New Mind Pt 1

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I'm so glad you've had this opportunity to join me once again for the OnPoint program Romans chapter 12 tells us something very revolutionary it says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind the text implies strongly that your mind can be renovated can be renewed can be made new that means that your mind is the key to your deliverance your mind is the key to the move of God in your life as a man thinketh so is he we're about to start a study that's gonna transform your life it's radically transformed our church and we want the same thing to happen to you I'm so glad you've joined me today get ready for a new mind a new me watch this you were created for a kingdom life and the kingdom you were created for is superior to the one you were born into and how God allows you to cope with this natural life is give you authority over all of it he put you down here in charge you've been walking around like your laborer not a leader you acting like a tenant rather than an owner we're about to take an unfamiliar look at a very familiar passage of Scripture a new mind a new me I'm Bishop David G Evans and this is on point before I formed the in the belly I knew thee knew thee completely you dwell very comfortably in the supernatural presence of God no problem your mind was connected to the mind of God my making sense to you now watch how this works he said I knew thee and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified I set you apart for myself and separated you from this world so you can be in it so you have my mind in this world y'all getting this what's this this kills me a sanctified I said God said I set you apart while you existed fully in me I birthed you first into a supernatural life I prepared you in my womb God says before I release you into this world but before I release you I sanctified you but then I did something else to you look what he says I ordained you it means I set you it means I got a position for you in me in this world that the only way you can lose it is to move away from it am I making sense to you let's see now let's see listen listen listen listen listen now now somebody say renew the Bible is full of the religion of real revive means you were conscious something knocked you out and you get grieve I resurrect resurrect it was dead but now you get the doctrine of re and you get re directed you hear what I'm saying say it the renewal of your mind but not the fleshing part the part that existed in God in the spirit of your mind it means your mind was first created as a spiritual tool not as a fleshly weapon so my mind is a part of my flesh but it wasn't created for that in the beginning it was created as a spiritual tool to connect me with the mind of God and then supernatural provision of God now here's my difficult this thing exists right now and most Christians are not walking in the next dimension life in God there was a dimension you were birthed to in him and then your mother pushed you out into another dimension or system so you were created in the God system and then you will birth into a natural system you were first spiritual then natural am i making sense young man so so so so this body you had is the manifestation of what God made in the spirit first all right I only tend to y'all got that I need to go back where were you birth first so your mom was first what you were birth into the so so what you were really birth or created to enjoy is a spiritual life now so you were birthed you were created for a kingdom life and the kingdom you were created for is superior to the one you were born into and how God allows you to cope with this natural life is give you authority over all of it he puts you down here in charge you've been walking around like you a laborer not a leader you acting like a tenet rather than an owner that was six people I let me split all right this will help this does help you here we go here we go some I say renew it means to change from carnal to a life driven by the whole ego change from a carnal natural life to a life driven by the Holy Ghost are you all following me tonight the next dimension light is a life driven by the Holy Ghost where you wake up understanding that you dwell in parallel kingdoms every day of your life is everybody with me all right now here's the thing the kingdom this is what makes us so sweet this kingdom you see the kingdom you were birthed and you can't see the kingdom you can't see is right here with you the issue is opening up your mind so your eyes your spiritual eyes your faith eyes can strike to see what's been sitting right in front of you the whole time money has never been a problem money is not the problem our site and our minds of the problem the problem is faith because faith is the bridge between where I am and the natural to what God has already deposited from me in the spirit the supernatural life is just one faith move away you didn't hear what I said you got to learn how to overrule you got set your mind up like a courtroom objection your honor overruled I said today I suicide of they I'm not depressed overruled motion denied stay tuned there's more to come yep so encourage a little problem did your thoughts just the conversation the program and is making people think I've actually separated from my husband uh-huh and now all of a sudden he's getting all this counseling and saying he's gonna get help and yeah the thing is is that I've actually separated myself so I can actually think clearly and have you know think with my mind and not with my heart yeah and it's a matter of you know him saying about not trusting God and you know God's going to be able to work it out it's said that he got to this point and I told him the same thing I said it shouldn't have to took you to destroy it to appreciate it that makes perfect sense so it's like I'm I know what I want to do I said but I also know is it trusting God well I think you people people have a tendency to only trust God for the crucifixion and not trusting for them getting their life back it's it's incorrect the only thing you can trust God to suffer yeah you have to you have to trust God to give you a mindset it changes the direction of your life okay so you know of course a person who has destroyed a thing is going to tell you to trust God but my problem is if they did enough to destroy it why weren't they trusting God before they killed it I agree cuz that's what I saw him he's talking about God