TBN Praise the Lord March 18, 1986

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from coast-to-coast live via satellite it's time to praise the Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord comes the major Christian events in America across the world covering over 500 million souls with the good news in Jesus Christ now in Southern California we invite you to be a part of the world's largest prayer and raise Henry [Music] [Music] ladies dress joining us on traveler dr. david de cuisine dr. charles lair music talent beautiful partners in the world [Music] the Trinity Broadcasting Network holiday [Applause] [Music] it's time to praise the Lord now normally we share a little bit howdy with you but we've got so much happening tonight I have got to simply take you all right over here and I've got to share a couple of quick things with you first of all many of you know that coming up in Congress just this Thursday a couple of days from now a very important vote on aid to the Nicaraguan freedom fighters the Contras as they are known and we have a little special message from our president President Reagan many of you know he is urging support for the Contras down there we're going to pray we've got some documents to sign some wonderful guests to meet but right at the beginning of the program I want to hear from you I want you to tell us because in the morning I'm going to wire every congressman and every United States Senator on Capitol Hill and give them the results of this poll that we're taking on tonight's program I want you to tell me exactly how you feel if you're for contra aid say so if you're against it say so god bless free America where we still have the right to speak our minds and to even disagree with the President of the United States and say so on public television if we want to now I think you all pretty well know how I feel about it but I don't let me influence you and don't let even the president influence you you vote the way your heart and your conscience dictates okay now I'm gonna ask that the telephone lines be opened right now and if you do not get an answer if you get a busy signal please dial wait a couple of minutes and then dial again very simple just yes or no yes means I support President Reagan's position in helping the Contras No no I do not support aid to the Contras is that clear does everybody understand that is that is that clear enough I want a little audience in the studio here you're voting tonight - yes or no just yes or no and we'll count them up the end of the program we'll give you the results of this poll okay all right that's oh yes the little message from in case you're not up to speed on what this issue is all about we have a little tape message from President Reagan if it's up and ready let's roll it right now it's only five or six minutes and during the five or six minutes you can even use that as the call in time as you if you know what the president already is saying all right here's the message from President Reagan I appreciate this opportunity to speak to you today about a major foreign policy question of our time a question that has a lot to do with our national security I'm referring to what has been happening in Nicaragua and what together our nation can do to help that country and its people as you probably know Nicaragua is ruled and has been for some time by a small group of communist dictators they the Sandinistas are intent on spreading their so called revolution throughout Central America they've been candid about their intentions they've made it clear they're going to destabilize their neighbors and assist in the creation of more communist satellites on this hemisphere what the Sandinistas are trying to do will cause untold hardship and grief for the people of many countries it will also create what communism always creates a refugee machine of truly mammoth proportions and most of those refugees will be heading north looking for safety and shelter in the United States it may be useful right here to take a sort of refresher course in who the Sandinistas are they are the ones who heckled pope john paul ii and tried to stop him from speaking three years ago when he visited nicaragua the Sandinistas have brutally clamped down on most of the freedoms we enjoy they've closed down the Catholic churches only radio station and only newspaper every day they censor Nicaragua's last big independent newspaper La Prensa it is the Sandinistas who hunted down and committed what amounts to genocide against the native mosquito Indians but after all murder is nothing new in communist regimes if you saw the movie The Killing Fields you know what communist governments do to anyone they view as too independent Nicaragua isn't just a Central American problem it's our problem - the truth is if the Sandinistas are allowed to proceed unchallenged and unopposed they'll continue to pose a growing threat not only to Central America but the United States strategic interests the Sandinistas are now using Soviet helicopter gunships the kind the Soviet Army uses to mow down the peasants in the hills of Afghanistan the Sandinistas are benefitting from the advice of Cuban troops the Cubans operate many of the combat helicopters and other sophisticated military equipment and the Nicaraguans are also getting help from Colonel Qaddafi of Libya and the PLO for almost seven years now we've tried negotiating with the Sandinistas and we're not going to stop trying but so far we've gotten nowhere we can't force them to be sincere but we can force them to pay attention to the growing pro-democracy and he send an East a movement in Nicaragua I know you've heard about the freedom fighters of Nicaragua men and women - who are risking their lives to bring democracy to their country it's Liberty that they want not communism it's freedom not Marxism that they'll Institute if they get a chance but they won't get that chance unless we help them right now there are about 20,000 freedom fighters that's more than ever before morale is good and prospects of real military progress are better than ever but the freedom fighters need two things time and assistance they need medical supplies clothing and food and yes they need the supplies to make a real fight they're asking us for help it will be to our shame frankly it will be a disgrace if we turn away we have asked for a hundred million dollars to help the freedom fighters not a lot when you consider that a night in 84 alone the Soviet bloc countries poured in over 500 million dollars in tanks armored vehicles helicopter gunships and economic aid that's how serious the Soviets are about destroying freedom and spreading communism there are those who say we can't afford it but the irony is that the path they endorse depending on goodwill alone will prove to be much more expensive down the line both financially and politically then this strategic investment is today I want to stress again what will happen if we do nothing the Sandinistas will continue to spread their communist revolution attempting to take Honduras El Salvador and Guatemala working steadily north then as one sandanista Minister put it unarmed Costa Rica will be the desert well this is our chance to show the Sandinistas that their own country isn't the appetizer and the rest of Central America isn't the main dish I need your help I need your voice in the halls of Congress here in Washington please contact your members of Congress and tell them to give democracy a chance in Central America by giving the freedom fighters a chance in Nicaragua and please tell your representatives that they will be held accountable not only by you but by history as well this has been an especially rewarding time for those who care about democracy the past few weeks have moved us all and in this time of Haiti and the Philippines in this time when freedom is flashed out like a great astonishing light in the most surprising places in this time when democracy is new again and communism is more and more revealed as an old idea that's as tired as tyranny in this time it is nothing less than a sin to see Central America fall to darkness let's not let it happen it won't if we work together we can save Central America with the help of your Senators and Representatives please let them know how you feel thank you for the opportunity to appear on this program and god bless you all at the office whether you agree with the man or not he is our president and we honor him and love him and pray for him as such a few calls are already coming in are we getting a trend yes we have one against really the first one is against and then an entire congregation of 53 for far the president - yes yes for Contras yes for the president - yes yes for the Contras yes for the president yes yes yes yes yes for the aide yes yes yes yes yes these are all from the phone hours there's many from the phone and many from the audience supports President Reagan yes yes yes yes yes yes these are all yes as he said no more knows all right now let me say quickly we are not attempting to influence how you feel in this situation we've heard how our president feels but we want to know how you feel about this issue and how you wish your Senators and your congressmen to vote on this issue on Thursday all right so please continue if you're getting a busy signal wait a couple of minutes I said as I said and call again until you register your vote because I'm going to be telegraphing the results of this poll to every congressman and every senator first thing in the morning on Wednesday so they will have it when they vote on Thursday okay all right I want you to meet a wonderful friend and brother that I just got to meet for the first time today hello Greensboro North Carolina channel 61 let's give Greensboro a great big TBN applause and love wave somebody can't minicam get a picture of audience over there we're gonna get a picture of some wonderful friends and we're gonna get better acquainted as channel 61 becomes better and better known back in the Greensboro North Carolina area one of the fine pastors from that area is here with us tonight to give us a word of greeting and open our program in prayer pastor paul willis of the cathedral of his glory a great church don't you love that name in greensboro north carolina a great new church that seats 2,300 people I'm sorry I didn't know Greensboro was that big but let's welcome pastor Paul Willis how are you pastor bless you friends in Greensboro just tremendous and Paul so excited about TBN and Paul and Jan and the top quality ministry you're bringing in Tyre your God bless you we're we're so excited I told you this afternoon behind the scenes we were talking about it that that station had been a rock and roll station they were just showing do you know and our congregation had been in prayer that God would change it we didn't say put it out of business we won't television that God would change it and oh it was so exciting when we found out for through the grapevine you know that it was happening and we were watching the rock and roll's suddenly go off and there came that beautiful cross and of and praise the Lord well we're excited too as most of you know just a week ago today we closed the escrow and channel 61 is bought and paid for we paid cash for the station the former owner mr. Billy Satterfield a fine brother he's one of you good old Baptist boys back there and he loves the Lord we've had Billy has really had a new commitment of his life to the Lord through this transaction and we prayed with him and I understand his marriage has been restored and some wonderful things have happened in Billy's life and I if you're watching Billy bless you brother we love you and I've been so excited to hear the good things happening in your life and God's gonna bless you for letting your station be born again and I knew and committed completely to Christian television well pastor Willis you told me that that not only had people been praying but some some prophetic words had come forth about this I'd over 13 years ago now we had word that you know television was closed in Greensboro and it didn't look like it was at all possible and we began to pray for it but in the assembly and in at that time I was traveling a lot but we met in a little prayer group and then we moved to a theater in this thing word came forth to prepare for Christian television full time Christian television in Greensboro North Carolina and I believe and I know this program is the answer to that prayer and that prophecy that it would be there in fact as I told you we color designed our cathedral we put in the lights we we've got a sound truck waiting for you we knew you were coming as I said this afternoon behind the scenes it's it's it it never ceases to amaze me how the Holy Spirit has always gone out there ahead of all of us prepared the ground prepared the way dropped the word in your heart built faith in your congregation send us in at just the right time to to work together we're excited to be there and one of these days I promise hello I promise can can we get a you've got a nice big picture of your church there in Greensboro but we can maybe get it off the nice yeah there it is beautiful new church just been open do you say for a year 18 months and I love the name of it the Cathedral of his glory that was prophecy 2 in 2 different meetings in two different places one in Greensboro and one outside someone spoke up in one in tongues and interpretation other times in prophecy and said you will build for me a cathedral of my glory what a perfect name then yes alright we can get a close-up of this Terry Hickey brought this back with him from Greensburg says I love Greensboro and we do love you and jesus loves you and we of highpoint we love winston-salem we love all those little towns and villages in and around the golden triad is that the term the golden triad all right we have to learn all these you know it's the valley of the Sun in Phoenix it's this it's the gold coast of South Florida is the the Hudson Valley up in New York and everyone has their little nomenclature but we're glad to be in Greensboro and pastor I want you to lead us in our prayer tonight not only for the new station in Greensboro that God will bless it let's let's remember our congressmen and Senators I guess it's the Congress basically it's voting this Thursday and our president God will give us the word of wisdom that we need for this issue facing our country and let's also pray for those freedom fighters down in Nicaragua that are giving their lives to restore freedom to their country and then just before you lead us in prayer I have a little business to do and I want you to cover all of this in prayer too okay hold my microphone honey first of all some very good news most of you know that the Lord is giving us these TV licenses and stations so fast I can hardly keep up with it myself we've had this permit for some time in Boise Idaho Boise we're on the cable there right now and I know you've been wondering where is our new channel 45 well we had to file a little modification with the FCC and so it's taken a bit longer but here's the good news a little God bless the little widows if it weren't for the widows and and that whole group I'll tell you they're gonna get the reward in heaven too you men forget it we'll be on the back row it's gonna be the women that are gonna get the reward for forgiving really seriously and a little precious grandmother has had to find an investment for her estate and for tax reasons and so on and she is buying and we'll own the station equipment in Boise Idaho and is going to lease it back to Trinity broad testing Network had a very favorable rate of exchange I might add and so I am signing the lease today and my little grandmother she didn't want me to use her name but I'll just say Geraldine I love you and I'm signing the lease today she and her attorney will work