Teachers, What's The Darkest Thing You've Seen A Student Do?

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teachers what's the darkest thing you've seen from a student a school had a selective mute kid that graduated last year kids were calling him fish boy it turns out he was buying fish and killing them in various ways on Instagram based on people's requests in the comments edit was not expecting to be the top comment and didn't realize I haven't been on a date in three days he was not a student of mine so I can't really elaborate all I remember is the school found out because he brought a fish to school edit again I teach middle school and I'm surprised how much selective mutism is a thing we have three selective mutes this year in elementary school we had a kid with a severe peanut allergy and a teacher taught some kids rubbing peanut butter on the opening of his water bottle we also had a kid who could describe in detail about how to prepare heroine kids seemed down and I asked him to please tell me what was wrong not today but when you're ready I was his last class of the day and he promised he would end of the year comes and he told me his brother killed himself he said he thought about the same many times but always remembered that he had made me a promise I made him promise to call me if he ever thought he might again and he promised me again he's doing amazingly well and is about to graduate from college I'm a teacher a student saw one of my former co teachers at some point with his wife and thought she was hot and my co-teacher took advantage of this to get the student to secretly record his sister taking showers and crab he offered videos of his wife performing sexual acts on slash within to the student in exchange he finally got caught when the student blackmailed the teacher into trying to get the wife to fricking and when he proposed it to his wife she called the cops I taught welding and metal sculpture at the high school level for a year one morning one of my students a quiet awkward but really nice young man came into class and asked me for a band-aid I asked him what for and he replied that it was for a burn class hadn't started yet for the day he showed me and it was a fresh second-degree burn that was already blistering it was in the shape of an hour some kids if I'm going to be honest they were bottom performers and troublemakers from a different class of mine had swiped a small metal letter from one of my supply bins heated it with a lighter and then branded this kid on the morning school bus he had let the kids do it because he really wanted to fit in he didn't have many friends and these kids had seemed cool because they were always acting out as a mandatory reporter I reported it the police got involved other than that I have no idea what else happened there was kid in my wife's class that squeezed the classroom hamster to death I had a kid who really wanted his parents to come to his graduation ceremony but they were both sex offenders and couldn't be on campus he just wanted someone there to support him girl was going through a lot unprompted told me that her older brother died in Iraq recently and that that was why she was having such a rough time I tell all her teachers so they know it's thing to be aware of I'm super nice with her and supportive eventually I tell the counselor and he calls home to ask if the family needs anything turns out she has never had a brother edit FYI she was 11 years old I had a third grader tell me in excruciating detail about every time that he's been removed from a home starting with how he was taken from his mother at two because they found drugs in his crib in his crib imagine the toughest baddest little dude you can and multiply the attitude by 100 he wrote me a note at the end of the year saying that I was a great teacher because he knew I loved him even when he was bad it has been and will always be the best note I ever get from a student in that same class I had a little boy trying to cut his wrists with scissors saying that he didn't want to be here anymore cops came to interview him and said they were just kid scissors so it wasn't a big deal thankfully mom took it seriously and got him the help he needed a list simply entitled the list with a few students names and my co-teachers name on it was a student with some serious behavioral disabilities on it who admitted it was a kill list edit r.i.p my inbox lots of people on here who experienced something similar no this was not recent the student received appropriate support after this incident I've got two I had a student casually tell me about how he pulled the eyes out of his rabbits head he explained how there was blood everywhere this was my first day working as a supply teacher at that school and my first conversation with the student I later brought it up to support staff and they were shocked he mentioned it to me apparently he killed his rabbit because his mum loved it more than she loved him the boy was now in foster care as his mother was a drug addict he shared a lot of really dark stuff with me that day another one more sad than dark was at a different school students had to write their address for an assignment but this fourth grade girl didn't know her another student asked me do you know where the so-and-so motel is she lives there really broke my heart as this girl was so young and innocent and didn't really understand how unfortunate her living situation was as she proudly googled the motel and found her address really low-income part of town I teach an algebra class and I was explaining how in our city at least your address tells you how far you are from the central streets like a cartesian co-ordinate system a girl who happens to be my daughter's friend volunteered to let me