TBN Praise the Lord August 11, 1998

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[Music] Costa Coast and around the world it's time to raise the Lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] from the heart of Europe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the tip of Africa [Applause] [Music] Asia Central and South America - the world's largest prayer in praise gathering joining us from Trinity Christian City International in Costa Mesa California our founding pastor World Outreach Center in Orlando Florida pastor Benny Han pastor Mount Zion eatery Baptist Church in Los Angeles California pastor Evie renowned musical evangelist to take your calls around America [Music] now your host president and founders of the Tempe [Music] the char the show under the border in a red below it is time to whoa are we gonna have a live wire on fire Amen Corner tonight can you say Amen you will do just fine you know what we have so many wonderful things to do you saw Benny Hinn our buddy is here oh we're gonna have a great I'm sure a healing service pastor Hill one of the great pastors of the great historic church South Central Los Angeles Mount Zion Missionary Baptist how do you beat a name like that Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church and Steve Brock who can sing like Steve in fact brethren please come join Jan and me we're gonna lead a little read little word from the word and I have two little things I want to share with you a couple of things to pray about hello Benny Hinn you brought your peach and Bible with you oh yeah all right we're gonna say a special prayer for someone very special Steve Brock a doctor Paul how old are you so we're gonna sing me a happy song where have you been you've picked up an accent I feel like I've been around the world and going again a man he's crazy but we love him anyway I have two letters I'm going to read one is one that we're going to gratefully receive and also pray for the person it reached us a little late for the week of 25th anniversary but this is our 25th anniversary year so we finally got a letter from the White House President Bill Clinton sent me a lovely letter the other day and whether you agree with all of his policies or all of the things in Washington or not hey we are still commanded are we not to pray for our leaders those in authority over us I'll tell you right now President Clinton needs our prayers does he not perhaps more than at any other time in his life and the other night I'll tell you this quick little story mark Sharona honey you remember preach that marvelous message in which he gave a word of exhortation and blessing to President Clinton assured him that the true body of Christ is praying for him and you know what I did I wrote mr. Clinton a nice letter and I clipped out and I made a videotape of that portion a good portion of that sermon and send it to him through some channels that I believe will really reach him we hope so anyway if the Lord wants him to get it he'll get it okay but anyhow this is dated July the 24th and it's to really all of us at Trinity Broadcasting it just says congratulations to the staff of the Trinity Broadcasting Network as you celebrate your 25th anniversary over the past half-century television stations have changed the way we think about the world TBN is an important part of this tradition giving citizens immediate access to the events that shape our times and offering a spiritual perspective providing a pulpit for some of our nation's most respected religious leaders as well as bringing inspiration and hope to your audience your network reflects the vibrant religious heritage of our country TV ends longevity is a tribute to the staff and viewers who have supported it since 1973 best wishes for a wonderful anniversary year Bill Clinton [Music] and as we pray in just a moment let's do lift our president to God in prayer and pray that God will give him wisdom knowledge understanding comfort strength as he leads our nation I want to tell you something whoever's in that White House God allowed it whether you like whoever's in the White House or not whether you're Republican Democrat Dixiecrat nothing crap hey God rules and reigns in this world and don't you forget it devil or what full of Kratt amen whoa I should not have asked that this letter will prove there is a God in heaven and and get get ready to shout because I read this on behind the scenes some of you heard this but this is from Sharon burns from wise Virginia and it's so cute I tell you I was under the table when I read this it is it is so sweet says dear Paul and Jan and all of I watch your TV and broadcasting regularly I'm so blessed as it blesses everyone in my area I made a pledge and she tells me a little story she's pledging a thousand dollars and so forth but here's the story now as Paul Harvey says for the rest of the story just a note to say that in my home town our TV cable century communications didn't want to carry or broadcast TBN on our cable system anymore our church prayed and it stayed on for a time then they tried to switch it out or switch it off twice but both times lightning struck their antenna and switched it back to TBN automatically twice finally the TV cable company called and said you win this has to be God you know Bob higly of here I want this to go in our cable ads in all the trade journals I'm serious we're gonna reprint this in the cable ads and maybe all the cables something say well we don't want to get hit by lightning and whatever anyhow that blessed me I will frame that letter dear friends I will never never cease to be blessed by that well let's ask the Lord to bless us Jan honey just a little word from the word before we pray I bless the holy name of God with all my heart yes I will bless the Lord and I will not forget the glorious things that he does for me he forgives all of my sins he heals me and he wrens ins me from hell and he surrounds me with the loving-kindness and tender mercies and he fills my life with good things he's merciful and tender toward those of us who don't even deserve it and he's slow to get angry and full of kindness and love he never bears a grudge or remains angry for ever and he has not punished me as I deserve for my sins for his mercy toward those who fear in honor he is as great as the height of the heavens is above the earth and he has removed my sins as far as the east is from the west is that good news or those of you watching right now this will be our last Macedonian call it was over a really last week but so many called and said I couldn't get through on the phone Benny's coming and promised to lay hands on and pray over all the prayer requests praise reports salvation reports pledge slips this will be your last opportunity to receive Paul the emissary this great Macedonian call film and so get on the phone right now make your final calls and pledges but let's agree right now that this will be a great night of victory I asked a little earlier Benny how many in this room need a definite healing touch in your body wave at me please keep waving for just a moment please look at that we are a needy people I'm asking special prayer for my little sweetheart Jan she's been suffering with high blood pressure and that's a very serious thing if it's not dealt with in a timely manner I want a healing word first we can tonight as well Benny leaders dearest Lord thank you thank you for your mercy thank you for your power and grace and Lord we ask tonight especially that she will move mightily healing your people dear lord send a mighty wave of the miraculous and we do pray tonight dear Lord everyone not only watching but everyone in this audience will be healed touch Jae and tonight heal her body drive sickness away we pray from each one we will give you the glory amen and all the church said amen well Steve Brunk can you get our little song service going here and in a little bit we'll have a time I'm sure when all of us can join in with some wonderful praise and worship choruses as brother Benny Hinn comes in a little bit after pastor Hill has opened the word and leads us in a great service however the Holy Spirit wants to move amen we're ready for whatever the Spirit of God wants to do tonight amen Steve Rock let's sing it with him right now the victory of the Lamb welcome brother Steve this is a foot stompin song we are [Music] [Music] we possess the victory how many believe that tonight shout yet Christian knows the devil's a liar gonna tell you anything keep you bow but the truth is his deceptions have no power so let's bolus them [Music] we are we are adjusting [Music] [Applause] those evil powers count the rage against you and me they long to try and test our faith they're gonna run the call the flee when we call on Jesus so it's little disdain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we possess [Applause] we're covered by the blood [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these rocks oh my goodness my goodness we are going to have music tonight yes we are this and will you will you sing my song sometime before the night is over lately I got leave you know you haven't done the church triumphant for a long time either boy that's a good one too okay oh he's just very amicable tonight and of course Oh Blessed hope how do you get any better than that we might even take some requests from you tonight if you all would like to make a request but first of all I want to say a great big hello and welcome to a part of this great big beautiful TV and family he's not been a guest for many years he is family man let's tell our pastor Evie Hill mountains I'm welcome welcome and before you give us a little update report on Zion and the Lord's kitchen and some of the other good stuff that goes on up in LA Jan got a very special letter and I have to apologize we're a little tardy and getting this to you but a strange thing happened this dear lady left us in her will a house and then just disappeared and we couldn't find her anywhere I don't know if she passed away I don't know if she went to a foreign country or whatever but she didn't really fill the papers outright we had to go through the court we had to get a judge's declaration to get the quick claim deed and finally finally finally finally we sold the house for a hundred and seventy two thousand dollars or there abouts and now this was the letter that came and it's really actually addressed to jammy-jam it says dear Jan Trinity Broadcasting Network Santa Anna it says dear Jer can't hear me I might oh thank you for letting her buck you thank you for not just sitting there but saying wait and here you can you hear me now okay says dear Jan I am giving TB in this home in Glendale California I give this house wanting you to be the person who ultimately makes the decisions I want funds and proceeds to be used as follows she gives us one and then number two direct practical help for the young women with Pastor Hill the ones whom pastor Hill is helping in memory of his late wife tangible things to restore them and get them strong enough to cope with what is ahead and the tangible things that make that possible and then she gives us one more number three and that will be someone coming in the near future but says all are to be ministered to in his name and the quality of their lives improved Thank You Jan with many thanks for Trinity Broadcasting and you and Paul mrs. ma in i/s and then the deed was enclosed and here's a copy of the deed that she had pretty quit but claim deeded to write court and the lawyers head but heaven hate it anyway part of it was to go to help the pitiful ladies in Bosnia yeah we're gonna get part of this to Franklin Graham and part of it to pass the hill and part of it to TT we decided to split how can it be 1/3 2/3 occur now pastor this is a little more than a third because there was some other funds for the Lord's kitchen so it is with the greatest joy that I hand to pastor evey Hill a check for $50,000 to she's either in heaven or off somewhere say and let me just simply say that it's because of Trinity that she would even know I was out there and I thank you because we announced it right here on this program that I was I met this lady she came to church and she had one of these bands that she had just been in the hospital Sunday morning and when she came down I said you just got out of hospital she said this morning I said what was wrong she said I had a baby she said when yesterday and so I called some ladies I said come quickly come quickly and the problem we have many women are hearing us when they say no abortion but then they go in they have no place to lay their head many homeless women are not having abortions they go in on Monday and the hospital wants some out Tuesday and they give them one bottle of milk one blanket and one box of Pampers and they have nowhere to lay their head it's generally at that time that they go back in the hospital and give up the baby so that's when and it's been I'm gonna get to it the miracle of it it's been three and a half years ago when I announced here that the Lord laid on my heart to build a home that would be a place where any woman with an infant not women with children I mean but just out of the hospital could come and have 18 weeks for weeks I have written the program rest good my mama said that you supposed stay in bed six weeks after you have a baby so I I've compromised before I know they're out in four days but I'm four weeks rest and then we'll have 14 more weeks of Christian counseling job development wonderful decision oh well and it will be a model that we can model throughout the country but Jan it is amazing how demonic our world is that has been it's been three and a half years that has been one program that has sent me through hell they that the devil has fought me every step of the way but guess what just last week final papers final everything this week is the walkthrough of everybody who could