TDS Engineer VS Accelerator.. | ROBLOX

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so right here i have the accelerator and engineer and we're gonna put them to side by side to see which one deals more dps on bosses i have placed on as many accelerators as i could and remember that each accelerator costs this much amount of money compared to engineers so keep that in mind as well as the gyms being definitely lower uh 2000 gyms lower that's a lot less grindy required for this tower okay eight accelerators versus uh one molten toilet and not even involved in lockdown oops okay i put in the one singular molten boss some of these are lucky already but don't mind that just wait till they all get in range okay now all of them are starting to lock on right now look at how much dps you're doing uh the problem of accelerating is that it's not killing the stuff in front it's it's target first it keeps it's it's dude it's not dude if there's a normal gun we're gonna die read or die is not locked out to the stuff in front dammit help help somebody i'm dying okay and uh five thousand for three thousand two thousand one thousand health amp okay for this test i'm gonna start from off where they have no sentries it doesn't really matter because well it's just going to get stunned and i'll die so yeah uh there is a new twitter leak from below where um it has a little shield around it and max pre prevented it from dying when son anyways gps right now is looking pretty good not all these sentries are deployed by the way uh so just do moving around you can't collide with them that's a bit weird and that's why your character looks like but i have a seizure and the fight okay fireballs do not stun the sentries which is kind of good because the tower itself doesn't really matter it doesn't do a whole lot of damage it's these little war machine citrus that do wow excellent actually did a better job at killing the boss god damn dude after watching both videos side by side they pretty much died in an exact same spot i want to try this out with fallen kingdom first up is going to be engineered now remember there's only six engineers while accelerating fa and they all die all these centuries now died okay there we go they are back online and they are starting to grind um for just six towers is doing pretty good they did get stunned but again it doesn't matter fifty thousand dollars sixty thousand health removed god damn dude that is pretty good and now it is out of range i'm going to sell these towers real quick i want to move them up uh i think we could kill the fallen king followers are punchy through but luckily they died and he's following you he did enable his rage ability he has around 86 000 health now he's going to start dying here in a bit and fallen king got away with 57 000 health okay got it 57 000 health remember that i have now placed on funky cool he's following yes they are starting to beam him already 20 000 damage being dove right now god damn dude now there are eight accelerators yes but the thing is that engineer it somewhat spawns in more towers because of these sentries now that little lightning strike tower uh stun thing because these sentries are not phased by it but the towers themselves yes that's where it deals the most damage anyways they're already starting to get out of range okay cool we don't care about the stuff in front by the way just uh pretend that's not there guys crap wrong tower okay accelerators back on the grind eighty thousand oh god okay this is doing a lot better than engineer again don't mind the stuff that's spawning in who cares uh six of the accelerators are stunned only two are going to work right now um maybe if he didn't did not stun that much i felt like we could have done even more damage god damn stupid fallens hopefully upgrade go great bye please please please please please please fallen king is punching through fallen king is punching through no okay i want to do one more test where we now have supports commander and also dj for the engineer the accentures do not get phased by the commander at all which is kind of weird but uh for accelerators yes they do so we gotta put it to the test on how well it does so again enemy fallen king spawning is just gonna start everything and let's accelerate your bucket again go ahead and do the colors and look at all that dps we are doing eight eight towers by the way accelerators one that's cheaper dude it's cheaper than the engineer not as in terms of the total cost in game but gyms wise yes it is it is way cheaper duders there is no doubt in that stupid rage ability thing um if we had medic i feel like we could even do even more dps but we didn't bring it anyways fallen kings just getting beaten right now look at all that help being drained 50 000 health about to drop it to 40 000 damn dude 30 almost 30 000 thirty thousand twenty eight thousand twenty six oh okay we gotta we gotta move everything up now we gotta we gotta pack up okay there we go spawning excellent they're gonna lock on to the falling king oh damn it stupid fallen guardians they're in the way i don't care about the stuff that spawn in front by the way that's not what i'm all concerned about it's just only taking the fat into the factor of the fallen king and accelerator with support manages to kill fallen king i feel like we had a medic we would have killed it even faster but this is just with these two supports okay this time is the same exact test this time we got engineer in the field with uh commander in dg now remember centuries do not get affected by the commander but they do get bonus range from the dj that's the only thing and we're off they are now building associations gotta build up their army now this does matter a lot if the fallen king decides to stun them a lot uh if it doesn't sound that much cool more dps but if it decides to sun a lot it's gonna it's gonna ruin the um total dps of it again it doesn't matter for those little thunderstorms coming down doesn't matter at all unlike accelerator these towers will keep going on thanks to the century spam anime has already taken away 50 000 health going down to 60 000 health right now looking good so far and i like accelerator uh these towers do not have a problem with stuff passing through not only do you deal with splash damage but they do target your stuff in front get that sort of attack kill off some of these centuries when it's a okay not really a big deal i'm not gonna affect this that much okay we need to start moving stuff up again move it up move it up move it up move it up move it up and he's falling king is now down to sixty thousand off and kill everything cool there go there goes bad there goes oh my god i have dps dude it's near please do do a bit better please engineer don't fail me come on buddy you can do it i believe you here have a useless command of arms come on no engineer please you have supports dammit what are you doing you have supports 55 000 so it didn't make much of a difference the range doesn't really matter a whole lot and commander did absolutely nothing to this interest i mean sure it does increase the speed of the of the nail gun but that doesn't do much damage in the first place so overall it seems like uh engineer is worse than the accelerator uh despite it being a much more expensive tower now i just have engineer only usually i test to see how good a tower is on moulton but since he costs gems which are insanely unfair for much to get for free we're interested in falling please let me place joe biden why'd you put inflation so high please boom play sound engineer oh man i just realized something texture is towers garbage i totally forgot about that sentries don't detect it only the engineer herself bro i think i'm legit gonna lose i almost died i now have five engineers also detection and they are still god damn struggling accelerator would have no problem with this but this tower is just that crap on god if i lose i will scream as loud as i can this is fifty dollars below you want players
Views: 1,623,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1cDO1SLXrrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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