Andrew Tate Breaks Down Israel-Gaza, Gender Roles And More | The Full Interview With Riz Khan Part 1

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[Music] at one point I was Public Enemy Number One now I'm probably Public Enemy Number 11 whether I'm found innocent or guilty is going to affect Nations it's going to affect how Justice systems are perceived internationally five or six years ago JK and I actually had some disagreements but it looks like she's finally come to senses and reason unless Taylor Swift starts going to jail for everyone who crashes a car with a Taylor Swift CD in everything that's happening to me is unjustified do you believe in gender equality that's an that's a trick question no it's no no no it's a trick it's fine sir it's fine I've been around the block if I was telling men to put a wig on and become a girl I wouldn't be going through any of this legal trouble not a single drop of it and here I am a beacon of success brilliant tall strong smart and funny so it can be done and humble hello and welcome I'm RZ Khan there can be few people in the world today who divide opinion as deeply as the British American influencer Andrew Tate to his supporters and they number many millions on social media around the world he is an inspiration a motivator and a truth teller a courageous voice who's unafraid to speak loudly about money masculinity and what he calls The Matrix an unseen Elite that he believes seeks to control the masses to Tate's detractors he's at best a loudmouth millionaire who spouts crackpot messages to expand his social media based fortune or even a dangerous Zealot pedaling misogynistic theories to an eager audience of young men with dangerous consequences for the Next Generation either way Andrew Tate's message is getting through to his audience schools from London to Sydney are facing an uphill battle to counter what they regard as his harmful impact on students opinions on gender issues raised in a low-income family in England Andrew Tate is a former professional kickboxer who made money through online businesses including webcams that have been questioned as potential avenues for trafficking and exploiting vulnerable young women well Tate converted to Islam a couple of years ago having been raised as a Christian and then later declaring that he was an atheist today he is under house arrest along with his brother Tristan awaiting trial in Romania facing charges of rape human trafficking and forming a criminal group to sexually exploit women and last month the Romanian Court agreed that after the trial takes place the brothers can be extradited to the UK on additional charges of sexual aggression dating back more than a decade well the Tate Brothers deny all charges I traveled to Bucharest to question Andrew Tate about the charges his views and his faith as well as the prospect of a life Behind Bars nothing was off the table as we discussed truth fake news and the new role of role models in this the first of a two-part interview Andrew thanks for making the time thank you now you're awaiting as we talk you're awaiting uh trial here in in Romania what's the latest on that yeah it's going to take a while it looks like the Romanian Judicial System often takes years to come to a conclusion before they eventually say I'm innocent so the system has it put me in jail for 92 days and then I was released under Romanian law I could have been kept longer so I guess I'm happy about the fact that I'm free I'm very sure of my innocence but it's a long process and in many ways I thank God for giving me this experience because when you grow up as a young man you dream of being an Explorer or an adventurer or being monumentally successful and having a bunch of money and fast cars and seeing the five-star areas of the world but perhaps if you want to truly explore the map you also need to see the other side of it all and I'm glad I grew up in a humble background and a humble beginning and I'm also glad that I got to experience a Romanian jail cell and the Romanian judicial system so it's God's plan well you you did say there's not much Justice in Romania doesn't that kind of Tain your position is there much Justice in the world do you trust an American court nowadays with some of the decisions they're making do you trust a British court with the decisions they're making what is Court what is law it's the interpretation of Words which were written long time ago how can different judges come to different conclusions based on the same law why does the lawyer you hire even matter if law is fair yeah but I'm saying you're waiting their verdict here so suddenly you've pointed the finger at them too well well I think that when you understand the world you understand that nothing in life is certain that involves people we can talk about the one of the highest courts of the land the icj what is law like what what's being done about what's happening over there very little so if you've ever been in a judicial process you sit and understand that innocent and guilty is certainly part of it but there's also a a bunch of other factors especially once you get to a certain level of Fame when you become so well known that your verdict will Ripple around the world and it will cause consequence for Nations then you have to sit and say okay whether I'm found innocent or guilty is going to affect Nations it's going to affect how Justice systems are perceived internationally does that mean they're 100% interested in what's true and what's false and what's fair and what's not or is there a narrative being played behind where they sit and say well perhaps he didn't do anything wrong but we're going to look bad if we say he didn't so let's just put him in jail I'll get into some of those points in a moment but you've got civil court issues as well accusers and you've counter sued what would you hope to achieve with that what happens when you reach a certain level of Fame is that and anybody who's been fortunate enough to move from the lowest echelons to the highest echelons will learn that anybody they've ever interacted with in their life is going to come along wanting some degree of money or help and that's fine but there's also a bunch of people who are bitter who you perhaps knew in your past who want to try and benefit off of your Fame and that's what happens and this is not unique this is not this is not an experience that only I am going through I think you can name nearly any famous man in the world and he has some form of civil charge against him for something that happened 20 years ago that he doesn't even remember that probably didn't happen at all because somebody wants to finance their life off the back of you this is just human nature you had your assets a lot of your assets taken by the ran authorities uh any chance for getting those back well I should get them back what is law what is Court what is a judge what is fair God is the only judge and I truthfully have forgotten about all of them I think it's around 15 million euros of cars gold watches Etc I don't consider them mine anymore I've forgotten about all of them there's very little in this life you truly own besides your heart and your soul in your state of mind I think those are the only things you can own you