I can't believe people actually asked this!!

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what innocent question has someone asked you that secretly crushed you a little inside what school do you go to popular girl at a party the same high school why don't you wear mac loop i do someone once asked me if i was sad that my mom remarried and started a new family i had never even considered that perspective before this girl in college said do you think your roommate likes me can you find out i had a crush on her feels bad man my third grade teacher asked me why i don't sit with my friends at lunch i told her it was because i didn't have any from then on out she became very adamant about me never changing for anyone and encouraged me to pursue the things i was interested in like music i really wish she knew the kind of lifelong impact she's had on me a cousin's child being about five years old at a family gathering with a lot of cousins and childs running everywhere whose father are you no one then who's husband are you i'm 28 and single in a large family where everyone seemed happily married she wouldn't believe me audience member after a performance were you wearing a fat suit under your costume i was not why don't you and mommy get along i want to go on a trip with you guys my son i still cry a lady asked my wife why don't you have any kids you'd be a great mom after we'd been trying to get pregnant for two years when are you graduating every grad student's most hated and feared question when i was unemployed so what do you do was almost enough to bring me to tears particularly when coming from a friend or someone about my age having to repeatedly tell people that you are unemployed and looking for work can be soul crushing over time waiter will anyone else be joining you tonight but thanks for reminding me hey so who's this new guy your ex is talking to didn't know that was happening thanks you have a degree then why are you working here why indeed what's the worst thing you've ever seen i'm a firefighter slash emt people don't really realize what it is they're asking for they're asking me to intentionally relive the worst things i have seen on the job they also don't realize that they really don't want to hear what i have to say they expect cool car crashes or fires what they get are stories of infant cardiac arrests overdoses with the family screaming for them to come back and older people who have just lost the person they've spent the last 50-plus years with stop asking in psychology we were giving presentations called about me and i guess i had a lot of stuff about getting married so this girl goes do you think the reason you're so obsessed with marriages because your parents never worked out it just completely caught me off guard and i just said i don't know i never thought about it that's actually really sad classmate why do you look so sad me oh i'm just tired classmate tired of what life school me i didn't get much sleep we keep our home clean and neat but a dinner guest said you have such a nice home how often do you dust it as she looked with disdain at the furniture my relatives love asking why i picked my particular career field and why didn't you go to school for something useful like nursing as i'm looking for a new job and having zero luck i'm beginning to think they were right how have you been single for so long it was a well-meaning question because it was my best friend asking but i don't really know the answer i haven't gone on even one date in the three years that i've known him it's been five years since my last actual relationship my only answer is that i just haven't met anyone that i'm interested in but idk it still makes me feel bad to think about it are you a boy or a girl i'm a guy with a soft face and voice the perfect storm wow your new haircut makes you look like a mom said to 24 year old me after a stylist talked me into getting a bob in seventh grade a girl i became friends with asked me did you get made fun of because of your nose i had never seen a problem with my nose until this moment 11 years i still haven't forgotten and i'm incredibly self-conscious about my nose once i was running a tray of food to a seat at a dine in movie theater there was a lot of food on the tray and when i brought it to the single person not thinking i asked is this all for you she responded yeah in a depressing tone she was overweight i still feel bad about it whenever someone i haven't seen in a while says how are things with you instead of saying well i'm 33 single living in a crappy small one-bedroom apartment while i watch my dog die of old age and work for a miserable company that i hate i just say oh really good of course they believe me and i start calculating how long it will take me to get home so i can start binge drinking i used to work at a tutoring place and at the time my skin was filled with acne and i had a very pointy nose a little girl i was helping with homework asked me if i was a witch because of all my pimples and big nose it absolutely broke my heart since i was already extremely insecure fortunately one nose job and many acne treatments later i'm no longer insecure oh you sure you don't have any little kids out there yeah i'm pretty sure my ripped brother-in-law at a pool party with his arms crossed insecurely over his chest i feel so uncomfortable how do you do it when are you having kids my wife gets asked this question at school every day she's a teacher she hasn't miscarried but the fact that it hasn't happened is stressful enough questions like this only make it worse the kid i babysit once a week was grumpy and having a meltdown why does my mom pay you dollars an hour that's way too much me look if it's