PART 2: Andrew Tate On His 'Innocence' Ahead Of Trial, Islam And Meghan Markle | Latest Interview

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[Music] if the queen was still around the OG she wouldn't allow any of these fake photos missing Kate Middleton all this garbage going on no if somebody white stands in front of me and says they're black and they're being discriminated against because they're black and their experience inside of the royal family the most rich and famous family on the planet is bad because they're black when they're not black I'm going to sit here and say this is cuz it is the LGBT flag gets more respect than Jesus Christ in most Christian countries now I think Islam is the last True Religion on Earth well I don't think I was supporting Isis I'm I'm not trying to go back to jail anytime sooner than I have to sir do you think that Trump is also being you know pursued by The Matrix do I think sir I know what are the three things which appear most frequently in your dreams or nightmares that's a very good question hello and welcome I'm Riz Khan this is the second part of my interview with Andrew Tate the hugely popular social media influencer who's facing charges of rape and human trafficking in Romania charges that he and his brother Tristan both deny I met Andrew Tate at his house near the Romanian capital Bucharest where the brothers are being detained as they await news of a trial date what made you uh convert to Islam I think Islam is the last True Religion on Earth I think a a religion's job is to preserve the society which adheres to it and I don't think Christian societies are being preserved by Christianity I think that Christian societies have left in a massive power vacuum and this power vacuum is being filled with one the beauty of Islam and the other side it's being filled with an insane worship for the government and leftist insanity and climate change and abortion and all these crazy things that people are worshipping the LGBT flag gets more respect than Jesus Christ in most Christian countries now and I feel like with that massive power vacuum a lot of the evils and Satan's agendas are simply being inserted into public space and public life and you need God to resist evil and Islam seems to be the only religion left on Earth which is capable of saying no saying no to the evil agendas so to sit and say well I'm a Christian that's great and you believe in Christianity that's great you live in a Christian country that's great but your Society isn't preventing the children from being convinced to castrate themselves well then you need to have a long hard look at your own religion that and that's not my religion to comment on but when I feel a strong affinity for God and I think anybody who does you're instantly and and constantly drawn towards Islam because it's real I'm curious how so many fighters have become Muslims Muhammad Ali KAS just played the first one Mike Tyson and that there's a whole list actually why do you think Fighters become Muslims because it's A Warrior's mindset Islam Islam understands the brutal realities of of life and the brutal realities of Life as a man is constant and and never ending war and I mean that for every man on Earth you're at War right now if you're at home watching this you're at War well that's the ter Jihad but it usually means a self- Struggle No Ex perfect even better self- struggle you nailed it that's what I was about to say with war getting to your job and back without losing your temper in the commute is war taking care of your family is war raising your children despite the pro government propaganda being injected into their ear is war maintaining a healthy body and mind is constantly War paying your bills is war Life as a man is war and when you're truly a warrior in your heart and in your soul and in your actions and you understand how important God is you're going to end up believing in Islam you're going to end up being a Muslim when it comes to religious tolerance are you tolerant of other religion if you tolerate everything then you stand for nothing I agree that tolerance is a strange word and but it's used widely to imply it's aack tolerance tolerance is a hijacked word so tolerance in and of itself just like we talked earlier about gender equality is a hijacked word that The Matrix has hijacked and taken a nice pretty word and they've hijacked it cuz when they say you must be tolerant what they're saying is move out your house give it up to Asylum Seekers allow your son to chop his balls off that's what they're telling you to do so tolerant is hijacked however my brother's a Christian I live with a Christian it's not my job to be an Islamic scholar I don't know enough I'm a reav it's not my job to go through and tell other people about their own religion it's not my job to insult other religions I can only say why I stopped being a Christian because I lost faith in the religion as a whole that's my my personal preference that's all I can do I'm tolerant of other religions in fact I think we need more God in the world not less the I'm I'm tolerant of religions if I meet an atheist perhaps I might look at him strange perhap you were for a while well yes exactly but perhaps I wouldn't do business with atheists anymore perhaps if someone sat and said I'm an atheist I would lose respect for them I'll admit that openly on camera but if some were to sit and say I'm a