TDS RPG: The Entire Game...

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this is TDS where you place down Towers to defend enemies you just stand around at the center of the map and let the towers do the work for you this is TDS RPG now you're no longer just standing around doing nothing but instead you're destroying the enemies and this is me becoming a Titan sized accelerator bigger than the map okay that's getting a little too crazy too fast so in the meantime like the video hop into full screen all that good stuff and let's go dive into the game which is known as TDS RPG [Music] you spawn in on the forest camp map with a bunch of stuff written on boards that are in front of the player but so far there's nothing to fight there's three buttons you have at your disposal which is pressing M for Towers B for maps V for shop and I just started checking things out I checked out the shop which had a bunch of towers most of them were locked though I was also pretty broke so I couldn't afford most of the stuff either but I did start off by buying the pyromancer because uh I had enough coins for it I played a little bit before recording this video just to see what the game's about but I would definitely recommend aiming for paintballers as your first Tower and you're going to see why later in the meantime though I would become pyromancer and hop onto the farmlands map just because it would have the easiest enemies out of all the maps I went around and started killing the enemies which gives you XP and coins which you would be needing to unlock more Towers so the difference between this game and TDs is that in TDS the enemies are trying to make it to an exit in this game the enemies are just trying to kill you but that wasn't an issue because me and another pyro friend we just stood around and burned everything down to the ground you actually regenerate HP so if you can kill off the enemies quickly enough you should be fine I was not exactly fine though yeah that that wasn't fun but I just go right back and burn even more enemies when burning the enemies got tiring I went to the corner of the map to get into the arena most maps in this game have an arena hidden somewhere where it's basically just like a story mode for the map the issues you needed four people and nobody was joining me so I just decided to go play on a different map Portland had some tougher enemies and honestly they were just way too tough because my pyro was weak and also all my kills were being stolen I managed to kill one enemy but uh yeah that was about it I went back into farmlands because now there was more people that were willing to play with me and hopped into one of the Arenas this put me on a farmlands looking map and now I actually had to deal with waves and this definitely looked a lot more like TDS actually does waves of enemies would now be coming out and the enemies would be getting harder and harder the early waves I was able to completely just burn with my pyro and I had a Max Level Commando over to the right of me who was basically just defending me the whole time anytime that something strong came out of the entrance regardless this is a great way of leveling up and gaining coins and so we made it all the way to wave eight which is the final wave in this first Arena the issue is I died that wasn't exactly fun so I would end up going back and this time making it to wave eight except actually getting to see the boss the boss was a necromancer he didn't have a lot of HP and the Commando almost just w shot him except when the pirate was shooting his flamethrower he can't move so while I was burning the enemies I just got run over I checked out another map which was Harbor that had an arena that led to polluted wastelands which is going to be absolutely insane later you're going to have to see it but that Arena was in progress so I had to go do something else by the way I forgot to mention but I had upgraded my pyromancer before which uh yeah took all of my coins so I just went and grinded farmlands a little bit to get my coins up and hopefully get some new tower maybe and as I was doing that this guy just started coming around with OP Towers first a swarmer then a Max Level accelerator which just absolutely shreds everything and slowly but surely after just burning all the enemies down I'd get enough coins to buy myself a paintballer now the reason this is super worth it is because the paintballer in this game has a minig gun and you can imagine a minigun that does Splash damage and reveals hidden is is a pretty useful Tower I went on a banded City another map that there is to test it out and sure enough this was a pretty strong weapon now even though it's not bad right now when you level this up this becomes so op just trust me you're going to want to see this but getting it to max level definitely takes some time because while people stealing your kills could kind of be problematic I still kept trying killing other enemies but this was just way slower than playing the arena would be so I ended up going back to farmlands and try to get people's attention by shooting paintballs at them it took a while but eventually I had four people there this time I wasn't going to be so stupid I was going to move when the enemies would be too close to me and so as we destroyed all of these rounds we got up to wave eight and just like that absolutely Ely annihilated The Necromancer boss first of all I should mention when you win you do get quite a bit of XP and coins I mean yeah that was a lot but you also get this Necromancer tower now this thing it's absolutely trash it spawns husks that have 4 HP they can hardly deal with a normal enemies don't use Necromancer it's only good when it's max level because that thing just spawns 300 HP skeletons yeah just stick to paint Baller in the meantime and so with paint baller equipped again and needing even more XP I first up uped the paintballer which made it stronger I don't exactly know the stats and then I would hop into Portland because it had stronger enemies and although paintballer did absolutely great Splash damage to all the breakers I was still not earning that many coins so off to the arena it was again this time just like last time was no issue just killing everything and you even get to see how strong the max level accelerator is it just deletes the boss at this point I was wanting to challenge so I went back to Harbor because I wanted to play on polluted