can put me in jail but I'll own my state of mind I'll smile just the same that's my decision you can't take it from me and everything else they can take from you because unless you have enough guns to defend it and you'll never have more guns than the state it can be taken you don't own houses you don't own cars you don't own anything else and if you annoy the government they're going to prove that to you doesn't this view contradict what you say about making money and being the alpha male and being the guy with the The Possession well absolutely I think that I in fact I don't think it contradicts in fact I think it complements perfectly because when you work hard to be the best version of yourself so you can protect and provide for the people you care about you're pleasing God and you do that so that you can wake up and show him the beauty of his own creation I can be the best version of me I can make the people around me have the best possible lives I'm not going to sit and be lazy or not try and I believe that's all about building your character it's not even about the money it's about being the best version of yourself if all the money in the Rogue was taken from me that's fine because I'm still been a person who's worked very hard been very diligent who's very intelligent who can make it all back and I've also enjoyed this journey of Life which has brought me here with the good and the bad and I think the greatest sin a man can commit in the world today is being a fraction of what he could be I think that's the biggest sin you can commit in in the face of your creator I'm going to go on to your view on on masculinity in a moment but you and your brother Tristan spent time in Romanian jail you mentioned what was the biggest lesson you learned from that what you recall most the worst period of that too it's a good question I think jail is just a hypercondensed version of Life as a man you have to show other people respect otherwise violence will happen very quickly it's the same out here in the real world but in jail it's condensed it's it's pressurized you have to have mental control you have to have control of your own mind out here in the real world or you get depressed jail is the same it's pressurized so as long as you're good at life you'll be good at jail and I've never been a bully I've never been an abrasive or aggressive person I know how to respect people and make sure that I'm respected and all in all I don't think it taught me anything new it just confirmed everything I knew about the realities of Being Human now there is the chance you will end up in the UK and in jail there what what what did you think when you heard about the extradition notice really interesting because the UK has requested my extradition on some ancient charges from 2012 the warrant doesn't have any names it doesn't have any locations it doesn't even have any specific times it only has a year quite interesting I think the world is waking up to these tactics now and I think the world is understanding that if you upset powerful people they come at you with charges exactly like this and I'm not the only one we can name other people that has happened to we can name somebody who's in Bell Marsh right now because of it so it's very common it's actually quite scary I think that governments will come along and tell men at home to respect the rule of law but sir as a male they could say to you in 2011 we won't tell you who we won't tell you where we won't tell you exactly when we won't tell you exactly what happened you committed assault you must come here and go to court that's pretty scary because none of it makes any sense what is refreshing is I will get a jury trial and people are awakened to this garbage now because this has been happening for too long and also I will not be looking at going to the UK for at least 5 to six years at least because I have to finish all my ranian proceedings so this is on the later B for now and I'll handle it when the time comes I'm very good at just dealing with things when the time comes that's who I am and truthfully I'll be very honest I mean not to go the authorities in any way I'm not scared of jail nobody believes it a guilty verdict will not make anybody believe it everybody knows it's a matrix attack and I have no problems going to jail so it's God's plan and if I get a little holiday then I'll take my holiday interesting perspective on jail but let's get on to your your quote about having three stages of life you talked about first stage stage you know three three challenges if you challenge power rather in the first life they cancel you in the second they slander you delete your access to social media and arrest and lock you away which you said you've been through and the third life uh means they will assassinate you are you really concerned about that I don't think I'm Public Enemy Number One anymore at one point I was Public Enemy Number One now I'm probably Public Enemy Number 11 and the you know the the old Story Goes you don't have to be the fastest person when you're out running the bear you just have to be faster than the slowest guy I feel like I'm getting there now but those are the three stages when you say things that upset power they try and cancel you they delete your access to speak they delete all your access to social media because your ability to speak freely is directly correlated with your insignificance they allow you to say whatever you want if nobody listens people start listening then you have to be careful what you say so the whole free speech thing is garbage anyway so they they cut that off if that doesn't work then they'll find a reason to put you in jail which they did with me somebody told them find something they made up garbage and I'm not the only person that's happened to and if that continues to fail then yeah they will kill you well I wonder what you were thinking when Alexi Nali uh the Russian opposition leader ended up in jail and died there some somehow mysterious I find that interesting though because I think the timing doesn't make sense I'm not an expert on Russian Geo on Russian politics I'm not an expert on the internal affairs of Russia I'm not Russian I just feel like it got Putin quite a lot of heat and I don't feel like it was an ample time for him to just commit an assassination he he was under enough heat he had enough things going on he just did the Tucker interview I believe in fact a lot of people in the west have respect for Putin now maybe not amongst the elites but amongst the general populists because he's nationalistic and he's very competent which is something we're lacking in our leadership it just didn't make sense for him to do a bad guy thing the guy was already in jail I understand he died from complications of the vaccine that's what I understand but perhaps I'm wrong who knows well there was also uh you know a number of people who've gone undergone similar situations in Russia so I mean maybe that's a different thing no I'll move on though let me ask Russia yeah Russia is Russia I mean I every country has its own way of dealing with things right and nowhere's perfect but I just think it's kind of hypocritical to us in the west we look at all these other countries and we say ah look you can't