Terraria But I Am The SHIELD CLASS...

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I tried beating Terraria but I can only use Shields this brand new class lets us Ram into our enemies demolishing them in the process anything from a wooden Shield to a Zenith Shield is in the game so will I be able to beat Moon lord well let's find out I started off by spotting into the World opening up my starter bag and checking out all the various different Shields we can use this mod quite literally has a shield for every stage of the progression it is probably one of the greatest fleshed out classes I have seen that's not a part of like a massive mod I used up all the items from my starter bag and started chopping down trees so I can craft my very first shield made the workbench I crafted myself the wooden Shield which gave us seven contact damage and one defense essentially the way these shields work is we can double tap in a certain direction and RAM into enemies the further you progress with the shields the more they are able to Dash and the further they're able to Dash with less cooldown making them more and more powerful as the game goes on and as you can guess that is correct we have to take damage when we are actually attacking enemy I crafted myself some NPC houses as soon as I spawned in and got myself a shield and then I went over to the desert in order to start breaking some cactuses as we are going to need a certain Cactus shield in order to craft the Zenith Shield at the end of the game that is correct at the very end of the game I will be crafting the Zen Shield that is my goal for this video Morty I need your help we need to go on a quick Adventure I then continued over to the jungle and once I made it past the jungle I started minding my way up on a little Hill I cleared out all the chests that I came by and once I came back to spawn I organized the rest of my chest I got myself a bunch of various different types of woods so I can craft all various different wood Shields as we're going to need them for the future aircraft design Shield I started to work on a hellevator and I also managed to gather some ores such as iron and basically every other ore because we literally need every Shield within the game to craft the xanthe shield I crafted myself the Palm wood Shield the rich mahogany Shield the iron shield and at this point I equipped the iron shield as it was the best one I could use you know it's far better than the wood then I went mining founding mushroom biome found some Life Crystals got myself a bunch of Chess which had tons of good loot and then I continued digging out my elevator I stumbled upon some obsidian and realizing that I'm actually going to need trumite later within the playthrough I started making myself an above ground mushroom biome so I don't have to wait later like a bunch of time as I'm already further in the progression this is kind of smart this is very smart as usually I do it at the very last minute and I have to unnecessarily wait like two hours but that's besides the point I started working on a mushroom biome made myself a copper Shield just so we can have it for later for the design of the shield and also made myself a tin Shield I need to organize them all within a chest and then I went mining within the caverns to get as much ores as I could I stumbled upon tons and tons of Chess at this point and I got myself a bunch of summons for the Eye of Cthulhu and then I went over to the corruption biome at the right side of the world and started chucking bombs at the orbs I made a tiny arena for the Eye of Cthulhu and then I started fighting it not really thinking much of this as you know I thought I was going to die anyways I just wanted to test it out and see what the boss was like I was using the Platinum Shield to spam it and what I realized is an OP strategy within this class if a certain boss is rushing you and you dash into it you will bounce like in and out inside the boss and absolutely demolish it so if you look at the Eye of Cthulhu boss fight as it rushes into me I Dash into it and we deal crazy amounts of damage and I was actually able to take out the Eye of Cthulhu literally within like the first 20 minutes of me playing this mod this is where I realized that this class is going to be far more powerful than I ever thought so I just took every other boss as a joke I geared up and went to go fight the Eater of Worlds I actually managed to take him out even though it did take me quite a long time and I crafted myself the Demonite Shield I then went to go fight the Eater of Worlds more and more as I needed more of his scales and Demonite Ore in order to craft a full set of armor that was for the contact damage class which is what we're using right now so for literally the rest of the time I just spent my life grinding away at the Eater of rolls until I can craft myself a full set of guard armor which is The Shield class armor by this point we're doing pretty good we have a nightmare Pickaxe we took out the Eater of Worlds and we're only like one hour into the playthrough this might be one of the most overpowered classes I've actually played I continued work on my elevator made my way down to the underworld got myself a hellforgeous started getting myself some hellstone I was actually able to craft some hellstone bars but I did not have a lot of hellstone so I could only craft a couple but it was enough for a hellstone Shield I removed the Demonite Shield put it away and during this time I saw meteorite falling out of the sky as soon as I got the prompt that it had landed I went quickly over to the left side of the world and picked up all the meteorite once I had gathered all the meteorite and I came back to spawn I crafted myself a meteor shield and the next thing we had to do was build an arena for the Wall of Flesh during this time I got myself more hellstone crafted myself a whole different set of armor that was actually cracked out of hellstone called The Defender Armor Set it and then I went over to the Jungle in order to get myself stingers and jungle Sports making craft the blade of grass version of the shields once I had all the resources I needed the more a Masa version of the shields so I had to go over to the dungeon make myself a tiny arena for Skeletron and once it was nighttime I fought Skeletron this boss fight was probably even easier than the Eye of Cthulhu as Skeletron is notoriously known for rushing into you right as well as his arms so you can check out on screen