Students, What Is Your Craziest Dorm Story?

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reddit what is your craziest dorm story nsw i actually have a few but one stands out in my senior year we had smaller rooms so you had your own room with no roommate usually on weekend evenings the place was always empty as most students either went home or went out as students do i was too broke to do neither but the guy across my room wasn't he was a serious boozer if this one such occasion he calls me to his room rambling incoherently about how his life was a mess i was a bit annoyed because i was like dude just sleep it off i'm not i'm the mood for a chat especially when you are drunk and i'm sober i then realize that he was saying last words kind of stuff like i'm sorry you have been a good mate i was like crap dude wtf he had a handful of valium tablets and was planning to commit suicide so i grab his hand just in time and we wrestle around his room for a while with i'm trying to swallow the pills and me trying to take them off him and screaming for help 20 30 minutes pass no one turns up and by now we are in the corridor still at it he was quite strong for his size i knew there was another friend down the corridor who was in his room but he was getting laid so he probably thought we were just drunk and having a play fight we will call him kk i managed to drag him all the way down the corridor in front okay's room kicked in kk's door like freaking messes up the whole thing freaking kkk comes out like he wants to kill somebody he soon figures out what's up and together we pinned this dude down and took all the pills he had we went back to his room and cleared everything we could find this dude was a nursing student and had a polypharmacy in his closet we then left him to sleep it off i checked up on him the next morning and he was still alive kk and i decided to keep it to ourselves and nothing was ever said about what happened and why he never said anything either and we just went on like nothing happened that was 12 years ago he is happily married with two kids now i later found out that he had gotten someone pregnant and he panicked he actually married that girl so yeah i stopped a guy from killing himself in college sorry for the warlord text wrote us on the train on my way home just thought i'll share you and kk the real mvps i was visiting a friend at another school for the first time he and i were planning on smoking until we walked into his dorm room and saw a girl on his bed in labor we were both speechless until his roommate came running back from the bathroom with a wet towel and said don't freak out don't freak out the girl turned out to be the roommate's sister who lived nearby and was visiting she went into labor a few weeks early so everyone was thrown off guard they eventually took an ambulance to the hospital and once they were gone we saw that she was sitting on my friend's bed when her water broke we ended up cleaning up the mess for a while then smoked like never before in order to get the image of a total stranger screaming her lungs out out of our heads there are a lot of typical wild college dorm things it but this this is the craziest my brother's frat flooded the second floor in the winter they lay down plastic sheeting and then opened all the windows it froze and was a badass indoor ice skating for a few days then the second floor collapsed through the first floor into the basement they lost their charter it's a miracle nobody died this is the reason why you always have an engineer in your frat [Music] my roommate was this geeky 400 pound guy who watched sailor moon in the original japanese he had a tiny redheaded girlfriend who regularly beat the crap out of him in daily life and he let her on like 6 p.m on a thursday he suddenly asks me if i can vacate the dorm room until 11 as they're going to have some romantic time i was a little p he gave me no warning but left anyways get back at midnight and walk into a scene of her in black vinyl bondage gear with a riding crop and a taxi driver's hat riding him with him covered in welts from head to toe nope the heck right out of there red-headed girlfriends man my friend and i decided we would prank a mutual friend and so we bought glow in the dark paint we snuck into his dorm room while he was in class and painted giant tongs all over his dorm walls and ceiling i'm talking like eight foot dogs that are curving onto every corner of the room [ __ ] all over the ceiling it was just a wall of big ugly fat dongs combing everywhere luckily the paint dried on clear on the white walls and when our friend went to bed that night let's just say he definitely hated us the paint really never came off so him and his roommate who hated us had to sleep the rest of the semester gazing into the galaxy of dongs paint over it other dude geez when i was in college my freshman year i was dormed on the same floor with the entirety of the soccer team i was told that they throw a party on the floor every time they win the game so lock my door on game nights soccer started up but they never threw a party so i assumed our team just sucked hardcore one night i was getting back from drinks and pool billiards not swimming late into the soccer season and hear music on my floor i guess they won when the elevator doors opened there was music blasting but no one in the lobby so i assumed they were just holding it in some of their rooms or something i went to my dorm room and grabbed some stuff to take a shower then went to the communal unisex bathroom when i got in there i realized the party was in the bathroom there was probably 30 40 people in there partying and no one was really clothed most wore towels around their waists and some girls were just straight up naked and drinking out of solo cups they had huge speakers set up on the sink counter people were hooking up in the stalls mostly because i was already tipsy from hanging out with my friends i decided to take a shower during their party anyways i got past everyone and got in an empty shower stall