Trials of Purpose

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so there is no purpose found without the presence of the holy ghost there's no purpose worked without the presence of the Holy Ghost what is purpose purpose is the intentional agenda of God concerning you purpose is God has already decided that how things are gonna work out in your life and anything that comes up in challenges that causes God's will to react and causes God to move on your behalf you may hear what I said so his purpose is his intention towards you I've already made up my mind concerning she says I thought about it then I shifted it from thinking to purpose so purpose is God's thoughts at work purpose is God's thoughts at work and then God speaks to I said God speaks what he thinks to put it in your atmosphere cuz the Rhema word has to go with you everywhere you go if you're just ready it would be logos the intelligence of God but Rhema is a word that walks with you gonna do hit hit hit hit somebody say Rhema so I don't know why y'all getting this they didn't get this eight o'clock so so so so so so here goes God alright so the guys aren't sure talking to God he tells them I'll meet you on the other side that doesn't sound like much of a word I'll meet you on another side so they start storm crops up they become afraid because they forgot what he said cuz the word that he gave them it included what they didn't expect along the way y'all didn't get that though the Rhema he gave them was a word that was going to go with them when they got on the water go with them when they got it in the storm go with them as it came through the storm but fear set in and watch what happened they stopped rowing because they became afraid they stayed home with the covers over their head because they got afraid they stopped pulling because they became afraid and then Jesus sees the fear and comes walking on the water trying to introduce them to a next dimension of miracles cuz they never seen this before but then he says come because I have anointed you to do what I do but if you can't walk in it you can't comment are you hear what I'm saying if if you can't navigate your life while the storm is raging you don't have any power to speak to it but if you can walk normally in it you can talk to it y'all not hear what I'm saying I'm in the wrong building got a man to walk in it before you can talk to it [Applause] so here comes here comes God tell him I to get you got purpose on your life and I need to understand what purpose is to purpose as God's deliberate intention can turn concerning you he's determined within himself how it's gonna turn out for you so so God has a personal intention concerning each of us and he calls it purpose this gonna be just gonna bless your life all right Andy I need I need to cup people can all cannot can yeah I need all y'all come on come on line up face that way lucky so we're gonna have ancient at the front not so ancient right behind him a little younger behind him we're gonna stop aging right here never had the youngest man standing right here so so so so here so here I go God you God give me purpose thank you God thanks for giving me purpose so now I see I see the end of the journey okay but there's some problems in between me and purpose but I can't walk around the problem I have to engage the problem because because because I'm annoying it I'm not annoying to go around the problem I'm anointed to face the problem y'all don't hear what I'm saying I so so so so now that I know I'm anointed I know we're purpose is I know where destiny is because I have my eyes on I saw it but right now I can't see purpose as clearly as if when God showed it to me because purpose has some trouble in front of them my instinct is to get another perspective on purpose but that takes me out of the will of God I see it differently which means I take a different path and you notice the more I try to get around it the further I get away from [Applause] don't let go the first thing I do is I start trying to avoid the problem like this and I leave the dimension of divine help and get down in flesh cuz now I'm gonna make my way but I got some new obstacles now so the first thing I have to do is be led by the spirit not away from the problem but to the problem so now my first test is lucky because now I got purpose what's this so my tests look different to me now because I realize now if I avoid the problem I delay my destiny I put purpose on hold but when I engaged the problem engage the tests I'm walking in purpose but after all I'm anointed so I don't have to touch the problem I speak to my brother so I start saying I'm a problem I'm anointed for this so God either corrects the problem or moves the problem out of my way I can't do it my anointing has to do it but doggone it as soon as I take care of likey here comes Edna I just got finished battling with this over here I don't feel like this so what do I do this can't be the will of God for me one problem after another [Applause] a loving God wouldn't give me one problem after another oh yes my says so my instinct is to do something different want to call my prayer partner you gonna pray with me let's fast together my anointing for this doesn't need a fast I just need to be confronted with it and then purpose starts working all things together for my good and now add me is put on the side so now I can look back and see what God has done and it builds my faith for what he's gonna do so the problem is I did this on purpose the problem is these two tests don't