Teaching a Terraria Pro The Calamity Mod...

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this is my friend Isaac he's an experienced Terraria veteran with over 1 000 hours on the game wait 1 000 hours well that's more than me Isaac has one small problem he has never played the Calamity mod so in today's video I will be teaching a Terraria professional how to beat Calamity the boy oh boy away this is the uh the Eye of Cthulhu okay I think that's the wrong Plantera oh my God we started off got into a world together you know we had a little bit of issues trying to join each other through Steam but we are officially in I decided to follow through and make a full melee class playthrough and he decided to go fully Mage I don't know what it is with him in the Mage class but you know I mean Mage Calamity is pretty fun so I do not knock him for that we practically started off by opening up our starter bags building a couple of NPC houses I guided him through some of the basic Quality of Life mods such as Louis AFK all of like the Fargo's basic utility things such as the insta houses and just how to do all of that in general and once he got the hang of it we could actually start the real Calamity progression I'm gonna craft some insta houses so this is just like a quality of life thing you can make uh it's 50 wood in a torch so you can get these uh houses built instantly he pulled up a guide by get Goodwill another fellow Terraria YouTuber that I recommend you follow on all of the Mage loadouts and I pulled up a video of all of the melee low notes also you know what I'd recommend to do when we play I'd recommend you pull up a video of like Calamity uh Mage progression do the video by get good whoa he's um he's pretty good we decided to start digging a hellevator and what he was trying to get was a bunch of different staffs and jungle armor while I was trying to get myself Wolfram armor and primarily the star Fury these were all the pre-boss recommended items so for that reason we were on the search for them oh see this Builder guy by the way look come here come here come here where are you what I like to do is like I like to go to the Builder guy do shop changer go to building blocks and then just buy a bunch of wood and then you never have to trap trees again the houses are a little bit crooked I hope you don't mind it's not it's nothing it's nothing major but it's just like I'm gonna go search for the actually I'm gonna go mining and then and then I'll go search for the star Fury later while digging the elevator we stumbled upon a couple of caverns and upon coming back to spawn I got myself the rally which was a pretty decent yoyo and I gave him all of my stars after collecting them throughout the night time I got you a pair of climbing claws how Jesus here I don't know where you are I'm gonna put in the second chest and while I was away mining my friend Isaac made a very big mistake you see what looked to him as a normal suspicious enemy on the ground was actually a hive for the perforator and as I was mining in the cave in the bottom left the only thing I could see is the perforator Hive has been summoned and the screaming of Isaac saying that he did not know uh what this thing did so yeah you know Calamity Noob you expect him to summon in a Boss by accident I should have uh prepared myself for what was uh to come this play through there's a bunch of extra like oars and arm what did you just what what did you do Isaac Isaac what did you do what did you do you broke that did you break the cyst on the ground yeah I didn't think you would spot a boss dude we're gonna die like this is like a pretty hard boss like it's not hard mode but like this is hard and this is dude this is only like the first phase okay well look I'm here to morally support you but uh uh we the problem is we can't even damn yeah I don't break that I kind of forgot to tell you I went over to try and help him Fight The Hive and I explained everything to him we both ended up dying because we were grossly underpowered and after this we both went whining we died countless times and like the start of Calamity was absolutely brutal we just ended up building more NPC houses tried to level up even more things I finally got myself the star Fury that I needed to get as I went to explore the Skylands but for the life of me I could not find any of those Wolfram enemies that would drop me the wolf from cells and all the scraps to craft the armor oh yeah man I hope I don't die that was so close by the way we're in the Calamity mod you do mine faster in general you move faster so I don't know if you noticed all that definitely I've noticed that no Trump man I hope I don't die oh my God I was so far oh yeah are you kidding me I don't know he's had a crush on someone but like that person ended up being a rapist which is kind of weird and awkward we came all the way back to spawn thinking that we were ready to fight the Eye of Cthulhu we had our massive Arena ready and uh this is where I decide to troll him a little bit you know we're doing this to boil away so instead of fighting me out of Cthulhu I just suggest you watch this okay okay come here come here Mr Mr Calamity Noob here so we're gonna fight the first boss the Eye of Cthulhu there might be like a slight music rework and there's like a slight texture we work so don't mind but I assure you this is the uh the Eye of Cthulhu okay this is the Eye of Cthulhu bro trust me what's that boss I was talking about earlier bro it's not even that hard how are you what am I talking about I'm the one that died yeah there's a slight music rework I'm actually so surprised that you're still alive yeah how'd you die bro such an easy boss you died to the Eye of Cthulhu are you kidding me you died to the Eye of Cthulhu yeah that's right I summoned didn't