Mike Thurston x Andrew Tate

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[Music] now i'm rich and he's still fat so [ __ ] you what's up guys welcome to today's video i'm gonna be an interesting one today i'm gonna be linking up with the one the only andrew tate ah i don't know where to begin with this guy he's a character put it that way i'm not gonna tell you his life story i feel as though you should all go and watch some of the podcasts which he's done on youtube fresh and fit your mom's house there's a few other ones he's an interesting guy you either hate him or you love him he's a bit like marmite anyway he's in dubai just got himself a brand new bugatti we're gonna go check it out he's gonna take me for a spin and then we're gonna head to the gym hit the weights and maybe we'll do a little bit of kickboxing as well let's go [Music] baywatch exactly iron mic jeez i like the color you like the color yeah yeah i had uh mixed reviews on the color some people said they like it some people said they don't like it and i said well what color is your brigade oh [ __ ] off then you got the watch as well yeah i got the watch that matches it how much is that this was 450 000 or something something you know something it's got a little it's got a little bugatti engine in it let me tell you why it was it's totally not worth it let me tell you why i bought it they said it takes 10 months for one man to make by hand and because this has a w16 it's got two v8 engines put together they made a little w16 engine inside you see yeah yeah and when you press it it's all mechanical it's all made by hand engine and there's one man in the world that makes some things in nine months you've made everyone and there's 60 of these and 60 of the cars so they all match [ __ ] so i was like you're going to do it take my card fly so i bought it yeah what's the reaction be like so far yeah everyone's uh everyone likes it i mean obviously it's a standout car there's only 60 in the world and this is the only one in the world in this color so everyone knows it's mine i i've had free hotel upgrades every hotel i park at they come over and say oh would you like to sweet if you leave the car out front i'm like all right that's cool all in all yeah it's been pretty good but i haven't really tested out too much because in dubai you kind of have to behave a little bit you know you have to take it out to the desert how fast is that supposed to go top speed i don't know i think that's 270 miles an hour or something [Music] all right we're gonna go for a quick spin first time in bugatti i'm gonna enjoy the guy experience i think i'm in good hands yeah so it's all it's like turbo noise it's four turbos you know what i kind of like as well about this car i guarantee every song i play it's the first time it's ever been played in the day so it's gonna be the first spaghetti where someone's smoking a cigar in the kfc drive-through with two girls in the passenger seat it's gonna be the first one so the question which i'm sure a lot of people are asking is how the hell do you even go about getting a bugatti in the first place it's difficult because uh there's a lot of people in the world with money and there's only 60 in the world of these as a new build allocation so it's actually really really difficult i first walked into the bugatti store in germany in munich at a bugatti store and i walked in there i wanted to uh i said to him look i'm interested in buying possibly buying a car and they're like yeah yeah yeah whatever goodbye because they have probably so many people walking it out lying about how they want to buy bugatti right i said look give me the email address of somebody i emailed my car portfolio my instagram my wikipedia page explained who i was and he kind of half replied saying look all allocations are full when we launch a car within three minutes we just hit up our old customer list and they're all sold out and they're all full and it was a sales pitch i had to try very very hard to get this car i had to actually pitch and say look why instead of selling it to some shake who's going to just put it in a room and hide it forever why don't you give it to me so i can drive around and be an idiot in it and at least it's going to be on the streets yeah at least you know it's going to be good for the brand and he kind of was semi entertained by that and then i had to go to a meeting and explain you know why i want the car and it's the definition of success and i'm from nothing i come from a council of state and loot and i've done all this myself and i think it'll be really good for people inspiring people that i chose bugatti as opposed to another brand i just full on pitch the guy yeah and they said all right we can have an allocation give us two and a half million dollars and then you can pay off the other two and a half million when she's ready yeah if there's one thing i know you're good at is marketing and already you've marked this car very well well life life is sales right yeah and it doesn't matter what you do doesn't matter if you're trying to pick up a girl it doesn't matter if you're trying to convince bugatti to give you a car it doesn't matter what it is if you're good at sell selling and selling yourself you're going to do well so i think a lot of people forget that like selling is an art it's a skill and a lot of people don't know though i almost got my foot down that time it's ridiculously fast and you were saying as well one of the the bonuses of actually having a bugatti is it gets you access to the network within bugatti calling the bugatti owners yeah so all the bugatti owners have private events so we'll all go driving i think this year we all go driving in argentina we have armed security closed off roads all the planes get flown into argentina i mean all the cars have flown to argentina not by plane we're insured everything is all handled for us and we go there and i'll be with all the other brigadiers so that's gonna be some interesting dinner time conversations yeah i've already done one bugatti dinner so far and it's kind of very interesting when i talk to people who are completely and utterly outside of i call it the matrix right yeah outside of the system but it's it's funny like we they were sitting around and this was about six months ago and i didn't have my car yet i just put the order in and we're sitting around talking and they were laughing about things like covert 19 covered restrictions flight restrictions to them it's all a joke i was like well why didn't you just take a