every BOSS in Tower Defense Simulator | ROBLOX

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so pretty much the plan is that we all have turret we all have accelerator we all have all these good towers and we're gonna fight all the bosses in in the game yeah with the most dps possible and uh thanks to a he gave me the list of all the bosses so these are all the bosses that we know of personally yeah this event is so easy guys it's actually kind of boring these zombies never made it past here they just only made it uh pretty much right there ravagers get shredded pretty fast we don't have the flamethrowers on them to lower down the defense they just get melted insanely spast and the frosted vegas 3000 health is nothing it is nothing so we put a bunch of except accelerators in the front and then pretty much all the turret spam is in the back this singular commander is doing all that we have two djs up there's only one dj per person that's pretty annoying and there's already wave 20 i'm gonna start spawning in uh so many bosses oh quick shout out um i'm supposed to yell their names but they heard my voice box so i'll do it as loud as i can lucky g and nameless cold thanks uh after the frost here yeah after the frost here i start to spawn in all this stuff okay so enemy jack enemy cram enemy duck enemy lord enemy grave enemy molten boss because there's a lot of molten stuff enemy gold titan i think that's still in the game yeah it's still in the game uh fallen king oh my crap i spilled it wrong enemy fallen king enemy uh awaken fallen king i don't know if that one actually works no uh there's a frost spirit enemy void enemy nuclear fallen king i think that's a thing either oh it is a thing okay and then enemy enemy mechanical rock and then enemy uh frost spirit and then enemy creator and there you go these are all the bosses in the game we almost died to those stupid fast but shout out to the guy who managed to get rid of oh god okay there's something electrifying them um so i'm gonna do shift p because it is just super annoying to see all that crack go down but yeah we have pretty much all the bosses here from every single event going on this is really cool we have the two jackal bots we have the void uh fallen kings nuclear fallen king i'm not really sure what's what's the difference um i know these guys are doing too hard of a job here we just buff the color arms uh thing d so the problem is is that oh my god i forgot unit unit mark the problem is those that they uh they keep spawning and stuff not end game yeah i i don't know what they're talking about awakened fallen king i just uh try to spawn it in but it's not a real thing but yeah i forgot to spawn in these walkers so that's why we're probably suffering so much uh so far molten paws is about to die he's the one on lowest health right now and everything is just constantly getting stunned we can't really uh win the game with with the stunning thing he has 200 000 health we did lower down his health by a hundred thousand so it is not exactly a lost cause oh 50 help we have 50 health i don't know what keeps pa uh passing through i think i think we're gonna lose some nuclear falcon yes and we did lose to something else we're gonna try again okay this time we're spawning all the bosses before wave 19 just to just to ensure that we don't die very soon hey there's a uh enemy jack here let me just put my camera closer for you guys uh so yeah jack and krampus are already dying and it's lagging so hard to the point where actually damage isn't working properly it's uh doing something really weird and we brave anyway mullen boss i'll spawn into mullen bosses because he's always getting killed so fast he's actually sad at how fast they die following king enemy following enemy void enemy nuclear fallen enemy uh mechanical rod i saw that yes i did spell it right and frostbury will spawn on its own actually we're gonna do a tuned frost spirit yes we will do two frost periods why not actually no no no we're not okay and then unit mark when you spam those as much as possible grave digger going down first actually that is a first that is a surprise right there that wow i i have a surprise great figure is going down first it is not the molten paws time yet uh ducky doom going down pretty soon as well right after grave digger seems like uh all the towers are stunned so not much damage is being done and walkers are busy by shooting the stuff in front yeah uh just don't forget that they still spawn in a lot more stuff in front along with the units spawning in effect as well ducky doom gonna go down here pretty soon as well whereas yeah there is the man ducky doom right there he is going to go down pretty soon nope uh he is saved by all the unit spam in front he's got to keep on spamming the uh zed walker things and we're going to be aok for the most part yeah you guys might see those things that are running i think it's for the nuclear fallen king that uh usually that is not hard because on a map it's so long but yeah we're now seeing the result of not being on an easy map i suppose uh molten boss lost a lot of help yeah there we go he's losing chunks of health right there and he is going down that is the first molten boss go down there's still one up ducky doom is left on thousand health but he's getting guarded by the nuclear