really bothering you then ask your mom when she gets back but why i'd been dealing with her [ __ ] attitude all day and this exchange bothered me it didn't help that this was in a crowded train station with tons of people everywhere my mates four-year-old kid i love my daddy awh that's good he loves you very much too where's your daddy oh uh i don't know my daddy oh it's because he doesn't love you isn't it one way ticket on the fields train with that one so tell me about yourself what are your hobbies you know what do you like to do umn i guess read slash r slashes credit threads my daughter has some obvious special needs i'm asked regularly what's wrong with her it's not that i don't want to talk about it i'm pretty open about it just kills a little piece of my mommy heart when someone's first impression is her challenges when i was overweight when is the baby due bish i'm just overweight and have giant boobs like have you tried this medicine i have adult acne and have had acne since puberty i have literally tried every medicine and natural thing in the universe please stop reminding me that my face is horrifying to you while in front of my crush a while back someone says to me what are all those little marks on your hips and shoulders they were stretch marks i was getting a brazilian wax and i mentioned to the aesthetician that i had made in panadis at home earlier she asked what i'd put in them i said among other things joleonus she says oh you can get your children to eat chilepinus the impaladus were for my roommates i've never had kids not the thing you want to hear from someone who just spent the past 10 minutes staring at your vag what are you all dressed up for it was a funeral i had a dream that you had lost a lot of weight and we were getting married best friend i had a crush on that was dating someone else like bro i even say anything lol at a reunion being asked what i'm doing now what i had been up to these years crushed me inside to remember that i got bullied at work lost a job lost a scholarship gave up on admission for a chance to study in europe dated then had my heart broken subsequently made the poor choice of doing a startup with said x lost good friends and a huge portion of money from that screwed over by x again this time with money blew through my savings and desperately needed a chance to start over single no kids never married over 30 yes i'm great since we graduated thank you for asking how far along are you my first day back to work five weeks after having my baby i cried so hard who was that guy that ex was talking to last night little brother to my mum mum why do you have a moustache and yes she did but certainly doesn't now i had an accident a couple of years ago b and i had to take a medical leave of absence for the past two years i had one semester left to finish and everyone who doesn't know what happened most people ask oh you're done with college you must have such a great job now you're still with that boyfriend no woman i have no career no degree in no man don't rub it in my face [ __ ] now it's just easier to say yeah yeah everything's great the mayo mid-twenties live with my parents and make jewelry in my basement and feyo i love my life slashes what's up man haven't seen you in a while you still drinking all the time freaky oscar so this thing happened that insert friend's name here s party slash bonfire last week my friend had a party slash bonfire last week nobody told me i work in mobile gaming young relative found out i make games and said oh cool did you make starcraft i didn't make starcraft but i did work on paris hilton's diamond quest so when do i get to be done my five-year-old's asking when he can stop taking shots for his type 1 diabetes i hold it together until i can leave the room and then i cry my eyes out every time worked four years as a professional musician mostly doing cruise ship gigs but also live shows and a bit of studio work why aren't you doing music anymore cause my passion got crushed by the industry that's why what is your life goal crushed so much i needed to go on disability my four-year-old cousin once pointed at my acne and asked me why do you have so many bee stings on your face i'm a substitute teacher and this is a conversation i have had a few times kids do you have kids me no not yet k do you have a wife m no not yet k do you have a girlfriend me internally crying no not currently i mean i'm only 24 but i've wanted to be a dad for as long as i can remember i wouldn't say the question itself crushed me but one of my best friends killed himself and almost everyone who found out asked me how he did it i suppose i can understand the curiosity but what the frick makes so many people think that's an appropriate question to ask why are you so ugly do you have a girlfriend oh so have you had one before come on don't push the knife in any further xd how does it feel to be compared to your older brother i was asked this by my brother's girlfriend during a presentation i was doing at school instead of finals we did exhibitions which was like presenting a project and typically seniors will watch and ask you follow-up questions anyway a seemingly innocent question she asked after my once again failed report completely crushed me because i'd been living in my brother's shadow since we were kids and he was the smartest in the family while i was the exact opposite i hated her after that knowing it was probably no fault of her own i just didn't like people busting my little bubble of delusion unfortunately i never did get better in school and dropped out at age 18. i knew it was never for me and focused on working instead that part's going good for me though i'm finally happy now not me but