criticize something and within two weeks we will start the actual remodeling where we'll have 40 141 bedrooms and to take care of these girls 618 weeks and then down below we'll have everything from a place to get your hair down to a nursery while others out hunting for jobs they can keep the babies there and then this comes along and then then yo check comes along for the lord's kitchen because as of August no July 1002 Stroman the streets that have no not only no place to stay but nothing to eat so they head it to the Lord's kitchen they they cut back general relief there was a time if you didn't have nothing to eat no place to live you could go and get I think it's about 250 $300 a month until you find a job well for the most part most of that's out now and so this comes along at that time so I'm very grateful and on behalf of the people thank you Lord you man thank thank that angel wherever she is I just want to say how how wonderful that this little lady yes had no other family and and was just watching TV in and enough trust in us that what she wished in her will sometimes you cannot depend on your own children that's right to do something this wonderful but she knew that TV and would do it and pastor Hill you have $50,000 this little lady's in heaven she doesn't need her house down here anymore and so it's gonna be you the money's gonna be used to house these precious precious precious woman and I love that phrase the gift goes on this isn't all of the gift that you will see about a team not only that but I do want to said I'm not trying to butter you up anything but I do want to say to both you and Paul because sometimes you only hear the critical letters of what was not said but I do want to say that you you you the Lord has given you that that reputation that if we can get it to TBN it'll be handled right right and God has done that and I want to thank you for letting the Lord be that way with you because this not only this nation but this world trust you yes and and and God bless you I was in Tonga I was in Tonga and and here we go again there's Jam and Paul's friend they've seen you down no no I was there for the Kings birthday the first of July July 4th is his birthday just this year this year they had a National Prayer Breakfast where all of the villages of the kingdom and 52 countries were represented by Queens Kings ambassadors and they invited me down to preach the prayer breakfast again when I got off the plane they say Jan and Paul's friend and the king sent his regards because he was on program well he doesn't weigh as much as they used to weigh he's lost a little weight he's riding his bicycle at eight years old and of course the army runs along the side so we had a great time with him my wife and you know I'm picking into all cotton because when they called me to come they said now how many of your staff do you have to bring so I took my secretary and that's about three hours from Australia so we own down there the queen of New Zealand all of them were there for the prayer breakfast and I preached prayer breakfast and it was carried by television from the Philippines than in Indonesia so it was a big fan you know the king himself is a preacher you know he preached that Sunday morning yeah he is a preach that Sunday morning strong Christian they caught oh yes and there are more churches in Tonga per square mile in any way in the world fantastic not only the hospital is open on Sundays and you have to be it has to be an emergency Sunday is the lost day in time all right well thank you for that wonderful report has to heal and of course as always take our best love to Mount Zion and all the wonderful friends that might be praised we love them wish we could drop in on you every once in a while but we understand with 788 TV stations around the world hello it takes a little doing from time to time so about the best we can do is have you tell the wonderful folks of design how much we do love them and the pre and appreciate them sharing you with us just about any time we call as a matter of fact pastor Hill is always there I always love to tell one quick little story and then are you ready to sing much yes let's do it yes sir well they've got lately I got leaving on my mind matter Church triumph will do them off will do mom many of you've heard this little story but of course I love to tell it because there's always a what we're on in New York City not 5 to 7 a.m. every morning today everybody in New York City Channel 63 we've got 54 up in Poughkeepsie you know and I know a lot of you are watching up in Poughkeepsie the Hudson River Valley but now downtown the Big Apple New York City channel 63 it's a little early 5 to 7 a.m. but they're getting ready to work yeah many are watching and some put their video tape recorders on tape it and then they watch it in the evening or whenever they want but anyhow tell everybody in New York City that we're on the air the light that praise the Lord program not live but it comes a day late a tape this will be on their day after tomorrow morning I think anyhow when Pastor Hill was led of the Lord to open this wonderful Center how many years ago this feeding Center we're headed to our 13th year thirteen years we're doing right now from 1500 to 2500 a week yeah and we we we get no funds other than from the believers we don't get state federal and county funds good there was a federal agent that came in and wanted to let us buy food at a greatly reduced price and so we really got happy about it because we could have saved literally thousands of dollars but but then he came back and said but now there is a sign that you have to take down and I said all right which one I thought it was an exit sign or something you know and we have up over the food welcome in the name of Jesus and he said now you have to take that down I said no before I met you the name of Jesus opened this place yes since I've opened it we've served a million seven hundred thousand meals and the name of Jesus has kept it open yeah so now my brother go ahead this is a Jesus food place take your money back - let me just ask something yes if the money is available yes what kind of country are we living in that we the people yes cannot say that this comes to them in the name of Jesus what kind of country is this pastor and even more frightening I could have said in the name of many other things you could have said any other I could have put a curse word up that has been alright they wouldn't make it and especially on our legal tender money in god we trust' why don't they take that offense that's hypocritical don't give them back you try it turkey but I really want to answer your question yeah I really want to answer your question I'll be as short as I can when Jade guvo was then you know yeah they're FBI he used to call in a group of people to inform us about the State of the Union and I don't know how my name got in it but I would always be invited it was a non publicized meeting for this story somewhere a couple of hundred of us and on this particular time he was talking about the Black Panthers and he said the Black Panthers had closed Central Park in New York the Black Panthers calls four million white people to run across the bridge into the borough out of New York because they were scared Black Panthers called churches to be closed at night back Panthers that shut down business in Harlem so I knew the answer but I asked a question I said mr. Saul Sullivan how many Black Panthers are there in New York running four million white people out of town shutting down central that I'm in Central Park closing up the churches at night and then all that he said 87 87 only and so I walked when you said what what how can that happen a determined demonic satanic small crowd causes that to happen Lord while we just said back and said let it happen that doesn't say anything and the body of Christ there's a little old small group of people in in a town in his City I was on four commissions in the city of Los Angeles and there was a hundred people that would show up to every Commission meeting and raise hell and they were the same crowd whether I was on housing a planet it was the same cry when here are seven million out there don't even attend the meeting so cooks and anti God and Antichrist people are running this country and it ain't but a handful yeah it ain't but a handful what do we do well we we we wake up Jerry Falwell silent majority we wake up for instance we have 6,000 evangelical churches in Southern California if every church organized a community committee a committee on Community Affairs every Church and start attending these meetings where where regulations [Applause] in Los Angeles there are 100 people who have done attend City Council every time there's a major vote they are there they are organized well I mean 6,000 churches we could have 605 busy but in our absence they literally scare elected officials to death mmm I mean they threw almost eggs at me because I ignored them because you know my name in derogatory and people don't don't do anything but hit full of Mount Zion so I tell my name yes spell my name right so they know what church to come to but so they didn't bother me but if every church if a great big I know of church there with 10 15,000 people surely there are five people that could make up a Community Interest committee to find out what's going on and go there and go to meetings and have an interest in what's happening to your city and I want to tell you your city I don't care whether it's out here or in Los Angeles your city and I can tell you not only because I've pastored in Los Angeles for 37 years I was a Commission of the city of Los Angeles for 11 and a half years and I'm gonna tell you your city is run by Antichrist Koontz yes I mean foolish folk I mean folk who hate God and everybody else but they're running the town and we ought to overrun them and then do you know what let me tell you one other little story that'll drive all of this home you you remember Doug Wead honey that worked on President Bush's yes he was the liaison to all the religious and other he was a hitter I almost a cabinet position I think it was a sub cabinet Doug lives over in in Phoenix today and he opened the White House and during the Reagan and Bush years yes we had a wide open entree I got I met President Bush four or five times yes everything that went on the White House he would invite you and me and just a lot of good other Christian leaders i asked doug a very important quote I said Doug how many letters on a particular issue coming into the White House finally gets on the radar screen and gets the president's attention I thought it would be the man sir yeah twelve you're right well I thought it would be thousands your letters will run any mayor in a city councilman crazy if the bad if the mayor are the mayor yarder when I serve if the mayor got ten levels he would get on that phone dr. hill could you please come down we have an avalanche of protest if I get 10 bad ones but I'm going whoa what's after you take a look and so now you see we didn't review this I told you 12 letters and 12 letters to your mayor yo mayor of your city or your president or your President of the United States yes 12 letter now here we are 240 million people and 12 coups can write him in here so what in the world is going on yeah twelve thousand twelve have you guessed twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve we can be running this country anymore [Laughter] there's 200 of us in here tonight who do I write to get you that discount on food and allow you to keep the sign up in in the Lord's kitchen the food bank the food bank is that can carry government food given to nonprofit organization that's my tax money buying it and why can't he get the discount for those poor people in every size welcome in the name Matthew well will you get us the name of who - right - will you all right will change this will change it yeah let's do it I'll write my letter tonight all right let me finish him a little story yeah we kind of got sidetracked here but it was a good sidetrack I can tell you when Pastor was getting ready to open the Lord's kitchen 1213 years ago he was going to originally call it the pastor's kitchen and then you had a dream yes that night and the dream was you know so many people in line see I was gonna name it to pass this kitchen cuz I thought about 20 people would need a meal and I told my wife she would run it with her friends and they would cook the meal and I wanted the nation to know that pastor Hill was feeding the hungry but there were so many people in line I woke up and named at the Lord's kitchen [Laughter] we named this Trinity we needed all three the Lord [Laughter] well I see the preaching Bible is here and Steve Brock's got a microphone let's have another song and get ready pastor Hill to just open the book and preach a good word for us then Benny Hinn will be along in a little bit to lead us in our prayer for your pledges that are still coming in I'll run that little cook for you one more time maybe after Steve sings for us but I love this precious precious songs hallelujah how many are ready to go tonight if Jesus comes lately I got Cleveland on my mind [Applause] [Music] bill [Music] is the heating repair [Music] the windows [Music] Herr Litten and cool Oh [Music] ah [Music] gonna fish when I can find the time Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] the time [Music] we're gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave it all [Music] I like this one I guess [Music] should be looking for better days to live but I come to this place I don't seem to get excited anymore about this whole world what it can be [Applause] you couldn't kid Los Angeles Farah 70 [Music] for what I do with Los Angeles I got leaving on [Music] call our God [Music] that's all [Music] I'm gonna leave this whole trouble world my old maggot baby hi [Applause] [Music] god leave it on my mind