Will Allah Forgive ALL My SINS? - Powerful Reminder

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that a man came to the prophet sallallaahu awning or Salem and the man was too old to walk without help so he was walking with the help of a cane and he came to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam Anisa prophet of allah i have committed so many sannyasis so much so that if my sins were to be distributed amongst mankind will destroy them I have never left innocent whether minor or major but I have committed if I were to go back to allah subhanaw taala would Allah accept him and the prophet salallahu alaihe salam looked at the matter he said do you bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and the men said yes and the prophets of Allah as Alan said do you bear witness that I am The Messenger of Allah and the man said yes in the promised Asylum said allow replace your record of bad deeds when the recording begins the man said what other oddity were for Girardi I have committed so many twitches I have betrayed allah subhanaw taala have committed so many major sins and the purposes of them said Allah would forgive her sins and the man turned away one saying Allah Allah Allah what God brothers and sisters Allah subhana wa lillah divided people in the Quran into two types there is no third if you read insulted her Jerrod so number 49 by number 11 Allah ends the ayah by saying and those who do not turn back to Allah and repent and ask him for forgiveness they are volume and volume moon is the plural of problem unload the stem of the word means oppression and injustice what's the meaning of Toba terrible in the Arabic language means either when I say someone turbek it means he went back that's linguistically speaking but technically speaking Tara means to go back to Allah and add with yourselves and ask him for forgiveness and this is why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala told us in the forearm it's Okinawa sometimes when you feel doomed when you feel district and all the doors are closed even you knock on the doors of your parents they're going to say go back where you were your brother's your sisters there is one door that's open 24/7 and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala said and saw that that he had so number 51 if there is no result if there is no door open the door of Allah is over twenty-four seven go back to him he would welcome you anytime and this is why Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala commanded us in the ayat that i showed previously in sort of a drop zone over for tonight and over eleven he said or malaria took Corolla eco-home one you have the choice to go back to Allah at any time but if you don't do this you are oppressing none but yourself because Allah Allah who is a summit and a summit in the Arabic language means he's the one to whom all the creation resort at times of need and he needs none of his creation so he's waiting for you to go back to him even though he doesn't need you but he is my man the exceedingly merciful the unimaginably merciful the incredibly merciful they immediately merciful once you go back to him they forgive all of your sins that's the meaning of tobin to go back to Allah acknowledge your sins and he would accept you so now we answer the second question who should make Tovar everyone even the believers it has to wait over to Allah it has to be sincere so that you get the fruit October which is success in this life and the life to come third the question out of what should I make tobin the scholar said two types of sins minor sins survive and major sins Cobell and the good news is in the hadith narrated by abu huraira yelloweye in both Korean Muslim he said the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said assalatu villain solar whatever meyerson's he commits between one surah and the other aloud forgive him well jumera in algebra whatever minor sins you commit between one gym and gather aloud forgive them what a modern era Ramadan Cafaro to liberate on my laptop Sultana what ever since that our minor that you commit between one Ramadan and the other Ramadan allow it forgive them as long as you stay away from major sins the second type of sins are the major sins and you can simply know them when you read the Quran we read the hadith and you find allah subhanaw taala is almost litany that there is a punishment or Allah would be angry these are matrices there are many of them that we take lightly and I think that there are minor sins many of them we commit on a daily basis and give you two for example backbiting slandering when we have free time that's what we do people will step out of the Majid after apart from Kaabah and they're gonna be talking about someone look at this brother look what he's doing look at the way he's dressed he want you to talk to him what do you talk about him talk to him if you're sincere about your advice talk to him don't talk about him that's a major sin lying we lie every day and sometimes we give it color to say it's a white lie so be careful go and study what are the minor sins what are the major sins I can't cover them in this book 1 and B where you might be committing major sins we don't know what are the conditions that I have to fulfill to make sure that allah subhanaw taala would accept my Toba if I committed major sins - you have to stop the same you know what's between you and Allah I know what's between me and quit that sin that you keep doing stop that sin and when you stop that sin stop it only - please offer condition number 2 and Nedim