TBN Praise the Lord July 11, 1996

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[Music] host echoes and around the world the Lord [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord Pervis the major Christian offensive [Music] the tip of Africa [Music] Central Asia Central and South America [Music] and rays gathering joining us from Trinity Music City USA Church auditorium in Hendersonville Tennessee our evangelist singer and songwriter James P internationally acclaimed gospel singer Johnny Reb Cosmo recording artist Ward winning gospel singers and recording artists the sphere family anointed recording artist and evangelist Laverne and Edith trip [Applause] and ready to take your calls our prayer partners from around America [Music] and founders of the Trinity Broadcasting Network [Music] welcome welcome welcome hello everybody pasta kosher - or butter the border and around the world it is time to welcome to Trinity Music City USA oh it's good to be back home in Tennessee isn't it yes it's good and when I came in tonight I just automatically headed toward my little podium up things you realize you're gaining a new reputation as the producer of the Broadway musicals for Christian television or something like that I you know what we're already getting wonderful wonderful wonderful letters and responses and people just loved it so it's it was worth it all we had the glory of the resurrection now have had the glory of America that's what won for the father won for the son now we've got one coming up in the whole of Christmas and it is going to be very special I have a thought and I'll just say it was something to do with the movie that I wanted to do but never get done did to get done do you remember that little story I don't want to tell it on the air because I don't want to blow it but it'll it be around Jesus in the manger and a lot of special people around him well that's kind of what this big old theater auditorium is for is it where any of you hear hot over two years ago when we kind of were thinking about just buying this whole place in any mold timers you get that yes I told you they're the ones it paid for it made many wonderful happy times like we had that week and now the Lord is just opening up all kinds of new doors for us to keep preaching the gospel in new ways you know I know in my spirit that a whole new gang yes that maybe wouldn't watch me sing by that channel yes well I have to tell you a cute story please we are doing James pain video and it's when Jesus met Jessie James and that video is being done right now he's going to sing that tonight so we brought the harley-davidson from Texas up here so that James can ride it for the for the video Jesse James gonna ride a Harley not a horse this is modern Jessie but it's a really cute concept so we had it here so the other day we were in a Harley store and I walked in it was after the play I walked in and a guy great big old biker guy walked up me says I saw you drive that Harley up on the stage for your plays and that was great and you know what that whole biker group there had won and that was what caught their eye that Christian's literally would say yes I Drive a Harley or yes I ride a horse or yes we're Christians and we're up this world you know we're not part of the world but we live in the world and that had touched him more than anything that we would dare drive that Harley upon the stage during a play in the Ken Copeland drives a Harley of course he does notice Gloria Gloria does too and flies a jet my horseback days are over I got bucked off you know a couple of years ago I dropped three reasons district three I'm just gonna ride a Harley now I'm just gonna stay here with you all you know what we have lots to pray about tonight and in a little bit I'm gonna have the whole gang of you in fact why don't you all come up right now Speer family come out come on out into a little bit here we'll introduce you properly in just a little bit Laverne Anita the Lulu Roman James Payne and family and daddy Rambo Nick Bruno and the band back here we're gonna have a wonderful wonderful music evening tonight but I have a very special prayer request to my dear you know first of all tell me I understand that John Osteen has been rushed to the hospital and as a rather serious condition we just got word that dr. Osteen is in the hospital in Houston that's all we known as something to do with his heart but we're just gonna pray that he's perfectly our men the Lord raised Odie from cancer of the liver to totally healed and walking in total health yes so God's gonna touch our brother tonight we're just going to really agree but I have a very special prayer request tonight as usual I've got a gag order on me from all the lawyers and I can't really tell y'all what this is all about but let me just say this much the future of Christian television as we know it and particularly TBN could largely be determined tomorrow Friday I've told you in my newsletters I've told you on the air I've told you many many times in different ways please don't take Christian television for granted please don't take TBN for granted sometimes we think well it'll just always be there well we believe it will but let me just tell you there are powerful forces at work in our Blessed America you know used to call this Christian America didn't we there are many people that would take exception to that statement today there are many who say that America is now in its post-christian phase we are not a Christian nation anymore I I don't agree with that I believe there's more of us that haven't bowed the knee to bailed and them amen and I believe that there are a host of us that are going to rise up and we're going to see the glory of God fill this land once again I want to say thank you sweetheart for I learned some very important things about America that I didn't even know about the spiritual heritage much more that we couldn't even say I'm sure should have been here forever the secular humanists have tried to strip even the history books of any vestige of God and religion and the fact that the Pioneer pilgrims came to this land in search of religious freedom and to serve and to worship God after the dictates of their own conscience they don't want our children to know that but thank God for TBN that put it all right back into the history books let's tell Jan thank you and her cast apart 350 who told us the real story of America and how God raised this land up for a unique purpose and you know what that purpose is not just that we might be blessed that we might be a blessing to the whole wide world and we're doing that through Christian television but tomorrow is a very special day our attorneys will be meeting in Washington tomorrow and I can't even tell you any more than that about it but I want us to touch God tonight for your Trinity Broadcasting Network and its future ability to continue to preach Jesus Christ and to lift him high for all the world to see a little brother wrote to me a few weeks ago a few days ago and said Paul I have a prophetic word from the Lord for you and he told me some things that only the Lord could have revealed to him and then I asked him to pray about this special day and he told me some things in the spirit that I know now are absolutely of the Lord some things happened that he could not have known about because they hadn't happened yet okay so the word that he gave me said Paul you need to call your staff and your family of TBN together for a very special day of fasting and prayer this we did last Wednesday and many many of my partners across America stopped what they were doing and they spent the day with me and fasting in prayer we called our whole staff together we did nothing virtually the whole day but just fast and pray before the Lord and as I was praying the Lord gave me a very special word and I've got a little scripture I'm gonna read for you but you know I have heard the best of the prayer teachers my pastor Jack Hayford Papa Bill Hemmer a few years ago so many have taught us the secrets of Prayer years ago John Wesley said God will do nothing obviously in this human realm and sphere except in answer to prayer and I've heard the best of them teach and yet I've never had a soul satisfying answer why does God need my puny little prayers why doesn't God just do what he wants done after all he's God okay and why doesn't he just kill the enemies why doesn't he just take care of those bad people over there right you know I tell everybody I was born in the wrong dispensation I should have been one of David's lieutenants where you got a sword and you cut your enemy's head off like he did Goliath we don't do it that way these days we fight our battles with paper and briefcases and lawyers and briefs and all kinds of things you have to go to battle in very different ways today but why does God need my prayers why doesn't God just be God and do what has to be done and you know God spoke to me as clearly as I've ever heard him just a few days ago in prayer and this is almost too simple but I think a little illustration will help us all understand it just a bit better God said I want you to be my partner in getting the things done that I want done now that sounds good and it's really quite simple but the illustration that he flooded into my spirit was this supposed Luverne you and Robbie were going to build a house a lot of father and son teams have built the family home it's a great project but suppose as the father the boss you just told Robbie everything was going to be done your way just do it this didn't give him a chance to get a word in edgewise didn't give him a chance to say anything giving input you just told him everything he had to do and he had no input or any dialogue or any conversation with you or you didn't accept any of his ideas what good would Robbie be don't you think he'd began to feel kind of useless kind of unnecessary you know God wants you to talk back to him he wants you to argue with him let us plead together Isaiah said let us plead together plead thou with me you know think of the story of Abraham he plea bargained with God to save the wicked city of Sodom and Gomorrah dandy he said if there be 50 in the city will your spirit and God said yes he plea bargain with God down to ten I wonder if he quit too soon I bet if he too got on down and said won't you spare it just for my nephew lot and his family they're dead God would have probably he changed God's mind through prayer now think about that for just a little bit and you know what another powerful word that came to me when finally the angel came to destroy the city old backslidden lot his nephew didn't even want to leave remember didn't want to leave that angels went and literally got hold of him remember the story in Genesis and forced him against his will because Abraham was praying for him Oh how many have got an unsaved loved one raise your hand right now how many have got to someone you love that isn't saved yet pray amen the angel will come and get a hold of them just like they did in lots day and got a hold of his arm and forced him out of that city God couldn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah until he answered Abraham's prayer and got his backslidden nephew out of town you have the power of heaven and hell in your hand today you have the power to pray that unsaved son or daughter husband wife nephew niece grandma grandpa you have the power through prayer to take them into heaven even against their will think about that think about that God is going to hear an answer prayer because he wants partners do you want another illustration hold my papers here man I'm about to get into this folks this is this is good I love Jeremiah Oh Jeremiah the weeping prophet he gets pretty rough with God Jeremiah says some things to God I wouldn't dare say listen to this Oh Lord thou has deceived me I was deceived thou art stronger than I and has prevailed I am in derision daily and every one mark with me for since I cried spoil and violence behold the word of the Lord was a reproach unto me then said I I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name Jeremiah said I quit I resigned God you haven't defended me you haven't gone before me you have deceived me Lord you got me into this mess and you've deceived me boy that's tough talk isn't it to God I'm not going to say that to God no no no Jesus not me anybody here ever feel like quitting the rest of your lyin how many times today but Oh God is so merciful