to [Music] [Music] if the squirrel is gonna turn me around [Music] I'm [Music] it all [Music] I got me [Applause] then I can here in Jerusalem to eliminate the followers of this false messiah [Music] stand up [Music] it's time to put a stop to the sect if you had been there they would have stoned you to mark my words honest within a year no one will remember the names of Jesus or Palms Satan you have nothing with which to tempt me give then you can go around destroying other people's property [Music] we would gladly pay this price to see someone freed from sickness chance remember when you were saying it once it's a boy that's what I'll believe in its stronger than anything this Jesus is the one true God just as you have testified for me in Jerusalem so you must also bear witness in Rome I have preached that both the Jews and the Gentiles should repent and turn to God hey you're out of your mind ball I prayed that I can remain as faithful to the death [Music] to receive your own video copy of Paul the emissary call us now and support TBN s Macedonian call that is very likely the last time you'll ever see that little clip role in the emissary the Macedonian call is over I kind of extended it because some of you pled with us that you couldn't get through on the phones and I said we'll keep it unofficially open until Benny gets here tonight to literally pray overall you want to make a pledge of course all right in fact is there anyone in the little audience here that would like to get in on this final final call wave at me up there all right in just a little bit we'll have someone out to serve you with a little pledge tip just put your name and address there's our grandson Brandon Brandon go get pledge tips baby Brandon Paul Crouch the third is here tonight and yes will serve you dear ones here in the audience but you at home the lines are jammed I know and you're getting a busy signal so I tell you what I told you on behind the scenes put the address up if you just can't get through on the telephone sit down and on a postcard or a letter just send your pledge for the master owner and make sure you say I want the emissary the life of the Apostle Paul and sent it to TV NPO box a santa ana california 92711 the address is on your screen and we'll accept your final pledge by mail okay if you just can't get through on the telephone this is it this is the only time it'll be offered on home video this year and maybe ever I don't know we'll see how the Lord directs because new movies are coming out yes Carmen's new movie will be out commence movie mission 3:16 yep very soon it's going to be premiering some of it on October 31st alive on TBS yeah and got a lot of wonderful is coming the portrait and then one about the ancient code so we're working on several movies right now and when all hell breaks loose is under production right now they're writing the script I'm gonna have a meeting this Friday you need to be there this Friday my dear and that's gonna be we're gonna meet the Antichrist the false prophet but we're also gonna meet Jesus Christ in this film so pray for us difficult I suppose as well as ultimately they've made available on home video as well well let's tell one more time here is Steve Brock's pledge whoa one thousand dollars sweetheart you will get receipt the emissary here you will get the emissary are you in debt do you have any debts no you're out of debt I'm out of debt praise the Lord then if you're in debt tell the prayer partner the amount of your debt we will have yet another debt burning service well I could agree with you in Jesus name you just don't and he said the best thing if you're in debt is to go have plastic surgery yeah go home and cut that plastic credit card anyhow anyhow anyhow sure right wave it Brandon if you need a pledge slip this is it folks I'm kit not kidding this is the last call and we're gonna put all of these over on this back there and Benny Hinn will be in a little bit he's gonna lead us in a great time of Prayer not only for your physical healing but for your financial healing amen for all of the things that you need while they talk about the Lord tonight okay what aspirin and 70 Brendon have you filled one out baby have you filled out a pledge slip alright [Applause] yes and so did his own dear mama okay let's tell pastor Evy he'll Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church we let us pray and now our gracious Heavenly Father break down the bread of life that we may live caused it to go out over the waves that men may believe rejoice and be saved for we ask it in Jesus name Amen Paul in his first letter to the church at Thessalonica first Thessalonians the fourth chapter and beginning with the sixteenth verse and it was providential that the song the song that was sung feel like leaving because that ties into my text for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of an archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the lord in the air thus we shall always be with the Lord therefore comfort one another with these things therefore comfort one another with these things I've been led to speak tonight on what will be the final outcome of the church on planet Earth where we headed to now this is so important because of the kind of lectures and the kind of writings and the kind of articles kind of television programs on other stations and radios that's coming out there are those who are suggesting that the church has already demised and I don't understand that because I'm still here and there are those who said the church is no longer relevant and all of these kinds of critical statements so I thought I would speak not only to those of you who are here tonight but those who are listening completely across this world on just where are we and where are we headed as a church what's to be the ultimate outcome of us what's our final destiny where are we going and when will we get fam there those who are struggling with this idea they're those who are at home wondering because you have not been taught or you have not read about the final outcome of the church shall we just always be on earth with steeples to go to and and when we die we just go back to the dust and there's no more to us as some teach some said that there is no Hereafter when the Bible plainly tells us that after death judgment it's just as plain as it can be and so I thought to said to us tonight some words about the finality of our sojourn here on earth and our continuing existence so that we may have the comfort of Paul the comfort of my mama and the comfort of all of those who have died in the Lord according to Paul there is coming a day I recognize the controversy over the time and all but I'm gonna preach on the basis of my mama's theology my mama was my theologian III didn't go to Howard and Harvard and pressed and and and all those other schools I got my theology from my mama's knee and I haven't done too bad with it I've stuck with it and it's brought me safe thus far and I'm too old to change according to my mama Paul said that there is coming a day amen there is coming a day I don't care how long you have heard that I don't care how you have become impatient with that there is coming a day now we've been talked about that for a couple of thousand years almost but remember now in the economy of God that's only been two days ago yes just two days ago because a thousand years is like under but one in his sight so it was actually saying only day before yesterday there's just a couple of days ago so be patient because you're running too fast you're on God's time not yours according to mama Paul said that there is coming a day and this is an exciting day that Christ Himself shall D sin Christ himself shall descend now that's why I separate this day from those who claim that the coming of Christ is every time somebody dies the soul goes up but this book says Christ himself shall descend not not the dead go up but Christ come down he shall descend and stop in midair now there are those intellectuals who bring up the point now how can he just stop in midair well that's exactly where we are now we in midair they ain't no to buy falls under us holding us we're out here circling around in midair that's where we are now and we haven't fallen since God put us out here and we're not gonna fall until he take us out of here so he's able to do whatever he says he can do and Christ shall stand in midair now according to Paul there's gonna come this day when he shall come with a loudness with the Trump of God at the voice of an archangel Oh glorious day we shall behold him and the world shall behold him later on but he shall come in midair don't let that get out of your thoughts don't let that get out of your belief don't let that be lost in nothing no man writes who hadn't died yet don't don't don't don't don't don't let keep that fresh in your mind there is coming a day we're not gonna have always what we have now we're not gonna live always under the conditions we're living now one of the great hopes of my full parents who were slaves was there's coming a day I said that's coming a day it was called old-fashioned and fogey but it kept them alive because they said there is coming a day when Christ who is presently at the right hand of the Father he is making intercessions on our behalf now that's where I want him to stay I want him to stay right there because the devil is also coming before the Father daily with a report on me saying here's what he'll did today and he did what he promised he couldn't do so now trace his name but Jesus is that say but put him back he's mine he he's mine he's mine and all of those including some of us who pass on before that day comes will come with him they are coming with him they are known right now as the church triumphant they have already passed over their bodies might well be at the bottom of some sea their bodies might well be in some burnt ashes somewhere their bodies might be in some graveyard somewhere and no ever spend a whole lot of time going to the graves trying to talk to mama if she was saved because if she saved she ain't there you just out there talking to yourself you ain't talking to no mama and some of the things you're saying out there you should have said before mama died you you mama has already seen his face on the streets of glory hey that wonderful and she is enclosed with a more glorious body that will never grow old ah when I was much younger a more glorious body wasn't appealing to me because I had a glorious body I was a hundred pounds lighter I had hair on my head I could I I had a solid mouth of teeth I was incredibly handsome and so a more glorious body wasn't appealing to me but I'm now pushing my teeth around with my tongue and I'm afraid I'm afraid every morning to brush my hair because some more will come out and this old stomach no matter how I died won't leave me as hard fat and so a glorious body is beginning to look good to me hey hey hey man hold off the riders a new riders gonna leave me one day because I'll have a more glorious body and we shall come with him Christ shall bring those who already go with him now he shall stop in midair but all of those who come with him shall momentarily go to the place where they fail for the purpose of the greatest demonstration that has ever happened in the world and that is every grave every spot everywhere you drop momentarily will rise oh what a day I said what a day and it'll be as fast as a twinkling of an eye you don't have to worry about waiting here long because when he comes it's gonna be moving fast and we're gonna get everybody who's already with him we'll get situated where you fail don't worry about it if you fail in the middle of the Pacific Ocean you're gonna situate yourself there he'll he'll call you from the middle the Dead will the brave will give up the dead the ocean will give up the dead the fire will give up the dead that's why every now and then God dropped some information to us we didn't know ten years ago nothing about no DNA we thought when you're dead you're done not even trying you're ashes and and find your guilty you you they find your ashes and find you guilty you you just can't hardly get away because God is trying to reveal that not said he maids can be destroyed and when he speaks all of me no matter where I am will coagulate say hey I said it'll coagulate it'll come together for everything obeys his voice and then those who haven't died and who are still walking around one marital Center another one singing in the choir which centers all around him another one sitting out in the audience and sinners sleeping next to him doing church at the twinkling of an eye at the twinkling of an eye they shall be changed and caught up to meet him in there and so this man who's been cussing his wife out in the kitchen he's howling in there after her he'll look around and say did you hit no she's gone a lot of dead church sitting up there sleeping and gone we'll all sudden open their eyes pastor's gone half of the choir gone uh she's gone what happened around there you got left for the living shall be raptured and look at this meeting in the air Christ Himself shall be there all who've gone on before shall be there and then those who are changed shall be there and then the book said and so shall we ever or bless His name be with the law I said so shall we ever be with the Lord now in a very definite sense we're with the Lord right now he's dwelling in us through His Holy Spirit we're with the Lord and and sometimes you can feel his presence so until you have to be like me sometime I'm praying and studying and I look at the clock and it's two o'clock in the morning and I have to sit now Holy Spirit you don't have to sleep in our slumber but I got to get up at six o'clock in the morning and so now let me sleep please and no sooner than I said it I fall off to sleep because he recognizes that I'm in an earthen vessel that I'm in a vessel that I won't