regret remorse that sense of guilt the prophets of Allah and SMC the Muslim Ahmed and Neda Muto by regret in itself is repentance why brothers and sisters when you raise your hand to allah subhana wa ta'ala and say stuff rhobar some people do it as lip service they don't even understand what they are saying it's just like a stack for a lot but when you mean it when you feel it you don't have a lolly act to this let me first share with you when ayah in surah al-e-imran about the mood to pain and how they make tawba Allah subhana WA Ta'ala described a lot to Kenan and those when they commit a sin a major sin and they transgressed against themselves when they wronged themselves they remember Allah then they ask Allah for forgiveness who else other than Allah sweater will forgive your sins no one while amirseun wanama follow and that's the next condition they do not insist between the same scent again and again and again because this is nothing but disrespect to Allah even if it's a minor sin it's raised up in the sight of Allah becomes a major sin because your show no respect to Allah subhanAllah so when you see a stuff for a lot do you know what happens if you mean it if you feel it allah subhanaw taala talks to the angels he says I am Abdi another horrible you a little bit them my slave knows that he has a Lord or she has a lord who will hold him or her accountable for their sins and they are asking me for forgiveness bear witness my angels I have forgiven him or her on the spot the Prophet SAW said them give us the good news also saying at beneath them become a lender Mellon will you make tawba when you ask Allah for forgiveness after admitting yourself as if you are a new born with a new slate so moving to the third condition it is a nice with ikedaya either update them you have to have a strong resolve and determination that you're not going to go back and commit the same sin again and Allah walk but if you go back and commit the same sin again into table alone accepting and Allah will not bring the battle courts of Han upon look at the patience of a funny look at the bounty of Allah subhana all what you need to do dude now moving to the last condition which is relating to the human beings it's called Abdel Halim was to pray at dinner meaning restitution of rights and signal people's forgiveness because Allah will forgive when it comes to his rights but Alawi never forgives when it comes to the lights of people people have to forgive if you have taken anything from anyone give it back in this life because if they don't forgive you in the ayah they will take your good deeds and even if you are about to enter Jannah you'll be taken back and go to the farm and rights are two types it's something tangible something concrete that you can touch and see and something abstract so if it's money if it's land anything give it back if you bad bye to someone if you slandered someone go and ask them to forgive and if these people are not here anymore and he can give them the rights back to lots of stuff far though lots of no - and give sadaqa that's what the scholar said give charity in their name the last thing that I wanted to mention is what type of Tobit is a lot expect from us I wouldn't say a lot once or Leeds Eliza no need of us but what type of town - Ally expect from us and the answer comes from the Quran we sorted REM sir number 66 i number 8 allah subhanaw taala is calling upon you and I want you to listen carefully because Allah says yeah yo holla Dena Arman is calling you she feels suspicious a lot cares about you as you choose to believe Allah is giving you the honor is calling you and this is s o you who believe go back to Allah admit your sins ask him for forgiveness what type of turbo allowed to expect aromas he said tell button not so hot and Arabic when we say mass after I said it on a plate - who knew Jimmy initially so alas said Tobit on a sofa when you say i purify honey it means you purify honey from in the residue from any waste becomes very cool as if I was saying purifier intentioned when you make Toba it's only for me it's only to please Allah no one nothing else should be your intention when you turn back to all my dependence Prophet sallallaahu Animus LM said on the day of judgment Allah subhana WA Ta'ala would bring each and every one of us in front of him individually and he will cover you so that you will not be embarrassed in front of people and he will remind you my slave did remember that scent that day and he would say yes Allah and he will keep remind you do you remember that sin that day remember that sin that day remember that center Dan you keep saying yes yes yes Allah until you for your doom you're going to Hellfire the last of ayat Allah's he'll say I have never embarrassed you in the dunya and today I will forgive you a la what if this is what Allah is preparing for us on the day of judgment what have we prepared for that meeting Allah is willing to forgive all of yourselves are you willing to admit your sense between yourself all about today to ask please don't forget to like us and share us on the digital member Facebook and Twitter please also subscribe to the digital member YouTube channel in the links below
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, shia, sunni, Will Allah Forgive ALL My Sins - Powerful Reminder, Will Allah Forgive ALL My SINS, SINS, repentance, Forgive, nasheed, sad, love, Powerful Reminder, ALL My Sins, sinner, evil, emotional
Id: NUiVU_OiAac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2015
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