this still applies i think a friend of mine used to work in a cafe so a friendly candor and greetings were freely offered until one one day she asked how a woman how her weekend was and that woman looked at her with soulless eyes and said i haven't slept in four days though i've been crying myself in bed every night because a search for my husband's body has gone on for seven days that's how my weekend was then she stared at her and left an innocent question turned into an impossible social id how's your family well i'm increasingly realizing how emotionally dysfunctional both my grandparents are i have no idea how my dad's doing ptsd wise or even what job he's at now because i haven't gained with him since spring we catch up during gaming sessions one of my brothers is apparently struggling with many of the things i did at his age except they're halfway across the country and he's just as tight-lipped about it as i was and i can only watch from a distance as one of my sisters struggles with depression self-harm runs away from home and blames everyone else for her problems i used to be so close to all of them and then they moved to oklahoma while i stayed in georgia for college and adulting i call on occasion but it's just not the same and i just can't be as close of an older brother to my siblings as i would like sitting in the dentist chair hygienist cleaning my teeth have you ever considered whitening cue my horrified reaction of do i need it instantly back pedals thanks [ __ ] bc i really needed another reason to be self-conscious about my appearance not me but my husband we worked at the same place i had a miscarriage and had a week off work my husband was at work when the manager and other workmates asked where i was and jokingly said is she pregnant i had to tell the boss why i wasn't at work just to get them to stop mentioning it because i could tell it hurt him way more than he led on my five-year-old son laying in bed as i was saying good night to him asked if everybody dies what's the point of living innocent question he wanted to know i was in like fifth grade we were visiting some extended family my aunt asked oh did you lose some weight i'd never thought about my weight before it started a whole weight and body image issue for me and i was a normal size kid i've never hit the point of being overweight but four years after that i always felt like i was fat when i was perfectly healthy and generally fit why you don't have a job because getting a job is hard i'm a musician and some coworkers were listening to one of my recordings they had the volume low enough where you could hear it if you weren't right next to it but you wouldn't really be able to tell what it was i didn't ask them to listen they looked it up and started playing it on their own another co-worker emerged from his office and said what's that noise out here a dying bird everyone but him knew it was me and everyone just went silent and stared at me i was mortified so have you been planning for retirement of course not that crap is super depressing unless you have a lot of money just last week why did you shift courses i said oh you know just felt like it i was thinking because of tempering my depression with cheap alcohol and had to stop school for a year for psychological therapy do they all have the same father yes yes all four of my sons are my husbands thanks wife can i have the last piece of cheese or cake what part of america are you from nothing against americans at all but i'm damn proud to be america's hat when are you going to have a second kid my wife had an eptopic pregnancy that ruptured and nearly killed her i had my seven-year-old niece come over to my house a year or two ago before i had married her aunt so i was still living the bachelor life at one point she got up and said she was going to use the bathroom and she started walking towards my bathroom not the guest one i said oh wait that's my bathroom you can use the guest bathroom she was already in the doorway of my bathroom which was a total mess and she just says oh your bathroom is really messy that's why you don't want other people in there isn't it i was just like goddamn kid i think i just got served where are you from we moved a lot when i was kid i kept all my things in boxes so that when it came time to move all i had to do was pop the lids on and tape them up and then at the new place i'd meet new people and the inevitable question would come besides the inconvenience of not having an easy answer it just reinforced to me that part of my identity seemed to be missing where am i from do i say the place i was born or the place i was 2 or 4 or 8 or 12 i went to high school in three different places everyone else seemed to have a solid identity based on where they grew up for me that question just reminded me that i didn't really belong here and b i didn't really belong anywhere now i'm grateful for all the different experiences i had but as a kid that question crushed me what do you want to name your kids or along the lines of what gender do you want your kids to be or really anything to do with kids like do you want kids i'm not sure if i want kids or not and i'm not sure if i can even have kids cause of my fam's fertility issues but my soul also doesn't want kids that also that's where the issue stands to like don't ask me about kids please it's just a touchy issue on one hand i have no idea if i want kids and if i don't know by now i just sort of feel guilty altogether i'm scared of childbirth and already hate my body plus i don't know if i can have kids and that makes me depressed cause if i do want kids then it's out of the question anyways with fertility issues so yeah stop asking me about kids damn