Golden Advice from Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Moutassem Al Hameedi

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sometimes we are tempted to comment on public affairs and we are inclined to propose solutions to bigger problems problems that impact a society or a nation or humanity in general but we do that before we put our own personal affairs in order and this is not a good thing our main responsibility is with is about ourselves we are the the main responsibility of ourselves and when we do enough when we do our best taking care of ourselves and those around us then the circle of responsibility expands to include more people to include more space and more things so it's a priority that we start with ourselves and oftentimes you will find people rushing to give solutions to other people to propose some kind of plans for society or for the whole religion sometimes for a denomination for big problems and if you look at their own affairs they are in a huge mess and this is not the right order of priority and if we look at the advice of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you will find a lot of it a lot of it directs us to putting our homes in order first so today we're going to share one hadith from the prophet salallahu that is very profound if we were just to start acting upon it we start trying to implement the guidance in it you will start to see results in your life you'll start to see or experience more light in your daily efforts and in your heart as well this hadith is from this great companion [Music] in this statement the prophet salallahu the kind of ritual washing of either the whole body or parts of it for salah or for the general religious purposes but there is also another spiritual meaning which is religious of atahur and that's the cleanliness of our hearts the purity of our hearts that we need to clean our hearts so let's start with the physical cleanliness we say the prophet sallam says that this cleanliness this hygiene is half of iman because before you perform salah you are supposed to wash parts of your body to rinse parts of your body and that's it shows the importance of that it is important and that there is a connection between your state your inner state and your external state and this is why when you perform the prophet sallam taught us a hadith that you say is and basically as you have just washed your you you perform this physical cleanliness act you now you perform a spiritual cleanliness act so you say this is cleanliness from shirak from the worst sin ever you're removing that from your heart you testify that there is no one who has the right to be worshipped but allah so you perform the physical cleanliness it's time now to pay attention and complement it with the spiritual cleanliness of your heart the hygiene of your spirit and your soul and the most and the the filthiest thing in existence is associating partners with allah in worship so when you testify that there is there's no one who has the right to be worshipped but allah you actually purify your heart you cling to this hygiene spiritual hygiene you also remove another type of filth spiritual filth and that's following of other than the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam because there is no path that leads to allah but the way of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam so you don't obey you don't follow anyone but the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam you are basically making a commit or renewing your commitment to worship allah alone and obey and follow the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam alone then you will say allah mean another level of cleanliness spiritual cleanliness here oh allah make me from those who repent this is cleaning your sins washing your sins away with what seeking forgiveness with repenting to allah subhanallah because sins are filth they are dirt that blemish the purity of your soul so when you make toba you are clearing yourself you are cleansing your soul from the burden of these sins who purify themselves now this is a general statement make me from those who purify physically and spiritually mentally complete purification and why is this type of cleanliness half of of the faith why is it because iman is two things removal of the harm and fulfillment of bringing the good two halves you find in islam there are things that are haram for you to do you're supposed to be away from them why because they are a source of harm either physical harm or spiritual harm or psychological and emotional harm or mental harm or physical harm or social harm or any type of harm that's why things are haram because they are harmful in ways we realize and in ways we don't realize this is why they are made haram so that's when you abstain from what is evil abstain from what's harmful from what is filthy from contaminants this is so you are this is half of iman what is the other half the other half is the good things you are supposed to acquire the things you are supposed to approach and bring into your life so you do the good things the obligations and the recommendations you pray you fast you remember allah you perform hajj you give zakah purification so sorry this is part of his purification another part is so purification is elimination of harm and filth and then you acquire you get more good and that's what faith is about and this is why you will find prophet ibrahim as he was building the sacred house al-qa'ab with his along with his son islam ismail he said rob banner in rasulullah he's making dua to future generations he wants to make the best dua for them what is the best thing what's the best wish that you could offer for the generations to come in here oh allah sent to them someone from amongst them a messenger from amongst them that would convey your signs and your verses to them and you would achieve two things what are they he says teaches them the good this is acquiring knowledge so that you can act upon it to do the good things why is a key him and purifies them and this is the removal of all of the harm and all of the contaminants so that's why islam is about this is why man the prophet said i'm saying it's half of faith because half of faith is a removal of all of the evil and the other half is the acquiring of all of the good that you can and that's what islam boils down to and most of us focus on external physical purification sometimes we're so keen about the cleanliness and