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all right guys today I'm not stupid anymore I'm not the same John you know I got smarter now look at this code I'm about to put in dude I I memorized this if I put true it says Tower placement limits uncapped usually you'd only be able to place down one DJ but check this out guys two DJs it's uncapped yes I can place as many DJs as I want is so cool man although the music doesn't sound that great anymore sounds pretty horrible okay now place down more than five turrets that stupid limit isn't there anymore guys wow I can play some more than five Motors yes but what I actually want to do is just spawn in a lot of pursues I want to fill up this in this entire map with nothing but Pursuits and I'll BRB with the results [Applause] 39 40. oh and this Tower uncap also allows you to place beyond the tower limit of 40 when you play by yourself I just now placed on 42 Pursuits and I also placed on a lot of DJs and mortars as well and I can still keep on going it's unlimited power but look at all these Pursuits man and they're all maxed out wait that one's different kill it God damn it okay now all the Pursuits are maxed out I will now be placing down some supports to go ahead and give them better range okay I gave all the Pursuits commander and also DJ for the range buff and also uh far right buff and now it's not a spot in some guys spawn enemy let's do tanks 60 60 are they gonna punch through so far they are punching okay this is concerned uh you know despite all these Pursuits I thought they would die a lot faster why is the pursuit doing this bad this is a concern I could lose this damn it they're punching 30 so after half their HP it's always getting to the end of the line is this really not enough Pursuit what is this this is focus wow this Tower sucks it can't kill like six billion oh god oh oh oh no no I can't look my progress spawn unit monster one oh oh man oh I'm sorry I was about to I was about to like die or something dude oh my God man had I lost that I would have done something terrible in real life okay spawn enemy falling let's do 250 and let's run this command on no this many times come on fellas uh Ever Enough oh wow look it's Black Friday Shoppers now this is a lot of phones at the same time but it's not really a big deal they don't have that much health and pursuit does a good job on Splash damage so I'm not too concerned about any of them getting through this is pretty swag to see Manny I'm also getting 26 frames per second on my six thousand dollar PC wow this game's I just saw a huge black blob but then I forgot oh yeah look we have the monster what the hell is that okay Pursuit is starting to fail um I was way more confident when I first saw them um there's nothing much Splash damage anymore as you need too laggy I'll give you 17 frames per second guys I thought I thought this could run 5 000 monsters at once dude I gotta turn them down like ground because I want them I'm a pleb that only gave me four more free okay don't give me four more frames wow good thing I have the monster here though uh I spawned so many things and I broke the command I broke it uh there's also just random Fireballs appearing and in the middle of the map I don't know why oh wait A Fire trail Fire trail anyways this stuff in followers just getting absolutely spawn kill they can't go very far despite uh 90 of the Pursuits flying around here wow this pie is doing some uh trick shots goddamn dude reverse firing and we're trying to use a call of arms oh it still works yes Fallen King finally thought but God damn it that took too long anyways we won let me go try this again but with uh something that doesn't crash a game I guess and I brought some fun Towers right now I'm just gonna spawn a bunch of golden crook bosses and then see how op it is there's No Limit Oh a place on four Sable okay we'll just run this command pond [Applause] okay I spotted a lot of golden crook bosses I don't know how many but I just know it's beyond four it's not spawning as many guys as I like for it to do so so I'm gonna spawn myself in some more spawn unit golden Mafia Let's do let's do 65 of those and now it's gonna pump out yes it's now it's pumping out anymore this is a double lane so it's just pretty much chance we gotta pump up those numbers we gotta kick those babies up dude kick it into high gear yes this is what I wanted to see yes the cheese factory isn't full of God damn I'm lagging okay 30 frames okay we gotta kill him spawning enemy tank is always fun to see these let's do 150. now again this is Chance base just to throw it out whichever path it wants oh god dude I'm getting 12 frames per second why is my super PC not being super anymore damn it I'm getting I'm On One rabbit who happens to put it that said it's even worse no it's the same thing it doesn't I don't mean save any okay cool I'm just gonna leave leave it as is a Max Graphics in um hey guys welcome back to drama walks gameplay um uh today we're gonna see if my computer blows up for from this or not so far uh tanks are just smashing through them like butter dude I think we're oh God damn we're gonna lose Spotter and monster spotter monster I can't I can't type dude no no it's getting so close my keyboard is broken it's a spawn spawn unit monster how no please please I I met no he's doing the same thing where I can't spawn anything damn it I heard the red ring sound I think my computer just crashed I'm not no I didn't freeze it dude this is how oh dude I won I mean I lost damn it wow I guess golden crook bosses is is garbage I I even spawned in more for you dude wow you're trash dude you are absolute garbage you guys gonna get in here wait a minute hurry up dude we have seven seconds six five three two well get in here dude what are you doing out there you're a pro I know you're Pro this game I'm trying to I have 4K ping how's your pink why do you have such high ping four four thousand ping I don't know maybe you should tell my internet [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Views: 1,400,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lCTyAGNio7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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