he is so merciful you know Jeremiah finished up by saying he said but his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay he wanted to quit but God wouldn't let him the Word of God was in his bones like a fire and he had to speak forth the word of the Living God Oh hallelujah no we're not going to quit I'll tell you what we are going to do we're going to do as much damage as we can to the devil in Jesus name now let me tell you what else Jeremiah says I love old Jeremiah he says why is my pain perpetual and my wound and curable which refuse it to be healed boy he gets pretty rough again wilt thou all together be unto me as a liar God are you a liar are you lying to me God and will you be unto me as waters that are unsure or fail but God is so merciful God doesn't even Rick bukey for his strong words he says therefore thus says the Lord if thou will return and will I will bring the again and now she'll stand before me and if thou will take forth the precious from the vial get your life straightened up Jeremiah then thou shalt be as my mouth and I will make unto thee this people a fenced brazen wall and they shall fight against thee but they shall not to prevail against thee for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee saith the Lord and I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible the day will come dear friends when I will be able to tell you this incredible Odyssey in this fight that we have had for the last almost five years now that I've not even been able to talk to you about on the air but there are forces in our land today that would like very much to silence your voice in mind they would like to take these Christian television stations off the air bottom line is do you know what it is they hate our Lord Jesus Christ we shouldn't be too surprised because jesus warned us before he left to go to his father he said if they hated me they're going to hate you too beer would be aware be warned before armed get a good grip on God and on this word and know your rights and authority in Jesus Christ because if you do that devil can't touch you but if he can bluff and bluster and trick you into believing his lie then he's won well God wants us to be partners with him in this thing called prayer in getting his work in getting his kingdom built here on this earth he's the architect but he wants you to help him and he wants your input he wants your ideas he wants you to talk with him he wants you to spar with him he wants you to even argue with him in the final analysis it's going to get done his way but he want you to be a part of this great kingdom that he is building on this earth he doesn't want a bunch of robots he wants human beings that love him and will partner with him and will even change his mind remember that thought Moses I think you reminded me of that the other day honey as we were talking on the phone God got so fed up with the children of Israel he said I'm gonna wipe them all out Moses I'm gonna kill them all and I'll raise up a new nation through you and Moses pled with God he said God no what will the enemy say what will the Egypt say that you brought them out with a strong hand what will the enemies round about us they'll say that you couldn't bring them through do you hear him reasoning with God you're him arguing a God don't do it God Moses said in fact he said this is this is the strongest thing I've read in the word in this regard he said if you if you kill them you're going to have to block my name out too and Moses changed the mind of Almighty God and spared a nation through his intercessory prayer I want us to pray in just a little bit Jan honey come be my prayer partner Speer family laverne Edith James Payne sweet dotty Rambo Lulu where are you sweetheart everybody join hands with that one next to you that little symbol that we are agreeing in prayer you at home join us I ask you to stop whatever you're doing this brother that gave me a word from the Lord said that we should set aside days of fasting in prayer and we have done that and now a very very very very important day tomorrow Friday the twelfth day of July 1996 the future of Christian television as we know it could very well be determined on this day Father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we come to you God we know first of all that Christian television was no man's idea it was your idea you raised it up you brought it to pass you have fought for and defended it you've used multitudes of us together Lord to bring this mighty voice into being that it might herald the good news of Jesus Christ and his love the uncompromising gospel that Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God born of the Virgin Mary living a sinless unblemished life dying upon a cross raised from the dead Oh glory be to God forgiving of our sins ascending to the right hand of the Father God the gospel message the power of the Holy Spirit we have not compromised it Lord you are our witness and now Lord we lift this great voice to you for it is your voice and we ask you in the name of Jesus by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and confession that every enemy that would try to stop this voice shall be destroyed in the name of Jesus we come against you Satan for you are the father of it all you are the ringleader of it all and we bind your evil power by the blood the lamb in the word of our confession and we agree right now that your power and your glory shall continue to radiate through these mighty airwaves around the world until Jesus comes until the Trump of God sounds until it's time for us to go home Lord we thank you for the victory who asked you to be with our attorneys give them a mouth and a mind of wisdom Holy Spirit be with him I pray give them words of knowledge and wisdom from the throne of God I pray in Jesus name Lord God we agree right now that this mighty voice that you have raised up shall continue to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ until you come for we ask it in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Ghost and all of God's people said a mighty amen amen amen let's give the Lord a mighty praise offering [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you've got a little scripture tonight read it just before we all start a great musical concert here you know there's another little truth Yuma's a musician's you know this better than any of us in the Old Testament when they went to battle you know who went out first don't you the singers and musicians where they learned opera singing that really loud and there was a reason for it they went out to praise the Lord and they knew that God inhabits the praises of his people so if the singers went out praising the Lord the glory of God came down and it defeated the enemies they were smart we need to learn that too we're gonna do that tonight you singers and musicians were sending you out in the forefront of the battle tonight amen to sing the glory down so that the praises of God's people will bring the glory of God and our enemies will be destroyed and defeated amen amen brother Speer give me a little testimony right now you you you've been in the way a few years yourself haven't you and tell me there's got to be a few spiritual battles have you got a secret or two you can share with us no I don't have any secrets I don't think when I was a little boy less than ten years of age I came to give my heart to the Lord and I came from spiritual home and good Christian parents and the the the the living and the honoring God has been with us down through these years and God has been with us and helped us in time of trial and time of trouble and we give Him praise and glory for his goodness to us in a little bit I want a howdy with y'all a little more and find out a bit more about this musical legend family the spear family I guess you've been on before but not on my night and I told them get me the spear family here tonight if at all possible that they might bless us in song and they are here tonight Jan honey read me read me a living scripture well you know this was on my heart when I knew this afternoon that you said that we were going to call for the prayer meeting because of the meeting tomorrow and I thought Lord you know the main thing and what is on our hearts more than anything in the world is that people find Jesus through TBN and we got we have names and addresses and know of over 8 million that have written us or through Crusades or overseas evangelism have found Jesus as their Savior through TBN and what else is there but Romans 10:9 and 10 and that's kind of our theme scripture and what TBN just talks about all the time and I'm gonna back up just a little bit and you know there are so many people and this is so wonderful romans 10 it says for they don't understand people in the world in fact the other day I was shopping in a store here and a precious lady came up to me and said oh I see you all the time on TBN and the first thing that came out of my mouth is are you a Christian and she said you know she said my grandmother and I would talk about Jesus all the time said but she she passed away a few years ago and I said you know you watch TV and you love it and you don't know Jesus as your Savior I said well then this is a divine meeting right now we're going to pray and write in an outlet store here in Nashville I prayed with the sweetest lady that just needed to say these words just Jesus come into my heart and that's what T being is all about it says for they don't understand that Christ has died to make them right with God instead people are trying to make themselves good enough to gain God's favor by keeping laws and customs but that is not God's Way of salvation they don't understand that Christ gives to those who trust in him everything that they're trying to get by keeping the law he ends all of that from Moses wrote that if a person listen to this could be perfectly good and hold out against every temptation all his life and never sin once only then could he be pardoned and saved but the salvation that comes through faith day is you don't need to search the heavens to find Christ and bring him down to help you you don't need to go among the dead to bring Christ back to life again for salvation that comes from trusting Christ which is what we preach is already within easy reach of us in fact it is as near as our own hearts and our own mouths for if you tell others with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead then you will be saved for it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with God and with his mouth he tells others of his faith confirming his salvation for the scripture tells us that no one who believes in Christ will ever be disappointed Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect they are they all have the same Lord who generously gives his riches to those who ask him for them and anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved but this is TBN listen but how shall they ask him to save them unless someone tells them and how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him and how can anyone tell about him unless someone tells them and how can anyone go and tell unless someone sends them and that's why the scriptures say how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings to those who need to know Jesus you know that's kind of TBN how can they hear how can they know would those 8 million have known without TBN would there be black and yellow red and white in heaven from all over the world now that we're going in on the way to Brazil and Chile in Colombia right now this Saturday we leave for TV stations there would they have known I don't know but I know God planned it before the foundation of the earth that Christian television would be here for one reason to see that God's Word and his precious son Jesus Christ is made beautiful on television right in the homes of everybody so I believe that's what TBN is all about and I'm reminding God of that God I'm reminding you eight million people yes have come to know your son because of TV and we need it on there we really needed for this world r16 you know what the best verse in the whole Bible is or whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved you finally a better version that anywhere in the Bible that is it let me just tell you one more little thing to pray about I I never can hardly keep a secret but honey we have been approached if you will believe this are the People's Republic of China