out the details and our funding and she's this little grandma is gonna own hello a TV transmitter and she is going to lease it back to Trinity Broadcasting Network I've told you businessman you Full Gospel Vince Minh shame on you get busy and quit buying these tax shelters in oil leases and citrus grove buy a TV station and lease it back to us you take the depreciation you take there's a little question about the tax investment credit when it's leased to a nonprofit corporation but let your own an attorney and someone work that out with you but you can take the depreciation okay and if you want information you drop us a note and we'll send you a letter it's been prepared by our attorney on that then the extra good news so let's pray for our little grandma and that's pray that the Lord will hurry and get that little modification through the FCC for Boise Idaho I signed this on behind the scenes so this is just a photocopy I'm going to sign it again this is the purchase order for the labor materials and installation of our new low power station in Manhattan Kansas channel 7 a full VHF channel this will be built and on the air probably in the next sixty days or so so if you got kin folks back in Manhattan Kansas let them know now here's the big one with great faith in you okay I am signing the next progress payment on the big transmitter that's going to st. Joseph Missouri channel 16 it'll cover st. Joseph Kansas City that whole great area our sister station our sister organization all America TV incorporated will be the licensee we are funding going to own the transmission equipment under Trinity Broadcasting Network and lease it to them but it'll be on the air within the next 90 to 120 days but here's and we need a tight close-up of this two hundred and thirty seven thousand eight hundred dollars must go out in the next day and a hat and needs to go out tomorrow actually and so those of you who have pledged for new stations I need to hear from you quickly because we're building not only st. Joe Kansas City but Gadsden Birmingham Alabama were building Tulsa Bartlesville Oklahoma LaSalle Chicago Illinois Beaumont Texas Harlingen Texas is being increased South Africa will be complete maybe by the time we get there in April I'm not sure oh my that's good news for dr. David ooh who will be joining us in just a few miss Allen African and the first Christian station is going to be on the air this year in South Africa oh my let's cover these with prayer with love with faith pastor lead us in our prayer father we just thank you we give you praise and glory we honor we worship you yes we thank you that you're sufficient for every need we have and we testify to that even before we ask that your great abundance of love and wealth is sufficient father we pray right now for the president of the United States and for those in Congress Lord you said if any man lacked wisdom so we ask for them that they'll have your wisdom that there may be peace not only in our land but in all of Central and South America father we pray for the Freedom Fighters we pray for those who fight on both sides father for their life and their salvation but we pray that communism will be put back and the door will be open for the gospel of Jesus Christ that Lord out of this situation you will have glory and your word will open up all of that area Nicaragua Guatemala the whole area for Jesus father we pray for Paul and Jan and Trinity Broadcasting Network for their ministry and Greensboro father it's been our prayer that that city would be saved that the gospel would go into those condominiums and into those lives and we pray that you'll use is a mighty tool and father for these contracts they've signed for the new stations that have to be opened up for the transmission equipment Lord we just asked you to pour out your riches blessing and let men give unto their bosom put it on the heart right now of someone watching this program right now to send a sizable donation to pay for this equipment because father you said men will give unto your bosom that the gospel of Jesus Christ may go forth unhindered we pray for that richest blessing on them and this ministry and we ask it in faith in Jesus name Amen and amen thank you pastor Willis we appreciate your being here with us tonight and take our love to all of your wonderful friends back in the Greensboro area your church and tell them we will roll the holy Beamer back there sometime and we hope and believe it will even be this year maybe on the way to New York or on the way back from New York we'll try okay all right let's tell Greensboro one more time we love them we'll be there to see you and have a wonderful time of fellowship with you I want you to also welcome another wonderful brother that has been blessing us around TBN all day long he's been singing and sharing Jesus and and producing good Christian television programs what would we do without wonderful talent and preaching and singing ministries like Dallas home and he's been here blessing us today and he's going to bless you right now let's tell him we love him as he sings [Applause] [Music] salvation the breastplate of righteousness will be holy armor [Music] [Music] but against the powers of darkness for us there is no D it's all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] we want to take just a moment to say a great big happy anniversary to Jerry and Sandy Bernard down in San Diego California for 11 years they've been fighting the good fight of faith and pioneering Christian television down in the great San Diego area and we just want to say God bless you we salute you we love you some of those early pioneering stages were difficult do any of the little memories come to mind of some of those pioneering stages I know we were there the first broadcast on the cable channel down in San Diego when si si and Christian communications network was born and I have served on Jerry's advisory board for these 11 years and Jan and we Jerry and sandy dan and I have worked side-by-side these 11 years to see the great Trinity Broadcasting Network come to birth and to see the great Christian television ministry come to birth down in San Diego two of our favorite people in the whole wide world I keep saying it Jerry's my favorite singer I think it's the anointing that just absolutely blesses me so and we love you Jerry and sandy thank you for being a part of our family you've been there when we needed you many times and we've been praying for you and some of your trials and tribulations the Lord uses the body to minister to each other I don't know what we'd have done without you and we love you and happy Anniversary precious precious ones we love you let's throw Jerry and Sandy a love wave can camera one two or three get a picture just we'll hang on and wave for a little while and how many like to hear Jerry sing it's real once in a while and faith and the father and how many have ever been blessed by that tremendous ministry well just god bless you and happy 11th anniversary Jerry and Sandy Barnard I don't think we have 11 more years but for whatever time that's left let's keep on preaching singing working together to get this gospel preached Jerry keep living that's your motto down there all right Jan's got a couple of letters to share let me just bring you quickly up to date we're getting a few no votes on the contour aid one came in the the husband voted no the wife voted yes so we have a little division in the family there hears no no no no no no no no we have some knows but Jan hold up your stack and I'll hold up mine it looks to me like it's running roughly ninety nine and forty four one hundred percent yes but vote your convictions because I'm going to be telegraphing the results of this poll to our congressmen and Senators tomorrow morning and to our president yes we're going to send President Reagan the results of this poll to is Trinity Broadcasting worth it is the 11 years of Jerry and sandy working down there for 13 years of Trinity what is it worth it yes do you want to hear a special yes from a special person I got a beautiful beautiful little picture and this is from Irving Texas dear Paul and Jan I feel as if I know you my name is Janice I'm 21 years old and a single parent of a beautiful two and a half year old daughter misty dawn and a darling little 10 year 10 month old boy Craig Daniel their daddy walked out on me leaving me sitting in an apartment and we were evicted I've been on my own since I was 12 years old when that happened I had no family no friends to turn to I did whatever it took to provide for my family up until I had Craig I sold drugs for money not even childbirth slowed me down I sold drugs right under their noses at a County Hospital when I had Craig a close call of almost getting arrested still didn't make me stop selling drugs dealing and the money was an obsession and then the drugs itself it wasn't until I totaled my car with my kids present and then I'll I'll Utley lost my place to live and all the same day that I quit selling drugs circumstances made me quit after moving around the only job I was able to get was a cocktail waitress I had a difficult time getting a babysitter at night so as a result my little misty was molested I wound up going to work in a high-dollar topless bar and was able to get my own place through my efforts I gained a place to live but I lost my morals I wound up bound in bondage to alcohol drugs numerous circumstances left me desolate no place to turn then one night don't you love those words then one night I was flipping through the TV channels and stumbled across channel 49 Dallas Texas through your show I 100% turned my life over to Jesus this was last October since then I have not been able to sin at all and enjoy it and enjoy it says I have a new set of Christian friends the Lord has replaced every material item I lost my children have been happier every day little misty wakes up and wants to go to church Debbie and she'll sing jesus loves me she won't let me watch any other TV show except church she calls it Craig Craig claps his little hands together and raises his arms and prays to the Lord like misty and I do my parents and I are speaking to each other again not only are we speaking but we are miraculously getting along TBN has been such a blessing to me it has been a tremendous help in my spiritual walk by the way I am 100% delivered from all alcohol and all drugs [Applause] there's misty Craig and Jan there's a little family saved because of Trinity and praise the Lord is Christian television worth it is it Oh Lord yes and this is just you got another one you wanna share we've got another minute or two these are so this is from a young man it says from the inception of TV and I've been watching your programming I am an independent producer with Capitol Records Metro media and many other stations and I have observed with growing concern the influence the media has not only on the conscience level but the sub-conscience and he is he is a beautiful just give his first initials it's GI from Point Fermin California but he goes on to talk about how the secular television says as a manager is afraid to say no to agencies who have no concern whatsoever for morality only megabucks the agencies convince the clients they can do and the clients sell to measure their presentations and campaigns with the plumb line of decency or a good example the issue is money not even entertainment this is one of their own talking good example has an old-fashioned concept good at good old-fashioned words and says I'm very grateful for channel 40 more power to you Paul keep up your courage in programming stand strong for ethics for good for God our forefathers pioneered and suffered profoundly to establish a nation of free men dedicated to the principles and laws set forth by God they were never ashamed of their motives or their faith channel 40 uplifts encourages gives good example is not afraid to claim allegiance to Almighty God it is a broadcast system to be commended and supported in every way isn't that sweet your game shows quiz shows interviews children's programs are creative and very entertaining and he is an independent producer with Capitol Records in Metro media and thanking God for channel 40 but shall we sing all right let's sing a little bit right now and just before we do Jim McClellan is up there with Dallas home as I said Dallas has been here taping beautiful shows today programs especially for our young people but I took a little poll Dallas you weren't in the room but you are one of those rare individuals that kind of joins or bridges what I call the generation gap the young people love you and how about some of us we we love him too don't we let's tell Dallas home welcome back to TBN Jim McClellan who also is kind of an expert in youth programming have a little chat with Dallas and let's find out what's going on in his life well Dallas has been a blessing to most of us for such a long time through Dave Wilkerson's minister we knew you traveled with Dave for how long ten years yes and that you did the music ministry but there were other responsible as you had with him really so in fact that the whole thing is an interesting story because when I first joined brother Dave in 1970 I was only aware of his ministry on the streets and with the gangs and the drug addicts and so forth and I think the Lord really planned that I wouldn't be so aware of the magnitude of the crusade ministry the opportunities to record and sing in all that and when I and my wife went to New York to join him I envisioned myself standing on Fox Street in the Bronx with a guitar singing the drug addicts I didn't of all RS but that was a commitment I made it was like Lord this is what you called me to I feel in my heart that's where I'm supposed to go and of course it went from there and to the many Crusades all around the world and really began to develop my own ministry which about six years ago the Lord just said okay now I send you out you go out and and do what you do and so we've been out on our own now is Dallas home and prays for about six years and and God has just really blessed what's the theme of your ministry do you do you preach a little bit dia is that the singing ministry is it a variety of kinds equity what's do you do that's really filled with the Lord's going to do well I have developed and emphasized the preaching ministry more I I hesitate to call it preaching cuz that scares some people but it is and but our concerts are mostly music I have always found that I can say what I feel I have to say both from my heart and from Scripture in so on but we do take that time at the end of our concerts to share from the word and of course always give an invitation see many young people and old alike commit their lives to the Lord and I think right now the thing that the Lord is so impressed on my heart in the music that I'm writing and singing and what I ministering deals a lot with what I would call spiritual warfare and radical Christianity I have a fear that we have to a large degree Americanized the gospel we have created as one noted Christian sociologists observed we have created a middle class white American Republican Jesus you know who seems to look very much like us and when in fact the the Jesus of scripture is radically different than that one that we sometimes envision in our minds and I'm simply on a crusade so to speak now to challenge people to reconsider and I think the biggest challenge of my life and ministry right now is so strongly challenging people get that Bible read that Bible absorb it into your life seek the face of God you know we we got we say things so easily if you were to ask the average Christian audience do you love the Lord with all your heart oh yes is he Lord of my life oh yes and then if you were to ask him do you spend just one hour just one hour every day seeking the word seeking the Lord