The CRAZIEST things seen at parties! - r/AskReddit

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what is the most ridiculous thing you have seen at a party a totally uninterested guy sitting on a chair reading a paper and drinking a can of drink while a very wasted couple were having sex in a bed a few feet away from him he kept trying to talk to them about funny stuff he was reading and they kept shouting at him to freak off as you can imagine I only saw a few seconds of this and heard more about it later I once walked into a house party and a girl came up to me and my friends and said if you're injecting then throw your needles out of the back window we decided that wasn't really a party we wanted to be at and left pretty soon friend had a party in high school and walked in on a guy pulling his pants up quickly after clearly attempting to crap in his cat's litter box standing in bathroom line with a friend she asks to borrow my chapstick she's uncapping it she still has a drink in her hand cap comes off a little hard she accidentally throws her drink back over her shoulder all over the chick behind her who freaks out demanding to know who did that friend turns around says oh my god someone spilled a drink on you and uses the situation to bring other girl into the bathroom and clean her up this diffusing the situation and jumping the line I remember someone heard some cops at the front door and decided to jump out the window leading to the backyard to get away probably should have made sure the window was open first from what was to be just a noise complaint turned into an ER bill and paying for a new window college party and the cops end up at the front door obviously there are kids underage so we crammed like 40 of us into a small bedroom where you could barely breathe and kept quiet you know that face people make when they are about to vomit well this girl right beside me started showing that face and before I know it she pukes all over another kid's back it started a chain reaction and about ten others puked after I nope the freak out of there and as I was leaving I passed the two cops said howdy to both as I nodded my head and left they didn't say a word work trip weird lady from accounting joins us on a rooftop hotel bar area we had taken over the talk turns to weird things you can find online and I mention furniture xxx the woman is incredulous wants to know if it's really a thing how many websites how widespread etc discussion moves on and more shots and drinks are consumed about an hour later accounting lady beckons us to a further part of the roof area where she has taken the deck chairs and created a xxx scene she is well died and very detailed in her description of the white plastic lounge chair doing reverse cowgirl with the metal dining chair and the three-way between the barstool and two end tables it was so detailed and graphic we just stood there speechless house party for someone's 21st some guy finds the host bag of raw potatoes another guy dared him to take a bite out of one but he protested more people heard of a situation and gathered around him eventually started the chant eat the potato succumbing to peer pressure he took a bite and in a brilliant moved past it to the guy who dared him who then took a bite and passed it someone else it turned into communal raw potato eating with everyone chanting eat the whole potato and passing it eventually to everyone at the party surprisingly nobody got mono an army vet doing cocaine for the first time he screamed at the top of his lungs I killed 11 people the only thing that feels better than killing 11 people is this fricking blow then he kicked the door off its hinges it was disturbing my buddy was throwing a New Year's party and it was pretty wild some people he didn't really know where their friends have friends that sort of thing a dude and a girl he didn't know went into his bedroom and locked the door he was not having it he bangs on the door and the guy yells freaked off my bud is a pretty mild-mannered guy but without a second's hesitation he takes a step back and kicks the door right open we pulled them out and walked them out the front door he replaced the door frame the next day this was ridiculous but honestly ridiculously cool this dude showed up to a big house party of like 125 of us with his service dog not just any service dog though a giant-ass Great Dane with a makeshift army pack thrown over him that carried drinks around for people of the party he brought me a drink or two what a good dog definitely watched my friend feed the dog at least five hamburger patties at the end of the night in our wasted haze kids smoking a cat nip joint the house owner was also selling rolls of toilet paper to the guests if they had to use the bathroom some dude thought it is okay to throw up on my best friend cat during the party cat was actually kind of cool with it my friend wasn't saw a guy snorting coke on a dorm room floor someone said something funny and he laughed spraying a cloud of coke he started licking the carpet I witnessed a girl pass out on my friend's porch and then get humped by his dog the dog was always humping whatever he could find and she was no exception I went to a work party and the girl that hosted it had sex with five different dudes she flicked a guy in the garage she flicked two guys in her bed she freaked a guy in his truck and she freaked a guy on the couch that I was supposed to be sleeping on young me wanted sex too but she told me to take a hike for