being in the middle of it no God if God wasn't it nothing he did well that's and that's exactly what I told him oh he has God been the past few years in our relation but what happens is weak folk will pull God in to try to use God as a lever to to validate you but also to give them an excuse don't don't look don't blow up my house and tell me if you trust God you'll wait till I it's the catalyst for change you've been waiting on new mind new me from Bishop David G Evans you got set your mind up like a courtroom objection your honor overruled I said today hey suicidally I'm not depressed overruled motion denied if you are ready for true transformation Bishop David G Evans would like to bless you with the new mind new me for message DVD set order today and you will also receive bishop evans national best-selling book healed without scars as well as the healed without scars music CD I'm saying father then I've ever seen cuz my man is seeing what I'm telling it to see all yours when you visit our website or call one eight hundred five ninety one eighty four eighty today be prepared to watch a new you emerge what's amazing about the original line is that it's an ancient mind and that means that there's wisdom on board that I haven't used yet now why haven't it used it because I haven't entered the circumstance where it's needed so the Bible says ask the Lord for wisdom when liberally the Bible says let the mind of Christ be released in your life so that means that and you and I both know we've entered situations where we had no experience ask the Lord for help and then known just what to do I can't tell you the number of experiences I've had in life that I entered into political business legal and had no experience at all no knowledge and then suddenly knew just what to do and what to say not because I'm smart or not smart but because I've allowed the mind of Jesus that eternal mind and it's eternal wisdom to operate in my life that's so exciting for me that I'm prepared for whatever I might face every day of my life because I've allowed the mind of Christ to be released you can't live the supernatural life the next dimension life and you constantly are complaining about life constant complaint of life I'm tired of living is a complaint of an individual who is not even close to living the supernatural life because you have to understand that every day every problem that presents itself is an opportunity for the Holy Ghost to work through you so now I have to change the way I perceive my problem my immediate reaction is that okay I'm anointed for this okay y'all missed it I may say folk in the room that means you're anointed that mean God has equipped you for your life some might say this is the day the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be glad in it because I'm anointed for the day Oh y'all didn't get it somebody say I'm annoying it for tomorrow and the day after and the day after that's why I'm sure in my mind in my heart and in my spirit and no weapon none formed against me will amount to anything are you ready now verse 16 go make more sense to you for this cause we faint not but though our outward man perish though it looks like we're overcome on the outside I understand that does not represent all of me because where my power is is in the inner man and that inner man is renewed how often verse 17 you ready for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory now watch this it is a perception verse now that I understand our renewed day by day that when I get up I start all over again the problem I went through yesterday that appeared to be major that had me thinking it was the end of my life I woke up this morning renewed in my spirit so what was major yesterday is a light affliction today now my encouragement is my encouragement is it no matter what I went through the day I know by the proud the Holy Ghost and through the mind of faith that when I wake up tomorrow what was major today is gonna be minor tomorrow so the problem was either allowed or allowed to visit not because God wanted you to go through but God needed to give you a opportunity to express your anointing if you don't have money it's because you're not exercising your authority cuz my father is rich if my dad is rich why am i poor it means I having access my father's Kingdom still missing some of y'all still missing can y'all give me some more time okay watch watch repeat after me my renewed mind reconnects me with my original mind now the mind you have now that has to be renewed every day is a mind like we talked about last week it has been consistently telling you what to do and you have been obeying it so we were slaves of our mind cuz we rarely questioned our mind and our minds didn't give us reasons for why it wanted us to do what we did because a servant doesn't have to explain anything to a master servants don't need explanations masters don't have to give reasons so your mind just told you what to do and you obey cuz you understood the relationship but you've been misinformed your mind was never given to you to be in charge you were created and given a slave a doulos a servant called your mind your mind is out of order when it questions your command you know what I said look nobody's listening to me up in their unit your mind is no business overruling the god part of you the Lord knew you couldn't command your flesh without the Holy Ghost so he says I got to renew you not in the flesh part of your mind but in the like to take you back to your original mind when your mind new its place watch woke up this morning about 9:30 my mind told me I was tired I told my mind ain't gonna stop nothin then my mind told me I was sayin ain't gonna stop you didn't hear what I said you got to learn how to overrule you gotta set your mind up like a courtroom objection your honor overruled I said today a suicidal day I'm not depressed overruled motion denied what a powerful revelation God has given us for you today your mind is the servant God gave you that means your mind thinks what you desire to think sees what you tell it to see and believes watch this what you tell it to believe it's time for you to flip the switch turn the tide to turn the tables on your own mind so that it becomes the instrument the tool that God has created it to be in your life that's right your deliverance is connected to your thinking you are the harvest of your thoughts as a man thinketh in his heart so is he now it's time for you to begin to walk in that power that