jet like like like don't ask like it's kind of crazy and it's it's weird for me because i'm from completely nothing and these a lot of these people are born into money right so yeah i was going to say these people they're self-made or they've been born into it's very hard to get to bugatti money by yourself that's not possible but i i think the guy did say to me i'm one of the only ones who's ever done it you know um so it's very very difficult to do but they do have a degree of contempt i guess for i mean people at that level of life do have a degree of contempt for the person who's still inside the matrix is still inside the system because they because the laws don't apply to them the rules don't apply to them i think most people don't understand is that we live in in a system of society in which 99 of punishments for crimes are financial it's either a fine or if you can afford a good enough lawyer you don't go to jail so basically what it's saying is if you have money laws don't apply because it doesn't matter right oh i gotta find a boo-hoo i'm not fine i'm you're a billionaire right you don't care so they there's a degree of confusion amongst the people at the top like well why the people the bottom just try harder to get rich so they can ignore all these rules like why do they have to comply with these rules so it's kind of interesting to be in those scenarios because i've come from the other end of it and it is certainly very interesting and obviously there's a lot of networking opportunities and opportunities to make money i know i'll make all the money back this car calls me guaranteed guaranteed so that's that's pretty cool but friends you need friends in high places you need friends in low places you actually need both and i have enough friends in low places i'm from luton so for more friends at high place you spend a lot of your time in the romania yeah what what do you think of dubai you're in and out quite a lot yeah recently yeah i am devised to say in the future right i mean i can't see another city which is on such an upward trajectory i think all the other major famous cities are either on a decline or they're trying their very best to just maintain london was built long ago now they're just trying to stop the crime like they can't build these things it's literally so bad it's crazy i remember i left a good time i felt like end of 2019 since i left i just feel like it's gone even more downhill yeah when i'm in london i don't i don't wear the nice watch i'm put my head's on a swivel yeah yeah bro like you know like because no matter how you know tough guys [ __ ] bubble you don't want to [ __ ] deal with four dudes with blades like why would you you know so yeah london's kind of maintaining america new york l.a et cetera is on a massive decline dubai is the only large major international city which is on the incline and i think it's better to exist in a society which is on its way up as opposed to on its way down so to buy the city of the future i love eastern europe i love romania but i can't advertise romania for the normal person a normal person can move to dubai and have a good life in romania my life is fantastic because i'm mean because of who i know but if you're a normal dude and you just move there it's not gonna be you're gonna be like what is this you know it's only for me because the police chief's like oh that's tape's car leave this car alone you can do he can speed you know so this is it's not a fair comparison but um yeah dubai is awesome i'd love to buy that i completely understand why you moved here the world's actually quite small people think the world's big if you didn't move to dubai where where is it going to move where else is it maybe i would have gone to miami miami's all right but miami's just to buy with crime yeah that's all it is yeah i would have gone there for a lifestyle but it's i never really fell in love with america i don't know yeah no do miami and dubai feel very very similar to me it's just miami it's just dubai with crime the greatest thing about dubai is the peace of mind that's afforded to you with the with the safety of it you know well that's a sick car isn't it absolutely outrageous the turning circle isn't great though hopefully tries to do a u-turn and we have to like do half-turn pull back reverse and then go all the way around every single person that we drove past just turned their heads and was like what the hell is that yeah all right now we're gonna head off to the gym i'm thinking you're always like baywatch she always has the thirst shorts looking good on the machine bro i ain't got i ain't got trainers got this is just full of oil and moisturizing exactly i got trainers i only got thai boxing shorts i'm gonna look like a weirdo it's fine it's fine i have no confidence issue i can deal with it we're gonna do a little bit of weights and then you're gonna show me a couple of fighting tricks he's going to beat me up iron mike iron mike thurston i better look like you by the end of this bro i don't lift weights there's a lot of water rock climbing on here i don't lift weights these are these are potato vanilla loafers these are my shoes my outside shoes did my sparring shorts and i thought oh yeah we're lifting weights i need like gym shoes i need thirst stuff bro i don't have these i like the shorts though thank you i don't know i don't lift weights so i hope by the end of this session my first ever proper weight session i look like my my first one one's enough it's interesting like when i walk in the gym i feel like i'm at home like this is my natural habitat i imagine you have the same feeling as soon as you walk into a ring fight ring yeah yeah a gym like this is unusual for me because even when i was professionally fighting i never had a strength rating routine i never lifted weights i didn't have a strength conditioning coach to this day i don't know how strong i am i've never tried a one-night bench i've never done any of this stuff i used to i used to do kickball four-time world champion and my ice through push-ups shadow boxing with maybe four or five kilos running with four or five kilos weight invests sometimes and i used to do lots and lots of burpees in the weight at best but i never had any static weights ever yeah there's lots of punching people in the head that was that was it and kicking people on the head lots of sparring after that kind of thing so um it's interesting i'm actually curious i'd love to find out you know how strong i am overall we'll see because my diet's trash as well yeah he likes