i got INFINITE cash in TDS (glitch) | ROBLOX

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there's this new glitch where you can get a lot of money so this is quad right now and it does reduce your cash each way so the wave is just in it and look only got 58 58 dollars i can only buy like 20 mcdoubles with that i can only get just a few pizzas from from papa john's what else seventy dollars seventy dollars and then on the third wave 83c guys it just keeps going it just keeps going up like 10 10 bucks or so this is this is really garbage but i know something i know something that can get us lots of cash and i'll show you guys how to do it i'm going to join in normally but then these three people are going to purposely quote unquote lag so it can glitch out the money and then and the thing is that my friends right now they are uh lagging out or something like that and i have to tell them when the first wave starts prefer for the glitch to work and the first way you start it yes skip wave and then instead of like pleb money look we get 230 now we we're not poured anymore and then now the next wave 280 dollars above this strat you can focus easily on doing your arm on farms you don't really have to worry too much about oh i got a good defense because my friends too poor they can have the best defense which for us just gladiator thing i forgot to equip dolman i do apologize for that oops on wave 19 i was able to max out all my farms yet in quad normally you wouldn't be even close to doing that you'd be struggling so hard and look a thousand dollars now per wave instead of the the usual chump change you would get at these waves see i'm pretty rich now i was gonna go max out my stuff and get a chopper i'm so rich guys i was i was able to place down a max pursuit and a max dj at wave 20. that's how rich you could be with this strat and at wave 28 i was able to get eight max pursuits just flying around this is how rich you can be with this strategy but again with this wave bonus and farms it's not that much of a big deal there goes a tank which is what i'll show you guys so how to get infinite cash in this game is actually really simple guys first of all you need the admin and this is what i do i like to cash tds and then give myself that much cash and look oh crap well guys i got negative infinite cash so so i mean fellas it does work you just got to be admin and you might hit negative cash but don't worry you you too can do this legit without admin commands uh this is how you do it and you still get a negative cash and it doesn't do anything look i'm gonna sell this and try to place out a tower and look you need nine dollars see see guys i'm so rich that the game owes me money and follow king just got knitted there you go guys it's really just a simple strat that's there's nothing much more to it uh really cool okay i'm gonna try this on hardcore now and now we're gonna do hardcore and we're gonna see how much cash we get without doing the glitch okay so now we are on hardcore by the way prices do get increased a bit if we just get the wave and how much money do we does it not even tell us how much money it just it just throws it in the corner which is 83 it does it doesn't even say like here's a nice little note of how much money it just throws it at you wow that's actually rude so we got about 83 dollars at first and then we got a hundred dollars okay now i'm gonna do the glitch skin that i showed you guys before but this time it's gonna work and hardcore so it should be better before we were getting garbage change i have to tell them when to join skip that wave [Music] boom we're rich now wave 14 i'm pretty much the only one focusing on farms while these guys they have some airplanes and some jeeps going to help with these invisible ghost guys the balloon boys okay i'm gonna play sound one mecca base to help aid us in the battle yes sir i would like to take these upgrades of medic why not dude this is a really good deal then yeah this is the walker we get it has a big turret on it basically and with a little missile launcher on the side of it as well and it has 400 houses actually really good and i think this is level two but now it has a mini gun and also some weird backpack turd back i don't know what this is it looks weird though so now we're at this stage where it has two mini guns and it has this weird pattern right here as well yeah this is what it looks like the mark three it's still it's still not in game by the way like uh it does exist in game yes but it's only for devs and higher yeah this is actually kind of the it's kind of sad to still see there's not a game i wish it was already though uh yes what a what an extremely detailed base level four mecha bass look at chad mark iii over here he just tanked two hidden bosses dude two of them and is still walking and then this is the i'm pretty sure this is supposed to be level four but the name didn't quite up yet but as you guys can see it has two turrets and also just a missile launcher in the middle as well yeah we got max medic yay so this is what the max pack looks it's not supposed to be on wheels like that it's supposed to be on legs but it doesn't work it won't spawn again so this is the highest one we're actually going to be seeing uh use so that's a bit that's a bit of a of a letdown but to be fair this tower is not balanced because placing down this and then upgraded it to be a big boy for like really cheap prices that's kind of unfair but uh it is an unfinished tower as you can see like and then yeah i do pretty much at this point we're just spawn killing them because these guys they walk they work all the way across the map as you guys see they're just firing as soon as they spawn in and we got a lot of pursuit choppers just well spawn killed him we yeah uh this money thing does help out a lot there is the molten boss oh as soon as this man stepped out he's literally tense a thousand health for like two seconds fellas i'm not gonna lie this dude is getting nae-nae he's getting wow he's gonna what can we do guys guys wha what can he do wow new tire defensive little chair punched above [Music] dies and dies all right and now we're in the last wave gotta sell the farms get as much money as possible but now some of the ultra nin a the void reaver walker thing and yeah guys what do you know we are doing actually a really good job so far void reaver look how many pursuits we have just on this guy oh i maxed out my trip so yeah these are all things but yeah that's what hardcore looks like um so two void reviews and we did this all legit by the way we did not i did not spawn in stuff all i and spawning the walkers they were spawning by these buildings so i did not cheat guys i did this fully legitimately okay guys uh this this guy's going really fast um if he spawns this stuff i know derby are we gonna die i mean should we be worried here we spawn in some more rangers over here and then yes okay that was actually kind of too close there buddy uh why didn't a pursuit stop attacking why what are you doing what are pursuits doing why do they stop what's what dude that's why we we we might lose because of that that's so stupid why why do you do that why well we did it guys how much money do we have do we get like a thousand coins you only get 150 gems and no coins we played half an hour for this well guys if you enjoyed the video uh please like and sub it would mean a lot that's like the first time i said that in years um uh thank you to all my tech supporters uh shout out to alden by the way really appreciate your support guys and it wasn't red but uh by the way already super tank members if you guys didn't know that yeah that's why they glow red and they're a bit bigger but uh as always have a good day
Views: 1,340,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5vBt87SgQ2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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