graph her address three months later a boy got expelled for threatening to shoot up the school he had her address and written threads to kidnap her from her house he got the address from that class answering questions from thread one I do not blame myself for the actions of crazy people he could have found in for several other ways too I put my address up first and my daughter's friend wanted to use hers so that they could know the distance between their houses was the point of the exercise three kid has zero point zero percent chance of kidnapping her I know her firm well not a teacher but I did do added a volunteer work with little kids one of the fifth-grade boys was caught grabbing random girls and trying to pull them into the supply closet and try to kiss them he was even caught trying to grab their butts or without his hand on their seat as they started to sit down when we finally got to talk to his parents turned out his grandpa was teaching him these things the weirdest part was when we questioned the grandpa about it his response was who cares they're just little girls my first year teaching was like everyone says the worst year the first day of school I'm getting to know the kids by asking the random questions and I asked this one boy what he wants to be when he grows up and he replies that doesn't matter I'm going to end up in prison like my parents will okay from there things got progressively worse he was hearing voices and always threatening to hurt other staff or students he was hitting his head on walls or windows when frustrated he came back from Spring Break and told me the voices told him to kill a cat I found by the end of the year he was sexually assaulting girls at school saw a couple of kids walking down the hallway one ends up behind another for no reason at all punches him in the head as hard as he can I immediately call him over and asked why the crap he did it he immediately acts like he has no idea what I'm talking about if I hadn't seen him do it I'd probably have believed it he was so convincing I remind him there are cameras and then he admits he did it just because he wanted to no remorse no reason no regret I had multiple other incidents like that with him through the year I worked in a low income high needs school then and tried my best not to judge my students but it was weird to honestly believe this fourteen-year-old was going to seriously injure or kill someone one day I actually had a year where kids were doing personal narratives and sharing them with the class they knew in advance of choosing their story that they'd be sharing with the class one kid told the story of her dad killing her mom and then himself which she woke up to on Christmas morning another talked about defending her brother in court for beating her dad within an inch of his life when he found out that was sexually abusing her the next told about fleeing the cartels after his dad killed one of them to protect him and seeking asylum in America let me tell you kids have seen some crap as a light at the end of the tunnel after like five of these kinds of stories in a row I asked if anyone had a happy story to break all the sadness this bright-eyed kid popped right up and told about his dog having puppies and offering them to the traumatized kids darkest fear I was an intervention specialist had a student who was a mysterious Cooper for a while he would poop on the floor in the bathroom and no one knew who was doing it I substituted at a school for kids with intellectual disabilities and emotional disorders for a while majority of the kids had autism to varying degrees the darker stuff didn't come from the students so much as faculty gossiping about what the students home lives were like but from the kids themselves in one class with more verbal and well-behaved students occasionally one would for instance get frustrated with a problem start yelling man of this crap matters followed by what I would call quasi suicidal slash existential ideation it would kind of set off a chain reaction in the class where other students would sort of rally along in agreement a student of mine was a constant troublemaker and wannabe thug during a football game he broke his arm and had it placed in a plaster cast a few days later he got into an argument with another student at the end of the day wannabe thug jumped the other kid and started pummeling his face with the cast wannabe was arrested and the other kid was hospitalized for almost a week with massive facial injuries two black eyes a broken nose multiple lost teeth and multiple cuts to his face from the beating edit / update most comments are staying the obvious he doesn't sound like a wannabe thug based in this account rest assured until he went beast mode he was a wannabe his status obviously improved to this and after his time in juvie but once his arm healed and his weapon was removed his status quickly diminished as his buddies realized he was a one-hit wonder I remember when I was younger I saw a swastika for the first time and thought it looked cool started drawing it all over my desks when I was bored because I liked the shape got older and learned what the symbol meant I can't imagine what all my teachers were thinking about that dumpy unkempt social awkward white guy in the back corner of the room not my student he's from the class next door when I was student teaching this child had a confusing home life apparently he was adopted by a family member but it's unclear what happened to his biological parents anyway he goes through these intense mood swings multiple times throughout the year he would pull the fire alarm and made a break for the school's parking loss at one moment and then deeply apologetic another moment as if he wasn't in control of himself just an hour