now there's over a billion 300 million people in mainland China and they have a tell they have one TV network it's the state network and on any given night almost a billion people are watching this one channel we're going to have a weekly program I speak this by faith on the People's Republic of China number one channel in Jesus name if we'll pray if we'll pray all right Laverne Edith come you all just kind of hang loose wherever you're comfortable I'll be back - howdy with y'all in just a little bit we're gonna sing our way into victory tonight how you doing doing wonderful just great Edie Laverne bless your sweet hearts and joy Joel I had to go work back in California but I caught a lot of you on this very special week and I enjoyed it very much it was wonderful we have been and then we went to San Antonio and we've been in several places since then and everywhere it's changed in America I wish I really wish that everyone in our government could see what was shown it's so it's good to know it's good to know where we started and but it's more important where we are and so no matter how our life started no matter how your life started or anyone else's life started it can change now by doing what Jan just read anyone that calls on his name and that's why we're here to let you know that we know what we are but we know what he is and we want you to know him and they're coming to know him everywhere where this is the most wonderful time I've ever lived you know right now I love living with me yeah yeah thank you pastor trip that way because if you can't live with yourself you can't live with anybody yeah exactly do you all realize that brother Tripp pastors a church right here at Trinity Music City every Sunday afternoon at 5:00 yes some of the folks we hear all kinds a lot of people when they come I'm just rambling and I'm so excited and when you said China I just went it's her I give everything I have and I pray to help me make her that you know one thing I want I want everybody tonight remind the Lord - we're on in Moscow Russia with the gospel of Jesus and sang dieter tonight and st. Petersburg Russia with the gospel of Jesus Christ and in these places Managua Nicaragua that was communist it was still communist when we went down there just to turn we flew into Red China when little Eagle one landed in among all of those Red Guard and it was still Communist China and we flew in there to dare say that we want to bring Jesus Christ on your television sets in your home so remind God of all that tonight Lord we're going around the world with your gospel and people are being saved in every land that we are in how many well all of them through the radio but we've heard we've heard from over a hundred and twenty-five nations through shortwave radio alone we have TV stations now in about 37 nations of the world we know it's going to be every nation because he said his glory will fill the earth now he said that and that's going to happen so why not us we're willing we're willing and I'm glad to be a partner with you I so glad to be a partner with you aren't you glad to be a partner well together we could together we're doing well you sing one of my songs tonight you know there are days I know when all of us feel like the old horse that was rode hard and put up with five years been a long time and there been nights when I really wondered if we were going to have this great voice very much longer over two million dollars has been expended in legal fees that I can't even tell you all about it yet but I will someday I will someday but this song has helped me through a valley or two and some that Dottie Rambo is going to sing for us in a little bit will you sing my song Jesus comes midst of us in the midst of that old storm we have come to you welcome Laverne Annie you for help and you find no one there and the darkness moves and on each side just remember that God he's always watching in love and in his loving arms do it always high for Jesus this the show to deliver Oh when yours did so he will stay when he comes don't [Music] to heal from sin he has power to stop that trouble somewhere why there's nothing too hard for the savior to do while up reach out cause he's reaching out to you to deliver [Music] when your it's so when he comes the big start see you see that's enough will he come the next night the star Jesus Thank You Laverne thank you oh yes do I have a witness he's coming that storm hasn't he and he's brought you through it safe and sound and were coming through this one too in Jesus name we're going to have a good old sing-along tonight now before I introduce our sweetheart dotty and of course dotty Rambo needs no introduction why don't we just say hello gran dot rainbow how you doing sweet angel let's say hello and welcome back home glad to have you here I'm going to howdy wish in just a little bit and get her a mic stand or something out here the reason it's going to be a lot of fun tonight is usually it's just Dottie and me sitting here pickin and grinnin and the old and the old guitar but we got us a little drumroll please yes we have our own band here tonight let's say hello to Nick Bruno hello Nick let's see we've also got Rick where's Rick Hoyt this is Rick we have John rich there's John all hurt me with that steel guitar in just a little bit will you Stacy coke Stacy there Stacy on the electric guitar and Trent Austin now don't don't kill me with those drums up there tonight okay let's tell our TBN band welcome tonight they're going to do a grand old song in just a little bit too but we all just kind of join in and help Dottie and me tonight and Jan and all we needs a bus and we may just hit the road here tonight how's my sweet angel I'm doing pretty good Paul are you doing I'm gonna make it I know yard I've been praying for TBN I've kind of been off for a few weeks kind of getting a little strength back a little weight back on on the body don't you know eat some that southern cooking and that'll do it that'll do them beans and taters we'll get it every time but it's good to be back home we need to get you out to Betty Jean Robinson's house and some of that good cook and she does out there and sorry twisted the lord back nothing okay devil here we go again but it was the first time I felt fear in a long time and I was just welcomed a little doggie and I've got ten more pounds and I was just doing great walking by myself and everything and that just happened and I said okay I don't receive that I have another disc rupture so I went back to my great doctor and she said I don't accept that either and she said I don't think so so we got all the x-rays done and turns out then I just had a trommel back there and bruise kind of round some things back there but they did some injections and the old lower back feels great and I'm getting better all the time getting better on the day good well do I have to sing one line of your songs yeah guessing defeats one word are you gonna sing this I don't you know no no no I'm just know okay using that as a spiritual all right exclamation let me know we're going to we're just going to sing along as usual of anything else that we need to I understood that you've actually kind of hit the road again a little bit and you've been out doing some ministering and regaining some of your strength again but prior to that little fault Paul I went to and Jan I went to Oklahoma City and did a joy fellowship a bunch of women that honestly I don't think I ever had such a coming-out party Judy meals and a lot of my friends uh probably about forty ladies brought me in there and I did about a week there in Oklahoma City around there and walked on stage I had 2,000 women waiting to be taught and be praised - praise the Lord long with me and it was such strength I don't think I've ever felt God any stronger and I was starting to do several things and kind of had this little setback but getting ready to come back again and getting ready to do some dates and you know you can't hold me down I am a man but you have in back surgery ten now ten back injuries broke your hip yes broke what did you do to your ankle something well I had that taken off the ankle and then they took a rib out but you know there's just enough of me left just to give the devil to though he's just behind the barn talking to himself right now she's up again she's awake she's in her own mind you know it's been incredible I was doing a service in Oklahoma City and and I got a letter from this great doctor scientist and he was telling me that he was hiding up in the sound booth because men weren't supposed to be in that service and he said he was just weeping and the sound person said what are you crying about and he said I've just heard that lady's testimony about all the drugs as she was on about 19 and 92 when the Lord helped me to just say cold turkey all that daytime stuff morphine and all that he heard that that testimony in he was weeping he said there's no way he said I just witnessed a miracle he said the miracle is the miracle of her mind that she can be witty and she can be talking about one thing and go a mile around and come back to where she was not to get her place and I do that just to show the devil I know what I'm saying I know what I'm doing and you know I've got a power for something I gotta say I've been praying let me get this jewelry around here it's beating my guitar ah that's Purdy this this is my anointing oil that I snoring all this is present as a gift to me like just forgetting otherwise Jezebel's all over [Laughter] God doesn't care just put them anywhere you want you got him flown them they break a school but do you know I'm so clearly with Pawlenty I'm glad you're are we at Rio we're a mess I tell you do you know that John Rich little behind on the steel do you know he played guitar for for our band tell me that yeah we'll get about here let's beat the guitar a little bit okay we're getting to fix them new okay I want to be seen in her bonnet ah hey John Rich played what in the middle of seventies there's something like that in our band mind the rambles in yeah and I got to con tailed cute story John had never John will remember this John didn't really know a lot of our music and I had a lot of songs then hitting a lot of songs in the charts and I think at that time tears will never stay in the streets that City John wasn't it really big then and so John came to our house to audition I've never met him you know I just heard he was great on the steel so we pulled out a little record from some Oh God had made it and he was so out of meter so out of tune the ugliest words you've ever heard in your life and I said to John I said to John you remember the story John I said we shake your head I look like a liar if you don't I said I said this is gonna be our new single I said you know you take this and you're learning it so you sit Marin he's trying to jump in the meter and he's trying to he's and he's looking at me I say isn't that fantastic job this is the song this is a one's gonna be in the chart and John's just going ever wait he said ah now I've heard some your records he said are you sure you want this to be your single so if it meant reduction did you but you know that if I could ever get serious he's still trying to learn that song daddy but John you did notice that we didn't recorded the man the road was upset John was happy but you know I've been watching a TV and a lot lately I watch it a lot anyway and way and not the reruns and everything I just said they're memorized the whole drama and everything there everybody in place and say Jan put that in over there and get that in over there somebody remember your lines always doing something you know I wanted to be right in the middle of helping directed from y'all core support you know and but I've been watching TV in and you know the Lord just said place your hands out there reach your hands they need you they need your strength you may not have a whole lot right now but spiritually I've got the strength you know this spirits never lost that strength and the body's getting stronger too but I will tell you Satan does desire to close these cameras down these microphone stands to shut these stations down because this is the network that God set into gear into motion to reach the world and I have watched this Jan and Paul I've watched this thing just grow and grow and grow and I can remember back when we thought 30 stations oh we're it is right I know I thought one was oh yeah what was it and tell us