reading the word you know it gets so quiet people don't spend that time and that's the basis that's the foundation that's the reason I sing in Minister it's not because of the the records or the travel or any of that it's because and Jesus and that relationship that that personal thing with me that's where it all stems from and that's what I want to challenge other people - there's a limitless incomprehensible relationship a wealth of spiritual wisdom and knowledge that's available to many of us aren't taking the opportunity to investigate it my mission right now is say look put the things of the world aside get along with the Lord we're calling young people to missions we have a group that travels with us from a very large ministry called youth with a mission we call young people to commit their lives to missions right in our concerts and now many of them are signing up and are actually going on the mission field as a result of that so it's a it's a unique opportunity that God gives us as a music ministry we're taking full advantage of it for the cause of Christ what about Dallas Homes Program this is exciting new program in fact some of the music guests we've been meeting in the hall it you've got some top-notch people coming out here for this program tell us about it we're really doing and first of all I just want to say a sincere sincere thank you for the opportunity that Paul and Jan and the TBI network have afforded us in in opening up you know our ministry and music to so many through the television medium it's just a marvelous opportunity we certainly appreciate Bob Fatma who was directing the program doing a marvelous job and this year last year was our first year this year we're having a lot of guests on the show Twila Parris Wayne Watson Tim Shepard Jamie Owens Collins Annie herring Kym Peary some of the in fact was interesting because when I first realized that we could have guests when we prayed about that and thought that would be a good thing to do the first six artists that came to my mind if I could have anybody in the world it was like oh I would I would go after these six versions and every one of them were able to come during this week which is with our schedules as a miracle in itself there's no way we can ever get together at one time and they've all been here and it's going to be a very exciting series of programs God has given us new things to say new songs guest artists and everywhere as I go now literally everywhere is the station must go all over the place because no matter where I go so hey I come up I see you every you know Friday or Saturday whenever they watch it and so it it's it's marvelous opportunity well if there's not a station where they're at now there'll be one there soon my faith so just tell them to keep hanging in there in case you want to watch and why wouldn't you want to watch the program is on Thursdays at 5:00 in the morning Pacific time which is a great time to watch at a blessing time and then Fridays at 11:00 p.m. which is a little helper and then Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. so that's two good times so it's Friday and Saturday and and that would be a great time to watch it we can get your records at quality Christian bookstores sure they should be their latest album as an element Idol changed the world it's on the Dayspring label with word records great would you like to hear them saying I think so what do you sing it's a song you know the statement that we've all heard practise what you preach or walk your talk well this one is entitled to live what you say all right I'll let you do it [Music] don't say that you love me [Music] they don't think that this world is played [Music] do you live don't say that means watch [Music] Daniel [Music] [Music] so be an example all that [Music] [Music] sure that Jesus someone yo [Music] [Music] oh Jesus [Music] Thank You Dallas that was home and you know I had forgotten you probably hadn't but Dallas wrote that tremendous song we've all loved and been blessed by rise again oh my whoa and received the devil ward that year what was that 78 wasn't Dallas yeah and that particular song held the number one position in the national gospel 40 chart top 40 chart for 12 consecutive months that is God has got to be some kind of a record I'll ever thank the Lord that he raised up great talents and ministries like Dallas's and I told him just a little while ago you know it seems like when I travel I couldn't were just recently in Florida I get to watch more Christian television than I do even at home and I got to see some of his programming I had seen it but I got to really watch a whole program seriously and it is a tremendous program young people especially you watch it and tell the other young people about it in case you're wondering how our poll is coming along camera one two three somebody we have two stacks over here now this the tall stack is the yes votes and the little stack is the no votes but keep calling those of you who do not favor contra aid you may vote no we we want you to speak your mind and your heart we want the we want all the congressmen that might be watching to see this okay if you're just tuning in what we ask you to do and they are asking you to do throughout this program call in and vote yes or no in favor or against aid to the Nicaraguan freedom fighters as most of you know a very crucial vote is coming up in Congress this Thursday day after and our president President Reagan has asked for the support of the American people by contacting their congressmen and even yes their senators the Congress is the one that's voting this Thursday but the Senate will also have a voice in what's happening he's asking for a hundred million dollars the Communists are pouring a half a billion dollars so far in other words the Communists have already dumped in five times more than we are asking for and all that we want is to give those freedom fighters the tools they need to well restore democracy and freedom to Nicaragua and that then will have a stabilizing and influential effect in all of the region of the other countries of Central America did you know Jim plank our contractor who builds stations for us just got back from Honduras and met with the Honduran government they have reaffirmed their permission for us to build a station down in Honduras right next door Guatemala is on the other side already on the air in Guatemala so we're gonna have a Christian pincer movement and we're gonna surround them with love you can't fight love Kenya and we're going to pray and believe that God will help our president and our congressmen make the right decision on Thursday I'm going to be telegraphing the results of this poll first thing in the morning to every single congressman and every single senator but President Reagan is still urging individuals to contact their congressman and their Senators and let them know directly how you feel this will let them know how many of us feel but nothing takes the place of that personal individual contact by you to your Congressman and to your senator so please do that in fact Joni I think there is a number if not I have it here where you can call and for just a small amount I don't know what you have to ask but it's 1-800 three to five six thousand one eight hundred three to five six thousand it's the public opinion line of Western Union I believe for all of the congressman and representative senators and so on and there it is ask them what the price is i I have forgotten it's it's a dollar or two or three I forgotten and you can send your congressman a message and you know I learned something today did you know every congressman this is interesting every congressman and every senator has a Western Union telex right in his office and when you send him a telegram I mean he gets it in minutes and it types off right on his individual Western Union machine right in his office so you can send your congressman and your senator a message put a little PS on there and tell him you're praying for him too and you're loving ya and we mean that sincerely all right I want you to meet a wonderful brother he is one of those special people who the Lord raises up and thank God that he does I hardly know how to introduce David Duke let's see he is he is one of those men that you can honestly say is indeed a legend in his own time I've been mightily used of the Lord to cross denominational barriers with the power life and ministry of the holy spirit I love him and honor him for that he is lovingly known as mr. Pentecost because of his pioneering efforts to carry Pentecostal thought an idea across these many denominational borders proof of that is in this photograph get me a picture of this camera one in 1977 he met with Pope John Paul the second or Pope Paul the second it is John Paul yes Pope John Paul the second and was awarded you'll see a little medal on his lapel there the meritorious service award for service to the Christian faith by His Holiness Pope John Paul the second doctor do plus he was born in South Africa served as general secretary of the Apostolic Faith Mission in South Africa for twenty years he is presently a resident consultant for ecumenical affairs at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena so from Pasadena California let's give dr. David Thewlis a love that must have been quite a thrill to meet with with the Pope tell me a little bit about that what what did you say to him and what did he say to you that was my third meeting with him oh really yes I'd met him several times oh my goodness but this is the third and the final that I mean the last time and I didn't know what was coming they only said that I am to be there he something special is going to happen only when I came there I found out what it was that he had ordered Cardinal Villa Bronx to be in Rome that on the evening before we meet at a banquet he would hand me that gold medal I can't wear it is dangerous it's pure gold you don't lose it and so the next day and had to be with me he likes to have the husband and wife together and the next day then we met it was not as had been hoped that it would be quite a bit of a personal encounter because it happened that his program ran to where he met me after the main meeting of 10,000 people and he must have kissed a hundred babies before he got to me and so we just had a short conversation have you had in your previous meetings a chance to really have a dialogue with him not very long and always with others around and I didn't want to ask him the questions that I would ask if I was meeting him personally and privately but that will come of course though the do oh there's so many things we want to cover but my heart is so burdened for just many many new souls that are coming to Christ through Christian television brand-new babes in Christ and and even the term Pentecost is is a new term I mean maybe they've heard it or heard something about it but I want us to relive a little of the most recent history in this century of the coming again or the renewal of the Holy Spirit in a marvelous sovereign way but for the for the brand new believer out there okay what does the term Pentecost mean what what can we say to them the term Pentecost and now has become shall I say more acceptable but there was a time when it was an awful word if you Pentecostal oh yes and in fact in the world conference in London in 1952 the Brethren discussed the way that we couldn't drop this name Pentecostal and call it something else oh really and I said no sir we didn't take that name they gave it to us that probably gave it to us we never had in fact many of us began with Apostolic Faith which has meaning but they call us Pentecostals yes and so I said I'm going to polish my Pentecost so bright that everybody will wanted ah good good good you've done it yes I've done and I've proved that it is possible for us to live a life in the power of the Holy Spirit that will make other people want it no wonder Jesus said we are the salt of the earth he didn't say we will be coming he says we are and I'm so salty that they get thirsty good good well I think many of us and I grew up in a classic Pentecostal home we we know why that term fell into disfavor for it for a time it was it was identified with with some excesses perhaps there was a lot of shouting and screaming and carrying on and rolling in the sawdust and and a lot of emotionalism and and we have to plead guilty to some of that don't we yes and the worst thing we did is call the other churches did true-true we we attacked the churches if we didn't and showed more forgiveness and more love that I know because I was guilty of the same thing yes and the Lord said I don't need public prosecutors to tell the churches they are wrong I need public defenders to help them to know too how to get right mmm good and that changed my ministry yes I'm afraid you're right in some quarters of Pentecost at least I think we we wore the experience almost as a badge of spiritual superiority and we a lien Aidid to a great extent I think a lot of our denominational brothers and sisters indeed we I know how guilty I was and when I began to admit it and honestly admit that I know we have been wrong in our presentation we gave a wrong impression to the people and it was first Corinthians 13 of course that helped me where Paul says though I speak the tongues of men and of angels and do not love I'm just making a noise and I realize my tongues is not a sign of superiority what is really the real evidence of being spirit-filled I mean full of the love water of life the evidence is the fruit of the spirit love mmm good if they always ask me what do you consider the evidence of somebody being full of the spirit I said love not tongue that's terms no I I don't want a tongues cult because tongues is only a prayer a matter of praying and and worshiping God and so that when I said to the faith and order Commission of the world council I'm not here to ask for you for any favors for the Pentecostal I'm not asking for recognition we are not part of the world Council we have been shall I say for a long time condemned until the world council finally decided this movement has proved itself as sound and scriptural and then I said but I do want to know when are you going to make provision for Jesus to baptize people in the Holy Spirit he's the Baptizer and one of the one of the US bishops said to me you have mentioned the baptism in the Holy Spirit but you did not mention tongues I said why should I that's only the consequence of the baptism and the baptism is important he said but do you still think tongues is important I said who said it is not all theologians agrees the least of all the gifts Oh I said to him that I do 100% I agree it's the least that's why you always begin with it what was the answer to that he saw that he had just put his foot already I said to him Peter James John the church began with it why not you alright let's say let's start right there now I want let's take the term that fell into disfavor for some years because of certain abuses and problems within Pentecost itself let's go 2000 years back what is Pentecost what Pentecost means on the day of Pentecost God poured out his spirit Jesus baptized them that day he there fulfilled the promise i baptized in water said John he will baptize in the holy spirit and there he fulfilled the promise that he said to them you shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days hence but these were the people upon whom he had already breed and said to receive either spirit hmm and when he said to receive the spirit the next injunction was and forgive everybody so you're distinguishing between being filled with the Holy Spirit and being baptized with the Spirit yes two separate experiences right 2 separate experiences the 1 is what Jesus called the drink of living water and when your drink every drop goes in yes you get filled yes don't