to drink quite a bit smokes you guys drink smoke i only eat once a day sometimes i put up pictures on instagram i look like i'm in amazing shape i guess i am in amazing shape people say to me wow what's your diet that was your meal prep i'm like bro meal prep kfc my diet's not great but i think because i trained so hard when i was young when i was 20s you build a base and then as long as you're an idiot you can't lose it you don't mess it up so yeah so i just do a little bit here and there yeah also for ten years i didn't drink so now it was my channel yes i was fighting so now i drink a bit but i'm kind of getting bored of that moving to a new spiritual plane like when was the last time you did a bench press time ago this is a 20 kilo bar right 20 kilos this is gonna be hard to be shaky how many how many do i have to do eight i think you do we'll see right but there's technique to this isn't there yeah so there's two different techniques if you want to like have a strength focused approach as heavy as possible or if you want to try and maintain all the tension on the chest okay so i think for us today we'll try some strengths i did it [Music] how many did you do i have to try and do the same as you might i have to try i just like hey [Music] i probably do maybe one thousand about thousand push-ups a day i try and get through but that's like when i'm on the computer or i'm watching tv as soon as there's a i've i programmed my mind like if an advert comes on or if like if i've sent an email i make myself do 20 or 40 shows that'll be why you can maintain your brain and i do about a thousand a day i don't take time out of my life to go to the gym i just kind of try and swap it in i've noticed about you you you're always doing something you're keeping busy which i think is impressive considering you've made the amount of money you've made you've been successful you still have the drive to hustle and grind like i wake up some days and i'm like you're chill today yeah it's a beach by the pool i never see you by the pool like you're always yeah i'm always working i'm jealous i wish i could do what you just desired to switch up because if i could wake up and if i wake up and i try and do that the anxiety i will have for not doing all the things i could have done will destroy the experience i'll be sitting there thinking i could have i should have jesse i want more of that i need to swap bro we should swap because i'm at a point now where i'm working for it's pointless money's fruitless i don't need it but i can't not do it i have to that's why i'm always jetting around the world i am there there i've got to do this gotta do do you think it's something you can teach yourself or it's just in your head i'm trying to try and teach myself to be more hungry so because i feel like i'm always striving for more but i feel like you know my potential is here i'm i don't know why i am exactly the way i am because i'm a very happy person but i'm not content does that make sense i'm very happy i'm not miserable i'm not depressed in any way i'm super happy but also i'm not content like i picked up that bugatti three days ago i'm trying to allocation for another one i want another color it's just like that maybe it's the fighting thing i think i've kind of replaced fighting with like work when i retired from fighting yeah be a fighter you gotta have that crazy drive to just do insane things and maybe i've swapped them out i don't know what it is but i can't sit by the pool i'm jealous of you i'm genuinely jealous of mike i'm saying it now i'm really jealous i'm jealous of mike has something i don't have and i'm jealous i can't do it [Music] how many do you eight 100 kilo eight times 800 kilos some of my cars weigh that what's the lightest yeah yeah i can't choose a good at different things [Music] easy he's been preparing for this video he's been going to the gym every day for the past week when i was growing up i always thought the most important thing to get a woman's attraction was my physique and i realize it's a whole lot more than that the dating industry in scene these days is pretty [ __ ] mad especially compared to what it was 10 20 years ago what's your advice to men to get women's attention and to get them to like that's a good question and it's a long and detailed answer and it's actually extremely difficult nowadays i think because i think we live now in a state of society back in the day right you could be a plumber but you're a bit funny you go to the bar designed to check talk some [ __ ] buy or fight whatever and you'll be fine right but now it's all status it's all status the girls want to be like i was with mike thurston that's what they want it's all instagram and status so as a man you have to be doing something to try and improve your status yeah physique is one thing money's another thing who you know is another thing there's lots of different ways to do it right but if you're a man with truly no status in society now it's hard yeah it's really hard so you have to understand that as a man you've got to gear your life in a certain way and women have more options than they've ever had before in their life bro you see the chicks inbox on instagram it's crazy and then you're just messaging her you know what's the worst thing is guys dm chicks and they're not even it's like hi like all the work like what do you think they're gonna talk to you at least try so yeah we live in a state of society now so it's hard one of the easiest ways to get status is who you know right a lot of it's networking and you know the right people you can get some status at least on them to some degree but as a man nowadays you need to be rich strong smart intelligent charming good friends be able to fly around the world you all compete it's hard it's really really difficult it would it would suck to be joe average today that's why i can't afford to be lazy that's the counter side the camera side is although you need to be a high level man every single man on earth with enough work can become one that's the counter side right so there is there is hope at the end of the tunnel but you gotta get up and do it [Music] [Applause] six [Music] how old are you mike i think i'm old that's why you can do these things 35 old man when i was 31 i ran three marathons in a row just like bam bam bam drunk what do you think is the optimum age for like strength i don't know because i see some people compete like when they're in their mid 30s yeah it depends a lot on genetics their lifestyle i think it's definitely harder for me