the quran when he was talking about the people who deserved repentance he said he said the tawba that comes from allah are for those who commit sins out of ignorance out of jihad but as soon as they learn their mistake they repent to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala but us majority of the muslims wrong themselves because subhanallah when you commit a massive you're not harming allah you're not hurting allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala you're not doing anything to allah rather you're hurting yourself the mercy of allah is so near and close to us he said my servant every time that he comes towards me handspan then allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala comes towards that person armed length and when the person comes towards allah then allah so the mercy of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is so near is so close to us all is allah asking us to do is repent and come back to him subhanallah but unless the tawba comes from your heart and until the tawbah shows it's showing through your actions allah subhanahu wa ta'ala may not accept and how he changed his life after he repented to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and this is the story of malik bending malik my dear sister brothers and sisters in islam he used to be a police officer but tyrant aggressive merciless police officers and one day when he was in on the marketplace he hear a voice of a person saying saying to someone yes oh my master yes oh my master bring me back give me my wealth back give me my money i came the source of the song and the sound and the voice and i saw this man big strong man who is standing but he is wearing he's wearing a long turpen and i thought this weak voice cannot be the voice of this man so i went closer to him and i saw in front of him is this weak humble servant with so full of patch on his knees saying yes he said give me back my money this is the dinner for my daughters he said i came without introduction and i said to him i said give his money back and he looked at me with arrogancy and he said this is not your concern and for the third time he said i punched the man put him down took the money from the man give it to the poor man and i said go and run he said this poor man he took the money and he ran he ran and while he was running i said to him yahada unlimited tell your daughters tonight while they having the meal to make dua for malik bernadina so the man turned and he left he said subhanallah that day when i woke up in the morning i felt a brand new person i felt that allah has accepted the tawbah from the hand from the mouth of those young ladies so he said from that day i entered the masjid and allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala forgave all my sins if you're really looking for sincere repentance you must do the following the idni subhana wa ta'ala one change your environment change your situation if you want allah to accept your repentance you must change the way you live you can't be in a pool of filth impurity but at the same time say oh i am going to be pure because your friends your environment will definitely affect you remember that muslim a man who killed 99 people and then he went to a man who's in the ministry who have no knowledge but has ibaad and he said i have killed 99 people do i have chance with allah for him to forgive my sins and he says subhanallah you killed 99 people allah will never forgive you so the man said then let me kill you as well and he killed him 100 people but shortly after that he was told to go and meet this in this scholar and when he went to the scholar the scholar said subhanallah subhanallah who can stop you from the repentance and he repented he said but however leave this place is a place of evil leave this place and go start your life fresh and this is the first condition if you want to repent you got to change your environment and that meant subhan allah during his journey he passed away he died and allah as we know is muslim angel he sent angel and the angels two angels grew from jannah and grew from jahannam they're fighting over the body of the soul of this man he have never done any good deed he must be from the people of jahannam said the angels from hell and the angels of jannah said he came as a time repenting to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and then allah extra third angel and he said let them measure the distance between the two villages and subhanallah allah order the village that he was going to to be closer to the body and so therefore the angel took him is and people he never done anything good anything good which is the second point and that is you must desist whatever you're doing for allah to accept your torah you clear your environment and then you stop whatever you're doing and then allah will accept your torah then this man by the name what he did he never used to do any and once this lady a young lady who was in need came to him and he said to her i will never give you anything until you allow me to have illegal relationship with you and the lady she agreed for him to give her money so when the man he was about to do demacia she trembled she panicked she cried and then he said did i force you to do this with me did i ask you the forces she said no but i have never done it and the only reason i'm doing is because i need the money he got up and he said if this is what if you hear because of need i am in need for the mercy of allah more than you need this money take the money and go away and on that night subhanallah he died and then allah ordered an angel to come to his house and right on the door of that person indeed allah has forgiven the sin of gift because of what he did last night so if you want allah to forgive you then you must stay away or you must withdraw yourself from the mercy the third things that you need to do my dear brothers and sisters for allah to forgive you is not to rely on your tawba do not rely on it do not say i repented therefore i'm okay let me move on yesterday was yesterday let me enjoy it today no you should always worry about your sins until you get to jannah um used to say on the day of yom al qaeda if a caller calls and he says everyone is going to jahannam everyone i'm sorry is going to jannah except one person i would assume i am that person going to hell with you have