hygiene of our clothes and our body and we take a shower every day and we wear perfumes and we make sure that we dress up nicely and we pick up the best clothes and we try to be presentable but there is another there's another dimension and a deeper dimension that is way more important and that's the inner dimension it's the inner dimension it's your heart so if your heart has jealousy if it has hate if it has objection and rejection to the commands of allah to the things that allah chooses and the things that allah loves that the heart is contaminated and it's not clean it needs to be cleansed it needs to be purified if you are unable to wish well for others this shows there is dirt and filth in the heart and it needs to be cleaned there is contaminants that you need to remove before they poison your heart completely without purifying your heart from all of these hidden contaminants you have to keep that in mind you have to purify yourself you have to work on your heart all praises due to allah and at him actually you are acknowledging the completeness the perfection the greatness of allah subhana wa and you are expressing your gratitude that you are glad for who allah is and how he acts towards you and towards others with an element of love towards him that's what him is it's not only thankfulness it is thankfulness but it's also combined with love and recognition of allah you're not only thanking allah for what he does and what he causes to happen but you are also glad that allah is who he is and you are thankful for the way he acts and you love him for all of that and because of who he is that's what athent is so the prophet saw assalam says if you say alhamdulillah and you keep repeating it as a remembrance of allah experiencing these beautiful meanings in your heart it fills up your scales on the day of judgment it fills up your scales on the day of judgment it's heavy in the weights of allah and it's going to save you on the day of judgment it means a lot to allah and this shows that actually hasanat and deeds that the actions that we perform have weight they have substance to themselves they have some kind of existence that we are unable to perceive with our senses but they do have an existence independent existence of their own and they will have weight on the day of judgment when the full spectrum of reality or a greater spectrum of reality is revealed before us glory be to allah perfectness belongs to allah he's free from all imperfections and also alhamdulillah as the more you repeat them and you indulge in their meaning they can fill the distance between the heavens and the earth and it's huge but that shows the power of remembrance and that remembrance is a spirit a spiritual workout for us you want to get physically fit what do you do you exercise physically you go to the gym regularly you take care of your muscles and your joints and if you want to grow spiritual people say how can i strengthen my iman how can i increase my amen how can i come closer to allah how can i get over my sins how can i deal with my doubts how can i start making better choices in my life start with zikr remember allah that's all that's the that's the spiritual workout for your heart and for your soul to grow it's as simple as that but if you're going to do it five times or ten times for a couple of days and you expect to get results you're not going to get to results because if you go to the gym for a couple of weeks you're not gonna see results you have to go there consistently regularly for an extended period of time in order to see the results and if you want the results to remain you have to stay consistent same thing applies the same rules apply to our spiritual fitness remember allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and fill the distance between you and the heavens with the remembrance of allah the prayer that we pray is a source of light so the prayer that we take lightly sometimes we delay it sometimes we approach it with laziness and we're not so motivated to perform it it's a source of light it brings light into your heart and this light is not a meaningless word it's a it's actually light that illuminates existence for you it helps you develop the capacity to tell truth from falsehood you start to recognize what's good from what's evil you develop a higher level of shrewdness recognition you will be guided you start to see more than the average person sees allah says allah is going to give you a capacity to distinguish to see truth from falsehood to see more clearly knowledge not all of it is acquired through lectures and books some knowledge is acquired through a state of the heart a state of sincerity and devotion some new realms of knowledge open up before you that cannot be found in a book or in a video so when you perform your salah with presence and connection to allah allah will start revealing things for you your heart sight will get sharper and you will start to see more when you give charity when you go give from the wealth that you worked hard for the the the the money that your heart loves when you do away with it it shows it's a demonstration it's a proof that's what brohan is charity or donation is a proof that you love allah more than you love your possessions that you're going to put allah first even before the money that you are naturally inclined to and you have greed towards that you are willing to sacrifice your base nature as a human being that is attracted and drawn into wealth and possessions and money and you are willing to put allah first and go against this very basic human nature because you are transcending it now and patience is brightness patience is brightness what does that mean that means as you go through life and all of its ups and downs you will need patience because when you are in the midst of a calamity or when you are face to face with hardship your vision your long-term vision is blinded and blurred and you are completely consumed with the immediate situation and you start making decisions based on this short vision you stop seeing the long-term consequences of your actions if the situation is hard it's hard you lose sight of the mercy of allah and that there is a way out of it and that this is a temporary kind of trial and it and there will be light at the end of the tunnel you can't see that because you are consumed with the immediate situation it consumes you but when you develop patience you can see the immediate situation for what it is then you can