renewed mine the power to transform any situation begins with what your mind will believe by faith and today we begun to instruct you on how to take your faith to another dimension now you know I'm out of time but I'm certainly not other word you need to get this resource in your possession today because there will be no transformation without the transformation of your mind and the Holy Spirit stands ready to do it for you right now now don't go away I'm coming back to pray for you in just a moment and you know I love praying for you pray for your salvation pray for your strength those who moved away from God I'm praying for you to come back stay right there I'll be right back it's the catalyst for change you've been waiting on new mind new me from Bishop David G Evans I want to be loved why do I take the person that loves me kicking to prayer I want to be wealthy when I spin all my money you were created and given a slave a doulos a servant called your mind your mind is out of order when it questions your command if you are ready for true transformation Bishop David G Evans would like to bless you with the new mind new me for message DVD set order today and you will also receive bishop evans national best-selling book healed without scars as well as the healed without scars music CD mama well tell it to go it'll never go back it's my mind it's gonna do what I said all yours when you visit our website or call one eight hundred five ninety one eighty four eighty today be prepared to watch a new you emerge in this special edition of rated our experienced transparent hearts candid conversation and insightful wisdom with relationships uncensored three also times where they say I want a husband but they don't put them in a position they don't put themselves in a position for a husband to find you it's not always just location it's what you give off when you're walking through the grocery store when you're going to the mall you think nobody's looking at you you should be fine every time you get in the hall predictability produces security unpredictability insecure so consistency is a thing that will bring trust that will fortify trust relationships uncensor three is filled with challenging QA a thought-provoking dramatic presentation and poignant truth available on CD and DVD and if you act now you'll also receive your live a CD full of romantic music from the pure hearts all yours when you visit our website or call one eight hundred five nine one eight four eight o today we've come to one of my favorite times in the program I want you to reach out to me through letter through the internet Facebook Twitter find me there go to David J Evans comm and you can reach me and those of you who are faithful in watching me I'm so glad you know I can't do what I do without you I need your support needs your prayers both financially and spiritually now you know what we do you know we try to share this word with you this anointing that God has placed on our life because our mission is to empower you to put you in a position with God where all the promises of God the protection of God the potential of God is released in your life now we're getting ready to pray now reach out to me those of you who watch me won't you become a member of my internet church those those wreaths at our locked out in geographically those of you that in other states you can't get to me it's time for you to let's have a greater connection and we can do what we need to do if you will be a part of my internet congregation we'll send you some resources let you know what it feels like to be a part of this great ministry but also to start to shave in a deeper anointing with you concerning our ministry today I'm gonna pray for those of you who are not saved you need to be safe today there's nothing standing between you and salvation except you saying yes for those reason backslidden you're watching me you know you were faithful to God at one point but you walked away from him it's time today during this prayer for you to say you know what I'm coming back to the Lord and for those of you who are born again your faithful and committed those really support us every week I thank God for you I'm gonna pray for your strength and for your faith come on let's pray together God I thank you right now for this incredible opportunity I thank you for that brother that sister who doesn't know you but they've set to the program today and they realize I need a transform mine Holy Spirit speak to them right now give them the yes they need to begin the first step Lord let them understand they don't have to see the whole staircase they just need to take the first step for those backslidden watching me I'm so glad Lord bless them now give them the will to return to you to turn their back on their old life to reconnect with you and your spirit and your word to those that are saved and committed I pray right now for your strength for increased wisdom for healing in your body in your situation forgot to release prosperity and favor in your life and for you to rest comfortably in the mercy and grace of God and I pray all these blessings and believe by faith then my faith is now connected with your faith you are saved you have rededicated your life you have connected today in Jesus name Amen thank you for joining me and I'll see you next time on OnPoint on point with Bishop David G Evans is made possible by the prayerful and financial support of our partners and friends just like you each week people across the nation and around the world are impacted by empowering teaching from the Word of God right here at OnPoint and it's because of your generous contributions to this ministry if you're not already one of our winners circle partners become one today call us write us or log on to David G Evans comm to become a partner make a one-time donation or to order your own copy of today's teaching and if you're ever in the New Jersey area please join Bishop Evans and the Bethany Baptist Church for worship and the word and we'll see you next time right here for OnPoint you
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 16,423
Rating: 4.7701149 out of 5
Keywords: new mind, transformation, control your mind, Christ mind, mind of Christ, new you, access your power, David G. Evans, Bishop Evans, David G. Evans Ministries, change your life, Bethany Baptist Church, Religion, spirituality
Id: W2Rn82ReT6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2015
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