Changing Your Language The Language of Faith

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many times we as African Americans have a problem with our emotions we are an emotional people but we don't have to react emotionally we are passionate people but we don't have to react out of our emotions because of we would be honest in here today our greatest errors and our biggest mistakes have come out of the fact that we felt like we were right the reality is my brothers are my sisters is this is that there is this equation that we must understand there is there has to be an intentionality that you know you have a right to be heard but you don't have a right to live her you ever you have a right Busta's to go through but you can't spend the rest of your life going through what you went through [Music] hi I'm David G Evans thank you for joining me once again over the past few weeks we have been talking about winning that battle that's raging in your mind it's so important to get rid of the fear the hate sometimes the jealousy and of course then the first attitude that's so prevalent in our society when we clean out our mind and start taking on the mind of God then something else happens the words you speak will begin to change today I want to talk to you about your language yes yeah yeah yeah your language what you're saying to yourself I know some of you out there wishing I would pick another subject Bishop please talk about something else but this is important the words that come out of your mouths are powerful proverbs tells us death and life are in the power of your tongue so it's so important in our walk with Christ that we see what we say lines up with what we believe and what we believe lines up with God's will there is a lot to cover here so I want you to listen closely and determine if you are speaking the language of faith or the language of defeat here's today's message and I'll be right back beginning at verse 1 Romans chapter 12 beginning at verse 1 when you have that same man I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith toward me the 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and I want to draw your specific attention to verse 14 15 and 16 first Corinthians chapter 2 verses 14 15 and 16 when you have that same man watch the words down but the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God so when you struggle with a word that I'm teaching or preaching a struggle with a revelation it is not the Spirit of God struggling but the natural sign of you when the word doesn't make sense you're telling God that they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged by no man of no man for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ from ridiculous to radical to real winning the battle of the mind such a neighbor and tell him this means war we spent the last two times we were together having a conversation about how you and I can begin to recognize whether the work of the Holy Spirit the transforming power of the Holy Ghost is beginning to work in our lives and we brought this distinction the last time we were together in that if your actions and your speech has not changed you're not fully accessing the power God has given you through the word of the Holy Spirit to have a changed or transformed mind that if you're still thinking in the same way speaking the same way it is not evidence that you don't have the Holy Ghost it is evidence that you may not be letting the Spirit of God work in your life because if there is no change in your thought and speech patterns there is no real transformation in your life it is important that you and I begin to understand that if we're still speaking still speaking based upon our experience and I emotion that we're not allowing the Holy Ghost to do his work and many times and I know who I'm talking to in this particular crowd many times we as African Americans have a problem with our emotions we are an emotional people but we don't have to react emotionally we are passionate people but we don't have to react out of our emotions because of we would be honest in here today our greatest errors and our biggest mistakes have come out of the fact that we felt like we were right ain't nobody talking to me the reality is my brothers are my sisters if I'm saying the same things feeling the same way I'm not allowing the Spirit of God to get down where he needs to get to the change not only what I do but Who I am and what I say because if I'm still speaking the language of my disappointment still speaking the language of my hurts that I'll always be trapped by what I've been through now many times all in the only security we have watch this or the chapters in our history that are the most negative because after you've been talking to yourself awhile you start to believe and establish within yourself that that which hurts you is the only real thing that's ever happened to you the reality is my brothers are my sisters is this is that there was this equation that we must understand there is there has to be an intentionality that you know you have a right to be hurt but you don't have a right to live her you ever you have a right must this to go through but you can't spend the rest of your life going through what you went through am I making sense to anybody yet so we have this dilemma in our minds because we we have this this problem in our minds and that God requires or desires for us to hear him so we can think differently and speak differently but the reality is that we have a hard time speaking differently because of what's this the security of a negative history did you hear what I say the security of a negative history is often preferred to the insecurities of a positive future I am secure because I know what I've been through but I don't believe God enough to be secure in what he says I can become so I find myself talking myself into where I came from rather than talking to myself into where God is trying to take me and I make him to assist anybody the reality is that we have to change the language of our motion the language of our experience and shift that into the language of faith about speech doesn't change it is evident that my mind remains