expand beyond it you can transcend it to see a bigger version of reality you start to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel you see that in the midst of the most trying situations that mercy of allah is showering you just like rain showers that's what patience gives you it increases your capacity so situations don't consume all of your bandwidth you have enough space to process more and see more of the knowledge that helps you deal with the situation of the the of the deeper truths that can help you deal with all of this and even in easy circumstances they don't blind you they don't consume so that you become completely taken by your desires and the fulfillment of your personal needs you actually start to even transcend them see beyond them and work for something greater than them this requires patience as well because you're going against the base nature of who you are and that's patience patience is that you stretch your your forbearance you stretch your capacity you multiply your bandwidth and what you can deal with that's what patience is you grow as a human being and that's why it's the yeah look at these beautiful meanings if we were to try to implement them in our lives how would our lives turn out to be the prophet saws with the religious revelation that he came to us with it's not just some some kind of religious domination it's not some kind of obligation and burden it's not some kind of ritualistic commitment no it's a life of a higher level that is offered to a human being because allah is merciful to them but we are too blind to see the mercy of allah and we think we can make a better choice that's our problem the quran is going to be a proof either for you or against you meaning this quran is a trust from allah and it contains the truth it is the truth we sent it down containing the truth and we sent it down to you in truth the quran is all about truth and truth is very powerful there's nothing more profound and more powerful than the truth and that's what we need to align ourselves with so our existence assumes more strength it borrows it from the truth so the quran is allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent it down we it is his trust to us we are supposed to take it and place it where it deserves to be in our hearts guiding our lives that it should become our best friend so the quran if you read it if you take it it's a proof for you if you turn away from it it's a proof against you if you take it but don't follow the instructions and don't don't invest so much in learning it and understanding this divine message it will be against you but if you seek to understand it and learn it and implement it then it will be approved for you if you let it guide you and lead the way it will be a proof for you meaning on the day of judgment it will be it will defend you it will act like an attorney a lawyer for you it will speak for you and the prophet mentioned for example one hadith he mentioned that imran he called them the two beautiful verses rosie beautiful soras they will come they will come before allah to defend the person who used to memorize them recite them and learn them and implement them so the quran is a proof that this applies to every human being if you take it it's for you if you don't take it it's not then it's against you that's it there is no other relationship with the quran your life cannot be indifferent from the quran you will be judged according to the quran on the day of judgment what is your relationship to it you ignored it completely then it will be against you and you followed it completely it will be for you and there is there are so many spots on this on this spec on the spectrum between these two ends of the spectrum the prophet sallam summarizes life he says all of you are going out into the market in this life your life every day you wake up you are in the market when you wake up you have entered a market you are into a business transaction why because your life is some kind of a fluid currency that keeps flowing away from you it's being spent every day you can't hold you can't freeze your life flow and say i'll save it i want to live 100 years later from now then i'll resume my life you can't do that your life is just pouring out of your being you can't stop that so this is currency this is investment that is coming out of you you are spending it whether you like it or not and it's of great value so the prophet saws saying all of you are engaged in this market and in this transaction but some of you are winning this transaction and thus winning themselves over again you sort of you you're getting you're winning your life back some kind of a rebate you're winning your life back from allah that's the day of judgment the eternal life you're winning that when you spend it right when you invest it in a transaction that is worthy of it that deserves it and that's basically what do you do every day what do you think what are your intentions what are your engagements what are your projects what are your goals what are you spending your life in that's your investment what is the return on you're either getting a good return on investment and that's only when you follow the quran or when you spend your life with other things you just want to you know be like everyone else or we just want to have pleasure or you just want to follow trends we just want to make money or you just want to enjoy life that's how you spend in your life then you will realize that this is a very bad transaction and what would happen you're basically enslaving yourself to the hellfire it's not like you're going to lose yourself no because if you lose yourself that that's going to be the end of it but you are basically signing and a like a self-enslavement contract for eternity in the hellfire that's how serious it is this is how serious this business of life is life is a serious project there's no joke you can't say i'm not in you are in already you're in already just wake up to this fact and act accordingly that's what the prophet salallahu is saying so if we consider these things very profound beautiful advice and very simple words but we need to implement them we need to see our lives in the light of this guidance
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Abu Huraira Center, Golden Advice, Golden Advice from Prophet Muhammad, Moutassem Al Hameedi
Id: eJYzPKBw3n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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