My Gangsta Relatives

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hi hello Ola I just want to announce this new site I made using today's sponsor Wix got some fancy stuff in there like art tips I want to be MoMA gallery showcasing some of my artwork and merch if you're interested in building your own website that's poppin you can do that by clicking the link in the description at slash go slash tabs boom so a few months ago my mom and I visit a kpop Lane aka South Korea for a month right that's why I had that dead long hiatus that time you guys thought I was dead again well anyways every single one of my relatives live in South Korea my family's the only one living in the u.s. or the foreign snowflakes I haven't seen my relatives in over 12 years so you could imagine the pure excitement of meeting random strangers who know who you are but you don't really remember them and they're legally allowed to squish your cheeks as much as they want to we bought a cheap ass flight to South Korea the first 10 minutes I got on the plane I was thinking oh yeah now this is nice this is peaceful too peaceful I don't know if you ever seen that video with the kid crying the whole 8 hour plane ride but it goes something like now I know what you're all thinking somebody throw his punk ass out the window but you know what this ain't even that bad cuz when everyone was finished boarding it wasn't even just one kid sitting next to me it was three i sat there like oh nah it's gonna be a dumb long plane ride stupid look at me shut the fuck up mom I don't like the people here she just yelled at me thank you but stop spoiling my brats I mean children wow you didn't even try censoring that the only good thing about that ride was food they fed you every three hours and I'm pretty sure I gained ten pounds just from that flight alone a word I got limbs now the first thing I noticed when I got off the plane was BTS was everywhere and baby shark was everywhere and I am not exaggerating when I say BTS be on everything you own around here that could either sound like paradise to y'all or your worst night and there is no in-between I met some of my relatives right outside the airport but their reactions were everything you'd expect oh my how you've grown you've gotten so big yeah maybe sideways but thanks you're so squeezy you know what imma let the slide today I missed you so much you're so precious na ma you look just like your dad you're splitting image of him you think so old people there are brutally honest so they'll say things as it is the roasts you and they wouldn't even think it's a roast that's just culture they'd casually say things like you got that you got to lose some flubber they're tough al are lookin ass hey how much money you make tell me now too rich to talk to us now huh yeah what kind of ugly hippy shirt is that if you don't take your on she adds back to hot topic I'm gonna call the fashion police on you after that short reunion at the airport a cousin of mine we're gonna call her sia cuz she got that C a haircut goin on us three decided to head over to my grandma's house to stay for a while truth be told she's one of the most savage ladies I've met in fact we're gonna give her an eye patch and cigarette and a pack abs oh you want a piece of this right when we got out the taxi I thought she was gonna maul us by the way she was triple power walking towards us oh is that you got married you slackers don't be making a young lady like me run hey yeah not to make anyone piss their pants or anything that's not her right please say no wow I can't recognize you at all you got so big yeah let me carry those for you let's get back to the apartment what are you waiting for hurry up faster faster coming it took us a few seconds to reach the corner she turned out and the next thing I knew she was already at the next corner what the every corner we turned she kept getting farther and farther it was like black magic you what's keeping you are you so small you're a hundred years too young to be moving like that keep up or you'll die first from natural selection something Yana okay so my running speed was her walking speed mind you she was carrying two of my 50-pound luggages and moving the same speed of Sonic like damn she walks faster than any New Yorker I've seen makes me wonder what the old people here put in their coffee the first time she took a good look at my phone she had a look of disapprove what kind of crap phone is this what is that some phonograph from the 1940s or some shit no it's a Galaxy s7 s7 what the hell you call yourself a true millennial what what you think there's some kind of game yeah go buy yourself a new one you stinking hobo kid I feel like a ball and stripper now but thanks grandma I got me an s10 with that money I felt the fever or migraine or something coming within the first few days I got here prolly because of the environment changes and I told myself well no body weight doing this to me now I came here to have fun we're gonna pull through alright let's go what squat yeah no you shouldn't do that your body needs to rest when you feel any kind of sickness coming looking back I should have listened to my mom who's a nurse but instead my stubborn hind goes closer for the week I'm gonna fight it let's go one two three four why was I born I couldn't template in my whole life the two weeks I was laying in bed and believe me this migraine was no fun it's not that I don't appreciate the gesture and all but do you all have to watch over my bed because I kind of feel like a hospital patient right now listen here sassy if you die here now I'm gonna kill you got that what no relative of mine is gonna make my bed