fallen king and there we go ducky ducky or doom is now officially dead molten boss first one down second one going down fallen king used to use his rage ability already everything is starting to lag i am not going to spawn any more walkers that you're starting to clip it to each other then there's just so much stuff moving on the screen now so we can't spawn any more stuff this is the normal gameplay that we're about to see just stuff in the front dying right now as we speak and um fallen king is left on 60 000 health which is actually really cool i am kind of surprised by that in fact and then um lord oh sorry my bad nuclear falling king right here is uh doing pretty good for the most part prosperity did spawn in a while back it is guarded by the void i think it will pass up the board king yeah yeah i think it got broke uh fallen king did die though that finally did die down and lag is back reduced to normal so we're going to start spawning in the mark gazette things nuclear follow king is now taking a beating around he is getting beam gold tying down at 45 000 health the zed walkers are starting to go into them they're spawning a lot of guys though uh the so the problem is that we are seeing that frost spirit is actually now in front of the void reaver the void reaver is just so slow uh we might be able to speedrun that though to the point where it dies nuclear fallen king right there it is taking all that health and now it is getting beam now he's getting being it was shielding but now it is losing thousands of health per second void reaver my god i think toxic gunner broke that dude it is just so slow i don't know why it is that slower flyer doesn't weird i have no idea but uh here it is from the front oh we did place down more choppers in the back and more turrets as well just prevent anything uh speedy getting by because that was super annoying to uh deal with but nuclear fallen king is about to die right here left on third thousand health twenty not the developed another health and now he is dead and there goes zero health he is still walking the man is still walking though he is dead but look at him he is still going forward lord sisters getting b he just got turned to the sun he just took a trip to the sun and died instantly wow and then now the next one is the jackal box uh they're both next to each other krampus is there too i think that there's a krampus right there he is still alive uh he's about to get beam pretty soon too though frost spears in the front and he is actually getting targeted by uh some of the accelerators but also the walkers are gonna do major damage remember that's like five thousand health per thing jacob is gonna go down here in a bit he is six thousand health forty thousand thirty thousand twenty thousand ten thousand and oh it stopped there because he sponsored me in but it's about to go up back down and he just died yes there goes the jackal but mechanical right is still up nuclear falling king is still up too he has not died just yet krampus is getting beaten right now he's getting a laser this kid is getting beamed she's getting clapped on easy twenty thousand ten thousand and then stops two tickets break and then dies easily so uh zero health frostbite is taking major damage right now uh we need to spawn in as much water as possible to get rid of the void weaver it is possible to kill the void reaper even after the death of the frost spirit nuker king is still there i'm not sure why priscilla is a weird bug uh frostbitter is taking major damage right now though voidreaver is getting his fair share let me buff the commander over here gonna do that real quick uh um the void rivers have been stuck there dude he's been an old man his entire time he's spawning at those super annoying soul things it doesn't really matter though because uh we have a pursuit of things of that nature to take care of that we have void reaver it seems like toxic gunner breaks that i am very certain that's why he is so slow and now everything is targeting the void reverb we are going to officially win all this there's just so much gps going on we are actually going to be able to kill him before the stage ends 300 help he is shielding he was chilling for a bit no he threw super sword and now no he killed all the zeds he killed all the walkers he killed all the walkers and threw and threw his sword he got he got rid of any help we need to kill him as fast as possible around the end we have four seconds we have four seconds no no we are not going to be a little killed we are not going to be able to kill oh my god dude oh okay you know what that's it dude i don't want to do this again but let's just say we won that okay let's just say we want to we we lost because we we we did everything right but void river was just so slow that um frostbitter magic get in front from super annoying but yeah there's all the bosses hope you guys enjoyed this video shout out to all my tank members that was a really fun video to make shout out to those guys as well the uh people in that server oh crap i joined a public server they're all going to swarm me now yo he said yo run run run run run run run run
Views: 3,546,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oo9bjgp7NHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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