ago during his outbursts he would occasionally attempt to enter a room and when he found that he couldn't he would bang the door and scream at the top of his lungs as if it's his Amba movie and yes this is all while instruction is happening he would literally escape the classroom in the middle of a lesson he has caused knock downs as it turns out this child is suicidal and his actions might or might not be self harming in a sense since he knows these behaviors with her name a punishment apparently at home he's been reported to jump out of a moving car later in the year he also told his teacher and para that he wants to die his class was awesome though his teacher had the whole class write a note to the kid and they all wrote such sweet encouraging notes that teacher then made a collage and gave it to him as a gift after his outburst episodes when he comes back apologizing the whole class would give him a group hug at one point all his teachers talk to him after one of his episodes basically saying how they have such high expectations for him how far he has come and how much further he will go my mentor teacher attended this talk cried after I imagined I would too sometimes there is a comical side to this situation though one day as I was teaching science I saw the principal chasing this kid down the road through the window somehow wielding a long stick as if he's about to Shepherd him back to his pen and I had to just keep teaching and act like I didn't see anything it was a rough student teaching year I had stories in my room too but damn did I learn a lot my mom was the school nurse and always came home with some crazy stories one of the most blood-curdling things she has was a girl that was really into cutting to the point where she had a scar that covered the majority of the outside of her bosom the girl one day decided that she hated her scar and wanted to get rid of it at her by herself she decided she was going to get rid of them in her bathroom she took a knife to her arm cutting a 4 inches by 6 inch piece of scar tissue that was just under an inch thick out of her arm she the proceeded to stitch it up using a needle and thread and bandaged it with girls all by herself she then woke up and went to school the next day so she could go to my mom's office and ask if it looked infected it was I'm not a teacher but I had an off hour in high school and I usually would use it for going home or just hanging out I was asked by my film photography teacher if I could help with teaching by showing some of my examples and helping mostly ninth graders I was in 11th grade at the time I noticed one kid was really quiet and socially awkward but he had really good prints and after a couple days I noticed a lot of film was missing and so I asked my teacher he said that the quiet kid paid for some extra film to take home and use I brushed it off for a while until he came to show some of the prints to the class the quiet kid was third up and I was over near his desk and I noticed some of the pictures he printed it was two people who turned out to be his mother and father on the floor with what I can assume a large quantity of drugs and alcohol most of the photos were of his living situation he was one of the saddest things I've seen he was a bright and happy person I got in contact with him a couple months ago and he's living with his grandparents after his mom and dad got into a fight of money he now shoots a lot of nature photography the teacher next to me and one portable classroom rived to find a used condom tied to the doorknob they did catch the kid that placed it there it shocked everyone I'm not a teacher but in junior high we had a special ed kid and everyone got along with him and the two troublemakers we had gave him a knife and told him to hurt himself with it they got suspended or expelled not a teacher but in my fifth grade class this autistic kid that had a crush on this girl decided to make his move they sat on the same table in English so the autistic kid stands up on top of the table and takes his pants down and shakes his ass for not only the girl but for everyone in the whole classroom to see the kid got suspended and surprisingly the girl didn't leave the school that she was crying of embarrassment I was a student teacher I was helping to teach her cooking class for 8th grade middle schoolers in a well-off district the actual teacher thought it was a great idea to chop hot peppers for the middle schoolers to try she did so to demonstrate the Scoville scale after the whole who's the toughest kid contest that involves someone eating about six whole habanero peppers the teacher left to escort some of the kids to the nurse's office this teacher was an idiot I was telling a table of kids to help each other clean the bits of pepper instead of flicking them at each other when I heard a scream I turned around as my back was turned to the table with a bigger blow three or four boys had grabbed a much smaller female held her down on the table and were robbing chopped habanero pepper all over this girl's face in her eyes in her mouth in her nose everywhere at the time I 140 pounds and 5 feet 2 inches the boys were a lot bigger and taller than I was I started freaking the Frick out no student teacher is taught how to tackle for large middle schoolers to save the little girl the boys wouldn't listen to me so I shoved them aside the best I could to save the girl fortunately the teacher came back in and helped me the boys were immediately sent to the office the girl's eyes were swollen and red I was traumatized and after I helped the teacher clean up I went to work I have no idea what punishment the boys got but I saw them in subsequent classes it made me never want to teach again had a kindergarten a Smasher glass measuring