you yes I can prove it if I drink that glass of water right then you get failed but he said he never mentioned another drink but he mentioned and overflowing and he didn't say drops he said rivers out of you will flow rivers of living water now that was the promise of what I call salvation because when Nicodemus asked him how can a man be born again he said by water what did he mean by water well water to drink mm-hmm-hmm and spirit and what is that then you are in the kingdom the Spirit is what happened on the day of Pentecost fire upon them now you imagine water inside that's my experience water inside and fire outside of course I boiled over that's where the rivers began yes yeah and on the day of Pentecost that's exactly what happened now always the question comes why on the day of Pentecost did they all without exception there was no din no exception there the women as well Mary and the women Peter James John all of them they all spoke with tongues why did they then immediately shall I say manifested this wonderful what I call consequence of the baptism like what wit being wet in water is the consequence of water baptism mm-hmm-hmm but if you say it's the evidence of water baptism you'll have to stay wet all the time but it's a consequence of course and so tongues is a consequence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit so you don't speak in tongues all of the time sure you can and it becomes a wonderful blessing of Prayer that's all mm-hmm he says he that speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God that is basic tongues is to God but what happened on the day of Pentecost they were speaking let me tell you an argument that I've heard they say that on the day of Pentecost that they were speaking in known tongues that the people around them understood and that this was simply a unique sign to signal the fact that the Holy Spirit has now come the church is born and it was a one-time occurrence that shouldn't be repeated anymore but they forgot that it says there were Jews in Jerusalem at that time out of every nation under the in under heaven out of it why did God choose the day of Pentecost because that is the one feast in Israel when all Israel families had to be represented that is why God chose it they were Jews out of every nation under heaven and no wonder they understood there was no need for interpretation but what they heard is they were speaking the wonderful works of God that means they were praising God that's all yes and so that was the beginning in Jerusalem does that mean that every time tongues come forth it should be in a known language of this world I believe it is but there are 5000 languages in the world today now who can tell whether when it comes from all right however the question now comes why didn't why don't all of us quickly immediately speak in tongues why do somebody receive the baptism and only long afterwards begin to get to where they can speak in tongues yes you see the people on the day of Pentecost have never heard a sermon against it but we grew up in a church where everybody preached against it mmm true and we were expelled from the churches because we did it you told me that even one of the founders of the Assemblies of God J Roswell flower yeah his testimony was that he did not even speak with tongues immediately from the time he was quote baptized with the Holy Spirit now why because we are accustomed to do only what we can understand this is not something you have to surrender your intellect in other words it bypasses your intellect yes and that is what I think Dennis Bennett said what happened to him was his intellect was humiliated because it wasn't consulting yes right it's just the spitted out of the heart this is hot language okay now here is a very important I guess theological point there are those who say when you receive Christ you are filled with the Holy Spirit well you say that we are the drink of living water the water is within us and that the gifts and the operations and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are resident within us from that moment waiting only for the release of the individual by faith that we can begin to speak with tongues at any time that we can exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit at any time if we will move in faith to do so but you're talking about another experience over here called the baptism or the coming upon I'm a little confused yet now why I object to any other shall I say picture of it John baptized people in Jordan and he says like I baptized in water he'll baptized in the Holy Spirit how many people that John baptized ever swallow Jordan know in baptism no a few drops maybe even not even that i baptize many people in my younger days in by immersion but I made sure that not a drop gets in okay even in in infant baptism you never hear them say now open his mouth and let me give him a sip no baptism is upon you even if it's immersion it's upon you and Jesus knew what he was talking about you shall receive the baptism of the spirit not many days hence when they asked him will you also restore Israel he said no that's my father's business but he said you shall receive power when the Spirit comes upon you upon and the spirit came upon him by the way I was challenged why didn't Jesus then talk in tongues well to speak in tongues you've got to speak a language you never learned and there wasn't one that Jesus didn't know you know what have you ever noticed Jan and I were reading that when he raised the little girl from the dead he did speak in a tongue that had to be interpreted yeah and even on the cross he said Li Eli lama sabachthani my god which being interpreted means my God my God why hast thou forsaken me but you're right I mean I could argue that he did use another tongue on two occasions recorded in the New Testament but you're right you'd have to there was no language he didn't understand now when he spoke to his father on the cross why has thou forsaken me he didn't want the public there the the Romans to hear what he was saying so he used that language to speak to his father and I say tongues is not made to speak to men but to stir why should we do it in public he that speaks in a tongue edifies himself okay but what about in the public service in public it requires he says let him that speak in a tongue pray that he may interpret mm-hmm the the onus the responsibility is for the public tongue Spreaker to pray for the interpretation of what he had said in tongues okay here is where I think much of the confusion lies I have I have counted four separate and distinct purposes and usages of the unknown tongue yes I mean first of all this is classic Pentecostal theology at least and the initial sign of the or the evidence or the consequent I like your word better the consequence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit then in Corinthians chapter 12 he talks about the gift of tongues which should be into the interpretation so that the Assembly can understand what is being said and then the private prayer language whereas you just quoted he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not to men but unto God and then the other one mentioned in Corinthians is the sign to the unbeliever where a man come a Russian man could come in and we saw this happen in in Egypt as missionaries my parents were missionaries to Egypt yeah and quite often when some of those precious Egyptian people would receive their baptism they would speak in perfect English and we would we would hear them praising the Lord and and I have I've had an experience or two in my own life where the speaking with an unknown tongue was a sign to an unbeliever who was in that public assembly at the time it is only a sign when it's spoken by someone that they unbeliever knows doesn't know his language and he not a hears him speak it perfectly mm-hmm at that I've witnessed that I've seen that I've seen in a full gospel business meeting mm-hmm how the Lord can prove to people that this is genuine okay a question that I think everyone who uses or allows the Holy Spirit to use them I think is a better way of saying it with with the unknown tongue okay when you're in a public meeting how do you discern the difference between just praying privately to God in your unknown tongue or if it's supposed to be uttered to the whole congregation and interpreted how do you tell the difference there is a it depends on what teaching we give I had one case where they told me that there are people in the congregation that usually interrupts speakers and I said well the scripture does say in Corinthians if anything is revealed to someone that's its pilot the first oldest piece so if anybody interrupts me I'll hold my peace but if he interrupts mean tongues I will say to him now you've interrupted me interpret what you said and I warn them if you interrupt me while I'm preaching I'm busy manifesting the gifts of the spirit the word of wisdom the word of knowledge and the spirit does not interrupt himself if you interrupt me by speaking in tongues I will wait till you give the interpretation not me I will not give interpretation I'm busy giving the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge not my responsibility to give you the interpretation do you know something I've never been interrupted mmm interesting well are you saying then that it it's it's not correct for one person to speak and someone else to give the interpretation across the stree exception but they've made the exception the rule almost yes true and I say that what we hear the exception we hear what is considered right that somebody else 90 percent of what comes forth his prophecy and not interpretation why does prophecy come forth I have no objections why prophecy and not the interpretation the prayer in tongues was to God asking God to bring a word of edification exhortation and comfort and that's prophecy so the English spoken word is not necessarily then a direct interpretation of the tongue that was just given no it is an answer to the prayer of the tongue the interpretation then should come generally from the same person who gave the tongue is that right that's basic interesting that is basic this is this is good this is fabulous teaching I'm Laura I mean I'm an old Pentecostal and I'm learning so well I've been through the mill I would say in these things that I have had to study what happened for instance in South Africa we had the same difficulty but we began to teach them that this is not something to play with it's a very serious and yet a great blessing and gradually we began to well we would have it strictly according to the scripture now I still do not agree terms plus interpretation is not the same as prophecy but tongues plus interpretation will edify the church and prophecy will edify they are both edifying that's why Paul says I would that you all spoke in tongues but the rather that you prophesy yes and prophecies always for the edification and by the way New Testament prophecy is limited edification exhortation and comfort never guidance why not yes why why not guidance because we must recognize that the Holy Spirit becomes the guide and he's resident within me I don't need a prophet to tell me what to do but what about the situation where the Holy Spirit spoke and said separate Barnabas and Paul to me for service was that was to the congregation that was to the congregation that they were what they were to do that they call it a prophet a prophetic word there I say yes but I what I mean by prophecy is that you don't go and prophesy and tell a person what to do oh yes that was another error in the area they were prize I mean that's why I said to brother wiglesworth I cannot do what you said because I cannot let prophets tell me I must have a Holy Spirit or Jesus himself tell me he says that's great wisdom but I didn't tell you what you got to do I warned you what God was going to do it was a warning it was not an instruction wait a minute I just answered my own question the Holy Spirit spoke yes apparently in that situation where he said separate yes Saul and Barnabas and send them on their way or whatever it wasn't it wasn't spoken through a human instrumentality the Holy Spirit simply spoke out as a warning for what they are to do I see yes that was an exhortation people give you prophetic words what do you do with them I listen to it as I said to brother wiglesworth and I will remember it until the Lord confirms it in my art I take warnings mm-hmm I always take a warning because that is an exhortation edification exhortation and comfort but if it is judgment I reject it I don't accept judgment nice so if it is not a judge and if you are I like that let's distinguish another little fine line here if the message from the Holy Spirit all right I showed you a letter I received in the mail today where a brother back in Pennsylvania wrote me a letter and and said the Lord says that the days ahead are going to be excellent glorious days Trinity Broadcasting is going to have a greater voice than ever it's going to be worldwide you're going to have more satellites you're gonna as I was reading that I saw in it all three qualifications edification it warned you to be wide awake for what God is doing and saying to you edification exhortation and the end is very comforting yes but nowhere in that prophecy did he tell me what I should do did he know no ah there's the key isn't there's a warning there to what you should expect yes and that was all that wiglesworth told me and all that he told me to expect has happened what did smith wigglesworth tell you what was his well message to you his may shall I say his warning was that this new wave of the Holy Spirit that's coming upon the world will be manifested through the old-line denominations and God has decided to use you to go to the old-line denominations and show them the way teach them well I knew then that as I said to him I will act upon this when the Holy Spirit tells me he said he will don't do anything because I said so because I only told you what God was going to do I've got the difference now if Smith Wigglesworth had said to you David ooh you are to go to the old-line denomination that would have been wrong with absolutely he simply forewarned you that the Holy Spirit was going to lead you in that direction you see when I was 12 years old and the Lord saved me in Lesotho among the Africans I'm a white African that's all the difference they're black and I'm white but I'm an African just as much as they are my ancestors have been there over 200 years so when that happened my first shock was the bitterness between Pentecostals Catholics and Protestants true they were all there and there was great bitterness as a boy I prayed Lord when I grow to maturity that means when I grow to your age where you could minister help me to correct this yes here after my 31st birthday appears Wiggles with and he warns me that God is going to use me in bringing reconciliation between the churches hmm it's going to come through the old-line denominations but when I was at university I studied the Scriptures two things the coming of the Lord very much and the other was the manifestations of the Spirit then I saw that Peter on the day of Pentecost said this is that this in Jerusalem is that which will come in the last days now when are the last days now then Joel said this will happen after Israel is restored as a nation yes as a nation it shall come to pass afterward and I took that as a point in history and therefore in 1948 the Lord spoke to me as I was laying in the hospital and said what Wigglesworth has warned you about will soon begin to manifest itself and while I was there Israel was declared a nation yes and I said well now comes the afterword and now comes Peter's word last days and this is that our Peters that is our this yes I got a look at it now oh that's man we must admit you cannot deny