some reason that bothered me for a long time in high school friends made three batches of brownies regular weed and laxatives they didn't mark them and it quickly became a disaster probably the girl with the four-year-old son who still breastfed him she said she could squirt milk across the room then proceeded to show us I will forever know her as lactating treci I thought butt chuggin was just a joke from some frat bro movie I'd never seen nope people do it voluntarily who aren't pledges or keys or in any way being hazed a girl fell through a ceiling at a house party when I was in college that was pretty wild I've told this story before but when I was in college I was in a fraternity at some point we started partying with some international stew because we met some of them at a campus event 90% of them were Brazilian so I was one of the sober brothers watching the door talking with one of these Brazilian guys and the chick came up the stairs and without even saying anything she grabbed his hand and dragged him into our little coat / supply closet next to the door about 10 minutes and some uncomfortable sounds later they both come out and he gives me a wink she continues downstairs and the guy and I resume talking not even five minutes later a completely different she comes up and does the exact same thing to this guy I thought this was hilarious but I was also slightly jealous of this guy's apparent affinity with women I have a friend who on two separate occasions tried to put out gingers with fire extinguishers a guy who had life on his forehead giving out lemons the lemons had horrible diseases written on them girl wanking with a drink bottle on the hosts little sister's bed invited to a party by a furry we didn't know that she was a furry we didn't know that it was a party for furries we get there and there's a guy getting a tail butt plug put into his ass in the middle of the floor inches from people who aren't paying attention to it at all those people were playing Magic the Gathering the people in the backyard were playing with a high-power laser identifying stars we didn't stay along I went with my girlfriend and her friends to what was later revealed to me as a gay frat house my girlfriend went to the bathroom for a while and a bunch of dudes hit on me I felt special nice guys one of my friends pulled down his pants slipped a condom on and just started taking a wank in the living room girl got super wasted at party so we put her at the toilet come back ten minutes later and there's crap this impute flooding in the bathroom floors I guess after that she got it all over the carpet outside the bathroom and the owners of the house had to get new carpet we called her the party pooper after that someone boring washed soap on the floor in front of the back door sick dude sat on a la-z-boy sipping margaritas and watching people slip and fall went to a tailgate party at a large house my freshman year of college not many people were there as it was still early in the day before the game out of nowhere comes about six frat brothers dressed as Oompa Loompas orange skin green hair and the whole outfit just walked into the backyard singing their songs and doing as bad a cartwheel as they could I spit out my drink when I first saw them doing those cartwheels haha I think they were just going to random parties on the weight of the game I was once at a begin door techno concert in Spain imagine this place was packed good vibes people dancing and having a good time we are having a good time too suddenly we all felt small drops of liquid on our legs we stopped to look around and we see this drugged up dude pissing all over the dance floor and behold an hour later we see the same viewed from distance being dragged out while lying on the floor for doing the same thing again I swear people do the most freaked up things under influence two guys that I believed were straight were very much naked together in a bathroom shortly after arriving at a party the sensitive guy with the acoustic guitar shows up 15 minutes later someone took the guitar and smashed him over the head with it creating a large gash that bled profusely the attacker then proceeded to run off into the night with the guitar and was never apprehended it wasn't a good night for the musician a Halloween party with to Jesus's I kept trying to convince them to fight to the death for timeline consistency they refused I was sitting on the roof and a guy said he wanted to dive through the window to get back into the house so he would look like James Bond he ran to the window and dove right into a closed window cut his arm pretty bad and he just said oh crap I thought it was open I should stop doing cocaine you've heard a stret poker we were playing strip Red Rover we were all in our 30s sent one poor girl to the hospital with a busted knee arrived late to a Raich s party walk up the driveway to a chair being thrown out an upper floor window walk into a split-entry dudes are upstairs holding potted plants dropping them onto the heads of anyone going downstairs girl whose parents owned the house is passed out I go up friend hands me a drink don't even get a sip before cops are everywhere ran out back but he hid the drink in a pile of firewood walk around front cop checks me out but I'm sober and had no booze on me I drove my buddy's car we went for pancakes after we ate we went back to get the drink someone had taken an axe and cut the dick off of the house we found our drink and hauled ass Monday morning there