Christian I'd say okay that's fine beautiful you believe in God I believe in God the world needs more God and I think that's very important but this tolerant word we have to be careful with we have to be very careful with this word I agree it's I mean actually it's it's accepting I think is a better word than tolerance because tolerance implies putting up with something but the reason it's so important to be careful with this word is because one of the core tenants of being a man is intolerance if you're a man you're intolerant you have principles and principles can't be broken which makes you intolerant you have duty which means you can't have your actions changed or scoped out of you which makes you intolerant you have land you're supposed to protect you have a your people you're supposed to protect your family you don't want strangers turning up in your house you're intolerant of random guests at 3: in the morning if you're half if you're half good as a man if you're half good as a man you're intolerant of a lot of things so I would never sit here and call myself a tolerant man because that makes me a walkover and I'm certainly not a walkover I am tolerant sure but not in this hijacked sense of the word where I'm going to allow myself and my people and those I care about to be decimated by the insane agents of Satan Andrew interesting you say you're a revert not a convert yes why well we all start as Muslims is the uh my understanding of it like I said I'm not an Islamic scholar but I think off I what I found most amazing about my reversion to be honest with you is how similar it was to Christianity it's really not as far away as people believe it is and I feel like especially in the Western World especially in America because I'm American the white Christians see it as this far away religion from a far away place and it's very very different not understanding Christianity and Islam were born from the same period of same the same place on Earth right and we respect and and and uh we respect and worship a lot of the same people and it's it's it's a beautiful thing so we all start as Muslims is my understanding and like I said I'm very careful how I talked about these subjects because there's people more intelligent than me but it's it's closer to Christianity than I thought which is also quite refreshing are you ritualistic I mean do you pray five times a day is it something important to you I'm not judging sometimes I will five times in a day I won't always manage to pray five times in a day it's important to me yes I think it gives me a lot of mental Clarity I think it's a nice thing to do I think if you don't have time in your day to or you can't make time in your day for God then what are you making time in your day for what's more important than that let's bring current affairs back into it and especially regarding Islam because Isis of course has a particular reputation globally on Isis you said Isis are the real Muslims because Isis do exactly what the book says now you got pretty harsh here saying kill everyone who's not a Muslim and chap chop people's heads off and set them on fire and raging lunatics and all this I mean it's it's do you still hold this belief or was it merely rhetoric for no so when I so when I was an atheist and I was giving my political commentary I did say that of course because this is a media interview we are showing half of the clip we're not telling the whole clip because I also said the same thing about Christians I also said that the Old Testament says put to death anyone who does not work who who works on a Sunday if you work on a Sunday you should be put to death Old Testament says it Christians and my point about the whole video was that when you believe in a religion if you follow the book word for word you can't exist in society Christians can't kill everyone who works on a Sunday even though the Old Testament tells them to and if you try and do exactly as the book says word for word well then you're going to end up see being seen as an extremist or some kind I don't remember exactly what I said in that video but I remember my overarching point it wasn't anti-islamic it was how religious texts have to be watered down a bit for you to live a life and most and Muslims understand that most Muslims most Christians understand that 's a version of the religious text that they can't exactly adhere to and then I was talking actually about how this eventually ends in the religion having no power at all because I was talking about Christianity saying that well if you ignore first part of the Bible then you ignore the second part you ignore the third part in the end you ignore all of it you say you're a Christian you have no beliefs etc etc etc so yes I said it yeah you were saying actually you you were actually supporting Isis in its views in that one well I don't think I was supporting Isis I'm I'm not trying to go back to jail anytime sooner than I have to sir I have to be very careful I do not support Isis I do not think that innocent people dying under any circumstances is ever something that I would adhere to or I would support as not who I am as a person I don't like that whole premise also and I'll be very honest I don't understand the true Islamic beliefs of Isis I haven't spoke to an Isis leader or member I don't know how he interprets the Quran different than I would I don't know so I I can't comment on Isis now in