wastelands but it was full so I left the game in my new server the polluted wastelands Arena was full again so I just decided to go to abandoned city and just kill a bunch of enemies there now this helped me get some XP and coins but this was slow I mean it was taking 10 minutes just to get 1,000 coins that's really a bad grinding method just do Arenas I did some more grinding on Portland and that went sort of well I noticed that there was an arena in Portland and I spent way too long trying to get in there just because uh my teammates just wouldn't go there thankfully for me the game was really loud ly so the enemies were all basically stuck in place and I was able to unleash just absolute destruction this was much more effective as I was gaining tons of levels and coins every single time a wave came out and this just turned out to be way more efficient than just playing normal Maps there's even a spot where you could be completely safe from the enemies regardless this was taking a while because of how laggy the game was and then the game also rebooted so I just lost all my progress not exactly though because unlike past first person TDS games this game you are actually get to keep your progress so if you buy an OP Tower you got to permanently use your op Tower so I load back in upgrade my paintballer and this time I actually got to hop into polluted wastelands at this point is when I realized I made a mistake these enemies had 600 hp so my paintballs were doing practically nothing to them I mean it was hard to even kill one enemy but the enemies in polluted wastelands they pay you a lot when you kill them 150 XP and 30 coins from just one enemy if you're an OP tower that can kill all these enemies you're just absolutely set and by the way I'll be showing you how to farm polluted wastelands as a new player sooner in this video you might just want to stick around for that you know but unfortunately there was no meat to tell me at the time how to farm polluted wastelands as a low-level paintballer so I just ended up uh well getting screwed over there was a mutated boss on Wave 5 which had 4,000 HP remember that Necromancer on Wave 8 in that other Arena that one only had 800 hp and it was much slower so yeah polluted Wast l definitely no joke and it's meant for players who have good stuff and my team would basically be doing all of the work up until wave 8 on this wave two resurrected Abominations would spawn in and the worst possible thing would happen all my teammates would die I was now left alone with two resurrected animations that were really fast and with 6,000 HP that were um after me regardless now I don't know if this was stupid or smart but I persisted kept running back and forth across the map and shooting them a few times until I killed them one of them actually got stuck which made things a little bit easier but the amount they give you when you kill them is something else the first one I killed just just look at my coins yeah I leveled up and that was almost 1,000 coins all from just killing one enemy these things pay you the other one was pretty annoying to kill as well I took it on a wild goose chase and it ended off with me killing that one as well now I was ready to accept my fate of death because I was certainly not going to be defeating all these enemies without the help of any teammates and what's funny is they wouldn't even kill me they'd push me under the map where I would have to reset my character then cuz I wasn't able to die regardless though I was almost there to maxing my paint baller I just needed more money except I made a terrible decision I bought the farmer because this Tower is apparently supposed to give you extra money every time you kill an enemy I also claimed it did Heavy damage so I hopped into Portland hit a lead and when I saw that it did eight damage and it took it like 4 seconds to swing and also considering that when I killed it it was like 40 bucks honestly I wouldn't even call it worth it I was basically dead after just some easy enemy started piling on top of me it was so frustrating to play as the farmer I decided to switch to an easier map where I would make some progress but honestly I was just doing this to Max my paintballer still though I would get through this Arena I would unfortunately not kill the Necromancer boss to get all that juicy XP and coins but still I did get a reward that put me closer to the max paintballer I decided to just go on the Portland Arena and after waiting for a while finally got in destroyed the enemies even got to the last wave which was wave 10 with a resurrected abomination and had to hide on top of a map with no teammates yet again to take this thing out still though when I killed it I got compensated heavily oh my God I had 8,000 coins this was by far the best thing I could have done if you're a newer player play the Portland Arena with all this new found money though I maxed out my paintballer and just take a look at it this thing is just a a Powerhouse maybe I can call it a mitochondria as bad as that was I decided to hop into another Portland Arena just to try and see how easy the enemies there would be now and they were no problem again just like last time we made it to the resurrected Abomination this time thankfully with some teammates alive and I also got yet another super big payday I decided to upgrade my Necromancer because well last time I used it it was trash with 4 HP husks after spending 6,000 coins on it and seeing it spawn more husks that have 4 HP I I realized I just made a terrible Financial mistake I re-equipped the paintballer and just started playing on abandoned city then I got tired of that rejoined the game in a private server and did some Portland I'd also discovered the tactic of just raining paintballs on yourself this essentially just creates a ball of plasma that acts as a shield that just wipes everything that enters it this does risk you getting pretty close to death sometimes but in that case you can just run paintballer is pretty quick again I made it to wave 10 went on top of the entrance rained down paintballs in the resurrected Abomination and got a hefty payday now it was time for polluted wastelands this is where you get to see the true Ultimate Way of farming coins when you have a good paint baller you probably don't even need a good paintballer it would just take a lot longer but if you get on top of this building over here get all the enemies to run into a