and started washing up as quick as my wobbly self could before i could finish a cute girl wearing just a towel around her waist and exposing her breast opens the curtain and sees me and just giggles and jokes about how i'm actually showering during a party i found out months later her name was claire she told me she'd wash my back and started rubbing my back [ __ ] didn't use soap and accidentally crushed her solo cup in her hand and on my back pouring beer all over my back while she is doing this someone called for her and she shouted that she was showering with kevin i'm not kevin or look anything like either kevin from the soccer team a group of two guys and a girl come over and when they see me they tell her i'm not kevin but she's not believing them after like two minutes of arguing they just start calling me new kevin and offer me a shot but i took a shot with them the girl who thought i was kevin grabbed my dong and asked if i could make it move then her friends pulled her away and told her for real that's not kevin they got her back to her dorm room after that during this whole time i was almost completely silent except for telling her i'm not kevin and accepting the shot the people i took a shot with were all from my floor and the guys called me knew kevin for the rest of the year when they saw me the girl who was with the guys just gave me dirty looks when we saw each other and claire just avoided me an embarrassment until i switched to a nicer dorm after like two minutes of arguing they just start calling me new kevin and offer me a shot the hahaha that's great i was one of only like three freshmen on my floor the rest were sophomore guys who all knew each other really well from their first year and high school and chose to live together in the dorm that year the other two floors were female one of the sophomores down the hall had his girlfriend in town for halloween from another college and as the night went on and people were just all over the place partying it got pretty rowdy at one point fairly early in the night the room across from me got a lot of attention as it basically sounded like a porno going down lots of well you all know the dumb stuff p chicks say and obvious sex pounding on crappy dorm beds going down basically all of us were drunk and laughing outside the room enjoying the show until we realized the guy from down the hall couldn't find his girlfriend it was so crazy and sad at the same time as the dude just sat there outside the room with tears in his eyes they had been together since high school to make matters worse his friends tried to console him by saying how they know she'd hooked up with a bunch of other guys and never told him poor dude was crushed on the bright side he just sold his startup for seven figures so there's that first story we turned the bathroom into a sauna slip and slide room we plugged the shower drains and blocked the part with the toilets with sandbags because we didn't wanted the water getting over there and getting toilety we then turned the showers on and flooded the bathroom and partied eventually our ra walked in looked at what we were doing and promptly left since if he saw it he would have had to stop it second story someone played a prank on our dorm by releasing a duck on our floor the third floor the campus police were called so they took the duck away i forget who did it but when questioned as to how they said i walked up to the duck put it in a box and walked away with it my freshman year i worked in addition to being in school it was a saturday night and i was scheduled to work very early the next morning so i figured i'd shower that night so i could sleep a little bit later i go into the showers on my floor turn on the light pull back the curtain and i see every single guy on my floor standing together in the same shower stall all of them completely clothed and standing in complete silence each of them had a red plastic cup filled with ping pong balls as soon as they saw me each of them screamed and ran like bloody heck out of there i never knew what the frick that was about they probably almost got caught drinking and playing drinking games by the raw so they decided to hide in the shower with the evidence in the late 70s early 80s illinois state built a brand new dorm building where the rooms all had two closets one on each side wall but because they built the dorm on the cheap the backs of the closets didn't have real walls only thin pieces of press board that was all that was separated one dorm room from the next once students figured this out they cut big holes in the press board so that you could get to the adjoining dorm room by opening the closet door and scooting through the hole in the back wall they did this in room after room until they had effectively built a huge secret passageway connecting every single dorm room on the floor the creation of the secret passageway led almost immediately to a culture of endless enormous authority-proof dorm parties as soon as anybody knocked on the door or the party room everybody could bail through the closets and be seven doors down the hall by the time the ra or campus security were let in or they would keep all the alcohol and whatnot in one room and have all the people in the next so even when the ras knew there was a ginormous party happening they couldn't do jack crap about it it was total non-stop chaos some of the bigger hooligans would commit all manner of mischief on campus and then hightailed to this dorm building knowing that once they were safely inside any room there was no way the cops could ever find them every summer the school would replace the ripped out press board with sturdier and sturdier material but students just got stronger sores and kept rebuilding the secret passageways year after year eventually only a few years after they built it the school gave up and tore the building down this is amazing i just realized considering the fact that my roommate was a freaking coke dealer very lit crazy stuff actually happened in my dorm room couple homeless people