the ones I the funniest one run barefooted and praising God and saying her station and Paul could not get rid of throw the switch another station and I can't keep up with them now Paul I can't and that's why Satan is doing what he's doing of course but listen folks we got to pray we can't just sit in the pews we can't just sit there and say I'd like to send their pledge we've got to do something because this is the network I believe that God is good he's gonna be ushered back by reaching the world with TV in and we better be getting on our knees we'd better do something about it and my heart Paul talking tonight I tell you I never wanted to talk so fast and life and I said Holy Spirit you're not wrong you're never wrong when you spoke to me and I felt like I was doing nothing I wasn't able to sing I wasn't writing right now I said God you still spoke to me and said pray reach your hands toward to the end and you know Janna Paul I have been looking at that number in California is to impress me still does across that for the little partner sit back there and take those requests and little Jan's always running back there we call it the birthing room and everything and that number how many millions have been saved eight million people and growing it probably twice that many we've never heard from them or it only knows there has to be no but my mind said to me and my spirit said to me let's pull it back just a little grab those Souls Paul pull us back in you know sometimes we just keep going to go and we get ahead of our stuff again don't we now God's in dotty when you get better and you will go out there and get too lost now I've been reaching the hurting and I'm still going to do that but throw out the net get the lost and then you can heal the hurting amen and get the lost amen thank you and I have to just say a little word Steve Wells has been here this past week with you and there we are right now in the process of writing the script for the dotty Rambo Story movie and Steve Wales has been here several times he works with charisma magazine is wonderful and he's going to be doing the basic writing for the story we had to get it out of this little girl she just she hadn't put it all down they've been books written but Ted told it all God no we're talking the other day we spent several hours the other day talking about the movie and doing some taping and making notes and Steve said Dottie we're gonna find some up moments here you know I said you understand there's been love tears in my lifetime you don't written a lot of song about the tears but I was talking to Reba the other day and she said Oh mother you got some funny stories about on the bus and I said well we may be x-rated so we could share some of the stories but we want to draw an egg but it's going to be something and I'm so thrilled and honored that Paul and Jane believed in me and wanted to do this I was most shocked more than anybody else and there are a lot of things that you're gonna hear about you never heard about before some things will be sharing yes you know what let's just pretend we are in the angel room tonight and I see the old guitars here and we got Nick in the gang and the old piano and the steel guitar and I've got a little news for you Dottie Vern Jackson has just finished his latest album and a bunch of them are some of those good sweet Dottie Rambo songs he leads me beside still waters is one of the sweet sweet old songs and could we do it tonight you will hear Vern sing it to in just a little bit as soon as we get it all finished up but I heard it the other night in the recording studio and it is right there and so this is one of the sweet sweet dotty Rambo song was a story before you okay Dottie what was the what was the story of writing this song well when I wrote this Jan I was going through I know broken heart broken really bad broken heart and I've been through a lot of those things but you know what I guess I don't apologize to the Lord and say okay god I'm not mad at you two boys I'm sorry because through that God gave me so many Valley songs people say you don't boy you write a lot of valley songs how can you do that there's such good songs I said well you gotta go to the valley to write about the day you know and it's not wrong to write about the bad places you've been if you can end on a negative note I mean a positive note it's alright to start negative but you gotta be positive and let people know there's a way out of those places yes so when I was going through that I just thought oh it's dark as a dungeon and the Sun seldom shines that I question Lord find us to speak then he tells me there's strength in my sorrow and my sorrow and there's the victory in trials for me and he leads me beside still waters and see I learned something I never thought about people always saying oh I want to go to the mountain and I want the joy all want to just feel the warm breeze oh but folks you'll starve to death on the mountain because you know it's hard it's burning up there there's no foliage but in the valleys where the water the green lush you almost just feel your feet walking through that you know sing it for me sing it for me let's go everybody when I blow in spirit I cry Lord lift me up I want to go higher with you [Music] okay [Music] then he just picks out [Music] still what somewhere [Music] he throws to be to be tried but [Music] turn around it's dark as a dungeon and the sunset don't you and I question why must this be ever done that over and over and then he tells me daddy the string in the sorrows and there is victory nice try [Music] and he does this still [Music] Oh [Music] to be dressed but we stole [Music] well it's dark as a dungeon time's the Sun on my knees and just cried out to God and said God I messed the speak then he tells me by their strength [Music] in this sorrow and there's a victory in you sing everybody with me it's me this one still what thank you lord somewhere [Music] interests [Music] we restored [Music] tag and take it off [Music] here we start [Music] I love it I love it I love it now you're not getting out without singing hi song tonight we've already practiced this one and I'm going to hum along on this one James Payne you're going to help us sing along Laverne coax the whole gang out here you can get Edie and the spear family and the whole bunch Bill Gaither eat your heart out we'll just have a sing-along just like precious memories and all of those now come on tell me there's a story behind this when I know tears will never stain the streets of that city this was a in about the same time that I wrote this and I couldn't stop crying I think I cry a lot even in worship do you you do that Jan Jan balls on I like I do it's just a venting I think it's a way of venting even your spirit and your soul and it's yeah if you just can't just get it out there but once in a while when I'm teaching seminars I tell women weep you know have your time but joy comes in the morning say yeah have a time weeping but when all the crying I was doing I kept thinking with the tears never stop but then you know coming through that brokenness and the Holy Spirit just dealt with me about heaven what it's gonna be like and there would be a time when the tears would stop when I was running from all the heartbreaking incidents and those especially in the 70s when all the brokenness started Jan and a lot of this I can't give it all away but it will be in the movie but I remembered how many times that Elvis would deal with me and pray with me and I remember when I took this song to Elvis and I was back in his dressing room and there was about 50 people back there and he took me over in a little corner and we sat down there on the carpet and he said have you written anything new lately Dottie and I said well yeah I've got a lot of new things but I said let me just quote you some lyrics of a song I just finished writing he said all right so I started off with this song that I'm getting ready to do and when I finished with the lyric he he was just like a little boy anyway he just jumped up and started doing cartwheels just going turning somersault over and over he's great he'll they'll Elvis oh yeah Elvis he loved lyrics and he said everybody shut up over that kid over here what listen what daddy's written you know so he helped me dry a lot of tears - Elvis was a great hand and helping me go through a lot of tough times and a time when when I thought at that time that that my home was breaking then you know and and of course now it's broken as a lot of you know and we just get through that and gods just pushed us right through that but at that time we were going through those broken times and this is where this song came out of and the Lord just reminded me go on honey you can get through this I'll bring you through it your heart will stop breaking the tears will finally stop flowing after a while laverne you know and you won't want the pills anymore to stop you from wanting to kill yourself uh you know you won't hide anymore you won't run anymore not sorry I just get ugly when I do this but the time will come and you that are watching out there and you and the audience a time will come when God will wipe the tears away even here yes yes he will but then in the middle of all that Constance said the day will come when won't walk on the streets of cold errand walls of Jasper no more aborting little children no more broken hearts no more hurting bodies a time will come when tears will never fall and the heart will never break and the tears will never stain the streets of that city oh come on everybody singing I said God that has to be a song somewhere bring my tempo up just a little bit darling dear family join us could count the tears that appalled it would seem like a no-show to be and I guess if my heart was a window you could look [Music] you were sitting out mom Hey never say the street that's City you know [Music] and oh my No [Music] crops are never be on the case of Dori [Music] well [Music] I have questioned loved one cuz the grave seems a vinyl and so cold but we'll meet again for Dan has nothing [Music] now say [Music] ah No here comes Neville beyond the gaze of the [Music] everybody [Music] never say that's it here of his own [Music] Oh [Music] to know [Music] tear drops fine I'll come is right beyond the [Music] or this [Music] whomever say thus three son bastard [Music] Riis of death oh my soon tear drops aren't welcome beyond the days of glory [Music] we'll ever now listen to this verse [Music] I've never met one man without sorrow I've never looked into eyes with no pain but I know a land we're gree where's my stranger [Applause] [Music] you [Music] and the stories are [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] dear farmer [Music] we'll [Music] I said well [Music] [Applause] Oh Thank You spirit amélie thank you James Payne Thank You Laverne Thank You everybody or dotty that has got to be one of the classics of all classics you know I'm glad Lulu's out here because the next song we sing I'd kind of like to to sing for Lulu okay in fact just get old blessed hope ready Lulu come here just a minute just yeah come on can I you want to just sit down here all right let's tell Lulu Roman we're glad she's here tonight how you doing angel [Applause] Lulu's been going through one of those valleys I understand and but Lulu we're coming out of it okay yes we are we're coming out of it and Lulu is kind of here tonight not only to bless us and she's going to sing one of my grand old songs in just a little bit but we're here to kind of minister to our little sweet Lulu is is her can you give me just little testimony tonight or where is Lulu right now she down in one of those valleys a little bit yes she is she's on the brink of a miracle [Applause] you know we always think of sweet Lulu and and I don't know about you but one of my all-time favorites is the old hee haw show how many any any old hee haw fans out there and grandpa and jr. and all the gang and I love that old hound dog and you know we just used to laugh and carry on it was just it was kind of Heartland America humor wasn't it and we think of Lulu is just being funny all the time and happy all the time and up all the time and going but hey Lulu has her moments too doesn't she Lulu has many moments we were talking backstage about just trying to just trying to listen to Dottie and hold a straight face I'm not too well I'm I'm probably known as miss snotface here lately yeah it's um well it's a long story it's