it that this move of the Holy Spirit now is not an extension of the Pentecostal movement now in fact the Pentecostal movement for a long time resisted Andry and refused it which is true when you live by the sea you see that the last wave out is the opposition to the one coming in true and this is exactly what happened today we are beginning to bake shop and today we begin to recognize that there is this move in the churches now I get the credit for it because if I didn't have wiglesworth warning and then the Lord's warning because when I said to the Lord but brother wiglesworth said I was to go to these churches to their leaders I said and they are dead and the Lord said but I don't arrange funerals anytime I spoil them all churches yes I said their enemies he says love their enemies I said how can I forgive them yes that's where my ministry had to change from shall I say prosecution to defense oh let's hold it right here for a moment we're coming back because I want you to after Dallas ministers again in song I want you to give us some specific instruction on how the new convert and even some of us who quote been in the way for 30 years or 40 years how we can actually move into this fullness of the baptism with the holy spirit will you do that in this woman just before Dallas sings we've heard so much about Smith Wigglesworth he is also legendary what what kind of a man was he did you know him well did you spend any time with him he stayed in my home I knew him very well I interpreted for him in South Africa for months what what what kind of a man was he we I he can be very abrupt oh really and then at the same time so compassionate very compassionate by profession he was a plumber wasn't he in English yes but he he had never spent one day of his whole life in the school he never went to school he was an illiterate man and his wife taught him the ABC and taught him how to spell and finally he learned to read and he could read but he couldn't get him to read signs on the road or anything he sat in your car with your eyes closed he didn't want to see all the misery and so you can depend on him to find your directions and yet he was so faithful and could quote scripture chapters of it did you see the great miracles that that we hear about in his room I saw all kinds now as you came tonight you found me there listening to Kenneth Hagin yes and Kenneth was there showing how Jesus hailed different blind people hmm the one thing that he told there that I think nobody's ever told him he told of the man that was born blind yes born blind a guide that I was with in converted to I think it was said to me what's the be greatest miracle Jesus ever did and I guess you raising Lazarus and all that but he no finally he said did you ever read he met a man who was born blind the truth is he was born without eyeballs and there he made out of the sand out of the dust he made and he pushed that if he had eyes that would have ruined them but he pushed me says go and wash yourself and he had eyeballs miracle of creation he created out of the same stuff he created Adam out of in the first place exactly new eyes he made new eyes he says that is a that is the one creation but that Jesus did the other were healings and improvements and so on but that was a creative ministry I've got I've got I'm gonna go read that whole story over again tonight and get my Greek lexicon that's interesting yes I never I never saw that until this man told me what the original what the father say is that child was born without eyes all right hmm I have never heard of anybody born blind but he said that is with meant without eyes and that is why he made and several times in and other blind people Kenneth Road tonight he spot in their eyes mm-hmm but this time he made eyeballs clay he made some clay yes and so these are wiglesworth heard a great faith and on a Sunday morning he said I cannot have a healing line there's no time on Sunday mornings and I've got a message I want to preach to you but I don't want you to suffer while I'm preaching so let's first have retail healing have what retail healing I've never heard of that retail healing yes so I thought now what's coming and he said if any of you are suffering here in this meeting now and you know you'll suffer through the rest of the meeting if you don't get healed first will you please stand up and two people stood up and in his way what's up with you and they told him what's up the one was a lady and he said in Jesus name I command you to be healed now do this and do that and he made her exercise and she began to laugh he says you're laughing because you're healed yes it's all gone I have no pain at all and he said all right what's up with you same story he says folks what you can get retail in the shop you can always get wholesale now let's have it wholesale everybody stand up and I was surprised how many people stood up really he commanded he says I command all of you to be healed in Jesus name sit down people came to me afterwards they said how is it possible we came to him he prayed for us we didn't get healed now he commands us in the wholesale business and here we get healed I said because when he prayed for you one wiglesworth but when it was wholesaling he knew that he wasn't going to touch you you'll have to depend on Jesus Jesus did it wonderful well the key to the whole thing whether it's healing or in is it's the power of the Holy Spirit isn't the power of the Holy Spirit what we mean is the power of the Holy Spirit let me here inject something that bothers me very much right now you know today what a great emphasis is laid on miracles miracles miracles yes yes and it's mostly medicals healing mm-hmm I say to get a liver or professor that didn't even believe the Scriptures was inspired to be born again in baptized in the Holy Spirit the greater miracle than healing cancer he says if miracles could deliver I should have delivered Israel out of Egypt by miracles look at all the miracles he did yes all the plagues but in the end what really Mansa pated Israel the blood of the Lamb the blood the Larry yes we are today beginning to think that miracles will prove the world save the world no it will not in Jesus ministry he did not say them they crucified Him but when he died as the Lamb of God and took away their sin that was real deliverance that was emancipation praise God we're gonna take a little pause right here some of you may have a question before you dive before him dr. David do maybe a question or two before we move into our next segment of the program but those of you who are hungry and thirsty the word says you shall be filled and you shall receive this same power that we saw come on the day of Pentecost and for you new converts that who who have just received Christ as Savior in the last few weeks or months or even in the last year or so you need to hear this teaching now that will come in just a moment you need that power that coming upon that in Dumon even Jesus himself did no mighty works until the Holy Spirit came upon him if he didn't do any works without the coming upon of the Holy Spirit how can we ever expect to do any you need this power of the Holy Spirit we're going to talk about that in just a little bit and you may receive oh that's the good news we're not going to sit here and just talk about the Holy Spirit all night brother do plus C I want you to lead us into the fullness of receiving this baptism with the Holy Spirit amen oh what a joy to have him with us tonight Dallas home is gonna bless you in song as you phone in your prayer requests your praise reports or maybe a question that has bothered you about this thing called Pentecost well we have mister Pentecost here with us tonight and he can answer your questions I'm sure the song says simply here we are Dallas home god bless him sing it [Applause] [Music] [Music] frenzy lifting holy [Music] praise Jesus before the things [Music] I don't the words tell you I just don't know I can see I'm not worried [Music] yet you tell me just the same and here you present lifting [Music] Prison Shiva for the I never thought that it could be [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but she found me [Music] [Music] your prayers lifting horny hands to [Music] praise Jesus [Music] [Music] Thank You Dallas I think that's one of my favorites that that you do it's such a it just brings out of us I think an attitude of worship and adoration unto the Lord brother du plus C okay for that for that one who really senses and I think if we will all be real honest with ourselves we will realize that that there's a missing element there's there's a missing something in our lives when we really don't have this fullness of the Spirit of God and and for that new convert or that one who has never really had the release of the Holy Spirit or the baptism let's don't get hung up in terms you know there's been so much erroneous teaching on this what I urge everyone to do is for a moment or for the next few minutes take everything that you've been taught about the Holy Spirit and just sit it on the shelf for a moment and and let's look at the word and hear from a brother who God has used mightily to to bring a proper understanding of this Pentecostal experience to so many across denominational lines all right for that one then who senses their need and who longs for this missing element call it what you will this power of the Holy Spirit what do you say to them I point out to them that Jesus used two words when he breathed on them a said to receive ye the spirit okay but when he said you shall be baptized in the spirit now what happens there that is not receiving the spirit that's the spirit receiving you and I can prove it from the ministry from the experience of Jesus on the day on the Bank of Jordan as he stood praying the spirit came upon him and received him and said this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased of course and it came upon him as a dove in the day of Pentecost this fire tongues of fire came upon them yes yes and they had received the spirit I'm glad he breathed on them because that is what he did to Adam and Eve when he married them he breathed in them and they became living Souls that's what they lost here now he rises from the dead meets his disciples we are in closed doors and does what his father did to Adam and Eve and breathed upon them the Spirit is back again in man it is possible now for man cleansed by the blood of Jesus to receive the spirit and Jesus calls it a drink of living water mm-hmm now then the question is not to look for a baptism I said to a great Catholic theologian one of the greatest had written nine volumes about the Holy Spirit by the when we met I said to him your problem is you are trying to receive the Holy Spirit but God cannot give you any more than he's given you already but the Holy Spirit wants to receive you that's a baptism yes and I said what do I do I said that means total surrender to Jesus now I said when you are baptized in water what is the last thing that goes under the head mm-hmm I said and in the baptism in the Holy Spirit when he immerses you in the spirit your intellect surrenders to the Holy Spirit yes and then tongues burst forth mm-hmm out of you out of you will deliver will flow rivers of living water yes that is how simple it is so I heard him talk to two of my brethren at the dialogue and they discussed it theologically psychologically oh they and for when they finished he said you've said nothing I said this is a baptism if you want to be baptized what would you look for water I said you could find a river but you can't be baptized that's just you in the river what you need is a Baptizer the Baptizer is the one why not more candidates or why not more baptisms today the candidates won't present them to Jesus they try all kinds of techniques to receive the spirit and they have they don't believe that in their salvation they have received the spirit they don't believe they got a well of living waters theologians argue about this twenty chapter 20 John's 20 and Pentecost they say it's the same event and when one of them said to students it's the same event I said my friend may be a good theologian but he's a hopeless mathematician because what Jesus said when he said receive the spirit was Easter and Pentecost is fifty days later ah you've got him that's right yes it can't be the same event impossible what happened there they received and then the spirit on the day of Pentecost received them and I said to my friend you go tonight and sit back don't on the day of Pentecost they were sitting they when rolling and they weren't doing any funny things they were just talking funny that's all but you take a chair and sit down and read the scripture and say Lord Jesus tonight David has asked shall I say convince me that what I am to look for is the Baptizer I know you as my Lord and my Savior I surrender for the baptism hmm and the next morning the professor was late for the dialogue and I thought wonder what happened to him but as we closed the door the door opened and in looked a smiling German and he said hallelujah and the the Monsignor sitting next to me says he's got it he's got it and it did have it doo doo okay once you sit down and you read the scriptures and you understand what do you encourage the seeker to do anything else I do I say you don't need an audience you don't need witnesses just a baptism needs a Baptizer the element and the candidate those three make a baptism yes and Jesus is your Lord and Savior he's the Baptizer you are the candidate the Holy Spirit is the element but he does not come into you he comes upon you Jesus immerses you into him and he receives you now 1st Corinthians 12:13 by one spirit we were baptized into one body when we've all been made to drink into one spirit that takes a soul salvation they dead the drink the the baptism into the body as a member of the body by the drink that's how important the drink is now then Jesus the Baptizer there the spirit is the Baptizer no matter what john stott or anybody else says jesus said he is the Baptizer and this to any seeker I now there's a great Baptist theologian that I met years ago in the beginning when I was finished talking to him and explained all this to him he said to me I'm worried I said ready for what I'm ready to accept the baptism right now I said not here I said how ready are you he said I'm ready to speak in tongues I said please don't do it here he said why not I said Jesus is the Baptizer and if you get blessed in my presence and you admit that David was present they'll won't believe in your baptism he said this is a funny Pentecostal he doesn't want me to speak in tongues in his presence and he doesn't want to pray for me I said I've already asked the Lord to baptize you when you're alone that night two o'clock in the morning he says he was reading all the scriptures that I gave him and he said Lord I am a candidate if I'm worthy baptize me and he received it and the next morning when he came to his office he was all smiles reading everybody and they said you must have had a blessing he says yes I got the baptism and they said who prayed for you and he knew if I said David he was sunk he said nobody prayed for me I prayed and Jesus did it hmm it's that possible yes and before the night the day was over he secretary received and then the others received then the head day of the American Baptist Church said he wanted to see me when I came to him he said I want you to do for me what you did for Francis I said I didn't do anything I just told him who does it and I'm telling you sir you're a child of God you're a man of God let Jesus baptized you and don't make such a big fuss about it just thank the Lord and let don't ever admit that you're baptized in the spirit until they ask you what's come over you and if they haven't if they need ask you what's come over you you better pressure more