Taylor Swift HATES Talking About Her Love Life | The Jonathan Ross Show

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there you go feel free to go crazy for Taylor Swift [Applause] finder lovely to have you here Taylor Swift make yourself comfortable wow now we have some young people in screaming every time your name is naked I know I love that what's the name for the Swift fans because we had Justin Bieber a few weeks ago and his friends are called Believers I know what are your fans called um they they kind of named themselves and I they call themselves swifties [Music] okay well I I'd like to think I'm on my way to becoming a Swifty really that's amazing I've wanted to be on your show for so long wow yeah everybody talks about it Jonathan Ross is so lovely French people or whatever okay so you've just come from France haven't you yeah actually we were um I was in Paris doing a music video and I got to go to a fashion show wow because it's a Fashion Week over there I don't know it's just me okay how was that it was beautiful beautiful dresses and um yeah I knew it was fashion week because I was going there for fashion week but you don't realize like the models are all there of course because they would be professionally but I suppose to but you'd forget that on the way I think but like I didn't realize they were like they're all staying in the same hotels as as like people that aren't models and um because you think they'd have one with just very thin doors and stuff like that I don't know what I thought or they'd like sleep on clouds or something I don't know but like I um I was going to the gym because I was trying to like run off the jet lag I walk in and there's a model like a real one and she's like on the treadmill right and she's running like faster than a racehorse would run like six like I don't know 80 miles an hour probably yeah so she's top speed top speed and not breathing heavy at all she's like and I'm on the elliptical which is kind of like that's the lazy person's running machine isn't it and I hate it and you can see in my face that I hate it and you can hear that I hate it and I'm like and she keeps running like that for like 30 minutes wow and then she has this like Italian boyfriend come in and he's like incredibly good looking and they're both good looking and he I swear leans Over the Bar of the treadmill and and they and they start making out while she's running this fast that's the most annoying woman on the planet and I just wanted to be like you win you already won but look at you there's nothing of you you you're like a model as well and you've done modeling work I guess come on that's nice of you I can't run like they do Taylor honestly you're not bad looking nice I wanted to say that thank you for saying that when you travel these places do you have um friends and family with you or is it very much just a kind of a professional thing well I don't really see my family if I don't have them come along sometimes um so I have I'll be like hey Dad you come on this trip hey mom come on this trip uh hey Austin my brother who's in college come on this trip and he's like no I really don't want to okay we had a picture there of you that was you when you were exactly that was actually singing a national anthem at a NBA game so you knew you had a voice I guess you just had to persuade the rest of the world you had to get out there you were so you were 11 12 when you started how long did it take you to get uh the interest from the the business how long before you got signed by someone I was like 14 when I got a publishing deal for my songwriting but I mean from the point when I was like nine years old I was obsessed with theater and children's theater and I loved telling a story on stage whether it was with acting or singing or performing but it really got crazy when I just I started playing guitar when I was 12 and that's when I started writing songs and that's kind of the point where it became all I wanted to do I know you like quite a lot about something and you don't necessarily know specifics but a lot of um uh Taylor's songs were about breakups yes and relationships yes and you seem if you don't mind me saying so you seem to have had more than your fair share of breakups yeah there have been a few who are you seeing at the moment um I don't really talk about that why not what's wrong with you ashamed of him what is he a weird looking fella oh no um he's a good looking boy no I'm just I mean I don't really I don't really talk about my personal life because it's sort of like it goes everywhere and then it gets turned into all these other things and it's like I would much rather my personal life Be Sung about I think it sounds nicer that way rather than me talking about it in some magazine article or something but if this guy with the moment if it turns out to be just a happy relationship then that kind of ends ask me that question the question makes me so sad but you see but you're getting these great songs out of breakups oh come on do you really want to be in the relationship no okay this is maybe you don't want to release it for like 15 years get about four or five more albums at a heartbreak then settle down does that not make sense that's a pretty good game plan for you Taylor you can thank me later yeah okay uh you must know I guess or you must have a feeling when you've written something and we have um I know you're familiar with the guys we're having this evening Gary Barlow has written some of the best pop songs uh for the last 20 years in this country really has written some incredible songs and I mean that guy I really do uh and you've written some great songs you know he always thinks I'm going to be mean after don't you come in something's surviving oh sorry I meant Robbie anyway [Applause] it's only I didn't mean that you made me do that [Applause] he's not cute he's old enough to be your father the the flirtation between me and Gary yeah I know I preferred you when you were cuddly he's like a gazelle now you know he used to be 400 pounds I don't know if you're serious no he was 400 pounds we had him on the show Once We had to knock a wall down to get me again [Applause] you look great thank you you know take that initially it was just him [Applause] and then when he lost the weight they had to get these other guys including a great dancer I'm coming back out in a minute I'm sorry Gary you know anyway the new single have you heard Taylor's new single the minute you hear it you know it's a hit it's a great song Thank you so much for saying that it's a great song it's doing well as things are good it's number four over here I think he's even Gonna Knock Gangnam off the top of the chart uh here's a taster and that immediately catches the first time you hear it you're singing it what a great song and that is about I guess a breakup a specific breakup yes not like a compilation of all of them no because you've had a few as we've said uh which the most recent one or one of the older ones so you could do that just store them all in occasionally when you need a breakup go back to one of the old ones again that I thought about that okay okay you just stockpile all the pain and you just draw from it later do you think Taylor that you and I don't know whether you feel you have a fall in love and I'm not gonna answer but do you think that you do maybe get into a relationship to readily do you give too much yourself too soon would that be why this keeps happening I don't know why people think that people think that about me that's like I think because you've had so many breakups [Applause] why you why do you not know we think that I mean I just think if you if you think too hard about it it takes you a long time to fall in love with someone you're not in love love that's true so the first wow this is great and and you do and you you're there you're there in the moment yeah that's a lovely thing yeah I have a lot of rules placed on my life and I just choose not to apply rules to love well that's I think a very in a way a very sane way to proceed even though it does leave you open to let's face it more hit singles yeah that's that's the downside of it Stephen don't you shake your head at me like a wise old puffin uh how lovely to have you here uh Taylor's new album Red is out I think on the 22nd of October and there's a lovely photograph on the cover right there uh super talent and a great guest ladies and Gentlemen The Fabulous Taylor Swift [Applause] thank you
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 155,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, Jonathan Ross, jonathan ross chat show, jonathan ross, jonathan ross show best moments, red, folklore, love story, wildest dreams, taylor swift interview, taylor swift jonathan ross, taylor swift interview 2022, taylor swift, taylor, swift, antihero, anti hero, midnights, taylor swift new music, taylor swift midnights, taylor swift album, swifties, taylor swift challenge, anti hero challenge, taylor swift tiktok, jonathan ross taylor swift interview, taytay
Id: owR7-uyOE7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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