Taylor Tells The Story Of Jacob and Esau

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do you guys know anything about about Isaac Jacob and Esau Isaac and his sons Jacob and Esau no they sound like Bible names they are and or maybe this was before the whole G now they were definitely Bruce Hebrews yes so basically this is Old Testament and so if you hear anything in this really that doesn't sound like Jesus be like settle down like it hasn't changed yet you know it'll come around to that so basically this is when old school rules apply Isaac who's old he was dying it was in Jesus did way before Jesus days and so this is when it was like oh you had your kid and you were 72 when you had it because people live to be super old and of course they did and in the Bible yeah they look to be hundreds of years old and so yeah yeah people like lived very very long back then and so like it was like oh Isaac if you get whoever when he was 82 they're like whatever it is and Isaac was he knew he was gonna die soon and so he's laying in his dying bed and he goes you know to his son Esau the older one who was known for being big and hairy and the Huntsman and he goes Esau I don't know when I'm gonna die I need you to go out I need you to hunt for some game and then make me a delicious meal bring it to me I'll eat it and then I'll give you a blessing I'll bless you this day forward you know and so Esau is like all right absolutely I have to go do this because this isn't like a blessing of like you know you know he'll Mary full of grace this is like this is a real deal blessing like it's an actual think of it like oh yeah this was not a I give you good luck it was like a spell of power basically think of it let me ask you like the who's the character who's in the bed dying his name is Isaac Isaac is like tight with God right so a blessing come Isaac is de-facto a blessing from God and in some ways yeah I just you need to establish to get this intensity the story that this is a blessing of like I bless you to be guaranteed to go on and do great [ __ ] and be successful that's not a yes it's not a bless you job you know and so as he tells Esau this Esau is in there and he goes okay I promise you father I'm gonna go get that get that game make you a meal bring it back Rachel who was one of Isaac's wives a Rebekah sorry who was one of Isaac's wives was outside of room and she heard that and so she goes to her son Jacob and she goes Jacob he's about to give away this blessing and Esau is out there hunting we got to work we got to go right now we got to get this blessing right now you go you find you get two animals from our stock bring them in here I'll kill them I'll make the meal real quick and then you go deliver it to them and Jacob goes that's all well and good I'd love to usurp that blessing but problem is I am a smooth man and Esau is hairy even if even though Isaac is going blind he's still gonna gonna recognize me this speaks volumes to the intellectual capacity of people back in this day no hang on let me jump in because I got a theory of how this could be true I think that he's blind right I I think that the father is windows.old that he's going like he's like having to squint he can barely see anything he can't see them so he knows his sons by touch he you know you take it just like remember Ray Charles you know he had to he had to get rid of the fatties right so when he met a woman he'd take her hand he'd wrap his hand around her wrist not her hand and he could tell by putting his hand around her wrist if this lady was fat or not so I think we got a similar thing here he's feeling for that hairy arm and he didn't like that where Jacob goes I'm a smooth man my brother's hairy he's gonna know she Rebecca's like no no excuses we're making sure you get this blessing cuz you're my only kid and so we're not letting this hairy [ __ ] Esau get it and so he goes fine he goes he gets the animals brings him back slaughter him she's cooking him up and he goes I'm not when I go in there there's he's still gonna know it's me like it's my voice I'm not hairy and so she goes I'm gonna go get two goat skins and drape it over your neck and then over your hands over your hands yucky as if feeling goat skin on someone's hands whatever and so he puts the goat skin on he goes into Isaac's Isaac's hut and he goes father I'm here and he and he saw is that you my son you you sound of Jacob he's like oh no no no it's definitely me definitely me Esau the guy you told to get food oh well I did tell you that and you know and Jacob wasn't around I trust you come come closer come closer and he touches his hands with his old man fingers and he goes ah my donkey handed son harry worp you've come back to me yes so you're here you're here well alright give me my food and so so he sits down he starts feeding Isaac the food helping them eat gets Isaac some wine lets him lets him drink it and and after he finishes it Isaac goes alright are you really Esau was not convinced by this masterful ruse and and he goes yeah yeah you're I'm definitely Esau and so he goes you sound just like Jacob though like just like I'm blind and he goes okay give me one more stroke of the hands he gets one more hand stroke and goes alright I'm good he gets one more one more hands of Esau touch and Isaac goes alright prepare for your blessing and he says I want to find the actual blessing here so you can hear what it was yeah so he said come near me and kiss me my son and so he kissed him his son he smelled Esau's firs and the hunted Huntsman upon him so he was comfortable giving the blessing and this is the blessing he said see the smell of my son is as the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed may God give you the dew of heaven and of the fatness of the earth and plenty of grain and wine let people serve you and nations