taken years you know to get to this you know I believe that the Lord allowed he Hart to be a part of my life because it was the vehicle to put me out there to give a testimony of God's grace and somewhere in the middle of all that I got caught in politics got caught in a number system I guess country didn't want because as gospel gospel didn't want because as country and nobody you know you know how it is there's a number thing that goes on out there if you don't pull in the numbers we wondered don't wait hey [Applause] yeah and so I have kind of found myself you know just sitting around going father I know did you gave me an Stalin and I have nothing else to do with my life but serve you tell it no and so it's hard when the enemy comes against you and tells you that you're unacceptable to begin with uh just give me the whole box honey obviously we're not in heaven yet because tears will never stain uh-huh and it's been pretty rough it has you know they took key hall away from us and then took the reruns away from us and pretty much you know that's it's hard to have to to face insecurity that's what it is and we were promised that we would be cared for when we were oak and it was another one of those promises it was broken not just for me but for a lot of people and it's just I don't really know what to say Paul except that you know I've definitely been in a valley I have but I know he's never left praise God telling us and I believe with my whole heart that the miracle was fixing a breakthrough because I believe that he called me to be a witness for the body of Christ and that never gets home Lulu Country Music's loss is Jesus gain and we're glad you're here tonight can you kind of pull it together and do my song for me right now and then we're gonna sing one for you because daddy's got a special song did you want to say a little word just before she sings my old song whatever you want but but I have a song I feel that I should sing to her all right yeah all right I need to minister to Lula just for that I do it get get that hole that guitar and hold that guitar and while I'm talking I want you to get a track up on the all in the one if I ever had a lyric for Lulu the Lord just ministered to me that I got I got something I need to for Lulu to hear because God gave me this song I'm pretty good while ago and now my minister is called all in the wine that's what the Lord is sending me back in the ministry for is the oil in the wine and I want you Lulu to take these lyrics don't you ever let Satan defeat you we welcome you into the family of God we we missed you we didn't know where you went to but we're glad we found you isn't that right praise God and it's alright to cry you and I have cried enough we have cried Lulu not just that share stories ball you know just cry is the world say that crying our beer but we don't we just cried our water whatever just cried whatever we're drinking but not not booze you understand what I'm saying but we just have stories don't we Luna but God always brings us through doesn't he and I want you to listen whenever they get that track ready I'm ready I want to sing the song to Lulu and anybody else is listening that it's going to minister to I want her to hear the lyric all right [Music] I see voices caster cry upon my slumbering years pain and the sound of broken hearts was more than I could bear you see Lulu some it given up in two feet because to see life sometimes to them and to you have been unkind and then I recall the Great Commission pour in the oil and the wine this is what I tell the churches women we as Christian how long can we walk on by pretending not to see to be bleeding die lying in the streets oh we judged this end but can we [Music] to reach down in sweet poor in the boy [Music] honey [Music] three it's darling there's like [Music] server unperson Toria me boy the one it if I ever wrote a verse for you as [Music] you see [Music] you [Applause] just needy the gentle and see the look of mercy in our eyes because you see who knows someday somewhere maybe down that same road that same to someone that you reach down the hell you may be standing over them ever so gently pouring boy the world [Music] teachers Jesus teaches [Music] and just gets me [Music] Darden there is flying Jesus the bomb [Music] Wow [Music] merci if we are indeed numbers then serve us hot mercy pours in the oil [Music] you know what as you were singing that song Dottie God spoke to me as clearly as I've ever heard him speak that oil and wine takes different forms at times the scripture says if we see our brother or sister in need and we say go away be warmed be fed how dwelleth the love of Christ in us I happen to know not altogether by the Spirit that a little birdie has told me that Lulu has some very special needs and I want the ushers to come down right now we're going to take an offering for Lulu Roman God spoke to me as clear as I've ever heard him speak Mike Everitt my gang get me the ushers around here and we're going to minister to our sister in Jesus Christ in a tangible way amen come on let's get our pocketbooks out and and I want us to minister in a tangible way to our sweet sister Lulu Roman would you sing my song how were kind of getting ready to do this Lulu I she has all kinds of wonderful songs but one of the old old favorites and how can you beat Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me go ahead roll that old track and let's go really during this special way [Music] that saved already like I oh but now I was so blah [Music] grace [Music] this Oh [Music] to be [Music] and [Music] ten you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] Lulu Roman the one and only Adam program director maybe we need a Christian hee-haw something like that you know there's nothing wrong with Christian laughing and having a good time is her huh did you know we did a program with Lulu years and years ago we were ahead of our time you know now we're on time maybe we should do that again there's one more song that I want dottie is sing and then hey we oh you don't have o bless it okay well we'll we'll have Vern Jackson saying that it's also on his new record album and what would what would Donnie like to sing then well we got a real good band with us why don't we do too much to gain to lose always that's Jan song yes yes she joined in on this one okay do you need the guitar back ah well I don't have to have it the band we got the band here don't wait neck in the gang all right I'll tell you what if where's the singers I'd love to hear some singing coming up and sing harmony with me the Vern Spears needeth James Payne come on everybody let's have another sing along here I love this live band I didn't know what's gonna have this all right I've prepared for this we're gonna always get to have this poem yes Lou this is the TBN band no neck in the gang welcome in fact I'd like to say that those of you who enjoy coming to see Trinity Music City USA and the old what formerly was Twitty City is still here some of you old Twitty fans you'll want to come and see the Memorial Gardens and the old mansion and all of the beautiful grounds have been completely restored and of course the virtual reality theater is open every hour on the half hour the revolutionary and did you know the revolutionary number two is finished and you'll this fall get to see the miracles of Jesus on the big wide screen you're going to see Lazarus come out of the tomb already gone you're going to see the demoniac delivered and the demons go into a herd of pigs boy you're going to see a sight you've never seen on film before you're going to see gyruss daughter raised from the dead you're going to see many many wonderful wonderful things in the Revolutionary number two it will be debuting this fall but the point I'm making is Nick in the gang or out on the grounds what just about everyday aren't you Nick what Thursday Friday and Saturday we start though about noon and we play till sometimes until 9 o'clock right so what y'all come all come we've had people from Germany out there singing with us we've had people from Australia Canada lots of foreign countries now you let you let folk sing along with this we do we're that can come out and sing clap along let's have a sing out on the old grounds no it's it's wonderful and all of you this is really our first full-blown full-fledged season where the grounds are really finished now the VR theater is open the little gold frankincense and myrrh gift shop is open for shopping The Bistro little hot the little Bistro is open for hamburgers and french fries and soft drinks and all kinds of good things so bring the family and just spend a day at Trinity Music City USA and then all nights like tonight wow this is the grand finale all right are you all ready to sing along again everybody got a microphone or within earshot of one you know we I think the first time we ever did something like this we didn't even have a building here in Nashville pause we know it was up it was that Jimmy's nose little studio of the opera handled in there with your brain again right on to that wig guard just win it's a pretty color tonight do I like I loved and everybody picks on her chin guarantee go on it picked on me dude I just go and just tell Jesus on him if I get mad I get mad and bathroom by myself I don't let anybody know what you know just hide and cry just laugh at a runner face that's what I like about this girl I could tell you know I wish we could do a movie on Jan and some I tell you I'm on a roll here now I used to get so tickled telephones because we go in there eight hours a shift you know when they come in and Jana come back it in and I said Jan what you backing in for it she'd be changing clothes you know and she said well I just broke the zipper in my dress and they got pins all down the bottom on all down the back so she's backing in you never know what this woman sewed on her dress it's not just like I love you dad I hadn't seen you know why baby but listen tell you one thing back to back a little bit about the movie we're talking about the revolutionary it's incredible when I saw the revolutionary Paul and then when you talk to me about me doing the movie of rather doing the movie of my life I said I can trust it in these people's hands but after seeing the revolutionary I was so impressed and that sound you haven't seen it until you see it in the visual theater it is awesome it is awesome you got to get just go over and take a friend or two and just you'll believe the sound effects it'll blow you away it is wonderful so in in in the movie in my movie I'm so thrilled about that because I can trust it in these people's hands and you know really the world has nothing on us do they thank God for TV in yes [Music] I'm thrilled to have a live band next time I come I'm not even bringing tracks what's gonna play with the band everybody ready to keep the tempo pretty up but the first time we did this what's that building remember what a request for this many miles behind me to many trials I'll turn my mic on please many tears help me to there's too much to gain to to [Music] many subsets lie behind the mountains too oops my feet [Music] there's just too much to gain turning boys you in our sang this verse across the hot burning desert struggle by somewhere [Music] I see and defeat is one [Music] many rivers might be Oh [Applause] to I brought the harbor [Music] how many times I struggle the right now do you [Music] but so I saw Clearwater and defeat this one [Music] my [Music] red shoes wait yeah to [Music] Mama's there too much to gain the Lord is there too much to gain [Music] yeah [Music] that beautiful gift the Lord has given her over 2,000 great songs and I have a feeling some more are on the way yes and for those of you that would like to get in touch with Dottie we'll get the address up in just a minute here this is a brand-new huh this is the all in the wine oil in the wine Dottie Rambo sons of thunder daughters of light oh yeah Paul what this was this was so this master was sold about eighteen years ago to a secular company we couldn't find it and we were a year tracing it down and the Lord let us get this back and wouldn't you know the oil and the wine is on there so I mean we'd lost it so now we have it folks that have been asking for it alright you can drop a note to Dottie and can they write it out in the book just about to and the wine you heard it tonight you know what everybody stick around we're gonna meet the spirit family here