speak over there oh look what happens when you challenge power over there well look what happens when you challenge power over here my friends let me ask you about the you know you talked about jail being kind of a reset for you little holiday I think the way you described it yeah what is your fear though of actually having a long-term in prison I mean you do you fear of dying in jail I don't operate in the realm of fear I I genuinely don't operate in the realm of fear I have absolutely no fear of going to jail in Romania oring I have no fear at all I know I'm innocent the world knows I'm innocent everybody knows this is a matrix attack the idea that I and I can prove it's a matrix attack I can prove it because would ancient charges from 13 years ago be trumped up and tried to press against me if I wasn't famous if I was a normal person well of course not it's because I'm famous and they're try to prove a point they're trying to damage my influence they're trying to damage my reach the girls or whoever ever these people are if they exist at all want money all of this is happening purely because of my fame if my fame was in the hands of the establishment if I was working for the MSM like these other people who work for the BBC have been caught being sexual predators well then it wouldn't be on the news they're only doing it against me because I'm against the establishment the whole thing's Matrix attack it's all made up and when you ask me on my deathbed whether it's in jail or it's out here in Freedom are you glad you didn't sell your soul and fought against Power for what you knew was right even though they put you in jail my answer is going to be yes of course I don't care about a big house and a bunch of cars that could be Tak from me anyway but I care about looking in the mirror knowing I am the man I said I was so I'm going to say what I believe and if they want to put me in jail for it then they can put me in jail on a personal note you and your brother Tristan were denied compassionately for when your mother e was Ill over Christmas um first your thoughts on that and how it affected your relationship with her it's very interesting you know this whole legal system the whole legal process it is very interesting because like I said you stand before a judge and you said my mother's had a heart attack can I go see my mother here's the papers she's had a heart attack she might die I haven't been able to leave this country for a year and a half can I go see my mother and the judge will look at you and go no and and it is what it is I mean I don't know what to say beyond that it's a very interesting scenario to be in and this is where we go down to what's law what's real because there's a lot of Judges who would have said yes that's perfectly legal there's a bunch of Judges who say it's no it's not legal you have one lawyer who says Ah this is illegal they can't do this another lawyer says they're not supposed to do it but they do it all the time time to get away with it it all of it is just words and and when you look at it it's not just the legal system you start to understand this entire world it's it's just people walking into rooms and saying things government are just people walking in a room and saying stuff an education system is just people walking in a room and saying things the legal system the medical system just a bunch of people chitchatting so how it all plays out I don't know you talk a lot about they you know they will get you they will come after you they have a mission against you for example and you refer to the Matrix uh kind of an elite group of people who have an agenda and and work together I mean is that really possible or is it just simply a great phrase The Matrix and a way to kind of dismiss those who are challenging you in your views no it's it's I think it's very clear that this world is run on Deception I think it's very clear that there are power structures which are designed to enslave the minds of people so they'll continue to allow their bodies to be enslaved I think it's very clear that there's people who can't afford to eat anymore and inflation's out of control and the standard of living is decline in and crime is off the charts and they just try very hard to pretend that's not true with their various mechanisms of control and powerful people have always wanted to exert control and when I fight against or resist these things I want the world to understand that I don't even take it personally even though they've put me in jail I don't take it personally I have 110 people who work for me if one of them was particularly Troublesome and disagree with everything I said and didn't listen to me I'd fire him so if you run a country and you come along with your lies and your narratives cuz you want to profit or you believe it benefits you geopolitically and you want to sit there and lie to the population and the population believes it and then there's this one guy this top G guy who's saying No this is a lie and everyone's starting to pay attention to him well then you're going to do something about it anyone who doesn't understand that's how the world Works must live in some fairy tale land that's how the world works and I've upset very powerful people by telling the truth about very important things the only thing is when you talk about a matrix it sounds like they're all colluding and and that's almost impossible money colludes money colludes power colludes and you say interesting you say that I think the Matrix is cracking in real time because people are being awakened to how much all of these systems based on fairness are simply a lie there's simply a curtain a distraction a theater play to keep everybody believing in them but you say that people can't collude globally around the world to exert power and control I think there's a very interesting situation in happening right now which is an active genocide where you can see certain countries can get away with whatever they want and other countries can't and if that isn't proof of all the big money working together well then I don't know what what more there is to say yeah Andrew what's interesting is people like yourself have a massive voice now whether it's divisive or not that's an issue uh but you have a massive voice globally because social media has given you this incredible platform at a global level um it can have sudden and unexpected consequences Aiden Ross another social media influencer happened to con happened to mention that he thought you you wanted to desperately get back to the UK the outcome was the UK reacted and that triggered it how how did that affect your relationship with him yeah it's I mean poor you guys were friends before yeah we're still friends and I'm in a unique situation it is it's kind of funny because this this whole Aiden Ross thing I'm not entirely sure that triggered the arrest but you don't know I'm very sure the Romanian state is extremely personally invested in my case I'm very sure they understand their reputations on the line they're very afraid of anything going wrong with this judicial process but I'm here for the Long Haul I'm not going anywhere I'm going to see it through to the end because I'm not afraid of them so yeah the social media is social