Good Omens 2 On The Jonathan Ross Show

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what's life at home like apart from the many many children now you have a is this right you have a cockapoo yeah we do yeah I'm a cockapoo do you know what a cockapoo is no a cockapoo is a breed dog it's a cocker spaniel crossed with Daniel poodle the poodle do we have a picture of a cockapoo do you have a picture of your Cockapoo no do you have you got any Cockapoo just put the dog up put a dog up it's a dog so how how well behaved is the Cockapoo lovely she has a lovely temperament about her but she gets very overexcited I mean she's tiny she's I think she may even be a toy Cockapoo well I don't really know it's quite a small little thing it's about that big more of a hand towel than a little fluffy thing very excitable and and gets so excited when anyone comes in that she will if you touch her she'll piss on your shoes I love that you still do a sort of stress wee and excitement Weaver I just I'm so glad to see you cannot contain herself and we thought she'd grow out of it but it's it's still happening you have to ignore her for a full 10 minutes but she's quite cute so people can you if you take her out for a walk people want to struggle she's quite cute and as they're going down you're going to pass in your shoes you can't get it out quick enough although she can obviously yeah yeah but people are weirdly accepting of it yeah so they'll go down she'll piss all over them I'm so sorry oh it's fine yeah just because she's cute I mean I yeah except Brad Pitt pissing your shoes the cuteness of a dog is acceptable have you got any pets yeah what do we got Labrador and Yorkshire would you like a cockapoo yes I'm an 11. I'm a nine I will send you to you will you send me a pair yeah because David will ever yeah yeah and he's a nine but seven Cent two elevens because that one he's got something to grow into how long did it take you to get where you are today and were there times we thought this is not going to happen I'm going back to that well I gave myself like a five-year window I came out there when I was 25 years old and I figured if I haven't at least become independent uh away from bartending and waiting tables and and sort of uh part-time jobs at least by the time I'm 30 then I think we'll figure that the market has spoken and it's time to pull up the stakes and and turn my 1986 Toyota Corolla uh Eastward and head back what was the worst job you had in that period what was the worst job to make ends meet that you had oh there's so many I had uh I was uh I I was a set dresser I don't know if you know what that is that's the person that when they moved the cameras on movie sets uh has to make sure that the the props are all back in the same place and everyone is matching so everything looks the same uh which in and of itself is a lovely job unless you're doing it for softcore porn jobs which makes it a decidedly Less Fun environment because there's way more Windex and sanitary uh gel involved with everything you just really don't want to touch anything wow wow so presumably you have to make sure anything any implements that are being used stay where they should be yeah yeah it was it was not ideal can you tell us one of the titles you worked on I wish I could think I wish I could think but we made a 90-minute film in five days wow and I'm using the phrase film really loose thing James worst job you had before you arrived if that's the word uh why James was an actor in one of those films that was the worst job yeah but it's I mean it was supposed to be a hardcore problem I turned up and it was very much a soft call uh no I worked at uh it wasn't a bad job I rather enjoyed it I was a waiter at Bella pasta in High Wycombe and we used to when they would put a this is a just I'm not saying they do this at all Bella pastas it's just what used to happen at my one when they'd put like pizzas up on the thing it was quite commonplace to just like Nick a bit of cheese off and um it's just like well and then you take things over and I will take two pizzas over to uh the table and I went to your Four Seasons and you're sorry your Quattro for Maggio and you're probably in the whole tables for people they just looked at the pizzas and then just looked up at me and there was a string of cheese and the pizza [Applause] I'm gonna bring you another one of these and this one's on the house thanks I love um how involved you still are with Wales how important it obviously is to you yes because me and you all the way well we're only allowed two Welsh people um tell me about this event because this does sound extraordinary it's the homeless World Cup yes taking place in Cardiff on the 20 well between the 27th of July and the 3rd of August yes what now you how did you get involved in this well so there's an organization called street football Wales who uh got in touch with me probably about four or five years ago now uh and they said look we we are an organization that uh uh puts on football tournaments creates football leagues and football teams for people who are experiencing homelessness or some kind of social exclusion in some way um and you know would you like to come and get involved with this and I thought well first I thought well this is why are you putting all your energy and focus and money into doing football for people when you could just deal with the the issues directly you know so I went down and you know and spawned them and then I realized the Brilliance of it is the football is the hook and that's what brings people in you can get services to them in a in an easier more direct way people get motivated so they they meet people they make connections they're suddenly part of a team they get motivated to stay fit you know and get their lives back on track and stuff so there was uh one woman D well never forget who uh it was the you know a lot for most people it's their first time traveling out the country for a start put in like the shirt on for your country you know when you've gone through all kinds of difficulties you've been you've been in you know yeah lost somewhat to drugs or if your life is treating you better and then you actually feel like hold on I'm part of something now it's amazing amazing so it's a CD who I'm sure she won't mind me saying I'd been struggling with a lot of different issues she she hadn't been able to see her children for a very long time but being part of this team as women's Welsh team and and getting to go and represent a country in Oslo at the World Cup to put that Welsh Jersey on and you know God bless her she she wasn't the best footballer but she was giving it everything and to watch her play and I saw her score a goal wow and I will I'll never forget I will never forget that moment you saw on her face a life-changing it just changed in that moment because you could have been a professional footballer and you had the the skills and you were scouted right well I was I was very I hit my Peak at 12. so when I was 12 years old I went on holiday to uh pontins on the Isle of Wight oh man and oh look there's me yeah which ones you there which one so uh Back Row Third from the left yeah so I went I was on holiday in pontins on the Isle of Wight and it just so happened that um uh Tony Adams you know Tony Adams of Arsenal in England who was only 15 at the time I was 12. him and his dad were on holiday there and his dad was sort of one of the scouts at Arsenal and um he saw me playing uh I played against Tony Adams skinned him and uh and then he organized the match for a local team against the team from pontins and unbeknownst to me it was an honor to watch me play in a sort of competition and then he said to my dad afterwards we'd like to bring him to to be part of the Arsenal youth team and my dad I didn't know this and it was only when I got home after the holiday and I overheard my parents talking to friends of theirs in the living room and I heard them tell this story and I was outside the front room but my mom and dad said no he's not going to go because he's only 12 he can't live in London on his own and we can't move down there and fair enough yeah and so I was both really excited and kind of devastated it must have been heartbreaking to hear that because even though you are obviously a smart enough young man to see the reasoning yeah but still to to be that close to something that yeah amazing well in that moment it was a lot to process I could you know I was just excited to hear what they said and obviously as the years have gone on my you know even if I I would never have made it to the top level but and I'm hoping that any day now though you'll feel you can talk to your parents again I hope so yeah we'll work into it slowly thank you foreign
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 111,886
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Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, Jonathan Ross, chat show, jonathan ross chat show, jonathan ross, jonathan ross show funniest moments, jonathan ross show new series, amazon prime video, amazon prime, good omens, david tennant, michael sheen, michael sheen and david tennant, crowley and aziraphale, aziraphale best moments, good omens season 2, good omens full episode, good omens season 2 official trailer, good omens cast interview, good omens cast, good omens cast answers questions
Id: T_4EnLnGg-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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