the case of the Israel Gaza situation uh you accused of Israel of genociding Palestinians and there' been I've seen the interviews where you've you know been as to condemn Hamas and you've kind of skirted around the issue a lot wouldn't it be okay to condemn both sides for what's happening I'm a realist but I'm also very careful because I understand in many countries saying certain things about Hamas puts you in jail so let's not talk about Israel Gaza let's talk about a fantasy land the purple people against the blue people I believe that it's inside of every single heart of every single person to resist and struggle against oppression I believe that God especially made men masculine men since the dawn of time all of our great stories and all of our history all of our heroes were men who fought against oppression and oppressive forces and enemy forces you want talk about Winston Churchill you want talk about Napoleon you talk about any of the Western World you talk about uh Nelson all of our heroes the ones that are on the statues are the men who stood up and said enough so in the purple versus blue people perhaps the purple people would be oppressing the blue people for a very long time stealing their land the blue people eventually to stand up and say enough of enough is enough of this we are tired and we're prepared to die to stand up for what we believe in because we have duty and we have honor it would be extremely asinine for anyone to sit here and say no you could just oppress people forever and they'll never resist and if they resist they're the bad guys I also think that perhaps in this imaginary world let's imagine there was videos coming out and you could truly see who was murdering babies and who wasn't I think it'd be pretty clear for anyone with a functioning brain to understand what's going on it's insane to sit and think that men should not have any kind of resistance inside of their Hearts against deliberate and constant endless oppression that's insane and to sit here and say that's okay once again is insane and to sit here and condemn both sides no I'm not going to condemn the masculine Spirit of resistance I'm not going to do that because that's disingenuous you know Andrew it's interesting the comments you make about where men should stand in society and and and the kind of empowerment they should have or have um it sounds very darwinian survival of the fittest do you do you adhere to that idea that it's about that you know it's about survival of the fittest yes so it also means that if a woman is physically stronger than a particular man she's got the edge on him well of course I mean we can sit here and talk about exceptions disproving the rule all day long no no we can we can you know right you know there's some people who can swim faster than a fish and humans are faster swimmers than fish because there's one swimmer which is faster than this one kind of fish let's talk about this all day is life survival of the fittest it always has been it always has been and it's the same for I it's always has been and it's the same for for ideas is the same for ideas right now we just talked about religion a lot of people in the west are upset that Islam is Conquering the Western world that's not Islam's fault that's Christianity's fault you've left the power vacuum you don't allow people to worship God and feel respected in any way so it's being filled by a religion where people can worship God and have their views respected that is Christianity's problem and for us to sit here and say do I believe the world is survival of the fittest I would like you to name a time in human history says the dawn of human history where it's never been survival of the fittest I ask you sir a question my first one has it ever not been the reason I asked you that question is because I wonder how you draw on that for possibly explaining colonialism the stronger Nation takes the weaker one or even what's happening in in Gaza with Israelis of course being the stronger Nation physically militarily isn't that also survival of the fittest well it's interesting that firstly you didn't answer my question oh sorry I'm okay I know I do agree I'm my background science so I do agree but I tend to keep myself out of the interview if I can but I'm I'm asking you because I thought about this you know thinking about Darwinism you could talk about colonialism that way you could talk about anything that's happening now the guy who has the muscle and the power can can do it and that's the way the world is and before I comment particularly on that that exact subject that's exactly the way the world is right now but you have powerful versus weak but let's not confuse that with right and wrong they can be very different things I'm an innocent man who've done nothing wrong but when 50 men with machine guns come here to my house and drag me out of my house they're powerful I'm weak I have to go to jail even though I'm innocent right so let's not confuse let's not conflate the two issues we can talk about the fact that colonialism has been purported by or perpetuated by extremely powerful countries which would come all of Europe chopped up Africa they'd come they'd take all the natural resource they'd enslave the populace they were more powerful they had gunpowder they had more organized armies and they did all of this because they were powerful and they were weak there was a power vacuum