cup and stabbed himself in the arm to the point that blood was everywhere all while repeatedly crying please just let me die I just want to die had to sit in my car and cry for about 30 minutes before driving home that day my wife said the darkest she's seen so far is a kindergarten kid telling his mom he was going to kill her his mom and the mom shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal whatsoever in my anatomy class I had a kid grab a scalpel and just about try to kill himself in front of me had to grab the scalpel and talk him down he had been suicidal all year hoped he's okay now I'm not a teacher but in middle school some classmates would do drugs during recess these drugs ranged from cigarettes to weave to crystal meth right on the playground this is in South Central LA and I never realized how bad it was until I grew up and moved to a richer area in Orange County also pregnant sixth and seventh graders kids in and out of juvie middle school drug dealers etc I was working as an after-school program as a director site manager and one of my employees radioed me needing my immediate assistance at the playground I raced out there the employees pulled me aside and said that I needed to look at little Billy's back since it was dark outside she couldn't tell if it was scratch marks or burns she said she had put in timeout standing against the basketball pole and he was trying to lean up against it but kept making weird [ __ ] moves every time he leaned against it so she asked to look at his back after he said it hurt I asked though Billy to follow me to the nurse's office leaving the door open the school staff was all gone but there are cameras everywhere and just in case I didn't want anyone thinking I was doing something inappropriate with the kid since I had no idea what I was about to see and oh here it took everything in my power to not audibly gasped once I lifted the back of his shirt I counted at least seven belt loop bruises and five lash marks I asked where he got them from to which he replied my dad I got a bad grade this kid got beat with both ends of a belt because he got a P in conduct I ended up asking his permission to take pictures and I immediately called CPS when I showed up to work the next day at 2:00 p.m. city and the ISD police were there I found out from the CPS person that the woman listed as his mom was the dad's GF and she knew the beatings were going on and that this apparently wasn't the first time CPS and the city police refused to let the GF or dad see him but mom lived in a neighboring town so they removed him immediately and sent him there that's the last I heard of anything 13 yo crying hysterically in class saying random adult voices are telling him to kill himself next day has no memory of incidents but tells me it comes in waves disturbing this happened around 10 years ago so the details escaped me now I had this one guy in freshman University English he was vocal about being Christian and tried to stare almost every conversation towards faith and what net pretty overbearing about it sometimes one day at the end of class I noticed that someone had left their notebook behind on their desk I figured I had better make sure it got back to them so I looked for a name nothing on the outside so I opened it up there were all these explicit stories about sexual violence dominance degradation humiliation et Cie written in the first person some really disturbing stuff after flipping through it I finally found the owner's name you guessed it the hyper-religious guy I didn't know what if anything I should do about it so I just left it and knocked out of there nothing was ever said about it student would hide in the bushes trying to get me a female teacher's feet had to advise staff to wear closed toe sandals slash shoes because he was so interested discovered he was drawing women with their feet cut off as well as drawing severed feet in high heels not a teacher but I work with kids one time the kids were drawing slash coloring with crayons and a first-grade girl comes up to me with a drawing of a stick figure who hung himself with blood covering the ground around him she had also written I love blood smartest kid there but that scared me Cratylus I asked my students to write a narrative fairy tale using common literary archetypes which I had extensively taught I had a girl write a story about a young girl whose mother repeatedly sold her for demons to use mom needed magic potions but the demons would only take the young girl's secrets as payment for the potions eventually a hunting party found the young girl and rescued her after a long search they returned her to her 'king of a father and she became a princess later I learned that my young author had spent two years in foster care while they tried to find her father she left that part out of her fairy tale not a teacher but I worked with students a student was forced to give oral sex in a vehicle while a screwdriver was held to her neck when he orgasmed she made a run for it back to her residence she had the clarity and ingenuity to keep the semen in her mouth and spit it in a cup for evidence there was a man linton the guy was caught he was convicted of three separate student sexual assaults across the state i was in the emergency room with the student a couple hours after the incident standing there as he described what happened through her tears and in front of her mother was one of the hardest things I've ever had to witness I had a student tell me that he was going home at lunch and didn't know if he was going to come back he said thank you because I had always been kind to him I managed to text the receptionist at the front office and get her to have any counselor in the building call my classroom miraculously the counselor