their death bed you hear I don't want to stick around there too long for obvious reasons and I was in need of a desperate getaway so my cousin and I went to visit my aunts house and there wasn't much I could do in that condition except sushi roll myself in a blanket and watch TV at least it was more peaceful than the other place they made the mistake of handing me the TV remote which led us to watch you two for 13 hours straight we watch music videos Family Guy clips and old vines we got mad taste I know I can tell they were struggling just to keep their eyes open but I kept clicking on videos anyways they both fell asleep at 3:00 a.m. while I kept watching and in the morning they both had a serious talk with me listen as your aunt you know I only care about your well-being and I think you have a serious YouTube addiction it's time to seek help I swear in my 24 years on this earth never ever ever seen anyone watch YouTube for 13 hours straight you need a doctor I don't know about you guys but I thought that was normal nowadays maybe it's a us thing after I got better I kind of felt bad for my cousin cuz she was looking forward to going to places with me but she just sat by waiting the whole time and to make up for it I thought of the most basic thing I could think of I got it let's do an escape room wow you're a basic bitch I mean oh you have a lot of those in the u.s. it's all good I can do escape rooms everyday let's go i'ma be honest it was a little disappointing not as scary as I hoped but my cousin thought otherwise all right you said the code was zero zero zero zero and that's when you know this place is ratchet sweet oh my god what's the next clue up I just room so dark the lights at yo is that a dead body in the closet guess who just found their next storytime video oh let's get it we ended up using all our clues and the guy on the screen was like hey we'll give you another clue if you dance for us you cheeky bastards they're totally asking us to lap dance right now oh yeah don't give us your smug winky face cuz there is no way in hell we're dance are you thrusting no I'm flossing that is that is not a floss this is a floss right we're dancing give us our damn clue what in the world are they doing I don't know just give the poor fools their clue in comparison to her calm sweet demeanor the woman on her side of the family were a bunch of party animals I call them the beasts threesome they're the biggie hype squad and they are way more than capable of eating mukbang sessions amount of food I am willing to bet some Valenciano goods that they can finish the feast from that one scene in spirited away not to mention they can drink every single day and never get hungover from it quote it from my cousin herself that kind of digestive tract energy it got some Goku genetics that's what it is just the three of them alone are enough to match the energy of a college frat party Alaska I'm gonna talk about is my grandpa college professor who happens to laugh like Santa Claus I didn't know who to look for at first but yet again as soon as I came out the taxi no hi no hey no nothing he shoved a bunch of papers in my face and started talking about his ideas and in water ways I thought this was just some random biz the sky promoting his sales are you a real-life YouTube ad nope I'm just the very passionate man trying to share his ideas with the world here take a look at this and this and this and then he took like a hundred pictures of us together and they rushed me into his office and again I just want to know what these old people put in their coffee he opened the door to his office and proudly said Dada this is where I work and oh my god there were crazy piles of paper taking on more than 85% of the room what in the shit you sure this ain't just a graveyard for dead trees it's just facts the busier you are Messier your workplaces yeah that is one fat excuse if I ever heard one this the closest picture I found to his office or or this one I don't know how anyone can get work done in that kind of atmosphere but I call it a fucking miracle overall I'd say I enjoyed the trip even while being sick most of the time completely different atmosphere than what I'm used to but people are pretty tough here they got a fiery passion and all the people there got this unreal amount of energy they fit just the right tastes and in that sense I wish I stayed there longer all right I gave a brief description about this fancy website builder called Wix at the beginning of the video well let me give you more details now say you want to look more professional build your brand or build your portfolio Wow everybody wants references nowadays lucky for you this is the opportunity to show off your website and flex everything about you or you know what maybe you just want to make an e-commerce shop and make some of that dough the best thing about this site is how flexible and easy it is to customize everything because I swear before this I don't know not about building websites but what the free guides and services they provide I learned it just like that damn so if you're interested in building your own professional-looking website head over to Wix and sign up for free at slash go slash tabs and finally bless you all have a good one [Music]
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 2,718,480
Rating: 4.9120412 out of 5
Keywords: drawing, humor, storytime animation, story, slice of life, doodle, scribble, cartoon, comedy, animatic, rants, my family and relatives, crazy family members, cousin grandma aunts, south korea visit trip vacation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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