was a huge investigation into who was at the party trying to figure out who did the damage 1990 was a simpler time dude puked in the middle of a crowded room and just stumbled out the door and passed out for three hours on the stoop that dude was me guy starts hooking up with a girl he asks his roommate for condoms this guy's about to lose his virginity to this girl everyone's happy for him he goes into a room and starts going at it one of his friends busts open the door and asks the girl if she wants a third first guy screaming no girl says yes so this guy's first time he's having to share with another guy at some point a third guy enters the entire party stops and everyone's just watching these guys rail this girl eventually the first guy drops out and just sits down and watches while the other two guys bang the first girl he's ever had sex with felt bad for him so land sharks are pretty common you carry a naked person through a party with a frisbee clenched between their cheeks normal except one time one of my friends was on the fence a sort of do i or do I not dangle my dog throughout the whole throng kind of thing so his condition was that the four people carrying him one per limb also had to be naked and so four naked people carrying another naked person with a frisbee there but threw a party was probably the craziest or close-enough was at a party when I worked at a ski resort in Zealand where there were four naked girls on top of the table and just ski boots dancing and kicking drinks in every which direction oh and some guy literally strapped into a snowboard to crowd surfed through the entirety of a packed house party ski life best life I've seen someone uninstall the sink of a bathroom at a house party back in high school they brought their own tools and took the time doing so when I lived in North Carolina I went to a very shady party with a guy from the construction crew I worked on these folks were off-the-grid hillbillies there were several absurd events at this party one right off the bat three older black fellows smoking crack in the front room while some much younger kids were playing video games on the floor too there was a man in his forties with a wasted girl about 17 sitting on his lap three the entire house was filthy for a guy who had been in jail said that I was clearly a [ __ ] and would have definitely been referred to as a bish if I were in prison please keep in mind I did absolutely nothing to instigate this I barely spoke all night then the crescendo this big fat hillbilly named bird who also wanted to beat me up ended up having sex with the best-looking girl at the party still only about a five on the ten-point scale in exchange for Kenny Chesney tickets all true Wilmington NC summer of 2007 I was once at a party where in this one group of people about four guys and two girls were drinking rum and splitting it into each other's mouths the most eye-opening thing something I shared here in Oscar did quite some time ago was a college party at a large off-campus apartment my date at the time and I noticed that the crowd kept getting smaller and smaller but no one was saying goodbye we finally observed people going into a bedroom at the end of a hall so went to check it out the room was dark crowded and just enough light to see all sorts of things going on and not just couples but singles from the party doing whatever with whomever we left as discreetly as possible but the imagery from that event is hard to forget someone I know spent two hours trying to put a pumpkin in Simone's mailbox he wasn't just pushing it in he started punching it couldn't believe the stamina on that person it sounds boring compared to the stories here but it was one of the funniest things I've ever watched of course everyone spent the first twenty five minutes trying to get him to stop but after we gave up and just watched it became hilarious someone snorting like of speed off another dudes abs walked in on two girls giving out VJ s to five guys sadly or not I became guy number six back in high school we went to a junior house party as seniors there was a junior football player who was hitting on one of the senior football players girlfriends while he was out back in the pool when the senior kid came back his girlfriend told him what happened everyone overheard and started yelling fight fight fight the junior kid heard all the commotion and came running over to see what happened and all the people of the party pushed him into the center of the group and made a classic fight circle around him he started crying instantly when he saw the senior boy and his girlfriend walk up and got on his knees and started kissing the senior kids feet everyone stopped yelling fight and the entire house went silent as everyone was confused what the hell just took place I couldn't tell you what went through the senior kid's head but he started laughing and walked away and everyone had a WTF look on their face and then went back to the party like nothing ever happened first day of uni my flat let's thought it would be a good idea to throw a house party and invite the entire accommodation we invited all 200 people and about 40 turned up one my flatmates who was already pretty wasted poured 17 shots of alcohol four people laid it out in front of him and wasted one of them people began to chant for him to drink them all he said no then people began to chant peer pressure peer pressure so he wasted them all in less than a minute an hour later I found him lying in the corridor