Is Engineer Actually Worth Grinding For?

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engineer is a tower that is earned through purchasing with the use of gems a currency obtained through hardcore of course since it is a hardcore Tower it has to be expensive roughly 1.8 times the price of the accelerator which is close to two times and that's quite a lot the accelerator already costs a buttload of jumps to get and on top of that it's another Tower it's an incredibly painful and an extremely time consuming task that few people accomplish to get the tower however with many of these problems it could just be solved with bowbox but I have to purchase the engineer the real way AKA spending over 15 hours on the freaking game mode grinding gems endlessly for basically three days straight of course at the end I was still kind of sane but enough of me let's talk about the actual Tower itself and see if it's really worth the pain and effort that I and probably some of you had to go through to obtain the tower itself before we get to how you can actually use the engineer let's talk about the upgrades first in this very specific case the engineer actually has six different upgrades the first Tower I think to have six upgrades so that's pretty cool so let's start with level zero level zero is basically when you place the engineer down in this quote-unquote first level the engineer does three damage and this entry does one damage incredibly even though the engineer looks to have a shotgun she still has quite a huge range so I don't know it costs 750 the Placer which is quite damn cheap and she can be used for early game quite sustainably with a cheap price another thing is that the Sentry cost 10 scrap I'll talk about the scrap thing later on I promise it's important for the actual first level we get an increase of the engineers damage by two and more range of the engineer overall not the Sentry itself just just the engineer next level for the engineer gains one extra range less Dead Zone range which I will explain that later on as well hidden detection and flying detection not gonna lie after reading the Wiki page of the engineer she's kind of really useful for hardcore as well because of its cheap price and the ability to detect two of the most annoying zombies in hardcore it's quite handy to have the engineer in your party when trying to trim hardcore although that is if you're playing hardcore which I am not so I don't know for the third level the engineer gains 5 extra damage but the main thing you'll want from this upgrade is the Sentry the Sentry upgrades from your puny level 1 to a level 15 rifle Sentry a good upgrade increasing the fire rate of your Sentry by half and increasing the damage by an extra one and for the next upgrade the engineer gains another 5 extra damage 3 extra range and lowers its fire rate additionally it also gives the sentries a defensive Shield which can deflect Thunder attacks from other mobs such as Boomers and or hardcore mobs that I cannot show since I have a skill issue and cannot reach those waves the shields will always be penetrated by Bosses if I remember so yeah that's sad also you can place another extra Sentry from the upgrade which is always welcome for one of the big upgrades AKA level 5 it's quite good not gonna lie the engineer gains 10 extra damage now another extra Sentry policeman and more importantly the Sentry upgrade it goes from the level 15 rifle Sentry to a Chad level 50 mini Gunner Sentry being able to dish out basically the same amount of damage as a normal mini gutter would but it's replaceable and it doesn't count as a tower placement as well as it kind of can be stunned as well so it's pretty nice and finally for the last upgrade the engineer gains even more damage of getting an extra 15 plus damage to extra range decreasing The Dead Zone range once again and lowering the engineers fire it even more but the most important part of this upgrade is the Sentry upgrade once again it turns from the level 50 chat Century to the level 99 Giga chat of metal it's basically a separate Tower by this point and the Sentry themselves do quite a lot of damage apparently it's around like 250 DPS it's from this guy's comment and that's the engineer's DPS somehow so that's pretty cool so yeah the accelerator does have more DPS in total but I mean the engineer is like a second accelerator to me so um yeah and that's about all the upgrades the engineer has in store for her maybe there will be some Nerfs to her or even Buffs but I mean I don't really care just look at the wiki if you're that start for information but since we're done with the upgrades let's talk about the unique attributes of the engineer the engineer has two unique attributes that separates the tower itself from other towers that being a scrap meter and the three circles now as I mentioned before the engineer has these Dead Zone ranges it's actually just a red circle so I'll just call it that there are actually three circles for the engineer which is a pretty cool not gonna lie these three circles is what kind of separates the engineers being a unique Tower in itself the first Circle aka the red circle or the dead Soul Circle or whatever the hell you call it is where the engineer can't do anything and I mean anything to anything at all that being building centuries and doing damage to zombies oh well that's it but still engineer is not really built to be a close range Tower unlike shotgunner for example so just don't put the engineer like near corners and stuff use it like how you use a Pursuit for example since if it's too close it won't be able to do quite literally anything the second circle is where the engineer can actually build the sentries that's why you don't see the sentries built around the map scattered like puzzle pieces the good thing about this circle is that it actually doesn't come into contact with Tower placements as well so you can just put any Tower in the Sentry somehow and it'll work out this circle is just the limit to how far the engineer can place the sentries that's it the third circle is probably already clear to begin with it's the engine use range if you didn't know that then you're kind of stupid the more upgrades the engineer's range gets the bigger it gets pretty simple am I right not onto the scrap meter the scrap meter is basically how much damage the engineer needs the output to be able to quote unquote build the centuries per se now for example let's take the war machine Sentry it costs 100 scrap to be able to build one of these Sun and now you might be asking how do you get scrap in the first place well to get scrap you just need to do damage from the engineer yeah it's not that hard just let your engineer do its thing and sooner or later the scrum meter will be maxed and your engineer will build one of your many sentries I forgot to mention that these sentries have differing amounts of scrap the first one costs 10 the rifle Sentry costs 20 the meaning under Century costing 50 and as I mentioned before the war machine Sentry costing 100. it differs from the upgrades your engineers are in and it's a good way to kind of balance the sentries I guess and with that I'm going to be talking about the engineer just as my opinion now so you could take it with a grain of salt if you want the engineer in itself is a pretty dumb guitar with its DPS alone it builds an alright unit however if we take account to these entries as well the engineer is an amazing Tower almost as good as the accelerator if not better in some situations altogether with the ability to have the sentries constantly spew out DPS from the good old edition of its Shield it's quite amazing to be honest I'm pretty sure that the engineer is the second or is the best Tower but it really depends also I'm not the one to judge since I don't research these topics thoroughly but hey hey Let's Chill about the damage first and talk about the time and the patience you must have to actually obtain the tower in the first place the amount of determination in willpower you need to actually get enough gems to purchase her is quite a lot you might be able to touch grass take a breath of fresh air or something instead of mindlessly doing the same monotonous task of course saying this I am kind of a hypocrite since I don't go outside and I made an entire video about the process of obtaining this stupid Tower but still of course many of you have some brain power and actually just bought the tower itself using bobux and like that is a smart move but so for this Tower's description yeah it's worth it if you want to spend a buttload of time and energy into doing the same task for hours on end you have a better chance at finding a job working there buying the Bow Box and then getting the engineer but once you do get her she's a pretty damn good Tower of course there can be Alternatives here and there like maybe the accelerator golden minigun or in turret and I also forgot to mention how good she is in hardcore but I don't play hardcore so yeah I don't care about that all right now go destroy that subscribe button and I'm mutsy I'll be hibernating once again bye-bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moozie
Views: 296,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, tds, towerdefense, funny, towerdefensesimulator, guide, worthit?, moment, ROBLOX
Id: yDrs5jhY1Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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