to try and keep up with the physique which i had a couple years ago but i still believe like to have like a fully matured physique in terms of muscle mass you're probably looking like early to mid 30s i think after that kind of tapers off a little bit you know what else is similar to my father was one of the best chess players in the world and chess grandmasters are at their peak in their early 30s and after they as they get older they're they they lose their skill at chest their cognitive ability declines yeah you can't you can't be a chess world master at 50. you don't use your brain simply can't do it the same your body and and also they they burn like a thousand calories an hour or something when they're playing chess cause their brains like going crazy yeah it's not right yeah it's not so yeah there's a limit in chess as well right how many six three four five six nice [Music] [Music] that starts to get heavy for me four yeah if i do this i've done myself proud and i've proved that if you do a thousand push-ups a day like a weirdo while at your computer building an empire to make millions and millions of dollars a month that you don't even need now you can stay in fantastic shape that's what i'm that's what i'm trying to prove here as well i have a pull-up bar yeah i don't i don't do that many pull-ups i mainly just do loads of push-ups if i ever do weights i'll put on like a 30 kilo vest and do burpees which sounds easy it's [ __ ] dumb well normal burpees is not easy bro burpees are hard they're hard when my coach used to make me do burpees i hated it it's the worst thing ever a 30 kilo vest and you say like 200 burpees and it takes you like [ __ ] hour to finish him cause after like 25 you're just a mess he was in the pool sweating it's ridiculous one two [Music] [Music] probably got paid a lot more [ __ ] kickboxing's a waste of time for money olympia it's only worth it it's the same it's the same in fighting like everyone knows conor mcgregor and all those guys but there are so many people who could whoop his ass in dagestan or some place you've never heard of and and they're broke right fighting's kind of like modeling the toxic models are super rich and there's a whole bunch of models that just broke yeah same with musicians how many talented musicians you'd ever hear of or so yeah it's a hard sport to make money from i mean like jake paul is like very easy to hate yeah but when he's like knocking people out people are like i called him out i called him out i did a call out videos on my youtube and i wanted to fight him but truthfully truthfully i respect him if i were to fight jake paul i would take it completely seriously like a real fight and i'd whoop his ass i'd beat him jake but uh because what he's done is he's done a very clever marketing spin i'm just a youtuber no you're not you're a young man with unlimited money who's dedicated his life to learning how to fight the duke can fight he's sparking people everyone everyone thinks he's just some youtuber no he isn't even puerto rico training with the best boxing trainers in the world every single day the guy can box i'll whoop his ass but he's very clever with who he chooses to choose people smaller than him old but i have a pedigree like you're from max ufc but not boxers and he's clever it's an have some markings but he's made a lot of money i can't i can't hate on the guy what do you think he puts it out didn't he the pressure got to him because he's not he hasn't got his his brother's ranks his brothers doesn't give a [ __ ] but i guess it's easy to not give a [ __ ] seven foot tall he's got a lot of pressure even his dad was saying like if you don't win then he's like disowning him yeah the pressure got to him 100 and that's the thing about fighting fighting's a mental game man it's it's so much more scary than people think it is actually sitting at the back waiting for your turn to go in the cage the guy before you get wheeled out he's [ __ ] you see him coming to changing room they're trying to resuscitate him you know all right your turn all right we've got a game face game place [Music] still would like to experience yeah right i've had like little i've had some street fights and scraps yeah but never in the ring and that's one thing because i like new experiences because when i do something new and something challenging i learn about myself a lot more and you kind of discover who you really are as a person fighting is the number one thing that will teach you more about yourself than anything else i hear people talk about oh i go traveling to learn about myself what do you learn you learn how to book a hotel and bang some south american four that's what you learn congratulations you're still a [ __ ] but with with fighting you actually learn real things you get to learn what you're really made of because every guy has this idea every man has this idea in their mind if i get angry you know someone hits me i get angry all right cool you'll learn if that's true or not because you'll see most people it's not like that right you learn about the fact that i had 87 professional fights i was scared before every single one you know like the i a lot of people think that it's you're a coward if you're afraid i disagree you're a coward if you're afraid and then you don't do it if you're afraid and do it anyway then you're not coward i was scared for all of them i was scared for my last fight i'm a pro right so you you learn how to deal with fear you learn how to see what you're really made of you learn how to deal with loss you don't get to win every fight and and losing a fight is the worst thing that's possible for your ego it hurts it hurts forever it's and also people treat you a bit differently as well bro man you can't lose a fight in front of your girlfriend she'll leave you it's just like instinctive when my girl said i'm coming to the fight i was like i don't like you that much anyway but you smoke the guys you're fine you lose you know you're not prepared to lose your chick everything so you there's something about it and it's the it's the purest form of competition and and this kind of changes how you view the world now because i don't find any other sport interesting if someone said to me come play basketball i'd be like but even if i win i just put a ball in the net i didn't [ __ ] anyone up no one's bleeding yeah like i didn't beat that whereas fighting is the purest is how you actually win i i i actually beat him at something like you're joining me yes me by myself i beat him by myself just me no lock no