bow down to you be lord over your brothers and may your mothers sons bow down to you cursed be everyone who curses you and blessed be everyone who blesses you blessing you cover a lot of bases with that Wow lotteries don't like you they're [ __ ] those who are tight with you off those good they'd they get risen up to everything you want is yours even smell good bro you smell tonight it facilitates an awesome dope life for him and so as Jacob is leaving you know like 30 yards away Esau is coming in with the stuff that he just hunted and cooked and made like he'd [ __ ] slaughter stuff out there made a pot made a fire made all this [ __ ] and and Jacob it is like he's like taking those furs off real quick throwing him behind the hut and then running back into the house behind his and Esau walks up and he goes into Isaac's tent he saw gos father arise arise eat of this meal I prepared for you so that you may bless me and Isaac with that look on his blind you know oh I've been hoodwinked face goes but who was it that brought me food just a moment ago I've already given your blessing who was that and of course Esau is like are you [ __ ] me like someone already came and get this like there's only so many of us in the world right now it had to be Jacob was it a woman was it a woman know that it was Jacob I narrowed it down so and so he says to his father Isaac he says you know what okay I understand like I'm he's violence like shaking he's so mad but he goes father you must have another blessing you must have another backup blessings that's the thing he says you know you Father please bless me please give me a blessing I need something I've done this for you and Isaac like a [ __ ] RadioShack no returns no matter what employee is sitting there going I'm sorry I can't there is no more blessing for you there's none I can't give it any sauce like this ridiculous like you could just give me a blessing and Isaac apparently be included into God's like no the words have been said the spell has been cast your your brother is blessed and you are not you need to go to God and tell him I didn't recognize my own son that I was trying to play you think he's gonna give me some more blessing I tell you I gave the wrong [ __ ] son of mine but the blessing yeah never again will he give me mojo's he'll never give me another blessing privilege when he finds out that I gave it to literally the only other person that I could have accidentally given and so basically Isaac eventually says to his son Esau says I I'm so sorry I can't bless you and he tells him this he says what then can I do for you my son have you but he's asking heavy but one blessing my father Isaac says behold away from the fatness of the earth shall your dwelling be and away from the dew of heaven on high by your sword you shall live and you shall serve your brother but when you grow restless you shall break his yoke from his from your neck and so he didn't only not get a blessing he got like a spelled out prescription for how much his relatives ancestors are gonna have to serve Jacob hit the shitty brother who stole who stole his inheritance from him that blessing which is basically the inheritance that you get from a god man hey that's not where the Arabs came from is it yes yes I think that might be Cain and Abel you're thinking Esau and maybe but yeah that was there'll be more to this story as I continue with Isaac and Jacob in later chapters but man like if you read it to like get the full story again today cuz I haven't thought about it in a long time yeah I remember this bid live it if I was Esau and I found out that I didn't even like someone stole my blessing and then also I don't even get like a thanks for common blessing like the way my sweet yes the way my preacher explained that is it is he said he was blind of course and that those goat skins like it's not just about feeling the hair but he had to scent like that like the huntsmen scent from those goat skins he was wearing it he smelled like the right son and the hoodwinking portion of the story and of course they weren't like goat skins would like goo on the other side so there's no confusion you know it's like there's more like a fur blanket yeah but man like insult to injury being not that any of this ever happened of course nobody does this is no different than us discussing that episode of house of cards right like and then [ __ ] pushed her in front of the subway train and he became the president dude but this is so much oil it's easy to this is so much cooler than house of cards because their story the stories are here this year like it's so old that it's like I don't know you can see morality like almost forming and like the way like back then it clearly was not the God yet of the New Testament which is like the omnipotent omniscient good God who's trying to like help out and [ __ ] like this is still when it's like just getting started this is Genesis 27 I think I wrote it down yeah Genesis 27 is this story so it's real early on and still in that mode of like our tribal deity you know so even God like when he finds out like oh hey sorry god I accidentally gave the wrong blessing can you give me another one even God is like a fickle tribal god of like now you [ __ ] it up sorry sorry you know smaller God he's definitely a smaller God he's not Lord of the universe and commander of the stars he's more like that guy were really tight with who does a little magic yeah
Channel: PKA Highlights
Views: 62,186
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Keywords: pka, pka podcast, painkiller already, Taylor's bible stories, taylor tells the story of moses, taylor pka, woodysgamertag, pka clips, pka conspiracies, kyle pka, bible, christianity
Id: vw3cMl24ZIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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