media and there's a whole lot of crazy things that happen from it but also there's a lot of good that happens from social media I don't think people would understand a lot of the realities in the world today without social media the veil has been lifted on a whole bunch of narratives that we've been forced to support for a very long time because of social media which is why now governments in the west are panicking and passing laws trying to censor and St social media free countries democracy Free Speech oh no no no not when you say what we don't like so now they're coming along and trying to stop it all and I have to say that Rumble which is the platform I'm on and also ex owned by Elon Musk both of these platforms have been monumentally important for the freedom of humanity because I think we're entering an oncoming decade or an oncoming generation of slavery you were blocked actually on pretty much everything and then Elon Musk uh changed his mind and and gave you that option I mean do you owe him a a debt of gratitude certainly I I actually certainly do because although I think the narrative against me most people would have ignored it and not believed it anyway because it's the boy who cried wolf and they've done it too many times the fact I've been able to show the other side of the story has been extremely important and also I've only been showing 5% of my side of the story and this this is where we go back to my original Point sir when we talk about the reputations of entire nations I mean people say Romania like oh it's only Romania Romania is a is a rich European nation it's an EU member state are they going to allow their entire judicial system to be seen as corrupt and incompetent by letting me walk after destroying my life for years or are they going to sit and say we have to save face here I don't know I don't know nobody knows but the fact is I've only said 5% of what I know about how garbage the case against me is on social media because I'm waiting for the conclusion of this and heaven forbid I go to jail at least then everybody will know the absolute truth about the setup they purported upon me because I upset the people in power and and that's how the world Works another social media influencer uh Russell Brent was one also now faces charges and allegations against him and you you said uh you know things about him uh that people shouldn't or that other people don't what what in particular well if I said that then I'm not going to say them here but I will say for for sure that it's extremely coincidential when he started to talk the truth about the vaccine and how pharmaceutical companies operate that he then got hit with these charges it's very interesting I mean anyone at home who believes these charges when they come out against somebody let me explain how simple it is you can attack a pharmaceutical company and say that they're killing people with a vaccine for example the pharmaceutical company pays a lot of money of advertising Revenue towards X media Outlet so they tell that media Outlet well we're paying you you better do a smear piece on this guy then they use the media machine smear piece they drum up as much hate as possible especially if they cancel all your social media at the same time they work together so you can't defend yourself then journalists start calling around everyone you've ever known or they Inspire the police to to dig into you and call everyone you've ever known and if they call 2,000 people who you used to know they try to find a crime and especially when crimes are so subjective now especially in the west right emotional coercion so when police call 2,000 girls or 2,000 men who used to know across a decade and say did he ever emotionally coarse you and they'll say well what does that even mean and the police will say well convince you to do something effectively and she'll be like well he asked me nicely to bake him a cupcake I guess that's emotional coer before you know it you got a UK extradition warrant and they're telling you in 2012 you were emotionally coercive it's all a scam it's a scam and anybody who is sitting at home who believes any of these charges which seem to always appear against powerful men who speak against the system need their heads checked although the charges aren't exactly about baking cupcakes oh well the charges are about a bunch of again subjective garbage things emotional coercion and I don't even know what my charges are I haven't even been charged sir I the UK government has not charged me CPS has not charged me they've just said in 2011 he told a girl to bite cupcakes regarding Russell Brand but one of the things is that for a long time you you said for a long time Russell Brand was the establishment of the Matrix himself well he was part of the mainstream news yeah of course so well why would they go against him then well because he stopped being for the mainstream news he worked for them and he was all over TV and he was dancing with all these girls and he had all these girls around him and they seemed to very much enjoy his company and he was famous and he was on channel 4 and he was doing big brother and he did all these amazing things and then he stopped working for the MSM he stopped decided to start telling the truth I believe he found God and he changed his life and he sobered up and started telling the truth about certain narratives and all of a sudden he's a criminal funny strange coincidence is all the MSM the mainstream media that bad I don't think they're that bad well sorry let me correct myself most of them are but when you say bad is a snake bad is a tiger bad when a tiger kills an antelope and rips his out is it bad or is it just being a tiger the MSM is just being the MSM they have their interests which is either money or narrative from a government which they're told to enforce the BBC is told by the British government what they want the people to believe they are funded by the British government if you're not funded by a government you're funded by advertisers you follow the money you do what the money wants you to do and that's that's the goal I don't even see it as bad I'm just realistic about how the world works I'm not a I'm not a fantasist a tiger is not bad for killing an antelope and the MSM isn't bad for lying it's just their job so is social media the antidotes it can be and it looks like it's doing a pretty good job so far it's certainly like I said lifting some very important veils but How This Ends I'm not sure because as the Matrix cracks as governments and as these huge powerful banking institutions and all these people who control the money lose their ability to blanket control narratives there's going to be a lashing out and I feel like we're getting there now with certain legislation being passed I think Scotland passed one two days ago a lashing out was going to come against people who speak the truth and a lashing out I'm I'm a victim of it myself so it's kind of interesting we've cornered the tiger of lies and when you Corner a tiger they get extremely vicious and we're going to see what happens next it's interesting you rais Scotland because JK Rowling the author of Harry Potter U now herself has been the target of this now I wonder how you regard that case yeah