in just a little bit but let's have a little musical interlude right now I talked Nick and the gang into doing one of my grand old favorites how many remember shall we gather at the river anybody remember that old song yeah some of you are out there that is a goodie an oldie but a goodie so Nick Bruno and company we're going to hum along [Music] yes [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] in the TVM fan oh god bless him come come come and enjoy all of the good music well I want you to say hello to a family that I have been wanting to see on my night for a long long time you know them you love them their names are legend and gospel music we're going to get a little history here so brother Brock spear would you come out here and the whole spear family let's tell them we love them and I give him a great big TBN welcome how are you sir I'm great thank you you know Brock I think I had you mixed up with your dad I've been calling you dad but dad has gone on to be with Jesus hasn't he a few years ago right yes he died back in 1966 okay and he was GT spear our dad spear as he was affectionately known in his later years so you Brock and your brother Ben Ben are now the heart the elder Spears I guess right no we have two sisters that come in between us I'm the oldest man there's the youngest and we have two sisters in between now before you help me introduce the rest of the family here a little history there's got to be a story here you said your dad was a music teacher yes he was he was a music teacher he went all over the country teaching singing schools we called him the usually about two weeks or ten days school and rural churches would would have him to come in and almost every summer he was busy with with teaching and going to revival meetings and so on one thing that it's an interesting story I've heard him tell it many times he came out of World War one he married my mother and he thought that since he was raised on a farm that was the only way to make a living so he got him a team of mules long-eared Alabama Muse Katyn back with the name of today and until he started this farm going got it going and back in his childhood days is premarital marital days he was from a big family with 19 children and his family that was two mothers and and he started plowing down a cotton field and he broke a clevis they called it something of a pirate broke it so he had to walk five miles in the hot Summer Sun to the nearest general store to buy that and he said don't it's way down there and back he said I promised God that if he would let me make this crop and get this crop out that I would serve him and work for him the rest of my life and he did so a broken plow actually called someone into the ministry absolutely that's true there's another part of that story I'm sure but we got enough of it that's wonderful why is it I always kind of associate the spear family with old time gospel singing camp meeting gospel singing I where Joel get tagged with it because we're so old I think it's the style of song singing his style of music daddy wrote it and we sang it and of course we had other great writers too throughout the south we had southern gospel music and that's what we call it even today Jan coming to tell it a little story real quick on Ben he was in the recording studio a day that you were doing I think a Mike Burkey album weren't you well he was helping us and he really I mean he he got in like I did we really produced this album of perky's and perky sang a couple of songs on there that were just precious and there's another one I can't remember that it was something about the eyes when your eyes are on heaven and it was a wonderful song and Ben and I were listening to perky sing it and we both just started crying I mean you just couldn't help it it was just the Spirit of the Lord was in there and it was actually one of the engineers that said that Rick he said my god I can smell the sawdust right in a recording studio but the glory of the Lord can come too and being was is is a precious person I love him I I enjoyed hearing about that right in the old recording studio that just the glory of God came down and they were singing and shouting and it's one of the great great albums that Darrell Mike Burkey was that the let's have church album I think you're one of them but one of my favorites on that is some call it heaven but I call it y'all don't do Beulah land do you yeah we could do Beulah land if we were pushed to do it how about if the how after you do your little concert after you do your concert here if the band would kind of join you and back you up would you would you do it just for me Eddie can yeah all right all right would you introduce the rest of the family here brother Speer and it is our tender singer this is my beautiful wife Faye and Karen apple Eddie Bolden Eddie's comes to us from Paris Texas that is yeah and playing a piano for us is CJ Omron from Bakersfield and my son Mark is around here somewhere we're often asked the question what's going to happen when you and Fang ready to hang it up well I'm glad to tell you that we got somebody in training that's getting ready he spread that he expressed his great interest in southern gospel music and in the family he played rock and roll guitar around town here for a long time but I think he found out that that ain't where it's at where it said it singing gospel songs that thrill the hearts of believers that exalt the name of Christ amen so that's our son mark Speer he's gonna take it over and well over my dead body he'll get all right let's tell the spear family welcome to Trinity Music City USA god bless you take it away [Applause] [Music] I'm giving him praise give Him glory giving him the honor to his name I'm giving him thanks for the great story what a privilege to proclaim reigns on high set a dissolute Lysander free well it's the least I can do after all these give it to me I [Music] him pray get me can blow it [Music] his name I'm getting [Music] always in a free list after all he's given to me cuz he's giving me way [Music] b-ball he beep [Music] my heart Guidry mobs he's gonna be straight and narrow I'm a shattered [Music] journey alone grace and I've been blessed with a spotless left behind thee you give me strength to carry on with each breath me I will stay mental I'm giving him praise all right there his name I'm giving him play for the bank story water progressed [Music] [Music] grace amazing sighs [Music] he is smart [Music] cuz he's giving me great right [Music] he's doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] really here's an old dead sphere song when he wrote back in 1934 it's called a dearest friend I ever had no peace no joy [Music] Jesus came [Applause] [Music] you there is free and I ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] makes me glad makes me laugh [Applause] [Music] there is free I am come on I'm out of here Oh sinner call Jesus mr. fear to be just humbly save your soul my dearest friend [Applause] [Music] we go [Music] [Applause] I do [Music] Quincy claim sp [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very early in the morning we're married the tomb where he found the stone already roll what said our two men go and give the Clyde refrain he still [Music] name [Music] we take [Music] good gig okey and Oh is forever me still [Music] is play - boo [Music] hold our key please nice [Music] the sulfur in such confusion hard hard baby [Music] just doesn't care [Music] or he holds our future solo you [Music] Oh [Music] is Miami be still [Music] this dad Oh [Music] still [Music] his show [Music] Oh [Music] Oh whatever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's a sea Oh Oh [Music] taste the bomb [Music] of some [Music] you see Oh [Music] and was [Music] is my son lazy eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long this has been my song for 70 some years now you see I was saved when I was a little boy of 10 years of age and being born into a singing family I started singing even before then but this song in this story have never changed all these years have been filled with joy and sorrow bonus and blessing tough times and tears through it all I have learned this that God is faithful and life is good my song of praise shall always be I know that my god cares for me I don't know what you might be experiencing here tonight but you can rest assured that God is up to something in your life and it is good and it is eternal I'm past threescore and ten years now but I have no intention of silence in this song until I'm called home to glory [Music] me Oh [Music] vision good now first though [Music] painter they say Bravo heckles all she whispered [Music] yes [Music] crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] raising [Music] [Applause] Thank You Sara and all of your wonderful family all come on tell the spear family you really do love them my goodness we've been on the air here almost 24 years where have you been I've been on the other side of town now wait a minute don't y'all leave Nick and the gang you promised you'd help me sing Beulah land Beulah land now do you do the squire persons version yeah Eddie knows it and will join in harmonize with him just before you do let me just say the spear family if I understand it correctly you have song and we'll travel is it have strong and will travel yes and many record albums I'm sure just say the word and we'll be there is money yes no he's just kidding they'll come for free the spear family address is on the screen right now 54 music Square West Nashville Tennessee 372 oh three you'll also tell them how to get records and tapes and all of the good singing we've heard in lots of more I'm sure we certainly will this is our 75th year as an organized gospel singing group and kadhi I wouldn't remember the first group I came along a few years later but we have a brand new 70th anniversary record album and video and so on so they're available right now well there's the address on your screen if nothing else drop them a card and say thank you for blessing us abundantly here on Trinity Broadcasting tonight all right should we just all kind of gather around the old piano here and there we go [Music] homes oh I see - which I [Music] before no sir these and time [Music] oh boy [Music] someday on the stand [Music] shall be [Music] [Applause] swing [Music] across the [Music] my face [Applause] inside [Music] just a few days down [Music] the world [Applause] Oh [Music] shall be [Music] swing great [Music] fear family come tell them how much we appreciate them letting us tonight and thank you for singing my special song tonight I'll never go tired of old weak you the land are you all having as good a time as I am tonight an old Trinity Music City USA we've had some wonderful wonderful nights here Jan and her gang as you know I've just completed the second great drama musical the glory of America and I understand a third is on the drawing board come quickly and just give me one little you teased me at the beginning here but I kept saying one for the father one for the son one for the Holy Ghost we'll have hot about three of these big events a year anything that got more response of male to TB in then the glory of the resurrection I have had letters of people that were saved that were healed ones that they've been in church for seventy years and never loved Jesus until they saw him in all his glory and there were tears and oh my it was just a wonderful thing and after all of that response we thought well what else is dearer to us than our precious Savior is our precious land America and so many facts about that we brought out in this latest one well we're gonna be opening Christmas City here and so we wanted to do the glory of the resurrection but add the birth of Jesus and have a very special little story I want to tell around the birth so around the 1st of November yes we will have the glory of Christmas and we will debut the Revolutionary number 2 and Dallas revolutionary theater Dallas theater is nearing completion even as we speak and they're starting to put the technical equipment in and so Dallas Fort Worth the big Metroplex down there right at the back end of the international production sent over looking over the leg you will have a beautiful beautiful high-definition virtual reality Theater and then this Saturday I saw norm did I see Noren standing back there no nor muted he'll be here he's in ecology and you and I and a little gang here are going to where we're going to Panama