have when I have left this place and so we will have glorious bodies and and the Book of Revelations gives us a whole list of Nomos normal sickness normal sorrow no more pain no more age no more this no more that in this more glorious body and what a meeting we shall have when our gone on the phone and we'll scale down here gather and behold him face to face my god I don't have language and our emotions to demonstrate that my family is gradually it used to be almost a whole town down in Texas we downed about 30 now because all of the others have gone on and just just just just year by year somebody else is going on going on that and signals comes to me every now and then by saying it ain't long you'll be going home but but but but that's coming a day when the church nothing but the church John whatever you wanted John but if you want to join that which will be when all else is gone you better get in the church and I don't I'm not talking about no building for that that shall be ashes under the soul of the righteous and I'm not talking about nothing that's formalistic I'm talking about the bond again crowd shall gather to meet him and women I won't tell you we got something coming for us I've been a lot of places and I've seen a lot of faces I've had some most I I was really low cabin I pick cotton and shook peanuts and everything but but that's coming a trip that I want to take I've been a whole lot of places they were good to me over in India they were good to me in my sky they were nice to me down in Tonga they were nice to me down in Texas but that moment that morning when the church shall be caught up out of this present world and no matter how beautiful this present world is it is no way compared to what God has in store treat us like you want to treat us right whatever laws you want to write do whatever you want to do make it illegal for us to raise our hand I read somewhere down here in Orange County that a church is having trouble because the neighbors are trying to put a sound barrier around the church that they can only sing so loud I ran into that in a wire that right next to church they had me over that preaching and I hollered out and neighbors had police to calm and said he's got to tone it down and I didn't want to do it but I'm Way over in Hawaii and I don't want to get arrested over there and so I kind of said praise Aloha prisoner it's just like what a negro woman back down in the south she went to a white church and and the white preacher was up and that not quite as loud as we are but he said and the Lord is good and his negro woman said yes he is and inertia came Shh and she said but I got religion he said but you didn't get in here and she said well I'll try to keep it I'll try to keep it under cut and then she said and the law she'll come he said yes and they came over tonight if you do that one more time we're gonna have to take you out of here that maybe you folks custom but it's not our custom we just said quietly now no more noise she said I'll do my best praise God I'll do my hallelujah and then she said and they buried him on Friday and Sunday morning he got up she said yes she did and two great possessions came and God and was dragging her out and she said pray and they said now what are you praying them for now we're bout to throw you out [Applause] I've had many privileges I met presidents I've been entertained by kings but when I behold his face you know glory and the Apostle closes out this chapter by saying comfort yourself with this thing comfort yourself with these words those of you who have been struggling problems and difficulties making in get some comfort out of this word it won't be that way always God has something coming for us God has something in store for us comfort yourself get yourself up put some spittle item in yourself pick up your Loftis and your loneliness and your faintness and comfort yourself with the fact that that's coming a day when God shall come fast Church and praise God shall catch that morning train comfort yourself comforters have comfort yourself comfort yourself I said comfort yourself comfort your self the dolls who've gone on before you get glide over the fact that one day we're gonna meet again comfort yourself comfort yourself that we shall be changed and we shall meet him in the half then he goes on and in in in first Corinthians it says not only should we be caught up but we should be caught up with him who then shall judge us now we shall not be judged for the heaven or hell question that's settled you settle that before you leave here but when the church all gathers Paul says in the book of Corinthians we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of what we have done since we were saved we were saved by a gracious act of God come on in and be seated you are now a child of the king but now until you leave here what you do as a child of the king you must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of it and he encouraged us by saying in in first Corinthians here he tells us we must stand before the judgement but in the Book of Revelations 2 and 10 he says but for everyone who is faithful until death I will give him a crown of life so now when you ask me the destiny of the church here is number one we won't be here always I said we won't be here always thank God for that as all that I like about this country and particularly America but I want to be fooling with it always I want something I said I want something better my god this auditorium I'm in and and next though the headquarters what better can I want something I love the house I live in I love the house I live in I love my wife I love my dog I love everything about it I love the swimming pool and all it but walks up because 20 years from now we'll have to build another one of these but when we there'll be nothing better and he says I'm gonna give you a crown particularly those who keep looking for his appearance and one of the reasons I want to preach tonight is because so many eyes are believers have gotten off of is it coming to saying this is all right down here this is all right this is all right this this chair here looks enough like a throne but the church must be admonished to keep on looking farm to come keep on looking for him to come and when he comes he shall bring those with that and shall gather up us and that will be over with the only hell I'll ever have his honors and when he calls me either before or changed me bye-bye he'll know you want to get me if you want to give me hell you better get it higher because the headlines and the newscasters and the prophecies are coming true that but a few things left before he comes and when Jesus comes Till's will be washed away when Jesus comes will be forgotten and forgiven when we shall rise in the power of his might that shall be no death no separation no see and until he comes comfort yourself with that go home tonight and you who at home tonight comfort yourself that he's coming just this and I'm through living in the country hungry no money hardly Papa would leave and go and when he would come back I would notice a little sack on his back and what joy would come to my soul because I knew that in that little sack Papa had found something for us and when Jesus comes whatever your dreams that have not been made whatever has not come to pass whatever has not been fulfilled don't you wait on Jesus don't surrender don't put the face wait on Jesus because when he comes he was an atrophy that we missed down here the destiny of the church we shall overcome [Applause] Thank You pastor Hill I want you just before you leave to lead us in a final prayer and let's invite people to know this Jesus let me just read one little word that has blessed me so many times and this is from the Living Bible first John 1:10 through 12 but although he made the world the world didn't recognize him when he came even in his own land and among his own people the Jews he was not accepted only a few would welcome and receive him here's the good part but to all who received him yes he gave the right to become children of God all they needed to do was to trust him just to save them yes lead them to Jesus pass to him you who are right there the greatest is yet to come I don't care what your experiences have been I don't care what your experiences are the greatest is yet to come you may have been a champion you may have been a star you may be this you may be that but there's coming a moment when Christ shall come to receive the church yes sir to receive the believers and that even won't be it won't be in Hollywood it won't be in Washington it won't be in Philadelphia it'll be in midair and we will be equipped out of these bodies to move into midair and then I've been so many places where I've had to say goodbye I've had Paul you and Jan and I would been all over this country but we've had to say goodbye and to many of those we've said goodbye to will we haven't seen and many of them I've said goodbye to they'd already gone but in that new land there'll be no more goodbye and I want you to know now it might sounds foolish it may not sound believable your professors in in philosophy might not agree but all you have to do now within your own heart in your living room in your car wherever you are it says save me Lord Jesus yes no I mean that's that's that's just a simple he has made it so that there are no steps up to salvation he has made salvation level at the foot of the cross and he's not there baton and knocking nobody back nobody that you better drunk come on come on you hooker come on here a man you a pimp come on preach whoever you are sign me up the pastor what about all of my faults and everything boy he can make you a new creature overnight and some of this may not come off in you may have already knocked out your eye but in your heart you'll be a new creature and so I want you to pray right now in the name of the Lord Jesus whatever utterance you have you don't have to say exactly what I said but let this be the unction of your spirit Lord come into my heart forgive me of my sins and save me and write my name down because that moment of your coming could be tonight could be tomorrow could be tomorrow evening or it might be 500 years but when it comes it will be worth it all if you're caught up to meet him in there god bless you and God keep you amen thank you he'll god bless you sir with you get behind our love I bless you breaking now Steve saying lately I got leaving on my mind and it couldn't have been a more appropriate song for pastor's message about that great day that's coming but until we're gone we're supposed to give the devil trouble in Jesus name and to that end God has always had a people bless God the church triumphant is still alive and well God has always had a people people who are blood ball born-again separated free people who are sound from Senators economies people with consciences as steady as gibraltars micron God has always had a be sure some have misunderstood the church like Simon the magician they have failed to realize that God's Holy Spirit is not a blessing to be bought but an experience to be seen others have maligned the church through their noisy unbelief they've tried to spread a false rumor and say God is there ladies and gentlemen I can testify to you tonight God is not bigger he is alive how many believe that with me tonight he is alive he is more than enough for every lead that we have in our lives even though he's been expelled in our public classrooms pushed out of many of our churches for God in many of our homes God is still alive through this 20th century marches a mighty army my army of treatment God's people there call the church ladies and gentlemen I'm here to tell you they are they are whales and how many will agree women tonight they are triumphant in Jesus Christ [Music] Oh [Music] which question we may sorry [Music] [Applause] listen child of God Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against him John the Revelator said of all nations kindred peoples and tongues stood before the throne with palms in their hands crying aloud salvation to our God all my brokenhearted friend you're not forgotten the church is still alive family of God be filled with fresh Spade the church is still alive businessman give that business to God the church is time if you're concerned about your children have no fear the church is still alive he is reaching out to every [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Barnard's deep drop some dynasty my goodness my goodness well what a joy to have my precious brother Benny Hinn here tonight now his little introduction card Christmas then he needs no introduction but it always says at the top he is from Orlando Florida but I do understand that that address is changing soon is that correct it's one by cohn yeah is his mic on can you all hear me well God willing soon I'm gonna live in this marvelous state California God willing once our once our studio is ready which would be the next few weeks I can tell you about that yes then things will start happening and we can say Benny Hinn and I can come see Jan a little more often you and my beautiful girls from Southern California well we we may have to say from both places for a for for a while you're like me I'm my home is wherever my briefcase is yes yes Dee I'm proud of you thank you you sang a song I haven't heard before and leaving on my mind that should those are your two favorite songs no faster if you sing happy day one more time you know what I sang the last time I was at your church ministering and happy you did I did and I said to the congregation I said this is pastor Manny's favorites and actually I almost couldn't do the song for laughing you are so funny I want the whole world to know I have more fun with this man he makes me laugh I love it and he is so funny I think when we get to heaven he'll big comedian he also sings a chorus that you may not have heard know which one the