to be there i would assume because i don't know if allah has forgiven my sins this is whom allah forgiven all his sin sins because he was one of the ashram jannah not only that allah the messenger of allah had so many dreams so many dreams that um will be in jannah yet he said if a caller calls and says everyone is going to journal except one person i would assume that person so you do not rely on your torba and do not think that allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has forgiven your sins number four must do extreme deeds to upsets your sins do these as much as you can to offset your sins once again remember um had strong he had strong personality and he was very direct he was not a monastic and he always used to see what he feels to the face to the person's face so when abu the law you know my father you know what he did and he that he is a monarch he's the one who said you know about him yes ya rasool allah he's dying let me have ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to forgive him so the messenger of allah said yeah allah forgive him then the son went and he came back and he said o messenger of allah my father died give me your soul so i can use it for his coven may allah forgive him when he sees he's wearing your soul so the messenger of allah took his throat off and he gave it to the son because the son was a min then the son comes back and he says come and pray on my father now um for rasulullah to ask for forgiveness for that dying person acceptable for rasulullah to give his soul for this is acceptable now for rasulullah to pray on the janazah over america could not stand that so the messenger of allah comes to the body and he wants to say allah then um comes between him and the body and he says do not pray on him because he's a hypocrite so the messenger of allah he says back and he says rasool allah don't you remember what he did don't you remember he said i shall commit a sinner with another sahabi don't you remember he was the one who took three hundred muharram under he didn't back in the bottle of foreign don't you remember what he said and rasulullah says move aside move aside and then he comes back and he says he forced i force myself and then he says later on for my bold standing against the messenger of allah he said i still do deeds for allah to forgive me for what i did on that day because i challenged rasulullah i challenge the messenger of allah similar thing in the sunnah when um could not agree for rasulullah to sign the treaty with that a person a woman who comes from the city of madina from city of makkah migrating accepting islam she should he should be he should he should be sent back and a person who comes from the city of medina you know a past thing from islam should be accepted in mecca could not handle that and he challenged the messenger of allah but he said to attack he said i'm still freeing slaves i'm still giving charity i'm still fasting for allah to forgive my sins so the lesson is you know don't say and make torah and relax you should do more and more and more every single day the fourth thing that you need to do if you want allah to accept your deen as you have leave something secret between you and allah allah see the things that we do in public may not count us as speakers we talk to you we call the hadith and the quran and the sunnah and all this but allah knows if this can be accounted why because what i think is what comes is what we do between you and allah allah not what we do in public because sometimes shaytan comes to you you organize a conference or conference on an or an event shaytan will say it was successful event what a successful event you come and deliver allah say that was a good lecture you're trying you come to salat mr jamal masjid and the shaitaan will say pray well so the people will see how perfect you're praying you come to a halal will say to you you know masha allah let the people see you students of knowledge so at the end of the day you don't know how much that you have on your book but if you do a deed that is only between you and allah you can rest assure that this is for you abdullah ibn mubarak was one of the he was he was one of the people who always used to do things behind closed doors will never expose his hassanat never expose has another and one of the battlefield and the the tradition was you have the mujahideen and you have the enemy over islam and then they used to chant used to challenge one another so while none muslim came from the army of the muslim and he asked for someone to challenge him someone to challenge him so while mutman came but he was killed immediately by that machete and then another muslim came and that muslim was immediately killed by the same man seven of the muslims came and all of them were killed and then a man whom his face is covered with a strange horse comes out of nowhere and he challenges this man and he kills him on the spot and the meaning also and they wanted to know who is this hero who saved the day but they cannot see his face and he's holding his mask tight so tight that he cannot no one can remove the mask and then one of the people who are very close to abdullah ibn mubarak he grabbed his hand with one hand and he removed the mask from the face of that night for either whoever abdullah in the mubarak and that night was abdullah ibn mubarak even you are against us now allah may not accept my deity because he assumed that if people get to know the did that he performed allah would not accept his deed and subhanallah this is what we're missing as muslims nowadays you know we do everything open you and i are perfect muslims outside but behind closed doors only allah knows what do we do behind closed doors what do we watch what do we listen do we stand in front of allah and weep in the darkness may now we may not do that but we come to salat and we pretend that we're crying with the dua subhan allah imam i know what we said if you perfect your ibadah outdoors when people can see you and you perform your ibadah in a lower level when you are alone then allah will reward everything that you do openly with the minimum that you do behind closed doors so if you go and you say masha allah afghanistan for ramadan but they are up to 11 months of the year you don't stand up for malay then rest assured allah may reward you nothing because you did nothing behind closed