they will yes look what they asked you the difference was so dramatic they had to know something had happened yes yes I mean in in the life of Jesus and so he says the works that I do you shall do also now I must do you think you're doing greater works than Jesus of course I do how I said I can now fly in one hour more than he travelled in his whole life yes he didn't say how we're going to do it or what we're going to do just do greater works immediate you're speaking to more people and that's now I'm speaking to more people than he spoke in his life yes yes these are privileges that we have today and after all what have we got here that we have really created ant isn't all this just discovering what is possible in nature it's all there yes I mean look at the satellite now Carl birth so he said to his students never have anything to do with radio and television its mechanical God can't use it and so when I saw him he said to me you had something you wanted to talk to me about I said I heard that you URI objected radio and television he says yeah it's mechanics the Lord can't use it I said the Lord isn't using it we're using it I said now radio only amplifies my voice and I speak to more people in one hour than Jesus spoke in his whole life yes but I said radio cannot speak without me yes and I'm under the unction of the Holy Spirit and I said the people who are listening the Spirit is working upon them to Jesus you leave everything to the Holy Spirit I said what else he's God and God said I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh that is why Paul I pray for you and can you think I thank God for what you're doing and Pat Robertson and of Christ think that God is going to use the satellite movement now Karl Barth said I can only go along with if you can give me scripture I said 10 Romans are rather revelation 14:6 and I saw another angel man if these satellites were there I would have said to him that's what John saw these satellites oh we believe that we really know it and that is why today I'm excited about your ministry and their work and the privilege I have to have a part in it here occasionally because I believe this is the way we can eventually black at their world yes you cannot get into these high-rise buildings any longer the one I'm in there I mean you there's a safety you got a phone to ring and you you you've got to be somebody that knows somebody almost a prisoner aren't you exactly but we can get in by television yes yes and I know how what a blessing it is I got up three o'clock on Sunday morning and I worked I didn't stop until one o'clock hmm I was working all the time hour after hour never got sleepy Anna listen she said oh did I have a glorious time this morning and she's watching your programs and comes over here prays and sees what's happening and so on brother do for for those who are viewing right now and and they there are some I believe that are ready to have the Holy Spirit receive them I love that term I've never heard that before would you lead us in a prayer right now there are some that may want to just surrender completely at this moment I never make altar calls and tell people to come forward when they speak in a meeting my system is I do all the praying in the sanctuary mm-hmm I don't go to prayer rooms mm-hmm so I'd say to them now first Jesus is here he's the Savior yes all you have today is yes Lord I accept you as Lord and Savior and then the next thing you need healing for your body you've now been forgiven all your iniquities healeth all thy diseases Jesus is the healer and I pray short prayer for healing and I say can you all say yes Lord yes finally I say and he's the Baptizer now where he's not waiting here I didn't ask him to wait till I was finished you could have had the baptism while I was preaching and people have received the baptism while I was preaching and then I say and tonight I say to any listener anywhere we will pray here and if you join with us for you in the prayer Jesus knows where you are who you are you may be lying your bed already listening or watching Jesus is right there next to you and the Spirit is already in you and all you have to do is let him immerse you into the Holy Ghost and start babbling like a baby yeah let me just ask a quick question before you pray how I'm not going to turn any lights up or cameras on but in this little audience here how many have never really been baptized with the Holy Spirit as you've understood it from dr. duplicator night just wave at me over there you've you've never really broken forth in your heavenly language I'm not seeing but sight behind the camera here - well just raise your hand let me see I see one two three four have all the rest of you have been baptized in with though how many have had this glorious overflow experience all right now I want us to just just as if you were standing before a great audience of people would would you invite them even now yeah to begin to break forth in their heavenly tone living Lord Jesus we thank you that you said the words that you speak our words of power amen and we have spoken your word in your name in the power of the Holy Spirit and again now in prayer we pray that every precious soul every one that tonight came to a desire to know Jesus as their Savior forgive their sins cleanse them by the blood yes and make them your child now as we pray in Jesus name Amen and I say to you just say yes Lord and believe that Jesus has done the work in your life any sick now Jesus is the healer divine and the Holy Spirit has gifts of healing for sick people so you can receive that gift of healing not the gift to wield there is no such gift gift of healing for our for sick people as a sick person you can now accept from Jesus and from our joining you with prayer your gift your healing in your body I mean thank you Lord and Lord now we come to the baptism in the Holy Spirit Jesus this anointing that Jesus called it we hear people speak of spirit filled it is not a baptism that fills you it's a baptism that anoints you it is upon you and just say yes Lord I'm a candidate for this bath he must mean to the holy spirit let him take over my life and give me the ministry that is manifested by the gifts of the Spirit the drink of living water is manifested by the fruit of the Spirit the baptism brings the gift of the Spirit Lord we have already received the fruit of the Spirit and love you and love our loved ones our people yes Lord we love sinners too and we pray that love shall be the fruit of the Spirit as sure as tongues becomes the manifestation the consequence of the baptism Lord I'm willing to speak as the Spirit gives utterance baptize me I ask in Jesus name Amen and amen amen amen praise God praise God I'm sure many of you are moving out into the fullness as we say of the Holy Spirit I feel a sweet presence and an anointing here even now people in the audience are feeling that special touch of the Holy Spirit just yield to him and don't try and figure him out with your head you'll never make it you understand with your heart and with your spirit let him baptize you let him anoint you let him receive you now even this moment as we're in this beautiful attitude of prayer and of praise and the moment it happens let me know are we getting any questions or any calls honey from but I know that Dallas is standing by this thing right now and I just believe people are just praying and would like to call in and let us know we have some beautiful praises coming in this sister called in to say that it was Dallas homes music seven and a half years ago that established her in the Lord as a young Christian hope from Fallbrook and we have so many calling in saying they love Dallas Thank You Dallas for your music it's just a minister to them over the years and I just know how I feel right now I feel like I've been washed and you and I praise the Lord for it couldn't you just sit at his feet for hours and hours and hours and hours hours of this it's just you know what let's have Dallas Saints right now that that would be the proper thing and I ask for prayer for myself of course of course I would like to ask the audience wherever they are to pray for me I need prayer first I need many other things but I need prayer a week from today I'll be landing in Johannesburg South Africa yes and I'll be there for 12 days I am the oldest live person from the movement in South Africa and they want me to come and tell all I can remember about the Pentecostal revival in South Africa white and black and brown and everybody else so and I'll meet some of the top leaders of the churches I may even meet some of the top 'full a politician of political leaders - and pray for me for that when I come back on the 7th of April I come right in time for a celebration of the Isuzu Street revival 80th anniversary of the Isuzu Street revival is going to be celebrated for four days in Pasadena in the First Baptist Church which seats about 1700 people and we don't know how many I asked your prayer for these for my visit to South Africa as well as the other there's one other thing I wanted to mention dr. du + e and we will we will be in prayer with you we'll be down in South Africa not long after you and the first Christian station will be on the air maybe in May we believe May or June sometime this summer in the Cisco near East London down at the tip of South Africa channel 23 we'll be on the air full power station that will cover the East London King Williamstown Sisk I miss show that whole area with Christian television so pray for us too and then let me just say this brother du + C if if people wanted to write to you what address should they use the safest address is box 2500 Pasadena 9 1 102 Joanie typed that up and put dr. du Plessis boy is she fast Fanta there it is dr. David ooh peel box 2500 let me just say a word right now dr. du + e wouldn't say it Fuller Theological Seminary has undertaken a great project to establish brother du Plessis library there in the campus of Fuller Theological Seminary can I tell them you have a little he is so modest he won't ever express a need but the library the project has not progressed as quickly as it should they need some help they need some funding they need you to write and so there's the address on the screen maybe the Lord will speak to some of your hearts to contact mother do plac'd direct writing if nothing else tell him you're praying for him and you love him and honor him for the great work of the Holy Spirit that has been wrought through his life but we want to see and I think it is an historic statement for this man's life and work in library to be established on Fuller Theological Seminary grounds I just think that is I think that says the body is coming together probably more poetically than any other way we could say it yeah and so we honor dr. do plus E and the great work and ministry of his life and now this needs to be established so please write him and many of you will want to help him and support this wonderful project that will be a great influence on many many young people's lives as they passed through for a Theological Seminary brother du plus e just what more can we say we love you we honor you thank you come again please as often as you can let's tell dr. David do plessy we really do love him and appreciate him coming Dallas sings one more song while I'm standing here [Music] I'm stand-in you this people [Music] people are dying so I don't have we [Music] have we [Music] they say that but don't even know [Music] [Music] [Music] so much [Music] people [Music] how about tree [Music] we'll be on [Music] but don't even know [Music] give me [Music] [Music] but don't even know there [Music] to me we me to hell [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Darla's home palaces been here all day taking tremendous programs right across the way here on studio a and we'll be seeing these new programs here on TBN and the few in the days ahead so check your TV Guide Friday night Saturday night's Dallas homes program is just becoming one of the great great blessings of Trinity Broadcasting let me just say real quickly camera one get a picture man are you folks ever responding to our little poll I don't know when I've seen such a speck these are the yes votes we've got two stacks here in case you've tuned in a little late we ask for your vote we're taking a little poll on whether or not President Reagan should get his request from Congress for a hundred million dollars to assist the freedom fighters in Nicaragua the two stacks right here are the yes votes and we do have one little stank of no votes right over here okay as you can see it's it's running hot about a hundred to one I guess in favor of supporting our president and the aid to the Contras or the freedom fighters down in Nicaragua if you want to get in on this poll give us a call because I'm going to Telegraph the results of this poll first thing in the morning to every single congressman and every senator in and as well as well as to the president in Washington DC we still urge you to contact your Congressman your Senators directly as well but if you want to participate in our little poll the numbers on your screen and we'll be happy to add your vote yay or nay to this little poll all right we want you to welcome a wonderful friend and brother who has been far far too long since you've been here brother Blair Charles Blair is no stranger to most of you but in case some haven't met him he has pastored the congregation Calvary temple in Denver Colorado since 1949 dear Lord do you realize your count up on your 40th that's right in a couple three years it'll be 40 no it's next year was 1947 that we came 47 when it came and you came oh my we're in our 38th year right now that's incredible really yeah that's got to be some kind of a record at least for Denver oh my I could say so many things the church is a great missions Church reaches out supporting missionaries and projects in more than 60 countries of the world he's involved in a television ministry which reaches across the nation a strong effort to reach the non church the format is hanging with a new title something more is this the new one your attention the brand's excited it's coming out all right we want to see that his most recent book the man who could do no wrong is now I understand required reading in many of the Bibles schools colleges and seminaries I wish we had time to touch on a little bit dr. Blair we want to get into prophecy tonight though we will will will touch on that at another time this book is just must reading for ministers especially but it'll bless everyone Satan has a trap set for you out there too strange this this book could be your guide through whatever that trap maybe I could go on and on but I won't we're going to talk about some exciting things together tonight let's give him a great Southern California dr. Charles bland Denver's still alive and well there that's good to see you here you again we're still feasting of the afterglow of your being to Calvary temple in our mile-high City in a great time it was a fantastic time and you two people amaze me the energy the vitality have IV especially you gen I can understand a man can do this but for a lady to keep going day after day and put this many hours in and yet remain radiant in me and you know today when my favorite thing I babysat both of my grandbabies today yeah isn't that one did all the other things I do but I kept little Brittany and Brandon and that's the greatest joy in the world you know both of you're such a blessing to millions of people and such an inspiration to so many of us and I dis commend you and thank God for you if you'll just let me continue to be your servant in Denver if we can keep send you new names of of new converts like are already phoning in tonight if we can and and oh and by the way throw for dinner let me just say this for Denver and pastor Blair knows