Church of God is right there is a chorus well there's a second verse - that will soon be dressed in white hallelujah okay how does it go the Church of God is right the Church of God is right and are they right oh yes I just came from the General Assembly well I think we should broaden that chef Antonio text God really only has one church you don't know we have that sense well it's a church I like you all to know that steep rock was in our conference in Dallas last week yes and he told the people that he was preaching in some church and while preaching he was preaching on the coming of the Lord and he said behold I come quickly and he kept saying it and then he fell in a lady's lap and then the lady said to him well you warned me three times oh no you apologize I apologize to her and I said I'm sorry and she says all right you warned me three times something that really happened no no I was in Dallas in the conference I got to tell you this pastor is now it's 106 degrees yes it's hot so pastor gets up and says we're going on a cruise where would you like to go to the Bahamas no that it kind of be to the Caribbean or to Alaska okay it's 106 degrees out there they don't want to go to the Caribbean everybody hollers Alaska so I say to pastor pastor do we get to play golf in Alaska and he says well possibly I said well we get to hunt in Alaska he said well I don't know and I proceeded to tell him about a friend of mine who went hunting bear honey you know that publicly by the way he did yeah and so he was out hunting first time had ever been hunting for bear so he saw this bear and he picked up his rifle and aimed it at the bear and pulled the trigger and the gun went click mm-hmm yeah so the bear turned and looked at him and started running toward it now pastor is engrossed in this story because I was I I believe I'm believing him up to this point myself so the brother fell on his knees and he began to pray and he said Oh God let it be a Christian bear Oh God let it be a Christian by and by now I began to doubt him yes he looks up and he sees the bear on his knees all right oh god he's a Christian back so he kind of slows his prayer down and listen to what the bear say and the bear is saying thank you Lord for this food that's been sick well they're friends we have some serious business to take care of tonight before you leave tonight Benny now whenever the Lord moves and probably toward the end of our little time together you know Steve Brunk actually made a pledge tonight Steve I'm surprised he's a wonderful wonderful brother always like what happened Benny as you were here during the great week of Macedonia and it ended you know a week ago people kept calling in saying the lines are jammed we couldn't get through he couldn't get through please keep it open keep it open keep so I said okay I'll keep it open kind of unofficially till Benny Hinn gets here next week on Tuesday and so we're gonna put all of your pledges that come in tonight as well as in this room here and those that came in all during the work of Macedonian called and as a final conclusion tonight Benny we promised everybody we'd all agree and pray over them prayer requests praise reports The Salvation steps and the pledge slips and so we will do that so keep calling in all during this program but before and I know you've got a little word I do in the word that fits with what we are talking about but Benny I have one quick little quote you said something during Macedonian call that really struck fire in my soul and I have quoted you in my newsletter that I wrote for up for October you said that God always deals first with his natural seed the Jews subscribe the seed of the natural seed of Abraham that the Jewish people in the nation of Israel is like kind of God's timepiece God's barometer duh you know whatever but that he deals with him first and then he deals always with his body the church finally so this has been the year of Jubilee for the Jews and it in September 30th that's correct you said October 1st begins our year of Jubilee that's correct [Applause] [Laughter] Jewish Christian you have to actually we've kind of been enjoying an engine moving in on even the Jewish Urdu le Paul it's the season okay see we are in a season now I'm gonna I wanna tell you something I've had things happen with me that are honestly it's almost unbelievable do you know in the last few months I've had things happen that had somebody told me they would I'd say no way one of them happen yesterday yes Matalin yes a few weeks ago I felt led to give Steve Brock my cuff links and I don't know why because you love me brother you love his song oh happy day cause III thought our shoots just felt that the Lord wanted me to give it to me I gave it to him right and I forgot about it yesterday I am in a restaurant as I was going into a into a restaurant and there was a a jewelry store across the way very expensive jewelry store with a policeman you know they they put him out there and you have to ring the bell before you can't go into that kind of store without an appointment the owner saw me I don't know who is did not know him from Adam or his wife he sent me a gift with this this policeman or this guard he came over to the to the place where I was I was standing in line to go in with some people he said mister hen the owner of this store there wants you to have this I said oh well you know somebody hands you a box you you don't know what's in it I I never travel alone and I think you know why and some of our sick some of our guys are sick our security wouldn't let me I said and this guy said it's okay it's all right man so I open it and there's the most beautiful cross in the beautiful cross so I wanted to go over and say thank you to the man so I walk over to say thank you and then he was led to give me and I kept telling please don't do this he said oh he said you would hurt me if you would not accept this I said well you already gave me this nice cross he said you would really hurt me if you if you not accept this he gives me the most beautiful cufflinks probably worth 20 times what I give him [Applause] it works and God work the amazing thing Paul is this is only one of many things that have happened along the way and I'm seeing things happen in our ministry that are absolutely unbelievable I'm gonna tell you right now unbelievable I don't think it's happening just because I'm such a nice guy I think we are in an atmosphere we are in a season yes and there is truly an atmosphere now that is where the climate has changed much and you know listen I'm not just saying this I know it by the spirit because see the Lord spoke to me and told me we are in this season yes now when God speaks to you he'll always tell you to do something about it and the Lord said to me he said I want you to give a million dollars to other ministries in this season well since you know I mean we don't have a million dollars laying around here because we need it like any ministry but I said okay Lord I'll do it I'm nearly done giving it nearly done Paul the remarkable thing is what happens to a ministry's income when you obey God and what happens to our individual finances now I know some precious Saints and some other people oh here they are again of my money it's for you exactly if you don't want to hear this well then you're gonna miss the harvest it's how to receive we have got to get to the world it's in the Bible now can I just give a quick little testimony yeah three minutes please yeah a year and a half ago really it was in 96 I truly believe that the devil had a plan to destroy our ministry completely I went through hell for a year every single day something was going wrong I mean it was like endless you'd finish one problem and another was just right there next to it to the to the place it was so horrible now can't go through the details just believe me it was the worst I was in my car Paul on the way to the office I was crying in my car weeping I was coming on the highway and I was crying so bad I could not see the way and I was afraid maybe I'd have an accident so I wept the Torino tears and I came on the how well you know how they're all going 80 miles an hour as you guys you come on and I said Lord as I was coming on I just just in total frustration I don't know what else to say I said lord please do me a favor would you please tell me are you still around just tell me if you're still here I'll gladly keep going but if you're not please just tell me and I'll gladly just quit this thing because you get so low you don't know what else to say now I know you're all thinking oh it can't happen to you yes it did have it in a believe me happens to all of us yes and the more you do for God the more you do for God I think though the more the devil attacks you frankly so I'm on the highway now I get to the office and amazingly that that day Paul you had called looking for me I don't know for what I don't even remember what was about so I called back and a young lady named Judy answer the phone III still have not met Judy I don't think I have maybe I did and I didn't recognize it was her but she said and I'd asked for you usually I asked for mark for your dear secretary margin she said well pastor Benny can I give you a word that God gave me for you this morning I said well please I was ready for words from anybody yes most times you know when when we're doing well we don't want nobody to us to give us a word but that morning I would have taken one from a cat [Laughter] and so she said can I give you a word I said oh please well she said would you mind I'd like to go to my computer because it's in there I said please and of course she didn't know what was going on I had just God as my witness I finished in the car only and out earlier I had said Jesus are you there just tell me are you here the prophesy begins by my dear Benny I am still here that girl blew me away I I she works for Paul Julie also that's her from there on and if Judy is watching thank you for obeying God believe me that was a a word right on time from there on things began changing for me because it was knowing just knowing Jesus was there meant everything to me and you precious Saints you know you see me preaching and ministering nobody knows what happens behind closed doors because when the anointing comes on me in fact the anointing is my escape so you stand under that anointing and you wish it'll just never end but then you have to walk out and get back in whatever problems you had but that year was so horrible you I cannot describe it to you I cannot describe the pain the misery yes when that woman gave me that word just from there on things began to get better but let me tell you something that I found by the end of 96 I found that I had lost so much that I had not known about financially things were happening I did not know about things were going on in our ministry that I want to get into details except just to tell you there was a lot of losses that were not should not have happened not with the anointing thank God not with the organization but just behind the scene personally I find I found out I had no insurance my kids had nothing that something happened to me that would be left with zero on and on I said Lord I said I'm gonna start asking you for something that I never asked that before I mean you know you often pray and you forget these things I said Lord will you do what you did for David because in 1st Samuel 30 the Bible says that David came to zig lag and found everything lost he had lost his wives children possessions everything was gone yeah now you may want to turn to that William because I really believe God is about to do this in the church and he prayed and not only did he pray he came into agreement with the with the priest and the Bible gives it this incredible powerful verse it says and David recovered all and lacked nothing he recovered his family his possessions in addition here's the biggest miracle I think four hundred men were recovered all not just he all those who were associated to him shared in the blessings of God on him yes as the Lord if you did it for David and if your God I'm asking you to do it for me simple I'm here to tell you today after all this that had had happened not only have I recovered all I recovered things I it was almost a blessing to not have what I had because what I have now is a hundred times better hundredfold yes 100 pole Paul it's like it's like the Lord the Lord who knew who knew what would happen who restored everything and give me better today in just 30 days from now and I want to thank Paul and Jan especially not for this 30 days from now we move into our studio here in California it was its that thing has happened so smoothly so beautifully I can't thank God enough and our precious partners enough and you precious Saints because Paul and Jan had been allowing me to use the studio at TBM over there in Tustin for free you need to know this you know that watch this is your day I have not paid a cent for the last two years it's been at least that what is a year a half or two it's been a long time anyways using that studio there for free till hours is ready tomorrow by the way tomorrow Wednesdays tomorrow the the the 12 we tape our last programs tomorrow at TBN so Paul would you allow me to do something [Applause] nevermind Steve once it kiss he can forget it even if you see happy - but the thing is and please hear this these precious people that we know very well the world doesn't but they are the greatest givers I know some preachers preach seed time and harvest only practice practice the harvest part practice both practice really the seat time part way more than anything anyone I've ever seen they have given and given and given and given and given and still giving and Paul I'm gonna miss being at your great studio in fact I just come back it was all just to do it but we'll come down and see you at your last a few months away time you want but God has done