wind no football team noble it makes all the sports obsolete it's kind of strange but also i don't know why i started and why i did it because everyone says why'd you start fighting because it's a dangerous thing to do and there's no money and it's stupid it's a [ __ ] career man i can tell you so many stories it's a [ __ ] career because you you can fight and you can have 10 11 12 good fights and you're fighting for a thousand pounds eight week training camp for a grand at the end and then you finally get a big chance and you lose or you're injured or you break a leg or you have a cold or whatever and you lose and then your career yeah [ __ ] it's the worst financial decision but i want to punch people so let's do it but if you ever want to fight i can get you a fight no no no in terms of my business partner i own some casinos in romania and my business partner owns rxf which is the biggest which is the ufc of romanian cage fighter so if you were to fight you could message me you get opponent contract and everything any rules you want we'll get it done you want to fight you want to fight you just message me i'll say here's your date mike see you there and that's how it goes you sign and you just turn up eddie and uh you know eddie hall on four yeah they're fighting here in like a week or two isn't that the world's scariest man the world to the world's strongest men but this doesn't just prove my point right the two world's strongest men were competing at lifting weights and then as soon as they didn't like each other they wanted like no we need to really compete in the purest form of competition we're gonna fight it's like as old as time anyway two right see how much rest i got you see that can you see that one you see that one [Music] it's good to do i'm glad i've done it with a professional here for safety reasons sudan has some this will probably be hard that's probably the hardest variation okay the easiest one this is underhanded because you engage a lot of bicep as well [Music] six yeah [Music] that's my thing my thing is like form and control and i think i've built my following because people are like oh [ __ ] like it looks he's doing this mine's all like yours and that is the art to actually maximizing muscle hypertrophy to control everything and to try and just put all the tension created from the weight and just put it on one muscle yeah spread that out all over yeah yeah because yeah because that's why people move around is it they're engaging on the muscles because they need it i'm trying to make as hard as possible so i practice going down the hard path every time um pleasantly surprised i'm pleasantly surprised it's good to know well i don't think i'll be able to swap that much but the reason is no good spots i squatted like 10 or 11 years ago i tried to do some squatting i had a big fight coming up i [ __ ] my lower back so bad i don't know if i did it wrong or what my lower back was a mess and it was a mess to the point where now it's ten years later still even just doing them i got a tinge on my lower back i don't know how i feel what on the deadlift is exercise most people will mess up on they try and lift too heavy with incorrect form and that's when they just they load up the spine too much and my back is red even just now i got twins but i don't think it's my i don't think it's bone or spine feels like a muscle thing but i also don't have a clue i'm talking about so i don't have a clue but yeah i really messed my my back up with squats so now if i squat i swatch his body weight if i was a pro kickboxer and i didn't kick through baseball did you see that video i got a video on my instagram i snapped a baseball bat on my [ __ ] you kick with the chin here the bum it's not on instagram i'm missing out on some [ __ ] so i need to get it get it on him pronto he puts in between 220 kilo plates you see and he holds it i was super scared to see me i'm like how do i kick it then he's like tate beer is the enemy if you have kick it you're gonna break your leg right if you have you have to go through the wood you can't let the wood impact back you have to really just go for it like it isn't there so it's kind of mental and he's got a play yeah he's forcing it down and sitting between the plates that's the top though not like the toilet's harder so i snapped it might think so does that mean i have weak legs if i can't squat i don't know that's my excuse maybe i have weak legs but i can kick through a bat so that's mine that would have that's your turn i would have broken mike's next video i'm gonna break my legs [Music] are most of your viewers and fans and stuff they're men on youtube i'm trying to bring in more of the female audience but i think in general that's why i'm here right but they love me and my views i think uh in general more men tend to watch youtube how many 15. i've never done it for my life down like that excuse my upcoming poor form ladies [Music] [Music] good i do feel that on my shoulder though it's like like i could easily hurt my shoulder if i'm not careful that makes sense a lot of people they injure themselves too deep and then they just [ __ ] up like they rotate if you did the push-ups you got a pull-up bar and a dip station that you would build a decent physique with that yeah you should be hitting your chest your back biceps from this this is a bit of lower chest and triceps all right so i'll buy one of these sorry mom no christmas present this year the money's been allocated station and we're going yeah different station that's all i got in my life a homeless man by the side of the road his dip station next to the guy [Music] the most push shots everyone in my life was under jail cell in stevenage so without giving too much detail i get arrested innocent of course they take me down to the thing the guy who was checking us in some fat [ __ ] real fat arrogant police officer [ __ ] and i was telling him i should have been arrested and i was innocent and everything he goes well we don't often make mistakes checking me and taking my fingerprints all this crap and i saw that he had the cameras for the cells in the back so when i went to my police cell they gave me some book worst book i've ever read i've already done a video that on youtube [ __ ] awful so i'd read three pages 50 push-ups three pages six push-ups so it did have like an hour and then when they took me back out the fat guy goes for iron man to make fun of me all right cool so anyway so i thought now i know he's watching and he's jealous because he's fat as [ __ ] and i'm not so now