JK and I have actually had our disagreements for for it was five or six years ago JK and I actually had some disagreements but it looks like she's finally come to senses and reason I think we disagreed on depression but for a while she tried her very best to Pander to these Psychopaths who believe that a man isn't a man and a woman isn't a woman she was walking the liberal line as I understand and it's very much like appeasing an alligator and hoping it eats you last and eventually she's realized you can't appease these Psychopaths and their parameters keep expanding and their Insanity keeps growing and eventually she said no enough is enough and she's standing up and she's telling the truth and she's being brave and for that I commend her because that's exactly what we need more of so there's the Andrew T talks about current affairs we'll get on to some of those more of those in a minute but there's the Andrew Tate who's become known as this divisive figure when it comes to what a man should be and what role women should play how do you regard that term they use sometimes you the king of toxic masculinity well I don't even see myself as divisive and I think 99% of the world doesn't see me as divisive and think so I really think so and what they say is toxic masculinity is simply mascul in most of the world today in fact even in the countries now where they're going to try and pretend my message is damaging and dangerous that I say to men they should go work hard get strong go to the gym be mentally disciplined be stoic all of these things were accepted by the entire population 10 or 15 years ago I haven't changed my views I haven't come up with anything radical or new they've changed the parameters of what a man is and they've lost their minds not me so I don't really believe I'm divisive in fact every single time a hit piece is published by me published About Me by the MSM they turn the comments off please you can check yourself every time the BBC Channel 4 channel 5 Australian news whenever they try and do a hit piece on me they have to turn the comments off because there's just thousands of comments saying you're wrong and he's right A man should be a man and a woman should be a woman and that's what makes families and Society beautiful I'll get into that in a minute but I mean there are lots of people who love you there are lots of people who hate you so that is divisive isn't it well I don't think you would have ever achieved anything in the world if you don't have certain people who hate you that's fine and there can be a contingent of the populist who hates me while I still remain eternally correct I'm still right that's fine I mean it's fine and and you could be the best thing in the world it doesn't matter what you are you can be a Ferrari and someone will hate you because you're too loud I I know what I'm saying is true I know my message is overwhelming overwhelmingly positive I know I've had a massive positive impact on millions of people's lives I know that in the end as this Arc completes and my innocence is proven there's going be a lot of people who have to apologize to me if somebody wants to sit in their bed room crying their eyes out because I said something they find mildly offensive well then I guess that's their problem do you think there's any chance that you may have also had a very negative impact on many people's lives it's interesting you say that because I think if you actually want to be a professional and like I said I've analyzed all these things very non- emotionally I think it's impossible to say anything positive doesn't have a negative impact in under the right circumstances there's no light without Dark Water is positive you need water to live you can drown in water music makes people happy yes you can listen to music you can feel happy you can enjoy a party it also sings about doing drugs people become drug addicts like I would like to believe my message is overwhelmingly positive I tell people to train to work hard to make as much money as possible to be sto Etc I'd be a liar if I couldn't sit here and say well I've convinced 100 million men to go to the gym and one of them dropped a dumbbell on his foot well maybe perhaps I mean but what can you do you have to speak in generalities exceptions don't disprove the rule my law the things I'm saying are are generally good things and the rules are generally good for so for them to come along and attack me as they do this is what's so in disingenuous about the mainstream media because this is exactly what they do I'll teach men how important it is to be strong and go to the gym and look after themselves they will then see thousands of kids go to the gym and work hard they will then find one kid who goes to the gym who's maybe autistic maybe he's not socially well conditioned maybe he had bad parents who knows who starts walking around the school saying I'm strong I'm strong and bumping into people then they'll say Andrew Tate did that and they'll attack me that's as asinine that is as foolish as waiting for somebody to crash a car and see that they were playing a Taylor Swift song and start saying that Taylor Swift fans crash cars because most people listen to Taylor Swift and don't crash their car so the whole MSM narrative against me is completely disingenuous the thing is I don't think the the divisiveness comes from saying to men get fit and and be but it actually but it actually does sir and I apologize to interrupt but it actually does Australian news only the other day published some complete garbage about female teacher who had to quit her job because she didn't feel safe in the classroom because the boys thought that it was a man's job to be strong masculinity is under such attack now that is an act of resistance and Rebellion to tell men to train and get strong you can sit and say telling men to be strong isn't why they attack you yes it is because when you tell men to be strong and have principles they resist the slave programming I'm telling men to make their own money and to get strong physically and to protect the people they care about and to say no to the programming that's what they don't like if I was telling men to put a wig on and become a girl I wouldn't be going through any of this legal trouble not a single drop of it if I was if I was trying to convince men to castrate themselves I'd be fine but when I say no you're a man you have to protect what you care about and stand up for what you believe in no then you're then you're a problem and it's a and it's a problem because they're trying to enslave all of us and I don't think anybody at home actually understands where this AI Tech and where the world's going they're trying to enslave all of us and when you come in as a conquering Army the first thing you do is you destroy the Warriors it's always been the same you kill all the milit age males so that you're left with Unix young boys who can't fight back and girls and they don't want men who listen to me or men like me cuz they know we would rather die and they don't like it should men listen to you when you say that you can have as many children as possible that if you have at least 10 children and four wives you're a I think you said and genetic failure I said no this a very