corner and then just rain paintball straight down on them you make a lot of money that was over 1,000 coins in basically 20 seconds now I had a scavenge for some enemies after that which was pretty annoying especially considering they're so strong and I wouldn't feel safe jumping down from my building so after getting all the enemies the next wav would rush in these ones would have way more enemies and you can see my coins were flying up I mean is this even real I'd eventually die but still I was up to 13,000 coins from just one game of polluted wastelands that didn't even last 5 minutes yeah this method was overpowered I would do it again and again as my coins and levels were just flying up like it was nothing keep in mind this has to be done in a private server because you just get all the kills and also polluted wastelands is always available don't worry the private servers are free by the way so there should be something everybody can do regardless I made a big financialist mistake I decided to upgrade the Necromancer because remembering the 300 HP skeletons I thought I was getting a good deal apparently the Necromancer is way too expensive to Max and the one right before max level while the skeletons he spawns have 8 HP 8 HP you know I paid probably over five times more for this than the paintballer and this is not even as good as 2 seconds of shooting the paintballers gun the balancing in this game is just something else I mean it's a new game but come on guys you can't be letting this slide after doing a little bit of off camera grinding I would return with a bunch of levels and coins and it was time to go into the shop and buy all of the towers up first was Scout max level Scout did some good damage I mean you could see that Soldier honestly just felt worse than Scout don't use Soldier sniper wasn't terrible it could three- shot the normal bosses but honestly probably still not the best option then would come shotgunner this thing was a Powerhouse it could one-hot normal bosses but it didn't really have a spread like it does in TDS regardless though it's a really strong tower I would recommend it next would come the elf this thing was just broken then it was time to Max the farmer it wasn't very cheap but it would make you a ton of coins like a normal would now make me almost 100 coins a Max Level farmer probably a pretty good way to get coins better than the paint baller method I still don't think so next up would be demoan I mean it's damage is fine but it's expensive and there's paintballer which which um yeah is pretty good then I would use Citizen and honestly this is just trash this is just a farmer that doesn't give you extra money don't use it then would come pyro this thing was pretty insane it would absolutely annihilate hordes but again remember pyro when shooting it can't move and it also needs the enemies to be right in front of it so you can't shoot him up or down stillo absolutely fantastic damage Hunter was decent it had kind of a fast fire rate it was basically just a faster firing sniper it could for shot normal bosses but again just use paintballer cowboy was really fast it had a combat roll and it was able to one shot bosses keep in mind the cowboy can shoot pretty dang fast this thing definitely would recommend crook boss also pretty dang strong it was able to shred bosses and once you pull off 100 shots with it you spawn in some Crooks that basically just do all the work for you they're pretty dang strong then would come militant honestly I just don't see a good reason to use the militant it's basically just paintballer without the splash damage okay just just use the paintballer like it's strong but it's not really worth it then would come toxic Gunner this thing is strong but it's probably more useful for utility cuz it can slow down enemies I wouldn't recommend using it in a Solo but if you're playing with a team you could greatly help them out with this Tower then would come freezer it doesn't even freeze but it does good damage and I'm pretty sure it slows down the enemies I'm not exactly sure still wouldn't say I recommend it though then I use swarmer this thing was absolutely expensive and it just had a b bomb that absolutely destroyed everything in its range in fact it was so strong I went on polluted wastelands to see if it could One-Shot the enemies and yeah it absolutely could none of this was still strong enough to actually see the power of the swarmer so I decided to fight an 8,000 HP slime and that thing got decimated pretty hard by the way the B bomb ability did like 1,000 damage I'm pretty sure but swarmer is hella expensive and cost over 100k coins to max out and there's a tower that I'm going to be showing you pretty soon that's going to be way more worth your money next came the Commando which was also extremely expensive this thing yes it's TR but it damage is kind of underwhelming it does have some pretty strong Rockets but again wouldn't recommend I then tried minig Gunner which didn't do great damage I was pretty disappointed but to be fair minig Gunner is a cheap Tower anyways so I guess take that as you will and now finally the second strongest Tower accelerator this one is really cheap for what it does considering it can do 4,000 damage before it's overcharged and it can do 4,000 damage really easily and this I would probably say is the best lit game Tower to go for considering it's basically astrona swarmer but like five times cheaper finally would come engineer whose last upgrade costed over $138,000 the reason for this is basically the sentury are really dang strong and they have absolute Aimbot so if you get your sentries placed down they'll just be wiping out the whole map anywhere doing all the work for you how does it compared to accelerator it's probably just as strong but it does everything for you so I'm assuming that's why it's expensive and that would be about everything I have time to show so far about TDS RPG there's definitely more fun admin content but this video just took forever to make so if we get 8,000 likes as well as subscribing and using star Cod then I'll upload the admin content deal and if not you're not going to wake up tomorrow anyways have a great day see you
Channel: Elite
Views: 416,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tds, rpg, first person, new, game, review, tower, showcase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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