i have to do the push-ups so after like three hours of this i'm at the point where my arms are like jelly but i'm getting up look at the camera like i'm [ __ ] [ __ ] just pushing out these awful push-ups i was in i was there for 23 hours i slept for like six seven hours of it so the rest of the time it was three pages 50 push-ups staring at the camera for the fat [ __ ] and i guarantee today he's still a fat [ __ ] officer fat [ __ ] off stevenage police station you ain't got a guy have you no did i even go to jail no you failed with your investigation you should have put me away you should have i was guilty bro you're dumb as [ __ ] i did a bunch of push-ups now i'm rich and he's still fat so [ __ ] you like one time but i did a boxing last year i got the hang of it yeah do you know why do you know why boxers skip all the time stay bouncy yeah if someone's trying to hit you the best way to knock it is to move people have this idea that you can block and i i want i want to understand that walking punches is a bad idea you don't want to block you want to move you're not skipping you gotta skip with that like you have to not try you have to just like exist so let's see how long mike can skip like that using all that energy what is that like i'm using a lot of energy you are jumping you're because you're jumping you're not like bouncing like it's gonna be like rhythm like you're just like i feel like i'm gonna it's just like it's not it's not deliberate i'm pretty impressed that's fine so now we know mike can move out of the way of all my punches and he's gonna win like you're doing like together it's very you're jumping and that's why you're using energy yeah it's gotta just be like you're bouncing right you're almost like bouncing between the feet it look when you do it with two feet it looks so different yeah exactly like like a fight like you're you're bouncing on the balls of your feet right i'm buying a skipping rope footwork's the most important thing in fighting even boxing even though you punch with your hands a good fighter is all from the legs punching powers from the legs your ability to defend yourself from the legs it's all legs it's all about how you move if you have good legs good footwork if you move well like like floyd doesn't get that's not because of his head moving because his body his feet punching power is all leg related being your technique right is going to improve your punching power far more than like training physical strength does that make sense i'm going to teach you how to box in 10 minutes you've got two weapons your right hand you got you've got a sniper rifle and you've got machine gun machine gun you can miss something sniper if we got here the difference in the machine gun the slack rifle is a reload time right machine gun you can miss because you can just quickly reload it sniper rifle you've got a [ __ ] bolt action all these balls exactly the same thing every single every single weapon has a reload time so when you're fighting as a professional the reason i don't just go in there and start swinging is because if i miss there's a huge reload time and i'm gonna get hurt right so your quickest weapon that's the lowest the lowest reload time is jab it's gonna be your left hand so boxing stance is left foot forward right foot back the heels of your feet shouldn't touch the ground your front heel can sometimes but in general perfect technique your heels don't touch the ground all in the balls of your feet so it's like calf activation when i was training he put ink on our heels and if you saw ink on the mat we all got [ __ ] so people can't touch the mat per hour because when your heels are off the mat you're the most springy the most bounce you can move quick right your right hand is going to go up and it's going to guard your chin your left hand is going to be out a little bit a little bit more forward and the very basic premise of boxing is find him with your jab as soon as you find him you throw a power shot that's boxing very simple version look now there's a thousand different little technical technical changes we can make for to make that better but that's the basis of the box and the idea is if you can't hit him with your fastest weapon you're probably not going to hit him with your slower weight right so if jabs catch him and when you hit him when you catch from the jab all right so that's what we're gonna work on first feel it land through the power you've got the gumshield in already i'm ready try and catch me the jab jab good as soon as that touches that touches as it goes back the right hand comes out boom [Music] twist at the end to increase your punching power there's a difference between an amateur and a professional a bullet is so deadly not because the amount of pressure it has but because of such a small surface you reduce the surface here you increase the pressure so what most people do when they throw a punch they don't think about how their hand lands so stay still if i land with the flat of my hand or i line with one knuckle do you feel the difference the same amount of force but it's concentrated you see so if you whack and it's one knuckle it snaps the bone and that's why you twist because it aligns your knuckle it aligns your knuckle better if you keep it straight to the flat that's a massive difference it's massive people don't know you don't realize it do you think that's how people get caught that's how they scratch your orbitals because they catch one good bang with the knuckle and it just snaps the bone breaks it's too much force concentrate in a small area so if i'm punching let's say a thousand 100 miles an hour let's say i'm gonna do more damage if that lands in the smallest area possible with a bullet so that's why you twist you wanna get your knuckle in and even with the glove on you can feel it i can feel with my glove on if i land knuckle i can i can feel his face snap through the glove he's gonna really twist the knuckle into his bones so mike's about to [ __ ] me up no idea you want to land with this knuckle in the middle if possible that's it these two can break this one won't break so you jab if you miss bring it back don't go and leave it out here because you're going to be open for a right hand see see the right hand can come over the top back jab if you miss back if you touch as soon as it comes back right hand fold mike's going to beat me up should i be wearing a dumb shield why not you landed yeah it was the right hand you touched it always follow you train your brain if this touches something that