this but your new studio is now equipped with the cameras the psyche is being hung next week it won't be long until super Pastor Blair I hope you'll host some of the local praise the Lord programs thank you for us on Fridays and if the studio is large enough to help you with your new program we'll we'll offer that as well thank you tell me just a little bit about the new TV program I well we've been on fur I guess you know that we were the first televised religious program in Denver ever when we hit when the nation came on with commercial television I heard that's longer than I like to think about so we have the joy of pioneering Christian bra Christian television in Denver we have been inside the sanctuary I believe 26 consecutive years every Sunday with an hour-long worship service we discontinued that January the 1st and are concentrating now on a new format a half an hour format that we filmed last week at the worldwide studio up here in Burbank for our first four shows and we'll eventually move that set back to Denver just simply because we did not have the ideal location for it so it's something more and it's got that extra dimension and it's slanted toward the non Church what are you saying what's the format what are you waiting surprised because this is a prop it's a premiere next Sunday so we'll just wait and give you that little bit of suspense there it is insane where it we're on thirty-one commercial stations and then we're on a satellite network and we are on kusa our primary station which is the ABC outlet there in Denver at 9:00 every Sunday morning and have been on that spot that same spot for 27 years so it's a joy to continue for the first time you know we've been on the air about three four years in Denver but the equipment has just been installed this past week so that we can now originate programming in Denver on channel 57 so we certainly will want to have your program for that and I want a copy out here just immediately so that we can see if there isn't a slot on the whole network for your name program something more we'll be looking forward for it thank you all right well we just had a fantastic time with our dear friend mr. Pentecost on the subject of the Holy Spirit being old timers if I may put myself in your category yes sir they're rapidly I said being uncomplimentary you know it just kind of made you relive that whole time I came into the experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit and a totally different and unique way my family of course none of them were Christians and I found the Lord one night walking by a Foursquare Church actually was an interdenominational church but the Evangelist was Foursquare and I heard the gospel and found Jesus Christ as my savior just passing by I stepped in and the Lord was good to me and and then kneeling by my bedside one night unknown of the subject of acts 2:4 just praying and received the infilling of the Holy Spirit and so it you know I relived it tonight because mister Pentecost had been in our church so many times and been a dear dear friend and I thank you for having him and he refreshed my own spirit reliving really so need that touch of God these days to match the touch of the enemy and a subtle approach of the enemy and you know the storms are gathering in both areas the gray zones disappearing yes and this blacken gray the gray black and white and the gray is fading out and we there in one camp or the other Jesus at the end he's going to separate the sheep from the goats the wheat from the tares it's going to be us and them isn't and and we really need seriously the outpouring of His Spirit in our lives individually whatever our terminology may be or the church the name that hangs out in front of our church that's not as important as having that touch of God and and having that breath of his presence in order to sustain us don't want to talk about it for sure but Betty and I went through a storm ourselves for seven years and it was that in filling of his presence it was an anchor to us and held us in that time of store we recommend it dr. du plus he said something very significant that I think may lead us under the subject we'd like to get into tonight the prophetic a look at the age in which we live the the coming of the Lord the latter rain or Joel's prophecy Peter quoting Joel this is that dr. du Plessis if I understood him correctly said that that happened or began in 1948 when Israel became a nation is an interesting statement it was thought-provoking yeah that that really got my attention a favorite question I always love to ask anyone who's made the prophetic scriptures a special study and as I know you have how much more time you think we have well I of course don't know how much time but as far as the clock is concerned or the calendar but you know just just thinking of what our Lord spoke about on the Mount of Olives when just you know here we are just a few days from that Passion Week that means so much to us and sitting there looking at some of the artists work on your walls tonight I shed a tear of appreciation the fact that that here we are facing the time of the suffering of our Lord and one third of the Gospels are written just for that last week because he came to die and it's interesting that in chapter 26 of Matthew just two days he said before the Passover he called attention to the fact that he was going to come again wanting to impress upon those disciples before he went to Calvary and the fact that that he was going to not only die and be raised again and would be a ascended and become the high priest and intercede but that he was going to return and the hope of course came alive and is the hope today and if it ever was a hope it's in the trouble times in which we live but Paul and John I was just thinking about what the Lord said in regard to the building would be destroyed and not one stone would be left upon another and they said well wind chill these things be and what shall be the sign of of your coming and of the end of the age and Jesus said for very significant things that are so much in the news today he said there would be wars and rumors of wars and nations rising against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom there would be earthquakes famines and then that strange word plagues pestilence and and when you just concentrate on just those four simple things that fell from his lips and bring it down here in the end of this century 2,000 years later and just read the current events it makes your heart beat like a like a trip hammer when you realize that we've come to the end of the end of the days mm-hmm I know you certainly agree and I do too that we are we are at that time I mean there's just no question in fact jesus said the generation that sees these cataclysmic things come to pass shall not pass away till all things be fulfilled would you agree that that we are that generation at least that is seeing these things and that will not all pass away until Jesus comes Paul I'm not sure that any of us can pinpoint a generation because if we do we're almost setting the date and we have to be very very careful if we say a generation hours or the next one is the generation then then we're touching on a border of what I think is too close to danger but this we know as we take the whole symphony of Sorrows that are blending you see I don't believe the world's going to be saved I thank God for the multitude of men and women who are finding Christ but this is a day when he's choosing the flock and he's choosing the church and it's not we're not going to evolve into the Millennium as I see the Scriptures it's going to get worse and worse there's going to be this outpouring of the Holy Spirit thank God for the outpouring of the Spirit of the latter rain that's promised but we're not going to evolve and get better and better until we have the Millennium I don't believe I believe times are going to get worse and worse and the very signs that he pointed of wars and rumors of wars and every major prophetic passage concerning the end of time connects war with the end of time popular message though is it no it really isn't it really isn't popular and and yet and yet it seems to me that what's happening and and when you read an off time somewhere watch you in Denver and you'll pick up a sheet of paper and say this call came in and somebody found the Lord Jesus Christ or I see somebody answer the invitation on Sunday in our own church I think now one of these days the last part of a flock is going to be completed and when that happens you see this is not our greatest day it's a great day for a Christian it's not our greatest no our greatest day is yet to come when that and that's when the trumpet sounds and the and he gets us out of here before the tribulation you know what though I know the errors that have been brought into the church by people setting dates and saying that the Lord you know one group went up on a hill and dressed in white robes and what 1914 and they came down later and said well he really did come but it was kind of a spiritual coming and we're in the Millennium now or something like that you know I mean they had to figure out some face-saving way but on the other hand in Thessalonians I I read her Paul tells the church that you know of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I write to you for the day of the Lord come you know as a thief and the night and the heavens shall pass away and so on and he says but you brethren are not children of the night and that day will not take you unawares I know that we can't set dates and say on such an you know that's a certain date that Jesus day or hour that Jesus is coming but aren't we gonna know generally the season according to that scripture when the signs we can understand the signs and he said to us you know we ought to have spiritual intuition sufficient enough to understand the signs that are happening in and we are but that doesn't mean that we can say well in this next thirty three years or whatever a period of time of a generation is but don't you think that the Christian who is filled with the Holy Spirit and a student of the word and is consistent in his or her prayer life lives in this communication this relationship Enoch walked with God he kept step with him met he wasn't ahead of him or behind we locked arms we went for a walk and he was not because God took him and in the midst of Noah's terrible day of sin he found a man he could trust even to build an ark for a number of years and could carry on a day-by-day dialogue with you I think the secret of understanding the signs is not only the current events but the witness of the Holy Spirit in that daily walk with Him that lets us know the heartbeat of the master through the Holy Spirit and that's why dr. du Plessis was so right on as far as the importance of being spirit filled these days to me it's more than speaking in tongues or prophecy or having the gifts how I thank God for them and pray that he would endow me with more but the beauty of the Holy Spirit is to keep me sensitive it to the day in which I am living and I think that's the combination of current events of what the newspaper is saying and and the signs of the time in general plus that witness of the spirit do you agree with that absolutely absolutely I think that's our daily walk is so important okay what do you say to the skeptic that says ah Wars rumors of wars we've always had Wars we've always had rumors of wars we've always had earthquakes we've always had pestilence the Black Plague killed half a Europe you know in the mid and the Dark Ages there too general I mean what how do we know that really means we're in this last dispensation or generation before the Lord comes Jan and Paul I think that we all have to look carefully and say as we see where we're going that we're on the road to Armageddon and that couldn't be 500 years ago the only word the only place in the world you can find the word Armageddon is in the Bible it's now being used by everybody but it's a Bible word you couldn't have had an Armageddon 500 years ago even a hundred a hundred years ago Europe was the only wide awake continent on the face of the earth the Americans even our own America was in its infancy Asia was asleep Africa a closed book yes what about now a hundred years later you're going to Africa it's alive its teeming with this excitement Asia the big giant mm-hmm one-fourth of the population of the world is awake when I was in India the guest of mrs. Gandhi she spoke to a million people and I was on the front row as her invited guests and she said at that time there was about 600 million people there are more than that now and she said we're not passive we're going to have a part as six hundred million people in the destiny of this part of the world India is awakening and so it is even Europe that's divided today both sides of that wall or armed to the teeth today we can say we're on the road to our mageddon and the skeptic cannot say that that was true a hundred years ago as it is today in or words you're saying the pieces of the puzzle weren't even in existence absolutely not much less to go together I mean you know very true and the same with earthquakes we we've always had earthquakes and we're not saying that just in these last days alone are we having earthquakes but the fact is and not just because we're able to detect them more the scripture seems to indicate that not only will they increase in diverse places simultaneously but increase in intensity and no part of the world will escape it let me let me let me add something and you want to put this in one of your sermons tell people just to go get a plain old almanac the 1986 almanac I did the other day and you know there's everything you ever want to know about anything is in the Almanac I mean it's just when the moon is full and when it's not in everything Abraham Lincoln won a case one time was because of the moon I don't know anyway it's in the Almanac earthquakes the recorded earthquakes from the the first-century and oddly enough earthquakes are those catechist clinic events that are recorded by every generation I mean if it's just scratched on a piece of stone I mean it they record them so we have a pretty accurate record of earthquakes down brother Blair I was shocked when you start with with 1900 this century if you are drawing a graph the the earthquakes would be going along like this and then it just they the graph would go straight off the graph it is incredible I think the last 85 years we've had by far the largest number and the greatest in intensity earthquakes in the annals of human history you're right it goes off the chart it was all for the wall and and how can the skeptic then deny the facts that we are not only having more earthquakes in diverse places but increasing in their intensity and that even though we can detect them were not able to stop them because these crusts of the earth these plates they call them they're about 20 of them they vary on the surface of the earth from about 30 miles to 150 miles deep and they carry on their shoulders the oceans and the planets of the earth and yet they're grinding against each other and they move all about the same growth per week as a fingernail grows and when they grind against each other they cause an earthquake and just recently the one in Mexico City and some of us were there and saw the devastation of that I'm only saying that all of these things you put them together this Symphony of Sorrows that at the end time there is going to be the movement of the Metheny in that they're going to blend together sorrow which means war earthquakes famines you were pretty well fed you know you just tank me up with food waiting for my turn to come on here but half of the world tonight is hungry then you add on top of that the plagues are the pestilence and AIDS the one that's baffling the world right today you'd put