calamitas instead of the Eye of Cthulhu told him it was a reskin trolled him a little bit but then I actually summoned in the Eye of Cthulhu we defeated the ab Cthulhu extremely easily got ourselves The Shield of Cthulhu and then we went over to fight the brain of Cthulhu we broke all of the orbs took that out and then crafted ourselves the deathbringer pickaxes and then I built even more NPC houses essentially I made like a massive and I mean massive City and after this I went mining for some hellstone with my Obsidian Skin Potion I crafted myself a fiery great sword and by this point we were pre perforators meaning that I had to get full molten armor and Isaac was in search for either jungle armor or space armor with the acid gun or the Space Gun along with this he could have also used a flare bold I just stuck to the fiery greatsword and then went mining for more resources do you see The Swinging animation too when I swing it yeah yep upon scouring the caves we managed to get ourselves more HP more Ores more gems more of literally everything we got better accessories and then we decided to go over to the Crimson we managed to find a hive from the perforators that spawn on the ground so of course I waited for Isaac we took that out and then we went on to fight the perforators oh I found the the the the the perforated assist so if you come here we're good to go I'll I'll let you have the honors of uh taking out the assist bro let's go we summoned them in and he was using the flare bolt I think it was as he was shooting out these fiery projectiles and I was spamming the fiery great start to try and take out the perforators like look I'll use like this grappling hook technique where all I get close to it grappling hook and then like but come up here oh kill those things make sure you don't get hit by them don't forget to like H to heal you know we didn't have too much trouble with this because we were just frankly on normal mode this wasn't even revengeance because I did not want this playthrough to take absolutely years but after tussling with this boss for quite a while we did manage to take it out is and then we went over to the dungeon to go and fight Skeletron talk to me man bro this is so easy dude dude my sword is doing crazy damage holy we're absolutely we're actually destroying Skeletron this is insane it's funny okay we took that out and now we were basically pre-wall of Flesh we had to go fight the slime God in order to get status armor for myself and Isaac and along with this I had to get myself the broken biome blade or the fractured Arc which comes very useful in later crafting recipes within the game so of course I was on the lookout for that Isaac had to get himself the knights Ray or the Carnage Ray along with this he could have also got the Abyssal Tome or the eldritched home we crafted ourselves the summon for the slime God and as we came up to the surface we decided to fight it go for it this is the main thing you see that flying orb yeah that's the main thing we have to attack but I think we have to take out those other things first we summoned them in we were taking a lot of damage primarily Isaac was uh just getting absolutely demolished by the slime God dude yo she used the nurse I'm teasing the nurse I don't care bro I ended up dying and uh he basically carried me through the entire boss fight even though he was supremely low on health after this he ended up dying and it was just like a it was it was a mess boys that's all I'm gonna say but we did end up defeating the boss and we crafted ourselves Some solid armor no damn bro we survived I got 20 seconds bro okay I'm back alive he's back from the dead dude I'm gonna get like I'm gonna get flame in the comments if people watch the people watch this video they're gonna be like bro you're using the nurse for slime done no like no in the Terraria Community like I am considered literally the most garbage player of all time like it's it's like an inside joke within the community of like how horrible I am at the game okay now we have to fight this thing right here oh what that's it okay and you can use the purified gel now to uh with hellstone to craft a statigial armor we got a bunch of hellstone after crafting status gel armor I got myself the Celtic blade which was one of the recommended weapons for us to get and after this we went to go and fight the Wall of Flesh we made Arena got ourselves a guide Voodoo Doll and Me using the jeltic sword and Isaac using the Abyssal Tome I think it was we managed to clear through the wall of flesh quite easily we probably rushed things but hey we're trying to finish this playthrough I'm trying to teach him uh all the fun parts of Calamity and all the fun parts of Calamity tend to come after moonlord by the way I was lagging out like crazy and it was super annoying but this kind of stops later throughout the playthrough so it was fine when I swing my sword do you have the cool looking animation as well yeah you select the animation yeah okay yo how are you back there or am I just the one lagging out that's like am I too far back you're lagging you're definitely lagging damn we are now officially in hard mode do you know what else is hard I mean goes hard that is correct these boyo boyo plushies limited edition they are in the first link in the description so if you want to support the channel be sure to pick up at least one and maybe like one for your cat one for your mom one for your dad hey it's like the best gift you can give to anyone in the world anyways let's get back to the video as we got the pawn Hammer I went to go break some of the altars so we can get ourselves a couple of Souls of Night I explained to Isaac the brand new Calamity changes that were added to the game and how breaking Alters does not bless the world with all of