follows because if you touch through this you know where i am you know i'm there you know you're just going to be longer than your job it's going to be all the way long like this you're going to pivot twist on your foot boom all the way through if your jab misses you don't want to throw that because you're going to be open for countless do you land the jab good good right now move on the hooks there's two kinds of hooks you're gonna look like this this is all about the knuckle like we talked about so there's less physical power because the way your arm works doesn't have as much force but your knuckle lands better or you can hook like this which is more physical force but it's harder than knucklehead that's more personal preference you're probably going to like to look like this it's more natural jab cross laptop boom see how they all load each other this loads this this loads this make sure to keep your right hand up when you hook because the number one counter for a left hook is the left hook if you hook me hook me hard how we're trying so it's like as soon as i feel it so keep your hand up nice that right hand up oh you're going good good okay good right hand up nice right now we're gonna work on your defense yes it's [ __ ] if my number one weapon's a jab before to negate the jab you negate a jab by parrying so people who don't fight have this idea that you just keep your gloves up to protect yourself but the problem is is that that doesn't work because if you cover up with your gloves cover up like uh cover your face right if i if i punch not even if i punch 20 percent right if i'm actually going just like it's your your face will be a mess so the idea that you just cover up doesn't work because if i'm landing knuckle i'll break all the bones in your hand your glove will go into your own head you can't just stack and stay there you can against somebody who can't fight against someone who's big who can punch you're gonna get [ __ ] up just saying you have to move you have to like move with it even if you block you have to roll with the punch to take the power away from it so with the jab you don't just want to let it hit you you want to parry it and we parry it with our rear hand so you drop fighting stance drive me slowly at my face whenever i say anything yeah punch for real quick okay again trap again good okay again i don't block with my front hand because look how it leaves me open for your right over the top so block with my back hands my my my power hand i block jab i tap it no power no force tap a tap is enough to take off course the reason i don't do a big correction jeff because if i do a big correction you can probably get a hook round faster i get my hand back yeah so i just want to tap it out of the way jab in the face driving the face go in the face good again good again again that's it just tap it that's how i start and we're talking walks to school as soon as i block that jab to jab back right with this so drop me again again we're all hooked again whatever so bang bang bang bang bang bang that's how we're talking right so you're gonna block the jab and this hand here gum shoulder no good perfect we'll might look good with one tooth we're about to find out you're gonna have to punch at five percent so when i jab you so fighting stance relax keep that hand there if i sit in my hand there lock it up that's it tiniest less is more the tiniest tap tap it's too much your arms move all the way down here boom good good good you go in front of your face keep it keep it here because if you put it in front of your face like if it's here if it's well if it's here i fake a jab because as you get better people start doing fakes and doubles all this [ __ ] good good now as soon as you block jab me back and hit me you can hit me in the face i'm getting punched for 15 years i didn't bother me anymore i'm used to it my nose has been popped just fine good good good now not a little thing to it the reason i want to come at you is jeff why do this you can't attack your arms in the way you can't throw a hard punch with this your own arm's in the way you understand but i get i can counter here oh i can counter here i can counter here so i want to be as close i want to use my inertia and my weight to come forward to increase the power of my punch you understand so when you block the jab you come at them so if i were fighting for real would be here and when you jab me jab in the face for real try to fix the reel hard fast good job good okay [Music] that's why that's when i come at you so you block and come forward make sense so now when you broke the jab come on beat me up and you can either throw a jab back or you can throw a left hook as well left hits another one and then we'll do body punches and then you're not a box and then you're professional done world champ he's a good coach though like i've concerned i'm learning quick though if you know why you're doing it it makes more sense yeah a lot of boxers just say do this do this but not explain why this should be done that way so slowly i jab come forward and jab perfect good good good everyone knows hitting in the head every punch you can throw the head you can throw the body sink you can throw right hooks to the body but they're a lot less effective than left if i do with a little bit of force the left probably hurts more right so the left body hook is like the knockout is to turn off button it's probably my favorite punch every fighter who fights long enough nose it's much worse to get hit here it's like money in the bank you're hitting the first round and you feel it in round five it just [ __ ] hurts forever is the opponent when they're getting hit or sometimes you'll get them and they're not intense exactly and then they're really fun so they know it's coming they can prepare but if you catch them like on the counter or you catch them with a breathing in or something so left body hook is is the number one primary body punch so i've been rocking facebook so i know what that feels like i've not been properly i'm not saying i want it but i i can't imagine what it feels like again all right i have plans for the rest this afternoon so that's the left body hook then the jab just if you do the face you can do the body and you aim right here just below just on the sternum if i jab your body out jab to the sternum so what if you were fighting and i was pro i'd jab your head you have your head and come in here right and you've got the body hook which is the same so that's basically it those are the three poison body patches you can do body