largely George reminds maybe that my mind remains largely the same what you're saying pastor you wake up talking about I hate my job I hate my life I hate me do you know that the words you speak in the morning set the atmosphere for the day you're going do you understand that what I say to myself according to the Word of God has to produce a harvest if I tell myself I'm not going to make it I won't make it that day because I have whatsoever I say when we get the understanding that God says my words are seeds that means whatever I speak to other people has to produce a harvest connected with my words that here comes what I say to myself has to produce a harvest based upon my words so when I understand that words are for two reasons Jack communication and creation when I'm talking to myself I have to be careful when I'm communicating to me and I have to be cautious about what I want to create in me you depressed you talk to yourself you jealous you've talked to yourself you envious you've talked to yourself if you hate somebody you've had to talk to yourself nobody talking to me sometimes we'll have animosity for a person and they don't even know us because the animosity did not require their participation we simply talk to our why don't I tell you this because if anybody has evidence that God is right when he says that words create its you you've created relationships and destroyed them with your mouth you've opened opportunity and closed them with your you've drawn people and pushed them away so we have living evidence that we have whatsoever we say I'm trying to help you you can't talk about people in that get a harvest of hardship you're not hearing what I'm saying but I'm not talking about me bishop I'm talking about them but you thought the words over before you said it I'm in your life I don't care it's my job to help you touch your neighbor tell me your language has to change and not this fake language of the church language has to change to what you say agrees with what God said to when you respond in the language that Jesus would use how this works now you see your limits will stay in place if the kingdom is not exhibited by what we say and what we do I just said something you didn't get whatever limits are on your life you've talked yourself into them now Bishop now you don't know somebody put them there no no no they may have put them there but you confirmed them there somebody said you can't and you repeat it until you believed it ain't nobody talking to you too tall too short to black to white and you said it to yourself the limits won't come off until you can see yourself like God sees you your wounds will be healed until you see yourself like God sees you the limits have to come off your life in the kingdom now that you're born again in the kingdom of God language is used to communicate your mind and to create what your mind conceives that God has promised you human reason a belief system is the major opponent of the believer along with worry when I worry I had to talk to myself I talked to myself till I didn't believe what God said about me you don't stay quiet I'm coming your way John let's go so my human reason gets in my way it's my opponent because we have never fully understood the power of our own words your words have messed up some stuff anybody in here whose mouth has ever created a mess anybody ever said something they wish they could get back why do I want to get it back because the woman I release it I realize I've created something in the person that hurt it it's now easier than ever to stay connected with David G Evans in the Bethany Baptist Church family follow the ministry and rejoice in all that God is doing by following us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and YouTube on Facebook you'll be up to date on the latest happenings you can watch our Sunday services on Facebook live 8 11 a.m. Eastern here comes the power words of wisdom and encouragement can be found on Twitter and Phil get up to the minute sermon points as they happen in our weekly worship services follow us on Instagram to be blessed by the inspirational and special moments that are highlighted each week and the people who are the part of our ministry and if it's a video you want subscribe to the Bethany Baptist Church channel on YouTube see the celebration it's the special events and the many many people who are helping to transform lives stay connected with the duomac on Facebook Twitter Instagram and YouTube and become a member of our broadcast family today you've destroyed love with your mouth your actions have pushed someone that loved you away your mouth has either caused people to respect you or disrespect you you've got living proof that your mouth has created some things is this making sense to you so God gives us our own speech as a parable illustration since you see that there is a natural reality and then there's God's reality God shows us in his word in Genesis he says he says I create everything by speaking and then he says let me make you in my image and after my likeness so God speaks into this dimension creates you in this dimension shows you how to create in this dimension and tells you to do what I do you'll missed it I've got more faith in creating something negative with my voice then I do creating something godly let me talk to y'all Kidane talking to me at some point in our lives we need to hate some of the stuff we created with our mouths and I'm making sense to you so God says let me make man in this environment and let him and her was this be just like me and then shows me in Genesis how to create in this environment it is not until we're born again that His image and likeness is awakened it does not watch this put it in operation unless you cooperate with the Holy Ghost yes making sense all right watch there's the work now that's just I'm gonna take you somewhere in just a minute you're gonna get this so so so I got to understand there's two realities for me there's two realities for you there's a natural reality and a godly reality so battle is going on right now between human reason watch this this is where the struggle is right now I went this way on purpose this is where the struggle