just as we discussed with religion and ideas and they took control that doesn't mean it was right that doesn't mean the people who were being subjugated were who deserved it we can talk about good and bad and we can talk about evil and we can talk about righteousness and then we can talk about the the life we live here on Earth and power structures they're they're actually not very related so I understand what you're saying but these are different conversations sir you discussed Donald Trump becoming uh president again in 20 24 um and you said yeah we all want Trump to win That'll be amazing for for the culture um and some say it's just kind of another multi-millionaire with this you know big voice billion you billionaire okay so well um though you refused forbes's assessment is that correct I'm going to tell Forbes all the money I've got they'll send it right to Dear they'll send it straight to the police all right so let's say another multi-billionaire with a big voice and big platform facing a lot of legal challenges at the moment do you think that Trump is also being you know pursued by The Matrix do I think sir I know everyone knows the charges against them are complete garbage the cases against them are complete garbage and they're doing it to try and stop him getting in power because they don't want him to be president because they'd rather have a president who doesn't know what's going on so they can just tell his adviser here here x amount a million pass this law that's what they want the shadow figers want to control the world and they don't want to have an employee which is what they'd see him as just as I described in my imaginary company earlier who's belligerent they don't want to have somebody in charge who you can't buy or bribe or blackmail or Scare Trump is going to sit there and say I have enough money I'm too old to want more and I care about my country I'm going to do what's right for the country I'm not going to do what's right for you the big interests and the big money and the globalists and that's why they're trying to take him down it's absolutely andly completely a matrix attack and what I say is important for the culture because it is because Trump is a masculine man in a world where being masculine is instant instantly bad for some reason and it will be massively important for the culture just as I've been a cultural icon so will so is he and so will he help push the culture in the positive direction of healthy masculinity so it's extremely important for the culture and also it will slow the rot I don't believe it can stop truthfully I don't believe he can stop the rot of Western Nations but he can slow it down which has to be a good thing let's delay the sinking of the Titanic for four more years why not and who's this serious competition who's who's going to run against Trump name someone competent running against Trump do you feel you know with what's going on with the Royals you grew up in Britain in luten and as you described impoverished family I don't know well how did your family regard the Royals at that time I missed the queen I missed the queen she wouldn't allow any of this junk to happen if the queen was still around the OG she wouldn't allow any of these fake photos missing Kate Middleton all this garbage going on no she would have got them all under control went to Kate made sure she was okay went in front of the news did an interview fixed it I feel like the royal family died when the queen died I don't know why I've come to that assessment but I have and it's very sad to me because although we can talk about the royal family being part of the elites and being part of the Matrix and the Rothschilds and the banking sectors we talk about all these things but I think the world is going in the direction it's going because it lacks tradition I think especially Western nations are becoming so flawed as a whole because they're lacking a culture and a tradition and I think anything that's cultural or traditional we should try and hold on to especially in Western countries because in other countries they do but in Western countries they don't and when she died I was very upset cuz I knew that respect and interest in the royal family was going to decline instantly and massively and as usual I was absolutely correct you've commented on Prince Harry's wife Megan marle saying she is not black and I wonder as a man of mixed race yourself how you regard that kind of she's not black statement well then if is deed if that was said about you how would you relate to that that's fine I Mak PHR I she's lier than me it's it's just I'm not going to I I just find it amazing that we have a person who is so light-skinned crying about the fact that she was attacked for being black and there's black people genuinely black people standing on the news saying yeah that's true she had a tan Italian maybe I mean she had a tan she went she was in the sun that's fine but to sit here and pretend that she's African like she's from Sudan is an objective lie but here here's the thing so crazy about the world it's an objective lie she is not black everyone could see she's not black but saying that everyone's scared to say it everyone thinks it right it's CU so good job The Matrix has done on us all everybody at home looks at her and goes that's not a black person that's an exra race person or an Italian person or a Portuguese woman maybe but we're not