amazing things in that he took me out of this horrible thing we will in a 96 and now the blessings you know there is a great verse my friend David always tells me the blessings of a Lord make it rich and hadith no sorrow with me when God begins to bless you the sorrows leave now the other thing at the end of that horrible year which was I pray I'll never have another one like it when the devil thought when he he knew he could not bring me down he attacked my wife oh sure because he'll try to bring you down if he can't with you know attacking you he'll touch the closest thing to you but now after all this thank the Lord all is well one of the fingers is fall is as the season began of harvest it's like God has opened the windows of heaven yes now I can tell you Saints I really believe that God allows us to go through it so we can have faith to pray because we cannot give you what we haven't gotten right so tonight I am boiling with faith we're gonna you know this is no accident that we're gonna pray for this now if you should ask me what it's been having the last few weeks I'd say glory glory glory I'm told I'm gonna tell you something that is remarkable I've had two invitations the last three weeks to Kuwait and Dubai and the cousin to the Emir of Kuwait is coming to see me in Jordan the cousin to the Emir you know how it all happened with that this a great story during the Gulf War mrs. Gibson John Gibson was watching CNN and the CNN reporter had said that the Kuwaiti royal family had fled to Saudi Arabia and were staying in the Sheraton hotel her daughter at that time had been struck with an with MS this is before we knew her so she tells her girl she says there's our answer because they had no money they pick up they picked up the phone called the Sheraton Hotel in Saudi Arabia asked for the Emir they put him through to the Emir which was a miracle that they will even do that right she said CNN announced he was at this shirt and so we thought let's call him and only John Geeson has that kind of bonus she sure does they called the Emir and she said I'm mrs. Gibson from America our country's doing much for you would you would you care to help us he said how can I help you she said he she said my daughter has a mess we have no money and the Emir said we'll help you shortly thereafter they came to our crusade and God healed her girl so they called back and said to the to the Emir thank you for your offer the Maher girl is healed now and they told what had happened when we did this thing about Jordan when when we put this whole thing together Joan called this man he is sending his sort of sorry she called him she called that she called the cousin while we wouldn't down exactly and he told her on the phone he said yes I've heard of him and he liked to come to Jordan because when I told the crowd that I just been invited I have a letter from Kuwait to go preach yes sir come on with me Paul I love it well I think it's nemesis it's gonna have to be it's gonna have to have to of course be next year because there's no way I can do it this year but Paul God is opening these amazing doors that's not just because we're all such nice people this is the season yeah no question about it I just had had another thing happen that would surprise you our friend Larry King has written a book on prayer I have it it's called powerful prayers Larry King really I have the book with me in fact I'll show to you they are asking me to promote it and mr. Larry King wants to come on this is your day will you've been his guest so he should return the favor and now and I'm gonna have him why not bring him on praise the Lord some no I think be marvelous and his book on prayer has just been actually it's not even out in bookstores yet I have a copy and I'm thinking Lord you're doing some amazing things and this world of ours the world is opening look Saints there it's opening up like a flower two weeks ago three weeks ago this is me something I'm in a movie now Hollywood called me and asked my permission if they put me in a movie the scene is with young man with his girlfriend kissing and behind there our program is running and the young man looks at her and says let's watch Benny here all in this movie this big movie so they said will you let us I said of course I'll let you do it sure but the thing that the the thing is there's interest now in the supernatural right to put the address on at the same time [Laughter] 2020 is doing a program on the supernatural and called us and wanted the healing testimonies we've sent ABC news healing testimonies there's a new I'm telling you there's a new climate in America since it's not just because it happens to be it's the season for it it's it why why why because jesus is coming on number one there's our today I tell you if if you let me I may just want to shot in just a little bit but now I'll just become helpful let me just quickly take you and I've showed you this before we're just real quickly Leviticus 25 because you were you're asking about why the Jew first right would you want o what song I'm saying enough only one you all remember that the lord in matthew 10 said to his disciples that they ought to only preach to the Jews in message and then in Matthew 28 he said now go to the whole world and Paul said first comes natural then the spiritual so that's God's order throughout the world God said to Israel that in this Jubilee season every 50 years that one thing will always happen to them and that was absolutely an eternal promise that they would return to their possessions now ladies and gentlemen there is not a believer I know who has not lost something true or hasn't had something stolen from them by the devil we are in the season for restored possessions here this think about what God restored to Israel when they went into Egypt they lost everything while in slavery think about what God restored to Joseph think about what God restored to Jacob after he left his father's house time after time after time men were completely well at first they had nothing and then God restored everything back and more it's his way to bless his people Jojo and on and on now here's the thing we have to do please hear this because if you do not do this God may allow tragedy to put you in a corner and sometimes he'll do that to wake you up you've got to start focusing your prayer properly the time has come you ought to quit praying the same prayers you've been praying the last 50 years god bless me forgive me keep me he's been doing that you would not be here if you hadn't been blessing and keeping start enlarging your vision the Bible clearly states that God wants to increase our capacity to receive in Isaiah 60 it says your heart will fear and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea will what be converted unto thee the the abundance of the sea the sea represents nations it's coming your way we have all believed and preached that the wealth of the sinner is later for who the righteous we've all preached and believed ye shall lend and not borrow but are we there no we've all preached these blessings shall overtake thee have they not yet we've all preached and believed that God's blessings are ours but if you look at reality it's a miserable condition it's time we focus our prayer on what God has promised us in my case I was forced into it I had no choice because in reality I was going through tragedies and I said no no no if God promised it if God is God then he will do what he said man you see faith comes alive when you read this because most times we pray cheap prayers we don't mean what we say to God unless a problem and then boy we get serious so don't wait till tragedy hu I I may be saving your life right now by telling you get in and obey God before something may happen that may force you to obey God right most look many believers really don't give they tip they don't give they tip they tip God and Sunday morning and they tip him no no brother don't insult him and don't think that this is all something no no this is in God's Word there's no such thing in the Bible as God wanting to keep his people in LAC this is the day for blessings untold not only because of what's happening with the gospel going around the world God wants to see his people free more than we want to be free now Paul the Word of God has so much to say about this and I'd like to quickly go to first samuel 30 real fast and show you what David did to recover do you would would you like to recover yes the Saints would you like to see recovery all right the moment tragedy hit the Bible says first samuel 30 verse 4 then david and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep think about getting so depressed so tormented till you run out of Tears and david's two wives were taken captives of course it goes on and talks about his children and then it says this and david was greatly distressed verse 6 for the people speak of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God there are times there's no to go to and say help me there are times is nobody to be found around they they all wanted to one in stone you your best friends wanna kill ya you've been there aren t the only one to go to us at such moments is the Lord right look do you know that you know who those people were that wanted to stone him the same people he helped when they were in trouble yes because the Bible says they were all in debt owed money to the King and on and on who helped them David who blessed them David who was there for them David now when David needed help they were about to kill him because their own problems were so great they couldn't they could care for David anymore David had to turn to God my friend that's what happened to me in that car I said Lord are you there and he came through the first thing you must do when these things strike is praise God in the midst of it because that releases faith the second you start praising the Lord faith comes a lot because I'll tell you right now you can't praise Him if faith isn't there the Holy Spirit walks in and imparts supernatural faith when you praise God and you are hurting so bad you can't even think right we've all gone through that and believe me I speak from experience the second thing that he did it says and David said to Abiathar verse 7 the priest a him Alex son I pray thee bring me hither the ephod and abiathar brought thither the effort to David he called for the priests to come and agree with him he was about to seek God he said look I agree with me the only person he could rely on was a man who knew God now please hear this agreement doesn't not work if you agree with someone who knows nothing about the Holy Ghost nothing about the voice of God nothing on how to pray and touch heaven don't agree with a dead branch nothing to give you you must find somebody who knows God someone who hears from heaven someone who serves the Lord David didn't go and sought his brother he didn't look for his father even though his own brothers were there he sought the priest who had her who had been hearing God the priest who knew the anointing the priest who knew how to call on God sometimes the greatest thing you UQ can do is seek for a man of God that can help you Paul I've seen the power of agreement I'm telling you do you remember Jesus in the garden when he when when he was himself distressed who did he ask pray with me Peter he said could you not tarry with me an hour and but Peter wasn't there for him if Jesus needed somebody to help him pray how much more do we need somebody the son of God needed somebody to pray with him in his darkest moment we often can't find anyone because hey if the Lord could not find Peter to be to even stay awake long enough I know what Steve Brock is doing right now Steve Rogers got a pad he's gonna write my sermon down he's on a preacher in sell the tapes and I let him to see now the first first part of that was praise the Lord is that right praise the Lord the first thing you gotta do steep rock you can go preach it now alright First Samuel third you gotta praise God in the midst of difficulty that's the first thing the second thing is find someone who can agree with you in prayer David looks for looked for the priest my god I remember the days in that horrible year I could find nobody I looked for him could not find them even and please I hope you don't misunderstand there are times even your wife doesn't know how to pray with you because she's not there where you are times your husband don't know where you are he comes home he's tired he don't want to hear anything we all go through that find somebody somebody who will truly agree with you in the spirit it's not yes lord I agree don't do me anything find someone who can really agree with you in the Holy Ghost that can feel that pain in your heart and take you to God pray with you and listen God will help you find that somebody I promise you thirdly look what else he did oh you know let me just quickly take you a steep rock do you have a Bible would you get it get a Bible help me preach since we're gonna preach this for me for goodness sake turn to proverbs 27 12 and read for us proverbs 27 12 and then job 28 7 8 8 and 9 I want to say something about this proverbs 27 12 are you are you there yes sir yeah now how long do we how long do we have Paul 50 minutes oh great okay okay would you sir please a prudent man foresees evil and hides himself the simplepass own and her punished that's incredible a wise man sees evil and hides himself in other words when that man sees the evil coming he gets in prayer but the foolish doesn't do it and it's punished God will allow you to see the evil before it ever hits you if you won't pray you you'll you'll be punished read that again proverbs 27 12 a wise man go ahead again a prudent man foresees evil and hides himself the simple pass on and are punished in other words when God lets you see the evil if you won't pray it out he'll come your way do you know how God sometimes will