the various ores because the uh the Calamity progression is different after each mechanical boss you get a new ore so our world should be blessed with only Palladium or Cobalt by the way now if you break uh the the altars they just give you Souls of Night if you buy 30 of any potion you can uh you get like an infinite potion so that becomes even like later in the game where like if you don't want to keep on buying potions for the boss fights you just like buy 30 of each potion and you just said bro I think I'm lagging hard I'm mining ORS I'm not picking anything up I got myself full Palladium armor and so did Isaac need to craft ourselves new weapons so I decided to use the evil smasher while Isaac got himself a bunch of various weapons such as the frigid flash bolt and the sky fracture and Crystal serpent I was kind of slacking I thought you know I knew Calamity so I didn't really have to uh power up my weapons that much but apparently I was wrong I also went to go farm out for a giant Harpy feather but then I completely forgot that he could not get a mythreal Anvil before defeating your very first mechanical boss and this is where we got onto fighting the Destroyer now you see I pulled another cheeky tactic over here and told him that the Destroyer actually got a reskin I just recommend you watch this tell me when you're good I guess I'm good don't worry I'm doing zero damage no it's just a reskin bro it's just a reskin it's easy it's not even hard but I just hey bro bro you go first you you fight it it's always targeting me what's the deal bro come on God damn look what you did the Destroyer okay maybe I was just lying a little bit so you know in promise of making things right again I told him that we will be fighting the Destroyer once more like for real this time and I decided to do this uh if you come here with the nurse I just spawn the Destroyer you get the gun oh my God what chill bro actually like just kill it bro chill it's just the Destroyer okay no for real this time bro I'll actually spawn in the Destroyer okay okay chill don't quit upon the Destroyer for the third time we like I literally told him okay let's play the destroyer and I actually summoned in and we fought and defeated the Destroyer blessing our world with mithril and aura calcum that is correct both ores we got ourselves a hard mode Anvil and this is where I could finally craft myself a pair of wings we essentially still had all of the same weapons and we had to go defeat another mechanical boss if we want to get any better weapons I crafted myself the true caustic Edge which was the recommended weapons for pre-mechanical bosses so I was actually on par to defeat The Twins and Skeletron Prime once it turned to night time I decided to summon in and fight the twins you get to fight the twins by the way let's take out spazmatism first he's a bit more twins are easy with the wings though I think this one has like a 20 Health reduction I think we go straight to Skeletron Prime I'm not gonna lie we later fought Skeletron Prime but before summoning him in I had to go troll Isaac just a tad bit telling him that I would summon in Skeletron Prime was was not a lie but at first I had to summon in what I thought to be a good counterpart a much harder counterpart to Skeletron Prime and that being you watch this clip bro oh why is he why is he oh it must be daytime man it must be daytime he's a bit enraged damn this scout sounds hard bro what happened you could beat him though it's all you bro you got it it's all you oh all the NPCs what happened bro it's all you got it I thought you had it oh yeah no we fought and defeated Skeletron Prime making the jungle grow Restless do you know what else goes Restless that is right the beat in my heart when you genuinely love this Channel and press the big red subscribe button I got myself a bunch of hallowed ore that is correct you actually have to mine I load or in uh Calamity and I crafted myself the pickaxe ax if you craft the Drax you are an absolute Menace to Society but hey I don't judge you craft a pickaxe and everything yeah now now I bet you want it back huh and you gotta say please anyways we are now pre-planned Terra and pre calamitas I got myself the the the the pinage hammer play Jammer bro I don't even know what that's called uh while sipping water for my massive cup yeah this is the stuff that boyo boyo does okay don't judge me bruh come on stop peeing on me so the thing is I couldn't find like a water bottle so I got a massive giant bowl of water and I'm drinking from a straw what anyways I had to get either daylight summer or hallowed armor of course hallowed armor was Far easier to craft so I crafted a full set of hallowed armor and I wanted to get myself the buying blade as that was the next best weapon that I could really get as for my friend Isaac he also got himself a set of hallowed armor got himself the brim Rose staff and the shpc which he did not use hello where's my recall how do I not have any recall potions what the hell oh that's some good water the average boy oh boy who enjoyer will start drinking from balls from this day forward no I'm not balls wait chill chill I didn't mean to say that Jesus we were now on the hunt for Plantera but before that I decided we should fight calamitas so we went down to fight the Wall of Flesh to get ourselves better accessories and what I mean by that is get ourselves the proper emblems and once we came back to spawn we decided to make a summon for calamitas and fight this very cheesy remake of the twins or like one of the main bosses in Calamity anyways I had to go and explain the entire boss fight to him but before that this is what happened uh Here Comes calamitas you might want to turn up your music tell me when you're good I'm good damn bro it's a little bit easy yeah the boss