good question and and again we look at sometimes I say things in hyperbowl or I say things sarcastically for comedic effect I do believe that children are extremely important I do believe a man should have kids I do believe we need families I do believe the Western world needs more children in fact the Western governments themselves believe in it that's why the populations are declining and collapsing that's why we have to import people from all around the world because nobody has kids I believe a man's duty is to have children with the woman he loves absolutely if he loves more than one woman and he wants kids with all of them and they're all happy consenting adults I once again condone that I think that a lot of the people running the world is strangely coincidential that none of them have kids have you ever actually looked at the people in the Western World the people who are in charge of us none of them have kids isn't that weird wouldn't you want to be like 65 and have no kids at all and just aim for the control of the entire population and try and starve everyone to death I don't know anyone without kids I don't trust and I'll stand by that some of the studies show that the reason the the child uh production rate if you like has diminished is because people are trying to do the other side of what you say make money and be successful I I would I'd agree with that study I would agree that the reason people are now not having as many children it's because they're chasing money but I wouldn't say it's necessarily down to the fact they want to be overly ambitious I think they're chasing money because their government has destroyed their ability at Living a fair and free and semi-comfortable life on any kind of normal wage so when they inflate the currency to the moon and when crime gets out of control so you need to move to a more expensive house and when your living standard collaps of course you're not going to be trying to have kids because you're trying to pay your bills and the government's done that on purpose very few governments are actually making initiatives directly aimed at trying to promote people having children hungary's done it South Korea's just recently done it but most of the western Count's ansers just to open the border of this but does does that make them genetic f is I wouldn't say well let me answer this carefully if you fail to pass on your genetics you have failed some comes why can't they I mean could be genetic well of course I mean but is that failure is that failure or Misfortune that's very well that's very misfortunate but if you're a man and you're alive for 80 years and you don't manage to have children at all and not because of some Misfortune again exceptions don't disprove the rule we're not talking about people who are incompetent in some way way we're talking about people who can do it and don't do it because they're too busy trying to get a promotion at some Corporation well I think that's a failure I think children are the most important and beautiful thing on this planet and they should be your priority in all ways yes I know you say you say things to comedic effect it's sardonic and and so on but there are so many young impressionable Minds that listen to you oh I I I how much responsibility do you feel to I feel massive responsibility and I think that a lot of the things I say that have been used against me I said 10 years ago when nobody knew who I was and it's kind of unfair for me to make a video that get 60 views 10 years ago and now I'm the most famous man in the world it's going to be used against me of course now I understand that with my massive power comes massive responsibility I have to be a lot more careful how I say certain things because a lot more people will listen I respect all of that however once again this is uniquely used against me why don't correct them why not why not correct them now and say look 10 years ago I said this I don't believe this to be the case anymore I think that this and this should happen well I've done that but I've also done I've done that for all the important ones but I've also done thousands of hours of interviews and also in this sliding scale this NeverEnding tapestry of constant offense a lot of the things I've said to you right here right now there's going to be people who take massive offense to it and there's going to be someone else who's upset some nobody and I'm not really in the business of sitting down apologizing to faceless nobody's all day long people make these Twitter accounts they have no fans no followers no face is Anon or the MSM quotes an Anon Source all this is just made up imaginary or people who have no relevance in society and they sit there and say Andrew you offended me well guess what the world is Harsh the world is hard you're going to have to get over it and live your life you don't have to read what I say you don't have to listen to my videos I don't care that you exist if you exist at all so you can just move on I'm really not in the habit of sitting down and apologizing to a bunch of insignificant people I'm not going to sit here and dedicate my life to trying to make those people feel better I'm not thinking about the insignificant ones I'm thinking about those who are your genuine fans who who for whom everything you say is like the word of God well my genuine fans aren't stupid right I my genuine fans aren't stupid once again there may be one autistic kid who goes to the gym and walks around the school and acts like an idiot I'm sure there's some idiot who's listened to 50 Cent and thought that's it it's time to shoot people and sell drugs I'm sure there's some idiot who's done exactly that but most people play a song and enjoy the song for what it is and then move on with their lives I'm not going to sit here and assume all my fans are idiots and I'm not going to assume they're all carbon copies of me either I'm sure a lot of them like some of the things I say and disagree with some of the things I say because they're functioning adults as we all are I'm not responsible for the action of every single person who's ever heard an and tape video and the world knows this and the MSM knows this and the police know this but they're using it against me anyway because this is a matrix attack unless Taylor Swift starts going to jail for everyone who crashes a car with a Taylor Swift CD in everything that's happening to me is unjustified I'm sure you have a lot of fans who are autistic who are probably taking offense right now I mean do you have something against that no absolutely not I would just I just gave an example and it's an example because I do believe that that genuinely happened I do believe there was a child who watched my stuff who had some kind of learning difficulty who was repeating it over and over again and I'm and I have to sit here and say okay I'm a man on the internet makes videos you're saying a child in Australia 3,000 years away 3,000 miles away with with learning difficulties listen to what I said and repeats the phrases I'm sure before he's repeating my phrases he was repeating phrases from TV or from a song or from something else how is this even my Pro how can I defend myself against this level of attack besides do what they want which