allowed to say it oh if you say it because they got everybody scared to talk and that's what they want I'm a mixed race person which is actually quite interesting I want to make one more Point usually When You Reach My Level when you get hit with the Matrix attack the Matrix attack is always a weaponized virtue right so they find something virtuous Like Loving women or protecting women and they weaponize it misogyny and they attack you with it so it's always weaponized virtue typically at my status you get attacked with racism it's the most common weaponized virtue they attack you with because I'm mixed race from America from England two different races living in Romania I'm all over the place they can't even really use racism on me so they haven't tried to make that one thick so is one of their weapons bounces off of me which is quite interesting but yeah I'm not a racist for saying I have two sides of my family one side's white Irish as white as you get one side's black I can say that's my black family this is my white family that doesn't make me racist you're a black person you're a white person it doesn't make me racist it's not offensive I'm not saying one's better than the other at all I don't see the offense in this and this is normal and once again they've somehow sigh up the population to saying it's wrong to say somebody's skin color if somebody white stands in front of me and says they're black and they're being discriminated against because they're black and they're experien inside of the royal family the most rich and famous family on the planet is bad because they're black when they're not black I'm going to sit here and say this is cuz it is I'm going to pause for a second because we lost the light there for a second but it's okay it's back the sun went in as you said I'm not you know racis to you something me dark which I thought was very ironic perfect footed yeah I wonder how people are going to respond to that we're good they keep going all right you know I'm interested how um the artificial intelligence AI will fit into what what's happening with what you describe as the Matrix I mean I know you commented you said the rich poor divide the rich poor divide will continue to increase the average man is becoming obsolete I am warning you you said it's no longer enough to be an average guy the average man's life is only going to get worse you need to become great y isn't that uh easier said than done for most people absolutely it's absolutely easier said than done because to become great means you have to be exceptional which means that even as the average improves as the medium or mean improves it becomes harder and harder to become exceptional yes that doesn't mean it's not true I'm not here to give everybody happy lies I'm not going to be like the Matrix and give everyone comfortable happy lies because that's what they do they sit and say don't worry just go to school and work hard in school don't worry just go to college and work hard in college don't worry just get University debt don't worry just get career then get a mortgage pay your mortgage pay off your student loans don't worry when you're 68 you might be able to go on holiday don't worry take your injections take nine or you lose your job then you lose your house then you lose your family then you lose everything don't talk out a line don't write on Facebook or you lose your job you have student debts to pay be quiet be good have happy lives you'll have a good life no that's all a lie and it's all garbage I'm not going to sit here and give sugarcoated lies AI is going to make the average person absolutely obsolete that is a fact it's going to become harder and harder for anybody to have any any significance in the world today unless they're an exceptional person that is a fact that is hard for most people to do true but you better find a way to pull it off because once you become a useless eater once you become somebody who needs food and is no use to the people who make the food you're going to certain learn that throughout all of human history it ended the same way for those type of people so you do see AI as dangerous I wonder how quickly you think this impact is going to take place 30 years Max 20 years maybe by 2030 I see AI is dangerous because it's in the hands of government what do governments always want more of control now they're going to get the ability to get more control so they're going to use it and it's going to get to a point where you can't go out your house without getting scanned by some camera with the QR code stamped on your forehead and if you've ever wrote anything on Facebook they don't like you're going to pay the price for it you're not going to be able to drive where you want fly where you want eat what you want you're going to have no Freedom you're going to own nothing and you will not be happy and you won't even be able to resist if there is a protest somewhere in the city when you get your electric car to try and drive there your electric car will turn off halfway there because that zone has been de electrified by the matrix by the AI machine and once all of this happens it's over for everybody soon the robot police will be turning up at your door you can barely reason with these agents of the Matrix now police officers have lost their minds to the point where they're going to blindly comply during Co and beat the out of old ladies we don't talk about