Tate Brothers on How to deal with procrastination and laziness

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how do you deal with procrastination and laziness why are you asking me that question why are you on this podcast asking me how to stop procrastinating turn off youtube go do something jesus christ what's wrong with people this is exactly what you were talking about about asking a question where you already know the answer to you know the answer is to stop doing things that waste your time and apply yourself to something important now this may not be a waste of your time but let me tell you you're a dumb ass clearly it's like googling how to get fit like you just said everyone knows what a push-up is do 10 000 of them a day stop wasting your [ __ ] time you know i've never had to deal with procrastination i've never had to deal with not being motivated because what is the alternative literally be a loser forever i am sick of reading [ __ ] on the internet saying yeah you know some people are special and they take longer to bloom and your time will come let me tell you something 99.9 of people who are born broke live broke stay broke die broke that is the reality for almost everybody the internet and there it's all gonna come to you at the right time [ __ ] is [ __ ] a psyop to keep you down you already know the answer you don't need me to tell you why the [ __ ] you asking for men who do not know you personally how to stop wasting your time i don't even know what you do to waste your time you already know the [ __ ] answer can we ban this guy from our feet or do you guys want to hit him up first [Laughter] yeah no yeah you nailed it procrastination i i'm not going to try and change who you are as an individual i don't know you have fun staying poor have fun staying poor i don't know your genetic makeup if if you were a warrior you wouldn't be asking that question so you're either going to become a warrior or you need to adopt the ways of a warrior or you need to accept your position in life which is just to suffer the pain of being a loser forever and get a job at the car wash maybe i'll tip you one day correct enjoy i agree with what they're both saying on a very very practical level me and andrew were talking about this on the day uh just this morning on the way to lunch i guess or this afternoon is being perfect on purpose man like don't i always tell people like shoot the [ __ ] gun shoot shoot shoot shoot and as long as you're aiming in the general direction you're supposed to no matter what you do the first time you shoot that gun you're going to have to adjust the scope so shoot the [ __ ] gun so you know how far you're off every business pivots every every workout plan is going to pivot everything is going to change you have to shoot the gun to know how far you're off and then you start honing it in and then you actually have a little bit of positive momentum that'll get your ass up and going so shoot the [ __ ] gun miss on purpose being perfect on purpose take action over everything because you're never gonna do it perfect anyway so just go go go go i hope that what these two gentlemen said just now about you being a loser and you staying broke pisses you off yeah because if it pisses you off you might actually do something yeah that is actually the blessing that these two just gave you is pissing you off or i'll see you in the car wash yeah i don't i don't care if you turn your life around i don't know you i don't care there's very there's not many truly like if you put effort into the universe i think it's luton it's newton's second law right equal and opposite force people always say oh i wish i had something to work on you could work hard on anything it could be the most jackass thing you can work hard on i don't know [ __ ] with little buildings whittling twigs but if you truly work your ass off it's difficult for it to have a negative impact on your life maybe you'll end up on the instagram page the best instagram page on twig whittling and and who knows right my point is that it's very hard to find truly truly negative energy that's directed in a semi-positive direction it's hard to say i'm working my ass off for x and it's made my life worse you know you're not you're not doing anything and you're asking the question hoping i'm gonna give you some magical answer that's gonna allow you to be motivated forever but motivation isn't real everyone says this motivation is not real discipline's real i do not feel like training but i still train because i'm a disciplined individual you don't get to go through life only doing the things you feel like doing do you know who gets to do that women beautiful women beautiful women get to do what they feel like doing as a man you have to do the things you're supposed to do because what we said earlier is absolutely true it's player versus player my friend now if i wake up i've already got this massive head start over you in life and nearly every genetic gift plus all my finances plus my network and i wake up and i decide even though i don't feel like working i'm going to work my ass off and you wake up way down there peon and you can't be bothered to work what chance do you have against men like us you don't stand a chance you can't get the girl we'll take the girl off you we'll we'll bankrupt your ass we'll kick you out your house you name it you don't stand a chance now if you're gonna wake up and look in the mirror and understand that you're absolutely not really crushable that you're a rabbit and that lions exist and that's not going to motivate you to do something about it then you're a lost cause and there's there's no point in asking us a question you know exactly what you need to do if you want to stay killable then stay killable but i can't live that way i would refuse to live that way it's a disgrace to my bloodline it's a disgrace to my parents who struggled to raise me for me to be anything other than the best version of myself that's honor i have honor to my last name and to my and to my ancestry it would be disgusting for them all to fault saber-toothed tigers so i can wake my lazy ass up jerk off all day and ask on youtube how i can stop being a [ __ ] loser you understand where i'm coming from no 100 so this is this is down to you my friend and and listen you may be phil fired up for 10 minutes after this little talk but you're not going to feel fired up forever you need to put systems in place you need to get disciplined and like justin says you need to get a atmosphere of people around you who are going to keep you accountable and not make it easy for you to continue to be a [ __ ] nobody and then you're going to fix your life otherwise you're going to stay nobody that's your problem
Channel: Old2NewEra
Views: 121,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PEzdh8cJTuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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