Andrew Tate Explains Why Men Have Become Cowards

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cowardice is the problem the world is full of cowards we suffer from a pandemic of cowardice we've never suffered from any other pandemic the last three years people are absolutely not lead cowards and they do to me what they did to me to scare people if you tell the average person you're going to lose contact with basically everyone you can speak to you're not gonna have a voice anymore you're not gonna have a bank account you're not gonna be able to make money online you're not gonna be able to move anywhere you're not going to be able to transact we're going to wreck you head to toe the average person can't deal with that right on top of that the fact that the average person is employed and they're scared of losing their job instead of their employer I'm in a unique situation because I'm extremely difficult to hurt but the average person as soon as you hurt their money their life is over right and and that's what we've got we've got to a level of cowardice amongst the population where people are just going to sit there and ignore objective reality because they're scared of having this cancellation weapon used against them so yeah it's you're right it's not that people don't agree with us it's not that we're not saying the things that everyone knows are intrinsically true it's that everybody is afraid to say it and that can only end when everybody stands up and stops agreeing and playing this game and stops being cowards we need Mass numbers of people to say no I'm allowed an opinion you know what Nigel farage and I don't I'm not since you have ended I don't even know about this politics nowadays I don't even know what he's doing but he says something that was really interesting he was asked about who runs the world and I guess the person was trying to set him up for a question about the elites and he said truthfully I'll tell you who runs the world we do because we decide how much of this crap we're gonna put up with the problem is we're putting up with too much of it problem is everyone's a coward and and you're right I get the same thing wow thanks for saying it why don't you say it and and everyone is just terrified and uh it's it really is truly crazy because fear has always been the control mechanism of man the worst things that have ever happened in any society or any civilization it's just a dawn of [ __ ] records has been done under the name of fear get the population afraid what did gerbil say the propaganda minister of the Third Reich once people are afraid give them a common enemy they'll do anything you want that's the the Nazis knew this everyone knows this right so it's a basic Playbook but I think it's also a larger issue I think that things like keeping sure making sure people are semi-depressed making sure people are divided making sure people are selfish making sure people are self-obsessed they're trying to destroy people's will to stand up and care about anyone other than themselves and once you do that couple in with the fact that if you start to care about others and genuinely care about the world you'll ruin your own life it just makes people shut up yeah and it's so interesting you say that because something that is not often discussed or analyzed one of the strangest things I've seen in the conversation around you and your meteoric rise in Fame and popularity this year is not a lot of people are thinking okay well for that to happen he's got to be saying some real stuff right like people are you don't grow by hundreds of thousands of followers per day like I was I've been obviously I've been following you for years but I think at the beginning of the year did you have maybe half a million Instagram followers and by the time they took you off you had about what 5.7 5.8 million this is in the space of a few months so even when I was talking to people who you know say say they don't like you or they're like I'm like look even if you don't like the message you don't agree with it rather than just why don't you think about okay what is it what's happening in the world and what is it that this man is saying that this is resonating with so many people to such a strong degree and it seems like people wanted to just skip over that and go but these people can't think these people cannot think it's it's almost a sad realization when you wake up and understand that there's a large contingent of the world who cannot think and when I say that I don't mean that in some kind of you know semi-sark sarcastic or I mean that literally there are people who have a strong emotional reaction to subjects they completely don't understand there are people out there who will stand up and say I hate Andrew Tate why I hate him he needs to go to jail like okay why I hate him why they don't know why they once you once the Matrix can program an emotional response into you and you can't even logically with your own words explain why you have that emotional emotional response you're completely a slave mind these people don't think about anything they believe what they're told to believe they're emotional about what they're told to be emotional about in the exact Direction they're told to be and that's what the Matrix wants it wants to be able to say a name and tell the world to hate them without even giving a reason and just get what they want these people are so far gone these individuals who do not be they cannot logically explain their own emotions are so far gone it's ridiculous as an adult what you need to do is is seriously analyze every strongly held belief you currently have and work out where it came from is it personal experience is it from somebody who I care about and who I trust is it from what the news has said why do I believe this so much why do I have an emotional response to this where did it come from people don't do that they just sit there watch news watch social media I'm supposed to hate this guy so I now hate this guy so I know exactly what you're talking about because you're right these people cannot think they cannot even give a reason there's a guy on Tick Tock who walks around and says have you heard of Andrew Tate around college campuses and people go yeah and he goes do you like him and they go no why he's a misogynist what's misogynist me and then the cancer they don't know what they don't know what it means like it's it's almost sad but then you lifted the last three years and you realize that yeah people can't think there's a large contingent of the world that truly cannot think it's scary yeah it is kind of scary I mean it's it's so interesting because if someone someone who knows you and privately and publicly I've I've defended you a lot a lot this year because people have been saying super wild stuff and you know people don't I posted actually when when were we in Romania 2020 I posted um it was while they were in the process of taking away your accounts I posted a photo I was just reading the comments and I was like Wow people have such strong emotions why you like people would be mad that we're sitting here right now you you can't talk to this person you shouldn't talk to that person and so on and the thing that blows my mind about it is number one I think I'm a pretty good judge of character yeah like I I'm a good judge of character in general and also I think that your overall message to me is very clearly positive that's the thing about it it's to me it's like look some someone might not like this bit or that bit or disagree with that statement that statement but I'm like look overall what this you it's it's not that dissimilar to me to what they tried to do with Jordan Peterson like you you have I'd say your mess the overall message perhaps even of all three of us is somewhat similar there's a certain through light about personal responsibility uh building yourself up especially as a man uh not falling into this victim game improving your mindset improving your