it anymore ever by the way every time I be a police officer I say weren't you beating people up for not wearing a mask two years ago and they just kind of laugh it off yeah I guess oops it's just funny now but there were some of them you could kind of talk to and say bro she's an old lady stop punching her in the face for her own safety because she doesn't wear a mask but wait till they're all robotic then they'll just get the order wear the mask or get shot on the spot it's coming for everybody and the only chance you have to escape an e this is exceptionalism exceptional finance and networking capability there's no other way about it and if you're the average person sitting here going my life's going to be fine you are in for a very very rude awakening the average person's life in the 1950s the average man could go and work in a factory and come home to a big house have a wife and kids and two cars on the drive from working in a factory now we have a man and a woman both working full-time jobs with University degrees can't even pay the bills or have kids or have kids the average person's life is going off a cliff the trend is clear I'm not crazy for pointing it out so if anybody wants to sit here and disagree with me that's cope they're just being an ostrich and hiding their head in the sand and praying for better days that's their decision but yes it's going to be certainly very difficult to become exceptional which means you don't have time to sit around worrying about how you feel isn't it amazing how everything goes full circle men don't have time to sit around crying their eyes out and saying how hard it is and dealing with their feelings and being sad and being depressed and doing all this garbage The Matrix tries to tell them to do because the reason the Matrix tells them to do those things is so they get funneled into the slave Force to the life I just laid out before instead you have to wake up and say this is almost it impossible but I'm going to do it and you have to get it done just as I have from Luton Council estate to billionaire to jail to billionaire maybe back to jail you know it's interesting um on my flight over here um from Dubai I noticed a lot of South Asians on the flight coming in and I know you've commented about the situation in Romania how when you first came here I think about eight years ago there weren't many immigrants and now the country is changing yeah if you're worried about that here you yourself have come here isn't there a Pang of hypocrisy there well there's a degree of hypocrisy but I'm going to be hypocritical and the reason for that is because I'm rich and rich people are always welcome to go say what you like yeah well well rich people the world is elitist it's a reality if you're a wealthy person and you come into a country they have no problem with you because you're wealthy and you're a net benefit to the economy I also have no problem with Southeast Asians coming here the actual comment I was making is that when I moved here eight years ago absolutely everybody was Romanian there was no foreigners at all I was the only Foreigner I ever saw now there's a lot of foreigners coming from lots of different places and the point I was making was actually this I said it's interesting how because Romania is part of the EU but it's an Eastern European country it's now being forced to adhere to EU doctrines in terms of opening their borders and allowing people to come in I'm saying that's going to inevitably create conflict it always does there's going to be different ghettos or different areas or language barriers amongst police and people who are trying to get arrested so it ends in violence whatever it's going to be I'm saying that in Western worlds this was the Western countries this was very gradual it happened across 50 60 years at the end of World War II and wind rush and all these things plus we had a Colonial interests in these countries you could say to the British population well of course people from Africa or Jamaica are coming here we went there first we had a colonial interest they're also British they're part of the Empire they're now coming here then that mind frame plus a slow process made people accept this my point was how this will all play out in Romania a country that has no Colonial interests has never been to these places has never had an Empire never been anywhere and it's now happening so suddenly and so quickly and so instantly not across 40 years the local population might react violently and it might be very visceral and clear to see how instantly they get angry let's say there was a high-profile rape for example uh against a Romanian woman from a migrant because they're going to say well we don't want those people here we've never been there we don't have an Empire we have no interest in them and they've all turned up in the last 20 minutes what are we going to do about this that was my question it was a social commentary and it was a question and it was going to be interesting to see how this all plays out understood now I don't know if you've done this before but as we kind of wrap up this part of the interview are you up for doing a 10 quickfire questions where you just literally give one word or sentence answers you want to try it let's do it yeah okay so first question where would you live if you were free to travel anywhere today goodbye when did The Matrix begin and who started it