look like this test these two tests are darker so I may think it's not a real test cuz he doesn't look like that so I'm tempted the thing that's not a test I don't want to take the test cuz they look like the others so I decided I'm not taking it I go around watch what happens I go round the test and I get to the next one this one looks more like the ones I passed then God plays dirty [Music] because I'm walking in purpose and I can't avoid none of this so I come out of one- season challenged by another one I think I skipped one and God brings the season around again but this time that season is stronger than it was this time [Applause] but purpose starts working and purpose truth the Word of God leverages berry out of my way and then I'm upset because I thought God moved that no I moved it [Applause] so now I gotta face it and the prove a point to me God says I ain't gonna let you open your mouth I'm just gonna let you show up and everything's gonna move if you had done that back then you wouldn't wasted all this time didn't do the same problem so the Lord works all this out for my good and I end up with purpose I am I am I end up a purpose because destiny waits for me to pass all my tests that make sense great job thank you come on let's get her brothers are here so my God's personal intention for me was that I go through all these because I have an anointing that reacts to every difficult so you don't have to make an ugly face you don't have to you don't have to say something religious cuz you just have to be blessed with the Holy Ghost and and because you're blessed with the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost has to work all things out for my good according to his deliberate intention called purpose I got to show you one more thing okay I need everybody in this section to stand up for me everybody in this section stand up for me everybody in the second grade Hey right now right now so watch this now you got to get this you got to get this you got to get this all right so so here's my all things amen here's my all things right here sit stand in front of me just my all things now what God is saying he said he said for purpose to be working you'll know spur you know his purpose working because purpose works out all things so the whole section is a test but every individual in the thing is a test I says now so the whole section is a test and every person represents another quiz in the test and God says not only am I gonna work the whole thing out but I'm gonna work every individual thing out until every problem you have has to sit our every problem Sinha the whole thing and everything in the thing has to sit down so so what what are what do you and I do we give too much spiritual time testifying about our enemies and our adversaries too much too much time talking about folk that don't like us okay tell my people that are probably not even thinking about us too much not good so because I believe you don't know how to handle the adversarial elements of your life the adversary elements are not are not handled by your physical strength it's handled by what you know see there's a difference between you try to attack something and God fixes something so what what what God wants you to know is that when something presents itself there's some oil on your life that's going to take care everything that's trying to conquer your life are you hearing it what system so so some of you like tennis ISO Serena Williams goes from hated at 14 to being known by her haters as the greatest tennis player in history she now it blows my mind so I find out I watch women's in every year it's on my bucket list I need to go to Wilmington and watch tennis for two weeks Amen so they said they said something remarkable about it guy came up interviewed it and said were you aware that you're the most drug tested athlete in history and she's like no I didn't know she just thought that's the way it went but she been tested five times before women say tested five times okay so so this blew my mind so so then she was just she said he said what do you think of it he said if I was losing they wouldn't be tested only reason you're being tested is because you're winning not [Applause] [Music] so so so so so in the kingdom of God only winners get tested so what's this so what's this it's the only time that a negative is good they kept giving the tests and she kept coming up- that's how the enemy test you keeps on looking for something can't find ain't nobody talking to me so we gotta keep looking but he go fine I would really love it if you were subscribed to my channel and also share the gist subscribing with all your friends now it's really important you turn on the notification you'll notice a change lately in this this medium and you want to tap on that Bell and that will make sure that every time we're on you'll get a notification also I need you to connect with me on social media that's Facebook Twitter Instagram or you can reach me on my website at David G Evans calm I'll see you next time enjoy your day be blessed and remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you I'll see you real soon
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 4,779
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: TD Jakes, Bethany Baptist Church, Anointing, Holy Spirit, Faith, Preach, Word of God, Bishop David G Evans, New Jersey, Christian Church, The Encounter, Purpose, Power
Id: oEUmwRS1MYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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