will will let this happen through dreams won't you all goodness to job real quickly come on there this is this is one of the most amazing things Paul our God is is quite well he is really amazing really I mean sometimes I've such a load I said Lord I I can't believe that you are well let me just find that scripture real fast for you in job but this talks about how God will at times come to us listen to this job 36 mm let me just just read beginning at verse 5 behold god is my REE and despiseth not any he's married in strength and wisdom he preserveth not the life of the wicked but giveth right to the poor he was draw it not his eyes from the righteous but with Kings are they on the throne yeah he does established them forever and they are resulted now watch this and if they be bound in fetters and beholden in cords of affliction then he shows them their work and their transgressions that they have exceeded he openeth also their ear to discipline and commanded them that they returned from iniquity if they obey and serve him they'll spend their days and prosper two years in pleasure if they obey not they shall perish by the sword and they shall die without knowledge God goes on to declare in his word that he will attempts come to us in dreams to own us job 33 verse 14 this is powerful and some of you Saints have probably had a dream that you you ignored and then prayed away from your life listen to this for God this is job 33:14 for God speak at once yay twice yet man receiveth it not in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep follows upon man in slumber rings upon the bed then he opened the ears of men and seal it their instruction that he may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride for men he keepeth back his soul from the pit and his life from perishing by the sword God will sometimes come in a dream and a vision to warn you of a coming danger if you do not heed that warning and you know if if you keep reading you will see what happens to such people it says he's chastened also with pain upon his bed because he listened and the multitude of his bones with strong pain so that his life up horath bread and his soul dainty meat his flesh is consumed away that it cannot be seen and his bones that were not seen stick out in other words what begins to happen because this man ignores God's warning that he gave him through a dream he's punished you just read that right a wise man sees evil and prays but a simple or a foolish man doesn't pray let's say pass on miss punish me let me show you job 28 this is this is incredible turn to job 28 Saints unless we focus in prayer on these needs we have Anthony what am i feel the anointing telling you this unless you focus your prayer on that problem and God in mercy will give you a dream or a vision to show it's coming and wants you to pray to prevent it don't forget job 33 beginning at verse 14 you can read this again when you wear you know after we're off there or after this program is off this is just just you know just take it down job 33 beginning actually at verse 12 and just keep going and that is a powerful verse that powerful portion but look what it says in job 28 verse 7 there is a path which no fowl knoweth and which the vultures I have not seen the lines whelps have not trod in it nor the fierce line pass but God says in his word there is a place no devil can get in there's a place no vultures I know demonic towers has has seen no line the devil hasn't been in there is a place of protection now keep listening he putteth he putteth forth his hand upon the rock he overturned the mountains by the roots he cut it out rivers among the rocks and his eyes and his eye cioth every precious thing and I love this he bind it the floods from overflowing and the thing that his head bringeth he forth to light what this says is there's a place God wants to bring you in that no vultures I have seen no demon has ever entered no devil can enter and if you enter into it the Bible says God will put his hand upon a rock and will overturn mountains for you God will cut out away so that rivers will come to bless your life then the Bible says God will bind the floods from overflowing in your life and that which is here in other words the answer you did not have he'll bring forth the light where is this place prayer the place of Prayer there's a place no foul knows there's a place no devil can enter in the place where God is Saints you've got to hear this david prayed he didn't go to the world and say help me he prayed he encouraged himself in the Lord and then he prayed but because he was in such desperate need and this is when we need we need agreement the times we need agreement is the times when we are in the pit most times we can handle this thing on our own but when the thing gets so dark where you can't breathe you know what the Bible there's a portion I think it's psalm 119 the last verse it says well let me just read this how many of you Saints have ever had a time when you could not seek God come on you you you you were so worn out so beaten you could not pray anybody here yes yeah David had that happened to him look look what what what what what he says this is powerful verse 176 of psalm 119 I have gone astray like a lost sheep seek thy servant for I do not forget that Commandments David was saying to God Lord I can't seek you I am tired I am weary I am beaten please Lord seek me there are there are times when you are so low you don't know what to st. well right and all you can say is Lord I can't find you would you please find me anybody's been there Oh Lord amen that's what David was when he said come on help me pray okay the third thing he did is right here verse 10 and David pursued his enemies you cannot pursue the enemy Saints unless you've asked God for counsel unless you've prayed and broken through in prayer do not just pray wait on God till he gives you instructions because if you pray without you are going into warfare blinded that's a dangerous thing to do Paul I have gained respect for the devil I know I've just gotten some I some eyebrows raised here Paul we fight against a fierce and a mighty enemy we have marked a being that angels fear it took the Son of God to defeat him for no angel could his fierce hatred his incredible strength Paul I have faced that enemy in a real way I am NOT talking just about attacks here and there saying I deal with I deal with the supernatural I know you see me on television and you don't know what happens when one one I'm alone because if I should tell you what I see in the spirit you do you think he is crazy but I can tell you this and I and there's things I'll never share because I honestly think they'll never be received but I'll tell you I'll tell you this you cannot get to what I am in the spirit and see these miracles if my experience has been shallow I've had I've ever deep Tom's with God but at the same time I have had some visits from the devil of course Paul he appeared to me yes sir so much so that my body froze in an icy atmosphere where I could not talk it was as though every part of my being froze and could not move the only thing that I could say in the depth of my being is Jesus he came to kill me circumstance Paul was see Satan knows the damage we're doing to his kingdom the the and I want to say too much because I'm I know somebody's watching that could use this against me better just believe me when I tell you it was a moment in my life recently when had it not been for the power of the Spirit had it not been for the Holy Ghost I would have been dead yes sir absolutely that's it physically out of I I would have died that moment I let me let me help you understand this the devil's presence is the presence of death his presence doesn't bring life when I saw him everything in me died except my spirit my body everything in me came to a it froze because he came to destroy me now this was at a time when all kinds of things were happening I cannot go into details but except to tell you this I have gained respect I understand now why Michael the Archangel did not rebuke him but said the Lord rebuke thee we often say things about Satan not knowing really who he is I have news for you my eyes have opened I don't play games with him I know in whom I can hide yes Paul if it wasn't for the presence of the Holy Spirit we would all be dead that's right we take we take his presence so lightly but God can reveal and open your eyes to things in the spirit Steve you've been with me the last month right you've seen some of the things that happen like in Australia right and just a few days ago in Tulsa you were not with me intel's i was just there a few days ago the lord is beginning to show me things about people that are frightening not only me but the audience like what like like details about their sickness steve would say so in susie love this i say yeah but they also have that and a lady came up in australia i saw a snake on on her arm we should we should i think on TV how many how many amazon and her skin was was was like a lack of like rotting right but nobody saw it cuz it was covered with her her her address i had something happened to me in Australia and in Tulsa and I've had to apologize to God publicly for saying things about William Brennan William Brennan used to minister under an awning what he would look at somebody and say your daughter's name is such-and-such your sicknesses this and that and he would give them their history and about half an hour later he would be carried out physically because he'd be drained so I would say publicly I've said this without mentioning his name I'd say when the Holy Ghost is on you he energizes you I've said publicly and you've heard me that I am stronger after the source and then before it's true when it comes to the anointing that works with me in the meetings but twice now the gift of the word of knowledge has operated with me in a fashion what I would see people's sickness before they would tell me and I would see animals that that on their body I would see spiders I would see snakes I'd see frogs that I know people think that you know I don't really care what you think and and Paul in Australia I nearly collapsed on the platform physically right I because when that gift began to operate I felt energy leave me I've had I publicly I apologized to God that night and you were there because I said Lord I'm sorry I did not I did not understand that gift and how it operates all those things began happening after that experience the devil knows a lot more than we think he knows he knows what God is planning way more than you think we think he's blinded to what God is about to do he's not somehow he knows I don't know how but he knows and when these things began to happen what I would see people's sickness before they would come on me before before they would tell me but Lord spoke to me that same week in San Antonio and said this to me he said I want you to begin praying in tongues continually you know I mean I pray in tongues like most Christians do when this word of God moves on me well and the Lord said to me said I wanted to pray in tongues every morning I wanted pray in tongues during the day he said when you and his I mean I heard these words he's he said if you'll pray in tongues in the morning I'll give you revelations in the evening yes sir and as I've been practicing this that is what began happening in Tulsa Sunday night I was there at the world explosion meeting those who are watching who if they were there they saw they they they know what I'm talking about before they would tell me so and so was sealed off I said just a second I could see it on him David you were there but to see those things are happening now because there's a deeper dimension the devil knew it Paul he had to the devil knew it he tried to take not before that thing could could happen but he lost again good but let me just say one more thing if you have not been to one of our Crusades lately show up quick yeah you better you better you know here in Anaheim the manager of the pond changed a rock concert so we can be there do you know what has happened lately we've had three stadiums call us we didn't call them they called us one of them was in Tacoma Washington these people remember when we were there the managers are calling and saying please come back we need you yes sir the because see when we would be there and they'd sit up you know power of God then they have all these crazy things happening after we leave with wrestling matches and rock concerts and they see the different crowd they are wanting some decent people to come back but do you know God has opened these stadiums now like the you know pond do you know something Saints here in Southern Cal we have wanted to come back for the crusade here for months nothing was open we called and nothing now the manager says I'll change this thing he told us he said I we want Benny Hinn back will change the rock concert I don't think it's happening just because it's happening god yes gonna do something bad that's how many does that see 20,000 that's right here in Anaheim isn't it right Nana don't miss it October 8 and 9 using come from all over but the thing Paul is and and and I wanna get back to this now but the thing is we have gotten away from praying in the spirit do you know when you pray in English okay I'll tell them Lord in my pleas you know tell me how much time I have because if I keep going I'll keep going to little midnight just come come come around this 25 minutes yeah bring it close because I can't see that far yeah thank you very very much I have my glass right now listen Saints I in prayer recently I saw I saw something I saw a demon listening to me pray and when he would hear me prayer he would plan against my prayer I saw it in the spirit I saw it and son of the Holy Spirit said to me he said when you pray in English they plan against it here but if you pray in tongues you're praying mysteries and they can