Panama City is under construction now that's not Florida Panama City Panama Panama we're going on to Colombia where we have Christian television so guitar Colombia on to Santiago Chile where we're on the air now you have a little opportunity we've had to go to court there are powerful forces trying to stop our station in Santiago Chile not surprised I am a little surprised at who it is though oh well yes must be a brother we fight religious forces I hate religion religion or sinned you have a relation hang on to Jesus what do you say he's the one he's the one then on over to Sao Paulo Brazil we have a little opportunity over there as well our station and Munoz is doing well we're building another satellite uplink that will cover all of Brazil a third satellite uplink that will cover all of Latin America in the Spanish language so why y'all aren't just shouting I'm tell you on the inside I am shouting that means the gospel is going all now in South America you know what sent a thrill through my spirit though like hardly anything ever is when I heard that word from People's Republic oh my that's Batman that's the other quarter of the world that we have really not yet STS and that happens I think we better start practicing our rapture drill Jesus is coming soon dear friends all in favor say aye I'm ready to go I'm ready to go there's so many that have not heard the name once and especially in China there's going to be that final awesome influx and harvest of souls joel promised it in the word upon all flesh I will pour out my spirit and after that second great outpouring the former and the latter rain you read it in your book jesus is coming dear friends and I'm ready to go but you know what the bottom line is they call me old bottom-line Crouch you know what it is how many souls can we take out of Satan's grasp and take with us into the glorious kingdom of God that's the bottom line to everything that we do here at TBN and while we go on the South America trip I'll be taking dolls to the hospitals and the orphanages they've already gotten Spanish tags on them with the gospel of Jesus Christ Portuguese tags with the gospel of Jesus Christ and we'll be going to the hospitals and bringing back a little report so those of you that have sinned a little Barbie type doll prayed over it we don't never ever have never will raise funds for this project this is a love project from the heart to the hearts of the children around the world and we'll be taking them to the little orphans and the hospitals all over South America next week we will never target emotions to raise money if you send money for dolls I'll send it back I want you to send a doll or a truck and pray pray over it we'll put the tag in the appropriate language on it and Jan will take it to the orphanages in the hospitals of the world and it'll bless multitudes of beautiful children you know it was the sweetest thing that this is going to bless you when we went back it was either Moscow or st. Petersburg we went one year and then we came back I think two years later to the same hospital and some of those same toys and dolls were there they had taken perfect care of them they were there all they had and so they were in perfect shape they had those little dolls on the Shelf there as we came back two years later that touched my heart it's been one of the greatest you know a child we saw it in Haiti for the very first time we took medicine they were thankful we took clothes they were thankful we took food they were thankful we housed them and they were thankful but we had never in our life seen anything like when we brought I just one time people just send me dolls just send me little dolls in the mail they used to just send me Dalton one time I was going to Haiti I said you know I don't need these dolls but there will be some little child and I had no idea what the response would be but we saw children screaming and running and crying and grabbing and begging and pleading for a toy and a doll like nothing ever in the world and they take them and it's like you know when they're lonely and when they're sad and when they're alone they know I always tell them Jesus jesus loves you and sent you this doll and somebody loves you and that your toy and your doll from Jesus and it's very very special and the children I believe there would be thousands and thousands and thousands in heaven just because we cared enough as a body and I buy them to to give to them I buy them and pray over them and send them myself too but to know that there's people that love Jesus and love the children of the world and we send them so if you pass through a little discount store don't buy the best ones you know there's so many beautiful ones that are just a little Barbie doll pick up a few pray over them have your children pray over them and send them to TBN and we will take them around the world you do ask that they be kind of the smaller medium you know what the Barbie doll says they love those Barbie dolls i I don't I don't know what it is you know you'd think they'd want a little cuddly baby doll but if there's a Barbie doll in it it's like you don't realize just oh so they are just like trust in anything wheels an airplane anything that moves with little wheels they love that and small ones and the reason we say small is because then we can take lots and lots and lots own little Eagle one so send him geobox a santa ana california 92711 in lady Ella Smith that's her ministry she she takes them opens them puts the tags on them packages them up and then we take them with us and we go take up on Saturday did I hear Benjamin Franklin's Franklin I think I see him over there is he here - well he's younger for some years come on with Ben Franklin he come on out let's tell God governs in the affairs of Man Thank You mr. Franklin hey James man how are you sir you're looking well well praise the Lord God is so good and mm-hmm you know you were talking beginning of the program on prayer and I was thinking how the destiny of our nation was turned by men who knelt in prayer and kit Paul I believe tonight grandmas and grandpas and moms and daddies all over the world prayed with us when we prayed and we set into motion the anointing for God's destiny for this network God's got great plans gonna get some good news tomorrow I just kind of feel it in my bones as well I think I don't think I know our prayers have made it to the throne room of God and he had God does here and answer prayer how many are going to get ahold of that a little tighter tonight and pray that lost loved one through even though they don't maybe want to be saved tonight just like God heard Abraham's prayer and against old lots will he like Sodom Engel he wanted to live in Sodom and Gomorrah he was content there he was happy there he didn't want to leave but God honored Abraham's prayer and sent the angel a drug like a druggie Carmen said come now and they made him leave that wicked city before the fire God's judgment fell upon it and God will save your loved one as a brand from the burning just as he saved lot because of Abraham's prayers think about that if Abraham hadn't pruned lot would have perished in the fires of Sodom but God heard and honored and answered Abraham's prayer and he'll hear your prayer and he'll answered as well James I don't know we've got about a half an hour here there's time for a song or two and maybe even a little testimony I know you've given your testimony many times if there's something so special about that moment when God visited your hospital room and brought you back from the brink of death as well just do whatever the Holy Spirit prompts you to do tonight sing us a song what do you got up to sing for me right now all they've had me out today riding a Harley motorcycle if you can believe that cars whipping all around this send a white one and I tell you it's I'm prayed up I am praise God I'm prayed up you've been on the brink of death again having lord of mercy I'm prayed up I mean cars whipping all around us they want me to be right behind the truck going 20 miles an hour listening to a song remembering the words singing a song smiling staying away from traffic I'm prayed up ray God the glory come down go ahead sing it single man James Payne we're glad he's here tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] I used to be careful back in my young days I'd saddle my old stick horse I just ride him away I believe I was just changed and it was understood I wasn't meanest outlaw in my I started drinking whiskey just like all outlaws do by the time that I turned 17 I was hooked on Lou and just like Jesse James I was an outlaw [Music] that I saw faster gun and Jesus taped stj only with his amazing great to rest at all man [Music] he's stages [Music] I still remember when I was a wanted man how the of Jesus tracked me through the fair man go to bed knowing he was getting close cause I appear before Jesus loved me it was so hard to believe that Jesus name break the chain said this outlaw free just like Jesse James I was not long ago - one that I saw faster gun Jesus and jesse jane Tamir with his amazing oh man be the same since Jesus came Jesus came yesterday [Music] me right through the heart is amazing [Music] there is there means same since teaser just say [Music] praise the Lord aren't you rare that no matter what you've done where you've been Jesus can bring you out it seems like only yesterday when I prayed a prayer in the hospital room lifted my hand with needles all in my arms and said Jesus I don't know what you'd want with a drug addict or a drunk but if you want me Here I am and 28 years ago this November the 5th Jesus walked into the hospital room and he walked into my heart and he saved my soul and he set me free he set me free from the filth of Jack Daniels whiskey every day he set me free from 3 packs of cigarettes a day he set me free from a hundred and seventy five dollar a day heroin addiction and I'm telling you tonight whether you're in this auditorium are you watching us by television Jesus can set you free I said Jesus can set you free all it takes is prayer all it takes is to call on the name of the Lord you know the older I get the more convinced I am of some things and one thing I'm convinced of is sin don't satisfy I lived in sin for 19 years did everything that there was to do but I never was satisfied and I see people all the time they think if I could get more money but more money just affords you a higher degree of sin it does not satisfy but I'm convinced that Jesus satisfies because he filled up the emptiness that drugs and alcohol could not fill up he filled up the loneliness that everybody around me could not fill up and I'm telling you tonight Jesus Christ is the answer to what you're facing no matter what it is tonight today we released I think either on 13th or 14th album and there's a song that the Lord let me write to go on this album to follow up the song the night Jack Daniels met John 3:16 and some people think what James you shooters sing a lot about drinking folks do you realize that 40% of the 11 year olds and this nation are drinking do you realize that our young people are being killed by drugs and alcohol a man walked up to me Sunday morning in Morehead City North Carolina and glad-tidings church he said one year ago somebody put your tape in the cassette player of my pickup truck and he said after 35 years of being bound the alcohol when I started listening to the night Jack Daniels met John 3:16 he said something got a hold of me and he came set on the front row when I gave the altar call Sunday morning he and 34 other people came to give their heart and life to Jesus and he said thank God for a song that I didn't know was gospel until I got almost all the way home aren't you glad for TBN and how we can put the gospel on the level of believers amen and on the level of unbelievers where they can know that Jesus Christ is the most exciting thing that is happening in this world but this song kind of says it all the way I feel tonight it tells a story about how I used to come home and find my wife down on her knees praying without a little one-year-old boy and I thank God tonight their prayers were answered and I thank God tonight that things are sure looking up since I laid the bottle down listen to the words of the song [Music] by that old house where I used to stay [Music] and fine brand by answer and I you are looking since I leave the [Music] Oh God Longstreet's of I [Music] - [Music] our [Music] the