is not talk at all they're going to put me in a position where if I say anything it's bad if I say anything that can be used against me so the only way I can protect myself from somebody who I've never met 3,000 miles away repeating the words I've said on the Internet is to not talk on the internet which is what they want me to do which is why they attack me with this garbage and I utterly refuse Andrew you're considered part of the manosphere this term that describes a disperate group of um well no necess be disperate maybe cohesive in some ways uh group of um websites and blogs and and influencers who have a very strong position on what masculinity is about your put into that group the manosphere um some of which is pretty extreme how do you regard the manosphere I don't know who any of those people are in the manosphere I don't have any association with any of those people in the manosphere I can't speak for any of them I don't know who they are I can only speak for my own views I would consider myself a political commentator and I consider myself somebody who comments on men's rights issues because nobody else seems to care nobody else seems to care that men commit more suicide men are more homeless men are the ones who are struggling in society today we have no mental health support even even if you look at something as simple as cancer breast cancer gets all the funding prostate cancer nobody cares men are here to die pay taxes nobody cares about us nobody cares about our feelings and then they sit and say oh yeah men are depressed that's strange when I come along and try and offer a solution they Matrix attack me because the solution isn't the solution they like because the solution they like is to take pharmaceutical drugs and sit around crying at home and I try and show something which is against the big money and against the big farmer so I I don't know who the manosphere are but I am a man and I will tell tell my story of How I Live the best possible experience of being a man and I'll help as many men as possible and I'll highlight the difficulties that men go through and I don't think there's anything wrong with that do you believe in gender equality that's an that's a trick question no it's quite no no it's a trick it's fine sir it's fine I've been around the block that's a trick question I believe the genders are different but equally important I believe in equality in importance I do not believe in equality in capabilities I do not believe a man have a baby I do not believe the average woman can fight combatively against the average man I believe we're built differently I believe God has designed us to be different we are two halves of a whole and when a woman is feminine and a man is masculine and we work together we create perfect Unity which is why we're designed to be different so do I agree in gender equality yes but that term is hijacked that term is used as a trojan horse for pretending that all the genders can do the same things and that's not true this is what they do in the Western World they hijack terms they come along and say you don't believe in gender equality I say yes I do I believe we're equally important no because you don't believe that a woman can do everything a man can do no I don't cuz she can't and a man can't do everything a woman can do we do different things so I do believe in gender equality but I don't believe in the new version of it that they're trying to purport on the populist because it's deliberately used as a weapon let me ask you this then you a message you had for women was you said to them we save you from the female inclination to make stupid choices yes don't you think men make stupid Choice absolutely but I would argue that women make emotional decisions more often than men I think men make more logical decisions because life as a man is a more logical place and we have to ignore our emotions more often staying on the Titanic is not a logical decision it's not the smartest thing to do you have to sit and ignore your emotions and say this is what I'm supposed to do women are more often and More in tune with their emotions which is a superpower by the way this is why they're better at a lot of things this is why they outcompete men in many things but emotional decisions can often be wrong because they're exactly that emotional and if you look at any happy household this forget the Andrew Tate attack you look at any happy household on the planet there is a man who is man of the house and the woman comes to him for advice because he is the man of the house and he is more logical and more stoic and more cold and calculated this is the way the world has always been and still is and for anyone to pretend otherwise is a matrix attack it is very much a generalization I think there are very many strong women I and I noted that you said about the lack of the man in the house uh the disciplinarian the person in charge is responsible for society's ills knif crimes this yeah this is the lack of fathers and yet um are you present as a father to your kids absolutely of course that's all I do is raise my children and I'm in a unique Financial Circumstance the fact that I can have so many children is because I'm unique financially I think Elon Musk also has 11 kids so it's not uncommon for billionairs to enjoy Offspring at all I think genoshan had a few more than that but this is this this is common but yeah fatherlessness is the biggest pandemic and when you say fatherlessness I don't just mean a lack of man in the house I mean a lack of man of character in the house if the man is in the house and he's just sppy goo well then he's going to do his job is he but if the man's in the house and is showing the benefits of discipline and hard work and taking the long road instead of shortcuts and doing the right thing because you're supposed to do the right thing as opposed to doing how you feel and ignoring your emotions and acting how you're supposed to act well then you're going to have a better Society so yeah fatherlessness and lack of masculinity is what the society is what the society is suffering from we need more masculinity in society not less and the fact they attack me and trying get rid of me as somehow toxic and to move everything into this feminine frame of feelings and Mayes and take depressive drugs when you feel sad and it's all going to be okay and men should be more in touch with their feeling all of that is why we are the way we are now I don't normally bring personal stuff into my interviews I'm I'm very much there to hear the story but I grew up without a father and I would say my mother taught me the right things too she taught me what the right things were and I wonder you know surely women can also play that role absolutely mothers are extremely important I mean you say a lack of father but in this case the right kind of mother or a mother who can be strong I would argue I would agree with you but exceptions don't disprove the rule if you were to look statistically most men males who are from a single mother household are more likely to commit crime than from a dual parent household what's interesting is I also my mother and father split up at age nine and I spent all of my teenage years without seeing my father and here I