that clearly in the pestilence category well one translation the Greek word really is is more clearly translated plague then in pestilent and look at it what that's just one there was the Black Plague that followed the famine in China and all kinds of things that have been wiped out since I mean we've overcome them my brother and sister died four days apart when I was a lad of black measles the plague that hit our community and they said wait for the funeral because Charles will die too my eyes were swollen for 21 days totally blind God spared me but we don't have black measles anymore then came the plague of polio and we've stamped that out I spent four days with dr. Jonas Salk at the Salk Institute interviewed him for a television program he gave 14 of his years 17 hours a day to give us the polio vaccine that bears his name thank God for devotion like that then we have AIDS and but the biggest plague we're facing today is of unrighteousness that's that's the plague that's what Jesus so I mean what Paul said so clearly in Romans 1 that I think is the plague that is of the plague of all plagues and that's the suppressing of the truth in unrighteousness and that's when he said the wrath of God is going to be poured out upon all who suppress the truth in unrighteousness and list following 22 sins that he screams out against and says of such that participate will not be a part of my kingdom and I believe Jan and Paul that God is calling a people to holiness and a separation and a life of devotion to him and that in all of this that's going on there is this plague of unrighteousness which causes us the need to be filled with the spirit and separate our lives and sanctification and holiness and get ready for the coming of the Lord I don't think it's gonna get easier I think it's gonna get harder and it's like you said concerning the book that you made reference to look at the preachers that are having problems today look at the churches that are filing bankruptcy or in problems or difficulties or sicknesses who isn't under attack today it's not gonna get easier okay if you and you've been a serious student of these prophetic scriptures okay if you were writing a book or if you were drawing me a graph on a blackboard what what are the sequence of events what's going to happen next I mean there are in broad terms things that we do know that are going to happen and follow certain other events right I don't say this because we're together I honestly don't but men and women like you are helping to bring about the coming of the Lord in that when the gospel is preached in every Kingdom then shall the income that doesn't mean the end of the world no it doesn't mean the final end of all of all activity but I believe that we are close enough to the end that we can possibly see our Lord return in yet our lifetime I believe the rapture of the church is the next major event I believe I believe the catching away I don't believe we're going to evolve into the Millenium bye-bye revival and by goodness because I see no signs of that at all I some do believe that of course and that's sure and I love them for it but I I wished in a way a wish that would be evident I wish I wished I could see signs of that but I don't you know I do too because I'm the we're probably a lot of like you like to roll up your sleeves and get out there and get the job done and and wouldn't it be great if we just could buy our own works in our own efforts kind of clean the world up so that it's fit for Jesus to come back and set up his I'd I would rise to that but that's that's really not what the word teaches is you know I can't see it anywhere that that's what's going to happen but I can see that I like Enoch has to I have to walk with him daily and keep my pace with him and keep his heartbeat and at the same time recognize the signs that are around us I believe the next major event jennandpaul is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ then I think all hell is going to break loose there's thin civilization this thin of covering we call civilization as you well know is about to rupture breakthrough it it's gonna be a damn burst of iniquity and that which is holding that dam from bursting today is in my humble opinion the presence of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ the salt of the earth and when we're gone then that dam is going to burst and there's going to be that period of iniquity and and man will revert back to his brute instincts that he does not have the restraining force because of civilization and we know what Revelation says is going to happen and we're going to be enjoying the marriage supper of the lamb and receiving our awards for our faithfulness and martyrs crown etc and we're going to come back in Revelation 19 and reign with him for a thousand years through the Aeons of eternity until Satan is loosed what about okay this is a question often asked okay the church those who love Christ are going to be caught up first Thessalonians chapter 4 yeah really will evacuate this planet for a space of perhaps seven years maybe a little less or whatever you know we don't break fellowship over pre-med or post that's that's up to you okay what about those who miss the rapture the catching away of the church that are left on the earth what what what about them I don't think the Holy Spirit's going to leave when the rapture takes place I mean I don't think you can ever go anywhere in the universe that God has created and his presidents not be there and I believe that on the other side of the rapture there are going to be those who recognize what has happened and are going to cry out and find God's grace and mercy and give their lives and perhaps pay the price for it I'm so glad to hear you say that I I grew up in a church where I almost feared the rapture I'm gonna make a little confession here because it was like if if if he came on a day when I had done what I usually was doing know is in big trouble you know I mean I was good and then it was like and I don't know if I ever really hurt anybody preach this exactly but at least the impression I received was dear God if you missed the rapture that was it it was sure Hellfire and damnation flames for eternity forever you'd missed the coming of the Lord and there was no hope of salvation well I think we have to bear in mind though that if you can't live for him now with TBN and all the assets that are here to help us and the praying mother and a praying father and a church on many street corners and all that's helping us today then we have to be careful lest we careless ly live and say I'll wait till it's over and if it turns out to be true I'll get on my knees and repent because remember the dams gonna burst and and the enemy is going to be there with all of his fury and the church will not be there and so I'm not sure whether it's going to be as easy to stand then as we sometimes think it is and so if there's no question now is the day of salvation if I were not a Christian I wouldn't trifle with that today accept Jesus Christ as my savior besides if he doesn't come in my lifetime I'm not the loser that's when some people died when Paul was ministering and they are they gonna miss anything what happens Jesus didn't come and they died and he wrote that blessed fourth chapter and said the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a voice and the shout the voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord he ended that fourth chapter with these words wherefore comfort one another with these words it's a great encouragement to know that if I die without him coming I'm not gonna miss I'm gonna be there at that sound of the trumpet hallelujah mmm what I feel sorry for the people I I ache for the people that don't know Jesus Christ for those precious people who are back into the beggarly element of the world Paul that used to know Jesus the prodigal z' that are not now living for him doesn't doesn't your heart ache for those people yes yes I'm just as we come close to the top of this hour here I wonder if maybe this might not be a good time for you to just take a few moments and I have a feeling there are many of you out there who you've heard this word you you you know you feel that tug and that call and that conviction of the Holy Spirit in your heart I wouldn't wait another day I wouldn't would you take a moment dr. Blair just sure you know when Noah was building the ark they called him a crazy fool a long-haired fanatic probably and said it's never rained but he kept building that Ark yes he built it just like God told him to build it simply based upon the fact that God said the judgments coming and you know a very interesting thing happened and that ark was finished he put out the gangplank and God began to gather the animals two by two isn't that a thrilling story how just God gathered those animals male and female up into that gangplank into that Ark and I'm sure people scratched their heads and say these are strange days animals coming on their own two by two into that ark and still they didn't repent and I think the same thing is true today the gangplank of faith is out and the gospel goes out and people scratch their head and say wow strange things are happening today and yet they don't repent and my my love for you who may be viewing today if you don't know Jesus or if you're trifling or procrastinating and saying these are strange times or someday I think I today just say a prayer now and mean it and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart that the peace of God that passes all understanding have your name written in the book of life and then you're safe I mean by that if he doesn't come what have you lost you have a companion and a friend that sticketh closer than a brother my prayer is that today will be your day of salvation hallelujah amen thank you very Blair there are prayer partners on the phones right now those of you that want to pray with someone and really open your heart and receive Christ it's so simple all you have to do is say yes confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved I believe many are doing that right now just before Dallas sings a final song for us honey would you share some of the urgent prayer needs and let's have pastor Blair lead us I know many are suffering and body hundreds come everyday in the mail many hundreds more over the phone's beautiful we're going to agree and believe for many of your needs all of your needs tonight touch my heart there's a young lady from San Bernardino and she said she just found out she's ten weeks pregnant and then the doctor while she was there found a very serious lump in her throat and he suspects that it's cancer and she said please pray for me this is her first baby and just needs a complete healing in her body here's someone just 30 years of marriage and it says I just need a miracle in my home I can't take it any longer a mother has cancer here's another one mental problems pain I've been in for five years someone needs some guidance in a very serious problem blood pressure salvation peace of mind just peace of mind nervous condition someone's in the hospital shingles job a job the good news some are finding Christ the one on top dr. Blair Denver Colorado Carol 38 years of age for the first time raise our heart to Christ Danny from Los Angeles Sharon from the Navia Ohio Kurt from Anaheim California Vaughn from Fort Wayne Indiana many are finding christ but urgent needs are before so let's agree for these needs would you lead us in our prayer our Father we thank you because you are God Almighty God omnipotent and our hearts rejoice in that you are the same today is when in days gone by you have stretched forth your hand in miraculous intervention and the affairs of men to heal to save to deliver to rescue let your compassion let your grace let your mercy go out over the ether waves now to that heart that's aching in that body that's ill and that mind it is perplexed and that soul that is lost and that your touch your touch which is always sufficient to bring healing and life you enjoy and victory Jesus in the strong name of Jesus and we promise you we'll give you the praise in the glory for what you're doing right now in Jesus name Amen amen amen what a great night we've had with dr. David do plus C and then dr. Charles Blair from Denver and our brand-new friend pastor Paul Willis from Greensboro North Carolina a news channel channel 61 there bless you all Calvary temple is one of the great great great churches of America you friends in Denver where are you located again I should know but Alameda and University in down near downtown in southeast Denver Alameda and University River all right what a great evening we've had real quickly just before Dallas my goodness you folks have strong convictions on the freedom fighters down in Nicaragua let me show you quickly of almost three stacks these are the yes votes here and we do have a little stack of no no votes growing down here but as you can see at least our audience tonight overwhelmingly endorses and favors President Reagan's plan to aid the freedom fighters down in Nicaragua so let your congressman let your Senators know how you feel this information the results of this poll will be telegraphed immediately in the morning to every congressman and every senator in the United States Capitol so at least you that have called in tonight and registered how you feel on it all right Dallas home is going to take us out singing let's tell Pastor Blair thank you for coming and sharing this good ministry in Dallas we love you we watching the program the song nearly there [Music] she knew me he knows me now and he died [Music] she loved me then and he loves me now oh how can it be [Music] you know the place that I would be today humor me she knows me now [Music] some people say flat he died one day but that was [Music] while I'm sure that he was a very good man but me he did not [Music] my sister [Music] she knows you know [Music] you know you're there he knows an already tired [Music] he loved you that he loves you now I know it's true he's shy face he knew the place that you would be [Music] he knows he knows he knows us now and he loves us [Music] Alice home lot of talent and what a what a voice we appreciate it 11 30 seconds just to say good night and hello Oklahoma here we come the next two great nights will be in Oklahoma City pastor Danny Schafer's great Church Crossroads Cathedral let's see 27th and 28th James Robison Dwight Thompson Steve Brock Betty Jean Robison the trip polish and a whole group Danny Shaffer yes my goodness see y'all in Oklahoma City for two Holy Friday good night God's lovely we love you and remember let everything that has breath just praise the Lord we're so glad you've been with us for plays the Lord if you'd like an audio cassette of praise the Lord please write and ask for program Oh 318 - 86 that's old 318 - 86 the tapes will be sent for your love gift - praise the Lord program TBN has a worldwide ministry pretty chill of gets larger small to help keep the gospel of jesus christ going around the world so write today praise Lord he'll box a santa ana california 92711 or in canada right GPN geobox - 6 - surrey bc canada - 84 w8 if you haven't asked Christ into your life follow their partner now and pay to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord this is Tim Cullen saying god bless you and remember let everything that hath breath praise the Lord [Music] [Applause] this program was brought to you by the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout the United States of America
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 5,116
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Id: eSaPMhuP4XQ
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Length: 178min 52sec (10732 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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