do you know why dealer why you can pray in English for a year or two or three for something that just doesn't happen I saw something when I had that experience it's not because God isn't answering it's because demons are causing the delay stopping do you remember what happened to Daniel up the property 21 days God responded that day but the evil spirit held it back till the arc angel had to fight his way through we believers don't realize the war that's going on around us when when we pray people I'm telling you I honestly lift your hands in praise ii come on phrase pray in the spirit will you Cheryl get good on that instrument when I might everybody pray in the spirit you and your homes with son was about to happen here oh my god I'm here I believe God is showing you things mouth became and faith he elemental metal Paulo in a cool Montagne keep playing keep playing keep playing keep playing pick up your instrument Cheryl please [Music] Jesus something is happening Steve [Music] something is happening Steve god almighty once wants to do something man yes law thank you excuse me the Lord in Jesus mighty name thank you for the anointing our lord release her on him in Jesus precious name God is going to use him in just a second listen to me just for five five just five minutes five minutes ladies in John God is doing something now there something's happening here listen when I saw that the demons of hell are delaying an answer that God is not the one holding it back he's not the one who's not listening he is not the one who's not answering because we have not prayed in the spirit Satan has used your prayer against you because he's you see the devil is is not all-knowing he's not all he's an omnipotent or omniscient but every believer must know this and if you think I'm crazy over that you hope your problem but every believer has demons assigned to that believer to destroy them and report on their activity to His Majesty if you should see the plan of hell against you you you were not wanted ever since that day Paul I have prayed a prayer almost every day and I pray to God ill ill he'll grab you now so you can nuke you can pray from the day I saw this thing where demons were fighting what I prayed for they were planning against everything I asked I began praying Oh Lord destroy Satan's plan for my life and establish your plan for my life I'm a man I believe now God Almighty wants me to pray this prayer for you come on stretch arrange seven all of you ever prayed would you also have to be Father in the name of Jesus destroy Satan's plan and establish your plan and my future in Jesus name my god I feel now listen listen you cannot pursue the enemy in the flesh David proceed at me after prayer in the spirit the effort deals with Revelation press yes he called for the effort most women know whatever whatever is the effort dealt with revelation you can pray in English you got a semblance pray in the spirit you understand this Paul said praying all prayer in the spirit and in this in this faith doesn't only mean in tongues in the split means we're literally heart-to-heart the Holy Ghost praying with groanings that cannot be uttered and as you get in the spirit only then can you pursue the enemy and now David the Bible says this something else he penetrated the camp when the enemy wasn't watching my brother only those walking in this myth can penetrate the enemy's camp there is nowhere in the Bible Paul what it says we believers are two States in behind some bush hiding from the devil's or Anna's David pursued and penetrated because he prayed and after he penetrated in verse 16 then he recovered all in verse 18 and 19 now Saints it's time we do these things it's time we begin praising God in the midst of this trial it's time we agree with somebody who knows God for our needs we met it's time we pursue the the enemy in prayer we focus on the things that have been lost or stolen focus on those things that the devil has brought against you and pray in the spirit don't pray in English say Lord you know what I'm saying the Holy Ghost is praying through me and then penetrate that camp when the enemy isn't watching and here's how we penetrate the camp please listen to this it is impossible to penetrate the enemy's camp it's impossible to penetrate the enemy's camp in the flesh no amount of flesh struggle will do it you penetrate the camp of the enemy with worship the presence of God will descend on you and everything that the enemy hair starts to crumble the presence of God destroys that and then recovery comes now I want every one of you lift your hands and I want everybody here to stand up and we're gonna pray come on and then Paul I want to lay hands on these pledges because this is the moment to do it in Jesus we give you praise people would you all in your home and right here live to voices and pray in the Holy Ghost come on Cheryl live to instrument please my dear they want you to play it for me we are standing on holy ground Bobby Donnell will come to talk Jesus I give you praise in your homes just live to voice to God live to voice to God saying fifty words to God Lord my God bring your people out of that bondage the rain Lord Jesus bring them out of that miserable bondage the river for shame but what Jesus bring them out of that bondage of sin bandage of disease bandage of oppression bondage of depression bring your people out long give them eyes to see lawyers and ears to hear Lord they might pray according to your will Lord in Jesus precious name thank you lord now listen to me Saints God Almighty will take the veil off of your eyes if you will begin to pray in the spirit in the spirit now I want to walk over there fall with you and Jane and Steve we're gonna lay our hands on these and while we do everybody pray in the spirit come on leave to voice and pray lift your hands and pray [Music] Jesus will give you praise Babu color far they'll be Montaigne dear Lord [Music] my god they're known his airport dear Jesus your people have sowed in faith and you said Lord that if we so we shall reap and now there is master we lay our hands in faith knowing your plan for your people destroy the enemy's plan for the finances and bring your plan in G system into their life and finance Lord my God release your people from that chain of debt and bring them out Lord into Liberty in the name of Jesus we speak the word of deliverance heal in healing in the name of Jesus let's go pray for these poor would you please Saints just Alleluia Cheryl just just seeing it will you all of you sing a beautiful song Lord my God in Jesus name heal your people people he'll your people more [Music] every muscle cauliflower [Music] Lord remove that blood pressure in the name of Jesus remove that blood pressure I'll read my gotta fill in orange I rebuke you in the name of the Lord my redeemer Lord Jesus thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord mark or I'll y'all buy me a killer [Music] help help help Jennifer God is giving out giving a word Steve release it in the name of the Lord mom Becca's under a year to todavĂ­a so today Riviera's fun dating Papa Papa for superable correct this enemy that has come against you will be destroyed saith the Lord the feeling is coming to pass in your body even man for my anointing is upon you even greater than you have ever known it violate this and my touch is upon you and my strength is in your party and I have made you whole from this moment on saith the Lord believe on me and trust in me and walk in faith for I want to make known even greater things in your heart and in your life and I want to release even greater things in you and in Paul for my spirit is upon Paul as never before straight that he is lacked the strength is coming for all Bacchus support up in the folds of hell that have sought to destroy that for has been defeated by the might of the angels of glory and by the words of my own hand and the works of my own hand and the words of my own mouth what they have come for and I have spoken the commandments you know Jesus Saints I show it and showing house quickly come on join hands quickly showing hands right here and in your homes lift your hands to heaven if join hands right here come on quick Lord Jesus [Music] release Lord Allah your anointing upon the people here in the homes [Music] but Jesus move my god people just lift your hands and drink it in come on thank you lord now far piccalo move your needle [Music] even greater things are flowing in 200 even greater things are flowing into your bought it into your spirit hear me saith the Lord I desire to do even as I have done with my servant men I desire to make revelation known to you even greater than you've ever known it before I desire to speak truth in you as you have never known before I desire to break every chain of bondage that the enemy has sought to bring upon you he is defeated cephalo he is destroyed cephalo and I speak I speak to my people I speak to the hope that are watching even now I speak to those that are hearing even now no enemy shall destroy no foe that has raised his ugly head before you will defeat you and a Baku possibly have no fear hear the words of the mouth that have the words that have fallen from the lips of my words to me and seek my face as never before for I desire to take you from this level to the next I desire to reveal my strength in your body and to take away the enemies that have sought to kill your children and sought to bring your home asunder and saw to bring financial ruin from Arabic evil suitor for my spirit eb andre push [Music] great praise my anointing that is flowing before you man have no doubt but seek me and see what I desire to accomplish in your life a greater greater greater greater greater to pour out upon you my spirit for it is my spirit it brings you to the forefront and it is my spirit tramples the snakes of demons under thy feet is my spirit hear me now Saints before we say good before we say goodbye listen I want to pray that God Almighty will open your eyes to see the revelation now lift your your hands and ask word say father you promised to give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation dear Jesus I receive it now open my eyes to see and ears to hear the things of the Spirit in your name amen how much time do we have do you have time to sing a song listen listen Paul God is doing some amazing things here do you do you know do you know there is a there is a new atmosphere invading the church if you will do what we said tonight if you'll begin to pray in the spirit more than you've ever had before there you are if you've been if you'll begin to pray in the spirit pray more in the spirit and you've ever in your life God will bring you into a new dimension that can transform your walk you will know things about your children about your family about your future Saints God has probably come to you through dreams trying to warn you of coming dangers you've done nothing about it you better get to prayer and stop those things now Paul I have never sensed an atmosphere like this I've sensed the anointing I'm Tamil here on TBN yeah it's it's it it is different I've sensed the anointing before here for healing but sensing an atmosphere like this is quite unusual you are right Steve there is deliverance now Lord deliver your people from the spirit of blindness deliver your people from the spirit of slumber deliver your people from the spirit of confusion deliver your people from the spirit of the world and deliver your people from the spirit that has given that has given them that wrong satanic vision give them your vision in Jesus name Amen and I prayed this prayer go going and get getting yourself ready Steve you're already people get yourself ready for the Lord to Duluth new things now with you in your walk as you begin to pray in the spirit trust me I'm telling you what I know from God thank you Paul oh and let's all turn out at the pond October 8 and 9 20,000 seats and before that I'll be in st. Louis next week at the Kiel auditorium to another twenty twenty thousand azimuth fantastic one then Birmingham Alabama is in Sept is in September and then October is here and two more anaheim right here my dear Janet I'll be in Anaheim oh love you do what we told you tonight tell Benny Hinn we really love him and appreciate his ministry in the spirit tonight the song as we say goodnight simply says his name oh yes it is white [Applause] worshiping leave this atmosphere worship teacher a man some say isto me worship Him right in your home dissing audits flowing so strong was flowing right where you are they're stealing goods flowing thank God - what's flu through us here mr. Smith he's lying come to you please [Music] of me say this movement he's my chef he's both my rock salvaged [Music] [Applause] [Music] kima [Music] right this moment ladies and gentlemen he is live is struggling in darkness he's bringing light to you right Tim death because you see they just could not understand drinking the anointing ladies it's still fall through the audience into the cat demon they just would not accept as for and just let's say it with me his name [Music] you see he's sniffing he's your future you're up Oh Sally ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's healing that's blowing in this audience right now God is delivering you to sweet shop and receive it reach up and receive it come on there it is it's yours right now the service staff leadership dealer [Music] [Applause] [Music] News he's your fault salvaged [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lygia [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Alex Clarke
Views: 20,947
Rating: 4.4254146 out of 5
Keywords: TBN, iTBN, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn, E.V. Hill, Steve Brock, TBN 1998
Id: 2sm6C47DWCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 46sec (10726 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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