crosses but they're risky because they need to be very open you see my face is very open to you but i wouldn't recommend them at first that's it you can hit the head you can hit the body now we're going to spar he knows how to box now one last little little sparring session and we're done who's aspiring are i'm not allowed to hurt your own professional you're allowed to hurt me if you knock me clean out now on camera from everyone i deserve it this is my life's work so do not concern yourself with being polite don't worry about hitting me too hard and me getting mad i've done this my whole [ __ ] life i'm not gonna get mad if you hit me i don't give a [ __ ] so i want you to try your best because if you're not trying you're definitely not you understand yeah punch beat me up okay interesting beat me up imagine it's for real and you hate me and it's on beat me up perfect two minute time beat me up for real tutorial beat me up ready ready go hit me i deserve it no one likes me on youtube beat me up almost good good good good good good hands up end up hands up good good good good come on hands up come on hit me look minute left good good good good last 30 seconds come on good good good hands off hands up hands up good one good that's it 20 seconds that's it good good good good almost hands bro up hell there you got it easy scary fighting in [ __ ] hell it's more tiring than it looks as well yeah [ __ ] hell i think the body shot and the both right in the nose i was like oh you did good man you're good you did good i feel like every man needs to experience this combat yeah it's an amazing thing and also like although fight gyms are scary and intimidating from the outside nearly all the time they're the most down-to-earth people you can meet man no one's going to beat the show it's kind of like your gym if you walk in the guy's really big cause your conquerors are usually cool when you say oh can you help me with something with it they're probably like oh yeah i'll help you with this or i'll i'll spot for you whatever you go to a fight gym it's you're not going to get the [ __ ] kicked at you they're going to teach you little by little and yeah you'll learn through pain but that's how life works you learn through pain with everything don't you yeah you learn something with [ __ ] heartbreak and [ __ ] financial room and fighting and everything else but yes the best thing you can do as a man absolutely obviously with my life's work so i love it very much i still miss it but it was good to go a few rounds with iron mike next i'm gonna watch it back next time next time you've got a gum shield we'll go but for real buy something you'll do good when you when you hit me like i was also just like yeah yeah and this is the reason fighting so hard the reason fighting's so hard is because it's nearly the only thing in the world where you have to reprogram your body's natural inclination so if you take someone and teach them how to run even though they don't know the technique to be the best sprinter they already know basically how to run you already basically know how to swim you know how to like basically do it but the human instinct on how to fight is actually completely wrong you put your head up to look big you layer you swing low to get more power like everything you do it's all you have to reprogram your base instant and it's hard because you go back to the basis of getting hit and turning around because you got because you've got skull so you think your skull will save you but it won't because like it's all these base things you have to reprogram and that's why it's so difficult you're reprogramming your base level instinct the way that every man thinks he should fight and we've evolved to fight doesn't work in professional fighting you have to reproduce get rid of all that and reprogram with something else for me if i get caught on the nose my inclination is the first thing i will think is if he hit me in the nose he must be in front of me so the second i get top tap i throw back so i don't think to turn around or anything i'm like the second i get touched i'm attacking because i know that he has to be within attacking range and that's why when you watch pro's fight there's so many combos so many punches flying at once because they'll get hit and go okay he must be here we must hear a second instinct you learn it's interesting and it is scientific like if you look at someone like floyd he's had an amazing career for so long because he doesn't get hit the r is not being a tough man the art is not getting hit you don't need to be a tough guy you need to knock your head not get touched and that's how you have a long long career i've had 87 fights and my nose is good it looks all right no surgery no surgery nothing my face ain't that bad for 87 fights and i have kicks and knees and everything can be done so where can everyone follow you on social media yeah so instagram at cobertate if it's still there yeah it comes and goes yeah instagram covertape um youtube at tatespeech at tate speech is where i give my musings and my knowledge to the world and i've also got another channel take confidential which is like my daily lifestyle it's probably the most over-funded under-watched youtube channel in the world there's no other there's no other youtube channel in the world where we'll spend a million dollars in a day and you get like 15 000 views it's ridiculous so that's take confidential it's the most over funded least watched lifestyle vlog channel on youtube if you want to watch that and then we have tape speech where i give out my knowledge and that kind of thing and then obviously my private networks as well i'm in the war room and hustlers university you can learn more about them on my instagram along yeah everyone check out the war room yeah big things happening big things happening yeah so awesome thank you very much for watching guys thumbs up if you enjoyed it and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Mike Thurston
Views: 7,213,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gym, workout, kickboxing, mma, fighting, boxing, ufc, heavyweight, knock out, cobra tate, toxic masculinity, middle east, motivation, make money, war room, bench press, pull up, chin up, dips, build muscle, best exercises, bugatti, chiron, supercar, luxury, things to do, bitcoin, crypto, millionaire, business, profit, watch, Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport
Id: uhvR2gST-Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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