with on it over his shirt and people trying to wake him up he began to have what I thought was a fit I called an ambulance and you need security ended up taking him down to the hospital since the ambulance would have taken too long to arrive they ended up taking him back halfway there because they thought he wasn't wasted enough somehow he nearly died but everyone who was trying to help him became great friends it was a strange thing to bond over but we are all glad it happened a similar thing happened about three weeks later at a different party we are sitting on the back deck it's a warm summer evening close friends and friends of friends all sitting in our chairs in a big circle chatting drinking smoking enjoying ourselves there are multiple conversations happening and everyone is having a nice time no one is hammered everyone is at that beautiful place we all aim for when we are drinking and no one has really gone past it yet my friend and owner of the house stands up and announces I prepared nothing that he is going to crap into this ashtray picture a normal sized ashtray he places the ashtray on the ground in the middle of the group and he drops his pants and squats over it everyone has gone completely silent every eye is transfixed on what is about to happen the party is collectively holding its breath in my head I'm asking myself what happens after this what kind of party does this become what happens when someone breaks the freaking code of public decency so adamantly and without any purpose or reason where do we go from here he grunts and groans like he's really trying and then as abruptly as it started he pulls up his pants and says I can't do it and everyone starts laughing and jeering and what the Frick I'm him but for a moment for that one spectacular moment we were about to go to a place I'd never been before where a guy crap in an ashtray at party surrounded by friends for absolutely no other reason than to do it and I wonder where we'd all be now if he had I didn't do the party scene much so I've only been two to three actual world parties one of them I was dragged to by two of my best friends both female because they were really into that scene and they wanted me to get out there more after an hour or two at the party I was a little bust and roaming a I stumbled down into the basement and saw a small collection of people making out getting touchy etc right there on one of the couches is one of my friends blowing a guy he came in her mouth without warning she fake swallowed kissed him and returned the favor by splitting it into his mouth guy flipped out almost vomited threatened to freak her up I got between them we almost went to blows he was friends with the person hosting and suddenly it went from 1 V 1 to 6 V 1 we were advised to leave and there wouldn't be any issues or I could take my chances and see what happened I found my other friend and we left reminded me why I didn't do parties three guys tag-teaming a 40 year old overweight woman who was married with children and she was the manager at the local Domino's I watched a girl line you get freaked by a couple different guys in the hot tub right in the middle of the backyard watched a guy line you take a shot of this thinking it was toquilla saw my friend get kicked out a party so he backed his huge lifted truck into their front yard and did a brake stand in their lawn until he was stuck then threw it in 4x4 and drove off this was in the early 2000s but he had a ref 250 with a 10-inch lift on 38 inch tires the holes he left were freaking huge watched her wasted more'n a personal adversary of mine in fact try to violate the hosts house Kurt and get his pin shredded he was then thrown out by several of us and had to wait for the ambulance in the yard charges were pressed against him he actually ended up trying to countersue and have the cat put down the judge pretty much laughed him out of court a wasted guy in a full gorilla costume sitting on a couch outside Caesar wasted guy in a full banana costume riding by on rollerblades they both immediately stopped and turned towards each other and without a single word spoken charge full speed at each other and begin wrestling about a minute later both get up wind it and the banana guy rolls off into the sunset never to be seen again hey I finally have a good answer for one of these I saw a stripper beat up a 12 year old I was in high school and not a super social person this was one of my first parties it was college level and crazy house out in the country there was a bonfire it was cool but my town is sort of known for being trashy as will be realized further in my story there was a middle-aged stripper there who halfway through the party got wasted and belligerent and started going around picking fights with random men meanwhile there was also a very young looking girl in a disturbingly provocative outfit going around being really loud and annoying basically just a bratty little crap turns out some dude brought their little sister and she's actually a 12 year old girl who likes being [ __ ] she's known for getting white-trash lowlife dudes to freak her she shows up to parties like this sometimes a poor misguided infamous little white-trash crab and I'm saying this little girl was wearing skimpy clothes her face was caked in makuu and her hair was up in pigtails and she's going around wasted asking random people for cigarettes and irritating everyone and trust me she looked her age which made it all the weirder well at some point in the