body all of these things but people will just ignore all of that they'll just ignore all the positive they'll ignore the fact that you're helping people motivating people helping people you you get emails I've had emails people oh man you know I was feeling suicidal I was feeling this I was feeling that and just listening to you helped me it motivated me got me in the gym and so on and people just gloss over all of that and they make it out as if like all you talk about is women yeah or something like No And yeah that's what's crazy but the reason no gloss over all that is because like like I said you have to ignore your own eyes that's what you want when you're fully slave minded what I can I will genuinely State this is a fact I will state this is a fact even though I don't know it's a fact but I would love for someone to do the study go out there in the world and ask 100 people if you like Andrew take or not and the ones who say yes and the ones that say no do an IQ test and I I guarantee you the biggest idiots out there when I see people who dislike me and I see them trying to explain why it doesn't even make sense it doesn't even make sense it's like it's English but it doesn't make logical sense and yeah they'll come at me with the with the the garbage about being a misogynist Etc very not very often do people argue my points because arguing my points is absolute destruction because they know they're wrong so what they try and do is discredit my character they say he's a bad person he's a misogynist he's done this he's done that he's evil but what does he say that you disagreed what does he say that's wrong oh but he's a bad person they can't argue against my points and the only reason they try and say I'm a bad person is because they're weaponizing virtue to try and find a way to attack me they can't attack me logically because they know I'm right they can't attack my successes as a man or as a person they can't say I'm not successful they can't find anything bad to say about me besides bald which would probably come at you with but uh let's say where's your hair it's like okay cool I shaved it off um but which is ridiculous in another cell but uh then they say okay well then he's a bad person and and the thing about it is once they understand that the only way they can attack you is by saying you're a bad person it doesn't matter once you that you prove them wrong they're not interested in the truth they're not interested in truth you can sit and say here's proof he's not misogynist here's proof he's not coming to record never done anything wrong here's proof he's a nice person here's proof he gives to charity here's the orphanage he built here's the dogs he rescued here's the millions he's given away here they don't want to see it they're just blind to it they're like no I ignore my own eyes that can't possibly be true because the media told me this guy must be bad and they're slave minded and what's actually scary is that these people genuinely believe that they're the good people of Earth and it's always completely the opposite those who can be programmed by the me by the media machine and the Matrix to just be slave minded and not think for themselves or the exact ones who always commit the most atrocities these are the always the people who end up doing the most heinous [ __ ] and when you ask them why they're like oh well you know at the time I just you know just put on the gas chamber newspaper told me to oops that's who these people are so whenever I see a slave minded person it's not just a matter of going oh well you're a dummy I look at them with genuine disdain I look at you and think you're actually a bad person you're genuinely evil you cannot think for yourself I don't even see you as a person I ever want to get to know or do you I'd love to deprogram you but it's impossible these people are genuinely the worst people on the planet and it's kind of convenient that all the people who dislike me are the worst people on the planet so it's fine I don't have to talk to him anyway but if you look read any history book or read any of it all the most heinous [ __ ] committed by Humanity were people who just couldn't think for them [ __ ] cells every single time awful the worst things that have happened and that happen I don't believe happened because most people are malicious or evil I think it's that they are catwalking I think a lot of it is cowardice I think most people would rather be in the majority than be right and once people have made up a decision or been told what to think doesn't matter what the issue is to get them out of it or to admit that they're coming out of it is extraordinarily difficult we we're still dealing with this after the past two and a half years we've lived through with the whole c19 response and the fact that people are trying to memory hole things and act like they never said things and never did things they want to just okay like we're just totally back to normal as if you know a year ago you didn't want to throw people into a gulag or whatever sorry to drop but you're so right but this is the thing that aggravates me the most these slave-minded individuals are so they're literally barely sentient individuals if I was the kind of person if I was walking around with a mask on and screaming at my fellow man in supermarkets and I've now realized that I was wrong because covet is still here yes and I'm not wearing a mask anymore there's anyone else I would feel deep shame I would be apologetic I would literally be saying to the world I can't believe they fooled me like that I don't know who you were who I was yelling at in the supermarket you were smarter than me I made a mistake I'm sorry they fooled me they tricked me these people don't even feel shame they don't even feel sorry they don't even sit and go wow they made a fool at me it doesn't even cross their minds they're on to the next thing now Slava Ukraine next thing they don't give a [ __ ] and it's just truly amazing that it can destroy someone's life for three years and then recruit these people to go out there and push the agenda for them and all the people who were tools of an agenda now the agenda is over are not sentient enough to sit and go wow they fooled me I need to think more carefully next time they try and fool me no they just continue with the programming these people are completely and utterly slave minded genuinely slaves they live inside of a system and the system they're going to purport and fight to defend is going to destroy them they're not fighting for a system which is going to give them anything other than absolute slavery and tyranny it's truly incredible to watch in real time this kind of crap happening but these people are Beyond saving and obviously people like you and I stand up but even though we're trying to help them once they come for us with the cancellation mob these people cheat here it's to a degree you'd like to think it's demoralizing you'd say well why am I trying to save people from themselves if they're truly this stupid but the odd ones that you can speak to are the minds you can free kind of make it worth it but yeah there are so many people out there that literally have never analyzed their own life and decisions I I say this to everybody at home when I saw Twitter I used to do tweets all the time talking about all the influencers including conservative right-wing influencers who were purporting and pushing the mask agenda you need to [ __ ] apologize you can't just memory hold it you can't just delete the tweet I saw it and the world saw it and you know who you are say sorry say sorry say I was I was a fool they made a fool of me I'd admit it because if you don't admit your mistakes you're gonna repeat them
Channel: Zuby
Views: 795,466
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Keywords: zuby, real talk with zuby, zuby podcast
Id: 4AjKVh_IMww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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