Teach Us To Pray

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when you get to John 13 say Amen I want you to go down to verse eight alright right now the context is is that you are washed in the water of the Holy Ghost to remove the stains from your life because only the Holy Spirit's water can wash away decades of guilt sin wash clean by the water of the Holy Ghost now some people would say that every time you sin you need to be rebaptised that's a theological error if you did it for the right reason the first time it's done now we don't have to get into a theological discussion about with us in Jesus name or Father Son and the Holy Ghost the way I read my Bible you can't go wrong if it's in Jesus name you got it father son Holy Ghost you got it if that was the only way you could be baptized Jesus would have said when you do it do it like this so if I have Jesus I got the Holy Ghost all right the Holy Ghost I have god I've got God I've got Jesus that's just now verse he that's just we in the right place verse eight then Peter said unto him thou shalt never wash my feet talking to Jesus jesus said come over here Peter let me wash your feet Peter with his impulsive says says I ain't you ain't never washing my feet now number one he crazy the savior of the world has said come over here and let me wash your feet I'm sitting down going on you say you want to wash them wash them Jesus cuz I know they'll be clean when you get to Peter and his pastor his cussing knife carry himself Peter said you ain't never gonna wash my feet brother jesus said if I don't wash you you won't have any part of me you ain't even in my crew watch what happens watch what happens that you send your Bible watch it right here it says verse 9 Simon Peter said unto Him Lord not my feet only but also my hands and my head what I want to be what you watch everything you think needs to be washed it's it it's in your Bible you ain't gotta look hard it's in there he say he says he says he says what what anything you wanna wash wash it jesus said on him he that is washed needeth not saved to wash his feet but it's clean every whit everywhere you are clean but not all washes so he had already baptized Peter Peter he wants to wash his feet because the only problem Peter has now is where he's been so he said so he's tracking his history up into the presence of God so jesus said Peter let me get where you been off your feet I don't have to baptize your whole body over again I just need to baptize the part that went now some of us need to have our head our feet and our hands and our behind washed again the some of us [Applause] just need God to fix where we've been y'all remember the story Moses is going to see God going through the burning bush gets all the way up the mountain before you can get to God God says holy Moses take your shoes off because now you're standing on holy ground in other words don't track your stuff up into my presence in other words leave it at the door when you're coming to the sanctuary ask God to forgive you before you get here so he doesn't have to ask you to take your shoes so salvation washes away sin my problem is most of us all of us are repeat offenders so we need the word to wash us continually because we always dirty in something up ain't nobody talking to Mac he says you're clean but you're not all clean [Applause] so here we go so so so so the inner God's presence the Bible lets us know you got to wash your hands James says you got to wash your hands you got to wash your experience we enter his presence through prayer go to Matthew chapter 6 let me show you something Matthew chapter 6 let me show you something we we get there through prayer so so some of us go into prayer with too much stuff on us we haven't asked God to forgive us enlighten us of the load has an essence to wash away the stain of our day amen Matthew are you there what chapter did I tell you all right here we go now stay with me go down to verse 5 you ready okay and when you pray don't be as a hypocrite all right for they love to stand in the church and in the corners of the streets that they may be seeing of men so if you're real real worried about winds gonna be your chance to pray you trying to pray for the wrong reason cook cook my says prayer is really not about when I pray it's not about y'all well what if I do it right I talked to him and then he moves you see so so I got to pray and wait for him to move y'all so so I don't I don't I don't go to be flat when I'm praying cuz B flats not gonna move him I don't hope when I'm praying cuz the hoops not gonna move the hoops for y'all stay with me watch the snow so he says he says he says but if you're praying to be seen you have your reward being seen as you can you can ask all day but if you're praying for the wrong reason the attention you got is your reward but when you pray enter into that closet focus yourself and when you shut the door when you shut out everything around you now don't go home and jump in the closet he's talking about focus in the spirit [Music] okay blotting out your day waiting to the whole house is quiet that's your closet some of you your car is your closet I don't know if you ever pulled over here in a parking space because it was the only way you could cry with liberty where you can holler and nobody would hear you but the inside it's just you and God I don't know I don't know if you've ever been there where things were so bad you went to the park you wasn't in no danger but just sat there and just let it come on out God God God God he says he says here in the Bible pray to thy father pray to whom you just pray to who pray to who all right now watch this now this is in red writing so Jesus is saying pray to who I'm gonna show you something that they gonna blow your mind so he says when you pray pray to thy father which is in secret is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee so my job when I pray is to find him and then he'll show them that your prayers work the prayers of the righteous availeth much I'll pray for you but I'm not praying for it you I want to move what's this now that's just now here comes he said now but when you pray don't use vain repetitions as the heathen do as unbelievers do because God believes us you keep repeating the same thing to him you must not know him because you keep saying the same thing to him when you're in relationship with a person in your conversation should change he's making sense though now that's how this works now so he says he says I'm but but being Lord this is so good he says when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking so you don't have to say a whole lot you don't have to keep saying the same thing quiet as it's kept you don't have to scream God is not hard of hearing he's actually standing right here I'm just trying to help him watch how this works now it says in the next verse he said be not ye therefore like unto them like unbelievers for your father knows what things you have need of before you ask now that's one of the aggravating things about prayer why do I need to pray if he already knows it doesn't seem reasonable that I would have to tell him what he knows well so so why does God God sovereignly ordained that he will respond to the prayers of his people so he needs us to pray so he can react because already knows what you need but he can't release what you need if you say what you need he just wants to know if you know what he knows about you you did not hear what I say he was that's all for me let's how this works now he says he says um he says watch this now some of y'all gonna get insulted so Jesus your big brother is telling you how to move your father oldest child's job is to show you how to manage the parents how come you get everything you asked for and I don't get nothing I asked for because you don't know how to go tall you go boldly but not correctly going boldly is not going anywhere you want my child knows how to hustle me I know I'm being hustled and I know I have what she needs but I need her to figure out how to ask she know what to do wear my hood [Applause] because he knows the father after she does the preamble she tells me Reina knees tuition I'm reaching before I answered cuz father's answer while you yet speak yo God answers why you're still asking him he's already reached for what you need I wish I was in the right chance he knows what you need he just wants to hear you ask him who what he knows I would really love it if you were subscribed to my channel and also share the gist subscribing with all your friends now it's really important you turn on the notification you'll notice a change lately in this this medium and you want to tap on that Bell and that will make sure that every time we're on you'll get a notification also I need you to connect with me on social media that's Facebook Twitter Instagram or you can reach me on my website at David G Evans calm I'll see you next time enjoy your day be blessed and remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you I'll see you real soon
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 2,945
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: NyLsxAXBoaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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