party the stripper in the pool little misguided girl collided and wired a AK now they did not mix next fing me and my friends know there's a huge circle of people around the - and his stripper is on top of this child just freaking going to town beating the ever-loving crap out of her the 12y slash show is scratching and clawing at her face they were rolling around in the dirt freaking going off cops showed up the stripper got arrested and I don't know what became of the 12y slash oh I'm hoping foster care and extensive therapy don't go to rat neck parties in Texas some jackass did 14 jello shots in the span of an hour thinking they weren't all that strong then that jackass decided to puke in the kitchen sink and all over the front porch the vomit was this nasty congealed mix of alcohol jello and drink then that jackass left the party and walked home with only one shoe no phone and missing his driver's license the jackass was me not a party but a college story my buddy was in his dorm hallways with another friend painting something for a freshman class they were in this guy walks up to them clearly blacked out of his mind and asks if they were freshmen they obviously say yes since they were in a freshmen dorm the other guy just says welcome to college picks up their can of paint and starts drinking it walks away without saying anything and they never saw him again when I was 14 my cousin 19 took me to a college party I was chillin in one of the front-of-the-house rooms when this girl runs and completely make it and starts twerking on the wall few second later her boyfriend runs and picks her up and carries her to his car the whole team she's yelling about how happy she was to get some peen tonight I wasn't ready holy crap alright so a little backstory a friend of ours when he was 17 was abandoned by his parents he came home one day found the house empty note from his parents saying they wanted to live their own lives we will call him and sell our other friend be lets him move in with him and these parents give them the spare room they took em to go register for his senior year but because em was only 17 he couldn't so he was able to legally adopt em because B was 18 and then enroll them into school so now B is M's legal guardian slash parents fast forward two years B and M are in college together and I'm at least a party at their house B is getting frisky with this girl on the couch clothes start coming off another girl joins and the M walks over and joins B and M are now in a foursome with two girls M says high-five dad and B respond good job son funniest freaking moment of my life girl wanted to make a revenge vid to send to her parents so she sat in the middle of the room on all fours and let any guy freak her while she filmed it sorority girls are crazy this one redhead girl would always take too many shots and wind up stripping down naked and freaking somebody on their car outside every time the host set up a video trivia game with a trunk full of prizes the prizes were old smelly crap from his basement that belonged in the garbage a guy fisting a girl in the kitchen while surrounded by other party gods one of whom was playing acoustic guitar later the girl was having a meltdown because she thought the other party goddess thought she was a [ __ ] ahem it wasn't a sex party so yeah half the partygoers gathered on the roof ceremonially destroying a 4 feet tall statue / chandelier thing they threw it off the roof and then everyone in the backyard either took a piece to commemorate the event or further destroyed the pieces of the statue at another party some guy set off a firework in an empty drink bottle and held it while it went off blood and glass everywhere from what I heard the guy was found an hour later passed out in the front yard clutching his hand huge Halloween party in a nice part of town it's midnight and a werewolf with a top hat the host stands on a table in the middle of the lawn and shouts who the Frick took a crap in my sister's room so everyone laughs but mr. werewolf is having none of it don't laugh Penda juice it's not funny who took a crap in my sister's room the fur fry cos mr. werewolf then proceeded to kick out everyone he didn't personally know my friend the storm trooper was kicked out Wonderwoman started fighting with the white queen I saw El Santo sneak out with two full cartons of drink and the werewolf sister the Mad Hatter is crying in a corner I took advantage of the situation and took a look inside the Mad Hatter's room it was completely covered in crap the walls the carpet the bed it was all smeared with light brown crap it smelled awful a polar bear walks into the room and stands next to me looks around and says what a crappy party I've been to exactly one event that most would describe a party in the sense of what one expects of a high school or college party it was my best friend New Year's Eve party and shortly before midnight he accidentally broke his TV by the time I left around 6:00 the following morning it had already been replaced probably not what you're thinking of but I think it's pretty ridiculous that someone has the resources to replace the TV in the early hours of the morning on New Year's Day without leaving the party make sure to LIKE and subscribe so we can watch together you
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Id: l9Vry3O5ymI
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Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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