couple very very drunk people but nothing too out there it's funny the massive variety of people that do coke though people you'd never think did drugs that's because usually only the very stereotypical people are do it out in the open or don't really care if people know they do it i was asleep in my dorm with my girlfriend my roommate and his boyfriend were also sleeping i have a direct line of sight to our kitchen if the door is open and on this fateful night it was cracked open just a tad i was pretty sure my sweet mate guy who lived in dorm but not same room was already home so when the door opened i immediately woke up i peer through the crack and the door and see a dark figure whip past the door i roll out of bed and slip out my door and see that my closet which is in the kitchen freaking dorm layout man is open and i can hear someone rummaging in my closet i look at my table and all of our glasses are upside down what i round the kitchen to see a small indian woman stretching out one of my aux cables on the top shelf of my closet very carefully can i help you oh no sorry i'm just heading to bed she moves to go into my bedroom with my gf and roomie and his bf i dart in front of her and politely ask what the frick she is doing here to which she replies that she doesn't know who i am um i don't know wh oh you are mysterious auxiliary cable arranging cup flipping indian woman my gf wakes up when i raise my voice as the mystery girl tries to push away into my bedroom and peeks her head out to this very odd scene the girl explains that she is freer and is looking for chris there is no chris here so she proceeds to be more freaked out suddenly out of the blue she freezes and whispers sorry and darts out of the room tl dr a mysterious indian woman broke into my dorm and arranged my cables in my closet and flipped over our cups before fleeing a friend of mine tells a story about his freshman year in a dorm with a roommate the roommate was heading off to class and my friend was ready to enjoy some quality alone time with some specialist gentleman's literature for some reason he decided this session was going to occur completely nude having disrobed sat at his desk firing up the internet there was the rustling of keys in the door for some reason the roommate was coming back into the room thinking unfathomably quickly he grabbed the open can of dr pepper on the desk and poured it all over his body as the door opened he said god damn it i spilled this doctor pepper all over myself mental reflexes a cat our dorm was all singles and the doors directly opposed each other in the hallway and opened into the rooms we lived on the fifth floor of our building i was playing super smash in my friend's room with the door open when we heard some flawmates laughing in the hallway they'd taken an entire roll of duct tape and constructed a duct tape rope between one of their doors and their friends who at the time was studying in his room unaware of his impending predicament the guys pounded on his door and let dan know he was trapped in his room and they weren't gonna let him out dan ran to the door and pulled as hard as he could but the duct tape held strong he tried and tried before giving up and declaring that he'd find a way out twenty minutes later dan knocked on his door and told his friends to go to the bathroom down the hall and look out the window we followed along with his friends and we all peered out the window towards where dan's window was curious to see what he thought he was gonna do well we saw his window open and a thin rope thrown out and lowered toward the courtyard about 40 feet below by the time we realized it was a 30 foot long ethernet cord not a rope dang was already out of the window dangling 40 feet above the courtyard bear in mind this was the middle of winter it was probably 30 degrees outside as he tried to rap held down the wall our r happened to walk in the bathroom to see what all the commotion was needless to say he almost had a heart attack when he saw dan dangling from an ethernet cord somehow someway dan managed to make it to the bottom of the cord but was still 15 feet above the concrete he dropped and rolled and we all cheered as he ran to the door to come back inside when he got back up and back into his room he showed us how he'd done it the crazy son of a bee had tied his ethernet cord to his radiator that was next to his window and thought it would be a great idea to use it as an anchor to rappel 40 feet down the building it was the craziest thing i've ever seen in my life let alone just a dorm tl dr guy on my floor rap held 40 feet from his window into the dorm courtyard on an ethernet cord tied to a radiator in the middle of winter these days he would have to rap l down with wi-fi had a guy light one of the rooms on my floor on fire he never got charged for it but we knew it was him because googling his name led to an article about him lighting wildfires in his home state then he wrote a fake death threat to himself to gain sympathy and distract everyone from the whole fire thing he was moved to a different dorm then he stabbed himself with scissors on campus and claimed to have been attacked campus police saw through his balls this time he was expelled and threatened with a rest should he ever set foot on campus again a year later i googled his name and he had killed himself crap god real real quick my buddy and his black roommate were freaking around and broke a widow in their dorm his roommate said i can fix it and wrote then on a piece of paper tied the paper to iraq and put it in his room they then called the ra and explained that some racist had thrown a rock through the window there were several diversity seminars later that semester and the next that's actually impressive thinking hey my man can you run down to d s room and pick up some acid for me my cousin's in town this weekend and we wanna trip balls big d won't sell to me he is paranoid or something i said yes he was wearing a wire frick man that's some 22 jump street crap not me but my friends from an rotc