fiat currency let's let people investigate fiat currency and they'll get to the bottom of that question briefly describe a 60-year-old version of Andrew Tates 25 Sons multiple world champions across Combat Sports probably still hated by The Matrix somewhere in one of the STS usbekistan Kazakhstan maybe Philippines hiding out big mansion big muscles worst insult biggest compliment worst insult is coward and the biggest compliment is brave they must be true they have to be in veres of each other right it would be unprofessional for me to say that the biggest compliment is not an inverse of the biggest insult what are the three things which appear most frequently in your dreams or nightmares it's a very good question I'm often fighting that happens a lot I'm often resisting or fighting or trying to push a door or close something that happens a lot I often lucidly dream I'd say 90% of the time I dream lucidly so I work out I'm in a dream halfway through the dream this happens all to me all the time something will happen and I'll say that can't happen wait I'm in a dream and then I'll say oh I'm in a dream now so this is boring and I'll just sit down and wait for it to end that happens a lot and uh those those are two but those are the two most you're going to love this one Fury versus Joshua musk versus Zuckerberg Joe Rogan versus Piers Morgan wow okay so Joshua and fury I both have massive respect for I like them both you got the Gypsy King and you've got AJ who I know well and it's I can't I can't make a call on it I just wish them both the best with their careers musk Zuckerberg has to be musk because Zuckerberg is pro sensorship and musk isn't and there's nothing more important in the world today than the ability to speak freely so musk is literally saving the world and Rogan versus Morgan Pi that's Joe Rogan all day I you know I don't actually have anything against Piers Piers is all right Pi is a nice-ish guy he's all right he refuses to condemn Israel though which I find extremely disappointing what's worse being wrong or being irrelevant I think being wrong because and I'm going to expand on this if you're irrelevant globally but you're right you're still doing a very important job there's a whole bunch of men in the world today right now who are irrelevant globally they don't have names nobody knows who they are like people like they know who I am who work a normal job like a garbage man but they do a very important job they carry the garbage which must be done I have absolute respect for these people they get up every day it's hard work they raise their family they try and raise their kids they try and be the man of their house and they may be a relevant globally but they're doing the right thing and that's more important than all right being well-known and wrong like a lot of these clowns we have on the world today this is quick F I'm going to keep going through them would you ever get back in the ring following the success of YouTube boxers like Logan and Jake Paul and KSI and which one would you most prefer to fight who would have the best chance against you none of them have a chance against me I I have my own fight now and it's a bigger fight and it's a legal fight that's going to go on for the next 5 to six years so I'm pretty busy in the fighting sphere we touched on this but again a brief answer in the eyes of many young men globally you're seen as a positive influence does this place pressure on you to meet their expectations puts a pressure on me to perform at an Optimum level in all ways but I've always had the pressure to be excellent because my name is Tate and that the Creed of my last name if you could change one thing about your personality what would you change absolutely nothing I I am happy with all of me from head to toe I do not make myself an enemy in any regard I wouldn't change a thing all right there be a chance for a bonus question then you say you don't have fear but this is but that but is your greatest fear that people will discover this is all an act um you're capable of being much more agreeable of course when you're off camera and uh is this an act I don't think it's an act I off camera depending on the subject that's being discussed I'll say the exact same things uh I don't think it's an act at all I don't have any fears because I understand that God has a plan for me and I'm going to fulfill his plan regardless of what it is if I die tomorrow I die tomorrow I don't see the point in operating for realm of fear I actually think also the Matrix has done a fantastic job of proving I'm exactly the man I say I am they've made a big mistake when they attempted take me down with all of this garbage because they canceled all of my things online and it just made people think why are they deleting this guy which made people look at my views and realize I'm actually saying a lot of things which are true and then they realized that failed so they decided to throw me in jail and it's kind of interesting I became globally well known for being the top G for being the guy who's mentally strong and can do anything so they throw me in a Romanian dungeon which of course is pretty much people's worst nightmare and on my second or third day in there I remember looking up to the sky and saying thank you God for giving me this chance to prove I am the man they say I am if I was still in jail right now or if I was in jail for 5 years I would