called in just minutes and asked me to tell the student she needed to see him she asked me to walk in there so I did saying I needed to sign paperwork my student teacher stayed with my other students and I walked the kid to the counselor he ended up in an inpatient mental health center for a long time but when he was released he was later he finished the year and graduated high school another time I just happened to be glancing out my classroom window when I saw a student collapse I dropped everything and took off running to her she was having a seizure and no one knew what did - except me my daughter has epilepsy and seizure first aid is one of those things I'm passionate about the poor child actively seized for 25 minutes the nurse came eventually an ambulance was called but they took forever to come I stayed with her every minute that she was down talking to her telling her she wasn't alone and she'd be okay I found out later she heard me the entire time the ambulance got there and took her to the hospital and I completely lost it I cried so hard that I hyperventilated weeks later I run into her and her mom outside the office at the school and we cried together she eventually found the right med combo but I lost track of her after graduation I had a schizophrenic student who accidentally left a manifesto of sorts about the things the voices told him to do on his desk it gave me nightmares not a teacher but I once triggered an evacuation of my school by drawing a detailed plan of where to place bombs in my high school to most effectively seal off exits and kill the most people in an ensuing fire this was just barely pre Columbine so I didn't get in much trouble I honestly had no plans to do anything about it in my mind it was just a theoretical exercise of what was the worst thing that could happen and how it could happen I left the notebook paper not a laptop as I said pre-colombian on my desk during a fire drill and my English teacher saw it I got called into a meeting with the teacher my parents the principal the superintendent for the town and the police they grilled me for hours then you I was kind of a weird kid with no access to anything required to carry out such a plan so they let it go in the end I don't even know why I drew up the plans I was fairly popular had a girlfriend and did well academically and musically just crap that goes on in your hind brain that made its way to the front in this case I guess I'm not a teacher but a student at the beginning of sophomore year I always noticed this kid sitting alone at lunch after a few weeks I decided to go up to him and talk we became friends he's a cool guy I gotta give it to you but part of him is extremely edgy and somewhat worrying we hung out a couple times and he finally got the guts to invite me to his place for some reason he wanted to show me something on his computer I'm not joking but this kid had a crap ton of 30 on his computer I was looking at him weird and he seemed confused like as if having 30 open like that is normal anywho he started showing me child's Xcode rafi and showed me his paper the kid had around 20 dollars 0 0 0 and he wouldn't tell me how or where he got the money not a teacher but I remember in grade 3 a kid at recess would spend the whole period locating different bugs to dissect them with his hands nice enough guy aside from that but it always made me feel uneasy seeing him do that with such intrigue on a daily basis I had a student my first year teaching who I would often catch blank starring and even mumbling to himself this student had an IEP that stated he had a hearing issue and I always chalked up the odd experiences to just that that was until one day I caught him blank staring and then heard him say something couldn't make out what he said I asked him what was going on and he told me the black man was telling him to kill again now as a teacher this obviously triggered several red flags and I immediately prompted for clarification I said what man and what do you mean kill he said the man in black and he wants me to kill at this point my heart was beating out of my chest and I asked him where this man was he stated the man was in the room and was looking right at us after scanning the room and realizing no one else was in the room I asked him to describe the man he said he had no features and was just like a black shadow he said he saw him all the time and he always told him to do bad things it was at this point of being terrified I asked him to walk with me to the counselor's office where I could find someone to handle this problem that was outside of my expertise / pay grade I walked him to the office and told the council of the entire story it was at this point where she said I know that one freaks me out and explained he has a long medical history of mental disorders I was like are you freaking kidding me why would this not be included in his student profile and why was he in class with everyone else why do you not tell the teachers this I had a million thoughts racing through my head I explained that this was serious and I didn't feel comfortable having him in my class or the school as I think he needs serious help long story short it got escalated up to the principal and eventually he was gone for several months - what I learned was the mental-health treatment center he did end up coming back and even returned to my class and was a lot more talkative he really seemed to like me and explained that his visions and voices went away when he was put on medication it still creeps me out to this day remembering that blank stare and terrifying words [Music] [Music]
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Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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