is I'm saying what I'm saying to you and you're acknowledging what I'm saying is true it's just not true for you your reason he's getting in the way of God so God saying something to you spirit is trying to speak to you but your history your emotion where you came from is holding you back because I've got this natural reality that I lived longer than my spirituality I've been saved less time than I've been alive so my natural man is strong and my natural man does not want to give up his position somebody said there's a war going on my natural man is used to being in charge for 25 years and I want to tell me to obey the Spirit of God the Bible lets me know when I'm hearing good teaching and I'm struggling in my head believing it for me because you know Christians don't have a problem believing the word for you it's when I need it for me is when I struggle so Bible is clear my natural side is what gets in my way my my man my womanhood is what gets in my way my my history gets in my way because I hear God's Word and I start to argue within myself can God possibly be talking to me would he speak to me knowing all about me would he give me a future based on what he had to save me from if he wasn't gonna do anything with you he'd have killed you in the street if he was done with you he would have never saved you he didn't save you to lose he saved you to win be he transformed by the renewing of your change my mind change what I do change what I said is this battle going on because the Word of God the voice of God the Word of God the voice of God the Word of God the voice of God is in sharp contrast to what my life is saying I don't know if you've ever wondered about this if I'm so blessed why did my mom and I when I when I didn't think she should but I'm so blessed why did I lose my job ain't nobody talking to me I'm so blessed while all these people I'm taking care act like they don't know me my natural man battles with what God told me I what he says I am is in sharp contrast to who I think I am I want to make sure that I do everything possible that I can do to help you realize that you are serving a limitless God because of that the possibilities in your life are limitless when you take hold of this reality and when you change your mind and change the words you speak then you will begin to see victory and success at every turn remember the devil wants you to think you're powerless it's time for you to prove them wrong if you're ready to be more than a conqueror if you're ready to change your thinking and change your speaking then I want to pray over you right now god I thank you once again the bower power of your spirit you will give us a transform mind which means transform thoughts and transform words teach us how to speak the words of life the words of victory the words our breakthrough the words of Liberty and now by the power of the Holy Spirit I decree and declare in the lives of all those watching at the beginning of this victory in your mind that changed language will begin right now and we declare it so in Jesus name Amen go and speak to feet no more speak your victory into your reality praise God don't go away I'll be right back after my announcer tells you how to get this powerful series of messages what if you could make one decision to unleash everything great in your life would you do it would you say yes aren't you tired of your relationships your health and so much more suffering because you lack the truth you need to change the life you desire is within your reach you can achieve all the success happiness and prosperity you deserve by simply learning the secrets that lead to real personal transformation change is hard but not impossible you just have to make one radical decision to get real and there's no better authority on the real steps to change than David G Evans some men trusted often but we will trust in the law David G Evans is leading the charge to bring you the power to change your life he is committed to the mission of helping you transform and become a person of power and it starts with his all-new system to change your situation at the centerpiece of this life-altering collection is David Evans groundbre training course from ridiculous to radical too real this means war in this series you will discover the steps it change this series includes two powerful messages each on winning the battle in your mind and cultivating a language of faith that's four messages for power filled hours of material if you want a better marriage this series has the answers if you want to achieve financial independence God's Way the secrets in this series will empower you to make it happen if you want a life of power anointing and influence this series will show you how to get it and there's more you're looking for serious immediate results so Bishop Evans will also include one of his best-selling messages called weapon of warfare this classic teaching will build you up to start fighting in the spirit for what you deserve this powerhouse collection from ridiculous to radical to real and weapon of warfare will give you all the biblical strategies you need to change anything in your life this collection will ship to you immediately with your gift today to David G Evans ministries this ministry is revolutionising the kingdom by empowering believers souls are being saved daily and we need your help to grow this impact in a real way call now and sow your seed of just $35 for your transformation to help people around the world your $35 love gift goes straight to the front lines of ministry providing help to those that needed most call now make the decision to get the power you need to change your life forever thanks for joining me today I hope you'll take time this week and connect with me on Facebook Twitter and Instagram and of course you can see my handle on the screen right now or simply log on to our website at god bless you now and I'll see you next time right here on elevated you [Music]
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 3,738
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Id: 8lSv7qxJHzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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