have come out as big and intelligent and capable as a bigger beard perhaps but as capable as ever and I would have come out and still performed I would have sat down with Lucy from the BBC and ripped her apart just the same that's who I am I'm the top G and they gave me a chance to prove it so thank you very much Matrix none of this is an act I'm absolutely built different from head to toe well Andrew thanks for the time always so many questions never enough time thank you s before I left the tape compound there was time for a few additional questions as we passed a lineup of luxury cars but as it turns out these cars don't actually belong to Andrew Tate Andrew it's nice to come out here and just have a look at some of these things you got now when did your love for such fancy cars grow and what was the reason for it very interesting coincidence it was in direct correlation with me getting rich so it all worked out pretty well now I think all men love cars I don't know why there's something visceral about driving which I've always loved but I thought the Romanian government had taken a lot of these yeah they've taken all my car collection these cars are rented I don't own any cars right yeah I don't actually own any cars they're of course rented because I of course don't own anything I know you've touched on this when we we sat down and talk but what's your view on the woke culture the woke culture is a culture of losers they're a culture of people who have no virtues at all culture of people who fail permanently so to make themselves feel better about failing they want to attack everybody who's above them hate never comes from above it comes from below they're people who achieve nothing so when they look at anybody who's achieved anything they find a reason to hate on them for it they find a reason to say you're a bad person because of the business you're in or the things you say or the car you drive or your political views or your marriage views or your dating life they're people who've achieved nothing at the bottom just trying to crab bucket everyone who's more successful than them back down to Loser them has nothing good come out of it though I mean for some people it's been a kind of balancing and or redressing of of prejudices and stuff no nothing good has come from wal culture the wal culture is a death cult these people just want everybody to sit at home the only way you can offend nobody is to do nothing and just pray for big government to Give Them Enough bugs to eat so they can sit there and complain on Reddit they're losers objectively they're losers they have achieved nothing and and the entire culture is destructive to humanity as a whole harsh but I know you don't care don't care all let me let me ask you would you ever run for political office well do I want to get assassinated I mean could you run political office I don't know but what if you could would you I probably could if I if a day ever comes when I run for political office it won't be quite yet but I'd like to think I've built a pretty good base so far so I'd get a pretty large voter turnout and if I ever became in charge I would make sure that I did the absolute best for my country and for the people inside of my country as opposed to adhering to globalist garbage on which issues would you campaign well I think perhaps in 20 years the the issues will be different but I perhaps not I think they've always been the same people want Safety and Security they want to make sure their money has value they want to feed their family and they want to have a strong border which is protected to make sure that people who are there are supposed to be there and they want to live peaceful and happy lives in the sit down interview we talked about a lot of things and we talked about your Evolution over time and your thoughts and your views what do you believe your legacy will be I think my legacy will be that I always made the brave Choice life isn't always sometimes about winning or losing it's about making the choice which was Brave there's plenty of people who charged at the gunfire and got shot and died there on the battlefield but they were the brave ones and as the Matrix cracks I've been massively influential in its damage and as people finally wake up and understand that this was a pivotal point in human history where they stood a chance of actually damaging The Matrix and the control mechanisms they're going to wish they were braver and I was the brave guy if I die at the end of it all then I died but at least I was The Brave One Andrew thank you thanks for than we'll bring you updates on the legal situation facing Andrew and Tristan Tate in the weeks ahead but for now from me Riz Khan and the team thanks for watching
Channel: Al Arabiya English
Views: 440,287
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Keywords: andrew tate, andrew tate interview, tate, tate interview, andrew tate riz khan, andrew tate interview new, meghan markle, prince harry, royal family, andrew tate meghan markle, andrew tate trump, andrew tate islam, tate brothers, tristan tate, andrew tate the matrix, andrew tate israel gaza, andrew tate palestine, andrew tate gaza, andrew tate israel, harry and meghan, andrew tate trial, andrew tate goes to trial, andrew tate latest, andrew tate trial latest, al arabiya
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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