camp had some pretty good fricked up ones my friends total of four went to an rotc junior military program camp for a month they all had to stay in dorms for the duration as well frendy informs the group that he left his medication at home and then assured everyone that he didn't need it anyway fast forward to the night that they arrived friends a b and c wake up to the sound of squeaking like the sound of something rubbing against a screen they all start turning around in their beds until they see the unholy image of the moonlight shining through the window and illuminating friendly bear butt naked rubbing his balls across the tv while squealing like a pig a few days later friend d takes a crap in the shower when he thinks everyone is gone also squealing like a pig that same evening friend b takes a break from cleaning the mess hall to go to the bathroom a friend b takes a stall and starts to do his business when he hears the door open friend b looks at the bottom of the stall and recognizes the shoes that belong to friend d friend d then starts to pound on the stall friend b gets into a shouting match with lines along the line of what part of occupied and farting don't you understand friend d runs out the restroom grabs a butter knife from the mess hall runs back to the restroom and then proceeds to use it to break the lock open on the stall that friend b was in with friend d then kicks the stall door so hard that he breaks the door off of its hinges he looks at friend b and says oh i didn't know you were in here and then proceeds to take a dump in the sink give that kid his freaking meds to stand out circa 2000 stroke 2001 my floor was mostly other business and technology majors the maths and social sciences were above us and the top floor was all from the law enforcement school we would hear rumblings and thumps at night bit from two floors down and the majority of us being hammered drunk most weekends we didn't differentiate that something was amiss turns out the law enforcement students were hosting their very own full-blown version of fight club smashing the crap out of each other on friday nights and usually cleaning up the evidence the next morning well one day they didn't get to it in time and the school dean came through to find blood scattered across the walls and floors ripped off clothes and garbage everywhere females were totally in on it too after that was the other incident in the second semester we noticed one guy was becoming quite reclusive went to most classes and meals but didn't socialize and we realized we didn't see him around the laundry rooms either after a while we started to notice an odor in the hallway within the week entering our section was like having a stink bomb kick you in the face it was nasty we sniff tested and sure enough the stench was emanating from this guy's room now we had washrooms in our units it was a pretty sweet dorm by the next day it was too much and we had to call the rasa file a small complaint but with an official complaint in hand the dawn manager was allowed to enter the room to find the most disgusting horde of filth and garbage ever seen the hoarders tv show couldn't even beat this place this guy had never thrown out anything gatorade bottles were stacked to the ceiling it had not been cleaned in seven months the toilet was overflowing raw sewage was all over the floor and tub of the bathroom it was straight up lunch losing crap we figure because the winter was so cold that the sub-zero temps kept the smell from being overwhelming for an extended time once the weather warmed you a bit to above freezing it became intolerable quickly a cleanup order was given and within two days the place was made livable again in regular inspections mandated needless to say the kid didn't pass the semester or return the next school year i was worried for a second that he was dead in there and no one went to check on him one time during a snowstorm a girl in my dorm lost a bet and had to run a lap around the outside of the dorm in a bikini it had already snowed four or five inches and it was still snowing another time i was in my dorm and my roommate was home for the weekend around 4 30 or 5 a.m i was still awake i heard a scratching squeaking sound on my door i got up and opened the door and there was a girl standing there leaning on the door frame i said up can i help you she smiled and then ran down the hall i just shrugged and went to bed the next day i found out the peep holes which were apparently very easy to unscrew from the outside from all the doors on my floor were stolen except mine tl dr i caught a girl trying to steal my peephole once everyone knows that if a girl tries to steal your peephole but you catch her she's obligated to have anal sex with you this is known as the people's peephole poophole loophole one night a guy in my dorm announced his gf was giving bj's to anyone who wanted it guys were lined up outside the door would come in one at a time and she gave each one a bj my flatmate invited everyone to see a really big poop he took claiming it was freaking huge man we all saw it and it was definitely as advertised 7 stroke 10 overall because the poop smell [Music] tl dr our floor had an ecstasy fueled orgy roommate and i watched the tape of it story it was my freshman year i was missing home and my dorm was full of party stoners so i usually went home every weekend one sunday night i get back and my key has barely turned the lock in the door when my roommate and his girlfriend are in my face you'll never believe what just happened over the weekend here everyone got eye on me and had an orgy well you're right i don't believe you we thought you'd say that room is gf beam so that's why we got a copy of the tape roomies gf's 13 year old niece was visiting her so we sent her out into the hallway with a ball and some ice cream or something lock the door and watch the orgy tape everyone was hanging out in a room they'd all take a knee and you could see it start to kick in as people started to get touchy feely there was a guy filming