it at work nice shirt thanks my dad brought it from work could you ask your dad for one more three weeks after he died my mommy has a baby in her belly do you have a baby in your belly not necessarily an innocent question but asked by an innocent four-year-old no but i totally crushed someone by asking a question i was super wasted and a friend of mine had recently gotten a lead role in a production of mob i asked if he got the role of mob ep i meant to ask captain starbuck but wasn't thinking straight and parroted the last words i heard he had a bit of extra weight and this was in front of a large group of people who burst out laughing it was so mean and i didn't understand when i sobered up i realized what i had done he basically stopped talking to me at that point and i never got to apologize to him it's been 20 years and this still haunts me why would you want to have kids wasming a session at my friendly local game store for a group of regulars who randomly show up i poured my blood sweat tears and sleepless night into maps minis and module prep work rather playing my heart out trying to actively engage my players and while in the middle of my sentence i get wait what are we doing sorry i haven't been paying attention for the last hour or so monthly report is ready oh you just married are you thinking about having kids or do you guys have kids i physically can't and i'm not going to share that with you so i have to play it cool like it's our choice and no we don't want to adopt for selfish reasons we are just friends right uh yeah didn't you used to be skinny freak you early 20s girl your 30s will come for you too when the lovely smiling waitress asked us are you having a lovely day my father-in-law had a heart attack out of the blue and died the day previously a family friend drove 79 miles to collect my husband and i then drove us through the evening and well into the night the 210 miles to my in-laws home where his mother and sisters still living at home and attending university at the time just to show how young we all were had waited up for us to arrive we were all completely shell-shocked the next day the family friend took us all out to lunch at the restaurant next door just to make sure we got hot food into us unsurprisingly no one felt much like cooking and i felt so bad for the waitress as she asked us this question i looked around the table and everyone but me and our family friend was staring down into their laps unable to think of the correct response in this situation you don't just turn around with our dad died this time yesterday so not really well at least not here in england you don't many thanks to that old family friend who took charge and stated that we are fine thank you very much he was a real life saver for the next few weeks this seems so petty but here goes did you do something different with your eyebrows as a woman with weighty brows that i adore that also accounts for 90 of any mac up i wear i'm blonde so i have to fill in them in a bit this is the innocent question that will make my heart skip a beat i want to put them in an interrogation room and question them like an angry detective stapler i used to have a short haircut cut it just above the ears please young me when i was about 13 a little boy roughly six weisslasho at the pool asked are you a boy or a girl i'm a girl i was a bit of a tomboy but was at the age when i started wanting boys to like me the fact that the little boy couldn't tell that i was a girl while i was wearing a girl's swimsuit hurt my heart i grew my hair out after that and started wearing more girly clothes i'm in my late 20s now and will always remember that feeling my niece asked me yesterday have i ever gone a day without technology and have i ever thought of just going outside without it all one day i haven't in so long mostly cause it's a crutch for me mostly and i normally feel alone with my depression so i'm always with technology to fill that void are you happy this isn't a run-of-the-mill how you feeling today yeah happy kind of questions this is from one of my old teachers that i haven't spoken to in over 10 years kind of questions when you are talking about your lives it was a harrowing question given the context and i still dwell on it do you get to the cloud district very often as a nation-american where are you from is a loaded question where are you from i was born in new jersey cool okay but um where are your parents from they live in new jersey still the girl i was seeing and really liked and hoped she did the same i mentioned about a girl before her that loved me but i wasn't interested she looks shocked confused and said did she say why she loved me that killed me i then knew that she'd already hit the maximum she will like me and it was already decreasing what's wrong with your eyes i was in high school and had tried putting eyeshadow on for the first time 10 years later and i still don't use eyeshadow or much macube because apparently i suck at it why are you so quiet well because no one ever wanted to listen to what i had to say so i close myself off from everyone anything regarding exes why did you stay with her so long how come you never stopped to be single what would closure accomplish was at lunch in a group of friends did you hear about that idiot that hit the school bus to anyone else that meant nothing me i was that idiot i blushed walked away with my friend and told her what happened how old is your granddaughter about my daughter is it in you
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: o3rVPXxsK00
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Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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