isn't too hard yeah we're done I told him we'll go fight the boss but I mean I had to troll him a little bit again I did this just in case made him use up his potions too anywhoose after this minor troll I actually summoned didn't calamitas and we went through the entire boss fight I had to teach him the ins and outs of fighting this boss as it was probably one of the most difficult bosses we have fought thus far we were still destroying calamitas and I mean it wasn't really too much of a struggle it was just kind of hard for him to dodge all the projectiles but he was doing quite well he has some pretty good experience in games like Hollow Knight and if he could beat that game like 100 with all the achievements I really doubt this is hard for him yo man my weapon is so bad Oh wait we're actually doing good damage what the hell oh yeah these guys these guys are like the twins like one is going to shoot lasers together this is like the projectiles dude this boss is easy I guess we're not playing on Revenge and so that makes sense there should be one more phase of the um like the little bullet hell thing also watch out because now these uh the these bulbs explode anyways we completed all the various different phases of calamitas and we we just slaughtered calamitas like it was nothing leaving us to fight Plantera we went over to the Jungle got ourselves a bunch of chlorophyte and we also dug out an arena for Plantera this is where we decided to uh not even build platforms and just use our existing weapons such as my fractured Arc and all of the weapons in his Arsenal two absolutely obliterate Plantera we can beat Plantera with the weapons that you have now yeah totally be nice to get actually you can do this anytime really but the sorcerer emblem would be nice actually what the hell I have it what am I saying it's literally evident you can buy a bunch of accessories from this guy by the way just saying how did you do that what the lady named John is she said her name is John what the hell wait maybe it's a guy what the hell chill bro whoa I'm stuck in cobwebs why doesn't this hammer we're up word up oh it's so fast that was perfect timing this boss was literally a joke it was an absolute piece of cake and after taking out Plantera we were ready to move on to Golem I had to go craft myself the Ark of the Ancients while Isaac had to go get himself the terror Ray the Atlantis or the tears of heaven we want to go challenge Golem we also went to go defeat cryogen before this because we made a cryonic ore in order to craft all of like the various different things right so that was uh slightly a pain but we got through it it was fine we lived through it you know damn chill bro foreign then we went to go fight the lunatic cultist then we took that out quite easily as well using the true volume blade we absolutely demolished this boss and then we went to go take out all of the various different pillars [Music] oh let me suck that nose let me suck that nose Okay Real Talk would you suck balloon to quilt his nose in bro is that even mean yeah he's drifting what is he drifting what are you drifting like when he teleports he's just moving I don't know he's drifting for real yeah I saw that too hold the attack button to swing the sword around you accelerating overtime sword beams are damn oh bro you need to look at this ready check this out ready I'm swinging right look boom boom boom boom boom boom boom we took out the nebula pillar we then proceeded to take out the vortex pillar we took out Plantera again and again and like again and this is where I decided to troll him once we were fighting Plantera for like the seventh Time by not summoning in Plantera but uh just watch this clip wait wait wait wait chill I'm gonna get a new ability why did I not get a new ability what's my new ability wait I'm not taking any damage regardless of something okay let's fight Plantera one more time yeah yeah I think this is the wrong Plantera yo how did this get here yo chill hey bro no no this is all you did you just teleport no did I teleport away no what are you talking about it's all you bro come on you need the WASP gun right I actually got the other guys have you died or how'd you die it's so easy versus Plantera yeah so that was fun uh after this we took out the remaining final pillars and went on to fight moonlord I yell nurse let me suck those boys with bees yo why does my sword remind me of hand teeth I can't say the real thing I can't see the real thing on YouTube but look look this my sword is henti IRL yo it cost me a whole Platinum to heal oh that was a rip oh damn stop I'm deleting the mushrooms I don't even have my heels on me either I'm gonna die yeah me too I died no you can't die literally just died in 14 seconds yo come on no wait bro my Wi-Fi is so bad yes okay now we're only like halfway there and we are now officially on the real part this is where Calamity really starts but that will be for the next video If you enjoyed this and want to see part two be sure to drop a like on the video follow all of my socials consider subscribing to the channel if you're new this has been boyo I'll see you in part two peace out
Channel: Boio Boio
Views: 525,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria mod, terraria mods, terraria but, calamity, calamity mod, terraria calamity, calamity terraria, calamity terraria mod, terraria modded, modded terraria, mods terraria, terraria pro, terraria noob, Teaching a Terraria Pro The Calamity Mod..., terraria tutorial, terraria guide, calamity tutorial, calamity guide, how to beat calmity, how to beat terraria, terraria playthrough, tmodlaoder, terraria best mod, terraria best mods, calamity bosses
Id: mkftEtPMM8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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