doors so you need to have that that deed that on the day of you you can say to allah i did this for you and remember out of the first three people that jahannam would start with it is not iblees and his army it is not a moon rather they would be person of knowledge person who used to worship allah generous person a person who died apparently for the sake of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so do not belittle the status of doing good deeds behind closed doors number five my dear brothers and sisters that you need to do is remember that every limb of yours will work against you on the day of yamato in sahih muslim the messenger of allah said allah will bring a servant and he will say to him have i not make you a master of your own means did i not bestow upon you so much so many gifts and blessings yes have i not given you wealth for you to survive yes and then allah would mention the neram that he gave that person and in return allah would ask him what have you done and the person will come and he will lie ya allah i worshiped you ya allah i gave sadaqah ya allah i pray for you ya to you o allah and then allah will say subhanahu wa to allah i have witnesses who are witness against you and then allah will bring the quran the sunnah the prophet and he will say no ya allah quran it was not there the sunnah wasn't there the anbiya were not there and every one that allah brings as witness against this person the person would say i don't trust their testimony i don't agree with their testimony and then allah will say subhanahu wata'ala i have one witness left and he was saying who else the quran i don't i don't agree with the sunnah none of that and then allah will seal your lips and my lips and then allah would ask the person would ask persons who limbs to speak so your hands and my hands would speak my feet and your feet would speak your eyes and my eyes would speak my ear my hearing and your hearing would speak all of them would speak against us subhanallah imagine this belly that you fight for this body that you try to nourish and satisfy on the day of yom al testify against you and the hand will say yes i commit a sinner and i will say i commit a zina for example and the fear to say i commit a zina and our private party i committed zina because in nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam said it was your eyes could commit zina and the zina of the eyes is looking your hearing will commit zina and the zener of the hearing if the ears is listening and the hands and feet and the private part will confirm it or deny and the sixth is that what insha allah solidified and his strength yatoba is remembering death remembering death remembering medical remote hadith remembering that subhanallah that death is closer to you than you expect when he hears the ayat and hadith he used to read but when he sees and he passed by grave his legs his feet would not carry him and he will knee down and cry and the people you say subhanallah you hear the quran and you don't cry you hear the hadith you don't cry but when you see a cemetery a dead body a person in the grave you cry he said yes because this is the beginning of this is beginning of a used to come and he used to bring people his companions to the cemetery to the graves and he used to speak to the dead he used to speak to the people who died and he used to say oh people what news do you have for us from what do you have for us and he will ask them ask them as though they can respond back and the tablet and the sahabah they used to listen to this conversation between ali and the people in the graves and ali would pause for a second and he would say to them he said the news that we have for you someone else lives in your homes and your wealth has been divided on your women or your spouse we married someone other than you and your children became your teams and then he turned to his companions with the tears from his eyes and he used to say wallahi say well if they could say something they would say to us the best provision that you have is a temple of allah subhanallah so remember brothers and sisters remember the day that you're going to be placed in that little tiny tight place when you have subhanallah no one to beat with you no spouse no children no family members no status no comfortable bad not beautiful rooms none of that subhanallah in our life we live like we don't exist and nothing exists and we live so arrogant so we think that nothing can stop us but when we die we're nothing have you ever seen this picture of a sudani simple sudani guy subhanallah sudani brother from sudan wearing a simple outfit standing on the grave making the the late king of saudi and i asked myself if that poor sudanese muslim if he asked to meet the king abdullah during his lifetime do you think he would meet him do you think that king now who has no one if that sudanese king guy comes and say i want to see the king do you know how many obstacles he would face do you know how many security and bodyguards he would face do you know how many times they were searching just to meet that king but now he's there no harass no palace no nice living dining reception room no nothing and that miss keen sudani whom his salary is almost a thousand riyadh is almost 200 or 200 dollars that miskey now is with the great king with the great king remember the day that you may not even have that sudani on your grave remember that day that wa no one will come yes maybe first day first week first month maybe first year after that your children will be busy with their own lives your spouse your husband or wife will be married you know your wealth would be giving into portions so remember and when you have that right in front of you then the torba will come sincere from your heart and then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will not disappoint your repentance if you are like that but my dear brothers and sisters we ask allah to change the condition of the muslims we make we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to put taqwa in our hearts so the tawbah can come and allah for allah to forgive us buttercup
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 18,488
Rating: 4.9383259 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni
Id: ValXYDCC4ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2016
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