how this entire boss fight went it was quite pathetic I may say so and once the little Sans skeleton boy was out I went straight into the dungeon got myself the more ramasa Shield quite quickly without realizing it actually so I started opening up a bunch more chests and I then realized I had two so I came back to spawn be myself a molten pickaxe and then went over to the right side of the world where the corruption biome was in order to craft myself the knight's Edge version of The Shield this is where I encountered a special mob which was was a part of this mod that I frankly did not know would work in the way it did so I was just like stumbling my way over to the corruption and I encountered a creeper thinking you know I'm too overpowered for it I walked into it it blew up and I died which was silly it was it was very stupid anyways I decided to gather all my stuff crafty Night's Edge version of the shield and then I went down to the underworld got myself a guide Voodoo Doll and since I had an arena I sucked the doll to the lava and started spamming the Wall of Flesh this was actually quite challenging as every time I would spam the Wall of Flesh I would go behind it and it would pull me back you know and just do a bunch of damage to me was kind of unfair but we did manage to take it out even though I got tossed into lava like a million times this is probably one of the harder fights like if this was Master mode there was no way I'd be able to do this one the very first wall of flesh boss fight I guess I had my hopes up too much as at the very end when it had very little health I managed to die so I decided to get myself another guide Voodoo Doll this time I actually get some Buffs and then re-fight the Wall of Flesh this time we absolutely shredded through the fleshy wall then we took out all the altars using an altar xter menu which just like takes out all of the various different demon ultimators within the world we blessed our world with all of the hard mode ores and then I went on to mining Palladium once I got myself a Palladium pickaxe I didn't even bother crafting The Shield as that isn't really useful in a crafting recipe anywhere I got myself an aura calcum pickaxe and organic Anvil and then I went to go get titanium I didn't even bother actually even crafting a titanium Shield as it wasn't even worth it only dealt like 7 more damage and it didn't even have a special magic buff that shot like these Fireballs but the knight's Edge Shield was able to shoot so I decided to stick with like my Knight's Edge Shield but I did want to craft myself a new set of armor after this I went farming for a bunch of Souls of Light Within the underground hallowed biome and then I went to go farm out Souls of Night I went over to the sky island to get myself Souls of Flight so I can craft myself wings and once I came all the way back to spawn I was able to craft myself a set of beautiful Majestic harpy wings this is where I decided to go fight the twins as soon as it turned to night time using my magic ability which I was able to use due to my knight's shield and used up a little bit of Mana I started fighting the twins in the middle of the boss fight I got really low on HP and I had no money to heal with the nurse so I tried to summon the eye of Cthulhu mid boss fight so I could destroy the Irish Cthulhu for its HP but that didn't really work and I just managed to die this is where I realized I had to you know re-strategize this isn't going to work for me too well huh so I fought off the blood moon for the remainder of the night built myself more NPC houses expanded our psychedelic mushroom Arena and then I went on to fight the twins again but this time I had Mana potions in my inventory so I didn't actually have to bash into the green fire laser Guy the one that shoots the fire at you and instead I could just use my magic ability I know it dealt no damage but it was better than bashing into it and dying non-stop the only time I would Ram in to spazmatism was when he was ramming into me so I could do that whole Eye of Cthulhu trick where I just like absolutely demolish him but using this tactic we took out the Twins and then as soon as we took out the twins I went to craft myself the hallowed Shield as soon as I got myself the hallowed Shield it actually turned to daytime sadly and then we had a solar eclipse mid solar eclipse I decided to pause the game and go AFK and then once I came back I was covered in tombstones there was literally a graveyard by him all around me so I took care of the Tombstones and once it turned to nighttime again I started fighting Skeletron Prime I managed to take out Skeletron Prime in the exact same fashion that I took out the Twins and then once those were incinerated I upgraded my hallowed shield with Souls of fright and I was like the next Shield that we can craft essential the last boss on our list is the Destroyer I went to go farm some money by defeating the Eater of Worlds over and over again and then I bought myself a bunch of potions waiting for it to turn to night time I expanded the mushroom Arena a little bit and then that's the turn to night time I fought the destroyer in the same fashion I thought all the other bosses I just decided to keep distance stay as far away as I can from him and then just Spam him with the fire projectiles if I did manage to get caught like in between his little wormy section I would do the little either Cthulhu like bounce off his edges trick but it frankly didn't work as well against the destroyer and the Destroyer was by far the hardest boss for this class but anyways we managed to take him out and then once he was out I upgraded my Knights Edge shield into the true Knight's Edge Shield which gave us the ability to actually shoot the knight's Edge swords out of our Shield which was super overpowered and then we refought the Destroyer a million more times just so I could bully him with like my newfound power and once I got bored of that I went over to the Jungle to mine up glorify I got tons and tons of glorify and once I came back to spawn I crafted myself the true Excalibur version of the shields which just like let it shoot Excalibur shots instead of the Night's Edge one but I did need a Broken Hero shield in order to get myself the Terra Shield so I shouldn't be too happy yet I went to go defeat Plantera within the jungle I made myself a tiny Arena and then I summoned her in then using the shield the boss fight was ridiculously easy we just bumped into her shot the