am a beacon of success brilliant tall strong smart and funny so it can be done and humbl and humble so it can be done but we have to talk in generalities and in general if you have two parents at home it's better for the raising especially of boys because boys commit a lot the violence in society today and this is another thing I want to make very clear when we try and feminize men which is what they're trying to do they're trying to feminize men they imagine the soft unic version of men who sit at home and cry all day and that is perhaps true you do get some versions of men who act that way but when you feminize a lot of other men what you do is tell men to act on their impulse and act how they feel and that's why you get crime murdering somebody is an emotional decision as is rape as is all these terrible heinous crimes that happen they men with no emotional control and no self-control told by Society to act how they feel expecting them to walk around talking about rainbows and butterflies all day and instead when someone makes them mad they pull out a blade and stick it in his neck so this the whole thing is garbage they're destroying Society by destroying masculinity Andrew isn't there a range though I mean you're you're suggesting a man can't be emotional and yet you say you're an emotional man sometimes no I'm not suggesting they can't be emotional I'm suggesting they should have control over their emotions we should feel emotion and we should control them a man should feel angry when it's time to feel angry and he should control it as with sad and everything else there's a time you must simply perform and do the right thing just as the man on the Titanic the men on the Titanic felt fear and ignored it and went into the water to save the women and children this is the bottom line of masculine Ence s dawn of human time is to do what you're supposed to do because you have a duty not to do how you feel I'm sure the man in the trenches didn't feel like running over the top but they had to cuz they were supposed to that's what being a man is all about and men should be wak up in the world today and say I have to perform and act this way I have to go to the gym even though I don't feel like going to the gym I have to make money even though the economy is bad I have to protect and provide for the people I care about I have to do the right thing irregardless of how I feel and the reason this is so important the reason this is so important is because a small contingent of men do think this way and you as a man will never be able to out compete the people who do if you're going to act on feelings if you're only going to go to the gym when you feel like going to the gym you're going to constantly lose to the person who goes to the gym irregardless of how he feels cuz he's there every day and it's a very competitive world we live in especially for men and there's have knots and have yachts and it's getting worse the Richer getting richer and the poor getting poor if you're a man waking up in the world today in a normal life and you want to be anywhere you have to be prepared to go against Killers like me with billions who work 18 hours a day every single day you don't have a day off in jail out of jail doesn't matter want more and if you're going to compete against me you don't have time to sit around being sad or you'll perpetually lose and that's you're going to be a reality you're going to be a loser that's what's going to happen what if people don't want to compete with you at that level what if they don't want a yacht still be happy fine that's fine of course and they can still be happy that's their decision but if they stay at home wanting a yacht and not having one well then they have a problem then don't they it's interesting um for a lot of people the dichotomy of your life is an interesting one uh you stated the view that modesty is Fe feminine empowerment taking your clothes off on Instagram is not empowering it's empowering to say that no man but my husband can see my body correct and yet your your past this contradicts your past where you had women on webcams correct and and this is what you're accused of to a large degree well accuse them it's Notre crime so put me I mean in the sense that you know that that contradicts and especially and we'll talk about you becoming a Muslim but it contradicts your faith absolutely and it's that's the beauty of Life the beauty of life is as we grow we change and I've been very honest and open about the fact that I used to have a business which helped girls make money on the internet it's kind of funny because I grew up in lieuten I grew up in a council estate single mother household in a council estate the most crying I was around I was in the kids whose school who got arrested for murder there was kids who stole cars and crashed the cars and died my house was burgled three times my neighbor's house was burgled I knew drug dealers who were driving very nice cars at 19 I grew up around all the worst crimes I didn't do any of them none of that what did I do I helped people get traffic to a website oh heaven forbid if I wasn't famous would any of this be even mentioned no of course not so I did this back then I was a younger man I didn't know then what I know now now I have different morals and different principles and a different outlook on life and I wouldn't do it again of course and I'm sure if you ask any 37 year-old if he thinks the same as he did when he was 21 well they're probably going to say no j Z used to sell crack he was a drug dealer now he's a mogul of the music Empire that's how it goes that's life sometimes as a man you got to get out of the ghetto it is what it is and I'm not going to sit here and say sorry for it or pretend to be sorry I know that I didn't do a fraction of the bad things I could have done or was offered to do I mean everything I said here I mean that female empowerment is Modesty a woman who is powerful doesn't have to be Aug and and stared at by random men because when she decides to cover up she's saving herself for the people she cares about or believe gets to see that is empowerment I believe girls who get constantly naked on the internet are not empowering themselves they're actually embarrassing themselves I do believe that did I once profit from that 15 years ago yes so you've evolved of course who who I I think I'd be a fool if I hadn't you can see the conclusion of my interview with Andrew Tate in the next few days on the riscan show here at Al Arabia English but for now for me riscan and the team thanks for watching
Channel: Al Arabiya English
Views: 1,202,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adin ross, andrew tate, andrew tate adin ross, andrew tate al arabiya, andrew tate debate, andrew tate gender, andrew tate interview, andrew tate interview new, andrew tate israel, andrew tate matrix, andrew tate new interview, andrew tate palestine, andrew tate palestine israel, andrew tate religion, andrew tate riz khan, andrew tate taylor swift, andrew tate transgender, andrew tate women, israel, israel palestine war, news, palestine, tate, tate brothers, tristan tate
Id: 7ke0akEEUWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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