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the Bible lets us know when you're anxious you've been debilitated by a worry hmm good God Almighty you mean I worried so much that anxiety moved in and now I can't move then put these together can't move is when you don't want to get up in the morning can't move it when no matter who calls you to encourage you you're still down can't move you make it to work but still can't perform can't move even your grandchildren can't chill you up with their presents can't move you worry so much becomes a part of who you are and a hidden issue what's this from doing the things you need to do but also hinders you from hearing God cuz you hear God through your worry picked it up along the way that's what happens so then got a little sorrow going on because you had a little setback first off god never promised you every battle he promised you every war he promised the big one is your setback means you're moving forward setback means I'm pressing through I can't get a setback if I'm standing still now the problem with sorrow is that it's real real what's this it's going to be beautiful real is when you take setback worry anxiety uh-huh and build you a house out of it you build you a house and then watch what happens and you build your house that you were never meant to build and then and then you you take your sorrow and you run in and then you get confused because now you can't find your way out but God never meant you to build this house you built it out of stuff you picked up and then and then you got you got some encouraging friends they come knocking on the door but [Music] but you can't open the door cuz you lost the key and now you're depressed depresses and when you go into sorrow and can't find your way out [Applause] but when I understand God the joy of the Lord is my strength and the righteous run in and in there they are saved delivered set free healed get a breakthrough so I pick stuff up along the way I pick it up I pick it up and pick it up and along the way sometimes I try a shortcut yeah get hard up for money start cheating on your taxes claiming kids you ain't got [Applause] still still building the house you start stealing thieves and Liars have two things in common number one they don't want to work the Bible says if you want to stop stealing work with your hands instead of breaking in folks houses I never met a liar that does not get offended when you don't believe they lie I don't know how you could think that in me because you're a liar you think I would really do that yes these she said young person try to steal old lady's pocketbook he'd get mad time I let it go it ain't no damn pocketbook [Applause] now you let it go she don't want me to tell you all this but I'm gonna tell you so sister boy she handles past don't care it's just a boy she got by 80 now she by 80 my sister boy was she was she was a strong 72 when this happened she's at the mall and this young boy snatched her pocketbook looked up he didn't know sister boy jogged everyday he running at the mall looked up sister boy it was right behind duh yeah true story she gained on him and when she caught him she tackled it now you get me Mom that's how offended you ought to be when the devil takes something from you when the devil tries to take something you ought to get offended and start going after him get it back most thieves and Liars are lazy [Applause] you don't find an industrious thief only thing they're busy at is stealing baba says build something so so so so I find myself sometimes you know lack can do something to you some of y'all have never been hungry no no I don't mean hungry for the next meal I mean hungry and don't know if there's another one see mostly I never been hungry you just missed a meal but when you're hungry for real when it clarity comes from lack your tastes change but you turn your nose up at one time looks appetizing to you after that yeah I can't stand baloney now [Applause] you notice I said now I hate spam I did test hot dogs but there was a time when I used to say praise the Lord when the Bologna was put on the blade something I liked him I don't know about that praise God you don't know thank Jesus you don't know thank God you've never been really hungry lack will mess up your faith god never created you to dwell in lack that's why you get so aggravated when you're broke something happens in here when you don't have money [Applause] and if you don't get this feeling I decree and declare that that feeling come back now cuz you have to have a hunger for it for it to come to you you got to believe God for more some I say more tell your neighbor that apartment is not your last stop look at somebody else telling that one bedroom is not your last stop what's in front of you is more rooms than you need what's in front of you is why you buy it so big I like to be able to walk around in it praise the Lord I just like I like sitting over here when I get ready [Applause] unless you have a gift for poverty poverty is not your assignment but but but but but lack can produce doubt now doubt in the Bible washes doubt in the Bible is not knowing your way you're over here on Monday you're over here on Wednesday you over here on Friday you love the Lord one week you don't know if you love him they're not the next week you're praising God the third week the fourth week there is no God [Applause] doubt is when you can't find your way God promises your stuff and you can't find it and then what happens is what we do we forget that positioning and God is vital and then what says and your disappointment works with your bitterness now bitterness is when you've been mad long enough to grow a tree named bitter until you get a root of bitterness in your spirit when you got a root of bitterness you look for the worst in absolutely everything never happy cuz you're bitter now here's the problem you have a right to be upset about what happened but don't let the right to be upset change who you are so so what happens what happens is sometimes you think greed will fix it you'll start doing anything and everything to get to what you think you need to do so you can have greed for money you can have greed for positions you have greed for people you can have agreed for almost anything but the chief characteristics of greed is you don't care how you get it turning David's a greedy thing you [Applause] some people scared in this words this this word is desire in the Bible this word is desire it's a strong desire all right watch this it's a desire that's based on envy you got it not wanted so sorry so so my desire gets out of control when it shifts over to lust because lust taps into who I used to be lust is an enemy of the spirits leading is this making sister and we almost did enough I'll give me three more minutes I'll be done so now now oh so now a big problem for us is its fear because everything we've discussed so far can produce fear in your life I don't know if some of you will be able relate to this um my whole life I never saw my mother afraid I had sense enough to know she had times when she was fearful but I never saw him I saw courage every day of her life so when she got cancer and I saw her give up I saw something I never saw I saw the absence of courage she went from fighting to fear to resignation all the while believe in God her fear was not for herself her fear was not for my brother her fear was for me she said Marty's gonna be alright she said this babe I'm worried about she knew I was a man of faith she knew I was strong she had the strong when I'm worried about and then I became afraid that God was taken because I didn't know if I could live with them but I stand here death tell you the devil is a lot I shall live and not die don't you let fear hijack your purpose I would really love it if you would subscribe to my channel and also share the gist subscribing with all your friends now it's really important you turn on the notifications you'll notice a change lately in this this medium and you want to tap on that Bell and that will make sure that every time we're on you'll get a notification also I need you to connect with me on social media that's Facebook Twitter Instagram or you can reach me on my website at David J Evans calm I'll see you next time enjoy your day be blessed and remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you I'll see you real soon
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 1,813
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop David G Evans, Lonnie Hunter, Mark Chironna, TD Jakes, Bethany Baptitst Church, Elevation, Steven Furtick, Transformation Church, Michael Todd, Relentless Church, John Gray, Walls, Gospel, Mind, Power, Love, Fear, Lust, Pain, Christ, New Jersey
Id: pzT3K_ZnBBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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