knights and projectiles a couple more times the thing about these projectiles is actually don't take up mana compared to the other projectiles that we were shooting so they're quite overpowered I went over to Golem's dungeon and as soon as I had the chance I summoned in a solar eclipse I was waiting for mothron so I can get myself the broken hero shield and this was treacherous it was so horrific we killed so many mothrons without a single broken hero Shield I got myself tons and tons of Swords but not a single Shield so I just decided to buy Mothra on eggs next time I summon in the solar eclipse so I don't have to wait for the motharons to spawn in and I could just do it myself as it was not worth it to wait for them to spawn on their own either went back to the Jungle in order to take out Plantera a couple more times so I can get this Green seedler version of the shields for the Zenith Shield at the end of the game and then I went over to the dungeon to try to get myself some ectoplasm that didn't work out too well so I just decided to kill the Destroyer a couple more times so I could just buy the ectoplasm instead after crafting all the necessary Shield that I could at that point of the game I waited for it to turn to daytime and I sent in the solar eclipse and I bought myself a bunch of mothron eggs from the Deviant from a quality of life mod and then I killed a bunch of mothrons granting us a whole new set of armor which was only acquired from mothrons also a part of the shield set and I finally got myself the broken hero Shield I combined my two amazing Shields crafting the Terra shield and I went over to Golem's Temple to fight and defeat Golem and once I defeated him I went to go check on what other Shields I had left to craft all I had was the influx Shield the horsemen shield and all the shields dropped from moonlord I went over to the sky and prompted a martian Madness event to happen killing a couple of Martian saucers I got myself the influx Shield which shot the influx waiver sword projectiles and once I took that out I decided to plant myself a bunch of pumpkins and then go for the lunatic cultist we took out the lunatic cultist quite easily it wasn't too difficult for the most part I just used the Terra projectiles instead of actually bashing into him as they just dealt more damage and it was far more convenient as he never really rushed you in the same way that the rest of the bosses do and once the lunatic cultist was out I crafted myself a pair of Beetle wings then went to go fight the pillars I took out the nebula pillar first then the Stardust pillar I also took out the solar pillar and this actually granted us a bunch of these fragments that we could use to craft better Shields this is where I picked up the pumpkins waited for it to turn to night time and summoned in the Pumpkin Moon event I killed enough pumpkins to get myself the horsemen Shield as they take quite a while so it was kind of annoying and then I stacked it back into the chests of like all the shields that I have by the way look how gorgeous this chest is Sensational just tell me this isn't beautiful anyways once that was done I decided to destroy her a couple more times I crafted the heart Shield I got all of the various different Shields I needed and once I had all the resources I crafted The Shield of life which is like a combination like this heart Shield and the terror shield and it was absolutely overpowered it made us gain a bunch of HP once we rammed into enemies which was actually very useful for moonlord and it was one of the last Shields before the Zenith Shield I regrouped all of the shields that I need in my inventory just to check which ones I was missing and once I had realized that I had all the shields besides the one that moon or drops I unsurprisingly went over to the last pillar which is the vortex pillar and started taking out the mobs there I took out the pillar buffed up and waited for mulord to spawn in mulord unsurprisingly spawned in ha I guess that's what happens when you take out all the pillars huh I started spamming him with the shield of life just spamming his arms non-stop bashing into him to get more HP and this was quite easy because I could just replenish all of my HP whenever I was low which made the boss fight not too challenging so I took out all of his eyes and then finally took out his core in a not very friendly way the moonlord did not drop a single Shield that he was supposed to drop so I took him out again after fighting him again he didn't drop a single shield and so I fought him again for him to not drop any other Shield either my disappointment is immeasurable this is why I just decided to go to Heroes Mod as frankly I wasn't gonna waste any more time with the zero percent drop rates and I just got the last two moon Lord Shields let's just pretend like I got them legit right so I decided to use the Stellar Shield which was basically like the star Fury version of the shield and what it did is it shot a bunch of stars when you bumped into an enemy I also crafted myself a full set of the post moonlord armor but yeah the Stellar Shield was overpowered if you got like a huge crit it would just summon in millions of stars which was super powerful and then I just decided whatever I'll just craft the Xanax shield and let's summon in the moonlord and test out the Zen the shield on the moonlord this sought out like every projectile there was literally it was super overpowered and it took out moonlord in a breeze just like check this out he barely even had the time to spawn and he was already dead it literally took me under 10 seconds to take him out counted if you don't believe me anyways this has been the shield class from the ruin mod consider dropping a like on the video If you enjoyed it subscribe to the channel if you're new this has been boyo peace out
Channel: Boio Boio
Views: 81,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria but, terraria 1.4, terraria but i, terraria challenge, terraria class, terraria mod, terraria modded, terraria 1.4.4, terraria mods, terraria modded class, terraria mod class, terraria shield class, terraria shield, terraria shields, terraria class mod, terraria best modded class, best terraria mod, best terraria mods, terraria challenges, terraria but i am the shield class, terraria randomizer, terraria weapon, terraria weapons, tmodloader, tmod, gaming
Id: _-4AG2yUu94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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