Bob [Music] [Applause] [Music] Krauser the town he said I heard that you got say oh and and swing I told him I was lost but now [Music] are looking up since I'll a bottle [Applause] Oh [Music] streaks of [Music] [Applause] in the bottle [Music] my wine too we love year [Music] you since ollie [Music] it's built on streets of the piece [Music] children [Music] Oh [Music] since I lived [Music] since I leave the bar [Music] raise the law for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life this program tonight I believe has been ordained by God to minister to hurting people those who are going through the pain of a divorce that you did not want a sickness you did not expect an addiction you did not anticipate but Jesus specializes in putting back together the pieces of broken lives and tonight there is a phone number on your screen there's counselors prayer partners on the other end of that line and all you have to do is pick up the phone and say I'm sick of living like this I don't want my life to go this direction any longer listen in my wildest dreams I never thought I could ever be delivered that I could ever be set free but when I prayed that morning in that hospital room reading that Gideon Bible for the first time in my life and I lifted my hand and I prayed a simple prayer and I had nothing to offer the Lord no money no talent no time nothing to offer the Lord the doctors had given me up the night before I died and they'd pull the sheet up over my face and Jesus gave me another chance now listen I want you to know right now the devil will lie to you he'll say if you pray nothing's going to happen but I could bring everybody in this audience tonight that's a believer to this platform and they could tell you that when they prayed something happened on the inside of their life listen I read the New Testament through the first year I was saved over 25 times because God puts such a hunger in me for the word of God I had a hunger for drugs and alcohol but then God gave me a hunger for the word so right now why don't you bow your head where you are either in this auditorium or watching us by television and pray this simple prayer and this prayer will bring deliverance to your life say dear Lord Jesus I am a sinner I need salvation please forgive me of my sin and save my soul come into my life and be my Lord I want to live for you from this day forward I believe many of you did that please call the prayer line and let us help you let us pray for you and let us continue to help you grow in the things of God god bless you praise the Lord hallelujah Jan's ask for one more song at Calvary and Calvary I don't know if we can do that one or not I don't believe we have that in the in the truck I don't believe we have the track in the truck Paul okay a man let's have one more song do you have a little invitation song I believe many people are answering that beautiful invitation that you just gave to come and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior this is the most important moment really in the entire program as the Holy Spirit has been pulling and wooing and drawing men to his side and if you haven't received Jesus Christ if there's that slightest tug in your heart answer that call right now you at home watching by television there's a prayer partner as James said on the other end of that line that'll pray with you love you talk with you lead you to Jesus if you didn't quite understand it if you want to pray again if you've got a special need or a special problem it's our joy to touch you and minister to you in the name of Jesus and to send you a Bible if you need one and a new birth certificate with your name inscribed upon that beautiful certificate and the date of your second birth so please make that call right now and let us know the good news that you have asked Jesus into your heart and if there's anyone even in this room tonight somehow I feel in my heart there may be somebody even in this room meet me right down here at the front of this stage at this altar and it'll be our joy to welcome you into this great big beautiful family of the Lord Jesus Christ how many of you're already in that family wave at me right now you're not a shame to be called a child of God and you can remember a day when you came and walked in old Isle or knelt at grandma's knee or somebody and you receive Jesus as your Savior all right we're going to sing it right now we found it let's come to Calvary right now everybody welcome James pain one more time [Music] 2,000 years man wait he live with committee same still there three before transgression rules for iniquity do you know at this place called you a my suit [Music] us too be there all the culture [Music] preaching of the cross it's little her today oh but I am not ashamed of it for this cross has passed then we'll leave you [Music] to stay there is hope he lives in blood through his [Music] Jesus too [Music] for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish have everlasting life thank God or Kalra tonight James Payne thank you brother god bless you let's tell brother James we really appreciate him love him in the Lord receive this wonderful wonderful message tonight in song well do you see why in the Old Testament they sent the singers out in the front lines of battle they may have just been ducking the spears I don't know partly but they sang the glory down I don't know about you I feel victory in my soul tonight I know our prayers have reached the throne of God I know God is heard and he's answering our prayers tonight and your tdn is going to be alright in Jesus name do I have an Amen of faith I have it god bless you let's tell a Vernon Edith Tripp pastor Tripp is here tonight as we said every Sunday afternoon right here at Trinity Music City USA number one music village boulevard Hendersonville Church right here in the big old church auditorium and y'all come I've earned bless you God love you you're gonna have a little word in the song for us tonight yeah we've been so much wonderful ministry and singing I've been blessed tonight encouraged tonight I feel feel like I could fly y'all hang around I may do it you know it's very pop I said they were flying a bunch of stuff flying in here the other day it was amazing yes there's nothing impossible anymore is it but yes I just feel like singing this song you know the sweetest words I have ever heard where I forgive it's awful to know that you know that you're guilty the shame of sin the guilt of sin but we know Jesus took it all on the cross and if that's not reason enough to be happy and if that's not reason enough to rejoice and we got a problem God is in control God is in charge and when he says to me I forgive then that's good enough for me and I'm off and running that's what we going to sing let's damn late take it away [Applause] [Music] like the woman brought to Jesus who was taken in her sin I was so ashamed of what I've done and the where I'd been well justice called the payment and it was more than I could give understand or me saying I four deal for the spheres were that he ever said for dear yes in a I swiped away the fire very cold now too many wishes the serious words he ever [Music] with all that you have done just come on home the Jesus you know he's the cleansing wall his arms you hold you and you just begin the Martin he ever said [Music] slapped away [Applause] where he told about imagine he was here [Music] you ever for this was like the way financially for you [Music] [Applause] stay right here we just might have room to get one more in Jan honey come here minute some of our sweet partners we're not watching at the very beginning but there are now and we have two very special prayer requests yes dr. John Osteen pastor Osteen from the great lake wood Church of Houston Texas was rushed to the hospital we understand tonight with a blood clot in his body somewhere we don't have all of the details we need to pray for him one of God's great great Saints and great Bible teachers and great pastors we need John Osteen so let's lift Ely prayer you know I'm sure there are those out there tonight that are hurting honey may be watching right now I think we ought to pray Laverne Edith come on let's pray for those that are hurting out there tonight you know we've all been sick and Jesus has instantly healed us Edith I heard your sisters testimony my goodness there isn't a one of us that probably wouldn't be dead without Jesus and his love and his healing power I had a little chicken that would be dead if it weren't for these there is not the time for the chicken well it only takes me just a minute was that see when I was 12 well next we have one of the very they make a movie about serious I'm trying to get serious here but jesus healed a chicken and if his eye is on a sparrow he's watching a man detail chicken he'll heal us remember tomorrow is a very special day for your TVN and for Christian television our attorneys are in a very important critical meeting tomorrow how many will keep your TV in on the prayer list through tomorrow through the weekend pray for joining me as we get on eagle one and go down to south america central america south america more stations are on there where we're broadcasting now on our own stations in 23 different Latin and Nations and more are coming we've almost got South America covered now so pray for us as we go but pray for your TV and do not take TBN for granted someday I can tell you the whole story right now all I can ask you to do is pray burn pray for all of these needs would you as we say good night father in the precious name of Jesus we come to you tonight with gratitude in our hearts for your kindness your love and your mercy and your grace Lord tonight we praise your name and we will continue to praise your name because we know victory comes from you we're willing to fight we're willing to agree we're willing to share with you and with others and believe together that your will will be accomplished we thank you for this Network we thank you for the opportunity you've given all of us to share Jesus so many people we ask you for Supernatural wisdom to be given to the lawyer's we asked you that favor would be on our side for your name's sake and for the glory of God we pray for every partner we pray for brother Osteen we hold him up before you we thank you for him we thank you for the words that you have spoken to him that it blessed our hearts and lives we want to hear more so in Jesus name we speak life into him father we pray for Paul and Jan as they go down to South America we thank you for your protection we thank you that you're with them and we thank you for more stations for the glory of God and their building the kingdom our Lord in your name we claim victory over this situation now and forevermore in Jesus name Amen and everybody said amen let's all stand together let's give the Lord a mighty praise offering as we say good from beautiful Trinity Music City USA as they say in the South y'all [Music] the virtual reality theater is open the beautiful grounds the church auditorium the Laverne Tripp recording studios the Sunlight TV station Oh Jan's making it's so beautiful here at the beautiful trees the Christmas lights will be starting to go up believe it or not very soon again so everybody come to Trinity Music City USA and see the revolutionary and revolutionary - coming in November until then good night God love you we love you and remember let everything that hath oppressed goodnight we're so glad you've been with us for praise the Lord TVN has a worldwide ministry we need your love gifts large or small to help keep the gospel of Jesus Christ going around the world so write today praise the Lord P o box a santa ana california 92711 or in canada right t BN P o box two four two one five APO Richmond British Columbia v7b 1y2 if you haven't asked Christ into your life call a prayer partner now and pray to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord now until next time remember to raise the Lord [Music] you [Music] this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 7,506
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: TBN, iTBN, TBN 1996, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, James Payne, Dottie Rambo, LuLu Roman, The Speer Family, LaVerne Tripp, Edith Tripp, TBN House Band
Id: M5x0ycEvynI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 46sec (10726 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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