this TDS tower went from BAD, to OP.. | ROBLOX

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uh this isn't news but it's news to me so what are the worst golden Towers in the game probably pyromancer it has been meme on so much and everyone dreads it when you buy this 50 gamble crate thing but uh it has been buffed a lot now when I place it down oh I'm poor just give myself a bit of inflation now when I place it down it only does one damage yet it fries the hell out of out of six Health boys even the four Health ones just look at how well it's gonna kill all these zombies right here dude it's insane and yeah it only has one damage how is that possible if you take a look at the fire right that's why sorry I'm stressed um now it does I think for fix I'm pretty sure so four damage per second that's why I killed so fast and look at this Splash as well even these 16 Health guys I didn't even spend that much only spent 800 and it does a really good job oh but they got away this Tower sucks you guys I'm just joking you still placed on another cheap one and win still so at level two we got our first upgrade of damage just from one to two which is a big difference because before we start going slows and now it is melting the slows pretty hard there's a first Admiral boss uh I actually don't know if we're gonna take that down [Music] oh if you guys haven't noticed he does not speed up anymore below finally remove that stupid balance I was I was really dumb why speed up I legit made a vid on that where I basically team killed random people by spamming off flamethrower so the Fallen King would get to the end faster can level four kill the boss let us see uh yes level four can and it also detects stealth I completely forgot about that so so these sort of Health guys are no problem I spawn in 10 Admiral bosses and the pyromancer should be able to burn through all that I don't think it'll screw up on our mile a lot we we are gonna die so I'm gonna just do the same thing I did before where I spawn in all those bosses except I'm gonna give it a buff and it should be burning faster yeah look at that DPS go up by hundreds that's almost 100 DPS oh dude we're doing so much better even the Mysteries who cares okay we got our first giant boss and it died pretty much we put 20 of them in each row so that's probably around 200 right here and since it does Splash again it's never gonna matter it's kind of weird because it's not directly splashed it's kind of some spray effect thing but it still works pretty much the same exact way nice bro it killed them all it needed to get halfway through the mask something like golden minigunner would struggle so much on that so the only problem is that the tank still manages to punch through I'm pretty sure uh we did lower as half as HP but it got out of the range out of these guys in the front does barely manage to kill it that's not too good I think something like go only meeting under women struggle as much so I'm gonna see if flamethrowers could kill the gravedigger the problem with the flamethrower is that it's good but it's not that good as it turns of Boss damage because see because the damage itself is not great it's only going to a cheaper end guys but so far the Grave Digger is dying really fast okay great digger died but that took way too long uh following King I don't think of a little bit so this usually kills us a lot but this time I have faith that it won't kill us this time this time we're actually gonna make it because golden Power was just that good you guys guys we're gonna win look how much damage he's doing I did it again but this time I put golden pyros all over the entire map I filled up to the brim even at the back guys I put some flamethrowers are sparkling through the back and even put some over here at the back to uh to defend the gate the Gateway all right let's have uh call the arms and the tank oh yeah the tank could Shredder now absolutely destroyed it does right here so with the color arms it makes a huge difference on the flamethrower however the problem now that we're facing this is they're not really spam the DPS is quite low only when they span like this yes of course it's gonna get more DPS so that basic question can it kill all the bosses I'm gonna do the first molten boss which is ironic for the molten boss would be damaged by fire when it's made of literal lava I don't know how that makes sense but you know welcome to Tower Defense simulator I guess following heroes are taking Mass damage that doesn't really matter if it doesn't help they are going to get in the way someone hopefully this dies just in time for the Fallen King to get on head also the stuff it's spawns in who cares about it as you guys saw it just got absolutely melted color arms everything is focusing on this one singular molten boss we're doing about a thousand DPS which is kind of good I guess but I was hoping we could go for better timing but I don't know if that's really possible most of the time is again they die so fast doesn't matter Templar is being annoyed but we got some um Medics on the field to go and encounter that's not really a big deal and now we're on the last wave and we have killed the molten ball and the Fallen King is here but doesn't matter okay now we're gonna now we gotta put it to the test guys if flamethrowers only flamethrowers with supports of course can take down the one and only Fallen King uh following Folly Guardians have a daughter race that's a good start already uh 14 000 Health times four or something like that that's about 50 000 health gone away we're doing thousands of DPS from now I always got to make sure that I have the commanders going and rotation because the fire rate is what's really crucial right here if we don't have that going on we're going to lose for sure also got some um Medics on standby just in case you know these are not enough it's a okay okay where's the other Commander yeah okay there we go oh man already nine thousand health I know that you probably could have do this legit as a normal player but it's still crazy to see something like as garbage as a power Master managed to go in and win or if we can win at least do disc good for only flamethrow Zoo it is absolutely crazy at how well we're doing 75 000 Health we're about to pop the rage I'm pretty sure it goes out of seven thousand wait when when does it pop the bridge because it's not it's not really doing that I don't know when it when it does that uh I'm kind of getting scared it's getting a bit too close oh wait oh I know we popped the original I'm so done we already did that God damn we we're absolutely destroying this man God damn okay uh another color arms please please please please click click damn it I'm working okay thirty thousand Health dude this might be the close enough we're looking for dude this doesn't really matter because we have some commanders in the back too so not really too worried about that but this this could be the clutch that we are looking for 17 000 Health God stupid stun doesn't matter medic please please okay there we go okay and then wait for that color orange to wear off and they get everywhere we go this is gonna be the huge huge clutch oh my God wait dude we we are gonna do it we're gonna do it barely look how many flanthers I put down through them barely only barely we managed to win and beat the Fallen King oh my God that is crazy to see one of the worst Towers or was one of the worst Towers to go in and beat the Fallen King let's go and compare damage uh so these towers in front of me about 17 000 damage because there was a lot of group guys in there um that's where the Potter monsters in the back not so much I want like a few grand not even two thousand this one we did less than a thousand wow so pyromancers are really good for crowd control but for in-game bossiness unless you spam it like this and have pretty good caller arms you're not gonna be able to beat the Fallen King normally
Views: 1,010,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FCgRtsMYawE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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