Presentation Struggles

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Just a quick thing before we start, the next video is gonna be a Halloween special Q&A. So if you guys have any questions, you can leave them down below in the comments section. Once again, thank you all for your support. Presentations suck. Yes, yes, of course. Everyone thinks that way. And it's all because we hate them with a passion, right? What you suck at is what you hate. Usually. And let me just explain the few points and aspects we all despise about them. Number One-Group Presentations. Honestly for most of the time, just screw these. There's always going to be that same format: One person who does all the work, One person who goes ghost on the group 'till the end of it, That one person who never even shows up to the presentation, And that one person who tries to make at least some kind of effort. I appreciate you. And for some reason we have to be always graded as a group. Because it's a group presentation. But if your group is totally perfect, everyone is a hard worker, Then you guys are a rare species. Congratulations. Oh wait, let's not forget the kid that doesn't even dress up properly for the presentation. Also, that kid is probably the one that comes in right when the presentation starts. They do disruptions and excuses the best. Okay, so you guys are ready, right? "But Wilson's not here and we can't start without him!" It's okay, it's okay, we can't do anything about it. Let's just star- "Hey guyyys. Yo, yo, yo. What's up?" "I didn't do nothin' this whole weekend, I dunno about you guys, but I'm still mad tired." (Awkward Silence) What the fuck are you wearing? "Alright, alright. Listen, I dunno man, life's been hard." "Like, I- I just don't even know what it is about anymore. Like I've been thinking about it all night, yesterday" "'Why are we even doing this?'" "'What is this presentation gonna do for us at the end of our lives?'" "'Is there even a meaning to life?'" "This is the part of the propaganda and delusionality of doing these useless things to keep us away from those thoughts." "We are all being mind controlled." (Awkward Silence) What? "Bro, you are right. Wow, I never even thought about seeing life that way." Tabbes: Okay, am I not getting something? We're doing a presentation right now, and we're all getting graded for proper attire... "Hol' up. You're bugging at me for wearing this, while that guy is wearing a top hat?" "Hey. You got a problem with my top hat?" "Well, yeah. Nobody in their right mind would wear a top hat for a class presentation. Like- like, you- you just gotta think about it! If-- if we all had that meaning for-" Oh nononono. The presentation is right now and we can't be doing this shit. "Y'all betta sit yo' asses down before I give a negative number for your grade." And that's why group presentations never work out. Number 2-Having the urge to not look back. Most teachers hate the idea of students looking back at the board for reference. Listen! My mind goes poof as soon as I go up there. You see those students with their whole novels on one PowerPoint slide because of the pressure? Well the thing is, I lose my place when I have to look back at that tiny font. So I don't know how you Hawk-Eyed, 20/20 vision people even see that. I was that kid that looked back a LOT. Read from the board because, I lost my place and I didn't know what to say. So I know damn well how boring my presentations were. ...Because everything was already on the board. I was just narrating what was written there. Now, I'm sure some of you guys did that too, Especially during the first few times you had to do presentations. Number 3-That one KID. Y'know that one kid who always says, "spEAk LoUDer I caN'T hEaR yOu!" Yeah, everyone wants to punch that kid in the face! But whatever. You raise your volume for the speech, Upon request of His Majesty. And then they still have the balls to speak up again, saying, "I sTilL cAn"T heAR yOu!" At this point, you just want to shove a rotten grapefruit down this kid's throat. So that he would just shut up and stop making the presentation more awkward than it already was. It's alright. I know it's not just me. Everyone looks at That Kid or lip-smacks at him or her like, (Lip-smacking) (ASMR lip-smacking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) "Why ya gotta DO that?" But y'know, let's give the kid the benefit of the doubt. I mean, to be honest, what's the point of doing a presentation if nobody can hear you? What's the point of going up there, right? Now let's talk about the top things we've heard in presentations. Well, right before it. I'm alright with the first-timers at presentations saying things like this: And it might be because they're nervous or they're trying to pass the time, Who knows. "Hey guyyyys. I hope you don't find my presentation boring." Alright, that definitely means this is going to be boring as shit. "Um, I'll be talking about this topic... ...But I'm not really an expert." Okay... "I really don't know what to say." Okay... "Um, so yeah." Oh my god when are you gonna get to the point? "Um, like, um, so yeah." "Any questions?" (Sigh) Everybody, let's give it a hand for her. If your presentations are like this, I'm not criticizing you because I was similar. ...To that. Keep in mind that you don't have to be afraid of your audience because that's just their thoughts. It's not something that's gonna be directly said. There's always room to improve. I'll tell you guys about that presentation I did one time that was similar to this one. Even the topic I picked was awkward. So guess what it was. That's right! Bigfoot. Yeah, again. What is there to say about Bigfoot? And like you guessed, it was a crappy presentation! I would say the worst out of the whole class. When the time came for me to present, it was the most awkward presentation ever. It basically went like this... Hey everyone. I-I'm gonna talk about Bigfoot. So. So Bigfoot was, um... Bigfoot was caught on camera once, I think. And, and... Here's another picture of Bigfoot caught on tape. Funny huh? Heh. We can all assume that his feet won't "feet" into any of your shoes, right? (Cough) Was... Was that a question? No? Alright. And then suddenly there were a ton of things going through my head. So many pauses and looking back at the board. And that was literally the end of it. My teacher knew I was the quiet kid and said, "Alrighty then! Any questions for her?" Y'know I think I heard a fly fart when she said that. Yes, I've heard people giving advice saying, "Imagine your audience naked ;)" Like that would make me any more comfortable. Worst. Advice. EVER. Honestly the most basic and genuine advice I can give you is PRACTICE. Yup. There's no other way. Just go through with it multiple times at home, until you are comfortable with doing the speech without looking at the slides. Then BAM you're gonna ace this! It could take a while but the grade's gonna be worth it. If you're not really that confident, use notecards. It looks better than looking back and forth at the audience. Anyways guys, that's all I've got. I hope I didn't make you cringe too much with all the puns. And again, don't forget to ask questions for the next video. I'll try to make it a more interesting concept. And yeah! Good luck with your future presentations. (Music)
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 2,634,903
Rating: 4.9677477 out of 5
Keywords: presentation struggles, presentation tips, public speaking problems, presentation problems, presentation anxiety, presentation animation, cartoon, drawing, art, relatable, satire, humor, why presentations suck, things i hate about presentations, presentations and speeches, powerpoint, stage fright, classroom, class, school
Id: AoY3AQkF0qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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