everything and a guy on top of the bunk bed strumming a guitar the touchy feely escalates and so cliff notes there was a guy pile in the middle of three four guys who were all over each other about halfway into the orgy the cameraman switched out with one of the guys in the pile afterwards none of the guys in the pile would admit to their involvement in the orgy despite the video evidence there was a girl on the outer edge of the guy pyle desperately trying to get in none of the guys seemed to care about her our 16 year old chinese prodigy was behind that girl humping the crap out of her but i'm not sure if she noticed there was a guy sitting on the floor against the bottom bunk and the only thing he got to do was to rub this girl's shoulder this was an inside joke for a while how do you find yourself in the middle of an orgy and the best you can do is rub a girl's shoulder on our floor we had a classic on-again off-again couple they fought about a lot of things cheating being a prime subject the guy was having sex with a girl on the bottom bunk while the girl was having sex with two guys in the corner of the room they did not break up after this orgy they eventually did break up later because of cheating there was a guy on the top bunk providing guitar music for the orgy then a girl climbed up there with him and the music stopped while we were watching the tape the 13 year old niece would get bored and knock on the door so we'd have to stop the tape give her more ice cream kick her back out into the hallway so we could finish watching it was a crazy year overall but that's the incident that stands out i think you witnessed the birth of dorm room p literally the first weekend i was on campus i was coming home from a party and i saw a whole mess of people from my floor sitting outside my room i was kind of surprised why they were all sitting outside of my room not that i thought anything was wrong with that just what gives i ask as much and get only mumbled responses and half replies finally i say something along the lines of well have a good night i guess then someone pipes up and says dude you don't want to go in there i've got a bit of a buzz on and in a kind of dickish way i say something like whatever you mute him i open the door and much to my surprise i see my roommate who i know for about six hours at that point absolutely railing some girl on his bunk slightly to right i see two other people going at it on our sofa in some a bunch of people i barely or don't know whatsoever banging in my room what makes it a crazy story though is that there's one more person in the room another random girl fully clothed with all of this going on around here just absent-mindedly clicking through facebook she and i make eye contact for a moment and she just looks defeated i slowly close the door turn around and join the rest of the folks sitting in the hall tl dr first weekend at college and my roommate is having group sex in our room uninvolved uninterested looking girl browsing facebook like it's no big deal should've of asked her to freak a couple of years ago during winter i was in my room playing video games and whatever then my next door neighbor knocks on my door in his underwear telling me that he needs my help i was a bit weirded out but whatever so it turns out that he had taken three hits of lsd and was having a pretty crappy trip his friend who lived on the same floor as us turned up and we both decided to look after him and make sure he didn't do anything stupid he ended up doing something stupid anyway he grabbed his wallet and started running around the campus at full speed the guy's friend was high as frick and i'm chronically lazy and have asthma so we couldn't catch up the last i saw of him that night was when he ran off into the woods at the edge of campus a friend of mine ended up calling the porters and found out that he had ran onto the main road and jumped into an oncoming car shattering the windshield i'd assumed he'd be arrested or at the very least spending a few days at the hospital after that the next day i woke up and went to get breakfast as i left the room the dude was coming back to his room wearing a hospital gown like barely anything had happened he then accused me of stealing his wallet just for the record lsd doesn't make you do things like that being highly mentally unbalanced and then taking lsd is what makes you do things like that we duct tape two tubes together to make a beer bong long enough to reach two stories we walked downstairs to the room below us and asked if we could bong a beer out their window out our window into fires after doing that we forgot to put the screen back onto our window and came back later that night drunk sat down to hear a freaking bat chilling on our futon next to us we grabbed a tennis racquet and chased it outside worst part was he crap on my bed sometimes i wish we would have kept it tl dr big be a bong equals bad crap bed probably shouldn't be reading these as i'm at my new student orientation and sleeping in a dorm for the first time tonight oh well judging from your user you're either going to be a raging alcoholic or be a straighter edge than a knife there was a pot farm in the ceiling between the floors of the dorm i was in back in sophomore year i lived in the geek dorm of the school but it was better known for being the party dorm drugs alcohol sex whatever all the time and finding a goddamned pot farm in the ceiling wasn't that out of the ordinary i knew a guy who grew weed in the closet of his dorm room needless to say it didn't work out very well for him [Music] my roommate spent the night at a girl's place to hook up he was too drunk passed out naked in her bed and pee himself classic if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 6,552
Rating: 4.8930483 out of 5
Keywords: school, students, college, dorm storytime, dorm story, college dorm, university, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: wmDf_B26P9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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